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Natural materials of biological origin degrade over time and may emit odorous chemical compounds that can influence the perceived indoor air quality. The objective of this study was to investigate how the perceived air quality is influenced by emissions from building products with linseed oil compared with similar conventional synthetic products without linseed oil. Two types of linoleum, two types of wall paint and two types of floor oil were selected as examples of natural products containing linseed oil. The selected synthetic products were PVC floor covering, a water-based paint, and a synthetic floor oil. The emissions from the products were monitored over a one-year period in small ventilated test chambers. The odorous emissions were evaluated by sensory panel assessments of odour intensity and acceptability and by chemical analysis of the odour-active volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbonyl compounds. Odour-active VOCs in the emissions from one floor oil with linseed oil and two pure linseed oils were detected by gas chromatography combined with olfactometry (GC-O) and attempted identified with mass spectrometry (MS). The products with linseed oil influenced the perceived air quality more negatively than the similar synthetic products and the odour was persistent over time. It was found that the products with linseed oil did not qualify for the Danish Indoor Climate Label, because of the persistency of the odour. The results of the GC-O/MS investigations and VOC measurements indicated that an almost constant emission of odour-active VOCs with low odour thresholds resulted in the persistency of the odour. The VOCs probably originated from oxidation products from the linseed oil used as raw material. The study indicates that the acceptability of the emissions from the floor oil was influenced by the linseed oil used as raw material. It is therefore suggested that systematic use of less odorous linseed oils may improve the acceptability of the emission from products with linseed oils. The applied combination of sensory assessment of perceived air quality and GC-O/MS seems to be a useful approach in the effort to eliminate unwanted odours from building products.  相似文献   

Many new biological and chemical sensors have been or are continuously being developed for infrastructure and environmental protection, e.g., for protecting the quality of water and indoor and outdoor air. However, there is a lack of fundamental system-level research leading to the development of sensor networks that both maximize protection and minimize the system cost for indoor air protection. Four key parameters are usually used to evaluate sensor performance: sensor sensitivity, probability of correct detection, false positive rate, and response time. The optimal design of a sensor system is affected by the above sensor performance parameters. This paper describes a preliminary study to: (1) identify simplified simulation and optimization strategies that can be used for sensor system design; (2) examine the relationships between sensor location, sensitivity, and quantity, and (3) use both detection time and total occupant exposure as optimization objective functions for sensor system design. Common building attack scenarios, using a typical chemical and biological warfare (CBW) agent, are simulated for a small commercial building. Genetic algorithm (GA) is then applied to optimize the sensor sensitivity, location, and quantity, thus achieving the best system behavior while also reducing the total system cost. Assuming that each attack scenario has the same probability for occurrence, optimal system designs that account for the simulated possible attack scenarios are obtained.  相似文献   

To maintain a healthful and secure indoor environment, it is crucial to design an effective indoor air quality (IAQ) sensor network and interpret sensor outputs for prompt IAQ controls. This paper introduces how a probability concept based inverse modeling method – the adjoint probability method – can be used to assist in designing a high-performance IAQ sensor network and identifying potential contaminant source locations for an entire building based on limited sensor outputs. The study proposes a new IAQ sensor network design and optimization method for buildings with one or more compartments on the basis of the probability calculation. With responses from optimized sensors, a two-stage integrated inverse prediction algorithm is developed that is able to identify a potential IAQ source zone (or room) in a building as well as an exact location within the room. The paper demonstrates the design of sensor networks and the application of the source identification algorithms for a residential dwelling. The case study verifies the feasibility, effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed sensor design method and the two-stage algorithm for indoor contaminant control.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of ventilation and air filtration systems on indoor air quality in a children's day-care center in Finland. Ambient air nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) and particles (TSP, PM10) were simultaneously measured outdoors and indoors with automatic nitrogen oxide analyzers and dust monitoring. Without filtration nitrogen oxides and particulate matter generated by nearby motor traffic penetrated readily indoors. With chemical filtration 50-70% of nitrogen oxides could be removed. Mechanical ventilation and filtration also reduced indoor particle levels. During holidays and weekends when there was no opening of doors and windows and no particle-generating activity indoors, the indoor particle level was reduced to less than 10% of the outdoor level. At times when outdoor particle concentrations were high during weekdays, the indoor level was about 25% of the outdoor level. Thus, the possible adverse health effects of nitrogen oxides and particles indoors could be countered by efficient filtration. We also showed that inclusion of heat recovery equipment can make new ventilation installations economical.  相似文献   

The effects of faults on an air handling unit (AHU) are often poorly evaluated (assuming indoor air quality (IAQ) problems), and under-estimated in consumption balances. Based on an experimental site, this paper presents a quantitative study of some different faults that can appear on AHUs.  相似文献   

Development of a new photocatalytic oxidation air filter for aircraft cabin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new photocatalytic oxidation air filter (PCO unit) has been designed for aircraft cabin applications. The PCO unit is designed as a regenerable VOC removal system in order to improve the quality of the recirculated air entering the aircraft cabin. The PCO was designed to be a modular unit, with four UV lamps sandwiched between two interchangeable titanium dioxide coated panels. Performances of the PCO unit has been measured in a single pass mode test rig in order to show the ability of the unit to decrease the amount of VOCs (toluene, ethanol, and acetone) entering it (VOCs are fed separately), and in a multipass mode test rig in order to measure the ability of the unit to clean the air of an experimental room polluted with the same VOCs (fed separately). Triangular cell panels have been chosen instead of the wire mesh panels because they have higher efficiency. The efficiency of the PCO unit depends on the type of VOCs that challenges it, toluene being the most difficult one to oxidise. The efficiency of the PCO unit decreases when the air flow rate increases. The multipass mode test results show that the VOCs are oxidized but additional testing time would be necessary in order to show if they can be fully oxidized. The intermediate reaction products are mainly acetaldehyde and formaldehyde whose amount depends on the challenge VOC. The intermediate reaction products are also oxidized and additional testing time would be necessary in order to show if they can be fully oxidized. The development of this new photocatalytic air filter is still going on. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The VOC/odor removing adsorbers are available for only a small proportion of aircraft currently in service. The photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) technique has appeared to be a promising solution to odors problems met in aircraft. This article reports the test results of a new photocatalytic oxidation air filter (PCO unit) designed for aircraft cabin applications. The overall efficiency of the PCO unit is function of the compound (toluene, ethanol, and acetone) that challenges the unit and toluene appears to be the most difficult compound to oxidize. Test results have shown the influence of the design of the PCO unit, the air flow rate and the type of UV on the efficiency of the PCO unit. The results obtained in this study represent a first attempt on the way to design a filter for VOC removal in cabin aircraft applications. The PCO technique used by the tested prototype unit is able to partially oxidized the challenge VOCs but one has to be aware that some harmful intermediate reaction products (mainly formaldehyde and acetaldehyde) are produced during the oxidation process before being partially oxidized too.  相似文献   

The intake fraction is the attributable pollutant mass inhaled by an exposed population per unit mass released from a source. In this paper, mathematical models are combined with empirical data to explore how intake fraction varies with governing parameters for episodic indoor pollutant releases, such as those from cleaning, cooking, or smoking. Broadly, the intake fraction depends on building-related factors (e.g., ventilation rate), occupant factors (e.g., occupancy), and pollutant dynamic factors (e.g., sorption). In the simple case of the episodic release of a nonreactive pollutant into a well-mixed indoor space with steady occupancy and constant ventilation and breathing rates, the intake fraction is the ratio of the occupants’ volumetric breathing rate to the building's ventilation flow rate. Factors such as incomplete mixing, time-varying occupancy, and sorptive interactions modify this basic relationship.  相似文献   

Concentrations of NO2, O3, SO2, acetic and formic acids, HNO3 and NH3 were measured inside and outside a historical building, the Baroque Library Hall (BLH) in the National Library in Prague (Czech Republic). The naturally ventilated system of the building, the restriction of personnel access, reduced groups of visitors and absence of activities which could influence indoor pollutant concentrations are characteristics that make the Baroque Library Hall a suitable location to study the influence of outdoor environment on the indoor air quality. The relationship between indoor and outdoor (I/O) concentration was investigated to assess the infiltration of outdoor generated pollutants. Outdoor and indoor pollution sources were determined and, infiltration of ammonium nitrate and a shift of the equilibrium to the gas phase were the reason for the high concentration of ammonia measured inside the BLH. A significant seasonal variation was observed and interpreted as a consequence of different infiltration regime associated with indoor–outdoor temperature differences, which in addition drives dilution processes of indoor generated pollutants. Based on the indoor air quality assessment performed in the BLH with regard to human and material exposure, there is reason for concern about material preservation and in particular paper at the BLH.  相似文献   

The effect on indoor air quality of an air purifier based on photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) was determined by different measuring techniques: sensory assessments of air quality made by human subjects, Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and chromatographic methods (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with UV detection). The experiment was conducted in a simulated office, ventilated with 0.6 h−1, 2.5 h−1 and 6 h−1, in the presence of additional pollution sources (carpet, chipboard and linoleum). At the lowest air change rate, additional measurements were made with no pollution sources present in the office. All conditions were tested with the photocatalytic air purifier turned on and off. The results show that operation of the air purifier in the presence of pollutants emitted by building materials and furniture improves indoor air quality, as documented by sensory assessments made by human subjects. It also reduces concentrations of many chemical compounds present in the air as documented by the PTR-MS technique. For the lowest ventilation, results from measurements using the chromatographic methods have similar tendency, however many of the 50 compounds that were targeted for analysis were not detected at all, independent of whether the purifier was on or off. For the two conditions with higher ventilation the results were inconclusive.  相似文献   

Hotels are designed to provide high levels of comfort for guests; however, frequent complaints related to uncomfortable thermal environment and inadequate indoor air quality (IAQ) appear. On the other hand, there is little research concerning IAQ audits of hotels up to now.  相似文献   

The analyses performed in this paper reveal that a breathing thermal manikin with realistic simulation of respiration including breathing cycle, pulmonary ventilation rate, frequency and breathing mode, gas concentration, humidity and temperature of exhaled air and human body shape and surface temperature is sensitive enough to perform reliable measurement of characteristics of air as inhaled by occupants. The temperature, humidity, and pollution concentration in the inhaled air can be measured accurately with a thermal manikin without breathing simulation if they are measured at the upper lip at a distance of <0.01 m from the face. Body surface temperature, shape and posture as well as clothing insulation have impact on the measured inhaled air parameters. Proper simulation of breathing, especially of exhalation, is needed for studying the transport of exhaled air between occupants. A method for predicting air acceptability based on inhaled air parameters and known exposure-response relationships established in experiments with human subjects is suggested. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Recommendations for optimal simulation of human breathing by means of a breathing thermal manikin when studying pollution concentration, temperature and humidity of the inhaled air as well as the transport of exhaled air (which may carry infectious agents) between occupants are outlined. In order to compare results obtained with breathing thermal manikins, their nose and mouth geometry should be standardized.  相似文献   

Lam KS  Chan FS  Fung WY  Lui BS  Lau LW 《Indoor air》2006,16(2):86-97
A study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of achieving ultra low respirable suspended particulates (RSP) in commercial offices without major modification of existing ventilation systems by enhancing the particulates removal efficiency of existing central ventilation systems. Four types of filters which include pre-filters, cartridge filters, bag filters and high efficiency particulates air (HEPA) filters were tested in a commercial building in Causeway Bay. The results show that an RSP objective of <20 microg/m3 could be met by removing RSP from both the return air and outdoor air supply simultaneously. This level of performance is classed as 'excellent' by the Hong Kong Government, Environmental Protection Department. Filters with efficiency that exceed 80% placed both in the return air and outdoor air were sufficient to meet the objective. It is not necessary to install HEPA filters to achieve the 'excellent' class. The outdoor air filter has great influence on the steady state indoor RSP concentration while the effective cleaning rate is governed by the return air filter. Higher efficiency filters increased the static drop but the volume flow of the air fan was not affected significantly. The additional cost incurred was <5% of the existing operation cost. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper reports a field study of RSP control for an indoor office environment. The results are directly applicable to building service engineering in the design of ventilation systems using air-handling units. Field observations indicated that indoor RSP in an office environment could be suppressed below 20 microg/m3 within 1 h by the simultaneous filtration of outdoor air and return air. Outdoor air filtration has a great influence on the steady state indoor concentration and return air filtration governs the cleaning rate. It is believed that the results of this study could be extended to the cleaning of other indoor pollutants such as volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper shows that moisture transfer between indoor air and hygroscopic building structures can generally improve indoor humidity conditions. This is important because the literature shows that indoor humidity has a significant effect on occupant comfort, perceived air quality (PAQ), occupant health, building durability, material emissions, and energy consumption. Therefore, it appears possible to improve the quality of life of occupants when appropriately applying hygroscopic wood-based materials. The paper concentrates on the numerical investigation of a bedroom in a wooden building located in four European countries (Finland, Belgium, Germany, and Italy). The results show that moisture transfer between indoor air and the hygroscopic structure significantly reduces the peak indoor humidity. Based on correlations from the literature, which quantify the effect of temperature and humidity on comfort and PAQ for sedentary adults, hygroscopic structures can improve indoor comfort and air quality. In all the investigated climates, it is possible to improve the indoor conditions such that, as many as 10 more people of 100 are satisfied with the thermal comfort conditions (warm respiratory comfort) at the end of occupation. Similarly, the percent dissatisfied with PAQ can be 25% lower in the morning when permeable and hygroscopic structures are applied.  相似文献   

Air flow and the associated indoor carbon dioxide concentrations have been extensively monitored in 62 classrooms of 27 naturally ventilated schools in Athens, Greece. The specific ventilation patterns as well as the associated carbon dioxide concentrations, before, during and after the teaching period are analysed in detail. During the teaching period, only 23% of the measured classrooms presented a flow rate higher than the recommended value of 8 l/p/s while the mean daily fluctuation was close to 40%. About, 52% of the classrooms presented a mean indoor CO2 concentration higher than 1000 ppm. The specific experimental data have been compared against existing ventilation rates and carbon dioxide concentrations using published information from 287 classrooms of 182 naturally ventilated schools and 900 classrooms from 220 mechanically ventilated schools. The relation between the air flow rates and the corresponding indoor carbon dioxide is analysed and then compared to the existing data from naturally and mechanically ventilated schools. It is found that all three data sets present a CO2 concentration equal to 1000 ppm for air flows around 8 l/p/s. Specific adaptive actions to improve the indoor environmental quality have been recorded and the impact of indoor and ambient temperatures as well as of the carbon dioxide concentration on window opening is analysed in detail. A clear relation is found, between the indoor temperature at which the adapting action takes place and the resulting air flow rate. In parallel, a statistically significant relation between window opening and the indoor–outdoor temperature difference has been established.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of mechanically induced fresh-air ventilation on the indoor air quality (IAQ) of the Tuskegee Healthy House (THH), selecting the outdoor weather conditions almost identical during the “fan OFF” and “fan ON” periods. Measurements of outdoor and indoor temperature and relative humidity (RH), in addition to the indoor dust particle concentration levels and interior wall moisture content, were systematically carried out during the summer month of August 2008. Results show that the effect of mechanically induced ventilation (“fan ON” period) is to raise the indoor RH, interior wall moisture content, and indoor dust particle concentration values significantly above those measured during the “fan OFF” period. The indoor temperature increases only slightly during the “fan ON” period.  相似文献   

The interaction of ozone with eight different building products was studied in test chambers. The products were plasterboard, two types of paints on plasterboard, two types of carpet, linoleum, pinewood, and melamine-covered particleboard. Four months of conditioning prior to the experiment had left the products with a low emission. The products' ability to remove ozone from the air covered a wide range. For three of the products (plasterboard with paint, carpet, and pinewood), it was shown that the removal was primarily due to interactions in the products' surfaces and only to a minor extent due to gas-phase reactions. Sensory evaluations were carried out for five of the products, with different ozone-removal potentials. A sensory panel assessed the emissions from sets of two specimens of each product; one specimen was exposed to a high, but realistic, ozone concentration (10 or 80 ppb) and one specimen was exposed to no ozone (background level < 3 ppb). The panel assessed odor intensity and was asked to choose which odor of the two specimens they preferred. The perceivable changes in emissions due to exposure of the products to ozone depended on the type of product. The greatest effect was seen for carpet. Carpet was the only product that showed significantly higher odor intensity when exposed to ozone. Besides, the effect of ozone on preference was strongest for carpet and resulted in a clear negative sensory evaluation. A similar but less pronounced effect was seen for pinewood and plasterboard with paint. No clear preference was seen for melamine and linoleum.  相似文献   

An empty, unoccupied basement room in Melton Constable Hall, Norfolk (England), was chosen as a case study to determine whether pentachlorophenol (PCP) treatment of masonry could significantly elevate PCP concentrations in indoor air, thus posing a potential health hazard. This particular room was chosen because it contained a vast quantity of crystalline PCP on the surface of a previously treated wall, and, being rarely used, was less likely to be subject to any external sources of PCP contamination. Analysis of dust debris, airborne particulates, passively deposited suspended particulates and volatile PCP emissions from the contaminated surface showed no evidence that inhalation was a probable route of PCP exposure.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality of new apartment buildings, which is known to cause Sick Housing Syndrome, has become a major concern among apartment residents as well as construction companies in Korea. Recently, the Indoor Air Quality Management Act, a regulation that limits concentration levels of formaldehyde and five volatile organic compounds in new apartment buildings, has been implemented. In this study, the effects of ventilation and decomposing agents were investigated and compared, which could be used at the pre-occupancy stage as solutions to high VOCs concentration levels in new apartment buildings. Six housing units were investigated under different conditions to assess the extent of the improvement in indoor air quality. The results demonstrate that ventilation is an effective way to control indoor air pollution caused by VOCs emissions, and the effect of decomposing agents on improving indoor air quality depends on the types of VOCs.  相似文献   

Theatres are the most complex of all auditorium structures environmentally. They usually have high heat loads, which are of a transient nature as audiences come and go, and from lighting which changes from scene to scene, and they generally have full or nearly full occupancy. Theatres also need to perform well acoustically, both for the spoken word and for music, and as sound amplification is less used than in other auditoria, background noise control is critically important. All these factors place constraints on the ventilation design, and if this is poor, it can lead to the deterioration of indoor air quality and thermal comfort. To analyse the level of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a typical medium-sized mechanically ventilated theatre, and to identify where improvements could typically be made, a comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation study was carried out on a theatre in Belgrade. The evaluation, based on the results of monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, CO2, air speed and heat flux) and modelling (CFD), as well as the assessment of comfort and health as perceived by occupants, has shown that for most of the monitored period the environmental parameters were within the standard limits of thermal comfort and IAQ. However, two important issues were identified, which should be borne in mind by theatre designers in the future. First, the calculated ventilation rates showed that the theatre was over-ventilated, which will have serious consequences for its energy consumption, and secondly, the displacement ventilation arrangement employed led to higher than expected complaints of cold discomfort, probably due to cold draughts around the occupants’ feet.  相似文献   

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