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We tested the hypothesis that in golden Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) carotid body dopaminergic D2 receptors modulate ventilation in air, during exposure to intermittent hypoxia (IH) and reoxygenation. Ventilation was evaluated using the barometric method and CO2 production was determined using the flow through method. Hamsters (n=8) received either subcutaneous injections of vehicle, haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg) or domperidone (0.5 mg/kg). Ventilatory and metabolic variables were determined 30 min following injections, after each of 5 bouts of 5 min of 10% oxygen interspersed by normoxia (IH), and 15, 30, 45 and 60 min following IH when hamsters were exposed to air. Haloperidol, but not domperidone decreased body temperature in hamsters. Neither treatment affected CO2 production. Vehicle-treated hamsters exhibited ventilatory long-term facilitation (VLTF) following IH. Haloperidol or domperidone decreased ventilation in air, during IH and eliminated VLTF due to changes in tidal volume and not frequency of breathing. Thus, in hamsters D2 receptors are involved in control of body temperature and ventilation during and following IH.  相似文献   

Sajkov, Dimitar, Alister Neill, Nicholas A. Saunders, and R. Douglas McEvoy. Comparison of the effects of sustained isocapnichypoxia on ventilation in men and women. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 599-607, 1997.Sleep-relatedrespiratory disturbances are more common in men than in premenopausalwomen. This might, in part, be due to different susceptibilities to therespiratory depressant effects of hypoxia. Therefore, we comparedventilation during 10 min of baseline room-air breathing and 20-minsustained isocapnic hypoxia (fractional inspiredO2 = 11%, arterial saturation ofO2  80%) followed by 10 min ofbreathing 100% O2 in 10 normal men and in 10 women in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Control measurements were made during two transitions from room air (10 min) to 100% O2 (10 min) andaveraged. Inspired minute ventilation(I) after2 min of hypoxia was the same in men and women [131 ± 6.1%baseline for men, 136 ± 7.7% baseline for women; not significant(NS)] and declined to the same level after 20 min (115 ± 5.0% baseline for men, 116 ± 6.6% baseline for women; NS)associated with a similar decline in inspiratory time and tidal volume.Breathing frequency did not change.I decreased transiently during subsequent 100%O2 breathing in both men and women, associated with reduced frequency and duty cycle and increased expiratory time. The fall inI wassignificantly greater than that observed during control hyperoxiaexperiments in men but not in women. We conclude that ventilatoryresponses to sustained isocapnic hypoxia do not differ between awakehealthy men and women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle.However, after termination of isocapnic hypoxia, men appear to depress their ventilation to a greater degree than women.


Pedersen, Michala E. F., Keith L. Dorrington, and Peter A. Robbins. Effects of haloperidol on ventilation during isocapnic hypoxia in humans. J. Appl. Physiol.83(4): 1110-1115, 1997.Exposure to isocapnic hypoxia produces anabrupt increase in ventilation [acute hypoxic ventilatoryresponse (AHVR)], which is followed by a subsequent decline[hypoxic ventilatory depression or decline (HVD)]. In cats, both anesthetized and awake,haloperidol has been reported to increase AHVR and almost entirelyabolish HVD. To investigate whether this occurs in humans, theventilatory responses of 15 healthy young volunteers to 20 min ofisocapnic hypoxia (end-tidal PO2 = 50 Torr) were assessed at 1, 2, and 4.5 h after placebo (control) andafter oral haloperidol (Seranace, 0.05 mg/kg) on different days. Threesubjects were unable to complete the study because of akathisia. AHVRwas significantly greater with haloperidol compared with control(P < 0.01, analysis of variance).However, no significant change in HVD was found [control HVD = 9.3 ± 1.6 (SD) l/min, haloperidol HVD = 9.9 ± 2.1 l/min;P = not significant, analysis ofvariance]. We conclude that combined central and peripheraldopamine-receptor antagonism in humans with haloperidol produces asimilar pattern of change to that reported previously with theperipheral antagonist domperidone. We have been unable to show inhumans a decrease in HVD by the centrally acting drug as observed incats.


The present study was undertaken to evaluate the extent that the lung inflation reflex attenuates vasoconstrictor responses in renal cortex and splanchnic beds during severe arterial hypoxia. Hypoxia was induced by inspiration of a 3-5% oxygen gas mixture in three groups of chloralose-anesthetized dogs: Group I, free breathing; Group II, controlled ventilation; Group III, free breathing with arterial PCO2 held constant. Regional vascular conductances (VC) were calculated from regional blood flows measured with 15-microns radioactive microspheres. In Group I, hypoxia caused marked hyperventilation, which was accompanied by no significant change in VC in renal cortex, and by reductions in VC in spleen (-36%), pancreas (-56%), and duodenum (-28%). In Group II, hypoxia caused reduction in VC in renal cortex (-70%), and reductions in VC in spleen, pancreas, and duodenum similar to those in Group I. In Group III, hypoxia again caused marked hyperventilation, but reductions in VC in renal cortex, spleen, pancreas, and duodenum were similar to those in Group II. Results indicate that during severe arterial hypoxia activation of lung inflation reflex does not attenuate or reverse vasoconstriction in renal cortex, spleen, pancreas, and duodenum.  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性间断性缺氧(chronic episodic hypoxia,EHYP)对帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)模型小鼠行为学及纹状体多巴胺(DA)含量的影响。方法:44只雄性6周龄C57BL/6小鼠随机分为百草枯 EHYP组、EHYP组、百草枯组和对照组,观察小鼠自发行为活动及悬挂实验、游泳实验、步态实验进行行为学检测,高效液相色谱分析(HPLC)测定纹状体DA含量。结果:百草枯 EHYP组小鼠出现PD综合征表现,悬挂实验及游泳实验结果与其它各组间有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),纹状体DA含量较其它各组小鼠出现明显下降(均P<0.01),余各组行为学实验结果及纹状体DA含量差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论:EHYP联合百草枯暴露可使小鼠出现PD综合征表现及纹状体DA含量的明显下降。  相似文献   

Changes in cardiac output during sustained maximal ventilation in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine the increment in cardiac output and in O2 consumption (Vo2) from quiet breathing to maximal sustained ventilation, Vo2 and cardiac output were measured using an acetylene rebreathing technique in five subjects. Cardiac output and Vo2 were measured multiple times in each subject at rest and during sustained maximal ventilation. During maximal ventilation subjects breathed 5% CO2 to prevent hypocapnia. The increase in cardiac output from rest to maximal breathing was taken as an estimate of respiratory muscle blood flow and was used to calculate the arteriovenous O2 content difference across the respiratory muscles from the Fick equation. Cardiac output increased by 4.3 +/- 1.0 l/min (mean +/- SD), from 5.6 +/- 0.7 l/min at rest to 9.9 +/- 1.1 l/min, during maximal ventilations ranging from 127 to 193 l/min. Vo2 increased from 312 +/- 29 to 723 +/- 69 ml/min during maximal ventilation. O2 extraction across the respiratory muscles during maximal breathing was 9.6 +/- 1.0 vol% (range 8.5 to 10.7 vol%). These values suggest an upper limit of respiratory muscle blood flow of 3-5 l/min during unloaded maximal sustained ventilation.  相似文献   

Carotid chemoreceptor activity during acute and sustained hypoxia in goats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of carotid body chemoreceptors in ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia, i.e., the progressive, time-dependent increase in ventilation during the first several hours or days of hypoxic exposure, is not well understood. The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the effects of acute and prolonged (up to 4 h) hypoxia on carotid body chemoreceptor discharge frequency in anesthetized goats. The goat was chosen for study because of its well-documented and rapid acclimatization to hypoxia. The response of the goat carotid body to acute progressive isocapnic hypoxia was similar to other species, i.e., a hyperbolic increase in discharge as arterial PO2 (PaO2) decreased. The response of 35 single chemoreceptor fibers to an isocapnic [arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) 38-40 Torr)] decrease in PaO2 of from 100 +/- 1.7 to 40.7 +/- 0.5 (SE) Torr was an increase in mean discharge frequency from 1.7 +/- 0.2 to 5.8 +/- 0.4 impulses. During sustained isocapnic steady-state hypoxia (PaO2 39.8 +/- 0.5 Torr, PaCO2, 38.4 +/- 0.4 Torr) chemoreceptor afferent discharge frequency remained constant for the first hour of hypoxic exposure. Thereafter, single-fiber chemoreceptor afferents exhibited a progressive, time-related increase in discharge (1.3 +/- 0.2 impulses.s-1.h-1, P less than 0.01) during sustained hypoxia of up to 4-h duration. These data suggest that increased carotid chemoreceptor activity contributes to ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and highly sensitive spectrofluorimetric method was developed for determination of a novel type of dopamine receptor antagonist LE300 in mouse plasma. The method is based on measuring the native fluorescence of LE‐300 in methanol at 343 nm after excitation at 280 nm. The fluorescence concentration plot was rectilinear over the range of 3.5–100 ng/mL with a lower detection limit of 1.0 ng/mL and quantification limit of 3.5 ng/mL. The method was statistically validated for linearity, accuracy, precision and selectivity according to the International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. The accuracy and precision results was expressed as % recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD). The accuracy for LE‐300 was in the range 95.5–103.6% and RSD values were in the range of 0.21–1.55% of the theoretical value. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of LE‐300 in mice plasma. The results were compared statistically with those obtained by the reported method and were found to be in good agreement, which could be applied in a pharmacokinetic study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The influence of cardiovascular changes on ventilation has been demonstrated in adult animals and humans (Jones, French, Weissman & Wasserman, 1981; Wasserman, Whipp & Castagna 1974). It has been suggested that neonatal hypoxic ventilatory depression may be related to some of the hemodynamic changes that occur during hypoxia (Brown & Lawson, 1988; Darnall, 1985; Suguihara, Bancalari, Bancalari, Hehre & Gerhardt, 1986). To test the possible relationship between the cardiovascular and ventilatory response to hypoxia in the newborn, eleven sedated spontaneously breathing piglets (age: 5.9 +/- 1.6 days; weight: 1795 +/- 317 g; SD) were studied before and after alpha adrenergic blockade with phenoxybenzamine. Minute ventilation (VE) was measured with a pneumotachograph, cardiac output (CO) by thermodilution and total and regional brain blood flow (BBF) with radiolabeled microspheres. Measurements were performed while the animals were breathing room air and after 10 min of hypoxia induced by breathing 10% O2. Hypoxia was again induced one hour after infusion of phenoxybenzamine (6 mg/kg over 30 min). After 10 min of hypoxia, in the absence of phenoxybenzamine, the animals responded with marked increases in VE (P less than 0.001), CO (P less than 0.001), BBF, and brain stem blood flow (BSBF) (P less than 0.02). However, the normal hemodynamic response to hypoxia was eliminated after alpha adrenergic blockade. There were significant decreases in systemic arterial blood pressure, CO, and BBF during hypoxia after phenoxybenzamine infusion; nevertheless, VE increased significantly (P less than 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Minute ventilation (VE) during sustained hypoxia is not constant but begins to decline within 10-25 min in adult humans. The decrease in brain tissue PCO2 may be related to this decline in VE, because hypoxia causes an increase in brain blood flow, thus resulting in enhanced clearance of CO2 from the brain tissue. To examine the validity of this hypothesis, we measured VE and arterial and internal jugular venous blood gases simultaneously and repeatedly in 15 healthy male volunteers during progressive and subsequent sustained isocapnic hypoxia (arterial PO2 = 45 Torr) for 20 min. It was assumed that jugular venous PCO2 was an index of brain tissue PCO2. Mean VE declined significantly from the initial (16.5 l/min) to the final phase (14.1 l/min) of sustained hypoxia (P less than 0.05). Compared with the control (50.9 Torr), jugular venous PCO2 significantly decreased to 47.4 Torr at the initial phase of hypoxia but did not differ among the phases of hypoxia (47.2 Torr for the intermediate phase and 47.7 Torr for the final phase). We classified the subjects into two groups by hypoxic ventilatory response during progressive hypoxia at the mean value. The decrease in VE during sustained hypoxia was significant in the low responders (n = 9) [13.2 (initial phase) to 9.3 l/min (final phase of hypoxia), P less than 0.01], but not in the high responders (n = 6) (20.9-21.3 l/min, NS). This finding could not be explained by the change of arterial or jugular venous gases, which did not significantly change during sustained hypoxia in either group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mitochondrial nitric oxide (NO) production was assayed in rats submitted to hypobaric hypoxia and in normoxic controls (53.8 and 101.3 kPa air pressure, respectively). Heart mitochondria from young normoxic animals produced 0.62 and 0.37 nmol NO.min(-1).mg protein(-1) in metabolic states 4 and 3, respectively. This production accounts for a release to the cytosol of 29 nmol NO.min(-1).g heart(-1) and for 55% of the NO generation. The mitochondrial NO synthase (mtNOS) activity measured in submitochondrial membranes at pH 7.4 was 0.69 nmol NO.min(-1).mg protein(-1). Rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 2-18 mo showed 20-60% increased left ventricle mtNOS activity compared with their normoxic siblings. Left ventricle NADH-cytochrome-c reductase and cytochrome oxidase activities decreased by 36 and 12%, respectively, from 2 to 18 mo of age, but they were not affected by hypoxia. mtNOS upregulation in hypoxia was associated with a retardation of the decline in the mechanical activity of papillary muscle upon aging and an improved recovery after anoxia-reoxygenation. The correlation of left ventricle mtNOS activity with papillary muscle contractility (determined as developed tension, maximal rates of contraction and relaxation) showed an optimal mtNOS activity (0.69 nmol.min(-1).mg protein(-1)). Heart mtNOS activity is regulated by O(2) in the inspired air and seems to play a role in NO-mediated signaling and myocardial contractility.  相似文献   

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