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《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2005,32(4):379-397
In this paper, two-phase flow instability in natural circulation loops of China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) has been investigated. CARR is a low pressure and low power density research reactor. A natural circulation instability analysis model is developed for the natural circulation loop of CARR. The homogeneous flow model is used to establish the system control equations. The non-uniform heating and subcooled boiling heat transfer is included. The accumulation heat of the wall is also included. Numerical method of Gear is employed to solve the system equations documented in terms of ordinary differential equations. According to the calculation results, stability maps of the natural circulation loop, which confirm the presence of an instability region under the conditions of low equilibrium quality in the outlet and low pressure, are obtained. It is a special kind of density wave oscillation (DWO) that occurs in very low equilibrium quality region with the characteristics of geysering and ‘Type-I’ DWO at the same time. The calculation results show such oscillation course clearly. The variations of the mass flow rate, the pressure drop and the boiling boundary are analyzed separately. Especially, the phase-space trajectory of the boiling boundary and the mass flow rate is discussed. Finally the oscillation frequency is discussed. The calculated results have important significance for the safety operation and accidental analysis of CARR.  相似文献   

The thermal–hydraulics of barge-mounted floating nuclear desalination plants is the incentive for this study. Laminar flow in tubes in heaving motion is modeled. The friction factor and heat transfer coefficient are obtained. All the equations of laminar flow in steady state are applicable for heeling motion. The effect of ship motions on the laminar developing region is also analyzed. The ship motions can weaken the boundary layer in the laminar developing region and strengthen the laminar frictional resistance. The effect of ship motions on the instability of laminar flow is also investigated. The ship motions do not affect the instability point, but they can shorten the distance between the instability point and the transition point, and cause the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow to occur earlier.  相似文献   

Natural circulation is widely used in nuclear reactor systems as the passive safety system. With the development of the floating nuclear power plant (FNPP), researchers should pay more attention to flow and heat transfer characteristics for the natural circulation under ocean conditions for the safety of FNPP. In this paper, the flow characteristics in a single-phase natural circulation system were investigated and the effects of heaving, rolling and coupled motions were analyzed. The oscillation amplitude of flow rate increases with the increase of period in a certain range and maximum acceleration under heaving motions. With the increase of oscillation intensity (higher frequency and larger maximum rolling angle), the oscillation amplitude increases and the average flow rate decreases under rolling motions. Moreover, the lateral displacement of rolling center changes the oscillation period and induces larger amplitude oscillations. The flow characteristic becomes more complex when the system is subjected to coupled motions. The oscillation period is the least common multiple of two motions’ periods. The oscillation induced by coupled motions makes the system more unstable than that induced by an individual motion. The potential superposition effect exists under coupled motions and needs to be addressed for the operation safety.  相似文献   

Based on the two-phase drift flux model and the multi-pressure nodes matrix solving method, natural circulation thermal hydraulic analysis models for the Nuclear Machinery (NM) under ocean conditions are developed. The neutron physical activities and the responses of the reactivity control systems are described by the two-group, 3-dimensional space and time dependent neutron kinetics model. Reactivity feedback is calculated by coupling the neutron physics and thermal hydraulic codes, and is tested by comparison with experiments. Using the models developed, the natural circulation operating characteristics of NM in rolling and pitching motions and the transitions between forced circulation (FC) to natural circulation (NC) are analyzed. The results show that the influence of the rolling motion increases as the rolling amplitude is increased, and as the rolling period becomes shorter. The results also show that for this NM, with the same rolling period and rolling angle, the influence of pitching motion on natural circulation is greater than that of rolling motion. Furthermore, the oscillation period for pitching motion is the same as the pitching period, while the oscillation period for rolling is one half of the rolling period. In the ocean environment, excessive flow oscillation of the natural circulation may cause the control rods to respond so frequently that the NM would not be able to realize the transition from the FC to NC steadily. However, the influence of ocean environment on the transition from NC to FC is limited.  相似文献   

The course of reactivity insertion in a pool type research reactor, with scram disabled under natural circulation condition is numerically investigated. The analyses were performed by a coupled kinetic–thermal–hydraulic computer code developed specifically for this task. The 10-MW IAEA MTR research reactor was subjected to unprotected reactivity insertion (step and ramp) for both low and high-enriched fuel with continuous reactivity feedback due to coolant and fuel temperature effects. In general, it was found that the power, core mass flow rate and clad temperature under fully established natural circulation are higher for high-enriched fuel than for low enriched fuel. This is unlike the case of decay heat removal, where equal clad temperatures are reported for both fuels. The analysis of reactivity represented by the maximum insertion of positive reactivity ($0.73) demonstrated the high inherent safety features of MTR-type research reactor. Even in the case of total excess reactivity without scram, the high reactivity feedbacks of fuel and moderator temperatures limit the power excursion and avoid consequently escalation of clad temperature to the level of onset of nucleate boiling and sub-cooled void formation. The code can also be modified to provide an accurate capability for the analyses of research reactor transients under forced convection.  相似文献   

For some Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) operated on automobiles, boats or deep sea vessels, natural circulation simulation is important for understanding their safety during severe accidents, or system characteristics when natural circulation is adopted instead of the primary pumps to drive coolant in their loops. Based on the scaling laws of natural circulation for stationary reactors, the scaling laws for moving conditions are derived in this paper by analyzing accelerations and their distribution in a moving reactor with rigid motion theory, and introducing these accelerations into the momentum equations representing a one-dimensional natural circulation model. With modified equations, a set of motion simulation criteria was obtained, and equal height simulation and unequal height simulation were studied. A reduced height simulation is helpful for ensuring that three-dimensional phenomenon are reproduced, but time scaling is needed in a motion simulation.  相似文献   

PASCAR is a 100 MWt/35 MWe lead-bismuth-cooled small modular reactor which requires no on-site refueling and well suits to be used as a distributed power source in either a single unit or a cluster for electricity, heat supply, and desalination. This paper includes both steady-state and transient performance evaluations for neutronics and thermal-hydraulics. Through design optimization studies for minimizing a burn-up reactivity loss, the metallic fuels-loaded core was designed with less than 1$ reactivity swing over 20-year cycle. A radial peaking power location shows the slow inward migration from outer enrichment zones while maintaining peaking factor within 1.35, reducing radiation damage and corrosion duty of high temperature environments. Equipped with coolant flow path large enough to ensure low pressure drop, this reactor is intended to operate by only natural circulation of chemically inert coolant within relatively low temperature range, 320-420 °C. Peak outlet temperature is nearly 450 °C where an Al-containing duplex cladding has sufficient corrosion resistance. Despite of 50% decrease of fuel thermal conductivity after swelling, inherent negative reactivity feedback and passive decay heat removal capability could secure an ample safety margin of peak fuel centerline temperature in tow safety analyses, unprotected transient overpower and unprotected loss of heat sink. The likelihood of loss of coolant, loss of flow, and local blockage is virtually eliminated by employing respectively a double-walled vessel, pump-less cooling, and cross-flow allowed open square assemblies. Simple fabrication, modular construction, and long burning cycle would compensate for economic disadvantages over smaller power and lower temperature than those of conventional fast reactors.  相似文献   

Startup of a natural circulation boiling water reactor (NCBWR) is studied numerically, using a thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5. A number of numerical experiments are carried out using various power ramps, and a suitable heat-up rate is identified to pressurize the reactor to the desired operating conditions in a reasonable time without considerable void generation in the core. It is observed that the occurrence of flashing in the riser section is unavoidable. Although flashing helps in steam production, the amplitude of flow oscillations induced by flashing is the event of concern, as in the case of the pressure tube type NCBWR studied here. Therefore, the feasibility of a complete single-phase startup is also examined and found not attractive. A new startup procedure, which completely bypasses the unstable two-phase region, is conceptualized, and the method to take the system to the operating condition without encountering flow oscillations is numerically investigated.  相似文献   

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are investigating the suitability of lead-bismuth cooled fast reactors for producing low-cost electricity as well as for actinide burning. The design being considered here is a pool type reactor that burns actinides and utilizes natural circulation of the primary coolant, a conventional steam power conversion cycle, and a passive decay heat removal system. Thermal-hydraulic evaluations of the actinide burner reactor were performed to determine allowable core power ratings that maintain cladding temperatures below corrosion-established temperature limits during normal operation and following a loss-of-feedwater transient. An economic evaluation was performed to optimize various design parameters by minimizing capital cost. The transient power limit was initially much more restrictive than the steady-state limit. However, enhancements to the reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system for transient decay heat removal resulted in an increased power limit of 1040 MWt, which was close to the steady-state limit. An economic evaluation was performed to estimate the capital cost of the reactor and its sensitivity to the transient power limit. For the 1040 MWt power level, the capital cost estimate was 49 mills per kWhe based on 1999 dollars.  相似文献   

A natural circulation evaluation methodology has been developed to insure safety of a sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR) of 1500 MWe adopting a natural circulation decay heat removal system (NC-DHRS). The methodology consists of a one-dimensional safety analysis which can be applied to safety evaluation for SFR licensing taking into account the temperature flattening effect due to buoyancy force in the core, and a three-dimensional fluid flow analysis which can evaluate thermal-hydraulics for local convection and thermal stratification in the primary system and DHRSs. The one-dimensional safety analysis method and the three-dimensional fluid flow analysis method have been validated using the test results of a water test apparatus and a sodium test loop for some typical transient events selected from the design basis events of the SFR. Finally, it has been confirmed that a good agreement between the test results and analysis results has been obtained, and reliability of each method has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Purdue NMR (Novel Modular Reactor) represents a BWR-type small modular reactor with a significantly reduced reactor pressure vessel (RPV). Specifically, the NMR is one third the height and area of a conventional BWR RPV with an electrical output of 50 MWe. Experiments are performed in a well-scaled test facility to investigate the thermal hydraulic flow instabilities during the startup transients for the NMR. The scaling analysis for the design of natural circulation test facility uses a three-level scaling methodology. Scaling criteria are derived from non-dimensional field and constitutive equations. Important thermal hydraulic parameters, e.g. system pressure, inlet coolant flow velocity and local void fraction, are analyzed for slow and fast normal startup transients. Flashing instability and density wave oscillation are the main flow instabilities observed when system pressure is below 0.5 MPa. And the flashing instability and density wave oscillation show different type of oscillations in void fraction profile. Finally, the pressurized startup procedure is recommended and tested in current research to effectively eliminate the flow instabilities during the NMR startup transients.  相似文献   

以小型化、长寿命、自然循环为铅基快堆的设计目标,构建100 MWt铅基快堆堆芯模型并开展冷却剂选型研究,选取Pb同位素/混合物及Pb-Bi混合物,分析比较了采用不同冷却剂堆芯的物理特性与自然循环特性。结果表明:得益于208Pb在高能区小的非弹性散射截面与中低能区极小的中子俘获截面,加之Bi较小的中子俘获截面,采用208Pb-Bi冷却的铅基快堆堆芯在30满功率年运行周期内的燃耗反应性损失最小,增殖性能最佳,且具备负值较大的空泡系数、冷却剂温度系数和较大的有效缓发中子份额,可装载较低富集度或较少量燃料,有利于堆芯小型化、长寿命和固有安全性;208Pb-Bi相比Pb冷却的铅基快堆具备更强的自然循环能力、更弱的材料腐蚀、更宽的运行温度区间,有利于反应堆安全运行与维护。高208Pb丰度的铅可以从钍矿石及钍铀矿石中提取,极大降低了208Pb的分离提取难度。  相似文献   

The stability behaviour of a natural circulation pressure tube type boiling water reactor (BWR) has been investigated analytically. The analytical model considers homogeneous two-phase flow, a point kinetics model for the neutron dynamics and a lumped heat transfer model for the fuel dynamics. The results indicate that both Type I and Type II density-wave instabilities can occur in the reactor in both in-phase and out-of-phase mode of oscillations in the boiling channels of the reactor. The delayed neutrons were found to have strong influence on the stability of Type I and Type II density-wave instabilities. Also, the stability of the reactor is found to increase with increase in negative void reactivity coefficient unlike that observed previously in vessel type BWRs. Decay ratio map was predicted considering the effects of channel power, channel inlet subcooling, feed water temperature and channel exit quality, which are useful for the design of the reactor.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art of theoretical investigations on the flow oscillations that occur in a boiling natural circulation loop has been presented here. Motivation behind the work is to develop a high-fidelity model that is capable of predicting nature of flow instabilities more accurately. At the low pressures and low heat fluxes conditions, the major four types of instabilities may occur in boiling natural circulation loop depending on operating conditions: Flow excursion, Geysering instability, Flashing-induced instability and Type I density-wave oscillations. The characteristics of different instabilities as well as the effects of different operating and geometric parameters on them have been reviewed. The objective of this review is to gather the research findings on the nonlinear stability phenomena in various boiling flow channel systems over a period of several years. This review indicates that most of the theoretical predictions of amplitudes and periods of the sustained oscillations are carried out using two models, namely, homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) (still debatable) and drift-flux model (DFM) (more realistic) and are validated by experimental findings. This review work on theoretical investigations presented in this paper indicates that there are enough scopes for improving mathematical formulations of the natural circulation boiling loop (NCBL) for thermohydraulic instabilities.  相似文献   

This work proposes an analytical method of evaluating the effects of design and operating parameters on the low-pressure two-phase natural circulation flow through the annular shaped gap at the reactor vessel exterior surface heated by corium (molten core) relocated to the reactor vessel lower plenum after loss of coolant accidents. A natural circulation flow velocity equation derived from steady-state mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for homogeneous two-phase flow is numerically solved for the core melting conditions of the APR1400 reactor. The solution is compared with existing experiments which measured natural circulation flow through the annular gap slice model. Two kinds of parameters are considered for this analytical method. One is the thermal–hydraulic conditions such as thermal power of corium, pressure and inlet subcooling. The others are those for the thermal insulation system design for the purpose of providing natural circulation flow path outside the reactor vessel: inlet flow area, annular gap clearance and system resistance. A computer program NCIRC is developed for the numerical solution of the implicit flow velocity equation.  相似文献   

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