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The aim of the work was to determine the level of amino acids in fresh and preserved physiologically immature grass pea seeds. Seeds of the grass pea cv. Krab at five stages of maturity, corresponding to dry matter content from 26 to 50%, were evaluated. The estimation was conducted at the stages of the raw material, the frozen product after 6 months storage cooked to consumption consistency, and the canned product within 6 months of production. In the later stages of seed maturity the content of total amino acids and of total non-essential, essential, and sulphuric amino acids computed per 100 g fresh matter increased. The computation per 16 g N showed increasing amounts of sulphuric amino acids and variation depending on the degree of maturity in the content of the remaining amino acids. Cystine with methionine were amino acids limiting the biological value of the first order, irrespective of the degree of maturity, leucine playing the same role with regard to the second order. For these amino acids the index of the limiting amino acid was 64–82 and 83–95 for the raw material, 72–77 and 91–99 for frozen seeds after cooking, and 70–75 and 86–99 for canned seeds. The integrated index of essential amino acids, depending on the degree of maturity, for the raw material was 120–126, for frozen seeds cooked 123–126, and for canned seeds 120–123.  相似文献   

The level of chemical components was determined in seeds of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), cv. Krab, harvested at a dry matter content between 25.9 and 49.6 g/100 g of the raw material, and divided into five degrees of maturity. The results presented suggest that, in general, with an increasing maturity of seeds, the level of the following components increased if related to fresh matter: starch, dietary fibre, acids, total and protein nitrogen, total amino acids and sulphur amino acids, ash and its alkalinity, magnesium, calcium, total phosphorus and phytic phosphorus, and thiamine. The following components were reduced: vitamin C, riboflavin, carotenoids, beta-carotene, and chlorophylls. No such regularity could be found with respect to the accumulation of sugars, essential amino acids, and iron. By expressing the results in dry matter, increases were noted in starch, protein nitrogen, and thiamine. The content of sugars, total nitrogen, total amino acids, essential and sulphur amino acids, ash and its alkalinity, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, riboflavin, carotenoids, beta-carotene, and chlorophylls were reduced while that of dietary fibre, iron, calcium, and phytic phosphorus varied.  相似文献   

Nutritional and health-related compounds of alfalfa, wheat and soybean seeds dried by new drying process called the DIC process (controlled instantaneous pressure release) were evaluated, before and after sprouting. Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C and E), minerals (Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Mn, Na, Cu and Zn) and phytoestrogens (genistein and daidzein ) content were determined. Alfalfa, soybean and wheat seeds dried by DIC showed similar content of biological compounds to seeds dried by traditional processes. Sprouting DIC-seeds significantly increased the levels of vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens, improving their nutrititional value and health quality compared to fresh products. The increase of 1250-fold and 10-fold of the initial vitamin A and vitamin C content, respectively, of alfalfa seeds due to sprouting is remarkable. Sprouts from DIC-seeds showed a significantly higher vitamin A content than sprouts obtained from seeds dried by other methods. Soybean sprouts obtained from DIC-seeds showed a significant increase in free phytoestrogens, quantified as genistein (70.34LJ.8 mg kg-1 d.w.) and daidzein (109.17.3ᆥ.3 mg kg-1 d.w.).  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of Bacillus mojavensis KJS-3 was performed by in vitro tests. A 16S rDNA sequence and phylogenetic tree demonstrated that this isolate belongs to the B. mojavensis group. B. mojavensis KJS-3 supplies nutrients by synthesizing several vitamins. B. mojavensis KJS-3 produces α-amylase and protease. B. mojavensis KJS-3 is cultured well under aerobic conditions without gas production. B. mojavensis KJS-3 allows for assimilation of cholesterol and bile salt hydrolase activity. Finally, adhesion experiments using Caco-2 cells revealed that the adherence of B. mojavensis KJS-3 to Caco-2 cells was approximately 51.2±8.14%.  相似文献   

The volatile composition of the essential oil from fresh gamguk (Chrysanthemum indicum) flowers was investigated. The volatile constituents were extracted by the hydro distillation method. Volatile compositional changes of gamguk prepared via different drying methods (shade- and freeze-drying methods) were also determined. Total 36, 63, and 55 volatiles constituents were confirmed in the essential oil from fresh and shade-, and freeze-dried flowers. Ketones were predominant in the volatiles of gamguk flowers (%): fresh, 43.8; shade dried, 30.3; and freeze dried, 36.1. Camphor was the most abundant volatile component in all samples, and the content of borneol was also remarkable. The content of camphor was higher in fresh sample than those of dried samples while borneol concentration was significantly increased in the dried samples.  相似文献   

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seeds were extracted with chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v) and the amount of total lipid was 28.4% of seed weight. The major fatty acid was petroselinic acid (65.7% of the total fatty acid methyl esters) followed by linoleic acid. Chromatography on a silica column with solvent of increasing polarity yielded 93.0% neutral lipids, 4.14% glycolipids, and 1.57% phospholipids. Thin-layer chromatography on silica gel was used to obtain major neutral lipid subclasses. Fatty acid profile of neutral lipid subclasses, triacylglycerols, and sterol content were determined using gas-liquid chromatography. Six triacylglycerol molecular species were detected but one component (C54:3) corresponding to tripetroselinin, and/or dipetroselinoyl oleoyl glycerol comprised more than 50% of the total triacylglycerols. Sterol content was estimated to be at a high level (5186 µg g-1 oil). Stigmasterol, #-sitosterol, ƕ-avenasterol, and campesterol were found to be the sterol markers. Phospholipid subclasses were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography on a silica column by gradient elution from isooctane/2-propanol (6:8, v/v) to isooctane/2-propanol/water (6:8:0.6, v/v/v) with detection at 205 nm. The major individual phospholipid subclasses were phosphatidylcholine followed by phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine.  相似文献   

Black chokeberry juice (Aronia melanocarpa, Elliot), blackcurrant juice (Ribes nigrum, Ben Lomond) and α-tocopherol were found to protect phosphatidyl choline against oxidation in a peroxidating liposome system as evidenced by lag phases for formation of conjugated dienes. When present together, black chokeberry juice and α-tocopherol showed a clear synergistic effect on the length of the lag phase, while effects of blackcurrant juice and α-tocopherol were additive. The concentration of total phenolics in black chokeberry juice was six times higher than in blackcurrant juice (gallic acid equivalents). Ascorbic acid corresponded to 1% of total phenolics in black chokeberry juice and 10% in blackcurrant juice. Based on the length of the lag phase, the phenolics present in black chokeberry were on an average, twice efficient as scavengers of lipid peroxyl radicals as phenolics in blackcurrant. Black chokeberry was by HPLC analysis of peroxidating liposomes, in contrast to blackcurrant, found to protect α-tocopherol efficiently against oxidation to the end of the lag phase. The phenolics present in black chokeberry juice were concluded to be more efficient in regenerating or protecting α-tocopherol than ascorbic acid or the phenolics in blackcurrant. As for the phenolics, this was further evidenced by ranking of their radical scavenging activity as studied by ESR-spectroscopy.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the disinfection efficiency of electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) on spores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger. The results showed a remarkable fungicidal rate of 100% after 20 min duration of 191 mg/L active available chlorine (ACC). The disinfection effect was improved with increased ACC or prolonged disinfection time, while organic interferents exerted a strong concentration-dependent inhibition against the disinfection. The disinfection mechanism was also investigated at bio-molecular level. EOW decreased dehydrogenase activity, intensified membrane permeability, elevated suspension conductivity, and caused leakage of intracellular K+, proteins, and DNA, indicating a damage of cell walls and membranes. Effects of EOW on microbiological ultra-structures were also verified by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) images, showing that EOW destroyed protective barriers of the microbe and imposed some damages upon the nucleus area.  相似文献   

Aningeria robusta and Terminalia ivorensis of diameters ranging from 10 cm to 25 cm were examined. The following results were obtained: The overall (sapwood and heartwood combined) moisture contents of the branchwood of both Aningeria robusta and Terminalia ivorensis were significantly greater than those of their corresponding stemwood, with the branchwood of Terminalia ivorensis being the highest. It was also observed that the overall specific gravity of the branchwoods of both species was higher than that of the corresponding stemwood, with the branchwood of Aningeria robusta exhibiting the highest specific gravity. Detailed analyses of moisture content distribution and specific gravity of the heartwood and sapwood of Aningeria robusta and Terminalia ivorensis are also presented.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was applied to maximize the yield and productivity of carotenoids by Rhodotorula glutinis strain 1151 using supplemented tomato waste based medium. Higher concentration of tomato waste extract and yeast extract favored the production of carotenoids. In contrast to carotenogenesis higher concentration of yeast extract negatively affected the formation of biomass whereas higher amount of glucose in the medium favored biomass indicating that carotenogenesis is not correlated to biomass. The optimal concentration of medium components for maximum total carotenoids and corresponding biomass production as obtained from model were calculated to be as 660 mL/L, 1.5, 4.5, 7.4, and 10 g/L for tomato extract, malt extract, yeast extract, peptone, and glucose, respectively.  相似文献   

Dark chocolate masses and chocolates were supplemented with viable cells of two bacterial strains Lactobacillus caseii and Lactobacillus paracasei with potential probiotic properties, which were lyophilized in milk. Total number of live bacteria in the lyophilizate was 7.9×109 cfu/g. Sucrose or isomalt and aspartame were used as bulking substances and sweeteners. Sensory attributes of these chocolates were not different from that of traditional chocolates. Calorie value of sucrose-free chocolate was lower by approximately 11.1–14.6% (dependent on their formulation) relative to chocolate sweetened with sucrose. Chocolate, which contains isomalt and aspartame can be consumed by diabetics. Numbers of live L. casei and L. paracasei cells in the examined batches of chocolate were very high and approached 106–107 cfu/g after 12 months of keeping at 4 and 18 °C. Neither the texture nor the total and volatile acidity of chocolate masses were changed by addition of the lyophilized preparation of Lactobacillus cells. Casson yield values of dark sucrose-free chocolate masses supplemented with this lyophilizate were decreased by approximately 3–55% (dependently on fat contents in these masses) as compared to that of analogous chocolate masses sweetened with sucrose.  相似文献   

S-Alk(en)yl alka/enethiosulfinates formed in crushed garlic were purified by using recycling preparative HPLC. Allyl 2-propenethiosulfinate and methyl methanethiosulfinate were effective separated because no other thiosulfinates were coeluted with them. Allyl methanethiosulfinate and methyl 2-propenethiosulfinate, trans-1-propenyl methanethiosulfinate and methyl trans-1-propenethiosulfinate, (cis)- and (trans)-1-propenyl 2-propenethiosulfinate were eluted as 1 peak, respectively, and further separated by using additional kinds of column. Since the quantity of trans-1-propenyl trans-1-propenethiosulfinate (PPTHS) was small in garlic, PPTHS was isolated from a mixture of blanched onion homogenate and garlic alliinase and purified. Purified thiosulfinates can be employed for the study of antimicrobial activity, flavor, and greening of garlic.  相似文献   

Capers of commerce are flower buds of Capparis species, most of them presumably of the species C. spinosa and they are considered as such in international food legislation. However, in the Mediterranean countries of Europe, Asia, and North Africa, that are the main producers of capers, four different species have been detected in the commercial product: C. spinosa, C. sicula, C. orientalis and C. aegyptia. In this paper the study of morphological characters, easily detectable under optical microscope (number of stamens, anther shape, and morphology of nectary) has proven to be a simple and cheap technique to recognize the presence of the above-mentioned species in commercial capers and the relative percentages of each, this being a good indicator of the most likely geographical origin.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones encoding trypsins were isolated from pyloric ceca of cold-adapted fish, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) (WP-T) and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) (AC-T). The isolated full-length cDNA clones of WP-T and AC-T were 852 and 860 bp, respectively, and both cDNAs were contained an open reading frame of 726 bp. WP-T and AC-T seemed to be synthesized as preproenzyme that contains a signal peptide, an activation peptide, and a mature trypsin. Although the amino acid sequence identities of WP-T and AC-T to that of bovine trypsin were 64 and 63%, respectively, they completely conserved the structural features for catalytic function of trypsin. On the other hand, WP-T and AC-T possessed the four Met residues (Met135, Met145, Met175 and Met242) in their molecules and the deletion of Tyr151 and substitution of Pro152 for Gly in their autolysis loops when aligned with the sequences of tropical-zone fish and bovine trypsins. In addition, the contents of charged amino acid residues at the N-terminal regions (positions 20–50) of WP-T and AC-T were extremely higher than those of other fish and bovine trypsins. Moreover, one amino acid (Asn72) and two amino acids (Asn72 and Val75) coordinating with Ca2+ in bovine trypsin were exchanged for another amino acids in WP-T (His) and AC-T (His and Glu), respectively, and the contents of negative charged amino acids at their Ca2+-binding regions were lower than those of tropical-zone fish and bovine trypsins. Therefore, it was considered that these structural characteristics of WP-T and AC-T are closely related to their lower thermostability.  相似文献   

Discriminatory and robust typing methods are needed to improve the understanding of the dynamics of food-borne Campylobacter infections and epidemiology in primary animal production. To evaluate the strain discriminatory potential of typing methods, flaA short variable region (SVR) sequencing and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were applied on a collection of 102 epidemiologically related and unrelated Campylobacter jejuni strains. Previous application of FTIR spectroscopy for subtyping of Campylobacter has been limited. A subset of isolates, initially discriminated by flaA SVR sequencing, were further subjected to multilocus sequence typing (MLST). It was found that flaA SVR sequencing had a slightly higher discriminatory power than FTIR spectroscopy, based on the Simpson diversity index. The clustering of strains indicated that FTIR spectroscopy is indeed a suitable method for discrimination of Campylobacter. The isolates were assigned to six clusters based on flaA SVR sequences and nine clusters based on the FTIR spectroscopy profiles. Furthermore, the cluster analysis of flaA SVR sequences, MLST, and FTIR spectroscopy profiles showed a high degree of congruence, assigning the isolates to similar cluster structures. In conclusion, FTIR spectroscopy can be applied for subtyping of Campylobacter, and the high discriminatory potential of both flaA SVR sequencing and FTIR spectroscopy render them suitable screening methods for large numbers of strains.  相似文献   

Pomegranate is getting an increasing attention for its health-promoting effects. Collection and characterization of plants of local sources has been performed, and five accessions have been propagated and cultivated in a collection field for extra situ investigations. Accessions differ for pomological traits and chemical composition. Three of them, MG1, MG2, and MG3, belong to typology with low-medium acidity and high sugar content, while the other two, Tordimonte A and B, belong to typology with high acidity. In the juice and in the peels’ extract of Tordimonte A accession a high level of punicalin has been found through chromatographic determinations, while the presence of punicalagin was found in the juice of accession MG1. The accessions MG1, MG2, and MG3 seem particularly suitable for direct commercialization of fruits due to the fruit traits and quality (sweet varieties), while Tordimonte A and B could be valuable for juice processing (sour varieties).  相似文献   

The stability of non-esterified carotenoids and carotenoid esters in paprika and chilli powder as affected by various processing treatments and storage conditions were studied. For this purpose, freshly harvested chilli and paprika pods were minced, immediately heated at 80, 90 and 100 °C for 5 and 10 min, respectively, and lyophilised. Alternatively, thermal treatment prior to mincing was applied. Processing resulted in a 25–34% loss of the initial carotenoid contents in chilli and 20–53% in paprika. Degradation of individual non-esterified carotenoids, mono- and diesters was monitored, generally showing an increased processing stability of mono- and diesters compared to their non-esterified counterparts. Capsanthin, capsorubin, zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin mono- and diesters esterified with saturated fatty acids displayed similar stabilities, whereas susceptibility of the non-esterified pigments to degradation differed considerably. During storage over 4 months at ambient temperature pigment contents dropped by 16.7 and 9.6% in chilli and by 39.7 and 38.8% in paprika powders with and without illumination, respectively.  相似文献   

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