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刘玉明  易伟建 《工程力学》1999,2(A02):638-642
本文利用振动测试获取的特征值,通过特征值问题的一阶摄动推导特征变化与边界条件参数变化之间的关系,得出一组联立方程,然后将其作为性等式约束,引入优化方法求解,来识别结构系统边界条件。  相似文献   

为得到能够准确反映结构装配关系的有限元模型边界条件,结合Kriging模型和分层模型修正技术,提出了一种结构边界条件识别方法。为削弱材料参数误差对边界条件识别的影响和改善修正不适定,利用实测自由模态频率,修正有限元模型的材料参数;以修正后的模型为基础进行边界条件识别,通过灵敏度分析确定模型的待修正边界参数,采用拉丁超立方抽样(Latin hypercube sampling, LHS)进行试验设计,并以实测约束模态频率与Kriging模型预测频率的差值最小为目标函数,利用粒子群算法求解最优参数。某包装机械摇臂连杆结构的试验结果表明,与传统的边界条件识别方法相比,所提方法具有较好的识别效果,识别得到的边界参数、结构响应等与实际结构具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

带边界条件损伤简支梁振动模态分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
姜海波  赵人达 《振动与冲击》2004,23(2):72-74,77
将简支梁的损伤比拟成扭簧,给出了考虑边界条件的损伤简支梁的振动特征方程。该方程的建立可以用于考查损伤对简支梁振动模态影响,对桥梁结构损伤识别具有参考意义。  相似文献   

张弦梁结构的力学模式及程序编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白正仙  刘锡良 《工程力学》1998,(A01):157-162
本文首先简要介绍了新型膜支撑结构-张弦梁结构及其特点,并根据其特点提出了将该结构离散为梁元,杆元和素元,梁元考虑弯曲转角及扭转转角对应变能的作用,索元考虑其自重引起的下垂,用混合单元有限元法进行几何非线性有限元分析的合理的该结构的力学模型,由最小势能原理推出的一般非线性问题的平衡方程,推导了各单元的几何非线性有限元平衡式,采用U.L描述增量Newton-Raphson法求解,用Frotarn语言编  相似文献   

结构有限元模型的元素修正法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文给出一种利用结构实验结果修正振动分析模型的方法。通过矩阵广义逆理论,建立了可以充分反映结构物理和几何特征的各种约束的元素修正方法。根据实物的结构特征,逐步实现结构物理和几何特征的各种约束条件,使之成为更符合实际的分析模型。  相似文献   

基于试验模态参数的结构有限元模型修正   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
夏益霖 《振动与冲击》1993,12(1):61-65,32
本文利用动力缩聚方法研究在结构模态试验的测量自由度小于有限元模型自由度时的模型修正问题,给出了一种利用非完备试验模态参数修正有限元模型的质量和刚度矩阵的方法,该方法可使修正后的模型保持原有的自由度相稀疏特性。  相似文献   

本文针对半刚性节点结构的节点及边界条件的有限元模型修正问题进行了研究。由于现有的修正算法均是针对半刚性节点所具有的转动柔性进行研究,而实际结构的节点往往沿剪切方向也具有一定的柔性,所以为了同时修正半刚性节点所具有的转动及剪切柔性,本文提出了一种适合于有限元模型修正的混合梁单元。此外,针对结构边界条件的模型修正问题,提出了一种参数化的修正方法。最后,将本文所提方法应用于一个梁式结构的有限元模型修正问题。通过测试得到的结构频率、振型成功修正了该梁式结构的节点及边界的连接刚度,从而验证了本文所提方法的可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了粱结构的有限元模型,以ANSYS有限元分析软件提供的粱单元为具体分析对象,对结构的工程有效性进行了分析验证.本文是工程实际中的一个梁结构.在这个结构中,各杆件的结构都是用特殊截面的钢材构成的.在集中载荷的作用下,梁结构各部分会受到拉压以及弯曲变形,所以,可以选用粱单元对结构进行分析,通过分析判断粱结构的强度.  相似文献   

杆梁组合结构能够充分发挥建筑材料的物理性质,是工程中常用的一种结构形式,由于杆和梁单元的自由度不同,给这类组合结构的理论分析带来了困难。该研究针对杆梁组合结构内力分析过程中刚度矩阵的集成问题,基于不同类型结构构件间的连接关系建立了关联表,推导了基于关联表的结构整体刚度矩阵与单元刚度矩阵各元素之间的对应关系,建立了基于关联表的结构整体分析模型。算例分析的结果表明,该文所采用的关联表方法能够有效地处理杆梁组合结构的受力分析问题,此方法对于解决具有不同自由度数的单元的组合结构分析问题提供了简便可靠的思路。  相似文献   

基于有限元分析的瓦楞机支撑侧板结构优化设计   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
吴斌方  熊华  张静  袁博 《包装工程》2014,35(5):62-66,78
目的研究瓦楞机支撑侧板在复杂应力作用下的动态特性。方法通过Pro/E建立瓦楞机支撑侧板模型,运用有限元分析方法对侧板原结构和优化后的结构进行模态分析,并将前后模态分析结果进行对比。结果得出了侧板原结构和优化后的结构的前5阶固有频率和模态振型图,分析结果显示侧板原结构产生了扭转振动、摆动和弯曲变形,优化后的侧板结构变形减小,刚度增加,固有频率提高约25%,质量减轻约83 kg。结论侧板结构优化是比较合理可靠的,可以为结构优化设计提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

A finite element constructed on the basis of boundary integral equations is proposed. This element has a flexible shape and arbitrary number of nodes. It also has good approximation properties. A procedure of constructing an element stiffness matrix is demonstrated first for one-dimensional case and then for two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction problem. Numerical examples demonstrate applicability and advantages of the method. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents the development of the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) to simulate elastoplastic stress wave propagation problems subjected to transient dynamic loadings. Material nonlinearity is considered by first reformulating the SBFEM to obtain an explicit form of shape functions for polygons with an arbitrary number of sides. The material constitutive matrix and the residual stress fields are then determined as analytical polynomial functions in the scaled boundary coordinates through a local least squares fit to evaluate the elastoplastic stiffness matrix and the residual load vector semianalytically. The treatment of the inertial force within the solution of the nonlinear system of equations is also presented within the SBFEM framework. The nonlinear equation system is solved using the unconditionally stable Newmark time integration algorithm. The proposed formulation is validated using several benchmark numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the mixed hybrid finite element method on unstructured triangular grids and evaluate its monotonicity properties by using a non standard set of basis functions for the velocity approximation space. The mixed hybrid discretization of the steady‐state diffusion equation produces a system matrix that depends only on the inner product of the outward normals to the edges of the triangulation and not on the choice of the velocity space basis. This property is used to study the characteristics of the system matrix. It is well known that this matrix is of type M if the angles of the triangulation are not bigger than π/2. An M‐matrix has a nonnegative inverse, i.e. all the elements are nonnegative. This implies the existence of a discrete maximum principle and thus monotonicity of the discretization. We show that, when the triangulation is of Delaunay type and satisfies the property that no circumcenters of boundary elements with Dirichlet conditions lie outside the domain, the inverse of the final matrix is always positive, even in the presence of obtuse angles. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new algorithm to define a stable Lagrange multiplier space to impose stiff interface conditions within the context of the extended finite element method. In contrast to earlier approaches, we do not work with an interior penalty formulation as, e.g. for Nitsche techniques, but impose the constraints weakly in terms of Lagrange multipliers. Roughly speaking a stable and optimal discrete Lagrange multiplier space has to satisfy two criteria: a best approximation property and a uniform inf–sup condition. Owing to the fact that the interface does not match the edges of the mesh, the choice of a good discrete Lagrange multiplier space is not trivial. Here we propose a new algorithm for the local construction of the Lagrange multiplier space and show that a uniform inf–sup condition is satisfied. A counterexample is also presented, i.e. the inf–sup constant depends on the mesh‐size and degenerates as it tends to zero. Numerical results in two‐dimensional confirm the theoretical ones. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital imaging technologies such as X‐ray scans and ultrasound provide a convenient and non‐invasive way to capture high‐resolution images. The colour intensity of digital images provides information on the geometrical features and material distribution which can be utilised for stress analysis. The proposed approach employs an automatic and robust algorithm to generate quadtree (2D) or octree (3D) meshes from digital images. The use of polygonal elements (2D) or polyhedral elements (3D) constructed by the scaled boundary finite element method avoids the issue of hanging nodes (mesh incompatibility) commonly encountered by finite elements on quadtree or octree meshes. The computational effort is reduced by considering the small number of cell patterns occurring in a quadtree or an octree mesh. Examples with analytical solutions in 2D and 3D are provided to show the validity of the approach. Other examples including the analysis of 2D and 3D microstructures of concrete specimens as well as of a domain containing multiple spherical holes are presented to demonstrate the versatility and the simplicity of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周期结构具有通频和禁频特性,使其在动态载荷的滤波器、具有主动控制功能的结构研究中得到了重要应用。基于Timoshenko梁理论,考虑基梁和压电片的转动惯量和剪切效应,采用有限元法和传递矩阵法推导了波在周期性地粘贴压电片的Timoshenko梁中的传播模型,分析了几何尺寸和材料特性对其频带性质的影响,并与Bernoulli-Euler梁理论得到的结果进行了对比。研究表明,当基梁与压电层厚度比达到40时,禁带带宽减小了54%,因此对于周期结构中的深梁,应舍弃Bernoulli-Euler梁理论而采用Timoshenko梁理论建立的模型;对于不同尺寸和材料特性的压电周期结构,频带性质会有很大不同,可以通过调整结构的参数来改变其频带性质,从而改变波动在结构中的传播特性。  相似文献   

A finite element model is proposed to perform stress analysis for thick curved beams and panels subjected to various types of loadings. The model has 18 nodes in a three‐dimensional cylindrical co‐ordinates system. Three stress components on radial surface (σrr, τ, and τrz) and three displacement components (ur, uθ, and uz) are used as nodal degrees of freedom. Therefore, the continuity condition for both stresses and displacements is achieved in the radial direction. Formulation of nodal shape functions and equilibrium equations are based on three‐dimensional elasticity theory and a minimum potential energy method. The accuracy of the method is verified with the standard test problems and exact solutions from the theory of elasticity. The model shows no locking phenomena. Convergence is investigated and the application to layered composite panel is illustrated. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对设计的新型20 m桥梁检测车,利用Pro/E软件建立了4种工况下整车结构的实体模型,运用有限元软件ANSYS对建立的模型进行了静力和模态分析。开展对设计结构进行强度校核,找出了设计结构的危险部位,并综合分析结果提出了设计结构的加强建议。有限元力学分析为校核结构强度提供了重要的理论方法,分析结果为桥梁检测车的结构设计与实际生产提供了理论依据与技术支持。  相似文献   

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