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Hepatobiliary resection with caudate lobectomy has been conducted in the surgical treatment of bile duct carcinoma of the hepatic hilus. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the anatomy of the right portion of the caudate lobe, and techniques to visualize the portal branches of the right caudate lobe (P1r) have not been reported. Contrast medium was injected into the dorso-caudal branches of the middle hepatic vein (MHV) and images were obtained by digital subtraction venography. Retrograde portography of the P1r was achieved in 64 (84%) out of 76 cases. The mean number of visualized branches was 2.1 (137 out of 64) and the P1r coursed beyond the trunk of the MHV in 36 (56%) out of the 64 cases. Contrast medium flowed into the right portal vein from 59 P1r branches in 32 cases and into the left portal vein in 20 cases. No complications were encountered. Retrograde portograms of the P1r may provide valuable information not previously available to surgeons operating on the caudate lobe.  相似文献   

The caudate lobe of the liver   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The caudate lobe of the liver is an independent segment straddling the right and left lobes of the liver. It is divided into 2 parts, right and left, indicated eternally by the caudate and papillary processes. It is now possible to unvestigate it by ultrasonography and computed tomography, allowing its surgical excision for tumoral disease of the superior biliary confluence.
Le lobe caudé du foie

Résumé Le lobe caudé du foie est un secteur indépendant à cheval sur les foies droit et gauche. Il est séparé en 2 parties droites et gauches, marquées extérieurement par les processus caudé et papillaire. Son exploration est actuellement possible (échographie et tomodensitométrie), ce qui autorise son exérèse chirurgicale (pathologie tumorale du confluent biliaire supérieur).

Introduction The liver is supplied by the common hepatic artery from the celiac trunk and by the portal vein from the gastrointestine. This double blood supply to the liver by the hepatic artery and the portal vein produced a complicated structure in the liver. For the blood outflow, we can see right, intermediate and left hepatic veins, and irregular veins: the accessory hepatic veins. These veins drain the blood in the liver into the inferior vena cava. In this study, we studied the layout of the accessory hepatic vein draining segments 6 and 7 in the human livers and attempted to reconsider the structure of the liver by the layout of the accessory hepatic vein. Methods Sixty livers were subjected in this study. They were prepared by using forceps to trace the layout of the blood vessels inside the livers. We carefully examined the relation between the layouts of the accessory vein to the segments 6 and 7 and of the portal vein. The confluence patterns of the accessory hepatic vein into the inferior vena cava were also examined to find the character of the vein. The relation between the accessory hepatic vein and standard hepatic veins was also studied. Results We found 2.2 accessory hepatic veins in one liver on average in our study. The vein was always within the area of segments 6 and 7, and did not surpass the boundary. We found at most five accessory hepatic veins in a liver in two cases. The accessory hepatic vein to the segments 6 and 7 always had its stem on the dorsal side to the portal vein. Different from the stem, the periphery of the accessory hepatic vein freely distributed with the peripheral branches of the portal vein. The area distributed by the accessory vein was also always dorsal part within the segments 6 and 7. The vein was small usually, but was big in few cases. When the vein was big, the area became solely drained by the accessory vein, because the standard hepatic veins (right and intermediate hepatic veins) did not reach the area, and we did not find any communication between the accessory vein and the standard veins. As the remaining region in the segments 6 and 7 became smaller, the draining right standard hepatic vein became shorter and smaller. Discussion The region drained by the accessory hepatic vein excluded the standard hepatic veins. Therefore, there are two different draining venous networks in the area of segments 6 and 7 classified by Couinaud. Conclusion The accessory hepatic vein draining segments 6 and 7 distributed somewhere dorsal side in the segments 6 and 7. The area where the accessory vein distributed was the region where standard hepatic veins did not reach. This would suggest that the region drained by the accessory hepatic vein makes an isolated segment in the liver in the segments 6 and 7 by the Couinaud’s Classification. The area might have a unique blood circulation system.  相似文献   

肝静脉,肝短静脉注入下腔静脉壁处在肝移植术中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨采用膈下肝段下腔静脉壁前半部钳夹,解决肝移植术中无肝期下肢静脉回流障碍。方法 对17例成人尸肝进行解剖,以时钟刻度方法描述肝静脉、肝短静脉注入下腔静脉壁的位置。结果 肝左静脉、肝右静脉、肝中静脉均注入下腔静脉前半壁(即3~9点),肝短静脉多为针眼大小,注入部位多在5~9点之间(154支),少数注入9~11点(9支)。结论 肝移植术中可以采用下腔静脉壁前半钳夹,解决无肝期下肢静脉回流障碍。  相似文献   

An anastomosis between the common trunk of the middle and left hepatic veins of the receiver and the cranial portion of the inferior vena cava of the donor is one of the techniques for restoration of hepato-caval continuity in orthotopic liver transplantation. This technique avoids dissection of the retrohepatic vena cava and total caval clamping. The aim of this study was to define the feasibility of this technique by a morphologic and biometric study of the common trunk of the middle and left hepatic veins on the basis of 64 injection-corrosion hepatic specimens and 21 fresh subjects. A common trunk for the middle and left hepatic veins was present in 54 of 64 cases (84%) with a length of 3 to 17 mm. The diameter of the new ostium constructed by section 0.5 cm proximal to the junction of the middle and left hepatic veins was 23.9 ± 2.3 mm, which approximated to that of the vena cava where it traversed the diaphragm (24.4 ± 2.0 mm). These findings confirmed that restoration of hepato-caval continuity by anastomosis between the common trunk of the middle and left hepatic veins of the receiver and the cranial portion of the vena cava of the graft is possible without incongruence. This study makes no assumptions about the hemodynamic effects associated with the smallest diameter of the true ostium of the common trunk at its opening into the inferior vena cava. In this study, the morphology of the common trunk was comparable to that observed by Nakamura. Further, we propose an anatomo-clinical classification allowing evaluation of the facility of vascular control of the common trunk in terms of the number and location of the collateral veins.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was carried out on 50 cadavers, in which the projection onto the anterior abdominal wall of the following vascular points was examined: the portal bifurcation, the direction of the course of the right and left branches of the portal vein and the terminal course of the hepatic veins near their entry into the inferior vena cava (IVC). The results are related to a transverse axis passing through the apex of the xiphoid process and the median plane in the supine position. The average position of the portal bifurcation is projected onto a point between a vertical line passing through the midpoint of the right hemithoracic width and a horizontal line passing through a point on the midclavicular line (MCL) corresponding to 57% of the height of the liver measured upwards from its inferior margin. The axis of the prehepatic course of the portal vein makes an anagle of about 50°, open downwards, with a vertical line drawn through the apex of the internal angle of the portal bifurcation. A line parallel to the course of the right and left branches of the portal vein is projected on to a surface line cranial to the right costochondral margin, which runs upwards at an angle of approximately 20° towards the apex of the xiphoid process. The termination of the three great hepatic veins is projected at about the level of the xiphisternal joint, one sternal width to the right of the midline. Close to the IVC, the right hepatic vein runs upwards and medially at an angle of between 20° and 30° with the transverse plane. The final segment of the intermediate hepatic vein has a relatively steeper course medially of between 60° and 70°, and the left hepatic vein runs laterally and towards the right at an angle of between 50° and 60°. The nearly vertical projection of the fissure for the ligamentum teres of the liver bisects the angle included by the final course of the intermediate and the left hepatic vein.
La bifurcation portale et la terminaison des veines hépatiques: étude anatomique de la projection échographique des gros vaisseaux hépatiques sur la paroi abdominale antérieure
Résumé Cette étude a été réalisée sur 50 dissections cadavériques, dans le but de préciser la projection sur la paroi abdominale antérieure des éléments vasculaires suivants: la bifurcation portale, la direction du trajet des branches droite et gauche de la veine porte et la terminaison des veines hépatiques dans la veine cave inférieure. Les résultats sont donnés par rapport à un axe transversal passant par le sommet du processus xiphoïde et au plan sagittal médian en décubitus dorsal. La situation moyenne de la bifurcation portale se projette au point de croisement d'une ligne verticale passant par le milieu de l'hémithorax droit et d'une ligne horizontale coupant la ligne médio-claviculaire (LMC) à 57% de la hauteur du foie mesurée de bas en haut à partir de son bord inférieur. L'axe du tronc de la veine porte fait un angle ouvert en bas d'environ 50° avec la verticale passant par la bifurcation portale. Une parallèle au trajet des branches droite et gauche de la veine porte se projette sur une ligne située cranialement par rapport au rebord chondrocostal droit, qui monte vers l'extrémité du processus xiphoïde en faisant un angle de 20° avec le plan transversal. La terminaison des trois veines hépatiques se projette environ au niveau de l'articulation sternoxiphoïdienne à une largeur de sternum à droite de la ligne médiane. A proximité de la veine cave inférieure, la veine hépatique droite se dirige cranialement et médialement en formant un angle de 20 à 30° avec le plan transversal. Le segment terminal de la veine hépatique moyenne a un trajet relativement plus vertical avec un angle de 60 à 70° et la veine hépatique gauche se dirige vers la droite en formant un angle de 50 à 60°. La fissure du ligament rond du foie se projette presque verticalement sur la bissectrice de l'angle formé par la portion terminale des veines hépatiques moyenne et gauche.

The topographic anatomy of the ventral margin of the paracaval portion of the caudate lobe of the human liver has not been clearly described to date. To this end we hypothesize the existence of a precaudate plane, a flat or slightly curved plane defined by the ventral margins of the ligamentum venosum and the hilar plate. Using 76 cadaveric livers, we investigated whether the paracaval portion of the caudate lobe extended ventral to this plane and whether the paracaval caudate branch of the portal vein (PC) ran through this plane to its ventral side. In 28 of the specimens (36.8%), the PC extended over the plane to a variable depth: less than 10 mm in 10 specimens, 10-20 mm in 10, and more than 20 mm in eight specimens. This ventral extension of the PC consistently included its penetration into the dome-like area under the terminals of the three major hepatic veins; therefore, the ventrally extended PC often interdigitated with these veins and their tributaries (in practice, the ventral margin of the paracaval portion of the caudate lobe could generally be considered to run alongside the middle hepatic vein). Moreover, the ventral extension of the PC often reached the upper, diaphragmatic surface or the dorsal surface of the liver immediately to the right of the inferior vena cava. Several branches (termed border branches) in the ventral extension were difficult to identify as belonging to the PC. We discuss both the marginal configuration of the paracaval portion of the caudate lobe and how to identify and operate on the ventrally extended PC and related border branches during liver surgery.  相似文献   

基于肝内肝门静脉解剖的肝脏右前叶分段新概念   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的根据肝内肝门静脉的走形分布,提出肝脏分段的新概念,为影像学和肝脏外科提供资料。方法采用60例正常的活体肝移植供肝影像资料,研究右前叶肝内肝门静脉的走形和分布以及肝静脉及其属支的回流范围,10例Mevis三维软件重建图像,探讨两者之间的关系。结果 Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段门脉支可大致分为腹侧支和背侧支,最多可达4支;约90%的背侧支越过肝右静脉分布到Couinaud分段中的VII段。V段的门脉分支大多来自右前叶或Ⅷ段门脉的腹侧支。因此,可将右前叶分为腹侧段:Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段的腹侧段(S8v)和V段(S5)背侧段:Couinaud分段中的Ⅷ段的背侧段(S8d)两个部分。结论新的划分方法不仅有利于肝内病变的精确定位,而且便于肝脏外科实施新的、更安全的术式。  相似文献   

Human liver caudate lobe and liver segment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recently, the caudate lobe has seemed to be the final target for aggresive cancer surgery of the liver. This lobe has five surfaces: the dorsal, left and hilar-free surfaces and the right and ventral-border planes. Surgeons have divided the caudate lobe into three parts: Spiegel’s lobe, which is called the ‘caudate lobe and papillary process’ by anatomists, the caudate process, viewed as almost the same entity by anatomists, and the paracaval portion corresponding to the dorsally located parenchyma in front of the inferior vena cava. All three parts are supplied by primary branches originating from the left and right portal veins, including the hilar bifurcation area. The hilar bifurcation branch often (50%) supplies the paracaval portion and it sometimes (29%) extends its territory to Spiegel’s lobe. It was postulated by Couinaud that the paracaval portion or the S9 is not defined by its supplying portal vein branch but by its ‘dorsal location’ in the liver. Couinaud’s caudate lobe or dorsal-liver concept caused, and still now causes, great logical confusion for surgeons. We attempt here to describe the margins of the lobe, border branches of the portal vein, the left/ right territorial border of the portal vein or Cantlie’s line and other topics closely relating to the surgery within these contexts. Finally, the caudate lobe as a liver segment will be discussed.  相似文献   

目的 :观察肝左叶静脉解剖结构 ,模拟左外叶活体肝移植肝静脉切取方法。方法 :解剖正常人肝脏标本 30具 ,观察肝脏铸型标本 30具 ,测量肝左静脉长度、管径及属支分布情况。结果 :肝左静脉主要由左外叶上段静脉支和下段静脉支汇合并延续而成 ,主要接收或不接收较有意义的属支有左后上缘静脉支和左叶间裂静脉支。结论 :肝左外叶静脉血管解剖变异较多 ,活体取肝前应仔细研究其结构特点 ,设计合理的切取模式 ;移植前肝静脉需行必要的整形 ,以便与受体静脉进行吻合。少数情况下肝左外叶活体移植为禁忌证。  相似文献   

肝尾状叶切除术中寻找肝静脉的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 为肝尾状叶切除术提供解剖学依据。方法 选择 6 0例肝脏标本 ,对紧贴尾状叶的肝中、肝左、肝右静脉段进行解剖和形态观测。结果 紧贴尾状叶的肝中、肝左、肝右静脉从下至上距尾状叶脏面的距离越来越小 ,从下至上彼此的间距亦越来越小 ;肝中、肝左、肝右静脉不在同一平面 5 2例 (8 6 7% )。结论 在尾状叶切除术中 ,先找到肝中静脉末端之后 ,才能更容易寻找肝中、肝左、肝右静脉  相似文献   

唐卓  李恺 《解剖与临床》2010,15(4):296-298
目的:探讨肝尾状叶门管系统的应用解剖研究现状,为将来肝尾状叶在临床应用中运用三维可视化技术提供解剖学依据。方法:总结前人对肝尾状叶的门管系统的组成、分布以及相关毗邻位置的研究。结果:尾状叶门管系统结构复杂,通过CT三维重建技术可得到定位。结论:门管系统在尾状叶的研究中具有多向发展。  相似文献   

目的 研究脂肪性肝病患者与正常成年人肝尾状叶形态不同,评价肝尾状叶形态改变在疾病诊断中的意义.方法 观察250例脂肪性肝病患者及250例正常成年人肝尾状叶上下径、左右径和前后径;比较不同性别、不同年龄段正常组与脂肪性肝病肝尾状叶超声测量值的差异.结果 正常对照组肝尾状叶左右径、上下径及前后径分别为(5.068±0.45...  相似文献   

AimsTo find out the normal pattern of hepatic veins in the North Indian population and to categorize them.MethodsThe present study was conducted on 100 patients whose spiral CT abdomen was performed for various medical conditions in the department of radiodiagnosis.ResultsFour categories were recognized. Category-1, when right hepatic vein drains independently into the inferior vena cava whereas middle and left hepatic veins join together to form a common trunk before draining into the inferior vena cava. It was observed in 74% patients. Category-2 was observed in 2% patients, where right & middle hepatic veins join to form a common trunk and left hepatic vein drain independently into the inferior vena cava. Category-3 was observed in 21% patients, where all the three major hepatic veins drain independently into the inferior vena cava. Category-4 was observed in 3% patients, where all the three major hepatic veins join together to form a common trunk before draining into the inferior vena cava.ConclusionsCategory-1 is the most common pattern of major hepatic vein drainage found in the North Indian population. The present study also concluded that single right, middle and left hepatic vein is the most common pattern of hepatic veins present in the North Indian population. Caudate lobe is drained by more than one vein in majority of North Indians. Also superomedial vein, right accessory vein and inferior right hepatic vein are the most common accessory veins present in the North Indian population.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, hepatic venous distribution per unit of liver surface area on normal wedge biopsies from man (n=11) and baboon (n=8) were analysed and compared. Terminal hepatic veins (THV - man:n=100; baboon:n=200) morphometric size variables were obtained with a Leitz ASM 68K morphometric equipment. THV, defined as hepatic veins up to 150 m in internal diameter (ID), in the centrolobular position and with sinusoidal openings, represented 84% and 74% of hepatic veins of man and baboon, respectively. Four or more THV were generally found on 8 mm2 of liver surface. Transversely sectioned THV selected by the ratio IDminimum/IDmaximum >0.67, was found to be only 25% of the total THV. In baboon, THV merge with other terminal veins and the interlobular veins present sinusoidal inlets. The baboon THV wall surface (WS) and wall thickness (WT) values were higher than in man. Positive correlations between the number of mesenchymal cells (Mc) in the vein wall and wall surface of terminal hepatic veins (man: r= 0.79; baboon: r=0.83) and between wall surface and internal surface (IS) (man: r=0.80; baboon: r=0.72) were found. Two ratios were selected as the most reliable parameters: (1) for the THV wall rim, wall surface/internal surface (WS/IS - man: 0.43±0.16; baboon: 0.63±0.23), regarding transversely sectioned THV; and (2) for the evaluation of wall cell density (WS/Mc-man: 550±231; baboon: 558±183 m2/cell) as they did not depend on THV caliber.Dr. Porto was supported by a fellowship from MEC-CAPES, Brazil. A grant for morphometric equipment was obtained from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and from the Societé d'Hépatologie Expérimentale, 77 rue Pasteur, Lyon, France  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝脏三维可视化评估技术在精准肝切除手术术前规划中的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析2015年4月—2016年12月东方肝胆外科医院肝外三科采用精准肝切除手术治疗的75例尾状叶肝肿瘤患者的临床资料,其中男55例、女20例,年龄30~66岁,均采用肝脏三维可视化技术进行术前规划,并应用术前三维重建模型模拟肝脏尾状叶肿瘤切除手术。对比术前规划与术中操作,计算全肝体积、模拟切除肝体积、剩余功能性肝体积,统计全组患者手术方式、手术时间、肝血流阻断时间、术中出血量、术中输血量等,并统计术后并发症。结果 模拟切除肝体积263.89 mL(33.76,1 650.85),剩余功能性肝体积1 189.67 mL(529.79,1 859.72)。行单独尾状叶肿瘤切除27例,左半肝+尾状叶切除6例,部分右肝(Ⅵ、Ⅶ段)+尾状叶切除14例,右半肝+尾状叶切除20例,中肝叶(Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅷ段)+尾状叶切除8例。75例患者均完整切除肿瘤,第一肝门阻断时间数25(0,62)min,出血量300(100,3 600)mL,手术时间198(116,388)min,输血11例,输血量600(200,3 000)mL。患者术中均未发生大出血、空气栓塞。术后发生并发症29例,其中Ⅰ类并发症1例,经剖腹探查止血后顺利恢复,余患者均顺利出院。术后随访有1例患者因消化道出血死亡。结论 采用肝脏三维可视化评估技术进行术前精准规划,可使术者更准确地掌握切除范围,规避主要血管,控制术中出血,以及维持术后肝功能。  相似文献   



To evaluate the hepatic arterial, bile duct and portal venous anatomy as applicable to major liver resections.


The study was conducted on 100 formalin fixed adult cadaveric livers. The hepatic arterial, bile ductal and portal venous anatomy of the liver was dissected from their origin up to their segmental branching. Left and right hemilivers were compared with regard to the single and multiple vascular or biliary pedicles entering their respective hemilivers.


The anatomy of all the three structures, ie., hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein were conventional in 39% and variant, i.e., “triple” anomaly in 4% of liver specimens. In 57% liver specimens, the anatomy of one or two structures was variant and individual variation of hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein anatomy was observed in 34%, 42% and 14% of livers respectively. The anatomy of hepatic artery was classified according to the Michels classification. In 9% of livers, rare variations not included in Michels classification was found. The drainage pattern of bile ducts was grouped according to Blumgart’s classification. In 11% of livers, rare variations not included in Blumgart’s classification were found. The branching pattern of main portal vein was classified according to the Akgul’s classification. In 1% of livers, rare variations in the right portal vein were found.


In the present study, the vasculobiliary anatomies of liver were highly complex with the existence of many anatomic variations. The increasing complexity of hepatic surgical procedures necessitates appropriate knowledge of these anatomic variations.  相似文献   

The complexity of liver reconstruction has limited partial right lobe living donor liver transplantation. It is largely due to the difficulty of dealing with the middle hepatic vein. We sought to define the anatomic features of hepatic veins. Forty‐one fresh adult livers, 43 formalin‐fixed adult cadaver livers, and 91 adult liver corrosion casts were used for the study. We determined the number of branches, the maximum diameter, the whole length, the extrahepatic length of the hepatic veins, and the deviation of the middle hepatic vein from the main portal fissure. Nakamura and Tsuzuki's classification of hepatic vein types was used. Type A, B, and C accounted for 59.4, 27.8, and 12.8% of all specimens in this study, respectively. The middle and left hepatic veins formed a common trunk in 60.3% of the specimens, and the length of the common trunk was 1.12 ± 0.62 cm. The degree of deviation to the right of the middle hepatic vein from the main portal fissure was 14.11° ± 12.65°. The frequency of hepatic vein types and the degree of deviation to the right of the middle hepatic vein in this study is markedly different from that reported in other literature. The anatomic features of the hepatic veins in this study suggest that right lobe living donor liver transplantation is more suitable for Chinese. Clin. Anat. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

尾状叶门静脉的应用解剖学   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:为腹腔镜肝尾状叶切除等手术提供形态学基础.方法:32具尸体标本采用大体解剖方法观测尾状叶门静脉数量、直径、走行、来源、游离部长度(肝外长度)及毗邻解剖关系;对15例铸型标本的尾状叶门静脉进行观测;采用64排螺旋CT对5例新鲜肝标本进行扫描,并进行三维重建.记录螺旋CT影像下尾状叶门静脉内径、数量、走向及毗邻关系,与解剖研究结果比较.结果:1支以上的固有尾状叶门静脉的出现率为62.5%,其中主要以固有尾状叶门静脉后支和前支为主(27.5%),另外也有固有尾状叶门静脉左支和右支(12.5%);腔静脉旁部门静脉主要为1支,10例腔静脉旁部的实质也有固有尾状叶的分支(主要为右支或前支);尾状突门静脉主要为1支,来自于门静脉左、右支;重建的三维图像可以直观形象地体现尾状叶门静脉的空间位置关系,并可按各种方向任意旋转演示.结论:尾状叶门静脉呈左、右支双重供应,但以左侧供应为主;明胶-氧化铅血管造影可真实显示尾状叶门静脉.  相似文献   

The sympathetically-innervated hepatic arterial and portal venous vascular beds of the dog were perfused simultaneously in situ. Glucagon was infused into the hepatic portal vein (1–10 g/min); it caused increases in hepatic portal vascular resistance and tended to reduce the hepatic arterial vascular resistance. Extrahepatic effects of intraportal infusions of glucagon included increases in superior mesenteric blood flow and heart rate and falls in systemic arterial pressure.A test dose of noradrenaline (10 g) injected into either the hepatic artery or the portal vein caused both hepatic arterial and portal venous vasoconstriction. The hepatic arterial constrictor responses to noradrenaline were antagonized intraportal infusions of glucagon. In contrast, intraportal glucagon did not antagonize the portal constrictor responses to intraarterial or intraportal noradrenaline.Elevated portal blood glucagon concentrations may protect the hepatic arterial blood flow from vasoconstriction due to elevated systemic levels of vasoactive substances including catecholamines.  相似文献   

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