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李易芝  罗伯良  霍林 《暴雨灾害》2017,30(4):339-347

利用1961—2015年夏季(5—8月)湖南89个台站的逐月降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、海温资料,计算了湖南近55 a的旱涝急转指数(LDFAI),挑选出湖南夏季旱涝急转(旱转涝和涝转旱两种类型)异常年,分析了异常年的同期大尺度环流和前期海温的基本特征,结果表明:(1)旱转涝年,旱期对流层中层鄂霍次克海有阻塞高压,副高偏西偏南,湖南受中纬度偏西气流控制,南亚高压较常年整体偏北偏强,湖南上空伴随着下沉运动加强,水汽辐散,致使湖南少雨干旱;涝期副高较同期偏南,湖南受中纬度低槽和副高共同影响,南亚高压北移,东伸脊点位于川渝交界附近,且高压中心呈青藏高压模态,湖南上空伴随着强烈的上升运动和水汽汇合,导致湖南降水增多。(2)涝转旱年,涝期副高较常年偏东,冷暖空气交汇在湖南地区,南亚高压整体较常年偏南偏弱,湖南上空伴随着上升运动和水汽汇合,湖南偏涝;旱期副高较常年偏西,湖南受副高控制,此时南亚高压主体偏强偏东,东伸脊点位于湖北一带,高压中心呈伊朗高压模态,加上湖南上空下沉运动和水汽输送辐散异常偏强,干旱少雨。(3) LDFAI指数与前期(前一年夏、秋、冬季和当年春季)太平洋相关海区海温存在显著相关性,这为湖南夏季旱涝急转类型的预测提供了参考信号。



利用湖北1961—2014年站点逐日降水资料及人口和人口城乡构成数据,通过平均值分离、最小二乘法拟合、趋势系数和气候倾向率分析、M-K检验和累积距平检验等方法,从时空分布、趋势变化、局地特征等方面,分析了近54 a湖北极端降水的变化特征及其与城市化的关系,结果表明:(1)对于第95百分位的极端降水事件,湖北极端降水阈值的范围为43.5~85.1 mm,大部分站的阈值在暴雨雨量范围,高阈值区位于江汉平原和鄂东,低阈值区位于鄂西北,最高阈值出现在武汉站,最低阈值出现在竹山站和房县站。(2)近54 a来湖北多年平均的极端降水日(Dep)、极端降水量(Pep)、极端降水强度(Iep)、最大5 d降水(R5 d)和雨量比均存在明显的区域特征,但IepR5 d的地域差异不如DepPep明显。鄂西南南部以及鄂东南东部和南部是极端降水事件的高发区,鄂西北北部是极端降水事件的低发区。(3)极端降水指数(R)能反映极端降水的强弱,其大尺度存在明显的年际差异,而长期变化趋势不显著,PepIep和雨量比呈弱增加趋势,R5 d和极端降水频数呈弱减少趋势。(4)城市化发展速度会改变R及其局地距平百分比DRij、趋势系数和气候倾向率的空间分布。随着城市化发展速度加快,湖北城市“雨岛效应”的格局发生了变化,DepPepIepR5 d及其DRij从南北差异明显变为东西差异明显,江汉平原和鄂东的DepPepIepR5 d增加,而鄂西南的减少,且四者趋势系数通过显著性水平检验的站点数更多,气候倾向率绝对值也普遍增大,但大部分站点的变化趋势为负值。(5)湖北极端降水具有明显的城市效应,城市化发展速度较快的大城市代表站的极端降水阈值大于配对的小城市代表站,两种代表站平均的DepPepIepR5 d的年际变化较一致,但大城市代表站的IepR5 d普遍较大,极端降水的变化趋势更明显。


A set of global atmospheric simulations has been performed with the ARPEGE-Climat model in order to quantify the contribution of realistic snow conditions to seasonal atmospheric predictability in addition to that of a perfect sea surface temperature (SST) forcing. The focus is on the springtime boreal hemisphere where the combination of a significant snow cover variability and an increasing solar radiation favour the potential snow influence on the surface energy budget. The study covers the whole 1950?C2000 period through the use of an original snow mass reanalysis based on an off-line land surface model and possibly constrained by satellite snow cover observations. Two ensembles of 10-member AMIP-type experiments have been first performed with relaxed versus free snow boundary conditions. The nudging towards the monthly snow mass reanalysis significantly improves both potential and actual predictability of springtime surface air temperature over Central Europe and North America. Yet, the impact is confined to the lower troposphere and there is no clear improvement in the predictability of the large-scale atmospheric circulation. Further constraining the prescribed snow boundary conditions with satellite observations does not change much the results. Finally, using the snow reanalysis only for initializing the model on March 1st also leads to a positive impact on predicted low-level temperatures but with a weaker amplitude and persistence. A conditional skill approach as well as some selected case studies provide some guidelines for interpreting these results and suggest that an underestimated snow cover variability and a misrepresentation of ENSO teleconnections may hamper the benefit of an improved snow initialization in the ARPEGE-Climat model.  相似文献   

Summary Here we analyse trends in drought magnitude in the middle Ebro valley, a semi-arid area of the Iberian Peninsula, between 1951 and 2000. A significant increase in the severity of drought was identified from 1951 to 2000, and principal components analysis revealed three general patterns of drought evolution. Trend analysis of these patterns indicated that trend is significant only in northern areas (p < 0.01). Trends in drought variability were also analysed; a positive trend was recorded between 1951 and 2000. However, the overall results show a high degree of spatial variability. We show that this variability is determined by several geographic/topographic factors, mainly the distance to the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay, water bodies that regulate the origin and direction of air masses and flows. It should also be noted that spatial variability of drought was detected because we used a dense database. Our results indicate that at the sub-regional level, drought patterns should be studied using a large amount of empirical data, since spatial variability may be relevant.  相似文献   

Summary An objective classification of the precipitation field over the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands is obtained. Data are derived from a high-resolution daily precipitation dataset obtained from in-situ measurements. The dataset, Iberian monthly Precipitation Dataset (IPD), consists of monthly precipitation data over a 25 km × 25 km grid from 1st January 1961 to 31st December 2003. Therefore, 960 data series over the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands are disposed over the grid for 43-year period. Multi-resolution wavelet analysis is used to extract similar information in the precipitation field at different timescales. An objective classification of the obtained wavelet coefficient series is carried out by means of the Kohonen’s neural network, also named Self-Organizing Map (SOM). SOM is formed by an unsupervised learning algorithm that may be used to find clusters of similar events in the input data and is able to identify some underlying dynamic structures of the multi-dimensional datasets. SOM is applied to the wavelet coefficients for intramonthly, intermonthly and interannual oscillations, obtaining self-organised maps which objectively identify similar zones of precipitation behaviour over the Iberian Peninsula. The homogeneity of the patterns is also studied by means of non-parametric correlations, energy scalograms and tests of significance. The intramonthly, intermonthly and interannual waves resulted in seven, five and three SOM patterns, respectively. As timescale increases, the wavelet series coefficients tend to be highly clustered. The results indicate that as the oscillation frequencies decrease, the Iberian precipitation behaves more linearly.  相似文献   

Trends of summer dry spells in China during the late twentieth century   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary In the present study the trends in frequency and duration of dry spells in six sub-regions of China were analyzed for the summer-half-year season (April–September) in period 1956–2000. A dry spell was defined as a number of consecutive days without measurable precipitation. For the frequency of short dry spells (length <10 days), significant changes are observed in the North, Northeast and Southwest China. For the frequency of long dry spells (length 10 days) there are significant trends in North and Northeast China; while no remarkable trends in frequency are found in other regions. There are also significant lengthening trends in dry spell duration in North and Northeast China, resulting mainly from the long-term changes in short dry spells. No significant change is observed for the maximum length in all regions. It is found that the temporal distribution of precipitation within the rainy season would notably impact the features of dry spells. An increase in the precipitation amount does not necessarily mean a synchronous reduction in dry spell frequency and/or duration. Seasonal mean anomalies of 500hPa heights in association with the long dry spells show similar spatial patterns over the middle to high latitudes for five of the six sub-regions (with exception of the case of Southwest China), resembling a west–east direction dipole in latitudes about 30°N northwards. For the case of Southwest China the dominant feature in 500hPa heights is the negative anomalies over most middle to high latitude Asia. Among these cases there are recognizable differences, particularly, in the tropical regions in western Pacific. That would provide useful information of circulation background for understanding the climate extremes.  相似文献   

Summary A spatiotemporal trend analysis of different magnitudes related to the number and length of the dry spells in Catalonia (NE Spain) has been conducted based on daily rainfall records taken from 40 rain gauges during the second half of the 20th century. Dry spells have been computed for threshold levels of 0.1, 1, 5 and 10 mm/day at annual and semi-annual scales. The winter half-year is defined from October to March and the summer half-year from April to September. The magnitudes considered are the number, the maximum length and the mean length of the dry spells for every year and half-year. The spatial patterns of the average values of these magnitudes at the annual scale show a greater similarity with those of the summer half-year than with those of the winter half-year. A S–N or SW–NE gradient of the number of dry spells appears during the summer half-year for every threshold level. Trends of the analysed magnitudes are derived from linear regression and local statistical significances at the 95% confidence level are established using the Mann-Kendall test. Field significant trends are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The most relevant finding is that the number of dry spells per year depicts significant trends for the annual and winter-half series, with an overall decreasing trend for 5 and 10 mm/day thresholds. These observed trends are in agreement with changes in North Atlantic cyclone tracks and in Mediterranean Low dynamics, due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.  相似文献   

Spain is one of the European countries with most environmental problems related to water scarcity and droughts. Additionally, several studies suggest trends of increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall, mainly for the Iberian Peninsula, due to climate variability and change. While Regional Climate Models (RCM) are a valuable tool for understanding climate processes, the causes and plausible impacts on variables and meteorological extremes present a wide range of associated uncertainties. The multi-model ensemble approach allows the quantification and reduction of uncertainties in the predictions. The combination of models (RCM in this case), generally increases the reliability of the predictions, although there are different weighting methodologies. In this paper, a strategy is presented for the building of non-stationary PDF (probability density functions) ensembles with the aim of evaluating the spatial pattern of future risk of drought for an area. At the same time, the uncertainty associated with the metric used in the construction of the PDF ensembles is assessed. A comparative study of methodologies based on the application of the Reliability Ensemble Averaging (REA), assessing its factors using two performance measures, on the one hand the Perkins Score Methods, on the other hand the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, is proposed. The evaluation of the sensitivity of the methodologies used in the construction of ensembles, as proposed in this paper, although without completely eliminating uncertainty, allows a better understanding of the sources and magnitude of the uncertainties involved. Despite the differences between the spatial distribution results from each metric (which can be in the order of 40 % in some areas), both approaches concluded about a plausible significant and widespread increase throughout continental Spain of the mean value of annual maximum dry spell lengths (AMDSL) between the years 1990 and 2050. Finally, the more parsimonious approach in the building of ensembles PDF, based on AMDSL in peninsular Spain, is identified.  相似文献   

Temperature trends in Libya over the second half of the 20th century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates spatial variability of temperature trends over Libya in the second half of the 20th century. The study is based on complete and homogeneous time series of minimum, maximum, and mean temperature for ten observatories. During the investigated period (1951–1999), temperature trend analyses have experienced a downward trend in the maximum surface temperature (about –0.06°C decade–1) and an upward trend in the minimum surface temperature (about 0.23°C decade–1). Cooling tendency in maximum temperature is spatially more pronounced in inland stations compared to coastal stations. At the seasonal scale, maximum temperature cooling is more obvious in winter and spring, meanwhile minimum temperature warming is more pronounced in summer and fall. In accordance with global trends, the surface mean temperature has moderately risen at an average rate of 0.09°C decade–1. However, this trend has shown considerable temporal variability considering a more pronounced upward trend in summer and fall. In conjunction with other regional and global investigations, clear trends towards smaller diurnal range are presented (–0.28°C decade–1).  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of dry spells in Croatia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Systematic statistical analysis of dry day sequences, which are defined according to 0.1, 1, 5 and 10 mm of precipitation-per-day thresholds, is performed on seasonal and yearly basis. The data analysed come from 25 Croatian meteorological stations and cover the period 1961–2000. Climatological features of the mean and maximum dry spell durations, as well as the frequency of long dry spells (>20 days) are discussed. The results affirm the three main climatological regions in Croatia, with the highlands exhibiting shorter dry spells than the mainland, and the coastal region exhibiting longer dry spells. The prevailing positive trend of both mean and maximal durations is detected during winter and spring seasons, while negative trend dominate in autumn for all thresholds. Positive field significant trends of mean dry spell duration with 5 and 10 mm thresholds are found during spring and the same is valid for annual maximum dry spell duration with a 10 mm threshold. It is found that the Discrete Autoregressive Moving Average (DARMA(1,1)) model can be used to estimate the probabilities of dry spells in Croatia that are up to 20–30 days long.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of dry spells in Greece   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Summary ?A spatio-temporal analysis of the dry spells that occur in the Greek area is carried out for an extended period of 40 years (1958–1997). The dry spells can be defined as a number of consecutive days with no rain. The number of days defines the length of the dry spells. The longest spells are identified in central (Cyclades) and the south-east Aegean Sea whereas dry spells with the minimum length are shown over the north-west of the Greek area that reflects the significance of the latitude and the topography. Negative Binomial Distribution and Markov Chains of second order have been used to fit the duration of the dry spells of different lengths. The study of the seasonal and annual distribution of the frequency of occurrence of dry spells revealed that the dry spells in Greece depict a seasonal character, while medium and long sequences are associated with the duration and hazards of drought. Received February 20, 2002; revised September 5, 2002; accepted October 6, 2002  相似文献   

Drastic changes were detected in glacial systems of the Antarctic Peninsula in the last decades. The observed phenomena comprise the disintegration of ice shelves, acceleration and thinning of glaciers, and retreat of glacier fronts. However, due to the lack of consistent systematic observations in particular of the higher parts of the glacial systems, it is difficult to predict further responses of the Antarctic Peninsula glaciers to climatic change. The present paper analyses spatial and temporal variations of changes in the dry-snow line altitude on the Antarctic Peninsula as extracted from a time series (1992–2005) of ERS-1/2 SAR and Envisat ASAR data. Upward changes in dry-snow line altitude were observed in general, and are attributed to extreme high-temperature events impacting the central plateaus of the Antarctic Peninsula and the increasing duration of warming periods. A mean decrease in dry-snow line altitude was detected on the west side of the peninsula and is identified as a response to recorded increase in precipitation and accumulation. These results validate the capability of SAR data for deriving superficial parameters of glaciers to be used as indicators of climatic changes in high-latitude regions where operational restrictions limit conventional meteorological observations.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns and temporal trends of precipitation in Iran   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spatial patterns of monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation over Iran and the corresponding long-term trends for the period 1951–2009 are investigated using the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre gridded dataset. Results suggest that the spatial patterns of annual, winter and spring precipitation and the associated coefficients of variation reflect the role of orography and latitudinal extent between central-southern arid and semi-arid regions and northern and western mountainous areas. It is also shown that precipitation occurrence is almost regularly distributed within the year in northern areas while it is more concentrated in a few months in southern Iran. The spatial distribution of Mann–Kendal trend test (Z statistics) for annual precipitation showed downward trend in north-western and south-eastern Iran, whereas western, central and north-eastern exhibited upward trend, though not statistically significant in most regions. Results for winter and autumn revealed upward trend in most parts of the country, with the exception of north-western and south-eastern where a downward trend is observed; in spring and summer, a downward trend seems to prevail in most of Iran. However, for all seasons the areas where the detected trend is statistically significant are limited to a few spot regions. The overall results suggest that the precipitation is decreasing in spring and summer and increasing in autumn and winter in most of Iran, i.e. less precipitation during the warm season with a consequent intensification of seasonality and dryness of the country. However, since the detected trends are often not statistically significant, any stringent conclusion cannot be done on the future tendencies.  相似文献   

Possible relationships are studied between changes in major climate parameters (air and soil surface temperature, precipitation, and specific and relative humidity) and in regime characteristics of snow cover (duration of occurrence of snow cover and of stable snow cover, dates of their appearance and disappearance), with emphasis on Georgia.  相似文献   

陕北地区不同时相TM遥感图像的镶嵌   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用山西省6个有代表性的气象观测站1951年~2000年的气温与降水资料,分析20世纪后半叶山西地区的气候变化,结果表明:山西地区气温呈上升趋势(0.26℃/10a),特别是90年代增温十分明显,1999年是这50年来最暖的一年。以70年代中期为界,将山西分为冷、暖两个阶段,前期为冷期,后期为暖期。50年来降水量呈明显减少趋势(-15.1mm/10a)。  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2010,95(4):616-628
The objective of this study is to find out the spatial and temporal variability of the dry and wet spells in Greece, during the period 1958–2007. The meteorological data with respect to daily precipitation totals were acquired from 27 meteorological stations of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, which are uniformly distributed over the country. The dry spells concern consecutive dry days (CDD); the largest number of consecutive days with daily precipitation amount less than 1 mm, within a year. The wet spells concern consecutive wet days (CWD); the largest number of consecutive days with daily precipitation amount more than or equal to 1 mm, within a year, as defined by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI), jointly sponsored by the Commission for Climatology (CCl) of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme (WCDMP), the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) Programme of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM).As results from the analysis, the spatial distributions of the mean annual CDD and the mean annual CWD along with their trends, within the examined period, are presented. The findings indicate that CDD obtain maxima in the Cyclades Islands and the southeastern Aegean Sea, while minima are found in the northwestern Greece. On the contrary, the longest CWD are observed in western Greece and western part of Crete Island and the shortest in the eastern continental Greece and in the majority of the Aegean Sea. On an annual basis, the temporal variability of CWD shows statistically significant (confidence level of 95%) negative trends, mainly in the western region of Greece, while insignificant positive trends for CDD appear almost all over the country with emphasis in the southeastern region. Finally, in order to interpret the drier and wetter periods within the examined period, the 850 hPa and the 500 hPa geopotential height (m) composites of the anomalies from 1958–1996 climatological normal (clino), are analysed using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data.  相似文献   

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