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《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):197-211
This work deals with the magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy (AMS) in the Variscan Millares pluton in the Central Pyrenees. The zonation of low-field magnetic susceptibility is consistent with the concentric arrangement of rock-types, with more basic compositions at the external areas. Magnetic foliations defined from AMS strike NE-SW and dip gently towards the NW. Magnetic foliations are mainly perpendicular and oblique to the elongation of the pluton in map view (NW-SE) and show a concentric pattern at the central part, where the more acid rocks crop out. Magnetic lineations are scattered between NW-SE and NE-SW and plunge shallowly to the N. In map view magnetic lineations are distributed in domains normal to the elongation of the pluton. The contours of P' (degree of magnetic anisotropy) are oriented NE-SW and bands of oblate and prolate ellipsoids alternate perpendicular to the elongation of the pluton in map view. P' is between 1.009 and 1.055 in 93% of the specimens. Such low values are currently recorded in granites having magmatic fabrics and for which the anisotropy is mainly carried by biotite. The attitude of the magnetic foliation and the magnetic lineation, the geometry of the pluton, and their relationship with the host-rock structure suggest an intrusion contemporary with a transpressional regime, syntectonic with the late stages of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

The present study provides new magnetic and microstructural data for the Eaux-Chaudes granodioritic massif (Western Axial Zone, Pyrenees) and contributes to the understanding of its geometry, internal structure and emplacement mechanism. Moreover, the geological cross-sections and field data allow to reconstruct the evolution of the whole area from Variscan to Alpine times and to integrate the emplacement of the igneous body in the context of the Variscan orogeny. The Eaux-Chaudes pluton (301?±?9?Ma) is mainly composed by granodiorite, describing a normal compositional zoning and an approximately concentric arrangement that is consistent with the zonation of the low-field magnetic susceptibility. Magnetic foliation is subhorizontal in the inner part of the intrusion and becomes parallel to the petrographical contacts along pluton margins, roughly describing the geometry of the intrusion. Magnetic lineations are dominantly subhorizontal, with E–W to ENE–WSW directional maximum. The general parallelism between Variscan structures of the host rock and the geometry and magmatic fabric of the intrusion reveals a late syn-Variscan emplacement. The tectonic regime registered during magma emplacement is in agreement with an N–S shortening and an E–W stretching direction, consistent with the transpressive regime deduced for other Pyrenean intrusions. Alpine overprint produced a slight tilting in the southern part of the intrusion, but it can be considered that the original Variscan structure is basically unchanged.  相似文献   

The EW-striking Variscan Mérens shear zone (MSZ), located on the southern border of the Aston dome (Pyrenees), corresponds to variously mylonitized gneisses and plutonic rocks that are studied using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique. The plutonic rocks form EW-striking bands with, from south to north, gabbro-diorites, quartz diorites and granodiorites. The MSZ underwent a mylonitic deformation with an intensity progressively increasing from the mafic to the more differentiated rocks. The foliations are EW to NW–SE striking and subvertical. A first set of lineations shows a moderate WNW plunge, with a dextral reverse kinematics. More recent subvertical lineations correspond to an uplift of the northern compartment. To the east, the MSZ was cut by a N120°E-striking late shear band, separating the MSZ from the Quérigut pluton. The different stages of mylonitization relate to Late Variscan dextral transpression. This regime allowed the ascent of magmas along tension gashes in the middle crust. We interpret the MSZ as a zone of magma transfer, which fed a pluton now eroded that was similar to the Quérigut and Millas plutons located to the east. We propose a model of emplacement of these plutons by successive pulses of magmas along en-échelon transfer zones similar to the MSZ.  相似文献   

The structural and magnetic fabric study of the Marimanha granite, Axial Zone of the Pyrenees, provides new data to characterize the zonation and the internal structure of the pluton. The Marimanha granite intrudes Cambro–Ordovician clastic rocks and Silurian–Devonian limestones and slates. The zonation of the low field magnetic susceptibility, consistent with the petrological zonation of the igneous body, indicates a concentric arrangement of rock types, with more basic compositions at the external areas. This pluton is characterized by a low susceptibility, and rock–magnetic studies indicate a majority of “paramagnetic” samples. Magnetic foliations strike parallel to petrographic contacts and to contours of zonation of magnetic susceptibility, and show a dominant NE–SW strike, steeply dipping towards the North. Locally, in the northern border of the pluton foliation directions become perpendicular to petrographic contacts and depict sigmoidal trajectories. Magnetic lineations are characterized by the predominance of NE–SW trends with shallow plunges to the NE and SW. These foliations and lineations are parallel to the slight elongation of internal petrographic zonation. Magnetic fabric within the granitoid body and internal elliptical shape of petrographic zonation, suggest an intrusion contemporary with a transpressional regime and NNW–SSE shortening, syntectonic with the late stages of the Variscan orogeny. These results are in accordance with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies of others plutons in the Pyrenees. To explain the origin of the Marimanha granite we propose magma ascent through faults at depth and emplacement by ballooning in situ at the rheological boundary between Cambro–Ordovician and Siluro–Devonian metasediments.  相似文献   

The Maladeta plutonic complex formed during the latest stages of the Variscan orogeny. It was emplaced into the Paleozoic sedimentary sequence of the Pyrenees. The eastern part, investigated in the present study, consists of an early intrusion of cumulate gabbronorites followed in order of emplacement by the main biotite-hornblende granodiorite, which was itself intruded by two small stocks of two-mica cordierite granite. An 87Rb-87Sr isochron dates the granodiorite at 277±7 m.y. with an initial (87Sr/86Sr)o ratio of 0.7117±3. Gabbroic rocks have lower strontium initial ratios, down to 0.7092, while those of granite range from that of the granodiorite up to about 0.715. The three rock types have distinctive 18O values: 8.7 to 9.6 for the gabbronorites, 9.4 to 10.4 for the granodiorites and 10.3 to 11.8 for the granites. Lead isotopic compositions of rocks and feldspars are all radiogenic. Feldspars give consistent Pb model ages around 280 m.y., with and values of about 9.7 and 4.05, respectively. No pristine, mantle-derived magma was found among the investigated samples and the rocks cannot be related to one another by any simple mechanism of fractional crystallization. Some type of mixing process involving two end members seems to be required: a high-18O, high-87Sr material that is clearly of crustal origin, and a lower-18O, lower-87Sr end member derived from the mantle. Examination of various mixing models does not support magma mixing nor assimilation of crustal rocks by a mafic magma. The most acceptable model involves melting at different levels of a vertically-zoned source in the continental crust; this source was formed by mixing between mantle-derived magmas and crustal metasediments. This material was apparently thickened, tectonically downwarped and partially melted. None of the Maladeta magma-types appear to have been derived at a consuming plate boundary.Contribution Number 3280, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA  相似文献   

Auriferous skarns are associated with post- and late-kinematic Hercynian granites that intruded into Cambro-Ordovician to Devonian sediments of the central Pyrenees. We determined the age of the Andorra granite and the associated skarn at 305 ± 3 Ma by U-Pb dating titanite from the endo-skarn. The sulfur isotopic composition from sulfides in the skarn (Cardellach et al. 1992) shows a significant variation with isotopically light sulfur (34S +3) in the barren skarns and heavy sulfur (34S +11) in the gold-bearing skarns. Outwards, it increasingly resembles sulfur from arsenopyrite disseminations in the Cambro-Ordovician sediments. The lead isotopic composition from sulfides of the skarns is very homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb = 18.410, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.699, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.574) in contrast to the one in gold-bearing arsenopyrite veins and in arsenopyrite disseminations in the sediments (e.g. 206Pb/204Pb varies from 18.54 to 30.36). Combined, sulfur and lead isotope data indicate that the lead in the skarn is dominantly derived from the granite, whereas the sulfur is derived at variable portions from both the granite and the sediments.  相似文献   

A kilometre-scale shear zone is recognized in the Cambro–Ordovician schist of the Bossòst dome, a Variscan metamorphic and structural dome in the Axial Zone of the central Pyrenees. Non-coaxial deformation is recorded by rotated garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts following regional metamorphism M1, while coaxial conditions prevailed during later contact metamorphic M2 growth of andalusite and cordierite. Mineral compositions and bulk rock analyses show that garnet–staurolite–andalusite–cordierite assemblages are significantly enriched in Mg and Mn over the garnet–staurolite assemblage, which lacks sufficient Mg for cordierite to form. The garnet–staurolite assemblage preserves conditions during M1, estimated by AFM diagrams and PT pseudosections to be 5.5 kbar and 580 °C, respectively. Pseudosections also indicate that staurolite is not a stable phase in cordierite–andalusite assemblages of M2, suggesting polyphase metamorphism and decompression along a clockwise PT path for the staurolite–cordierite–andalusite assemblages. This concurs with proposed extensional tectonics along the regional shear zone. To cite this article: J.E. Mezger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

In the nappe zone of the Sardinian Variscan chain, the deformation and metamorphic grade increase throughout the tectonic nappe stack from lower greenschist to upper amphibolite facies conditions in the deepest nappe, the Monte Grighini Unit. A synthesis of petrological, structural and radiometric data is presented that allows us to constrain the thermal and mechanical evolution of this unit. Carboniferous subduction under a low geothermal gradient (~490–570 °C GPa?1) was followed by exhumation accompanied by heating and Late Carboniferous magma emplacement at a high apparent geothermal gradient (~1200–1450 °C GPa?1). Exhumation coeval with nappe stacking was closely followed by activity on a ductile strike‐slip shear zone that accommodated magma intrusion and enabled the final exhumation of the Monte Grighini Unit to upper crustal levels. The reconstructed thermo‐mechanical evolution allows a more complete understanding of the Variscan orogenic wedge in central Sardinia. As a result we are able to confirm a diachronous evolution of metamorphic and tectonic events from the inner axial zone to the outer nappe zone, with the Late Variscan low‐P/high‐T metamorphism and crustal anatexis as a common feature across the Sardinian portion of the Variscan orogen.  相似文献   

Detailed structural analysis of part of the Variscan southcentral Pyrenees revealed the occurrence of several deformation generations, of which the most important one, called the mainphase folding and striking WNW-ESE, seems to be the oldest. Directional analysis of structural elements related to mainphase folding (sedimentary bedding, mainphase cleavage, small-scale foldaxes and intersection lineations) shows, however, that sedimentary bedding must have been non-planar before mainphase deformation took place. This observation suggests that premainphase folding occurred as well, and indeed the areal distribution of intersection lineations in the studied area demonstrates the existence of two early Variscan fold systems. They are characterized by very open NNW-SSE and WSW-ENE folds and have subvertical axial planes and subhorizontal foldaxes. In strong contrast to mainphase folds, penetrative axial plane foliations did not develop during deformation. Pre-mainphase folds in varying orientations have been reported from many other areas in the central Variscan Pyrenees, but a reinterpretation of existing maps and other data shows that also in these cases two pre-mainphase deformation generations must be present, rather than just one as suggested in most previous work. Again, the interference pattern of the two fold systems as well as field evidence indicates that axial planes are steep and strike approximately N-S and E-W, but locally strong reorientation due to Alpine deformation (mainly thrusting) has taken place. The significance of pre-mainphase folding in the Variscan Pyrenees is discussed in the light of an overall dynamic/ kinematic model involving alternating convergent and divergent right-lateral oblique-slip movements along the north-eastern boundary of the Iberian (micro-)plate. The occurrence of pre-mainphase folds is related to
  1. the transition from divergent to convergent obliqueslip movement (NNW-SSE folds), and
  2. initial oblique convergence of the Iberian and European plates (WSW-ENE folds) prior to mainphase collision.

Several varieties of skarn outcrop have been found to develop along the contact between the Andorra granite and the Devonian limestones. The skarns contain variable amounts of gold ranging up to 5 g/t, always associated with sulphides. The sulphides in the skarn include arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and Bi-minerals. Geothermometric and geobarometric data indicate the skarns formed at about 2 kbar and temperatures ranging from 500 ° to 350 °C from CO2-free polysaline brines at a slightly acidic pH and oxygen fugacity which decreases with time from the pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite towards the QFM buffer. Available data on gold solubility suggest that sufficient quantities of gold to form an ore deposit could have been transported as AuCl 2 - at the high temperatures and salinities under which the skarns formed. Both gold deposition and sulphide precipitation could have occurred due to a decrease in temperature and/or oxygen fugacity.  相似文献   

A new structural and kinematic study of the Hospitalet dome (Pyrenees) is presented. This dome corresponds to the eastern half of an EW‐trending antiformal structure made of an orthogneissic core intruded by granitoids, partly covered by Upper Proterozoic to Lower Ordovician metapelites. Its Variscan evolution can be split into four stages: (i) development of a strong high temperature pervasive deformation associated with subhorizontal foliations and lineations, and with non‐coaxial top‐to‐the‐east kinematics; (ii) formation of a south‐verging overturned megafold; (iii) emplacement of calc‐alkaline granitoids; and (iv) formation of mylonitic bands on the southern border of the dome, with reverse dextral kinematics. The flat lying pervasive high‐T deformation is interpreted as a large lateral flow developed in a dextral transpressive regime inducing an important uncoupling between the middle and upper crusts. The next stages happened in a progressive deformation in the same transpressive regime.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Zircon grains extracted from S-type granites of the Mêda-Escalhão-Penedono Massif (Central Iberian Zone, Variscan Orogen) constrain the timing of...  相似文献   

We present a structural, AMS, microstructural and kinematic study of the Aston gneiss dome (French Pyrenees), which consists of a core made up of orthogneiss and paragneiss intruded by numerous sills of Carboniferous peraluminous granite. The orthogneiss corresponds to a former Ordovician granitic laccolith. Four Variscan events have been evidenced in this gneiss dome: (i) D1 deformation observed only as relics in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks located above the sillimanite isograd, and characterized by a NS to NE–SW non coaxial stretch associated to top to the south motions (NS convergence); (ii) D2-a deformation observed in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks, mainly migmatitic paragneisses, located below the sillimanite isograd and in the peraluminous granites whatever their structural level, and characterized by an EW to N120°E stretch associated to a top to the east flat shearing (lateral flow in the hot middle crust in a transpressive regime); (iii) D2-b deformation characterized by EW-trending megafolds corresponding to the domes in the middle crust and by EW-trending tight folds with subvertical axial planes in the metasedimentary upper crust; (iv) subvertical medium-temperature mylonitic bands developed by the end of the transpression.The Aston massif is a good example of decoupling between a cold upper crust and a hotter middle crust overheated by a thermal event originated in the upper mantle. This decoupling allowed the lateral flow of the migmatitic middle crust along a direction at high angle with respect to the more or less NS-trending direction of convergence. We suggest that the HT-LP metamorphism developed before the formation of the domes during D2-a, coevally with the emplacement of numerous sills of peraluminous granite, whereas the emplacement of the large calc-alkaline plutons in the upper crust occurred by the end of D2-b. Our data invalidate the previous geodynamical models based on either early or late extensional regime to explain the development of the HT-LP metamorphism. This new interpretation of the dynamics of the Variscan crust of the Pyrenees is consistent with recent studies conducted in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic hot continental crusts having undergone oblique convergence, and characterized by a competition between vertical thickening and lateral flow induced by the important rheological contrast between two thermally different levels.  相似文献   

Located on a mountain pass in the west-central Pyrenees, the Col d'Ech peat bog provides a Holocene fire and vegetation record based upon nine 14C (AMS) dates. We aim to compare climate-driven versus human-driven fire regimes in terms of frequency, fire episodes distribution, and impact on vegetation. Our results show the mid-Holocene (8500–5500 cal yr BP) to be characterized by high fire frequency linked with drier and warmer conditions. However, fire occurrences appear to have been rather stochastic as underlined by a scattered chronological distribution. Wetter and colder conditions at the mid-to-late Holocene transition (4000–3000 cal yr BP) led to a decrease in fire frequency, probably driven by both climate and a subsequent reduction in human land use. On the contrary, from 3000 cal yr BP, fire frequency seems to be driven by agro-pastoral activities with a very regular distribution of events. During this period fire was used as a prominent agent of landscape management.  相似文献   

We can distinguish four main units within the Marimanya massif: the Cambro-Ordovician detrital series; a carbonate unit, mainly made up of massive limestones dated as Silurian-Devonian; dark slates and limestones dated as Middle-Upper Devonian; and the late Hercynian Marimanya intrusive, mainly composed of granites and granodiorites. Mapping has shown that the carbonate units lie on different levels of the Cambro-Ordovician series and even on the dark slates and limestones. This abnormal contact is demonstrated to be a thrust. The thrusting surface is affected by Hercynian folds with vertical axial planes, a fold axis trending E-W and an associated cleavage. Moreover, it is cut by the late Hercynian intrusive. Consequently, considering paleontological and structural data as well as the regional context, the most reasonable interpretation is that this structure represents a Hercynian thrust, probably with southward displacement.  相似文献   

Structural studies of Variscan plutons of the Pyrenees demonstrate their syn-orogenic character, contrasting with their post-orogenic Permian Rb-Sr datation. The Bassiès and Mont-Louis-Andorra plutons were emplaced before the main Variscan D2 phase and behaved as rigid markers during D2. Emplacement of the Néouvielle pluton was coeval with D2 as attested by its behaviour, first as a deformable body, then as a rigid body. The structures in plutons, combined with those of the country rocks, demonstrate that the whole Pyrenees acted as a large dextral ductile shear zone during the D2 main phase. This conclusion points out to the interest of the granitoids as kinematic markers.  相似文献   

Petrochemical and Rb-Sr, K-Ar and Sm-Nd isotopic data presented for the Mitterteich granite provide information on whole rock and mineral compositional characteristics, intrusion and cooling history, and protolith nature and put further constraints on the Variscan magmatic evolution in north-east Bavaria.The compositional characteristics classify the Mitterteich granite as a peraluminous (monzo-)granite (SiO2 67.3–73.5 wt.% ). Values for K2O/Na2O (> 1.2 and Al2O3/(CaO + N2O + K2O) (>1.1) are in the range of S-type granites. The rare earth elements show fractionated chondrite-normalized patterns (La N /Yb N =24–19) with negative Eu anomalies (Eu N /Eu N *=0.35–0.19). The micas have restricted ranges of major element composition, but reveal notable variations in trace element concentrations. Different biotite fractions of single specimens show a trend to lower concentrations of compatible elements in the finer fraction which can be explained as a result of asynchronous growth during the fractionation process. The PT conditions of crystallization of the magma based on muscovite and biotite is 600–640°C at 3 kbar. Regression of the whole rock samples gives an isochron corresponding to a 87Rb-87Sr age of 310 ± 7 Ma, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7104±0.0010 (2 errors) and MSWD =0.03. Muscovite and biotite yield concordant K-Ar ages between 310 and 308 Ma, indicating a fast cooling rate of the granite intrusion. Nd T310values average –4.2±1.0. Nd model ages of 1.4 Ga suggest a source region of mid-Proterozoic age.The Rb-Sr isochron age and initial Sr ratio of the Mitterteich granite are indistinguishable from those of the adjacent Falkenberg granite, establishing a genetic link. However, the K-Ar mica ages suggest that the Mitterteich granite must have undergone a faster uplift or cooling history than Falkenberg. Confronted with the geochronological record of granite emplacement in north-east Bavaria, the new results substantiate the view of three key periods of magmatic activity around 330–325, 315–305 and 290 Ma.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and structural correlations between the Palaeozoic massifs of eastern Morocco and northern Algeria allow three tectonic domains to be distinguished: (1) The cratonic zone, i.e. the West African platform which remained outside the Variscan chain and its peripherical margin (Moroccan Anti-Atlas and Algerian Ougarta); (2) a WSW-ENE trending zone, over 1500 km from Marrakech to Kabylia and Calabria (in their assumed Palaeozoic location). — This zone was characterized during the Late Palaeozoic by a continuous instability indicated by the development of successive turbiditic basins and a major orogeny at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary; and (3) central and western Morocco, which corresponds to the external zones of the European Hercynides.The Marrakech-Kabylia zone separates the Variscan domain from the stable and undeformed West African craton. During Early Palaeozoic times it began as an extensive or transtensive zone. It has been deformed by the Late Devonian orogeny and by Carboniferous and Permian reactivation. The zone represents the southern limit of the Hercynian chain and is distinguished by its transcurrent regime throughout the Late Palaeozoic. Correspondence to: A. Piqué  相似文献   

Low pressure-high temperature (LPHT) metamorphism, with geothermal gradients in the order of 50–100°C/km, is a common feature of the late evolution of collisional orogens. These abnormal thermal conditions may be the results of complex interactions between magmatism, metamorphism and deformation. The Agly massif, in the French Pyrenees, preserves the metamorphic footprints of the late Variscan thermal structure of an almost continuous section from the upper and middle continental crust. The upper crust is characterized by a very high geothermal gradient of ~55°C/km, evolving from greenschist to amphibolite facies, while the middle crust, exposed in a gneissic core, exhibits granulite facies conditions with a near isothermal geothermal gradient (<8°C/km) between 740 and 790°C. The abnormal and discontinuous crustal geothermal gradient, dated at c. 305 Ma on syn-granulitic monazite by LA-ICP-MS, is interpreted to be the result of magmatic intrusions at different structural levels in the crust: the Ansignan charnockite (c. 305 Ma) in the deepest part of the gneissic core, the Tournefort granodiorite (c. 308 Ma) at the interface between the gneissic core and the upper crust and the Saint-Arnac granite (c. 304 Ma) in the upper section of the massif. The heat input from these magmas combined with the thermal buffering effect of the biotite dehydration-melting reaction resulted in the near isothermal geothermal gradient in the gneissic core (melt-enhanced geotherm). The higher geothermal gradient (>50°C/km) in the upper crust is only due to conduction between the hot middle crust and the Earth's surface. The estimated maximum finite pressure range suggests that ~10 to 12 km of crust are exposed in the Agly massif while the present-day thickness does not exceed 5–6 km. This pressure/depth gap is consistent with the presence of several normal mylonitic shear zones that could have contributed to the subtraction of ~5 km of the rock pile. Monazite U–Th–Pb ages carried out on monazite overgrowths from a highly mylonitized sample suggest that this vertical thinning of the massif occurred at c. 296–300 Ma. This later Variscan extension might have slightly perturbed the 305 Ma geothermal gradient, resulting in an apparent higher conductive geothermal gradient in the upper crust. Although the Agly massif has been affected by Cretaceous extension and Eocene Alpine compression, we suggest that most of the present-day thickness of the column rock was acquired by the end of the Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):385-392
In low grade rocks of the Eastern Pyrenees syn-orogenic Variscan extension is achieved by kilometric scale low-angle brittle normal faults. Evidence of these faults is generally depicted by subtractive contacts between Devonian upon Cambro-Ordovician rocks. Normal faults are cut by a Variscan granodiorite pluton and U-Pb available geochronologic data of the granodiorite, 305 Ma ± 3 [30], indicates that the age of extension can be attributed to Moscovian times. Extension postdates the main period of Variscan crustal thickening and occurs in N-S to NE-SW direction, roughly perpendicular to the trend of the main Variscan compressional structures. Such relationships point out that the onset of Variscan extension occurs after compression and prior to the granodiorite emplacement and to the deposition of post-orogenic volcanics.  相似文献   

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