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In this paper, for the first time, disk-based discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) is applied to simulate a real landslide triggered by an earthquake. For this purpose, the kinematic behaviour of the Donghekou landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake is simulated and the results obtained using disk-based DDA are compared with actual data. The comparisons show that there is a good agreement between the results obtained using disk-based DDA and observed data. The simulation results provided an understanding of the failure behaviour and temporal evolution of the landslide. This study shows that disk-based DDA is a practical numerical tool that can be used to simulate the post-failure behaviour of landslides triggered by an earthquake.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to couple discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) blocks with finite element meshes have been regarded as fruitful. The hybrid model has been proven to be reliable in modeling continuum–discontinuum problems. In this paper, a hydraulic crack initiation–propagation extension complete with a coupled hydro-mechanical analysis algorithm is introduced to the hybrid model for the simulation of fracturing problems initiated by hydraulic pressure. Several simulation cases, of which the results appear to be consistent with existing theories of hydraulic fracturing mechanisms, are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed algorithm in modeling hydraulic fracturing processes.  相似文献   

Application of DDA to simulate characteristics of the Tsaoling landslide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study simulates the kinematic behavior of sliding blocks of rock in the earthquake-induced Tsaoling landslide using seismic discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). We assume sliding rocks are elastic blocks. Detailed joint shear strength parameters are set in DDA in a manner compatible with what is known about the Tsaoling landslide mechanisms. Landslide run-out distance, information from survivors, and the post-failure topography are used to constrain the computational results. Calculations demonstrate that sliding rocks from the ground surface decoupled from those near the basal shear surface during the landslide. Local residents survived because surficial rocks were never deeply buried during the landslide. Additionally, shear strength parameters of material in the deposition area strongly govern final deposit topography. Computational results correlate well with actual post-failure topography.  相似文献   

A coupled hydro-geomechanical modelling environment, developed to evaluate the coupled responses of fluid flow in deforming discontinuous media, is described. A staggered computational framework is presented, where the two simulations tools, HYDRO and DDA, communicate via the mapping of an equivalent porosity (and related permeabilities) from the rock system to the fluid phase and an inverse mapping of the pressure field. Several algorithmic and modelling issues are discussed, in particular the computational procedure to map the current geometry of the discontinuous rock blocks assembly into an equivalent porosity (and permeability) field. A generic, geometrically simple, overpressured reservoir/seal system is analysed for illustration. Further examples investigate discontinuous, fractured configurations in flexure causing a degree of spatial variability in the induced stresses. Model predictions show that the combination of hydraulic and mechanical loads causes a dilational opening of some pre-existing fractures and closure of others, with strong localisation of the modified flow pattern along wider fracture openings.  相似文献   

Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) has been widely applied in analyzing various rock engineering problems. As the joint strength play a vital role in the stability of jointed rock mass, this paper makes an attempt to implement the Barton-Bandis rock joint model into the DDA code to replace the original Mohr-Coulomb joint model. The developed Barton-Bandis joint model which is characterized by displacement-dependent shear strength is verified by experimental direct shear tests. An example of a block sliding on an inclined plane is used to demonstrate the capacity of the DDA-BB model in predicting the dynamic motion behavior of sliding blocks.  相似文献   

香溪河流域白家堡滑坡变形监测初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白家堡滑坡受三峡大坝蓄水及强降雨影响变形较为明显,且仍在变形过程中.利用GDM600S型全站仪及cx-03D型钻孔测斜仪分别对滑坡地表及滑坡深部位移进行监测.监测结果表明:白家堡滑坡体呈 "D" 型整体运动;滑坡后缘滑动面(带)和中部滑动面(带)分别在地下11 m和28.5 m左右;滑坡整体滑动方向大致为NE 55°,且滑坡变形具有自后缘向前缘递减的趋势.  相似文献   

Chiu‐fen‐erh‐shan landslide is a remarkable slope failure occurred during the Chi‐Chi earthquake in 1999. In November of 2002, abnormal geomorphologic features, including buckling and ground subsidence, were observed on the lower slope of the Chiu‐fen‐erh‐shan landslide. This study attempts to assess the constrained area of a future collapsing on the slope using a dynamic discrete numerical analysis method, discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). The simulation results show that the depression in front of the toe of the slope provides a space for arresting the whole sliding rocks when only the unstable lower slope fails. However, as the whole slope slides, the rock fragments move farther into the memorial park and can impact other facilities resulting in the enlarging of constrained area. The authority should prohibit people from entrancing the constrained area in the rainy season. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rock mass failure is a particularly complex process that involves the opening and sliding of existing discontinuities and the fracturing of the intact rock. This paper adopts an advanced discretisation approach to simulate rock failure problems within the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) framework. The accuracy of this approach in continuum analysis is verified first. Then, the advanced discretisation approach for fracturing modelling is presented, and the discretisation strategy is discussed. Sample rock static failures are simulated and the results are compared with experimental results. Thereafter, with a generalised definition of the artificial joints, this approach is further extended and applied in the simulation of blast-induced rock mass failures in which the instant explosion gas pressure obtained by the detonation pressure equation of state is loaded on the main blast chamber walls and the induced surrounding connected fracture surfaces. In the simulation instance of rock mass cast blasting, the whole process, including the blast chamber expansion, explosion gas penetration, rock mass failure and cast, and the formation of the final blasting pile, is wholly reproduced.  相似文献   

Orienting the circular and rigid particle medium, the variational inequality-based discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) is established. In the proposed DDA, the global stiffness matrix, the penalty parameters, and the open-close iteration are successfully avoided. The contact constraint is transferred into the problem of variational or quasi-variational inequalities. And explicit variational expression on the contact force is firstly established. To speed up the rate of solving contact force, on the basis of the two-stage prediction-correction method, we design a compatibility iteration algorithm (PPC-CI). The C++ code is developed in multicore environment through the open multi-processing (OpenMP) in order to take advantage of the parallelizable features of the new DDA. Numerical tests suggest that the presented DDA is effective and promising.  相似文献   

付晓东  盛谦  张勇慧 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):2057-2062
定量研究了非连续变形分析(DDA)方法中的黏性阻尼与数值阻尼。首先,基于Newmark直接积分法,推导了块体系统的运动方程。其次,通过动力学中的黏性阻尼理论建立了DDA中动力系数、时间步长与黏性阻尼比的关系式,探讨了DDA中的常加速度积分方案的数值阻尼分区及阻尼比计算方法,进而得到两种阻尼共同作用时的阻尼比表达式,并分析了频域内阻尼比的分布情况。最后,以谐振激励下的块体振动为例,通过对比不同阻尼作用下块体位移的DDA计算值与理论解,验证了本文提出的阻尼比计算公式的正确性。研究表明:黏性阻尼对低频的衰减作用明显,数值阻尼则可以很快地消除高频干扰,而二者共同作用下可降低阻尼的频率相关性。该研究成果为DDA的振动、波动等动力计算的阻尼取值提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

潘岳  王志强  戚云松 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2122-2128
斜坡内聚集的巨大剪切形变能在临滑时释放,坡体能量释放率具有力的量纲,在坡体能量释放率幅值大于锁固段潜滑带抗剪强度幅值的情况下,坡体临滑释放的形变能将大于潜滑带岩体破裂需要的能量,所大于的部份将转变成滑体动能,滑动为剧动式滑坡;反之,则为缓动式滑坡。剧动式滑坡横截面上的弹冲速度与该点切应力的大小成正比。潜滑面附近坡体介质的切应力和切应变能密度最大,滑动时获得的弹冲速度也最大。导得蕴涵丰富信息量的斜坡弹性势能变化率曲线及其表达式,通过解析及Matlab图解形式对坡体的形变能聚集、临滑形变能释放量及其与滑体启动速度、启动方式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

A failed slope may not necessarily require a remedial treatment if it can be shown with confidence that the maximum movement of the slide mass will be within tolerable limits, i.e., not cause loss of life or property. A permanent displacement analysis of a landslide for static and seismic conditions is presented using a continuum mechanics approach. Computed values of displacement for static conditions compare favorably with field measurements and computed values of seismic displacements for a postulated earthquake motion appear reasonable. Also, the seismic displacements using the continuum mechanics approach compare favorably with those obtained using the Newmark sliding block procedure for assessing seismically-induced slope deformations.  相似文献   

This study introduces the vector sum method into discontinuum-based methods by considering the sliding vector and the stress state of the discrete block system. The sliding direction computation and force projection in the new approach are detailed, and the safety factor is solved by explicit equations. The vector sum method is implemented in the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) program and is used to compute the safety factors for two numerical examples. A comparison of the solutions obtained with the theoretical analysis and limit equilibrium analysis demonstrates that the new method is suitable for calculating the safety factor of a slope.  相似文献   

Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), as a computing device, has upgraded from single-subject graphical processors to multi-core processors with tremendous computational horsepower. This paper proposes to accelerate the DDA using parallel Jacobi Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (JPCG) technique on GPUs. Based on the results of two numerical examples, the calculation accuracies of the DDA with serial and parallel solvers are validated, and we found that the DDA with parallel solvers exhibits a much higher execution efficiency. The movement process of Daguangbao landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake is replicated and the modeled deposit pattern coincides well with the actual topography after earthquake.  相似文献   

三峡库区范家坪滑坡地表形变InSAR监测与综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于湖北省秭归县的范家坪滑坡是长江三峡库区干流上的大型岩质滑坡之一。阐述了高分辨率合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)监测滑坡地表形变的工作方法与技术体系,采用22景3m空间分辨率的TerraSAR-X数据,辅以人工反射体布设和GPS测量,对范家坪滑坡变形进行监测,发现滑坡处在缓慢匀速变形状态,其谭家河滑坡体的形变比木鱼包滑坡体更为强烈,形变最大处的雷达视线向形变速率达到300mm/a。通过综合分析滑坡区2012年大气降雨和长江水位资料,发现年度内范家坪滑坡变形受水位变化和大气降雨影响微弱。  相似文献   

基于多期DEM数据的滑坡变形定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑坡的定量变形分析是滑坡研究中的难点问题.为揭示黑方台灌区滑坡的变形演化过程,借助1977年、1997年、2001年和2010年4个时期测制的地形图资料,以ArcGIS为平台,建立了基于多期DEM数据的滑坡变形定量分析模型,并对黑方台塬边32处滑坡分阶段进行了变形量与变形速率计算.1977-1997年,滑坡后壁后移侵蚀速率平均为4.47m/a;1997-2001年,后移侵蚀率平均为3.46m/a;2001-2010年,后移侵蚀率平均为1.10m/a.同时建立了灌溉量与滑坡变形量的相关关系式,并对滑坡的变形演化趋势进行了预测,到2015年,滑坡后壁后移距离平均为0.79m,到2020年,滑坡后壁后移距离可减少到0.20m.  相似文献   

灰色理论模型具有利用“少数据”、“小样本”的优点,使得其在滑坡预测分析中显示出极大的优势。利用矿区滑坡监测数据建立起GM(1, 1)模型,通过数据对比、验证和分析,证明了灰色理论模型能更好的反映观测目标的变形趋势。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, researchers in the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) community have dedicated a great deal of effort to document the accuracy of the method by performing validation studies. This paper contains a summary of more than 100 published and unpublished validation studies which comprise the body of DDA validation information to which the authors have access. The studies are grouped into three general categories: (a) validation with respect to analytical solutions, (b) validation with respect to results of other numerical techniques, and (c) validation with respect to laboratory and field data. Three general techniques for validation are described: qualitative assessment visually examining runtime behaviour of simulations, semi‐quantitative assessment comparing numerical results of simulations, and quantitative where numerical simulation results are evaluated in detail with respect to similar analytical, laboratory or field results. We find that for many of the problems addressed by the papers in this review, DDA performs more than adequately for engineering analysis. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nodal-based three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3-D DDA)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a new numerical model that can add a finite element mesh into each block of the three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3-D DDA), originally developed by Gen-hua Shi. The main objectives of this research are to enhance DDA block’s deformability. Formulations of stiffness and force matrices in 3-D DDA with conventional Trilinear (8-node) and Serendipity (20-node) hexahedral isoparametric finite elements meshed block system due to elastic stress, initial stress, point load, body force, displacement constraints, inertia force, normal and shear contact forces are derived in detail for program coding. The program code for the Trilinear and Serendipity hexahedron elements have been developed, and it has been applied to some examples to show the advantages achieved when finite element is associated with 3-D DDA to handle problems under large displacements and deformations. Results calculated for the same models by use of the original 3-D DDA are far from the theoretical solutions while the results of new numerical model are quite good in agreement with theoretical solutions; however, for the Trilinear elements, more number of elements are needed.  相似文献   

为进一步研究灌溉作用下滑坡变形破坏机理,评价此类滑坡的稳定性,以甘肃黑方台焦家崖头北部13号滑坡为例,通过野外地质调查,分析其变形破坏特征。在此基础上,基于FLAC3D数值模拟方法分析一定水位下其变形破坏特征,进而概化滑坡变形演化规律。研究结果表明,在灌溉的条件下,该滑坡早期滑动主要为潜蚀-滑移型滑坡,滑动后的再次滑动为塑流-拉裂型滑坡,随着坡体滑移变形的持续和裂隙的进一步扩展,表现出"压制拉裂-剪切破坏"的滑动机理。  相似文献   

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