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AIM: To determine how youths obtain tobacco in communities with strong enforcement of tobacco sales laws. SETTING: Ten communities in Massachusetts with merchant compliance rates at or above 90%. METHODS: Paper surveys and focus group discussions with 68 adolescent smokers. RESULTS: Parents and friends are the primary sources of tobacco for new smokers. When stealing from parents can no longer satisfy the need for cigarettes, young adolescents ask strangers to buy them tobacco. For high school age smokers, teenage store clerks are a major source. Teenage clerks sell to other teenagers, steal tobacco, and help their friends steal from their employers. Friends who are 18 years of age or over are a second major source for older adolescents. Parents often purchase tobacco for older adolescents. CONCLUSION: Recommended actions include raising the minimum age for the purchase of tobacco to 21 years, and prohibiting individuals less than 21 years of age from selling tobacco.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and implement a rating system evaluating the extensiveness of state laws restricting youth access to tobacco. DESIGN: State laws on youth access to tobacco were analysed and assigned ratings on nine items. Six items addressed specific tobacco-control provisions, and three related to enforcement provisions. For each item, a target was specified reflecting public health objectives. Achieving the target resulted in a rating of +4 points; for three items, a rating of +5 was possible if the target was exceeded. Criteria for lower ratings were established for situations when the target was not met. SETTING: United States. RESULTS: State scores (sum of the ratings across all nine items) ranged from 0-18 in 1993, 2-21 in 1994, and 1-21 in 1995 and 1996, out of a possible total of 39. The average score across states was 7.2 in 1993, 7.9 in 1994, 8.2 in 1995, and 9.0 in 1996. The overall mean rating (per item) was 0.80 in 1993, 0.88 in 1994, 0.91 in 1995, and 1.00 in 1996, on a scale where 4.0 indicates that the target goals (per item) were met. From 1993 to 1996, scores increased for 20 states, decreased for one state, and remained unchanged for the others. The number of states for which state preemption of local tobacco regulation was a factor doubled from 10 states in 1993 to 20 states in 1996. CONCLUSIONS: Although all states have laws addressing youth access to tobacco, this analysis reveals that, as of the end of 1996, the progress towards meeting health policy targets is slow, and state legislation that preempts local tobacco regulation is becoming more common.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To recognise obstacles to the implementation of the effective enforcement of tobacco sales laws and to identify measures that could be taken to overcome these obstacles. DESIGN: Interviews were conducted with health department officials in Massachusetts communities to determine why their efforts to prevent illegal sales of tobacco to minors had been only partially successful. SETTING: Urban, suburban, and rural communities in Massachusetts, USA. RESULTS: Organisational problems, court challenges to citations, budgetary threats, and political pressure all combined to reduce the frequency of enforcement inspections to half the intended rate. Political pressure resulted in the exclusion of older youths from compliance tests, further undermining enforcement efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: Suggestions for addressing the problems include obtaining support from the community, keeping elected and court officials informed about plans for merchant education and law enforcement, using efficient enforcement protocols, setting merchant compliance goals, and advising the public and government officials about progress towards those goals, using older youths to make purchase attempts, and testing all merchants frequently.  相似文献   

In the USA, the enforcement of state sales of tobacco products to minors laws has had only limited impact upon reducing youth access. The application of consumer protection authorities by state attorneys general to alter the sales and promotion practices of tobacco retailers provides a complementary and highly leveraged strategy to increase compliance with tobacco sales to minors laws.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of interventions to reduce underage access to tobacco by deterring shopkeepers from making illegal sales. METHOD: Systematic literature review. DATA SOURCES: The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction group specialised register and Medline. Studies of interventions to alter retailer behaviour were identified. The terms used for searching combined terms for smoking and tobacco use with terms for minors, children or young people, and retailers, sales or commerce. STUDY SELECTION: Studies in which there was an intervention with retailers of tobacco, either through education about, or enforcement of, local ordinances. The outcomes were changes in retailer compliance with legislation (assessed by test purchasing), changes in young people's perceived ease of access to tobacco products, and changes in smoking behaviour. Controlled studies with or without random allocation of retail outlets or communities, and uncontrolled studies with pre- and post intervention assessment, were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Two reviewers assessed studies for inclusion. One extracted data with checking by the second. DATA SYNTHESIS: The results were synthesised qualitatively, with greater weight given to controlled studies. Thirteen of 27 included studies used controls. RESULTS: Giving retailers information was less effective in reducing illegal sales than active enforcement and/or multicomponent educational strategies. No strategy achieved complete, sustained compliance. In three controlled trials, there was little effect of intervention on youth perceptions of access or prevalence of smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions with retailers can lead to large decreases in the number of outlets selling tobacco to youths. However, few of the communities studied in this review achieved sustained levels of high compliance. This may explain why there is limited evidence for an effect of intervention on youth perception of ease of access to tobacco, and on smoking behaviour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To assess the effect of the tobacco industry''s marketing practices on adolescents by examining the relationship between their receptivity to these practices and their susceptibility to start smoking.DESIGN—Paper-and-pencil surveys measuring association with other smokers, exposure to tobacco industry marketing strategies, experience with smoking, and resolve not to smoke in the future.SETTING—25 randomly selected classrooms in five middle schools in San Jose, California.SUBJECTS—571 seventh graders with an average age of 13 years and 8 months; 57% were female. Forty-five per cent of the students were Asian, 38% were Hispanic, 12% were white, and 5% were black.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES—Exposure to social influences, receptivity to marketing strategies, susceptibility to start smoking.RESULTS—About 70% of the participants indicated at least moderate receptivity to tobacco marketing materials. Children who are more receptive are also more susceptible to start smoking. In addition to demographics and social influences, receptivity to tobacco marketing materials was found to be strongly associated with susceptibility.CONCLUSIONS—Tobacco companies conduct marketing campaigns that effectively capture teenage attention and stimulate desire for their promotional items. These marketing strategies may function to move young teenagers from non-smoking status toward regular use of tobacco. Our results demonstrate that there is a clear association between tobacco marketing practices and youngsters'' susceptibility to smoke. The findings, along with other research, provide compelling support for regulating the manner in which tobacco products are marketed, to protect young people from the tobacco industry''s strategies to reach them.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the global amount of forest and woodland consumed annually for curing tobacco between 1990 and 1995; to estimate tobacco's share in total deforestation; to rank tobacco-growing countries by the degree of impact of tobacco deforestation; and to indicate environmental criticality emerging from tobacco's impact on forest resources. DESIGN: Production of country-specific estimates of forests/woodlands needed and depleted on the basis of growing stock/increment of woody biomass involved and wood consumption of tobacco. Comparison of results with secondary statistics on forest cover, deforestation, and population development. RESULTS: An estimated 200,000 ha of forests/woodlands are removed by tobacco farming each year. Deforestation mainly occurs in the developing world, amounting to 1.7% of global net losses of forest cover or 4.6% of total national deforestation. Environmental criticality exists or is emerging in 35 countries with an estimated serious, high, and medium degree of tobacco-related deforestation, mainly in southern Africa, middle east, south, and east Asia, South America, and the Caribbean. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that deforestation from tobacco production does not have a significant negative effect has to be challenged. For empirical validation, the globally significant pattern of estimated tobacco-related environmental damage ought to be included in international research agendas on global environmental change, to become an integral and rational part of tobacco control policy.  相似文献   

部分烟草种质主要病害抗性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过频率分布及多样性评价,对1000多份种质的7个主要病害抗性进行了分析.结果表明,我国烟草种质资源大部分均为感病以上品种.TMV抗性资源相对较丰富,高抗或免疫种质达17%.其余病害抗病资源中,多为抗病或中抗,高抗种质很少,不到2%.我国主要病害抗性种质较为匮乏.  相似文献   

河南省烤烟生产波动及其成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用HP滤波法对1978年-2005年河南烤烟生产进行了长期趋势和短期波动分析,利用逐步回归方法对河南省烤烟产量波动的影响因素进行了分析,结果表明,烤烟移栽面积及受灾面积是引起烤烟生产波动的主要原因,因此熨平烤烟生产波动一要稳定移栽面积,二要加强基础设施建设,同时要注意发挥价格的导向作用,并考虑建立"补贴于土"的政策,实现植烟土地的可持续利用。   相似文献   

为使我国烟草行业相关科技人员准确把握口用型无烟气烟草制品的研发现状,预测今后的发展趋势,对国家知识产权局1985—2018年公开公告的有关口用型无烟气烟草制品的专利进行了检索和统计分析。结果表明:(1)1985—2018年口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利共计270件,其中发明233件、实用新型28件、外观设计9件。其中袋装口含型专利占50%以上,是目前口用型无烟气烟草制品专利的主流技术。(2)2008年以来,口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利申请经历了活跃期和高峰期,国内烟草行业专利申请总量于2013年超过国外烟草公司,专利申请量以云南中烟工业有限责任公司和中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院领先。国外烟草公司申请的口用型无烟气烟草制品中国专利中,雷诺士烟草公司的申请量最多,其次是菲利浦·莫里斯烟草公司和美国无烟烟草公司,且均为发明专利。(3)袋装口含烟关键技术是产品配方、制备技术、包装技术等,含化烟关键技术是制备工艺、产品形态、产品配方等;袋装口含烟专利在包装方式、缓释技术、熟化技术等领域涉及较少,含化烟专利在缓释技术、成型技术等领域涉及较少。  相似文献   

结合遵义市某县烟叶生产发展现状,对 2013年度全县 3554户烟农结构、种植规模、亩均产值和户均收入等指标进行了调查分析,同时对该县 300名烟草员工素质做了统计分析。结果表明:烟农结构不合理,劳动强度大,种烟风险高,比较效益下降,专业化服务水平低,烟草员工年龄结构老化,文化水平低下等是影响烟叶生产可持续稳定发展的重要因素。为此,提出了发展年轻化、职业化烟农队伍,加快烟农合作社建设,加大科技创新和技术示范推广,补充年轻化、知识化新烟草员工等强化现代烟草农业发展中"两支队伍"的建设对策。   相似文献   

达州烟区生态因素与白肋烟质量特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析四川省达州市烟区适宜烟草种植的基本条件、气候因素、土壤养分状况及所产白肋烟叶的质量特点,结果表明:(1)该烟区具有热量资源丰富、温度较高、降雨量和空气湿度大等突出气候特点,地貌类型丘陵、低山、中低山等为主,土壤类型有紫色土、红壤、红黄壤、冲积土、水稻土等。分析表明达州烟区多项指标达到了适宜烟草生长发育的生态条件,是烟草种植适宜区。(2)达州烟区土壤养分含量存在较大差异,一般土壤多为弱酸性,有机质含量中等,大部分养分含量适宜,应注意追施钾肥、补充硼、镁等微肥。(3)达州烟区白肋烟叶外观质量一般,物理特性和化学成分适宜,感官评吸质量较好。   相似文献   

烟草品种抗青枯病鉴定中的相关因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用烟草青枯病t菌株对K730、红花大金元等品种分别作不同接种方法、不同菌量、不同重复和不同生育期接种试验以及与黄瓜花叶病(CMV)交叉接种试验。结果表明,对烟草青枯病的抗性,烟草旺长初期发根灌妆种与病区田间自然鉴定结果之间呈极显著正相关,接种浓度以10^8cfu/ml为宜。不同抗感品种在田间没重复鉴定中均表现不同程度的抗幅波动,但有一个相对稳定的抗性水平。根据不同生育期与tl菌株的相互作用,参试  相似文献   

Tobacco use remains the number one cause of preventable morbidity and premature death in the United States. As a result, military leaders are recognizing that tobacco can adversely affect military fitness levels, deployment readiness, and safety and can increase health care costs. Yet military members continue to use tobacco. Tobacco may be viewed as part of the military culture since military members have used tobacco for many decades for pleasure, comfort, and currency and as a morale booster. Most recently, the military has seen an increase in tobacco use among young military members. A number of research studies have examined the prevalence of tobacco and factors related to use in the military, and several have evaluated cessation and prevention interventions. This article provides a brief historical perspective of military tobacco use in the 20th century and a critical review of the literature published between 1991 and 2006 describing prevalence of tobacco use, factors influencing use, and cessation interventions in the military. Recommendations for future research and for interventions are provided.  相似文献   

我国保健食品经历30多年的収展,目前已经功能齐全、种类繁多。其中辅助降血糖、辅助降血脂等几类常用保健食品倍受欢迎。在市场需求量和利润的驱使下,一些商家和不法分子不顾国家法律规定,向保健食品中添加一些国家严令禁止的物质,以增加其功效。这些非法添加物质往往有很多毒副作用,给人体健康带来潜在的风险。本文明确保健食品定义、分类,阐述我国保健食品的功能类别,重点分析几类常用保健食品中可能的非法添加物质,为保健食品监管提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

摘要:根据中国烟草企业知识产权发展现状调查问卷的有关数据,利用一般统计分析和因子分析方法,对当前烟草企业知识产权发展的影响因素进行了实证分析,得出了主要影响因素,构建了一个行业知识产权发展对策模型。同时,根据实证研究结论,就改善烟草行业知识产权发展条件提出了知识产权管理体系和制度、约束激励机制、人才培养、知识培训等方面的若干对策建议。   相似文献   

影响烤烟合作社发展的关键因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烤烟合作社发展受到系统内外许多因素制约,确定烤烟合作社发展的关键影响因素成为研究的重要环节。利用决策试验与评价实验室法,从各因素之间的相互影响关系出发,建立直接影响矩阵并求出综合影响矩阵,通过计算各因素的影响度、被影响度、中心度,考察因素综合影响关系,确定了烤烟合作社发展的关键影响因素并对其进行系统分析,提出了建设现代烟草农业过程中烤烟合作社发展的建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if there are differences in young people's responsiveness to price and tobacco control policies for population subgroups and to examine whether or not these differences, if they exist, can explain sex and racial differences in trends in the prevalence of smoking in young people in the United States. DESIGN: Use cross-sectional and intertemporal variation in local and state tobacco control policies and prices to calculate demand responses to these policies using regression analysis techniques. SUBJECTS: A nationally representative sample of American eighth grade (ages 13-14 years), 10th grade (15-16 years) and 12th grade (17-18 years) students obtained from the 1992-1994 Monitoring the Future surveys. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Thirty-day smoking prevalence. RESULTS: Young men are much more responsive to changes in the price of cigarettes than young women. The prevalence elasticity for young men is almost twice as large as that for young women. Smoking rates of young black men are significantly more responsive to changes in price than young white men. Significant differences in responsiveness to particular tobacco control policies also exist. These differences, however, explain relatively little of the differences in smoking prevalence among young population subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Policymakers need to keep in mind that there is not a "one-size fits all" strategy for discouraging smoking among young people.  相似文献   

为探明四川省万源市雪茄烟区生态条件及雪茄烟叶质量特征,分析了万源市烟区的气温、空气相对湿度、降雨量和日照条件等气候特点,植烟土壤pH值、有机质和营养元素含量状况,雪茄烟叶物理特性、化学成分含量和感官评吸质量。结果表明:(1)万源市烟区气温及其年度变化规律与烟草适宜温度要求一致,降雨量充沛,年度降雨分配与烟草生长期需水规律一致,空气相对湿度较高,有利于优质雪茄烟生长和调制,山地云雾较多光照柔和,适宜优质茄衣形成。(2)万源市植烟土壤pH值微酸至中性,有机质含量中等,土壤阳离子交换量适宜,大部分营养元素含量丰富或适宜,速效磷、速效钾含量不足,土壤缺锌,缺硼较重。(3)万源市雪茄烟叶物理特性适宜,烟叶总植物碱含量偏高,其它化学成分含量基本适宜,评吸质量总体较好。万源市烟区具备生产优质雪茄烟叶的生态条件,应注意补充钾肥和锌、硼元素,采取措施降低雪茄烟叶总植物碱含量。   相似文献   

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