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利用Raman相互作用传送两比特的未知原子态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实现量子态的隐形传送,尤其是多比特量子态的隐形传送在量子信息领域中有非常重要的作用。本文提出了一种隐形传送两比特未知原子态方案。在此方案中,用一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,传送两比特未知原子态。  相似文献   

利用拉曼型的Jaynes-Cummings模型传送两比特的未知原子态   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
林秀  李洪才 《光学学报》2003,23(2):37-141
实现量子态的隐形传送、尤其是多比特量子态的隐形传送在量子信息领域中有非常重要的作用,提出了一种隐形传送两比特未知原子态的方案,在此方案中,用两个两粒子纠缠态代替一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,而且此方案可推广到隐形传送N比特的未知原子态。  相似文献   

N粒子量子纠缠态的隐形传送   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
该文提出了一个利用N对二粒子纠缠态作为量子通道实现N粒子纠缠态的隐形传送的方案.发送者对需传送的N粒子量子态与属于自己的纠缠对中的粒子分别进行N次Bell基测量,并将测量结果通过经典通道告诉接受者,接受者根据这些信息对自己拥有的N个粒子进行相应的联合幺正变换,可使这N个粒子处于待发送的原始量子态,从而实现概率为1的量子态的隐形传送.  相似文献   

三粒子W型态的几率隐形传送   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
陈立冰 《光子学报》2002,31(11):1308-1311
提出一个三粒子W型态的量子隐形传送方案.此方案用一个二粒子缠结态和一个三粒子缠结态(两者均为非最大缠结态)作为量子信道,若接收者进行合适的幺正变换操作,可实现三粒子W型态的几率隐形传送.  相似文献   

量子隐形传送态的正交完备基展开与算符变换   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
查新未 《物理学报》2007,56(4):1875-1880
由波函数的叠加原理与变换算符出发,以三对任意纠缠的粒子作为量子通道对一个任意的三粒子态实现隐形传送为例,将体系的总量子态按Bell基展开,理论上接受者只需直接对自己拥有的粒子进行相应的变换,可使这三粒子恢复原始量子态,从而实现任意量子态的隐形传送.给出了变换算符与实际操作算符的联系.进一步可得出变换算符可逆是成功实现量子隐形传送的必要条件. 关键词: Bell基展开 隐形传送 变换算符  相似文献   

N粒子量子态的隐形传送的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在量子态的隐形传送中,如果要对一个任意N粒子态实现隐形传送,发送者Alice 和接受者Bob 之间须建立一个非局域的2N个纠缠粒子作为量子通道,发送者对需传送的N粒子量子态与属于自己的纠缠对中的粒子分别进行N次Bell基测量,则将有2~(2N)个塌陷态,即有2~(2N)个变换算符,本文推导出变换算符的计算公式,并给出这2~(2N)个变换算符之间的关系,从而使接受者对自己拥有的粒子进行相应的变换大为简便,进一步由变换算符性质分析量子隐形传送的必要条件及成功几率.  相似文献   

量子隐形传态的杰出安全特性使其在未来的通讯领域充满潜力.量子力学的不确定性原理和不可克隆定理禁止对量子态进行直接复制,因此,量子隐形传态将量子态划分为经典和量子两部分,信息分别经由经典和量子通道从发送者Alice传递给远方的接收者Bob,根据这两种信息,Bob实行相应操作就可以以一定的几率重建初始传送态.利用一般意义的隐形传态方案,提出一种简便的新方法实现了一个N粒子任意态的概率传态.方法采用N个非最大纠缠的三粒子GHZ态作为量子通道,避免了引入额外的辅助粒子.为了实现传态,Alice将所有粒子分成N份,对第i份的粒子对(i,xi)实行Bell测量并将结果通过经典通道通知Bob,Bob对粒子(yi,zi)进行相应的操作就可以完成第i个粒子信息的传送.当完成N次相似的重复操作后,Bob就可以准确地重建初始传送态.文中以Bell态测量为基本手段,重复的操作同时也降低了实验难度,作为一个特例,文中给出了一个两粒子任意态的传态方案.  相似文献   

三粒子任意态的量子隐形完全传送   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
查新未  张炜 《光子学报》2009,38(4):979-982
提出一个利用六粒子非贝尔对量子通道对一个任意的三粒子量子态进行隐形传送的方案.发送者Alice对需传送的三粒子量子态与属于自己的纠缠对中的三粒子进行三次Bell基测量,并将测量结果通过经典通道告诉接受者,接受者Bob根据这些信息对自己拥有的粒子进行Toffoli变换,就可使这三粒子处于待发送的原始量子态,从而实现概率为1的量子态隐形传送.利用变换算符的思想,很容易得出塌陷态的表达式以及接受者Bob所做的幺正变换的表达式.  相似文献   

提出了一个将四比特|χ〉态作为量子通道实现任意单量子比特和两量子比特的量子态的隐形传送方案.该方案依赖于两个通信站点之间的纠缠.在这个方案里,我们给出了Alice的测量结果以及Bob进行的相应的幺正操作,计算结果表明,该隐形传送方案是完美的,也就是说它的成功概率可达到1.此外,该方案中用到的测量以及纠缠通道的制备在目前的技术下是完全可行的.因此,我们的方案有望在实验上实现.  相似文献   

夏云杰  王光辉  杜少将 《物理学报》2007,56(8):4331-4336
基于Braunstein和Kimble提出的B-K方案以双模最小关联混合态作为量子信道实施对未知量子态的隐形传送,并以传送相干态为例进行了研究.结果表明:双模最小关联混合态作为一种广义的Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen型纠缠态在实现量子隐形传态中能很好地担当量子信道的角色,在纠缠度和压缩度选择适当的条件下被传送未知量子态的保真度可以达到1.这是比双模压缩真空态更优越的量子信道. 关键词: 量子隐形传态 双模最小关联混合态 保真度  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for teleporting an unknown atomic state. In order to realize the teleportation to any node in a quantum communication network, an n-atom Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state is needed, which is utilized as the quantum channel. From this n-atom GHZ state, two-node entanglement of processing and receiving teleported states can be obtained through the quantum logic gate manipulation. Finally, for the unequally weighted GHZ state, probabilistic teleportation is shown.  相似文献   

The process of teleportation of a completely unknown 3-dimensional GHZ state is considered. Three maximally entangled 3-dimensional Bell states function as quantum channel in the scheme. This teleportation scheme can be directly generalized to teleport an unknown d-dimensional GHZ state.  相似文献   

杨贞标 《中国物理》2007,16(2):329-334
An alternative scheme is presented for teleportation of a two-atom entangled state in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is based on the resonant atom--cavity field interaction. In the scheme, only one cavity is involved, and the number of the atoms needed to be detected is decreased compared with the previous scheme. Since the resonant atom--cavity field interaction greatly reduces the interaction time, the decoherence effect can be effectively suppressed during the teleportation process. The experimental feasibility of the scheme is discussed. The scheme can easily be generalized to the teleportation of N-atom Greeninger--Horne--Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states. The number of atoms needed to be detected does not increase as the number of the atoms in the GHZ state increases.  相似文献   

提出了一种外场驱动下在腔QED中实现任意两原子态隐形传送的方案.在隐形传送的过程中.以两原子最大纠缠态作为量子通道,不用考虑腔场耗散和外界热场环境的影响.在传送过程中包含着对原子的Bell基测量,但不需要直接进行Bell基测量,而且最终能成功实现传送的几率为1.0.同时这种方案也可以用来传送未知的三原子GHZ态,传送的几率也为1.0.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a controlled teleportation scheme which communicates an arbitrary ququart state via two sets of partially entangled GHZ state. The necessary measurements and operations are given detailedly. Furthmore the scheme is generalized to teleport a qudit state via s sets of partially entangled GHZ state.  相似文献   

A scheme for probabilistic controlled teleportation of a triplet W state using combined non-maximally entangled channel of two Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states and one Creenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (CHZ) state is proposed. In this scheme, an (m + 2)-qubit CHZ state serves not only as the control parameter but also as the quantum channel. The m control qubits are shared by m supervisors. With the aid of local operations and individual measurements, including Bell-state measurement, Von Neumann measurement, and mutual classical communication etc., Bob can faithfully reconstruct the original state by performing relevant unitary transformations. The total probability of successful teleportation is only dependent on channel coefficients of EPR states and GHZ, independent of the number of supervisor m. This protocol can also be extended to probabilistic controlled teleportation of an arbitrary N-qubit state using combined non-maximally entangled channel of N- 1 EPR states and one (m + 2)-qubit GHZ.  相似文献   

A scheme for controlled teleportation of an unknown N-qubit entangled GHZ state from the sender Alice to the distant receiver Bob is proposed. And m-qubit GHZ state is sufficient for the task of control by m spatially- separated supervisors. Conditioned on the local operations executed by all participants, Bob can faithfully restore the original state by performing relevant unitary transformations with the aid of some classical message about measurement results. Anyone's absence will absolutely lead to the failure of teleportation.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for multiparty-controlled teleportation of an arbitrary high-dimensional GHZ-class state with a d-dimensional (N+2)-particle GHZ state following some ideas from the teleportation (Chinese Physics B, 2007, 16: 2867). This scheme has the advantage of transmitting much fewer particles for controlled teleportation of an arbitrary multiparticle GHZ-class state. Moreover,we discuss the application of this scheme by using a nonmaximally entangled state as its quantum channel.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme for teleportation of an unknown two-qubit entangled state via trapped ions. In this scheme, we use the GHZ state as a quantum channel and the success probability can reach 1. The distinct advantage of our scheme is insensitive to the heating of the vibrational mode. In addition, Bell-state measurement is not required.  相似文献   

A scheme for approximately and conditionally teleporting an unknown atomic-entangled state in cavity QED is proposed.It is the novel extension of the scheme of [Phys.Rev.A 69 (2004) 064302],where the state to be teleported is an unknown atomic state and where only a time point of system evolution and the corresponding fidelity implementing the teleportation are given.In fact,there exists multi-time points and the corresponding fidclities,which are shown in this paper and then are used to realize the approximate and conditional teleportation of the unknown atomic-entangled state.Naturally,our scheme does not involve the Bell-state measurement or an additional atom,which is required in the Bell-state measurement,only requiring one single-mode cavity.The scheme may be generalized to not only the teleportation of the cavity-mode-entangled-state by means of a single atom but also the teleportation of the unknown trapped-ion-entangled-state in a linear ion trap and the teleportation of the multi-atomic entangled states included in generalized GHZ states.  相似文献   

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