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The extensive energy use in the European building sector creates opportunities for implementing energy conservation measures (ECMs) in residential buildings. If ECM are implemented in buildings that are connected to a district heating (DH) system, the operation of DH plants may be affected, which in turn may change both revenue and electricity production in cogeneration plants. In this study a local energy system, containing a DH supplier and its customer, has been analysed when implementing three ECMs: heat load control, attic insulation and electricity savings. This study is unique since it analyses economic and CO2 impacts of the ECMs in both a user and a supplier perspective in combination with a deregulated European electricity market. Results show that for the local energy system electricity savings should be prioritised over a reduction in DH use, both from an economic and a global CO2 perspective. For the DH supplier attic insulation demonstrates unprofitable results, even though this measure affects the expensive peak load boilers most. Heat load control is however financially beneficial for both the DH supplier and the residences. Furthermore, the relation between the fixed and variable DH costs is highlighted as a key factor for the profitability of the ECMs.  相似文献   

The effect of national energy policies on a local Swedish district heating (DH) system has been studied, regarding the profitability of new investments and the potential for climate change mitigation. The DH system has been optimised regarding three investments: biomass-fuelled CHP (bio CHP), natural gas-fuelled combined cycle CHP (NGCC CHP) and biomass-fuelled heat-only boiler (bio HOB) in two scenarios (with or without national taxes and policy instruments). In both scenarios EU’s tradable CO2 emission permits are included. Results from the study show that when national policies are included, the most cost-effective investment option is the bio CHP technology. However, when national taxes and policy instruments are excluded, the DH system containing the NGCC CHP plant has 30% lower system cost than the bio CHP system. Regardless of the scenario and when coal condensing is considered as marginal electricity production, the NGCC CHP has the largest global CO2 reduction potential, about 300 ktonne CO2. However, the CO2 reduction potential is highly dependent on the marginal electricity production. Demonstrated here is that national policies such as tradable green certificates can, when applied to DH systems, contribute to investments that will not fully utilise the DH systems’ potential for global CO2 emissions reductions.  相似文献   

Farmers can use their own agricultural biomass residues for heat production in small-scale systems, enabling synergies between the district heating (DH) sector and agriculture. The barriers to entry into the Swedish heat market were extremely high as long as heat distribution were considered natural monopoly, but were recently lowered due to the introduction of a regulated third party access (TPA) system in the DH sector. This study assesses the potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions and cost-based heat price in the DH sector when farmers vertically integrate into the heat supply chain and introduce more local and agricultural crops and residues into the fuel mix. Four scenarios with various degree of farmer integration, were assessed using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, and by analysis of the heat production costs. The results show that full integration of local farm and forest owners in the value chain can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower production costs/heat price, if there is an incentive to utilise local and agricultural fuels. The results imply that farmer participation in the DH sector should be encouraged by e.g. EU rural development programmes.  相似文献   

Biomass is a renewable resource from which a broad variety of commodities can be produced. However, the resource is scarce and must be used with care to avoid depleting future stock possibilities. Flexibility and efficiency in production are key characteristics for biomass conversion technologies in future energy systems. Thermal gasification of biomass is proved throughout this article to be both highly flexible and efficient if used optimally. Cogeneration processes with production of heat-and-power, heat-power-and-fuel or heat-power-and-fertilizer are described and compared. The following gasification platforms are included in the assessment: The Harboøre up draft gasifier with gas engine, the Güssing FICFB gasifier with gas engine or PDU, the LT-CFB gasifier with steam cycle and nutrient recycling and finally the TwoStage down draft gasifier with gas engine, micro gas turbine (MGT), SOFC, SOFC/MGT or catalytic fuel synthesis.  相似文献   

The spark spread, or price differential between electricity cost and fuel cost, may be used to indicate whether a combined heating and power (CHP) system shows a cost benefit in a certain situation over a conventional separate heating and power system. This paper extends the spark spread concept to address the emission of CO2 and the consumption of primary energy by introducing two parameters: the emissions spark spread (ESS) and the primary energy spark spread (PESS). ESS and PESS are evaluated in 16 US cities for three different CHP system efficiencies, and compared to the minimum ESS and minimum PESS required for a CHP system to potentially reduce CO2 emissions (CDE) or primary energy consumption (PEC). Since the fuel mix used in electricity production, which varies with location, affects the amount of CDE or PEC due to the use of a CHP system, this paper also presents the ratios ESS/ESSmin and PESS/PESSmin that could be used for a simple analysis of the potential of a CHP system based on CDE and PEC.  相似文献   

For the seven technically feasible Biomass-Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (B-IGFC) systems investigated in this two-part system analysis, the interactions between the used biomass gasification processes, gas processing technologies and SOFC concepts are investigated primarily employing ASPEN PLUS™ flowsheeting models. Based on the results of the system simulations, the power production costs are estimated for the various B-IGFC systems. The impact of the most important assumptions made for the presented thermo-economic system analysis is assessed through a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine how the options for producing electricity, fuels, and heat in a carbon-constrained world affect the cost-effectiveness of a range of fuels and propulsion technologies in the transportation sector. GET 7.0, a global energy system model with five end-use sectors, is used for the analysis. We find that an energy system dominated either by solar or by nuclear tends to make biofuels in plug-in hybrids cost-effective. If coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS) dominates the energy system, hydrogen cars, rather than plug-in hybrids tend to become cost-effective. Performing a Monte Carlo simulation, we then show that the general features of our results hold for a wide range of assumptions for the costs of vehicle propulsion technologies (e.g., batteries and fuel cells). However, sufficiently large changes in say the battery costs may overturn the impact of changes in the energy supply system, so that plug-in hybrid vehicles become cost-effective even if coal with CCS dominate the energy supply. We conclude that analyses of future energy carriers and propulsion technologies need to consider developments in the energy supply system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cointegration and Granger causal relationship between economic growth and total energy consumption as well as disaggregate energy such as coal, coke, crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity in China for a period of 1995–2014. Different from limited existing provincial studies on China, we use a multivariate framework that considers per capita human capital on top of physical capital in the neoclassical production function and advanced panel econometric methodologies such as CupFM estimators and bootstrapped panel Granger causality tests that allow for cross-sectional dependence and provincial heterogeneity. Our results suggest that human capital exerts 2–3 times the effect of physical capital on the economy and energy also plays a significant role. Furthermore, the rich bootstrap panel Granger causality test results for both the panel and individual provinces provide substantial insights and suggest that it is important to examine the causal effects of both the total energy use and various disaggregate energy consumption before local governments make specific energy and economic policies.  相似文献   

Operational optimization models are one of the main streams in modeling energy systems. Agent-based modeling and simulation seem to be another approach getting popular in this field. In either optimization or agent-based modeling practices, technological change in energy systems is a very important and inevitable factor that researchers need to deal with. By introducing three stylized models, namely, a traditional optimization model, an optimization model with endogenous technological change, and an agent-based model, all of which were developed based on the same deliberately simplified energy system, this paper compares how technological change is treated differently in different modeling practices for energy systems, the different philosophies underlying them, and the advantages/disadvantages of each modeling practice. Finally, this paper identifies the different contexts suitable for applying optimization models and agent-based models in decision support regarding energy systems.  相似文献   

China is the largest developing country in the world. At present, more and more energy demand gives immense pressure to Chinese government. The inappropriate energy structure must be improved by Chinese government in order to achieve the sustainable development of economy and society. Development and application of renewable energy, such as wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, etc., have been regarded by the government and the local people in the past 10 years, and more and more actual examples have been established, which are supported by government and plants in China. It is well known that there are abundant wind and solar resources in China. This paper presents the distribution zone and development and application practice status in China. However, a common drawback is existing in the stand-alone wind energy and solar energy generating power system, which is the unpredictable output electric power, and the output power depends on the unpredictable weather and climatic changes. Fortunately, the wind–solar hybrid generation system can partially overcome the problems. The conventional structure and key technology of stand-alone wind–solar hybrid generating system, the current status and outlook of wind–solar hybrid energy system are presented in the paper, for example, the city road lighting system, distributed generation, photovoltaic (PV) water pumping for irrigation, etc. At the end, the policies and laws of China central government and local governments are described, and the development barriers and recommendations are introduced.  相似文献   

Changes in complex industrial energy systems require adequate tools to be evaluated satisfactorily. The MIND method (Method for analysis of INDustrial energy systems) is a flexible method constructed as decision support for different types of analyses of industrial energy systems. It is based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and developed at Linköping University in Sweden. Several industries, ranging from the food industry to the pulp and paper industry, have hitherto been modelled and analyzed using the MIND method. In this paper the principles regarding the use of the method and the creation of constraints of the modelled system are presented. Two case studies are also included, a dairy and a pulp and paper mill, that focus some measures that can be evaluated using the MIND method, e.g. load shaping, fuel conversion and introduction of energy efficiency measures. The case studies illustrate the use of the method and its strengths and weaknesses. The results from the case studies are related to the main issues stated by the European Commission, such as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improvements regarding security of supply and increased use of renewable energy, and show great potential as regards both cost reductions and possible load shifting.  相似文献   

Industry is one of the highest energy consumption sector: some facilities like steelworks, foundries, or paper mills are highly energy-intensive activities. Many countries have already implemented subsidies on energy efficiency in generation and utilisation, with the aim of decreasing overall consumption and energy intensity of gross domestic product. Meanwhile, researchers have increased interest into alternative energy systems to decrease pollution and use of fossil fuels. Hydrogen, in particular, is proposed as a clean alternative energy vector, as it can be used as energy storage mean or to replace fossil fuels, e.g. for transport.This work analyses the re-vamping of the energy generation system of a paper mill by means of reversible solid oxide cells (RSOCs). The aim is not only to increase efficiency on energy generation, but also to create a polygeneration system where hydrogen is produced. Application on a real industrial facility, based in Italy with a production capacity of 60000 t/y of paper, is analysed. First, the current energy system is studied. Then, a novel system based on RSOC is proposed. Each component of the systems (both existing and novel) is defined using operational data, technical datasheet, or models defined with thermodynamic tools. Then, the interaction between them is studied. Primary energy analysis on the novel system is performed, and saving with respect to the current configuration is evaluated. Even if the complexity of the system increases, results show that saving occurs between 2 and 6%. Hydrogen generation is assessed, comparing the RSOC integrated system with proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis, in terms of both primary energy and economics. Results exhibit significant primary energy and good economic performance on hydrogen production with the novel system proposed (hydrogen cost decreases from 10 €/kg to at least 8 €/kg).  相似文献   

Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with a state-of-the-art Ni/YSZ anode have been tested in simulated bio-syngas with controlled addition of phenol as a model molecule to study the influence of tars on the degradation of SOFCs operated with gasified biomass. The post-test analysis results of SOFCs are described after operation with different concentrations of phenol. The tests with pure syngas and up to 2 g/Nm3 of phenol show a relatively stable performance in a short-term period of 500 h, but the test with 8 g/Nm3 phenol shows drastic degradation. The microstructural changes of anode and support layers, phase changes, and carbon deposition were analyzed and discussed based on performance degradation and post-test analysis. No structural changes were found after tests with pure syngas. On the other hand, the addition of phenol causes macro- and micro-scale structural changes in the support, spreading from the fuel inlet. The support shows an erosion pattern and both Ni and YSZ were found as dust after the test. In these eroded areas, carbon fibers were observed by SEM and it was more pronounced with higher phenol content. There was no material phase transformation related to syngas or phenol, but surface carbon deposition was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy in the support and anode layers.  相似文献   

The most important constraint toward the successful implementation of the energy efficiency investments in Greece remains the absence of appropriate and competitive financial schemes. Energy efficiency improvements seems to be one of the areas that JESSICA instrument should focus on in the case of Greece, considering that energy efficiency constitutes a major component of sustainable urban development. The scope of this paper is to present, in an updating way, an analysis of energy efficiency investments’ environment in Greece as well as to examine the potential role of the JESSICA instruments, aiming to the supporting of the real implementation of energy efficiency investments in Greece. In addition, a rigid methodological note is presented for the analysis as well as evaluation of the JESSICA instruments for energy efficiency projects in Greece.  相似文献   

Black liquor gasification (BLG) is being developed as an alternative technology for energy and chemical recovery in kraft pulp mills. This study compares BLG – with downstream production of DME (dimethyl ether) or electricity – with recovery boiler-based pulping biorefinery concepts for different types of mills. The comparison is based on profitability as well as CO2 emissions, using different future energy market scenarios. The possibility for carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered. The results show that, if commercialised, BLG with DME production could be profitable for both market pulp mills and integrated pulp and paper mills in all energy market scenarios considered. Recovery boiler-based biorefinery concepts including extraction of lignin or solid biomass gasification with DME production could also be profitable for market and integrated mills, respectively. If the mill is located close to an infrastructure for CO2 collection and transportation, CCS significantly improves profitability in scenarios with a high CO2 emissions charge, for both combustion- and gasification-based systems. Concepts that include CCS generally show a large potential for reduction of global CO2 emissions. Few of the concepts without CCS achieve a significant reduction of CO2 emissions, especially for integrated mills.  相似文献   

When it comes to the energy planning, computer programs like H2RES are becoming valuable tools. H2RES has been designed as support for simulation of different scenarios devised by RenewIsland methodology with specific purpose to increase integration of renewable sources and hydrogen into island energy systems. The model can use wind, solar, hydro, biomass, geothermal as renewable energy sources and fossil fuel blocks and grid connection with mainland as back up. The load in the model can be represented by hourly and deferrable electricity loads of the power system, by hourly heat load, by hydrogen load for transport and by water load depending on water consumption. The H2RES model also has ability to integrate different storages into island energy system in order to increase the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources or to achieve a 100% renewable island. Energy storages could vary from hydrogen loop (fuel cell, electrolyser and hydrogen storage) to reversible hydro or batteries for smaller energy systems. The H2RES model was tested on the power system of the Island of Porto Santo – Madeira, the islands of Corvo, Graciosa, and Terrciera – Azores, Sal Island – Cape Verde, Portugal, the Island of Mljet, Croatia and on the energy system of the Malta. Beside energy planning of the islands, H2RES model could be successfully applied for simulation of other energy systems like villages in mountain regions or for simulation of different individual energy producers or consumers.  相似文献   

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