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某型号飞机尾减机匣试验过程中出现异常,荧光检查发现裂纹.通过故障机匣外观检查、裂纹断口宏微观观察及能谱分析、材料硬度检测、金相检查等试验得出结论,尾减机匣失效属低周疲劳开裂,机匣表面Nd元素偏析是导致机匣疲劳裂纹形成的直接原因,材料韧性不足一定程度上促进了裂纹的疲劳扩展,根据分析结果,给出提高尾减机匣受力部位的疲劳抗力,避免故障再次发生的有效方法.  相似文献   

某仪器舱3个大套筒在振动试验过程中发生断裂,失效分析后认为套筒断裂性质为疲劳断裂;断裂原因是由于材料组织不均匀(存在大量条状析出相),以致套筒经硫酸阳极化后产生了表面腐蚀裂纹;断裂过程为在振动试验过程中表面腐蚀裂纹沿条状析出相扩展,导致套筒疲劳断裂.  相似文献   

某304L奥氏体不锈钢消化-澄清器在试运行不久后即出现筒体开裂,发生泄漏事故。采用金相检验、扫描电镜及能谱分析等方法对开裂部位进行了分析。结果表明:消化-澄清器筒体开裂是由于蒸汽接管的振动,使器壁承受弯曲交变载荷;在交变载荷的作用下,消化-澄清器内、外壁萌生疲劳裂纹,疲劳裂纹不断扩展最终导致消化-澄清器发生疲劳开裂。  相似文献   

某型号变速箱在台架试验过程中,双联齿和与之啮合的512齿轮均发生失效事件。采用断口分析、金相检验、硬度测试以及化学成分分析等方法对失效件进行了检验。结果表明:由于双联齿和512齿轮的齿面存在严重的异常接触,加之双联齿的有效硬化层深度和心部硬度均低于技术要求,从而导致在台架试验过程中双联齿表面发生严重的接触疲劳剥落,与之啮合的512齿轮发生弯曲疲劳断齿。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、能谱分析等手段分析了某机电产品用不锈钢波纹管开裂的原因。结果表明:在焊接过程中波纹管的焊接接头区域发生敏化,随后酸洗造成该区域形成沿晶界腐蚀裂纹,波纹管在经过振动试验时承受径向交变载荷,在交变应力下裂纹由最初的晶界腐蚀裂纹根部开始扩展直至穿透管壁;断口表面能够发现明显的贝纹线,证明波纹管开裂是一种疲劳失效。  相似文献   

某发动机高压涡轮叶片为镍基单晶合金叶片,在室温下进行振动疲劳试验后发现叶片开裂,通过宏观观察、金相检验和扫描电镜分析等方法对叶片开裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:进气边叶根和榫头伸根的开裂形式均为疲劳开裂;进气边叶根气膜孔内壁存在多处小缺口及榫头伸根亚表面存在疏松缺陷,这些缺陷部位容易形成裂纹源,促进了裂纹的萌生,裂纹扩展后最终导致开裂失效。  相似文献   

某型涡桨发动机涡轮叶片在长期使用过程中出现了两种类型的裂纹与断裂失效,一类是使用寿命超过4500h时在榫齿R处出现较普遍的裂纹,另一类则是使用600h以上时在榫齿与伸根R处的断裂.在断口宏、微观观察与痕迹分析的基础上,结合成分、硬度、晶粒度测定以及有限元应力分析,对这两类失效的性质与原因进行了分析研究.结果表明,使用寿命超过4500h时叶片榫齿裂纹为蠕变-疲劳裂纹,其原因是叶片材料难以满足发动机长寿命的使用要求;而榫齿与伸根R处的断裂则是大应力机械疲劳断裂,其原因可能与相邻叶片间隙偏大致使出现较高的振动弯曲应力以及表面较深的加工锉痕引起的应力集中有关.  相似文献   

重载齿轮是大型机械装置(推土机、挖掘机、装甲车等)传动系统的核心部件,它的主要功能是按照规定的转速比传递运动和转矩。随着科学技术的发展和军事装备的更新换代,重载齿轮的研究除了在材料性能、齿形设计、承载能力等方面取得了新成就外,另一个突出的进步就是在齿轮性能测试技术方面获得了很多成果,使得一些过去难以定量研究的问题(如齿轮的疲劳强度、齿轮传动品质等)都有了比较实用的测量手段。而在重载齿轮疲劳性能研究中,相对于接触疲劳产生的齿面点蚀、胶合、磨损等微小破坏而引起齿轮传动效率降低,啮合不到位等现象,弯曲疲劳则会直接导致齿根产生裂纹甚至形成断齿现象,造成重大事故。因此,准确测试重载齿轮的弯曲疲劳寿命,分析弯曲疲劳性能,进而优化齿轮设计,提升齿轮性能,对监测因弯曲疲劳失效所引起设备故障以及避免服役过程中发生重大事故具有重要意义。重载齿轮弯曲疲劳寿命受多方面因素的影响,其中包括材料性能、加工尺寸、制备工艺以及测试手段等,因此对其弯曲疲劳寿命的定量测试一直是各国研究人员关注的热点话题。关于重载齿轮弯曲疲劳寿命的研究可以归纳为以下三方面:弯曲疲劳原理探究方面已发展到声发射信号检测、光学图像分形理论计算、计算机有限元数学模拟等多方面的实际应用;性能检测实验已有单齿/双齿脉冲加载、动态啮合式加载等多种试验方法;数据处理方面已发展出升降法、成组法、雨流法以及多种S-N曲线拟合的数据处理手段。这些分析方法以及测试手段的应用可以大大节省实验成本、提高分析效率、减少试验误差,进而提高重载齿轮弯曲疲劳寿命检测的准确性。本文从重载齿轮弯曲疲劳寿命的测试原理、试验方法以及测试数据处理三方面出发,根据国内外研究现状,对重载齿轮的弯曲疲劳性能进行机理性与实验性的探究,为测试重载齿轮的弯曲疲劳寿命提供有效的理论依据、具体的测试方法以及准确的数据处理手段。  相似文献   

42CrMo钢疲劳裂纹扩展剩余寿命评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高频三点弯曲疲劳试验机为平台,进行42CrMo钢疲劳裂纹扩展试验研究,通过建立裂纹扩展剩余寿命评估模型,实现对存在裂纹的工程机械零部件剩余寿命的评估。采用显微成像测试系统实时采集并测量疲劳扩展裂纹,使用声发射系统监测整个疲劳裂纹扩展过程。结果表明:声发射幅值、能量等特征参数可以实时反应疲劳裂纹萌生、稳定扩展和失稳扩展等各个损伤阶段,并在疲劳断裂时产生急剧的突变;裂纹扩展速率的对数值与应力强度因子幅的对数值具有较高的线性相关性,建立了不同应力工况条件下裂纹扩展剩余寿命评估模型,以双排链轮轴为例进行裂纹扩展剩余寿命评估;随着疲劳应力的增加,裂纹扩展剩余寿命减小。  相似文献   

HXD1型电力机车的牵引电机转轴和小齿轮轴采用圆锥过盈配合传动结构(下称转轴组件),使用中该组件出现了早期断裂失效.本文通过理化检测、断口和配合面宏/微观形貌观察等失效分析技术对失效组件进行了分析.结果表明,材料成分、组织和显微硬度正常,小齿轮轴和电机转轴的失效形式分别为高周疲劳断裂和微动疲劳断裂.造成组件失效的原因和过程是,小齿轮轴近齿端油槽-油孔交界线处有较大的结构应力集中,油槽底部周向加工刀痕造成附加应力集中,在应力集中和旋转弯曲疲劳载荷作用下油孔边两个应力集中点萌生了疲劳裂纹并扩展;随小齿轮轴裂纹的不断扩展转轴组件结构刚度减小,继而诱发了与小齿轮轴匹配的电机轴配合面的微动疲劳,电机轴疲劳裂纹萌生于微动区的边缘处;电机转轴先于小齿轮轴完全断裂.基于本文的分析结果提出了提高组件抗疲劳断裂的技术措施.  相似文献   

某化工厂工艺管线上的316不锈钢材质的孔板流量计导压管断裂,导致介质泄漏发生火灾。为查明其失效原因,对断裂的仪表管进行成分、硬度、金相、断口形貌和腐蚀产物分析,确认仪表管发生断裂的原因是在安装应力、震动和环境中Cl元素的共同作用下,先发生了应力腐蚀形成裂纹源,裂纹达到门槛值后又以疲劳形式扩展,最终导致开裂。  相似文献   

Observations of fatigue crack growth behaviour were made during rotating‐bend testing of hard‐shot peened Type 316L steel. From the results of these observations, the crack that developed in the axial direction was observed and the mechanism of the fatigue crack properties was clarified as follows: (1) Small circumferential surface fatigue cracks were detected at 60% of the fatigue lifetime. These cracks propagated very slowly in both the circumferential and radial directions. (2) When a radial crack reached a depth of between 150 and 350 μm, axial fatigue cracks were formed. (3) In the next stage, either the radial or the axial fatigue cracks continued propagating, or an inwards growing radial crack formed from the axial crack. (4) In the final stage, the circumferential surface crack began to grow rapidly and resulted in fracture. (5) The fracture type of hard‐shot peened Type 316L is a particular type of surface fracture.  相似文献   

考虑裂纹表面摩擦阻尼的振动疲劳裂纹扩展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘文光  陈国平 《振动与冲击》2012,31(5):42-45,72
以含表面裂纹悬臂梁为研究对象,研究了裂纹面摩擦效应对裂纹疲劳扩展的影响。分析时,用双线性弹簧描述裂纹呼吸行为,用Galerkin方法把呼吸裂纹梁简化为单自由度系统,基于Coulomb摩擦模型和能量耗散理论推导了摩擦阻尼损耗因子,运用广义的Forman方程模拟疲劳裂纹扩展,通过振动分析与裂纹扩展计算同步进行的方法考虑振动与疲劳的耦合效应,探讨了摩擦阻尼对裂纹梁疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的影响。结论表明,摩擦阻尼损耗因子随裂纹扩展呈单调递增趋势,摩擦阻尼对振动疲劳裂纹扩展的影响不容忽视  相似文献   

In this study, fracture surfaces of pearlitic ductile iron generated under impact, bending and fatigue tests were characterised and compared. The fracture mechanisms in each case were identified from the observation of scanning electron microscopy images, and the characteristic topographic features were quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated. Cleavage was the predominant fracture mechanism for impact loading at all test temperatures and for slow bending testing. On the other hand, under fatigue loading, the fracture surfaces showed a mix of cleavage and ductile striation areas. A complex but reliable methodology for the determination of the direction of propagation of the main crack was also proposed, based on a careful analysis of the river patterns along the cleavage planes.  相似文献   

采用在线销钉集成技术实现了二维C_f/SiC复杂构件的近尺寸成型,并考察预氧化C_f/SiC销钉集成构件的高周疲劳寿命及破坏模式。实验结果表明:C_f/SiC构件在不同激振加速度条件下均表现为由销钉断裂所引起的整体分层破坏,层板连接处为C_f/SiC构件的振动疲劳薄弱部位。通过ANSYS振动应力分析和微观组织分析可以推论出,疲劳试验时,裂纹容易沿着层板间的基体扩展,在基体开裂失效后,全部应力施加于销钉处,最终在疲劳应力作用下销钉发生断裂,导致构件整体分层破坏。  相似文献   

Laser shock peening (LSP) is a surface treatment technique that forms a strengthened layer on the metal surfaces. In this study, the LSP was applied on the locomotive LZ50 axle steel surface which was interference fitted with the wheel. The microstructures, fracture morphologies and fatigue performances of LSP‐treated and untreated axle steels were explored. The results indicated that after the LSP treatment, a strengthened layer was generated on the axle steel surface. The surface hardness was increased by 25%, that is, from around 204 to around 255 HV0.3. The residual compressive stresses were improved from 260 to 345 MPa along the axial direction and from 165 to 225 MPa along the radial direction. The fatigue limit was increased by 30%, that is, from around 130 to around 170 MPa. The fracture surfaces could be divided into three regions: crack initiation, crack propagation, and short‐break regions. In the crack initiation region, the fatigue striation of the LSP‐treated steel was denser than the untreated steel. In the crack propagation and short‐break regions, the fracture morphologies of the LSP‐treated and the untreated axle steels were similar.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of the studies presented in a recent paper by the authors, where the fracture surfaces of pearlitic ductile cast iron under different loading conditions were exhaustively analysed. In this study, fracture surfaces of ferritic ductile cast iron (or ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron) generated under impact, bending and fatigue loading conditions were characterised and compared. The fracture surfaces were characterised qualitatively and quantitatively from the observation under a scanning electron microscope. The fracture mechanisms in each case were identified. For impact tests, as test temperature increases, the dominant fracture mechanism changes from brittle to ductile. For bending tests, a fully ductile fracture micromechanism dominates the surface. In fatigue tests, the surface shows a mix of flat facets that appear to be cleavage facets and ductile striations, but the typical fatigue striations are not easily found on the fracture surface. Methodologies for the determination of the macroscopic direction of main crack propagation in both ductile and brittle failure modes are proposed. These allow identifying main crack propagation direction with good approximation. The results are potentially useful to identify the nature of loading conditions in a fractured specimen of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron. The authors believe that it is necessary to extend the methodologies proposed in samples with different geometry and size, before they can be used to provide additional information to the classical fractographic analysis.  相似文献   

In the present work, an attempt has been made to study the fatigue crack growth in a part‐through circumferentially notched pipe specimen. It has been observed that under four‐point bend cyclic load, the crack propagates in a transverse plane in the radial direction initially followed by propagation in the circumferential direction. The crack extension in the circumferential direction resulted crack growth retardation in the radial direction. This behaviour of the fatigue crack growth has been modelled, and a fatigue life prediction methodology based on an exponential model has been applied for prediction of fatigue crack growth.  相似文献   

本研究选取了具有(α+β)等轴组织和α/β粗片层组织的TCll钛合金作为研究对象,采用研究了TCll合金薄板样品在恒总应变幅控制下的弯曲疲劳性能及其损伤行为,通过对疲劳开裂路径和断裂的观察与表征,探讨了疲劳损伤与组织结构间的关系。研究发现,恒总应变幅控制下的等轴组织TCll钛合金薄板的弯曲疲劳性能明显的高于粗片层组织合金。等轴组织合金的疲劳裂纹沿α相中的滑移带萌生并扩展,片层组织样品疲劳裂纹沿着α相或与片层垂直的方向扩展。  相似文献   

含裂纹悬臂梁的振动与疲劳耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于Paris方程和同步分析方法考虑振动与疲劳裂纹扩展耦合之影响,提出一种含裂纹梁的振动疲劳寿命分析思路.振动分析过程中,利用线性弹簧等效裂纹段,复弹性模量引入阻尼损耗因子,得到考虑裂纹扩展、激励频率和阻尼等因素影响的动应力响应.结果表明:裂纹扩展、激励频率和阻尼等因素对疲劳寿命具有重要的影响.通过振动分析与疲劳裂纹扩展寿命估算同步进行,可进一步提高疲劳寿命估算精度.  相似文献   

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