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基于TM影像的太湖悬浮物反演模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Suspended sediment (SS) is the non-dissolved matter in water which reflects the physical and chemical property of water. Suspended sediment plays an important role in water quality management, which influences the total primary productivity…  相似文献   

基于TM数据的太湖叶绿素a浓度定量遥感反演方法研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
探讨利用常规卫星遥感数据Landsat/TM定量反演太湖叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度的方法。在对Landsat/TM影像进行几何校正、辐射定标、大气校正等预处理的基础上,选择适于太湖Chl-a浓度定量反演的最佳波段或波段组合,采用半经验回归模型和混合光谱分解模型分别建立太湖Chl-a浓度定量反演模型,并对不同模型及反演结果进行对比分析。  相似文献   

This paper brought out a new idea on the retrieval of suspended sediment concentration, which uses both the water-leaving radiance from remote sensing data and the grain size of the suspended sediment. A principal component model and a neural network model based on those two parameters were constructed. The analyzing results indicate that testing errors of the models using the two parameters are 0.256 and 0.244, while the errors using only water-leaving radiance are 0,384 and 0.390. The stability of the models with grain size parameter is also better than the one without grain size. This research proved that it is necessary to introduce the grain size parameter into suspended sediment concentration retrieval models in order to improve the retrieval precision of these models.  相似文献   

This paper brought out a new idea on the retrieval of suspended sediment concentration, which uses both the water-leaving radiance from remote sensing data and the grain size of the suspended sediment. A principal component model and a neural network model based on those two parameters were constructed. The analyzing results indicate that testing errors of the models using the two parameters are 0.256 and 0.244, while the errors using only water-leaving radiance are 0.384 and 0.390. The stability of the models with grain size parameter is also better than the one without grain size. This research proved that it is necessary to introduce the grain size parameter into suspended sediment concentration retrieval models in order to improve the retrieval precision of these models.  相似文献   

西太湖沉积物污染的地球化学记录及对比研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
刘恩峰  沈吉  朱育新 《地理科学》2005,25(1):102-107
通过对西太湖MS、DLS沉积短岩芯中金属元素、营养指标的对比分析,讨论了西太湖近80年来的元素地球化学演化特征。结果表明,20世纪40年代以前,西太湖沉积物中元素为自然来源;40~70年代末期,除北部Hg、TP受到人为污染之外,其余元素仍主要为自然来源;70年代末期以来,重金属元素人为污染逐渐加重,湖泊营养程度升高。西太湖北部沉积物中Pb、Zn、Mn、Ni、As污染开始于20世纪70年代末期,Hg污染开始于40年代初期;与北部相比,南部沉积物重金属污染历史较短,Pb、Zn污染开始于70年代末期,As、Mn、Ni、Hg污染开始于80年代中期~末期。西太湖北部、南部沉积物中TN、TOC含量70年代末期以来开始增加,C/N比值增大,有机质外源输入比例增加。西太湖北部沉积物中TP含量自40年代初期以来逐渐增加,受到人为污染;南部TP含量在40~70年代略高,但无明显的人为污染特征。  相似文献   

太湖滨岸带芦苇区沉积物磷的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了进一步揭示大型水生植物对湖泊滨岸带沉积物磷的生物地球化学影响,探讨芦苇(Phragmites austra-lis)群落对沉积物磷的生态效应,于2003年9月18日、10月17日和12月3日,用柱状采样器分别在太湖梅梁湾滨岸带芦苇区和无草对照区采样。用HClO4-H2SO4消化法和H2SO4-H2O2消煮法测定芦苇区和对照区沉积物及芦苇根、茎组织中的总磷含量。结果表明,在芦苇生长旺盛期(9月),芦苇区和对照区沉积物的总磷含量最高,在芦苇生长的衰弱期(10月),其总磷含量次之,在芦苇生长的枯萎期(12月),其总磷含量最低;对照区沉积物距地表0~2cm的表层是磷的富集峰值层,而芦苇生长区距地表4~7cm的沉积物层为磷的富集峰值层;芦苇须根对磷的富集效应大于其根状茎,而芦苇根状茎对磷的富集效应又大于其茎,但它们的总磷含量都小于距根0~2cm范围芦苇根际沉积物的总磷含量。  相似文献   

基于TM数据的太湖叶绿素A浓度定量反演   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
吕恒  江南  罗潋葱 《地理科学》2006,26(4):472-476
利用TM(ETM)数据与准实时地面采样数据,建立太湖叶绿素浓度反演模型。结果表明,TM3/(TM1+TM4)与叶绿素A浓度的相关性最好,并以此建立了太湖叶绿素A浓度线性反演模型,但反演精度并不高,因此,建立了一个两层BP神经网络模型反演太湖的叶绿素A浓度,结果表明,神经网络模型的反演精度远高于线性反演模型,16个测试样本表明,神经网络模型反演的相对误差小于30%的有15个点,占总测试样本93.75%,而线性反演模型反演相对误差在30%以下的仅有3个点,这表明对于太湖这样一个光谱特征复杂的二类水体,可以利用神经网络模型反演水质参数。  相似文献   

海洋悬浮泥沙二元特征参数MODIS遥感反演模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳  李国胜 《地理研究》2007,26(6):1186-1196
本文提出了一种采用海面离水辐射率和泥沙粒径二元特征参数来反演研究海区(渤海)海洋表层悬浮泥沙浓度的新的遥感反演算法,以此为基础分别建立了基于MODIS遥感数据和泥沙粒径二元特征参数的主成分和神经网络两种泥沙浓度反演模型,并对比分析了两类模型的反演精度以及泥沙粒径因子对模型的影响。分析结果表明,新建立的二元特征参数反演算法在采用主成分模型和神经网络模型时的检验误差分别为0.256和0.244,而忽略泥沙粒径因子贡献的主成分模型和神经网络模型的检验误差分别为0.384和0.390,因此可以认为,在泥沙浓度反演模型中加入粒径因子时,模型的预测精度和模型稳定性均比只考虑浓度对反射率贡献的模型有显著改善。  相似文献   

Environmental change in Lake Taihu and its catchment since the early to middle part of the twentieth century has left a clear geochemical record in the lake sediments. The human activities in the lake and its catchment responsible for the change include agriculture, fishery, urbanisation, sewage and industrial waster disposal. Sediment cores were collected from Meilian Bay of northern Lake Taihu to investigate the record of anthropogenic impacts on the lake’s ecosystem and to assess its natural, pre-eutrophication baseline state. Two marked stratigraphic sediment units were identified on the basis of total phosphorus concentration (TP), pigments, total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN), δ13C and δ15N corresponding to stages in the lake history dominated by phytoplankton, and by aquatic macrophytes. Results show that as TP loading increased from the early 1950s the lake produced sediments with increasing amounts of organic matter derived from phytoplankton. In the early 1950s, the first evidence for eutrophication at the Meilian Bay site is recorded by an increase in C/N values and in sediment accumulation rate, but there is little change in phosphorus concentrations, pigments, δ13C and δ15N at this time. After 1990 a more rapid increase in trophic status took place indicated by increased levels of phosphorus, pigments, δ15N and by decreased δ13C and TOC/TN values in the lake sediments. The first increase in trophic status of the early 1950s results mainly from agricultural development in the catchment. In contrast, the acceleration from ca. 1990 originates from the recent development of fisheries and the urbanisation and industrialisation of the catchment.  相似文献   

太湖流域上游降水特征分析   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
利用太湖入流区域的湖州和宜兴两地46年(1957~2002)的降水观测资料,分析了降水在不同季节内的分配情况及多年变化规律和周期性特征.研究发现,46年来在整个全年降水中,汛期降水量约占60%左右,且有逐年递减的趋势;夏季和冬季降水量分别占全年降水量的35%和15%左右,并逐年递增.就递增趋势而言,冬季较夏季平缓.从早涝等级的分析结果判断,1974年以前基本以轻旱为主,1974~2002年间具有旱涝交替特征.在所有灾害年中,84.8%的年份为厄尔尼诺或拉尼娜年.从谱分析结果判断,年降水量具有20年的主振荡周期和3.3年、2.2年的次周期,并出现与太阳黑子变化反位相的特征.研究表明,20世纪50年代末至70年代中期为少雨期,70年代末至本世纪初为多雨期.根据降水的周期性特点,本世纪初的20年中,太湖流域将呈现少雨特征,但并不排除气候异常造成在部分年份出现较大洪涝灾害的可能性.  相似文献   

从国际治湖经验探讨太湖富营养化的治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湖泊富营养化已经成为影响湖泊流域社会经济可持续发展的因素之一,应该充分认识目前我国湖泊富营养化问题的普遍性以及解决问题的迫切性。从国际湖泊富营养化治理的经验看,有效地控制面源和点源污染仍然是湖泊富营养化治理的重要前提;颁布严格的保护水资源的法律,确保饮用水安全是重中之重;应建立全流域统一的水资源保护合作机制,特别是注重把流域综合管理的思想引入湖泊富营养化治理;制定长期的湖泊富营养化治理计划, 细化具体的阶段治理目标。坚持湖泊治理的方向,不能放弃太湖的治理。  相似文献   

Five diagnostic experiments with a 3D baroclinic hydrodynamic and sediment transport model ECOMSED in couple with the third generation wave model SWAN and the Grant-Madsen bottom boundary layer model driven by the monthly sediment load of the Yellow River, were conducted to separately diagnose effects of different hydrodynamic factors on transport of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea. Both transport and spatio-temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentration in the Bohai Sea were numerially simulated. It could be concluded that suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River cannot be delivered in long distance under the condition of tidal current. Almost all of sediments from the Yellow River are deposited outside the delta under the condition of wind-driven current, and only very small of them are transported faraway. On the basis of wind forcing, sediments from the Yellow River are mainly transported north-northwestward, and others which are first delivered to the Laizhou Bay are continuously moved northward. An obvious 3D structure characteristic of sediment transport is produced in the wind-driven and tide-induced residual circulation condition. Transport patterns at all layers are generally consistent with circulation structure, but there is apparent deviation between the depth-averaged sediment flux and the circulation structure. The phase of temporal variation of sediment concentration is consistent with that of the bottom shear stress, both of which are proved to have a ten-day cycle in wave and current condition.  相似文献   

Five diagnostic experiments with a 3D baroclinic hydrodynamic and sediment transport model ECOMSED in couple with the third generation wave model SWAN and the Grant–Madsen bottom boundary layer model driven by the monthly sediment load of the Yellow River, were conducted to separately diagnose effects of different hydrodynamic factors on transport of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea. Both transport and spatio-temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentration in the Bohai Sea were numerially simulated. It could be concluded that suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River cannot be delivered in long distance under the condition of tidal current. Almost all of sediments from the Yellow River are deposited outside the delta under the condition of wind-driven current, and only very small of them are transported faraway. On the basis of wind forcing, sediments from the Yellow River are mainly transported north-northwestward, and others which are first delivered to the Laizhou Bay are continuously moved northward. An obvious 3D structure characteristic of sediment transport is produced in the wind-driven and tide-induced residual circulation condition. Transport patterns at all layers are generally consistent with circulation structure, but there is apparent deviation between the depth-averaged sediment flux and the circulation structure. The phase of temporal variation of sediment concentration is consistent with that of the bottom shear stress, both of which are proved to have a ten-day cycle in wave and current condition.  相似文献   

近年来长江流域入海沙量呈现阶梯性减小趋势,三峡水库蓄水后加剧了这一减小趋势,并通过传递效应影响河口悬沙浓度变化。基于长江口1950-2013年悬沙浓度数据,结果表明:① 长江口南支河段及口外海域悬沙浓度为减小趋势,且越向海域减幅越小,同时与流域入海沙量减幅差距加大;② 北支优势流变化不大,但悬沙浓度为减小趋势,主要为南支和海域大环境悬沙浓度减小所致;③ 拦门沙河段悬沙浓度的峰值区域因径流减小、潮流相对增强,2003-2012年较1984-2002年期间峰值位置向口内上溯约1/6经度,上溯距离洪季 > 年均 > 枯季;④ 1999-2009年南槽进口悬沙浓度减小,主要是再悬浮和滩槽交换引起的悬沙浓度增量小于流域和海域悬沙浓度锐减引起的减量,中段该作用相反,悬沙浓度为增加趋势;⑤ 北槽进口由于分流分沙比减小、流域和海域悬沙浓度减小及再悬浮量减小等综合影响下,1999-2012年逐年的8月份悬沙浓度呈减小趋势,中段越堤沙量作用明显高于外部坏境引起的减小量,为增加趋势。  相似文献   

日本琵琶湖开发与太湖传统复合农业环境利用比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文阐述琵琶湖的开发利用对环境的影响,以此为鉴,笔者建议今后应将能否体现太湖传统复合农业中的“自然循环”及“顺应自然规律的社会循环”体系的完好,作为太湖环境开发利用计划制定与实施的评价标准。如何扬弃“传统经验”的问题是太湖环境开发利用所面临的课题。  相似文献   

The sediment discharge from the Yangtze River Basin has a stepwise decreasing trend in recent years. The impounding of the Three Gorges Reservoir exacerbated this decreasing trend and affected the change of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Yangtze River Estuary through the transmission effect. The SSC data of the Yangtze River Estuary during 1959-2012 showed that: (1) The SSC in the South Branch of the Yangtze River in the estuary and in the off-shore sea area displayed decreasing trends and decreased less towards the sea. At the same time, the difference in decreasing magnitude between SSC and sediment discharge became bigger towards the sea. (2) For the North Branch the preferential flow did not change much but the SSC tended to decrease, which was mainly caused by the decrease of SSC in the South Branch and China East Sea. (3) Due to the decreased runoff and the relatively strengthened tide, the peak area of the SSC in the bar shoal section in 2003-2012 moved inward for about 1/6 longitude unit compared with that in 1984-2002, and the inward-moving distance was in the order of flood season > annual average > dry season. (4) In the inlet of the South Passage, the SSC decreased mainly because the increase caused by resuspension and shore-groove exchange was less than the decrease caused by the sharp SSC decrease in the basin and the sea areas. The reverse was true in the middle section, where the SSC showed an increasing trend. (5) In the inlet of the North Passage, under the combined influence of decreased flow split and sediment split ratios, the decreased SSC in the basin and the sea area and decreased amount of resuspension, the SSC displayed a decreasing trend. In the middle section, because the increased amount caused by sediment going over the dyke was markedly more than the decreased amount caused by external environments, the SSC tended to increase. Holistically, the sharp decrease in sediment discharge caused synchronized SSC decreases in the Yangtze River Estuary. But there were still areas, where the SSC displayed increasing trends, indicating synchronicity and difference in the response of SSC to the sharp decrease in sediment discharge from the basin.  相似文献   

Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China and has been experiencing eutrophication problems for several decades. Diatoms in short sediment cores from three bays in northern Taihu Lake were studied in addition to 1-year of seasonal phytoplankton samples in order to evaluate the rate and magnitude of nutrient enrichment. The dominant species found in the phytoplankton samples appeared in high percentages in the surface sediment samples, suggesting that the latter faithfully record the modern diatom flora. The diatom preservation status varied among the three cores, while in all cores the preservation deteriorated with sediment depth. Due to the superior diatom preservation in the core from Mashan Bay, the fossil diatom record of this core and an established diatom total phosphorus (TP) transfer function were used to reconstruct the nutrient history of Taihu Lake. Diatom assemblages changed from Aulacoseira-dominated to other eutrophic planktonic species, such as Stephanodiscus minutulus, Cyclostephanos tholiformis, Cyclotella atomus, C. meneghiniana and S. hantzschii in ca. 1980. Diatom-inferred TP concentrations exhibited little change prior to 1980, with values around 50 μg/l. However, after 1980 TP concentrations increased significantly and remained in excess of 100 μg/l, reflecting eutrophication of Taihu Lake. Comparison with TP measurements in the water column from 1988 to 2004, as well as the analogue analysis among fossil and modern samples, demonstrates that the diatom-TP inference model can reliably hindcast past TP concentrations. Therefore, the baseline TP value of about 50 μg/l, can be used as a restoration target for Taihu Lake. However, due to the complexity of this very large, shallow aquatic ecosystem, caution should be exercised when employing the diatom record to track eutrophication. Further studies on the mechanism of diatom distribution, evolution and preservation are recommended for Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

黄河中游支流悬移质粒度与含沙量、流量间的复杂关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
许炯心 《地理研究》2003,22(1):39-48
本文以黄河中游若干支流为例,研究了宽变幅水沙两相流河流悬移质泥沙的粒度特征。结果表明,宽变幅水沙两相流河流的悬移质泥沙粒度特征与含沙量、流量之间具有复杂的关系。就同一站点而言,随着含沙量和流量的增大,大于0.05mm的粗颗粒泥沙的百分比迅速减小,并达到最小值;当含沙量和流量进一步增大时,其百分比又迅速增大,表现出明显的双值关系。对于小于0.01mm细泥沙而言,情形正好相反。黄河中游不同的支流之间,悬移质泥沙粒度特征与年均含沙量的关系也是复杂的。这些变化图形可以用非高含沙水流与高含沙水流不同的物理力学行为来解释  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) variations over a year period is presented using the data from 8 stations in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent waters, together with a discussion of the hydrodynamic regimes of the estuary. Spatially, the SSC from Xuliujing downwards to Hangzhou Bay increases almost constantly, and the suspended sediment in the inner estuary shows higher concentration in summer than in winter, while in the outer estuary it shows higher concentration in winter than in summer, and the magnitude is greater in the outer estuary than in the inner estuary, greater in the Hangzhou Bay than in the Yangtze River estuary. The sediments discharged by the Yangtze River into the sea are resuspended by marine dynamics included tidal currents and wind waves. Temporally, the SSC shows a pronounced neap-spring tidal cycle and seasonal variations. Furthermore, through the analysis of dynamic mechanism, it is concluded that wave and tidal current are two predominant factors of sediment resuspension and control the distribution and changes of SSC, in which tidal currents control neap-spring tidal cycles, and wind waves control seasonal variations. The ratio between river discharge and marine dynamics controls spatial distribution of SSC.  相似文献   

长江口水域悬沙浓度时空变化与泥沙再悬浮   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A detailed analysis of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) variations over a year period is presented using the data from 8 stations in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent waters, together with a discussion of the hydrodynamic regimes of the estuary. Spatially, the SSC from Xuliujing downwards to Hangzhou Bay increases almost constantly, and the suspended sediment in the inner estuary shows higher concentration in summer than in winter, while in the outer estuary it shows higher concentration in winter than in summer, and the magnitude is greater in the outer estuary than in the inner estuary, greater in the Hangzhou Bay than in the Yangtze River estuary. The sediments discharged by the Yangtze River into the sea are resuspended by marine dynamics included tidal currents and wind waves. Temporally, the SSC shows a pronounced neap-spring tidal cycle and seasonal variations. Furthermore, through the analysis of dynamic mechanism, it is concluded that wave and tidal current are two predominant factors of sediment resuspension and control the distribution and changes of SSC, in which tidal currents control neap-spring tidal cycles, and wind waves control seasonal variations. The ratio between river discharge and marine dynamics controls soatial distribution of SSC.  相似文献   

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