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Calculations of the electric-field enhancements in the vicinity of an illuminated silver tip, modeled using a Drude dielectric response, have been performed using the finite difference time domain method. Tip-induced field enhancements, of application in "apertureless" Raman scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), result from the resonant excitation of plasmons on the metal tip. The sharpness of the plasmon resonance spectrum and the highly localized nature of these modes impose conditions to better exploit tip plasmons in tip-enhanced apertureless SNOM. The effect of tip-to-substrate separation and polarization on the resolution and enhancement are analyzed, with emphasis on the different field components parallel and perpendicular to the substrate.  相似文献   

The fundamental parameters and limitations that determine the signal strength in tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) are discussed. A semiquantitative analysis of the Raman signal expected in different experimental geometries and with different sample systems is presented, taking into account experimental parameters including Fresnel factor, numerical aperture of the illumination and collection optics, detection efficiency, and the Raman scattering cross section of the material. A top/side-on illumination geometry is essential for the study of nontransparent samples. It can yield the highest signal levels when strong tip–sample coupling using a metallic substrate provides large field enhancement. In contrast, axial/through-sample illumination is limited to transparent sample materials. Although conceptually simpler in experimental implementation and despite high numerical aperture signal collection efficiency, signals are generally weaker due to limited field enhancement. Crystalline solids with small Raman cross sections and dense molecular/biological systems with unavoidable far-field background provide the biggest challenge for TERS analysis yet at the same time hold the most exciting outstanding scientific questions TERS has the potential to answer.
Figure 3
Excitation and emission sequence in tip-enhanced Raman scattering. The signal intensity can be estimated for a given experimental layout considering numerical aperture, Raman scattering cross-section, and plasmonic field enhancement.  相似文献   

Depending on each nitrogen atom of adenine molecule to which a silver atom of a metallic tip approaches, tip-enhanced near-field Raman spectroscopy may show a potential to achieve atomic site-selective detection sensitivity. Molecular vibrational calculations show that silver atoms and adenine molecule create several isomers generating specific vibrational modes of each isomer that are shifted or not observable in isolated adenine molecule itself. Here, the authors observe the specific vibrational modes and spectral shifts of isomers experimentally and are in good agreement with their calculations.  相似文献   

Finite element electromagnetic simulations of scanning probe microscopy tips and substrates are presented. The enhancement of the scattered light intensity is found to be as high as 10(12) for a 20 nm radius gold tip, and tip-substrate separation of 1 nm. Molecular resolution imaging (< 1 nm) is achievable, even with a relatively large radius tip (20 nm). We also make predictions for imaging in aqueous environments, noting a sizable red shift of the spectral peaks. Finally, we discuss signal levels, and predict that high-speed Raman mapping should be possible with gold substrates and a small tip-substrate separation (< 4 nm).  相似文献   

In this report, we propose a novel starch-mediated photochemical reduction method for synthesizing micrometer-sized gold nanoplates and the possibility of using them as a tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) substrate. To reduce gold ions, a starch chain firstly forms a complex with AuCl(4)(-), and the gold ion is subsequently reduced by receiving an electron from a chloride ion and generating a chloride radical when the [AuCl(4)(-)-starch] complex is irradiated by sunlight. Due to the slow reaction rate and the capability of starch as a template, gold structure can thermodynamically grow along the (111) facet which is the lowest energy facet of the gold face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal. This method can provide various shapes of gold plates such as triangle, truncated triangle, hexagon, polygon, etc. The plate size can be controlled in the range from a few micrometers to more than one hundred micrometers by increasing the acidity of solution while the plate thickness is less than 100 nm. Potential application of the gold plates as TERS substrates is demonstrated by collecting Raman signals while approaching a silver-coated tungsten tip to the surface of the micrometer-sized gold nanoplate covered by crystal violet (CV) molecules. The results show that less than one hundred CV molecules can be detected in our study.  相似文献   

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) is a highly sensitive spectroscopic technique which combines the advantages of optical spectroscopy with the requirements needed for the characterization of biological nano-structures. In this study, TERS was used to investigate the applicability of this spectroscopic technique for the detection of different virus strains like avipoxvirus and adeno-associated virus. TERS spectra obtained from different particles of the same virus strain show variations in relative peak intensities and positions of most spectral features observed. These spectral variations were higher for the larger avipoxvirus particles (?≈350 nm) than for the smaller adeno-associated virus particles (?≈26 nm).  相似文献   

A high-quality Raman spectrum of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) aqueous solution (10(-2) M) under ultraviolet (UV) excitation at 325 nm was obtained, which could not be observed with visible and near infrared (NIR) excitations due to the low concentration in aqueous solution. However, the surface-unenhanced Raman scattering of PHBA in silver colloid excited by ultraviolet was unexpectedly observed, which was quite different from the cases excited with NIR and visible light, by which the SERS effect was very remarkable. This indicated that the SERS of the PHBA-silver colloid system showed selectivity to excitation wavelength. The enhancement mechanisms at different excitation wavelength regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) has been used to obtain the Raman signal of surface species on silicon single crystal surfaces without the necessity for surface enhancement by addition of Ag nanoparticles. By illuminating the hydrogen terminated silicon surface covered with a droplet of 4-vinylpyridine with UV light, a 4-ethylpyridine modified silicon surface can be easily obtained. By bringing a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) Au tip with a nanoscale tip apex to a distance of ca. 1 nm from the m...  相似文献   

Lipid domains in supported lipid layers serve as a popular model to gain insight into the processes associated with the compartmentalization of biological membranes into so-called lipid rafts. In this paper, we present reproducible tip-enhanced Raman spectra originating from a very small number of molecules in a lipid monolayer on a gold surface, probed by the apex of a nanometer-sized silver tip. For the first time, we show large (128 × 128 pixels), high-resolution (< 50 nm) tip-enhanced Raman images of binary lipid mixtures with full spectral information at each pixel.  相似文献   

The influence of dielectric substrates on the Raman scattering activities of Ag overlayers has been investigated. Materials with low refractive indices, such as SiO2, SiOx and AlF3, were found to provide suitable supporting platforms for Ag films to give strong surface-enhanced Raman scattering for dye molecules when illuminated at 488 nm. This finding was then extended to tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS). Huge enhancements of 70–80×, corresponding to net enhancements of >104, were observed for brilliant cresyl blue test analyte when Ag-coated tips made from or precoated with low refractive index materials were applied. The yield of fabricated tips that significantly enhance the Raman signals was found to be close to 100%. These findings provide crucial steps towards the use of TERS as a robust technique for rapid chemical imaging with nanometer spatial resolution. Figure Silver-coated dielectric tips for tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) are capable of more than 10,000-fold enhancement  相似文献   

Tip-enhanced Raman scattering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) is a technique that provides molecular information on the nanometre scale. Using a nanometre-sized metal particle results in a strong signal enhancement and a lateral resolution similar to the dimensions of the particle. As TERS is in a way the ultimate SERS experiment, the theoretical background will be briefly discussed with respect to the unique features and the specific effects that occur when only a single nanoparticle is used as a probe. All the major parts of the instrument will be revealed and the specific advantages of the different instrumental set ups will be investigated with respect to the particular requirements of the sample. Selected examples ranging from material science to cell biological applications demonstrate the capabilities and the potential of TERS in this tutorial review.  相似文献   

We report the first observation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) excited with ultraviolet (UV) light from transition metal electrodes. Adsorbed pyridine and SCN- on rough rhodium (Rh) and ruthenium (Ru) electrodes, respectively, have been studied using 325 nm laser excitation. In contrast, the best enhancers in the visible and near infrared, silver and gold, do not produce UV-SERS. The experimental data of UV-SERS are in agreement with our preliminary theoretical calculation based on the electromagnetic enhancement mechanism. The enhancement factor is about 2 orders of magnitude for the Rh and Ru electrodes when they are excited at 325 nm.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy has several advantages over the normal Raman spectroscopy (RS) widely used for in situ characterization of solid catalysts and catalytic reactions. Compared with RS, RR can provide much higher sensitivity and selectivity in detecting catalytically-significant surface metal oxides. RR can potentially give useful information on the nature of excited states relevant to photocatalysis and on the anharmonic potential of the ground state. In this critical review a detailed discussion is presented on several types of RR experimental systems, three distinct sources of so-called Raman (fluorescence) background, detection limits for RR compared to other techniques (EXAFS, PM-IRAS, SFG), and three well-known methods to assign UV-vis absorption bands and a band-specific unified method that is derived mainly from RR results. In addition, the virtues and challenges of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) are discussed for detecting molecular adsorbates at catalytically relevant interfaces. Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), which is a combination of SERS and near-field scanning probe microscopy and has the capability of probing molecular adsorbates at specific catalytic sites with an enormous surface sensitivity and nanometre spatial resolution, is also reviewed (300 references).  相似文献   

We record the accurate and reliable Raman spectra of benzoic acid (BA), p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) and o-nitrobenzoic (ONBA) in aqueous solution with ultraviolet excitation. And we find that the ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectrum of aqueous BA solution has one-to-one correspondence to that of BA solid whereas the others are less resemble to the solid counterparts. We also report surface Raman spectroscopy of them in silver colloid without any enhancement in UV region and call it surface-unenhanced Raman spectroscopy (SUERS) while the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effects are perfect in near infrared or visible regions. It demonstrates the SERS effects are strongly dependent on the excitation wavelength. On the basis of the experiments, we discuss the mechanism of SERS excited in different regions.  相似文献   

Interfacial electron transfer (ET) in TiO?-based systems is important in artificial solar energy harvesting systems, catalysis, and in advanced oxidative waste water treatment. The fundamental importance of ET processes and impending applications make the study of interfacial ET a promising research area. Photoexcitation of dye molecules adsorbed on the surface of wide band gap semiconductors, such as TiO?, results in the injection of electrons from the dye molecules to the conduction band of the semiconductor or energetically accessible surface electronic states. Using Raman spectroscopy and ensemble-averaging approaches,t he chemical bonding and vibrational relaxation of the ET processes have been extensively studied. However, due to the complexity of the interfacial ET energetics and dynamics, significant questions remain on characterizing the source of the observed complexities. To address these important issues, we have applied advanced spectroscopic and imaging techniques such as confocal and tip-enhanced near-field Raman as well as photoluminescence spectroscopic and topographic imaging. Here we explore single surface states on TiO? as well as the interfacial electronic coupling of alizarin to TiO? single crystalline surfaces.  相似文献   

This study examines the feasibility of using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) for label-free chemical characterization of nanostructures in biological systems. For this purpose, a well-defined model system consisting of calcium alginate fibers is studied. In a companion paper, calcium alginate fibers and their network structures were shown to be a good model for the extracellular polysaccharides of biofilms at the nanoscale. TERS analysis of biological macromolecules, such as alginates, is complicated by heterogeneity in their sequence, molecular weight, and conformations, their small Raman cross-section, and the large number of functional groups, which can chemically interact with the silver surface of the tip and cause significant band shifts. Due to these effects, Raman frequencies in TERS spectra of biopolymers do not necessarily resemble band positions in the normal Raman spectrum of the bulk material, as is the case for less complex samples (e.g., dye molecules) studied so far. Additionally, analyte decomposition due to laser heating can have a significant influence, and carbon contamination signals can sometimes even overwhelm the weak analyte signals. Based on the investigation of alginates, strategies for spectra correction, choice of appropriate reference samples, and data interpretation are presented. With this approach, characteristic frequency ranges and specific marker bands can be found for biological macromolecules that can be employed for their identification in complex environments. Figure TERS spectrum of a calcium alginate fiber bundle  相似文献   

Simpson JV  Oshokoya O  Wagner N  Liu J  JiJi RD 《The Analyst》2011,136(6):1239-1247
The application of UV excitation sources coupled with resonance Raman have the potential to offer information unavailable with the current inventory of commonly used structural techniques including X-ray, NMR and IR analysis. However, for ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy to become a mainstream method for the determination of protein secondary structure content and monitoring protein dynamics, the application of multivariate data analysis methodologies must be made routine. Typically, the application of higher order data analysis methods requires robust pre-processing methods in order to standardize the data arrays. The application of such methods can be problematic in UVRR datasets due to spectral shifts arising from day-to-day fluctuations in the instrument response. Additionally, the non-linear increases in spectral resolution in wavenumbers (increasing spectral data points for the same spectral region) that results from increasing excitation wavelengths can make the alignment of multi-excitation datasets problematic. Last, a uniform and standardized methodology for the subtraction of the water band has also been a systematic issue for multivariate data analysis as the water band overlaps the amide I mode. Here we present a two-pronged preprocessing approach using correlation optimized warping (COW) to alleviate spectra-to-spectra and day-to-day alignment errors coupled with a method whereby the relative intensity of the water band is determined through a least-squares determination of the signal intensity between 1750 and 1900 cm(-1) to make complex multi-excitation datasets more homogeneous and usable with multivariate analysis methods.  相似文献   

Pure rotational, as well as vibrational Raman scattering has been observed from stable diatomic molecules in high-temperature flames. Accurate (rotational) flame temperatures may be determined from the rotational line intensities. For a hydrogen diffusion flame in air Trot(N2) = 1880 ± 21K, Trot(H2) = 1890 ± 80 K, Tvib(N2) = 1995 ± 130 K, and Tvib(H2) =1900 ± 150 K.  相似文献   

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