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We investigate the damping of longitudinal (i.e., slow or acoustic) waves in nonisothermal, hot (T≥ 5.0 MK), gravitationally stratified coronal loops. Motivated by SOHO/SUMER and Yohkoh/SXT observations, and by taking into account a range of dissipative mechanisms such as thermal conduction, compressive viscosity, radiative cooling, and heating, the nonlinear governing equations of one-dimensional hydrodynamics are solved numerically for standing-wave oscillations along a magnetic field line. A semicircular shape is chosen to represent the geometry of the coronal loop. It was found that the decay time of standing waves decreases with the increase of the initial temperature, and the periods of oscillations are affected by the different initial footpoint temperatures and loop lengths studied by the numerical experiments. In general, the period of oscillation of standing waves increases and the damping time decreases when the parameter that characterises the temperature at the apex of the loop increases for a fixed footpoint temperature and loop length. A relatively simple second-order scaling polynomial between the damping time and the parameter determining the apex temperature is found. This scaling relation is proposed to be tested observationally. Because of the lack of a larger, statistically relevant number of observational studies of the damping of longitudinal (slow) standing oscillations, it can only be concluded that the numerically predicted decay times are well within the range of values inferred from Doppler shifts observed by SUMER in hot coronal loops.  相似文献   

The Solar Eclipse Corona Imaging System (SECIS) was used to record high-cadence observations of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 1999 August 11. During the 2 min 23.5 s of totality, 6364 images were recorded simultaneously in each of the two channels: a white light channel, and the Fe  xiv (5303 Å) 'green line' channel ( T ∼2 MK) . Here we report initial results from the SECIS experiment, including the discovery of a 6-s intensity oscillation in an active region coronal loop.  相似文献   

We model the dynamical interaction between magnetic flux tubes and granules in the solar photosphere which leads to the excitation of transverse (kink) and longitudinal (sausage) tube waves. The investigation is motivated by the interpretation of network oscillations in terms of flux tube waves. The calculations show that for magnetic field strengths typical of the network, the energy flux in transverse waves is higher than in longitudinal waves by an order of magnitude. But for weaker fields, such as those that might be found in internetwork regions, the energy fluxes in the two modes are comparable. Using observations of footpoint motions, the energy flux in transverse waves is calculated and the implications for chromospheric heating are pointed out.  相似文献   

Using simultaneous high spatial (1.3 arcsec) and temporal (5 and 10 s) resolution Hα observations from the 15 cm Solar Tower Telescope at Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), we study the oscillations in the relative intensity to explore the possibility of sausage oscillations in the chromospheric cool post-flare loop. We use the standard wavelet tool, and find the oscillation period of ≈587 s near the loop apex, and ≈349 s near the footpoint. We suggest that the oscillations represent the fundamental and the first harmonics of the fast-sausage waves in the cool post-flare loop. Based on the period ratio   P 1/ P 2∼1.68  , we estimate the density scaleheight in the loop as ∼17 Mm. This value is much higher than the equilibrium scaleheight corresponding to Hα temperature, which probably indicates that the cool post-flare loop is not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Seismologically estimated Alfvén speed outside the loop is  ∼300–330  km s−1  . The observation of multiple oscillations may play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of lower solar atmosphere, complementing such oscillations already reported in the upper solar atmosphere (e.g. hot flaring loops).  相似文献   

EIT waves are observed in EUV as bright fronts. Some of these bright fronts propagate across the solar disk. EIT waves are all associated with a flare and a CME and are commonly interpreted as fast-mode magnetosonic waves. Propagating EIT waves could also be the direct signature of the gradual opening of magnetic field lines during a CME. We quantitatively addressed this alternative interpretation. Using two independent 3D MHD codes, we performed nondimensional numerical simulations of a slowly rotating magnetic bipole, which progressively result in the formation of a twisted magnetic flux tube and its fast expansion, as during a CME. We analyse the origins, the development, and the observability in EUV of the narrow electric currents sheets that appear in the simulations. Both codes give similar results, which we confront with two well-known SOHO/EIT observations of propagating EIT waves (7 April and 12 May 1997), by scaling the vertical magnetic field components of the simulated bipole to the line of sight magnetic field observed by SOHO/MDI and the sign of helicity to the orientation of the soft X-ray sigmoids observed by Yohkoh/SXT. A large-scale and narrow current shell appears around the twisted flux tube in the dynamic phase of its expansion. This current shell is formed by the return currents of the system, which separate the twisted flux tube from the surrounding fields. It intensifies as the flux tube accelerates and it is co-spatial with weak plasma compression. The current density integrated over the altitude has the shape of an ellipse, which expands and rotates when viewed from above, reproducing the generic properties of propagating EIT waves. The timing, orientation, and location of bright and faint patches observed in the two EIT waves are remarkably well reproduced. We conjecture that propagating EIT waves are the observational signature of Joule heating in electric current shells, which separate expanding flux tubes from their surrounding fields during CMEs or plasma compression inside this current shell. We also conjecture that the bright edges of halo CMEs show the plasma compression in these current shells.  相似文献   

基于多波段的观测数据, 研究了黑子本影振荡在太阳大气不同高度或温度的振荡特征. 目标黑子发生在2017年9月15日, 位于活动区12680. 多波段的观测数据包括AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly)的极紫外成像及IRIS (Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph)的紫外光谱和成像. 在太阳黑子的本影位置, AIA 1700 Å 光变曲线的振荡周期约为(4.2士0.8) min,而AIA 1600 Å、171 Å和193 Å光变曲线的振荡周期约为(2.8士0.3)min. IRIS的Mg II h和k谱线及远紫外成像(2796 Å)都表现为(3.1士0.5) min的准周期振荡,而谱线Si IV 1393.76 Å的振荡周期约为(2.9+0.4)min.观测结果说明黑子本影的振荡周期随着太阳大气高度的升高而逐渐减小.较短的周期可认为是3 min振荡,很可能与黑子本影上方的慢磁声波有关,它起源于温度极小区并向上传播到日冕.较长的周期可解释为光球的5 min振荡,与太阳的P模振荡有关.  相似文献   

The heating of the solar corona has been a fundamental astrophysical issue for over sixty years. Over the last decade in particular, space-based solar observatories (Yohkoh, SOHO and TRACE) have revealed the complex and often subtle magnetic-field and plasma interactions throughout the solar atmosphere in unprecedented detail. It is now established that any energy release mechanism is magnetic in origin - the challenge posed is to determine what specific heat input is dominating in a given coronal feature throughout the solar cycle. This review outlines a range of possible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coronal heating theories, including MHD wave dissipation and MHD reconnection as well as the accumulating observational evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations and small-scale energy bursts occurring in the corona. Also, we describe current attempts to interpret plasma temperature, density and velocity diagnostics in the light of specific localised energy release. The progress in these investigations expected from future solar missions (Solar-B, STEREO, SDO and Solar Orbiter) is also assessed.Received: 6 February 2003, Published online: 14 November 2003 Correspondence to: R. W. Walsh  相似文献   

张延安  宋慕陶  季海生 《天文学报》2002,43(3):236-241,T001,T002
2000年9月14-18日在紫金山天文台赣榆观测站观测到太阳上有一个中小型活动区,黑子面积不大,但有一个奇特的活动区暗条,16日产生了一个Ⅲb级耀斑,有较强的地球物理效应。计算该区的磁结构,结果发现此磁绳状暗条与磁中性线附近低磁弧系相关,磁场在磁绳附近有强剪切,QSL分析显示三维磁重联能够在暗条附近出现,这可解释大耀斑的形成。  相似文献   

Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) instruments use resonant scattering spectrometers to make unresolved Doppler velocity observations of the Sun. Unresolved measurements are not homogenous across the solar disc and so the observed data do not represent a uniform average over the entire surface. The influence on the inhomogeneity of the solar rotation and limb darkening has been considered previously and is well understood. Here, we consider a further effect that originates from the instrumentation itself. The intensity of light observed from a particular region on the solar disc is dependent on the distance between that region on the image of the solar disc formed in the instrument and the detector. The majority of BiSON instruments have two detectors positioned on opposite sides of the image of the solar disc and the observations made by each detector are weighted towards differing regions of the disc. Therefore, the visibility and amplitudes of the solar oscillations and the realization of the solar noise observed by each detector will differ. We find that the modelled bias is sensitive to many different parameters such as the width of solar absorption lines, the strength of the magnetic field in the resonant scattering spectrometer, the orientation of the Sun's rotation axis, the size of the image observed by the instrument and the optical depth in the vapour cell. We find that the modelled results best match the observations when the optical depth at the centre of the vapour cell is 0.55. The inhomogeneous weighting means that a 'velocity offset' is introduced into unresolved Doppler velocity observations of the Sun, which varies with time, and so has an impact on the long-term stability of the observations.  相似文献   

We use linear analysis to simulate the evolution of a coronal loop in response to a localized impulsive event. The disturbance is modeled by injecting a narrow Gaussian velocity pulse near one footpoint of a loop in equilibrium. Three different damping mechanisms, namely viscosity, thermal conduction, and optically thin radiation, are included in the loop calculations. We consider homogeneous and gravitationally stratified, isothermal loops of varying length (50≤L≤400 Mm) and temperature (2≤T≤10 MK). We find that a localized pulse can effectively excite slow magnetoacoustic waves that propagate up along the loop. The amplitudes of the oscillations increase with decreasing loop temperature and increasing loop length and size of the pulse width. At T≥4 MK, the waves are dissipated by the combined effects of viscosity and thermal conduction, whereas at temperatures of 2 MK, or lower, wave dissipation is governed by radiative cooling. We predict periods in the range of 4.6?–?41.6 minutes. The wave periods remain unaltered by variations of the pulse size, decrease with the loop temperature, and increase almost linearly with the loop length. In addition, gravitational stratification results in a small reduction of the periods and amplification of the waves as they propagate up along the loop.  相似文献   

Eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are known to generate global waves propagating over distances comparable to the solar radius in different layers of the solar atmosphere. Here we investigate the propagation of coronal EIT waves, modelled as fast magnetoacoustic modes propagating at a spherical interface in the presence of a purely radial magnetic field. Based on a simplified equilibrium we derive the dispersion relation of the waves. The generation and propagation of EIT waves at the spherical interface is studied numerically for different values of spherical degree and preliminary conclusions are reached regarding the properties of EIT waves. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Temporal variations of the structure and the rotation rate of the solar tachocline region are studied using helioseismic data from the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) obtained during the period 1995–2000. We do not find any significant temporal variation in the depth of the convection zone, the position of the tachocline or the extent of overshoot below the convection zone. No systematic variation in any other properties of the tachocline, like width, etc., is found either. The possibility of periodic variations in these properties is also investigated. Time-averaged results show that the tachocline is prolate with a variation of about 0.02 R in its position. Neither the depth of the convection zone nor the extent of overshoot shows any significant variation with latitude.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of the normal modes of a coronal slab often neglect gravity, as in Edwin and Roberts (Solar Phys. 71, 239, 1982). Here we study analytically the effect of gravity acting on a horizontal slab as a first step away from a homogeneous medium. Because of the inclusion of gravity, the symmetry of a homogeneous slab is lost, so the normal modes cannot be classified into kink and sausage modes. The presence of gravity also modifies the oscillatory frequencies of the slab, as well as the lower cutoff frequency, resulting in the possible transition between surface and body modes. For general coronal parameters, the dimensionless gravity term turns out to be small, so these effects are also small. A.J. Díaz’s current affiliation: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, E-07122, Spain.  相似文献   

Solar p modes are one of the dominant types of coherent signals in Doppler velocity in the solar photosphere, with periods showing a power peak at five minutes. The propagation (or leakage) of these p-mode signals into the higher solar atmosphere is one of the key drivers of oscillatory motions in the higher solar chromosphere and corona. This paper examines numerically the direct propagation of acoustic waves driven harmonically at the photosphere, into the nonmagnetic solar atmosphere. Erdélyi et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 467, 1299, 2007) investigated the acoustic response to a single point-source driver. In the follow-up work here we generalise this previous study to more structured, coherent, photospheric drivers mimicking solar global oscillations. When our atmosphere is driven with a pair of point drivers separated in space, reflection at the transition region causes cavity oscillations in the lower chromosphere, and amplification and cavity resonance of waves at the transition region generate strong surface oscillations. When driven with a widely horizontally coherent velocity signal, cavity modes are caused in the chromosphere, surface waves occur at the transition region, and fine structures are generated extending from a dynamic transition region into the lower corona, even in the absence of a magnetic field.  相似文献   

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