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SiC高温氧化的热力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用自由能最小法研究了Ar-C-H-O-Si体系的化学平衡,以国际流行的广义简约梯度软件GBG2为优化模型编制了求解复杂化学平衡的软件ZGRG计算表明ZGRG具有很好的收敛性能,对Ar-C-H-O-Si体系的计算表明,SiC从活性氧化向惰性氧化的转变分压(Po2,PH2O)随温度的增加而增加,同时本文还将计算结果与其他研究者的实验结果进行了比较,并对造成计算值与实验值差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

本期新品1华硕V7700显示卡2艾尔莎新品──影雷者GTS问世3新款数码机机F55V4为生活添彩的STYLUS PHOTO 12705ZV-3轻装上阵6微软推出新鼠标7微星新品694D Pro8联想KinetiZ打破僵局9“吸入式”DVD-1640Pro10便携式彩打──佳能BJM4011紫光又添新成员12两款新硬盘DiamondMax30和DiamondMax6013笔记本三剑客 在nVIDIA发布最新款GeForce2 GTS图形处理器(GPU)的短短几周内,已有几家显卡生产厂商宣布推出各自的…  相似文献   

三唑酮(粉锈宁)(农用杀菌剂)规格数量:15%可湿性粉剂20%乳油电子信箱:asccrdi@shel.scsti.ac.cn牡丹规格数量:100多个品种电子信箱:ZXF@HZ-PUBLIC.SD.CNINFO.NET废电缆规格数量:8吨(5000元/...  相似文献   

黄天苇 《电脑》2000,(6):30-31
C P U: Intel 赛扬Ⅱ 533A Socket 370/66MHz 外频/128K/散装主板:升技 BE6-ⅡIntel 440BX/ATX/Slot-1/支持200MHz外频/DMA/66硬盘: QUANTUM超能火球三代 LM 20. 4G/UDMA/66/2Mb/7200rpm/IDE/3.5寸内存:HY现代/128Mb 7.5ns/168PIN SDRAM/PC 133显示卡:讯英 SG2000PRO NVidia RIVA TNT2 PRO/32M SDRAM/AGP 4x声卡:创新 SB PCI…  相似文献   

现 今 820+ SDRAM主板由于 AGP可使用 1/2分 频,并且内存以 3/4的外频异步运行,所以肯定比BX主板有着更好的超频空间。那么大家就关心了:同频率下 BX的性能绝对比 820+ SDRAM要高,这个是不争的事实,但在820主板P3“铜矿”处理器起到840MHZ真的比BX超到750MHZ(基本上是BX主板的极限了)性能真的要高很多吗?我们做了如下测试: 测试全部采用的是ASUS主板。它们有P3V(VIA693A)、P3V4X(VIA 694X)、P2BF(440BX)、P3C2000(i820…  相似文献   

联邦数据库GD—MDBS的总体设计与模式集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GD-MDBS是一个改进的基于泛关系的紧耦合型的联邦数据库系统。其主要特点是:1.基于泛关系理论,屏蔽各成员数据库模式的差异,提供一个与实现无关的、逻辑上的数据库全局模式;2.提供F-SQL联邦数据查询语言;3.采用三级客户机/服务器结构。本文主要讨论GD-MDBS的总体结构和模式集成。  相似文献   

圆刚Aver-EZCapture,是块内置式普及型视频采集卡,为高品质中价位(目前市售价仅650元)的PCI界面(总线)影像捕捉卡。该卡采用BT-848芯片,适合于动态影像捕捉及静态颉取全彩画面,可实B4W览和调整画面参数。支持混频(AV端子)/S端子(YIC)输入;支持多种流行图像格式(BMP.JPG)及视频文件格式(AVI);支持YUV4:2:2,YUV4:1:1,RGB:32,24,15;Video for windows兼容;同时带有多种实用软件。而且,圆刚Aver-EZCapture对…  相似文献   

UNIKA香港双敏电子刚推出的小影霸 速配7000AGP显卡是继采用GeForce2 MX的速龙6000之后的新一代高性能显卡。 7000AGP显示芯片采用GeForce2 GTSPro,显存采用5.5ns 32MB SDRAM,显示芯片和显存的工作频率分别为200MHZ和190MHz,性能比GeForce2 MX更胜一筹。 速配7000AGP暂定售价1050元,充分体现其不凡的性能价格比。廉价的专业级显卡  相似文献   

采用致病性大肠杆菌粘附因子抗原免疫动物,然后采血制成粘附因子血清,用于防治仔猪大肠杆菌病。经预防试验,发病率降低66.2%,死亡率降低83.6%;经治疗试验,死亡率降低88.0%,病程缩短2.5天。结果显示,本血清防治效果显著。  相似文献   

幻河 《电脑》2000,(12)
创新 Sound Blaster PC1128、SB 16 PCI、Ensonlq AudioPCI、Vi-bra 128、创新1370及 1371芯片系列声卡最新套装工具包 下载:http://file2.mydrivers.com/sound/capp setupus zip 包括: Creative Mixer 6. 04. 00版, Creative  Recorder 1. 04.03版,Creatlvc Playccnter 1. 55. 06版. Creative News 2. 50. 10版. Creat…  相似文献   

生物组织光声成像技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光声成像是一种低功率、非电离的成像方式,既具有声学方法对深层组织成像分辨率高的优点,又具有光学方法在功能成像、分子成像方面具有高对比度的优势。本文回顾了近年来,光声成像技术在生物医学领域的研究进展,介绍了光声成像的基本成像原理。以此为基础,本文介绍了光声成像的两种主要成像方案:光声断层成像和光声显微镜,并且讨论了光声成像在获取生物组织化学成分信息和微结构信息方面的优越性;最后,本文对光声成像技术的优点和应用前景进行了总结。  相似文献   

基于XML的远程教育资源描述和管理系统的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪仲阳  吉逸 《计算机应用》2004,24(6):171-173
文中简要介绍了XML在远程教育资源描述和管理方面的优势,给出了一个基于XML远程教育系统中资源开发和管理系统的结构设计,并在此设计的基础上详细讨论了XML在资源的描述、个性化显示、交互、更新和访问方面的应用。  相似文献   

在本文中,我们给出了在结构与随机扰动下的动态大系统的稳定性分析,建立了这类大系统的依概率吸引性,依概率一致有界性,依概率大范围渐近稳定性,p吸引性,一致p有界性,和大范围渐近p稳定性的结论。这些结论的假设是由孤立子系统和与其联系的李亚普诺夫函数,受扰系统的结构和作用在子系统上的随机扰动表出的。  相似文献   

Inflammation is a key event in the development of liver cancer. We studied early inflammatory responses of Kupffer cells (KCs) and hepatocyte (HC) after cancer initiation. The chemical carcinogen N-nitrosomorpholine (NNM) was used in a rat model. We applied a comprehensive analytical strategy including metabolic labeling, 2-D PAGE, LC-MS/MS-based spot identification and shotgun proteomics and thus determined the rates of synthesis of individual proteins, compared whole tissue with isolated constituent cells and performed in vivo to in vitro comparisons of NNM effects. NNM increased synthesis of overall and 138 individual proteins identified in HC and/or KC, indicating reprogramming of metabolism favoring protection, repair and replacement of cell constituents in HC and KC. Secretome analysis by 2-D PAGE and shotgun proteomics of HC revealed the induction of acute phase proteins, in case of KC of proteases, cytokines and chemokines, indicating inflammatory effects. All responses were induced rapidly, independently of signals from other cells, and closely mimicked the pro-inflammatory and protective effects of inflammation modulators LPS in KC and IL-6 in HC. In conclusion, the carcinogen NNM exerts pro-inflammatory effects in the liver, partially by direct activation of KC. The acute inflammation and its protective component will enhance formation, survival and proliferation of initiated cells and may therefore act synergistically with the genotoxic action of the carcinogen.  相似文献   

中纬度干旱半干旱草原是我国的主要地表类型之一,正在面临着严重的荒漠化问题。选择浑善达克沙地东部为研究地区,利用Landsat TM和ETM+资料对该地区的植被覆盖情况进行分析。在所选的4个年度中,以1996年的NDVI值为最高(0.67),1998年略次之(0.65),1987年居中(0.47),而2001年为最低,仅0.33。水分是决定干旱半干旱地区植被生长状况的关键因子。无论是年降水还是7、8月降水,与9月的NDVI都基本上呈现了一种线性关系。气温对NDVI的影响不明显。反映地表与植物冠层表面温度的热红外亮温经常与区域内的NDVI分布基本呈反相关。少数地区,特别是一些本身植被状况较差、生态相对更为脆弱的地区,植被遭到破坏后,即使在保证降水增加的情况下也不能在短时间内恢复。比较1996和1998年,荒漠化面积增长呈现出明显的上升趋势。2001年是严重干旱年,区域平均NDVI极低,但却有7.5%的地区出现NDVI增加。这一逆向变化可能与中央和地方政府于2000年启动的一系列沙源治理项目和禁牧规定有直接关系。由此说明,除了降水这一关键自然因子之外,人类活动也对干旱半干旱草原生态的恶化或恢复起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

Manufacturing in a job-shop environment is often characterized by a large variety of products in small batch sizes, requiring real-time monitoring for dynamic distributed decision making, and adaptive control capabilities that are able to handle, in a responsive way, different kinds of uncertainty, such as changes in demand and variations in production capability and functionality. In many manufacturing systems, traditional methods, based on offline processing performed in advance, are used. These methods are not up to the standard of handling uncertainty, in the dynamically changing environment of these manufacturing systems. Using real-time manufacturing intelligence and information to perform at a maximum level, with a minimum of unscheduled downtime, would be a more effective approach to handling the negative performance impacts of uncertainty. The objective of our research is to develop methodologies for distributed, adaptive and dynamic process planning as well as machine monitoring and control for machining and assembly operations, using event-driven function blocks. The implementation of this technology is expected to increase productivity, as well as flexibility and responsiveness in a job-shop environment. This paper, in particular, presents the current status in this field and a comprehensive overview of our research work on function block-enabled process planning and execution control of manufacturing equipment.  相似文献   

计算机动画处理过程中, 运动对象动作的流畅和存储的空间是一对矛盾体, 为解决该矛盾, 采用了将运动对象的局部部分从整体中分离出来, 并按实际功能要求分别进行编程处理, 文章中所讨论的技术和方法在直升机飞行实验中得到了应用, 完成了对象的建模、显示以及在键盘或鼠标控制下进行相应的操作. 实验首先利用3DMAX对一张直升机图片进行预处理, 将直升机分成螺旋桨上的刀片、尾翼的刀片和机身三个部分, 以图形块的形式分别存储到3DS文件中. 然后利用Visual C结合开源图形API OpenGL(Application Programming Interface Open Graphics Library 以下简称OpenGL)的平移、缩放和旋转等函数编程实现直升机起飞和降落、直升机桨叶(螺旋桨)的旋转和纹理等处理, 利用OpenGL 支持的双缓存技术实现动画的平滑运作. 实验表明技术可行、方法得当,可以用在许多运行物体处理上, 比如运行中的车, 将车身和车轮拆分然后分别加以类似处理.  相似文献   

为解决目前高等农林院校非测绘专业测量学实践教学存在的内容陈旧、学时少、教学任务重、仪器设备不足、教学基地不规 范以及大学生学习积极性低等主要问题,结合沈阳农业大学测量学课程的实际教学情况,充分考虑测量学实践教学具有较强的专 业性和实践性等特点,从构建测量学网络教学平台、全方位开放实验室、建设标准化实验场地、调整实验实习内容以及创新实践教 学考核方法等方面,进行高等农林院校非测绘专业测量学教学改革实践,为探索测量学教学模式创新,提供实践教学改革的理论 借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new topology called theDual Torus Network (DTN) which is constructed by adding interleaved edges to a torus. The DTN has many advantages over meshes and tori such as better extendibility, smaller diameter, higher bisection width, and robust link connectivity. The most important property of the DTN is that it can be partitioned into sub-tori of different sizes. This is not possible for mesh and torus-based systems. The DTN is investigated with respect to allocation, embedding, and fault-tolerant embedding. It is shown that the sub-torus allocation problem in the DTN reduces to the sub-mesh allocation problem in the torus. With respect to embedding, it is shown that a topology that can be embedded into a mesh with dilation δ can also be embedded into the DTN with less dilation. In fault-tolerant embedding, a fault-tolerant embedding method based on rotation, column insertion, and column skip is proposed. This method can embed any rectangular grid into its optimal square DTN when the number of faulty nodes is fewer than the number of unused nodes. In conclusion, the DTN is a scalable topology well-suited for massively parallel computation. Sang-Ho Chae, M.S.: He received the B.S. in the Computer Science and Engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in 1994, and the M.E. in 1996. Since 1996, he works as an Associate Research Engineer in the Central R&D Center of the SK Telecom Co. Ltd. He took part in developing SK Telecom Short Message Server whose subscribers are now over 3.5 million and Advanced Paging System in which he designed and implemented high availability concepts. His research interests are the Fault Tolerance, Parallel Processing, and Parallel Topolgies. Jong Kim, Ph.D.: He received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1981, the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A., in 1991. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea. Prior to this appointment, he was a research fellow in the Real-Time Computing Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan from 1991 to 1992. From 1983 to 1986, he was a System Engineer in the Korea Securities Computer Corporation, Seoul, Korea. His major areas of interest are Fault-Tolerant Computing, Performance Evaluation, and Parallel and Distributed Computing. Sung Je Hong, Ph.D.: He received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1973, the M.S. degree in Computer Science from Iowa State University, Ames, U.S.A., in 1979, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana, U.S.A., in 1983. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea. From 1983 to 1989, he was a staff member of Corporate Research and Development, General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, U.S.A. From 1975 to 1976, he was with Oriental Computer Engineering, Korea, as a Logic Design Engineer. His current research interest includes VLSI Design, CAD Algorithms, Testing, and Parallel Processing. Sunggu Lee, Ph.D.: He received the B.S.E.E. degree with highest distinction from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, in 1985 and the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea. Prior to this appointment, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, U.S.A. From June 1997 to July 1998, he spent one year as a Visiting Scientist at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. His research interests are in Parallel, Distributed, and Fault-Tolerant Computing. Currently, his main research focus is on the high-level and low-level aspects of Inter-Processor Communications for Parallel Computers.  相似文献   

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