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CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is not currently a priority for the Government of India (GOI) because, whilst a signatory to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, there are no existing greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and most commentators do not envisage compulsory targets for India in the post-2012 phase. The overwhelming priority for the GOI is to sustain a high level of economic growth (8%+) and provision of secure, reliable energy (especially electricity) is one of the widely recognised bottlenecks in maintaining a high growth rate. In such a supply-starved context, it is not easy to envisage adoption of CCS—which increases overall generation capacity and demand for coal without increasing actual electricity supply—as being acceptable. Anything which increases costs—even slightly—is very unlikely to happen, unless it is fully paid for by the international community. The majority viewpoint of the industry and GOI interviewees towards CCS appears to be that it is a frontier technology, which needs to be developed further in the Annex-1 countries to bring down the cost through RD&D and deployment. More RD&D is required to assess in further detail the potential for CO2 storage in geological reservoirs in India and the international community has an important role to play in cultivating such research.  相似文献   

There are many possible systems for recovering, refining, and transporting logging residues for use as fuel. Here we analyse costs, primary energy and CO2 benefits of various systems for using logging residues locally, nationally or internationally. The recovery systems we consider are a bundle system and a traditional chip system in a Nordic context. We also consider various transport modes and distances, refining the residues into pellets, and replacing different fossil fuels. Compressing of bundles entails costs, but the cost of chipping is greatly reduced if chipping is done on a large scale, providing an overall cost-effective system. The bundle system entails greater primary energy use, but its lower dry-matter losses mean that more biomass per hectare can be extracted from the harvest site. Thus, the potential replacement of fossil fuels per hectare of harvest area is greater with the bundle system than with the chip system. The fuel-cycle reduction of CO2 emissions per harvest area when logging residues replace fossil fuels depends more on the type of fossil fuel replaced, the logging residues recovery system used and the refining of the residues, than on whether the residues are transported to local, national or international end-users. The mode and distance of the transport system has a minor impact on the CO2 emission balance.  相似文献   

We investigate the incentives for subcontractors (couriers) of a transport and logistics company to report about their CO2 emissions and to implement CO2 reducing technologies. Furthermore, we try to find out whether these incentives differ between British and Dutch couriers. We find that several incentives play a significant role. Subcontractors in the Netherlands predominantly are extrinsically motivated to engage in CO2 reporting and reduction techniques. This is because they are mainly driven by regulatory compliance, energy costs and implementation costs. In contrast, British subcontractors are much more intrinsically motivated to comply. They are predominantly driven by energy costs, environmental awareness, relationship building and reputation building. The contractor will have to account for these differences in making its policies work.  相似文献   

We performed a consistent comparison of state-of-the-art and advanced electricity and hydrogen production technologies with CO2 capture using coal and natural gas, inspired by the large number of studies, of which the results can in fact not be compared due to specific assumptions made. After literature review, a standardisation and selection exercise has been performed to get figures on conversion efficiency, energy production costs and CO2 avoidance costs of different technologies, the main parameters for comparison. On the short term, electricity can be produced with 85–90% CO2 capture by means of NGCC and PC with chemical absorption and IGCC with physical absorption at 4.7–6.9 €ct/kWh, assuming a coal and natural gas price of 1.7 and 4.7 €/GJ. CO2 avoidance costs are between 15 and 50 €/t CO2 for IGCC and NGCC, respectively. On the longer term, both improvements in existing conversion and capture technologies are foreseen as well as new power cycles integrating advanced turbines, fuel cells and novel (high-temperature) separation technologies. Electricity production costs might be reduced to 4.5–5.3 €ct/kWh with advanced technologies. However, no clear ranking can be made due to large uncertainties pertaining to investment and O&M costs. Hydrogen production is more attractive for low-cost CO2 capture than electricity production. Costs of large-scale hydrogen production by means of steam methane reforming and coal gasification with CO2 capture from the shifted syngas are estimated at 9.5 and 7 €/GJ, respectively. Advanced autothermal reforming and coal gasification deploying ion transport membranes might further reduce production costs to 8.1 and 6.4 €/GJ. Membrane reformers enable small-scale hydrogen production at nearly 17 €/GJ with relatively low-cost CO2 capture.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impacts of CO2 emission reduction on future technology selection and energy use in Bangladesh power sector up to 2035 considering the base year 2005. It also examines the implications of CO2 emission reduction targets on energy security of the country. The analysis is based on a long-term energy system model of Bangladesh using the MARKAL framework. The results show that the introduction of the CO2 emission reduction targets directly affect the shift of technologies from high carbon content fossil-based to low carbon content fossil-based as well as clean, renewable energy-based technologies compared to the base scenario. With the CO2 emission reduction target of 10–30%, the cumulative net energy imports during 2005–2035 would be reduced in the range of over 1400 PJ to 4898 PJ compared to the base scenario emission level. The total primary energy requirement would be reduced in the range of 5.5–15.2% in the CO2 emission reduction targets and the primary energy supply system would be diversified compared to the base scenario.  相似文献   

Developing new methods and technologies that compete with conventional industrial processes for CO2 capture and recovery is a hot topic in the current research. Conventional processes do not fit with the current approach of process intensification but take advantage due to their maturity and large-scale implementation. Acting in a precombusion scenario or post-combustion scenario involves the separation of CO2/H2 or CO2/N2, respectively.  相似文献   

CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is receiving considerable attention as a potential greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation option for fossil fuel power plants. Cost and performance estimates for CCS are critical factors in energy and policy analysis. CCS cost studies necessarily employ a host of technical and economic assumptions that can dramatically affect results. Thus, particular studies often are of limited value to analysts, researchers, and industry personnel seeking results for alternative cases. In this paper, we use a generalized modeling tool to estimate and compare the emissions, efficiency, resource requirements and current costs of fossil fuel power plants with CCS on a systematic basis. This plant-level analysis explores a broader range of key assumptions than found in recent studies we reviewed for three major plant types: pulverized coal (PC) plants, natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plants, and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) systems using coal. In particular, we examine the effects of recent increases in capital costs and natural gas prices, as well as effects of differential plant utilization rates, IGCC financing and operating assumptions, variations in plant size, and differences in fuel quality, including bituminous, sub-bituminous and lignite coals. Our results show higher power plant and CCS costs than prior studies as a consequence of recent escalations in capital and operating costs. The broader range of cases also reveals differences not previously reported in the relative costs of PC, NGCC and IGCC plants with and without CCS. While CCS can significantly reduce power plant emissions of CO2 (typically by 85–90%), the impacts of CCS energy requirements on plant-level resource requirements and multi-media environmental emissions also are found to be significant, with increases of approximately 15–30% for current CCS systems. To characterize such impacts, an alternative definition of the “energy penalty” is proposed in lieu of the prevailing use of this term.  相似文献   

The role that carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could play within the framework of an overall CO2 mitigation strategy is examined in the form of scenarios up to 2030 with the example of Germany. As the calculations show, the use of CCS can represent an interesting mitigation option in view of stringent CO2 reduction goals. The scenarios, performed with the aid of the IKARUS optimization model, however, also show that according to cost-efficiency criteria a large number of measures would have to be taken covering all energy sectors. CCS can at best represent one element in an overall strategy. The model results show that a mitigation goal for 2030 corresponding to a 35% reduction of CO2 as compared to 1990 is necessary to trigger a significant contribution of CCS. As an alternative to a CO2 restriction, we also calculated reduction scenarios based on CO2 penalties. These scenarios showed that a penalty price of approximately 30 €/tCO2 is necessary before CCS can be included in the model.  相似文献   

A quarter-century ago, one of us termed the use of nuclear energy a Faustian Bargain. In this paper, we discuss what a Faustian Bargain means, how the expression has been used in characterizing other technologies, and in what measure CO2 capture and storage is a Faustian Bargain. If we are about to enter into another Faustian Bargain, we should understand the contract.  相似文献   

The knowledge about pressure–volume–temperature–composition (PVTxy) properties plays an important role in the design and operation of many processes involved in CO2 capture and storage (CCS) systems. A literature survey was conducted on both the available experimental data and the theoretical models associated with the thermodynamic properties of CO2 mixtures within the operation window of CCS. Some gaps were identified between available experimental data and requirements of the system design and operation. The major concerns are: for the vapour–liquid equilibrium, there are no data about CO2/COS and few data about the CO2/N2O4 mixture. For the volume property, there are no published experimental data for CO2/O2, CO2/CO, CO2/N2O4, CO2/COS and CO2/NH3 and the liquid volume of CO2/H2. The experimental data available for multi-component CO2 mixtures are also scarce. Many equations of state are available for thermodynamic calculations of CO2 mixtures. The cubic equations of state have the simplest structure and are capable of giving reasonable results for the PVTxy properties. More complex equations of state such as Lee–Kesler, SAFT and GERG typically give better results for the volume property, but not necessarily for the vapour–liquid equilibrium. None of the equations of state evaluated in the literature show any clear advantage in CCS applications for the calculation of all PVTxy properties. A reference equation of state for CCS should, thus, be a future goal.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the characteristics of China’s regional CO2 emissions and effects of economic growth and energy intensity using panel data from 1997 to 2009. The results show that there are remarkable regional disparities among eastern, central and western areas, regional elasticities of per capita GDP and energy intensity on CO2 emissions, which reflect the regional differences in economic development, economy structure and restraining function of energy intensity decrease on the emission. Energy intensity reducing is more effective to emission abatement for provinces with higher elasticity of energy intensity, but may not be significant for provinces with lower elasticity. The inverse distribution of energy production and consumption, regional unfairness caused by institutional factors like energy price and tax system result in inter-regional CO2 emission transfer embodied in the power transmission. The calculation indicates that the embodied emission transfer was gradually significant after 2003, from eastern area to the central and western areas, especially energy production provinces in central area, which leads to distortion on the emission and emission intensity. The regional emission reduction targets and supporting policies should be customized and consistent with the actual situations rather than setting the same target for all the provinces.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of technical-economic studies. It allows evaluating, in the French context, the production cost of electricity derived from coal and gas power plants with the capture of CO2, and the cost per tonne of CO2 avoided. Three systems were studied: an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), a conventional combustion of Pulverized Coal (PC) and a Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC). Three main methods were envisaged for the capture of CO2: pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxy-combustion.For the IGCC, two gasification types have been studied: a current technology based on gasification of dry coal at 27 bars (Shell or GE/Texaco radiant type) integrated into a classical combined cycle providing 320 MWe, and a future technology (planned for about 2015–2020) based on gasification of a coal–water mixture (slurry) that can be compressed to 64 bars (GE/Texaco slurry type) integrated into an advanced combined cycle (type H with steam cooling of the combustion turbine blades) producing a gross power output of 1200 MWe.  相似文献   

In this work, CO2 capture and H2 production during the steam gasification of coal integrated with CO2 capture sorbent were investigated using a horizontal fixed bed reactor at atmospheric pressure. Four different temperatures (650, 675, 700, and 750 °C) and three sorbent-to-carbon ratios ([Ca]/[C] = 0, 1, 2) were studied. In the absence of sorbent, the maximum molar fraction of H2 (64.6%) and conversion of coal (71.3%) were exhibited at the highest temperature (750 °C). The experimental results verified that the presence of sorbent in the steam gasification of coal enhanced the molar fraction of H2 to more than 80%, with almost all CO2 was fixed into the sorbent structure, and carbon monoxide (CO) was converted to H2 and CO2 through the water gas shift reaction. The steam gasification of coal integrated with CO2 capture largely depended on the reaction temperature and exhibited optimal conditions at 675 °C. The maximum molar fraction of H2 (81.7%) and minimum CO2 concentration (almost 0%) were obtained at 675 °C and a sorbent-to-carbon ratio of 2.  相似文献   

The coal gasification process is used in commercial production of synthetic gas as a means toward clean use of coal. The conversion of solid coal into a gaseous phase creates opportunities to produce more energy forms than electricity (which is the case in coal combustion systems) and to separate CO2 in an effective manner for sequestration. The current work compares the energy and exergy efficiencies of an integrated coal-gasification combined-cycle power generation system with that of coal gasification-based hydrogen production system which uses water-gas shift and membrane reactors. Results suggest that the syngas-to-hydrogen (H2) system offers 35% higher energy and 17% higher exergy efficiencies than the syngas-to-electricity (IGCC) system. The specific CO2 emission from the hydrogen system was 5% lower than IGCC system. The Brayton cycle in the IGCC system draws much nitrogen after combustion along with CO2. Thus CO2 capture and compression become difficult due to the large volume of gases involved, unlike the hydrogen system which has 80% less nitrogen in its exhaust stream. The extra electrical power consumption for compressing the exhaust gases to store CO2 is above 70% for the IGCC system but is only 4.5% for the H2 system. Overall the syngas-to-hydrogen system appears advantageous to the IGCC system based on the current analysis.  相似文献   

In a power-generation system, power plants as major CO2 sources may be widely separated, so they must be connected into a comprehensive network to manage both electricity and CO2 simultaneously and efficiently. In this study, a scalable infrastructure model is developed for planning electricity generation and CO2 mitigation (EGCM) strategies under the mandated reduction of GHG emission. The EGCM infrastructure model is applied to case studies of Korean energy and CO2 scenarios in 2020; these cases consider combinations of prices of carbon credit and total electricity demand fulfilled by combustion power plants. The results highlight the importance of systematic planning for a scalable infrastructure by examining the sensitivity of the EGCM infrastructure. The results will be useful both to help decision makers establish a power-generation plan, and to identify appropriate strategies to respond to climate change.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of membrane separation of CO2 from flue gases and the impacts of the whole CCS process (CO2 separation and compression) on the performance of a coal-fired power plant are studied. First, the effects of the characteristics of the membrane (selectivity and permeability) and the parameters of the process (feed and permeate pressure) on two indices, CO2 recovery rate and CO2 purity are analysed. Next, a method for determining the minimum power loss and efficiency loss of the power plant as a function of these calculated indices is described. Then, the power requirements and efficiency loss (up to 15.4 percentage points) because of the CCS installation are calculated. A method for reducing these losses through the integration of the CCS installation with the power plant is also proposed. The main aims of the integration are heat exchange between media and a decrease in the CO2 temperature before compression. Implementing this process can result in a significant reduction of the efficiency loss by 8 percentage points.  相似文献   

Enhanced CO2 concentration in exhaust gas is regarded as a potentially effective method to reduce the high electrical efficiency penalty caused by CO2 chemical absorption in post-combustion capture systems. The present work evaluates the effect of increasing CO2 concentration in the exhaust gas of gas turbine based power plant by four different methods: exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), humidification (EvGT), supplementary firing (SFC) and external firing (EFC). Efforts have been focused on the impacts on cycle efficiency, combustion, gas turbine components, and cost. The results show that the combined cycle with EGR has the capability to change the molar fraction of CO2 with the largest range, from 3.8 mol% to at least 10 mol%, and with the highest electrical efficiency. The EvGT cycle has relatively low additional cost impact as it does not require any bottoming cycle. The externally fired method was found to have the minimum impacts on both combustion and turbomachinery.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impacts of CO2 emission reduction target and carbon tax on future technologies selection and energy use in Bangladesh power sector during 2005–2035. The analyses are based on a long-term energy system model of Bangladesh using the MARKAL framework. The analysis shows that Bangladesh will not be able to meet the future energy demand without importing energy. However, alternative policies on CO2 emission constraints reduce the burden of imported fuel, improve energy security and reduce environmental impacts. The results show that the introduction of the CO2 emission reduction targets and carbon taxes directly affect the shift of technologies from high carbon content fossil-based to low carbon content fossil-based and clean renewable energy-based technologies compared to the base scenario. With the cumulative CO2 emission reduction target of 10–20% and carbon tax of 2500 Taka/ton, the cumulative net energy imports during 2005–2035 would be reduced in the range of 39–65% and 37%, respectively, compared to the base scenario emission level. The total primary energy requirement would be reduced in the range of 4.5–22.3% in the CO2 emission reduction targets and carbon tax 2500 Taka/ton scenarios and the primary energy supply system would be diversified compared to the base scenario.  相似文献   

This article presents a consistent techno-economic assessment and comparison of CO2 capture technologies for key industrial sectors (iron and steel, cement, petroleum refineries and petrochemicals). The assessment is based on an extensive literature review, covering studies from both industries and academia. Key parameters, e.g., capacity factor (91-97%), energy prices (natural gas: 8 €2007/GJ, coal: 2.5 €2007/GJ, grid electricity: 55 €/MWh), interest rate (10%), economic plant lifetime (20 years), CO2 compression pressure (110 bar), and grid electricity CO2 intensity (400 g/kWh), were standardized to enable a fair comparison of technologies. The analysis focuses on the changes in energy, CO2 emissions and material flows, due to the deployment of CO2 capture technologies. CO2 capture technologies are categorized into short-mid term (ST/MT) and long term (LT) technologies. The findings of this study identified a large number of technologies under development, but it is too soon to identify which technologies would become dominant in the future. Moreover, a good integration of industrial plants and power plants is essential for cost-effective CO2 capture because CO2 capture may increase the industrial onsite electricity production significantly.For the iron and steel sector, 40-65 €/tCO2 avoided may be achieved in the ST/MT, depending on the ironmaking process and the CO2 capture technique. Advanced LT CO2 capture technologies for the blast furnace based process may not offer significant advantages over conventional ones (30-55 €/tCO2 avoided). Rather than the performance of CO2 capture technique itself, low-cost CO2 emissions reduction comes from good integration of CO2 capture to the ironmaking process. Advanced smelting reduction with integrated CO2 capture may enable lower steel production cost and lower CO2 emissions than the blast furnace based process, i.e., negative CO2 mitigation cost. For the cement sector, post-combustion capture appears to be the only commercial technology in the ST/MT and the costs are above 65 €/tCO2 avoided. In the LT, a number of technologies may enable 25-55 €/tCO2 avoided. The findings also indicate that, in some cases, partial CO2 capture may have comparative advantages. For the refining and petrochemical sectors, oxyfuel capture was found to be more economical than others at 50-60 €/tCO2 avoided in ST/MT and about 30 €/tCO2 avoided in the LT. However, oxyfuel retrofit of furnaces and heaters may be more complicated than that of boilers.Crude estimates of technical potentials for global CO2 emissions reduction for 2030 were made for the industrial processes investigated with the ST/MT technologies. They amount up to about 4 Gt/yr: 1 Gt/yr for the iron and steel sector, about 2 Gt/yr for the cement sector, and 1 Gt/yr for petroleum refineries. The actual deployment level would be much lower due to various constraints, about 0.8 Gt/yr, in a stringent emissions reduction scenario.  相似文献   

During 2006, a survey was conducted of European energy stakeholders (industry, government, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), researchers and academicians and parliamentarians). A total of 512 responses was received from 28 countries as follows: industry (28%), research (34%), government (13%), NGOs (5%) and parliamentarians (4%). Three-quarters of the sample thought that widespread use of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) was ‘definitely’ or ‘probably necessary’ to achieve deep reductions in CO2 emissions between now and 2050 in their own country. Only one in eight considered that CCS was ‘probably’ or ‘definitely not necessary’. For a range of 12 identified risks, 20–40% thought that they would be ‘moderate’ or ‘very serious’, whilst 60–80% thought that there would be no risks or that the risks would be ‘minimal’. A particular risk identified by nearly half the sample is the additional use of fossil fuels due to the ‘energy penalty’ incurred by CCS. Further concerns are that development of CCS would detract from investment in renewable energy technologies. Half of the respondents thought that incentives for CCS should be set either at the same level as those for renewables or at a higher level. Environmental NGOs were consistently less enthusiastic about CCS than the energy industry.  相似文献   

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