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内窥式激光共聚焦显微镜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了能在活体内进行实时的细胞尺寸水平的共聚焦观测,科研工作者开展了大量的将激光共聚焦显微镜和内窥镜技术相结合的内窥式激光共聚焦显微镜的研究.本文主要列举了一些国外典型的内窥式激光共聚焦的结构及性能参数,介绍了我们在这方面取得的成果.我们建立的结构的横向分辨率为3.3 μm,轴向分辨率为16.6 μm.  相似文献   

朱延彬  郭周义 《激光生物学报》1997,6(2):1085-1089,1067
本文从理论上研究了激光共焦扫描显微镜的光学层析特性,并给出了探测器的针孔大小,聚焦物镜数值孔径与光学层析的关系,最后还给出了利用光学层技术发现的一种寄生虫新的形态结构的实验结果。  相似文献   

人食管癌细胞株PTEN的激光共聚焦扫描显微镜检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对人胚食管上皮永生化细胞株SHEE、SHEEMT、食管癌细胞株EC8712中PTEN表达情况进行定量比较和定位观察.方法采用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜光学切片和荧光探针的双重标记技术对三株细胞中PTEN的表达和分布情况进行检测.结果人食管癌细胞中PTEN主要表达在细胞浆和细胞核,在人胚食管癌上皮永生化细胞株SHEE、SHEEMT主要表达在细胞浆,食管癌细胞EC8712中细胞核表达增多,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);PTEN在三种细胞株中表达强弱顺序为SHEE>SHEEMT>EC8712,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论PTEN在SHEE、SHEEMT和EC8712分化程度不同的细胞株中均表达,表达和分布位置与分化程度相关.  相似文献   

激光共聚焦显微镜与光学显微镜之比较   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜在活细胞的动态检测、光学切片和三维结构重建等方面较光学显微镜有质的飞跃。本文对激光扫描共聚焦显微镜和光学显微镜进行了比较和讨论,并简单介绍多光子激光扫描显微镜。  相似文献   

本文采用激光共聚焦显微镜鉴别可疑笔迹和印章及其它的文件。法医在鉴别可疑文件时通常都是凭经验和用普通光学显微镜,找出其中的一些物理特征。但还是有许多文件的笔迹顺序无法确定,尤其是墨水写的笔迹,为解决法医的这一问题,我们用激光共聚焦显微镜鉴别了72例不同铅笔和圆珠笔写的肉眼难于鉴别的交叉笔顺和其他的一些文字文件。在激光共激光共聚焦显微镜下大多数笔迹和印章都能发出荧光,因此很容易鉴别其笔顺和印章的特征,必要时还可以进行笔顺的三维图象构建,以帮助鉴别。结论:激光共聚焦显微镜可以更准确地鉴别可疑笔迹和印章。印章和笔迹的交叉也很容易分辨出来。  相似文献   

激光共聚焦扫描显微镜采用激光光源、共聚焦技术和点扫描技术,使其分辨力较传统光学显微镜大为提高。与其他的生物学技术相配合,可定性、定量、定位地检测组织细胞内的多种生化成分。它具有的活细胞动态监测、断层扫描及三维图像重建等功能,使其在抗菌机理研究、尤其是抗生物膜研究中得到大量的应用。本文就激光共聚焦扫描显微镜在抗菌剂作用位点,抗菌剂对微生物细胞膜,微生物生理代谢,以及微生物生物膜形成与结构的影响等研究中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

微痕分析是石器、骨器、牙齿等工艺、功能研究的常用方法,但无论是高倍还是低倍等常用方法,受限于体式光学显微镜、扫描电镜等观察方法,微痕分析通常很难进行原位定量分析,因此微痕分析的定量化是目前学术界遇到的主要问题。近年来随着激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)在微痕分析中的应用,微痕定量化在西方学术界得到了新的实践和进展。本文主要介绍激光共聚焦显微镜的原理及其在微痕分析中的应用案例,以期促进微痕分析在中国的进一步发展。  相似文献   

李静  于鹏  王琳  段相林 《动物学研究》2002,23(3):269-272,T004
应用光镜和激光共聚焦扫描显微镜对初生、3月龄、24月龄大鼠升主动脉、胸主动脉、腹主动脉和髂总动脉的管壁面积、管腔面积、中膜厚度和弹性膜进行了观察。结果分析显示,大鼠升主动脉、胸主动脉、腹主动脉和髂总动脉显微结构随发育、衰老发生明显的变化,单位面积内弹性膜荧光强度、管壁面积、管腔面积和中膜厚度均呈增大趋势,这种结构变化是导致动脉功能产生相应变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文从理论上研究了激光共焦扫描显微镜的光学层析特性,并给出了探测器的针孔大小、聚焦物镜数值孔径与光学层析的关系,最后还给出了利用光学层析技术发现的一种寄生虫新的形态结构的实验结果  相似文献   

The avian retino-tecto-rotundal pathway plays a central role in motion analysis and features complex connectivity. Yet, the relation between the pathway’s structural arrangement and motion computation has remained elusive. For an important type of tectal wide-field neuron, the stratum griseum centrale type I (SGC-I) neuron, we quantified its structure and found a spatially sparse but extensive sampling of the retinal projection. A computational investigation revealed that these structural properties enhance the neuron’s sensitivity to change, a behaviorally important stimulus attribute, while preserving information about the stimulus location in the SGC-I population activity. Furthermore, the SGC-I neurons project with an interdigitating topography to the nucleus rotundus, where the direction of motion is computed. We showed that, for accurate direction-of-motion estimation, the interdigitating projection of tectal wide-field neurons requires a two-stage rotundal algorithm, where the second rotundal stage estimates the direction of motion from the change in the relative stimulus position represented in the first stage  相似文献   

A multi‐joystick robotic laser microscope system used to control two optical traps (tweezers) and one laser scissors has been developed for subcellular organelle manipulation. The use of joysticks has provided a “user‐friendly” method for both trapping and cutting of organelles such as chromosomes in live cells. This innovative design has enabled the clean severing of chromosome arms using the laser scissors as well as the ability to easily hold and pull the severed arm using the laser tweezers. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract: Thin, radiating, darker bands occur on pyritic internal moulds of the Early Jurassic ammonites Oxynoticeras and Cheltonia from Bishop’s Cleeve, Gloucestershire. They closely resemble true colour patterns preserved in Early Jurassic Calliphylloceras from Kutch, India, and false colour patterns reported in Carboniferous and Triassic ammonoids. Up to five dark bands occur within the body chamber, suggesting that they do not represent serially repeated anatomical structures, but the same feature repeatedly formed during growth. Dark bands are interpreted as traces of black bands deposited on the inside of the shell at the aperture during pauses in growth. The angles between dark bands and between septa correlate strongly in Cheltonia, suggesting that pauses in growth coincided with septal secretion during the chamber formation cycle. There are, however, no other indications that growth was episodic in either genus.  相似文献   

目的建立白色念珠菌生物膜体外模型,为进一步研究白色念珠菌生物膜的耐药机制及干预提供基础。方法平板法培养白色念珠菌生物膜,利用扫描电镜、激光共聚焦显微镜和荧光显微镜等多种检测方法观察生物膜形成情况。结果白色念珠菌能够在玻片上形成典型的生物膜,通过荧光显微镜、扫描电镜和激光共聚焦显微镜下观察白色念珠菌随着时间增加逐渐增加,48 h形成初步生物膜,72 h结构更加复杂和成熟。ISA软件定量化分析显示,SYTO9/PI荧光探针标记的生物膜模型的区域孔径(AP)在24、48和72 h分别为0.95±0.06、0.89±0.01和0.83±0.01,平均扩散距离(ADD)分别为1.16±0.13、1.26±0.06和2.43±0.76,结构熵(TE)分别为4.87±0.34、5.18±0.35和5.47±0.16,两两比较,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。Im age-Pro P lus 6.0软件分析显示,生物膜内真菌死亡率分别为(34.71±2.72)%、(36.63±4.20)%和(47.41±2.53)%,与24 h及48 h相比,72 h真菌死亡率增加差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论平板法能够较好地建立白色念珠菌生物膜体外模型,并可利用多种方式检测。  相似文献   

The appearance of faces can be strongly affected by the characteristics of faces viewed previously. These perceptual after-effects reflect processes of sensory adaptation that are found throughout the visual system, but which have been considered only relatively recently in the context of higher level perceptual judgements. In this review, we explore the consequences of adaptation for human face perception, and the implications of adaptation for understanding the neural-coding schemes underlying the visual representation of faces. The properties of face after-effects suggest that they, in part, reflect response changes at high and possibly face-specific levels of visual processing. Yet, the form of the after-effects and the norm-based codes that they point to show many parallels with the adaptations and functional organization that are thought to underlie the encoding of perceptual attributes like colour. The nature and basis for human colour vision have been studied extensively, and we draw on ideas and principles that have been developed to account for norms and normalization in colour vision to consider potential similarities and differences in the representation and adaptation of faces.  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(Laser scanning confocal microscope,LSCM)是普通光学显微镜、激光、计算机及其相应的软件技术结合的产物,能实现连续光学切片和生物三维结构重组及动态分析.作为一种先进的技术手段,LSCM技术已经为花粉生物学的研究提供了有价值的新资料,大大地推动了植物生殖生物学的发展.本文综述了LSCM技术在花粉粒形态(形状、大小及三维重建)、花粉的内部结构(如细胞骨架)、花粉的遗传学、花粉的发育、花粉的萌发、花粉自发荧光特性、孢粉研究等方面中的应用,并指出了LSCM的不足之处,最后提出了LSCM技术在花粉研究中的应用展望.未来LSCM技术应该与多光子技术、活细胞工作站技术相结合使用,才能更准确地进行花粉动态研究的实时监测.  相似文献   

Growth characteristics including cell-arrangement of the type strain of Bacillus anthracis EY 3169T=ATCC 14578T grown on agar plates in level 3 laboratory were observed by both light and laser microscopes. Small daughter colonies appeared on parent colonies grown on 5% sheep blood or chocolate agar plates after 12 days incubation at room temperature. Daughter colonies, stained by Wirtz-Conklin method, were composed with vegetative cells and spores. Growth of daughter colonies might be supported by the debris of cells in the parent colony. Colonies grown under anaerobic conditions were flat with smooth edges, and the cells neither formed chains of any length, nor produced any spores after 25 days incubation at room temperature. It was thought that spores of B. anthracis were produced at the terminal stage of individual cell life instead of under unfavorable conditions for the organism. Air is needed for spore formation and cell-chain formation. More nutrients, probably amino acids, are needed for anaerobic growth rather than aerobic.  相似文献   

A quantitative microfluorometric instrument is described that employs a helium cadmium laser (442 nm) as the illumination source. The instrument consists of a double grating monochromator in front of a gallium arsenide photomultiplier that is interfaced with a desktop computer. The versatility of the instrument in making quantitative nucleic acid measurements on acridine orange and Feulgen-Schiff stained cells is demonstrated. The ploidy levels of several populations are easily determined, and the Feulgen fluorescent emissions are considerably greater than those obtained with a standard mercury lamp.  相似文献   

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