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辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床位于华北克拉通北缘,是中国最大的太古宙块状硫化物矿床。该矿床经历了高级角闪岩相变质变形和后期热液改造。通过野外和矿相学观察,将红透山矿床的主要矿石类型划分为4类。块状矿石呈层状和块状构造,等粒状和变晶结构;粗晶状矿石呈透镜状和块状构造,巨斑状和填隙结构;糜棱岩化矿石又称矿石糜棱岩,矿石呈透镜状和揉皱状构造,细粒化和重结晶结构;富铜矿石,或称"铜条",呈脉状和板条状,交代残留和乳滴结构,变形显著。通过对以上4类矿石矿物组合、共生关系和变形特征的分析,系统厘定了矿石的成因和形成过程。块状矿石的变形和流体活动不明显,是原生VMS矿石受区域变质重结晶的产物。粗晶状矿石变斑晶发育,黄铜矿和闪锌矿含量极低,代表强烈变质重结晶和再活化后的残余相。矿石糜棱岩韧性变形最强烈,黄铜矿和闪锌矿明显高于块状矿石,代表韧性变形和再活化的硫化物矿石。铜条韧性变形和交代结构发育,以黄铜矿为主,闪锌矿次之,同时含少量指示低温成因的硫铜钴矿,是机械再活化与变质热液再沉淀的产物。  相似文献   

辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床矿石糜棱岩铜-金富集机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
辽宁红透山太古宙块状硫化物型铜锌矿床成矿后的变质作用达到高角闪岩相 ,并经历了 3个阶段的变形。矿床的主要矿石矿物为黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿。主矿体内分布有 30多条矿石糜棱岩带 ,它们大多数平行或近于平行块状硫化物矿层 ,少数产在矿体附近围岩中。带中的各种硫化物矿物均遭受了强烈的剪切变形 ,其中黄铁矿以碎裂为主 ,而磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿显示强烈的塑性。矿石糜棱岩比块状硫化物矿石明显富集铜、金、银等元素 ,其铜、金和银平均含量分别达1 1 .0 0 % ,1 .74g/t和 2 35g/t,相对于块状矿石的富集系数分别为 5 .3、5 .0和 4 .6。这些金属的高度富集主要是因为矿石糜棱岩受到了后期流体的叠加。铅同位素组成表明矿石糜棱岩中的金属一部分来自块状矿石 ,另一部分来自块状硫化物矿体之外。韧性剪切和流体叠加均发生于矿床退变质过程中  相似文献   

辽宁红透山太古宙块状硫化物型铜-锌矿床经历过高角闪岩相变质作用。矿石结构研究表明,矿床中的磁黄铁矿主要是海底喷流沉积后受到变质退火和重结晶的产物。在进变质过程中形成的磁黄铁矿的变形结构绝大部分已被峰期变质作用所清除,目前所见到的变形结构和矿石糜棱岩主要是退变质阶段的产物。流体的存在促进了磁黄铁矿的变形和退火。退变质流体以较高的氧逸度为特征。  相似文献   

辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床高级变质下盘蚀变带研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床(MSD)位于华北地台东北部的浑北花岗岩-绿岩地体内,矿区岩石受到了高级角闪岩相变质.我们的研究表明,广泛分布于红透山层状矿体下盘数百米处的和直接产于矿体下盘的堇青-直闪片麻岩(COG),分别代表了经历过变质的MSD成矿系统的半整合状和筒状海底热液蚀变带.元素地球特征显示,层状COG并非同一种岩石,而是由五种不同岩性的岩石组成,筒状COG的原岩主要由流纹质岩石组成,而在走向上与COG过渡的角闪片麻岩和黑云片麻岩则代表了各种岩性蚀变岩变质后的未蚀变原岩.相对于未蚀变原岩而言,层状COG具富Fe、Mg,贫Na、K、Ca、Rb、Sr和Ba的特征;筒状COG则富Fe、Mg、Si,贫K、Rb、Sr和Ba.蚀变带内Fe、Mg的增加,K的强烈丢失表明,蚀变带在变质前应以绿泥石化为特征.  相似文献   

辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床(MSD)位于华北地台东北部的浑北花岗岩-绿岩地体内,矿区岩石在30~28 亿年期间受到了600~650℃的高级角闪岩相变质。研究结果表明,广泛分布于红透山层状矿体下盘数百米处的和直接产于矿体下盘的堇青-直闪片麻岩,分别代表了变质后的MSD成矿系统以绿泥石化为特征的半整合和筒状不整合海底热液蚀变带。微量元素特征显示,层状堇青-直闪片麻岩的原岩并非同一种岩石,而是由5种不同岩性的岩石组成,筒状堇青-直闪片麻岩的原岩主要由流纹质岩石组成,而在堇青-直闪片麻岩走向上与之过渡的角闪片麻岩和黑云片麻岩则代表了不同岩性蚀变岩的未蚀变原岩。质量变化计算表明,相对于未蚀变原岩而言,两种蚀变岩的成分发生了显著变化,其中层状堇青-直闪片麻岩的Fe、Mg发生了富集,Na、K、Ca、Cu、Pb和Zn等元素被迁出,而筒状堇青-直闪片麻岩的Fe、Mg、Si、Na、Pb、Cu和Zn等元素则发生了富集,K被迁出。重稀土元素(HREE)和高场强元素(Zr、Ti、Nb、Hf和Ta)在海底热液蚀变过程中保持惰性,而Rb、Sr、Ba和轻稀土元素(LREE,尤其是Eu)则被强烈的迁出。这些元素变化特征表明海底热液蚀变以绿泥石化和硅化为特征,同时海底水-岩反应体系具有高水/岩比值。层状堇青-直闪片麻岩可作为红透山矿区成矿潜力评价的重要依据,而含硫化物石英脉的筒状堇青-直闪片麻岩不但本身可成为工业矿体,还可作为上覆层状矿体的近矿找矿标志。  相似文献   

加拿大西部块状硫化物矿石普遍地发生过硫化物的压溶和增生。增生作用根据增生体的成分可以分为同质增生和异质增生,根据动力环境可以分为静态增生和动态增生。三晶嵌接结构可以是静态增生的产物。压溶和增生是块状硫化物矿床成岩和变质过程中的重要作用。脉石矿物的压溶可使原生矿石就地加富,硫化物的压溶可使成矿物质发生再活化。增生可促进矿质沉淀。富含硫化物的地层之所以能成为地球化学障而有利于后期热液叠加和层控矿床的形成,硫化物晶芽的增生是一种重要机制。  相似文献   

顾连兴  肖新建等 《地质论评》2001,47(2):188-192,T004
辽宁红透山太古宙状硫化物型铜-锌矿床经历过高角闪岩相变质作用,矿石结构表明,矿床中的磁黄铁矿主要是海底喷流沉积后受到变质退火和重结晶的产物,在进变质过程中形成的磁黄铁矿的变形结构绝大部分已被峰期变质作用所清除,目前所见到的变形结构和矿石糜棱岩主要是退变质阶段的产物,流体的存在促进了磁黄铁矿的变形和退火,退变质流体以较高的氧逸度为特征。  相似文献   

挪威块状硫化物矿床中单斜与六方磁黄铁矿的交生及其成因   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
矿石的镜下结构研究进一步确证,挪威加里东造山带块状硫化物矿床中的磁黄铁矿绝大部分是沉积-成岩作用的直接产物,并在其形成之后经历了多期次的变形和退火,还有一部分磁失矿是在退变质阶段形成的,或者是由变质热液形成的。这次研究中未发现由黄铁矿变质而成的磁黄铁矿  相似文献   

西昆仑上其汗地区块状硫化物矿床的区域成矿条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
块状硫化物矿床是西昆仑地区重要的铜矿床类型之一。为了探明西昆仑地区该类型矿床的区域成矿条件和有关成矿作用过程,本根据翔实的野外资料和系统的采样分析,通过对上其汗典型块状硫化物矿床有关岩矿标本和样品的光、薄片研究与硅酸盐全分析,综合前人资料分析指出,上其汗地区是苏巴什—上其汗加里东期岛弧带的组成部分,大量火山岩的形成为块状硫化物矿床提供了金属元素矿源;深成钙碱性侵入岩为硫化物矿床的形成提供了热源。因此,该区具有中一大型块状硫化物型层状铜多金属矿的找矿前景。  相似文献   

安徽铜陵矿集区与块状硫化物矿床有关的热水沉积岩   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对铜陵地区系统的填图观察和室内研究 ,初步确定了铜陵地区海西期的热水沉积岩。它们是 :石炭系黄龙组 ,由下而上、由内到外的层序包括含硫化物滑石蛇纹石岩 (由原岩为含水富镁碳酸盐岩 +二氧化硅的热水沉积岩变质而成 )→块状、层状 (含铜金 )黄铁矿±铁碧玉±硬石膏±菱铁矿±菱锰矿±硅质岩→含炭质粘土→白云岩 ;二叠系为栖霞组 (含铅锌金 )硅质岩、孤峰组 (含锰 )硅质岩和大隆组 (含钼 )硅质岩。这些热水沉积岩总体构成铜陵地区晚古生代多期热水活动的格局。常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素的分析结果表明 ,本区的硅质岩具有热水沉积岩的特征。氧同位素估算的热水硅质岩古温度在 4 9℃以上。铜陵地区的热水沉积岩对层控矿床的勘查和隐伏矿床的预测评价具有重要的理论和实际意义 ,尤其是黄龙组底部的热水沉积岩是铜陵地区找矿的重要标志 ,对于指导长江中下游地区 ,如宁芜等地 ,寻找该层位的矿床有着不可替代的指示意义。  相似文献   

Draa Sfar is a Visean, stratabound, volcanogenic massive sulphide ore deposit hosted by a Hercynian carbonaceous, black shale-rich succession of the Jebilet terrane, Morocco. The ore deposit contains 10 Mt grading 5.3 wt.% Zn, 2 wt.% Pb, and 0.3 wt.% Cu within two main massive sulphides orebodies, Tazakourt (Zn-rich) and Sidi M'Barek (Zn–Cu rich). Pyrrhotite is by far the dominant sulphide (70 to 95% of total sulphides), sphalerite is fairly abundant, chalcopyrite and galena are accessory, pyrite, arsenopyrite and bismuth minerals are rare. Pyrrhotite is monoclinic and mineralogical criteria indicate that it is of primary origin and not formed during metamorphism. Its composition is very homogeneous, close to Fe7S8, and its absolute magnetic susceptibility is 2.10− 3 SI/g. Ar–Ar dating of hydrothermal sericites from a coherent rhyolite flow or dome within the immediate deposit footwall indicates an age of 331.7 ± 7.9 Ma for the Draa Sfar deposit and rhyolite volcanism.The Draa Sfar deposit has undergone a low-grade regional metamorphic event that caused pervasive recrystallization, followed by a ductile–brittle deformation event that has locally imparted a mylonitic texture to the sulphides and, in part, is responsible for the elongated and sheet-like morphology of the sulphide orebodies. Lead isotope data fall into two compositional end-members. The least radiogenic end-member, (206Pb/204Pb = 18.28), is characteristic of the Tazakourt orebody, whereas the more radiogenic end-member (206Pb/204Pb  18.80) is associated with the Sidi M'Barek orebody, giving a mixing trend between the two end-members. Lead isotope compositions at Draa Sfar testify to a significant continental crust source for the base metals, but are different than those of the Hajar and South Iberian Pyrite Belt VMS deposits.The abundance of pyrrhotite versus pyrite in the orebodies is attributed to low fO2 conditions and neither a high temperature nor a low aH2S (below 10− 3) is required. The highly anoxic conditions required to stabilize pyrrhotite over pyrite are consistent with formation of the deposit within a restricted, sediment-starved, anoxic basin characterized by the deposition of carbonaceous, pelagic sediments along the flank of a rhyolitic flow-dome complex that was buried by pelitic sediments. Deposition of sulphides likely occurred at and below the seafloor within anoxic and carbonaceous muds.Draa Sfar and other Moroccan volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits occur in an epicontinental volcanic domain within the outer zone of the Hercynian belt and formed within a sedimentary environment that has a high pelagic component. In spite of the diachronous emplacement between the IPB deposits (late Devonian to Visean) and Moroccan deposits (Dinantian), all were formed around 340 ± 10 Ma following a major phase of the Devonian compression.  相似文献   

程群喜 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):431-433
朱林金矿床金矿化主要集中于朱林韧性剪切带应变中心的硅化-黄铁矿化-铁白云石化的糜棱岩-千糜岩带中,属于韧性剪切带型金矿床,主矿体规模大,形态似层状,矿石类型单一,组份简单.  相似文献   

红透山块状硫化物矿石主要成分为黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和石英、角闪石、黑云母等脉石矿物。切成长40mm 直径17mm 的矿石圆柱用20wt%NaCl 溶液浸泡260小时后装入长江500型活塞-圆筒式三轴应力试验机,在362℃414MPa 围压下加1342MPa 轴压,13小时后于空气中自然冷却。实验后试样长度压缩为32.3mm,算得应变速率为4.1×10~(-6)/s。实验产物中出现大量垂直应力轴的松弛裂缝。黄铁矿强烈脆性破裂,而磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿以塑性变形为主,局部也发生脆性破裂。再活化黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿和黄铜矿分别充填同种矿物的碎粒间隙。再活化产物也呈细脉穿插脆性变形的黄铁矿碎斑,细脉中以黄铜矿为主,其次是磁黄铁矿,有时含极少量闪锌矿,在磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿的塑性变形区内,以及变形的石英和其它脉石矿物中均无再活化硫化物产出。实验结果表明在构造应力作用下强干性矿物和地质体容易发生脆性变形,从而为再活化成矿流体的运移和析出矿质提供通道和空间,而韧性变形区较难提供流体通道和矿质沉淀空间。所以,再活化成矿作用容易发生在脆性变形区和韧-脆性转换部位。原生矿石中的黄铜矿在实验条件下比其它三种硫化物更容易再活化。脆性变形的黄铜矿和黄铁矿比起其它矿物来更容易接受含铜流体的叠加,因此地层中的含铜黄铁矿矿胚层最容易受叠加流体作用而形成层控富矿床。  相似文献   

Draa Sfar is a siliciclastic–felsic, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) Zn–Pb–Cu deposit located 15 km north of Marrakesh within the Jebilet massif of the western Moroccan Meseta. The Draa Sfar deposit occurs within the Sarhlef series, a volcano-sedimentary succession that hosts other massive sulphide deposits (e.g., Hajar, Kettara) within the dominantly siliciclastic sedimentary succession of the lower Central Jebilet. At Draa Sfar, the footwall lithofacies are dominated by grey to black argillite, carbonaceous argillite and intercalated siltstone with localized rhyodacitic flows and domes, associated in situ and transported autoclastic deposits, and lesser dykes of aphanitic basalt and gabbro. Thin- to thick-bedded, black carbonaceous argillite, minor intercalated siltstone, and a large gabbro sill dominate the hanging wall lithofacies. The main lithologies strike NNE–SSW, parallel to a pronounced S1 foliation, and have a low-grade, chlorite–muscovite–quartz–albite–oligoclase metamorphic assemblage. The Draa Sfar deposit consists of two stratabound sulphide orebodies, Tazakourt to the south and Sidi M'Barek to the north. Both orebodies are hosted by argillite in the upper part of the lower volcano-sedimentary unit. The Tazakourt and Sidi M'Barek orebodies are highly deformed, sheet-like bodies of massive pyrrhotite (up to 95% pyrrhotite) with lesser sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. The Draa Sfar deposit formed within a restricted, sediment-starved, fault-controlled, anoxic, volcano-sedimentary rift basin. The deposit formed at and below the seafloor within anoxic, pelagic muds.The argillaceous sedimentary rocks that surround the Draa Sfar orebodies are characterized by a pronounced zonation of alteration assemblages and geochemical patterns. In the more proximal volcanic area to the south, the abundance of medium to dark green chlorite progressively increases within the argillite toward the base of the Tazakourt orebody. Chlorite alteration is manifested by the replacement of feldspar and a decrease in muscovite abundance related to a net addition of Fe and Mg and a loss of K and Na. In the volcanically distal and northern Sidi M'Barek orebody alteration within the footwall argillite is characterized by a modal increase of sericite relative to chlorite. A calcite–quartz–muscovite assemblage and a pronounced decrease in chlorite characterize argillite within the immediate hanging wall to the entire Draa Sfar deposit. The sympathetic lateral change from predominantly sericite to chlorite alteration within the footwall argillite with increasing volcanic proximity suggests that the higher temperature part of the hydrothermal system is coincident with a volcanic vent defined by localized rhyodacitic flow/domes within the footwall succession.  相似文献   

The Archaean massive sulphide Cu-Zn deposit at Hongtoushan has been metamorphosed to upper amphibolite facies.An investigation on ore textures shows that pyrrhotite in the deposit was originally produced by submarine exhalation,and subsequently metamorphosed,annealed and recrystallised.Deformation textures formed by progressive metamorphism of pyrrhotite were erased almost completely under peak conditions,and the presently-existing deformation textures and ore mylonites are largely resultant from diaphthoresis.Deformation and annealing of pyrrhotite could have been enhanced by fluds.Retrogressive fluids are characterized by high oxygen fugacity.  相似文献   

滇西无量山地区的构造变形和变质作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无量山构造带位于滇西兰坪—思茅盆地中段西侧北北西—南南东走向的复背斜。在复背斜中部发育北北西—南南东向的左旋走滑韧性剪切带。中部剪切带变质作用达绿帘角闪岩相的蓝晶石带高于绿片岩相黑云母带的围岩。用共生的黑云母—石榴石温压计计算得到中部剪切变质带西缘变质温度为600 ℃~650 ℃,压力为5.6 kba,东缘温度为550 ℃~600 ℃,压力为5 kba左右。结合同构造期石榴石变斑晶的环带成分和多硅白云母b0值的分析,首次在滇西提出该剪切变质带是进变质的,以不均一的、非连续的变质作用为主要特征,与区域变质作用不同。无量山中部韧性剪切变质带的进变质作用与剪切带中岩石的变形强度有关。岩石变形愈强,变形能就愈大,随之转化成的热量就愈大,该热能参与到岩石变质作用中,提高了岩石的变质程度。这一思路有可能成为研究变形与变质作用的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

云南播卡金矿成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
播卡金矿位于扬子地台西缘康滇地轴中南段的东北侧,容矿地层为中元古界昆阳群的因民组和平顶山组岩石和部分中—基性脉岩,矿床受小江脆—韧性剪切带的直接控制,矿床形态为透镜状、脉状、囊状等;矿体规模小,数量多,矿石以构造角砾岩型及石英脉型为主,矿物组合较为简单;围岩蚀变发育,且与矿化关系密切;流体包裹体测试结果显示,矿床成矿温...  相似文献   

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