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Effects of aluminum on water distribution system and human health mainly attribute to its speciation in drinking water. Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate factors that may influence aluminum speciation in water supply system. The concentration of soluble aluminum and its transformation among other aluminum species were mainly controlled by kinetics processes of related reactions. Total aluminum concentration had a notable effect on the concentrations of mononuclear and soluble aluminum in the first 4 day; while, when the reaction time was above 4 day, its effect became weak. At pH above 7.50, both fluoride and orthophosphate had little effect on aluminum speciation; while, when the solution pH was below 7.50, the concentrations of mononuclear and soluble aluminum were proportional to the concentration of fluoride and inversely proportional to the concentration of orthophosphate. Both mononuclear and polynuclear silicic acids could complex with mononuclear aluminum by forming soluble aluminosilicates. In addition, the adding sequence of orthophosphate and aluminum into drinking water would also affect the distribution of aluminum species in the first 4 day. In order to minimize aluminum bioavailability in drinking water, it was suggested that orthophosphate should be added prior to coagulant process, and that the concentrations of fluoride and silicic acids be controlled below 2.0 and 25 mg/L, respectively, prior to the treatment. The solution pH in coagulation and filtration processes should be controlled in the range of 6.50-7.50.  相似文献   

Effects of aluminum on water distribution system and human health mainly attribute to its speciation in drinking water. Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate factors that may influence aluminum speciation in water supply system. The concentration of soluble aluminum and its transformation among other aluminum species were mainly controlled by kinetics processes of related reactions. Total aluminum concentration had a notable e ect on the concentrations of mononuclear and soluble aluminum in the first 4 day; then its e ect became weak. At pH above 7.50, both fluoride and orthophosphate had little e ect on aluminum speciation; while, when the solution pH was below 7.50, the concentrations of mononuclear and soluble aluminum were proportional to the concentration of fluoride and inversely proportional to the concentration of orthophosphate. Both mononuclear and polynuclear silicic acids could complex with mononuclear aluminum by forming soluble aluminosilicates. In addition, the adding sequence of orthophosphate and aluminum into drinking water would also a ect the distribution of aluminum species in the first 4 day. In order to minimize aluminum bioavailability in drinking water, it was suggested that orthophosphate should be added prior to coagulant process, and that the concentrations of fluoride and silicic acids should be controlled below 2.0 and 25 mg/L, respectively, prior to the treatment. The solution pH in coagulation and filtration processes should be controlled in the range of 6.50–7.50.  相似文献   

Due to the formation of disinfection by-products and high concentrations of Al residue in drinking water purification, humic substances are a major component of organic matter in natural waters and have therefore received a great deal of attention in recent years. We investigated the effects of advanced oxidation pretreatment methods usually applied for removing dissolved organic matters on residual Al control. Results showed that the presence of humic acid increased residual Al concentration notably. With 15 mg/L of humic acid in raw water, the concentrations of soluble aluminum and total aluminum in the treated water were close to the quantity of Al addition. After increasing coagulant dosage from 12 to 120 mg/L, the total-Al in the treated water was controlled to below 0.2 mg/L. Purification systems with ozonation, chlorination, or potassium permanganate oxidation pretreatment units had little effects on residual Al control; while UV radiation decreased Al concentration notably. Combined with ozonation, the effects of UV radiation were enhanced. Optimal dosages were 0.5 mg O3/mg C and 3 hr for raw water with 15 mg/L of humic acid. Under UV light radiation, the combined forces or bonds that existed among humic acid molecules were destroyed; adsorption sites increased positively with radiation time, which promoted adsorption of humic acid onto polymeric aluminum and Al(OH)3(s). This work provides a new solution for humic acid coagulation and residual Al control for raw water with humic acid purification.  相似文献   

城市污水厂二级处理出水中含有大量的溶解性有机物(Dissolved organic matters,DOM)会对生物和受纳水体构成潜在的危害,因此有必要对二级处理出水进行深度处理.本研究以农业废弃物茶叶渣为原料,通过对废弃茶叶改性和负磁制备一种磁性废茶生物炭(Fe-tea biochar,Fe-TB),用于活化过一硫酸...  相似文献   

堆肥腐熟前后胡敏酸与富里酸的还原容量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集腐熟前后的堆肥样品并提取和纯化出腐殖质(胡敏酸:HA;富里酸:FA),分别以柠檬酸铁(FeCit)和Fe(NO3)3作电子受体,测定了HA和FA的还原容量(RC).结果表明:以FeCit作为电子受体时,与未腐熟堆肥样品相比,腐熟后筛分样品HA的RC值增大,从22.85mmol e-/molC增大到26.84mmol e-/molC,而其对应FA的RC值减少,由37.67mmol e-/molC降低为33.68mmol e-/molC;对于两种不同形态的电子受体,以 FeCit为电子受体测定得到的RC值高于以Fe(NO3)3为电子受体测定得到的RC值;相对于本底还原容量,HA和FA经微生物还原后其RC值降低,降低幅度与微生物种类有关.结合紫外-可见光谱和三维荧光光谱分析发现,堆肥HA和FA的还原能力与其中类富里酸物质含量和醌基浓度成正相关,而与其本身的芳化度和分子量呈负相关.  相似文献   

采用紫外吸收光谱和GC-MS扫描解析,对西藏东南部湖泊巴松措表层沉积物中的腐殖酸和富里酸特性进行研究.结果表明,巴松措表层沉积物中腐殖酸和富里酸的紫外吸光度在200~400nm间较400~800nm间明显增加,富里酸在270nm附近出现弱而钝的双肩吸收,表明其中存在芳香环结构.腐殖酸和富里酸在254nm处的吸光度普遍偏低,表明其中难降解有机物的含量较低.通过紫外吸收特征值(A465/A665)分析得出,巴松措表层沉积物腐殖酸和富里酸的腐殖化程度较低.在人类活动频繁的区域,腐殖酸和富里酸的腐殖化程度相对于其他区域较高.根据GC-MS扫描解析,匹配度较高物质的分子式为C15H24,分子量为204,其结构中都含有芳香环,且含有脂肪链、不饱和烃、甲基、亚甲基、异丙基、环丙烷、己烷和萘等结构,均属于芳香族化合物,与紫外吸收光谱的分析结果一致.匹配度较高的物质推断属于类色氨酸.  相似文献   

软水中富里酸对铜管/磷酸盐体系溶解性铜释放影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过静态模拟试验研究了在软水体系中富里酸对铜管/磷酸盐缓蚀行为的影响,结果表明,富里酸含量、软水pH值、停留时间影响磷酸盐对铜管的缓蚀作用;高浓度的富里酸(16mg/L,以TOC计)明显增加溶解性铜释放,且从新铜管释放溶解性铜浓度高于老化6个月和12个月的铜管;在富里酸存在下,pH值较低时显著增加溶解性铜的释放,随着pH值的增大,富里酸对溶解性铜的释放影响降低;在96h的停留过程中,溶解性铜的释放浓度不断发生变化,表明富里酸与铜离子形成的络合物影响磷酸与铜的相互作用,从而影响磷酸盐对铜管的缓蚀效果.  相似文献   

PSAA水溶液中铝形态分布研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
PSAA是一种含有铝离子的聚硅酸絮凝剂。本文用27Al-NMR法和Al-Ferron逐时络合比色法研究了PSAA水溶液中铝的形态分布情况,考察了SiO2/Al3+摩尔比,温度及稀释作用对铝的形态分布的影响。结果表明,PSAA水溶液中的铝主要是以单核羟铝络合物形式存在,聚硅酸的存在对铝的形态分布影响不大,温度对铝的形态分布无影响,稀释作用对铝的形态分布有一定的影响。  相似文献   

陈梦妍  朱亮  张静 《中国环境科学》2015,35(10):3041-3045
以黄腐酸和黑腐酸为代表,研究了腐殖酸对高锰酸钾氧化苯酚的影响;采用Stevenson腐殖酸为模型,探讨了腐殖酸中不同官能团对高锰酸钾氧化苯酚动力学的影响,并通过光谱表征手段探讨了腐殖酸影响高锰酸钾氧化苯酚的作用机制.结果表明,黑腐酸对高锰酸钾氧化苯酚的促进作用明显高于黄腐酸,二者最高可将苯酚去除率从54.6%提高至95.3%和79.0%.腐殖酸中的醌基、酚基基团对氧化都有促进作用;而芳香族脂肪酸、葡萄糖和氨基酸基团则对氧化速率无影响.红外光谱分析表明,黑腐酸比黄腐酸含有更多的醌基和酚基结构,因此黑腐酸对高锰酸钾氧化苯酚动力学的促进程度更大.  相似文献   

Interaction of humic substances and hematite: FTIR study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionInteractionsofhumicsubstances(HSs)andironoxidesareofgreatsignificanceinmanygeochemicalprocesses.ItisclearthatadsorptionofHSstothesurfaceofironoxidescangreatlyinfluencethepropertiesofsuchsurfaces,thuspotentialaffectthefate,behavior,transportandtransformationofenvironmentalpollutants(Mcknight,1992).Ononehand,whenadsorbedtosurfacesofironoxides,HSsmaybindandhenceimmobilizetracemetals,radionucilides,andnonionicorganicpollutants,andtheyalsoalteroxidesurfacechargepropertiesandflocculat…  相似文献   

腐殖酸对红壤中铅镉赋存形态及活性的影响   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
深入探讨了腐殖酸不同组分对红壤中铅镉形态分级与活性的影响 .结果表明 ,腐殖酸的添加使红壤中Cd和Pb的残渣态向有机态转化 .用量越大、温度越低 ,转化效应越明显 .对植物最有效的可给态Cd和Pb的剧烈变化主要发生在加入腐殖酸 1h之内 ,随着时间的推移趋于稳定 .富里酸 (FA)促进了可给态Cd的增加 ,而胡敏酸 (HA)对可给态Cd和Pb的有一定的抑制和钝化作用 ,其作用以灰色胡敏酸 (GHA) >棕色胡敏酸 (BHA) .因此 ,在农业生产中 ,于红壤中添加HA特别是GHA成分高的有机物料 ,可部分减少Cd和Pb对作物的危害 .  相似文献   

The photochemical degradation of bisphenol A (BPA) was studied in the presence of natural humic substances from different origins under simulated solar irradiation. BPA underwent insignificant direct photolysis in neutral water, but rapid photosensitized degradation in four humic substances solutions via pseudo-first-order reaction occurred. The photo-degradation rate of BPA was insensitive to the different initial BPA concentrations and was inhibited in aerated solution compared with the deoxygenated medium. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as ·OH and 1O2 produced from excitation of humic substances under irradiation was determined from the quenching kinetic experiment using molecular probe. The five main intermediate photoproducts of BPA in Nordic lake fulvic acid (NOFA) were tentatively identified using gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Based on the identification of ROS and the analysis of photoproduct formation, the possible phototransformation pathways of BPA were proposed, involving the direct photolysis due to the energy transfer from the triplet state humic substance (3HS*) to BPA molecules and hydroxyl radical addition and oxidation as well. Translated from Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(6): 816–820 [译自: 环境科学学报]  相似文献   

天然水体腐殖质对双酚A光降解影响的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以中压汞灯模拟太阳光光源,研究了双酚A(BPA)在水体腐殖质中的光降解过程,探讨了不同来源的腐殖质、腐殖质浓度、BPA初始浓度、溶解氧等因素对BPA光解速率的影响,实验结果表明,BPA在纯水体系中直接光解很慢,但在腐殖质溶液中光解迅速,符合拟一级动力学反应,改变BPA初始浓度对BPA光解速率的影响不明显,增大溶解氧浓度会抑制BPA光解,通过活性氧分子探针鉴定了腐殖质吸收光辐射产生的羟基与单线态氧,利用GC-MS鉴定了双酚A在Nordic湖富里酸(NOFA)中的光敏化降解产物,推测出BPA敏化降解的可能历程为能量转移导致的直接光解、羟基加成和羟基氧化。  相似文献   

富里酸对小麦植株积累稀土元素的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
从我国东北黑土中提取和纯化富里酸。采用水培方法研究了富里酸对小麦植株生物积累稀土元素(La^3 ,Ce^3 ,Sm^3 ,Gd^3 ,Y^3 )的影响。结果表明,在所试验的多种浓度中,当富里酸浓度低于0.26mg(C)/L时,小麦积累稀土元素受到促进;而当富里酸浓度大于0.65mg(C)/L时,稀土元素在小麦植株中的积累受到抑制;富里酸对小麦积累稀土“高抑低促”的分界浓度介于0.26——0.65mg(C)/L之间。生长动态实验表明,小麦在含有2.0mg/L稀土和两种浓度(0.13和1.30mg(C)/L)的富里酸的营养液中生长,根部对稀土的积累呈线性增长规律(相关系数大于0.86),茎叶部对稀土的积累无线性增长规律,小麦根部对稀土的积累远高于茎叶部,同样观察到富里酸对小麦积累稀土存在“高抑低促”的生物效应。  相似文献   

This article aimed to investigate the variation of aluminum species and the effects of coagulant type and water quality on aluminum speciation in drinking water.Statistical analysis showed that the concentration of total aluminum(AlT) of drinking water in Xi'an ranged from 0.051 to 0.417 mg/L and the concentration of AlT in about 24.7% studied samples was higher than the currently recommended value(0.2 mg/L).The areas fed by surface water plants had a larger portion(39.4%) of samples over the recommended value.In drinking water treated by alum coagulant,the average concentration of monomeric aluminum(Ala) was higher than that in water treated by poly aluminum chlorine(PACl) and poly aluminum ferric chloride(PAFC).The average concentrations of polynuclear aluminum(Alb) and colloidal/suspended aluminum(Alc) in the drinking water treated by alum were lower than those in water treated by PACl and PAFC.There was a notable decrease in AlT along with the delivery pipeline away from the plants,with an average decline of about 36 μg/(L·km).Besides coagulant type,water quality also could afflect aluminum speciation.In drinking water without orthophosphate,the concentrations of Ala and AlT were positively correlated with pH;while,in drinking water with orthophosphate,the concentrations of Ala and AlT were negatively correlated with pH.The addition of orthophosphate salts in the drinking water treatment process would be an effective method for aluminum control in pH range 6.5-8.2.  相似文献   

镉铅在粘土上的吸附及受腐殖酸的影响   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:34  
Yu G  Jiang X  Wu H  Zeng Y  Wang F 《环境科学》2002,23(5):109-112
试验研究了镉和铅2种重金属在蒙脱土和高岭土上的吸附,以及外加腐殖酸的3种组分(富里酸、棕色胡敏酸和灰色胡敏酸)的影响。镉铅在粘土上的吸附随着介质pH的升高而增加。在pH4-8范围内的任意pH点,镉在高岭土上的吸附量因富里酸而降低,因2种胡敏酸而升高;当pH值高于6时,吸附量急剧增加。外加富里酸使得铅在粘土上的吸附在pH>6时意外出现随着介质pH而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

研究了外加电压、初始浓度对电化学耦合膜工艺去除饮用水中卡马西平(CBZ)效果的影响.结果表明,CBZ初始浓度为100μg/L的条件下,随着电压的升高,电化学耦合膜工艺对CBZ的去除率逐渐增加,在外加电压为2V,电化学耦合膜工艺对CBZ的去除率达到88.0%;外加电压为2.0V的条件下,CBZ初始浓度为50~500μg/L时,电化学耦合膜对CBZ的去除率均达到85%以上.而与粉末活性炭/微滤膜(PAC/MF)工艺的比较可知,电化学耦合膜工艺的去除效果更为稳定,运行成本也更低.考察了水中的离子强度和腐殖酸对电化学耦合膜工艺去除CBZ效果的影响.结果表明,由于对系统中·OH的竞争作用,离子强度的增大及腐殖酸浓度的提高将抑制CBZ去除.  相似文献   

Organic matters in drinking water of Kaschin-Beck disease areas were extracted. Then analyses and characterization were performed by means of multiply chemical and physical methods. The results did not show the obvious difference in the frame structure of humic substances and the structure of rmcromolecular compounds in the drinking water of disease and non-disease areas, but the difference in the contents of some micromolecular compounds and radicals. The investigation also includes the preliminary research on the photoreaction of drinking water from disease and non-disease areas and the accumulation of natural organic matter in the bone of tested animals.  相似文献   

土壤腐殖酸对毒死蜱的吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用平衡振荡法进行农药毒死蜱在5种土壤腐殖酸上的吸附试验.结果表明,毒死蜱在不同土壤腐殖酸上的吸附行为表现出一定的差异,并均可Linear方程和Freundlich方程来描述;5种土壤腐殖酸对毒死蜱吸附能力都很强,吸附率均较高(平均值在72.57%~88.21%之间),大小顺序为:紫色潮土HA>黄壤HA>中性紫色土HA>酸性紫色土HA>腐殖土HA,此顺序与腐殖酸腐殖化程度一致;pH=2时,腐殖酸对毒死蜱的吸附能力显著增大;离子强度对毒死蜱的吸附影响不明显;腐殖酸添加量越大,单位质量的腐殖酸吸附量越小.  相似文献   

Humus is often used as an organic modifier to reduce the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in plants, but the effects of different humus components from different sources on the fate of mercury (Hg) in paddy fields are still unclear. Here, fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA) extracted from composted straw (CS), composted cow dung (CCD), peat soil (PM) and lignite coal (LC) were used to understand their effects on the methylation and bioaccumulation of Hg in paddy soil by pot experiments. Amendments of both FA and HA largely increased the abundance of Hg-methylating microbes and low-molecular-weight organic matters (e.g, cysteine) in paddy soil. They were also found to change the aromaticity, molecular size and Chromophoric DOM concentration of DOM, and resulted in heterogeneous effects on migration and transformation of Hg. All the FA-amended treatments increased the mobility and methylation of Hg in soil and its absorption in roots. Nevertheless, FA from different sources have heterogeneous effects on transport of Hg between rice tissues. FA-CCD and FA-PM promoted the translocation of MeHg from roots to rice grains by 32.95% and 41.12%, while FA-CS and FA-LC significantly inhibited the translocation of inorganic Hg (IHg) by 52.65% and 66.06% and of MeHg by 46.65% and 36.23%, respectively. In contrast, all HA-amended treatments reduced the mobility of soil Hg, but promoted Hg methylation in soil. Among which, HA-CCD and HA-PM promoted the translocation of MeHg in rice tissues by 88.95% and 64.10%, while its accumulation in rice grains by 28.43% and 28.69%, respectively. In general, the application of some FA and HA as organic modifiers to reduce Hg bioaccumulation in rice is not feasible.  相似文献   

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