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唐山地震序列空间分布复杂性原因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘蒲雄  吕晓健 《地震》2011,31(4):1-14
本文采用唐山地震序列定位精度较高的资料, 对不同时段余震震中分布进行再分析, 取得了余震密集带和序列3次强震(唐山7.8级、 滦县7.1级、 宁河6.9级)破裂面分布的清晰图像, 其中判定7.1级地震为NWW向破裂面。 其复杂图像与震前地震活动异常所揭示的震源及与震源孕育有关的三组区域性断裂带存在密切联系。 简单说来, 震源位于NE向、 NWW向、 NW向三组断裂带交汇的区域, 位于震源的余震密集带显示了这3次强震的破裂面, 它们分别可看作是三组区域断裂的闭锁段。 据此解释了形成唐山地震震源和序列震中分布复杂性的原因。  相似文献   

In this paper, we made a systematic study on more than 40 years of observational data of ten temporary fault-crossing measurement sites in the capital circle region of China. We calculated horizontal and vertica1 components of fault slip, and horizontal extension or compression components. Considering the tectonic characteristics of the capital circle region and regional seismicity, we analyzed the present fault activity of the capital circle region and the relationship with earthquakes. The results show the complexity of fault activity in the region: the level of activity of all faults is low, most faults are left-lateral strike-slip faults; there is less vertical activity than horizontal activity and crustal movement is controlled by horizontal movement; fault activity and earthquake activity have a certain relationship, regional fault activity increases before an earthquake, and fault activity has certain abnormal features before strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

The authors studied the seismic activity, precursory anomalies and abnormal animal behavior before the April 14, 2010 MS7.1 Yushu earthquake. Analysis showed that anomalies were not rich before the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake, but prominent anomalies were observed, such as the long and mid-term trend anomaly characterized by the seismic quiescence of MS6.0, MS5.0 and MS4.0 earthquakes, and the anomalies in precursor observation of surface water temperature in Yushu and Delingha and electromagnetic measurement in Pingan. There were a large number of animal behavior anomalies appearing one week before the earthquake. An M4.7 earthquake occurred 130 minutes before the main shock. In this paper, we studied the dynamic process of the Yushu earthquake preparation using the earthquake focal mechanism solutions on the Bayan Har block boundary since 1996. The results show that the Kalakunlun M7.1 earthquake in 1996, the Mani M7.5 earthquake and the Yushu MS7.1 earthquake have the same dynamic process. Long and mid-term trend anomalies may be related to the dynamics of evolution of different earthquakes. This paper also discusses the recurrence interval of strong earthquakes, foreshock identification and precursor observation of the Yushu MS7.1 earthquake.  相似文献   

用形变资料反演1976年唐山地震序列的破裂分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

1976年唐山发生了7.8级地震,相继又发生了两次大余震——滦县7.1级地震和宁河6.9级地震.地震发生在观测条件比较好的地区,水准测量和三角测量测得了地震的同震位移场.本研究采用原始水准测量数据,而不是采用根据水准数据处理的地面沉降图像,和三角测量数据反演了该地震序列的破裂分布.模型构建中考虑了滦县地震和宁河地震的断层形态和大小.结果表明,唐山地震主震断层有明显的右旋走滑性质,最大走向滑动错距>6 m,位于断层南段,北段的走滑分量明显小于南段.主震总地震矩达2.58×1020N·m,与地震波反演得到的地震矩的量级相当;滦县地震断层总体表现为左旋正断层,释放地震矩达4.95×1019N·m;宁河地震断层总体表现为右旋正断层,释放地震矩达3.94×1019N·m,比地震波反演的地震矩大一个量级.据此可以推测唐山地震的无震滑移主要发生在宁河地震断层的西部上,滑动性质以正断层为主.该结果对于唐山地震序列后的动力学演变过程及余震发生机理有一定参考.


Using the focal mechanism solutions and slip distribution model data of the Taiwan Straits MS7.3 earthquake on September 16, 1994, we calculate the static Coulomb stress changes stemming from the earthquake. Based on the distribution of aftershocks and stress field, as well as the location of historical earthquakes, we analyze the Coulomb stress change triggered by the Taiwan Straits MS7.3 earthquake. The result shows that the static Coulomb stress change obtained by forward modeling based on the slip distribution model is quite consistent with the location of aftershocks in the areas far away from the epicenter. Ninety percent of aftershocks occurred in the stress increased areas. The Coulomb stress change is not entirely consistent with the distribution of aftershocks near the epicenter. It is found that Coulomb stress change can better reflect the aftershock distribution far away from the epicenter, while such corresponding relationship becomes quite complex near the epicenter. Through the calculation of the Coulomb stress change, we find that the stress increases in the southwest part of the Min-Yue (Fujian-Guangdong) coastal fault zone, which enhances the seismic activity. Therefore, it is deemed that the sea area between Nanpeng Island and Dongshan Island, where the Min-Yue coastal fault zone intersects with the NW-trending Shanghang-Dongshan fault, has a high seismic risk.  相似文献   

由倾斜断层的静态位错模式计算了唐山地震引起的剩余倾斜场的空间分布和泰安等倾斜仪台站处的理论倾斜阶跃,讨论了按不同震源参数计算得到的剩余倾斜场的空间分布特征和断层参数对倾斜变化的影响。各台站倾斜阶跃的观测值是:泰安,1.4×10-8(北),1.1×10-7(东);沙城,2.4×10-7(北);易县,-1.3×10-7(西),单位为弧度。观测值与理论计算值的比较表明,观测的和计算的倾斜阶跃的方向是一致的,但数值上观测值较大。观测的和计算的倾斜阶跃方向的一致性说明了观测到的阶跃与地震的关系,而观测值较大则说明观测的倾斜阶跃仍包含其他局部因素的影响。观测倾斜阶跃的上升时间约3小时。分析表明,它可能是地震滑动和无震缓慢蠕动的综合效应。  相似文献   

中国大陆中强地震序列类型的空间分布特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国大陆1970年以来记录相对完备的294次5.0级以上的地震序列,研究地震序列类型的空间分布特征. 结果表明: 在西南地区,川滇菱形地块及其所控制的鲜水河——安宁河——小江地震带及金沙江——红河地震带以主余型序列活动为主, 滇西和怒江——澜沧江断裂带以西腾冲——保山块体的龙陵、 澜沧等地分布着较多的多震型地震,极少数孤立型地震主要分布于川西北地区,云南地区无孤立型地震. 在西北地区,新疆南天山西段以主余型为主,其中柯坪块体与普昌断裂交汇区发生过多震型地震, 天山中段则以孤立型地震居多;祁连山地震带以主余型序列活动为主;青海地区以主余型地震居多,但序列类型的区域特征不明显. 在华北地区,阴山——燕山——渤海地震带、河北平原地震带及下扬子断块以主余型地震为主, 山西地震带北段与NW向阴山——燕山地震带的交汇部位发生过5~6级多震型地震, 华北地区南部北纬35deg;线附近以孤立型地震居多. 序列类型空间分布与区域构造运动形式有关,断层内部闭锁单元或障碍体的破裂以及新生的、彼此分离的断裂段的破裂,大多产生主余型序列;多震型地震往往与共轭构造或多组构造交汇相联系;简单断层端部的进一步扩展一般产生孤立型地震. 序列类型空间分布与区域深部介质环境也有一定关系,主余型地震大多发生在上地壳高速区或高、 低速过渡带内, 而多震型地震则较多地发生在上地壳低速区内.    相似文献   

根据安徽省历史地震(294~1969年,M≥4)和现代地震(1970~2013年,MS≥3.5)资料的统计结果,通过估计历史地震序列类型,将安徽地震类型划分为"相对安全类"和"相对危险类"。结果表明:安徽省历史地震类型的统计结果和空间分布特征与现代地震序列类型大致吻合,绝大多数中强历史地震属"相对安全类",而"相对危险类"的历史地震主要分布在霍山地区、皖东北地区和宿北地区。安徽地区内的地震活动具有较高的继承性,研究结果可为该区域震后地震趋势的快速判定提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,四川长宁地区地震活动频繁,特别是2019年6月17日发生的长宁 MS6.0 地震造成长宁及周边地区较为严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,引起社会和科研工作者的广泛关注。为探究长宁地区地震的发震构造和机理,利用双差定位方法对长宁 MS6.0 地震前后一年时间段内的地震进行重定位,并采用波形拟合方法获得了14次MS>4.0地震的震源机制解,综合分析了长宁地区地震活动的空间分布特征,获得以下主要认识:①2019年长宁 MS6.0 地震的发震构造为长宁背斜NW向的高倾角断层,地震序列的震源深度西深东浅,该地震是位于滑脱面之上先存断裂活化的构造地震事件; ②南部建武向斜地区地震活动频度高,且表现出丛集性的分布特征,推测与零散分布的页岩气开采活动密切相关; ③长宁地区南北2个区域地震活动的差异性受控于局部应力场方向的变化,北侧历史盐矿开采、南侧页岩气开采以及岩石介质物性的横向差异直接影响了地震的空间特征。  相似文献   

根据成丛小震发生在大震断层面及其附近的原则,将模拟退火算法和高斯-牛顿算法结合,给出了利用小震密集程度求解主震断层面走向、倾角、位置及其误差的稳健估计方法,在此基础上考虑区域构造应力参数,给出了估计在已求得的断层面上的滑动角的方法.该方法还可用于小震活跃地区活断层走向、倾角和滑动角的确定.将这种方法用于唐山地震序列,采用2002年4月1日至2006年5月31日发生在地震破裂区的精定位地震目录,求得了唐山地震、滦县地震、宁河及卢龙断裂带的断层面走向、倾角、位置及滑动角参数.与前人给出的断层面解进行比较,发现利用小震精定位资料和区域构造应力场得到的结果与前人采用其他资料和方法得到的结果近似,验证了这种方法的有效性.另外,本研究首次发现滦县地震区东部的小震呈北东-南西向条带状成丛发生,可精确刻画为一条断裂带,较为精确地确定了此断层的走向、倾角和滑动角.该断裂及宁河断裂在唐山地震序列发生时是否破裂需要运用其他资料进行验证.  相似文献   

邢台唐山地震前震中附近的地温演变特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就唐山、邢台2次大震前地温的异常进行了具体分析、论述,以探讨利用地温异常进行地震预报的可行性。  相似文献   

唐山大地震震害分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用唐山大地震后对7772个自然村的实际震害调查数据,研究了唐山地震灾区的主要震害及其与地震烈度的关系、人员死亡率与建筑物倒塌率的地域分布,揭示出唐山大地震震害的实际状况与分布规律。探讨了研究成果的实用性。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEarthquake sequence is a series of centralized earthquake events in space-time after a largerearthquake.Since these earthquake events occur in a small space and are sequential in one specialtime,their seismogenic structure,mediumcharacteristics and earthquake mechanisms must be similar.By studying one earthquake sequence,the seismic activitytrend after a large earthquake can beconjectured.Some characteristics of the earthquake source development process and physic states canal…  相似文献   

The Yao'an Ms6.5 earthquake occurred on Jan. 15, 2000 and the Yongsheng Ms6.0 earthquake occurred on Oct. 27, 2001 in Yunnan Province, China. They are both located in the middle of the Dian block. Their epicenters are close to each other, the tectonic and strain characters of the earthquakes were similar, and there were many aftershocks after the two main shocks. In order to further study the spatial-temporal distributions and fault rupture characters of the main shocks and aftershocks, the latter are located using the Geiger earthquake location algorithm (Geiger) and the double difference earthquake location algorithm (DD) based on the seismic phase data of the two earthquake sequences. They were recorded by two Near Source Digital Seismic Networks (YNSSN and YSNSSN) deployed by the Yunnan Seismological Bureau (YNSB). Then, two main shock parameters were relocated using DD based on the data of larger magnitude aftershocks and the two main shocks that were recorded by the Kunming Regional Digital Seismic Network (KMSN). Combining the spatial- temporal distributions of the two earthquake sequences, the tectonic and strain characters of earthquakes, the rupture processes of the two aftershock sequences along faults are analyzed and discussed contrastively.  相似文献   

姚安地震序列与永胜地震序列的高精度定位   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
2000年1月15日云南省姚安地区发生了Ms 6.5地震,2001年10月27日云南永胜地区发生了Ms 6.0地震,两者均位于滇中块体,震中相距较近,构造相似,且各自都有丰富的余震活动。为深入研究姚安、永胜两地震的主震及余震序列的分布与破裂特征,根据云南省地震局布设的流动数字台网记录到的余震序列的震相资料,分别联合采用盖格定位法和双差定位法得出了这两个余震序列的时空分布。在此基础上,联合昆明区域台网记录的两个主震和较大余震的震相资料,利用双差定位法重新校正了姚安和永胜两次主震的震源参数。根据地震序列的时空分布,结合两个地震区的地质构造、所属块体的受力状态等特征,对比分析了两个地震余震序列沿断层面破裂的特点。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震序列动态跟踪过程对地震预报的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对汶川8.0级地震的类型和破裂特征分析, 讨论了龙门山构造带地震活动与甘肃省地震活动的关系.回顾了对汶川地震序列的动态跟踪过程以及余震活动在甘肃省的震情判定过程.认为地震预报应从地震的孕育、发展和发生过程中获得更多的物理信息,改变以往以经验、统计预报为主的模式,向以物理预报为主的预报模式迈进.  相似文献   

陈立德  付虹  张翔  胡小静 《地震研究》2019,(1):1-10,I0001
简述弹性回跳学说、板块构造模型及岩浆活动型地震等地震力学成因的现有观点,并对其进行了讨论。通过分析唐山震区的壳幔深部结构、前兆异常时空演化等资料,进一步论证了唐山地震力学成因为岩浆活动的观点。在此基础上对唐山地震前兆机理进行了研究,指出岩浆活动既是该地震发生的成因,也是各类前兆异常的成因,它们是岩浆活动这枚硬币的两面。最后指出只有正确认识地震和前兆的成因,才有可能用前兆资料对地震三要素做出较好的预报。  相似文献   

The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.  相似文献   

地震反应谱是城市地震小区划的关键,也是房屋抗震设计和减灾的基础。反应谱最大值,即地震影响系数最大值是地震反应谱的最重要参数之一,由于地震影响系数最大值受到场地条件、基岩条件和特殊地质现象等诸多因素的共同影响,相互关系复杂且不能用经验公式简单表示,故地震影响系数最大值的精确计算是困扰科技工作者多年的难题。地震影响系数最大值分布的精细预测,关键在于如何选择基岩指标,以及如何确定基岩条件、场地条件和特殊地质现象等指标的分布与地震影响系数最大值分布之问的关系。根据唐山市具体情况,应用人工神经网络方法建立预测模型,探讨较为准确的地震影响系数最大值分布计算方法,为确定唐山市地震反应谱小区划奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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