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Zerovalent iron (Fe0) has tremendous potential as a remediation material for removal of arsenic from groundwater and drinking water. This study investigates the speciation of arsenate (As(V)) and arsenite (As(III)) after reaction with two Fe0 materials, their iron oxide corrosion products, and several model iron oxides. A variety of analytical techniques were used to study the reaction products including HPLC-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The products of corrosion of Fe0 include lepidocrocite (gamma-FeOOH), magnetite (Fe3O4), and/or maghemite (gamma-Fe2O3), all of which indicate Fe(II) oxidation as an intermediate step in the Fe0 corrosion process. The in-situ Fe0 corrosion reaction caused a high As(III) and As(V) uptake with both Fe0 materials studied. Under aerobic conditions, the Fe0 corrosion reaction did not cause As(V) reduction to As(III) but did cause As(III) oxidation to As(V). Oxidation of As(III) was also caused by maghemite and hematite minerals indicating that the formation of certain iron oxides during Fe0 corrosion favors the As(V) species. Water reduction and the release of OH- to solution on the surface of corroding Fe0 may also promote As(III) oxidation. Analysis of As(III) and As(V) adsorption complexes in the Fe0 corrosion products and synthetic iron oxides by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) gave predominant As-Fe interatomic distances of 3.30-3.36 A. This was attributed to inner-sphere, bidentate As(III) and As(V) complexes. The results of this study suggest that Fe0 can be used as a versatile and economical sorbent for in-situ treatment of groundwater containing As(III) and As(V).  相似文献   

The oxidation of arsenite (As(III)) by manganese oxide is an important reaction in both the natural cycling of As and the development of remediation technology for lowering the concentration of dissolved As(III) in drinking water. This study used both a conventional stirred reaction apparatus and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy to investigate the reactions of As(III) and As(V) with synthetic birnessite (MnO2). Stirred reactor experiments indicate that As(III) is oxidized by MnO2 followed by the adsorption of the As(V) reaction product on the MnO2 solid phase. The As(V)-Mn interatomic distance determined by EXAFS analysis for both As(III)- and As(V)-treated MnO2 was 3.22 A, giving evidence for the formation of As(V) adsorption complexes on MnO2 crystallite surfaces. The most likely As(V)-MnO2 complex is a bidentate binuclear corner sharing (bridged) complex occurring at MnO2 crystallite edges and interlayer domains. In the As(III)-treated MnO2 systems, reductive dissolution of the MnO2 solid during the oxidation of As(III) caused an increase in the adsorption of As(V) when compared with As(V)-treated MnO2. This suggested that As(III) oxidation caused a surface alteration, creating fresh reaction sites for As(V) on MnO2 surfaces.  相似文献   

An electrochemically prepared water treatment reagent containing a high concentration of Al(13) polymer and active chlorine (PACC) showed promising potential for the removal of As(III) due to the combined function of oxidation and coagulation. The results indicated that PACC was effective for As(III) removal through oxidation by the active chlorine and subsequent removal of As(V) by coagulation with the Al(13) polymer. The As(III) was oxidized to As(V) by active chlorine in PACC, with a stoichiometric rate of 0.99 mg Cl(2)/mg As(III). The Al(13) polymer was the most active Al species responsible for As(V) removal in PACC. To meet As drinking water standards the stoichiometric weight ratio of Cl(2)/Al within PACC was 0.09 for the treatment of As(III). Considering the process of As(III) oxidation and As(V) coagulation together, the optimal pH conditions for the removal of As by PACC was within the neutral range, which facilitated the reaction of As(III) with active chlorine and favored the formation of Al hydroxide flocs. The presence of humic acid reduced the As(III) removal efficiency of PACC due to its negative influence on subsequent As(V) coagulation, and disinfection byproduct yields were very low in the presence of insufficient or stoichiometric active chlorine.  相似文献   

Iron(VI) and iron(V) oxidation of thiocyanate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thiocyanate (SCN-) is used in many industrial processes and is commonly found in industrial and mining waste-waters. The removal of SCN- is required because of its toxic effects. The oxidation of thiocyanate (SCN-) by environmentally friendly oxidants, Fe(VI) and Fe(V), has been studied anaerobically using stopped-flow and premix pulse radiolysis techniques. The stoichiometry with Fe(VI) was determined to be 4HFeO(4-) + SCN(-) + 5H2O-->4Fe(OH)3 + SO4(2-) + CNO(-) + O2 + 2OH-. The rate law for the oxidation of SCN- by Fe(VI) was found to be -d[Fe(VI)]/dt = k11([H+]/([H+] + Ka,HFeO4)) [Fe(VI)][SCN-] where k11 = 2.04 +/- 0.04 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 and pKa,HFeO4 = 7.33. A mechanism is proposed that agrees with the observed reaction stoichiometry and rate law. The rate of oxidation of SCN- by Fe(V) was approximately 3 orders of magnitude faster than Fe(VI). The higher reactivity of Fe(V) with SCN- indicates that oxidations by Fe(VI) may be enhanced in the presence of appropriate one-electron-reducing agents. The results suggest that the effective removal of SCN- can be achieved by Fe(VI) and Fe(V).  相似文献   

Copper(Il) cyanide (Cu(CN)4(3-)) in the gold mine industry presentsthe biggest concern in cyanide management because it is much more stable than free cyanide. Cu(CN)4(3-) is highlytoxic to aquatic life; therefore, environmentally friendly techniques are required for the removal of Cu(CN)4(3-) from gold mine effluent. The oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by iron-(VI) (FeVIO4(2-), Fe(VI)) and iron(V) (FeVO4(3-), Fe(V)) was studied using stopped-flow and premix pulse radiolysis techniques. The stoichiometry with Fe(VI) was determined to be 5HFeO(4-) + Cu(CN)4(3-) + 8H2O - > 5Fe(OH)3 + Cu2+ + 4CNO- +3/202 + 6OH-. The rate law for the oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by Fe(VI) was found to be first-order with each reactant. The rates decreased with increasing pH and were mostly related to a decrease in concentration of reactive protonated Fe(VI) species, HFeO4-. A mechanism is proposed that agrees with the observed reaction stoichiometry and rate law. The rate constant for the oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by Fe(V) was determined at pH 12.0 as 1.35 +/- 0.02 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1), which is approximately 3 orders of magnitude larger than Fe(VI). Results indicate that Fe(VI) is highly efficient for removal of cyanides in gold mill effluent.  相似文献   

Reduction of arsenate As(V) and As-bearing Fe (hydr)- oxides have been proposed as dominant pathways of As release within soils and aquifers. Here we examine As elution from columns loaded with ferrihydrite-coated sand presorbed with As(V) or As(III) at circumneutral pH upon Fe and/or As reduction; biotic stimulated reduction is then compared to abiotic elution. Columns were inoculated with Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN-32 or Sulfurospirillum barnesii strain SES-3, organisms capable of As (V) and Fe (III) reduction, or Bacillus benzoevorans strain HT-1, an organism capable of As(V) but not Fe(III) reduction. On the basis of equal surface coverages, As(III) elution from abiotic columns exceeded As(V) elution by a factor of 2; thus, As(III) is more readily released from ferrihydrite under the imposed reaction conditions. Biologically mediated Asreduction induced by B. benzoevorans enhances the release of total As relative to As (V) under abiotic conditions. However, under Fe reducing conditions invoked by either S. barnesii or S. putrefaciens, approximately three times more As (V or III) was retained within column solids relative to the abiotic experiments, despite appreciable decreases in surface area due to biotransformation of solid phases. Enhanced As sequestration upon ferrihydrite reduction is consistent with adsorption or incorporation of As into biotransformed solids. Our observations indicate that As retention and release from Fe (hydr)oxide(s) is controlled by complex pathways of Fe biotransformation and that reductive dissolution of As-bearing ferrihydrite can promote As sequestration rather than desorption under conditions examined here.  相似文献   

Arsenic derived from natural sources occurs in groundwater in many countries, affecting the health of millions of people. The combined effects of As(V) reduction and diagenesis of iron oxide minerals on arsenic mobility are investigated in this study by comparing As(V) and As(III) sorption onto amorphous iron oxide (HFO), goethite, and magnetite at varying solution compositions. Experimental data are modeled with a diffuse double layer surface complexation model, and the extracted model parameters are used to examine the consistency of our results with those previously reported. Sorption of As(V) onto HFO and goethite is more favorable than that of As(III) below pH 5-6, whereas, above pH 7-8, As(II) has a higher affinity for the solids. The pH at which As(V) and As(III) are equally sorbed depends on the solid-to-solution ratio and type and specific surface area of the minerals and is shifted to lower pH values in the presence of phosphate, which competes for sorption sites. The sorption data indicate that, under most of the chemical conditions investigated in this study, reduction of As(V) in the presence of HFO or goethite would have only minor effects on or even decrease its mobility in the environment at near-neutral pH conditions. As(V) and As(III) sorption isotherms indicate similar surface site densities on the three oxides. Intrinsic surface complexation constants for As(V) are higher for goethite than HFO, whereas As(III) binding is similar for both of these oxides and also for magnetite. However, decrease in specific surface area and hence sorption site density that accompanies transformation of amorphous iron oxides to more crystalline phases could increase arsenic mobility.  相似文献   

The photochemical oxidation of arsenic, As(III), to the less toxic As(V) using peroxydisulfate ions (S2O8(2-)) as the oxidizing agent under UV light irradiation was investigated. The photochemical oxidation of As(III) to As(V) assisted using peroxydisulfate ions (KPS) proved to be a simple and efficient method, and the rate of oxidation for As(III) was exceptionally high in accordance with the concentration of KPS. In this study, the UV light intensity was of primary importance for the dissociation of the KPS in generating sulfate anion radicals (SO4(-*)). Upon intense UV light irradiation, very efficient oxidation was achieved due to the complete decomposition of KPS into SO4(-*) radicals which favor a higher reaction rate. Subsequent pH variation from 3 to 9 was seen to have no influence on the photolytic cleavage of KPS, and hence, the reaction was unaltered. There was also no significant effect from the continuous purging of oxygen or dissolved oxygen before the reaction as the air-equilibrated condition was found to be sufficient for efficient oxidation. However, the continuous purging of nitrogen substantially reduced the reaction rate (20%), confirming that the dissolved oxygen plays a role in this reaction, although at high concentrations of KPS, this situation was overcome. Humic acid was also found to have no detrimental effect on the reaction rate, even at 20 ppm concentration. The resultant SO4(2-) obtained in this studywas,thus, not considered a pollutant. Moreover, there was no need for a sensitizer or other metals with highly alkaline conditions that are normally used in conjunction with KPS. Natural solar light could also effectively oxidize As(III) at room temperature. This simple technique was, thus, considered a cost-effective and safe method for the oxidation of As(III) to As(V).  相似文献   

Arsenic removal by passive treatment, in which naturally present Fe(II) is oxidized by aeration and the forming iron(III) (hydr)oxides precipitate with adsorbed arsenic, is the simplest conceivable water treatment option. However, competing anions and low iron concentrations often require additional iron. Application of Fe(II) instead of the usually applied Fe(III) is shown to be advantageous, as oxidation of Fe(II) by dissolved oxygen causes partial oxidation of As(III) and iron(III) (hydr)oxides formed from Fe(II) have higher sorption capacities. In simulated groundwater (8.2 mM HCO3(-), 2.5 mM Ca2+, 1.6 mM Mg2+, 30 mg/L Si, 3 mg/L P, 500 ppb As(III), or As(V), pH 7.0 +/- 0.1), addition of Fe(II) clearly leads to better As removal than Fe(III). Multiple additions of Fe(II) further improved the removal of As(II). A competitive coprecipitation model that considers As(III) oxidation explains the observed results and allows the estimation of arsenic removal under different conditions. Lowering 500 microg/L As(III) to below 50 microg/L As(tot) in filtered water required > 80 mg/L Fe(III), 50-55 mg/L Fe(II) in one single addition, and 20-25 mg/L in multiple additions. With As(V), 10-12 mg/L Fe(II) and 15-18 mg/L Fe(III) was required. In the absence of Si and P, removal efficiencies for Fe(II) and Fe(III) were similar: 30-40 mg/L was required for As(II), and 2.0-2.5 mg/L was required for As(V). In a field study with 22 tubewells in Bangladesh, passive treatment efficiently removed phosphate, but iron contents were generally too low for efficient arsenic removal.  相似文献   

Antimony is used in large quantities in a variety of products, though it has been declared as a pollutant of priority interest by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (USEPA). Oxidation processes critically affect the mobility of antimony in the environment since Sb(V) has a greater solubility than Sb(lll). In this study, the cooxidation reactions of Sb(lIl) with Fe(ll) and both O2 and H2O2 were investigated and compared to those of As(III). With increasing pH, the oxidation rate coefficients of Sb(lll) in the presence of Fe(ll) and O2 increased and followed a similar pH trend as the Fe(ll) oxidation by O2. Half-lives of Sb(lll) were 35 and 1.4 h at pH 5.0 and pH 6.2, respectively. The co-oxidation with Fe(ll) and H2O2 is about 7000 and 20 times faster than with Fe(ll) and O2 at pH 3 and pH 7, respectively. For both systems, *OH radicals appear to be the predominant oxidant below approximately pH 4, while at more neutral pH values, other unknown intermediates become important. The oxidation of As(lll) follows a similar pH trend as the Sb(lll) oxidation; however, As(lll) oxidation was roughly 10 times slower and only partly oxidized in most of the experiments. This study shows that the Fe(ll)-mediated oxidation of Sb(Ill) can be an important oxidation pathway at neutral pH values.  相似文献   

Single solute adsorption and coadsorption of As(III) and As(V) onto hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), oxidation of As(III), and extraction efficiencies were measured in 0.2 atm O2. Oxidation was negligible for single-adsorbate experiments, but significant oxidation was observed in the presence of As(V) and HFO. Single-adsorbate As(III) or As(V) were incompletely extracted (0.5 M NaOH for 20 min), but all As was recovered in coadsorbate experiments. Single-adsorbate data were well-simulated using published surface complexation models, but those models (calibrated for single-adsorbate results) provided poor fits for coadsorbate experiments. An amended model accurately simulated single- and coadsorbate results. Model predictions of significant change in As(III) surface complex speciation in coadsorbate experiments was confirmed using zeta potential measurements. Our results demonstrate that mobility of arsenic in groundwater and removal in engineered treatment systems are more complicated when both As(III) and As(V) are present than anticipated based on single-adsorbate experimental results.  相似文献   

Solution chemical techniques were used to investigate the oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in 0.011 M arsenite suspension of well-crystallized hexagonal birnessite (H-birnessite, 2.7 g L(-1)) at pH 5. Products of the reaction were studied by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (XANES). In the initial stage (first 74 h), chemical results have been interpreted quantitatively, and the reaction is shown to proceed in two steps as suggested by previous authors: 2>Mn(IV)O2 + H3AsO3 + H2O --> 2>Mn(III)OOH + H2AsO4- + H+ and 2>Mn(III)OOH + H3AsO3 + 3H+ --> 2Mn2+ + H2AsO4- + 2H2O. The As(III) depletion rate was lower (0.02 h(-1)) than measured in previous studies because of the high crystallinity of the H-birnessite sample used in this study. The surface reaction sites are likely located on the edges of H-birnessite layers rather than on the basal planes. The ion activity product of Mn(II) and As(V) reached after 74 h reaction time was the solubility product of a protonated manganese arsenate, having a chemical composition close to that of krautite as identified by XANES and EDS. Krautite precipitation reaction can be written as follows: Mn2+ + H2AsO4- + H2O = MnHAsO4 x H2O + H+ log Ks approximately -0.2. Equilibrium was reached after 400 h. The manganese arsenate precipitate formed long fibers that aggregated at the surface of H-birnessite. The oxidation reaction transforms a toxic species, As(III), to a less toxic aqueous species, which further precipitates with Mn2+ as a mixed As-Mn solid characterized by a low solubility product.  相似文献   

Bacterial reduction of arsenic(V) and iron(III) oxides influences the redox cycling and partitioning of arsenic (As) between solid and aqueous phases in sediment-porewater systems. Two types of anaerobic bacterial incubations were designed to probe the relative order of As(V) and Fe(III) oxide reduction and to measure the effect of adsorbed As species on the rate of iron reduction, using hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) as the iron substrate. In one set of experiments, HFO was pre-equilibrated with As(V) and inoculated with fresh sediment from Haiwee Reservoir (Olancha, CA), an As-impacted field site. The second set of incubations consisted of HFO (without As) and As(III)- and As(V)- equilibrated HFO incubated with Shewanella sp. ANA-3 wild-type (WT) and ANA-3deltaarrA, a mutant unable to produce the respiratory As(V) reductase. Of the two pathways for microbial As(V) reduction (respiration and detoxification), the respiratory pathway was dominant under these experimental conditions. In addition, As(III) adsorbed onto the surface of HFO enhanced the rate of microbial Fe(III) reduction. In the sediment and ANA-3 incubations, As(V) was reduced simultaneously or prior to Fe(III), consistent with thermodynamic calculations based on the chemical conditions of the ANA-3 WT incubations.  相似文献   

Removal of arsenic(III) from groundwater by nanoscale zero-valent iron   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was synthesized and tested for the removal of As(III), which is a highly toxic, mobile, and predominant arsenic species in anoxic groundwater. We used SEM-EDX, AFM, and XRD to characterize particle size, surface morphology, and corrosion layers formed on pristine NZVI and As(III)-treated NZVI. AFM results showed that particle size ranged from 1 to 120 nm. XRD and SEM results revealed that NZVI gradually converted to magnetite/maghemite corrosion products mixed with lepidocrocite over 60 d. Arsenic(III) adsorption kinetics were rapid and occurred on a scale of minutes following a pseudo-first-order rate expression with observed reaction rate constants (K(obs)) of 0.07-1.3 min(-1) (at varied NZVI concentration). These values are about 1000x higher than K(obs) literature values for As(III) adsorption on micron size ZVI. Batch experiments were performed to determine the feasibility of NZVI as an adsorbent for As(III) treatment in groundwater as affected by initial As(III) concentration and pH (pH 3-12). The maximum As(III) adsorption capacity in batch experiments calculated by Freundlich adsorption isotherm was 3.5 mg of As(III)/g of NZVI. Laser light scattering (electrophoretic mobility measurement) confirmed NZVI-As(III) inner-sphere surface complexation. The effects of competing anions showed HCO3-, H4SiO4(0), and H2P04(2-) are potential interferences in the As(III) adsorption reaction. Our results suggest that NZVI is a suitable candidate for both in-situ and ex-situ groundwater treatment due to its high reactivity.  相似文献   

The conditions leading to the Donnan membrane equilibrium arise from the inability of ions to diffuse out from one phase in a heterogeneous system. In a polymeric cation exchanger, negatively charged sulfonic acid groups are covalently attached to the polymer chains, and thus, they cannot permeate out of the polymer phase. Conversely, a polymeric anion exchanger contains a high concentration of non-diffusible positively charged quaternary ammonium functional groups. It is well-established that submicron or nanoscale hydrated iron(III) oxide (HFO) particles exhibit high sorption affinity toward both arsenates and arsenites. In this study, commercially available cation and anion exchangers were used as host materials for dispersing HFO nanoparticles within the polymer phase using a technique previously developed. The resulting polymeric/inorganic hybrid sorbent particles were subsequently used for arsenic removal in the laboratory. The most significant finding of the study is that the anion exchanger as a substrate containing dispersed HFO offered substantially higher arsenate removal capacity as compared to the cation exchanger, all other conditions remaining identical. In fact, HFO nanoparticles dispersed within the gel-type cation exchanger were unable to remove arsenic. The Donnan membrane effect resulting from the nondiffusible negatively charged sulfonic acid groups in the cation exchanger did not allow permeation of arsenate into the polymer phase (i.e., arsenate was excluded from the spherical beads dispersed with HFO nanoparticles). On the contrary, anion-exchanger-supported HFO particles or HAIX offered very high arsenic removal capacity; less than 10% of influent arsenic broke through after 10 000 bed vol. HAIX was also amenable to efficient regeneration with 2% NaOH and 3% NaCl and capable of simultaneously removing both perchlorate and arsenic selectively. According to the information in the open literature, HAIX is the first hybrid sorbent that utilizes the Donnan membrane effect of the host material for sorption enhancement. From a generic viewpoint, other metal oxide/metal nanoparticles may also be judiciously embedded in appropriate support materials that would reject or enhance permeation of targeted ionic solutes.  相似文献   

The speciation of As and Fe was studied during the oxidation of Fe(II)-As(III) solutions by combining XAS analysis at both the Fe and As K-edges. Fe(II) and As(III) were first hydrolyzed to pH 7 under anoxic conditions; the precipitate was then allowed to oxidize in ambient air for 33 h under vigorous stirring. EXAFS analysis at the As K-edge shows clear evidence of formation of inner-sphere complexes between As(III) and Fe(II), i.e., before any oxidation. Inner-sphere complexes were also observed when Fe became sufficiently oxidized, in the form of edge-sharing and double-corner linkages between AsIIIO3 pyramids and FeIIIO6 octahedra. XAS analyses at the Fe K-edge reveal that the presence of As(III) in the solution limits the polymerization of Fe(II) and the formation of green rust and inhibits the formation of goethite and lepidocrocite. Indeed, As(III) accelerates the Fe(II) oxidation kinetics and leads to the formation of nanosized Fe-As subunits of amorphous aggregates. These observations, rather than a presumed weaker affinity of As(III) for iron oxyhydroxides, might explain why As(III) is more difficult to remove than As(V) by aerating reducing groundwater.  相似文献   

Sulfonamide antimicrobials are used in both human therapy and animal husbandry. Sulfonamides are not readily biodegradable and have been detected in surface water and in secondary wastewater effluents. The chemical oxidation of sulfonamides by an environmentally friendly oxidant, ferrate(VI) (Fe(VI)O4(2-), Fe(VI)), was conducted. The sulfonamides used in the oxidation studies were sulfisoxazole, sulfamethazine, sulfamethizole, sulfadimethoxine, and sulfamethoxazole. Kinetics of the reactions were determined as a function of pH (7.0-9.7) and temperature (15-45 degrees C) by a stopped-flow technique. The rate law for the oxidation of sulfonamides by Fe(VI) is first-order with respect to each reactant. The observed second-order rate constants decreased nonlinearly with an increase in pH and are possibly related to the protonation of Fe(VI) (HFeO4- <==> H+ + FeO4(2-); pK(a,HFeO4) = 7.23) and sulfonamides (SH <==> H+ + S-; pK(a,SH) = 5.0-7.4). The activation parameters of the reactions vary with pH due to temperature dependence on the protonation of Fe(VI) and sulfonamides. These results were used to obtain enthalpy of dissociation of sulfonamides. Stoichiometry and products of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) reactions with Fe(VI) were studied in detail using various analytical techniques to evaluate the effect of the oxidation process on the fate of sulfonamides in water. At a stoichiometric ratio of 4:1 (Fe(VI): SMX), complete removal of SMX was achieved. Analyses of oxidation products of the reaction as well as kinetic measurements of substructural models of SMX suggest that the attack of Fe(VI) occurs at the isoxazole moiety as well as at the aniline moiety with minimal preference. The results of the studies reported suggest that Fe(VI) has the potential to serve as a chemical oxidant for removing sulfonamides and converting them to relatively less toxic byproducts in water.  相似文献   

The removal of As(V), one of the most poisonous groundwater pollutants, by synthetic nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was studied. Batch experiments were performed to investigate the influence of pH, adsorption kinetics, sorption mechanism, and anionic effects. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Mossbauer spectroscopy were used to characterize the particle size, surface morphology, and corrosion layer formation on pristine NZVI and As(V)-treated NZVI. The HR-TEM study of pristine NZVI showed a core-shell-like structure, where more than 90% of the nanoparticles were under 30 nm in diameter. M?ssbauer spectroscopy further confirmed its structure in which 19% were in zero-valent state with a coat of 81% iron oxides. The XRD results showed that As(V)-treated NZVI was gradually converted into magnetite/maghemite corrosion products over 90 days. The XPS study confirmed that 25% As(V) was reduced to As(III) by NZVI after 90 days. As(V) adsorption kinetics were rapid and occurred within minutes following a pseudo-first-order rate expression with observed reaction rate constants (Kobs) of 0.02-0.71 min(-1) at various NZVI concentrations. Laser light scattering analysis confirmed that NZVI-As(V) forms an inner-sphere surface complexation. The effects of competing anions revealed that HCO3-, H4SiO4(0), and H2PO4(2-) are potential interfering agents in the As(V) adsorption reaction. Our results suggest that NZVI is a suitable candidate for As(V) remediation.  相似文献   

An estimated 30-50 million people in Bangladesh consume groundwater with arsenic contents far above accepted limits. A better understanding of arsenic redox kinetics and simple water treatment procedures are urgently needed. We have studied thermal and photochemical As(III) oxidation in the laboratory, on a time scale of hours, in water containing 500 micrograms/L As(III), 0.06-5 mg/L Fe(II,III), and 4-6 mM bicarbonate at pH 6.5-8.0. As(V) was measured colorimetrically, and As(III) and As(tot) were measured by As(III)/As(tot)-specific hydride-generation AAS. Dissolved oxygen and micromolar hydrogen peroxide did not oxidize As(III) on a time scale of hours. As(III) was partly oxidized in the dark by addition of Fe(II) to aerated water, presumably by reactive intermediates formed in the reduction of oxygen by Fe(II). In solutions containing 0.06-5 mg/L Fe(II,III), over 90% of As(III) could be oxidized photochemically within 2-3 h by illumination with 90 W/m2 UV-A light. Citrate, by forming Fe(III) citrate complexes that are photolyzed with high quantum yields, strongly accelerated As(III) oxidation. The photoproduct of citrate (3-oxoglutaric acid) induced rapid flocculation and precipitation of Fe(III). In laboratory tests, 80-90% of total arsenic was removed after addition of 50 microM citrate or 100-200 microL (4-8 drops) of lemon juice/L, illumination for 2-3 h, and precipitation. The same procedure was able to remove 45-78% of total arsenic in first field trials in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Photoirradiation of dissolved humic acid induces arsenic(III) oxidation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fate of arsenic in aquatic systems is influenced by dissolved natural organic matter (DOM). Using UV-A and visible light from a medium-pressure mercury lamp, the photosensitized oxidation of As(III) to As(V) in the presence of Suwannee River humic acid was investigated. Pseudo-first-order kinetics was observed. For 5 mg L(-1) of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and 1.85 mEinstein m(-2) s(-1) UV-A fluence rate, the rate coefficient k degrees exp was 21.2 +/- 3.2 10(-5) s(-1), corresponding to a half-life <1 h. Rates increased linearly with DOC and they increased by a factor of 10 from pH 4 to 8. Based on experiments with radical scavengers, heavy water, and surrogates for DOM, excited triplet states and/or phenoxyl radicals seem to be important photooxidants in this system (rather than singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide). Photoirradiation of natural samples from freshwater lakes, rivers, and rice field water (Bangladesh) showed similar photoinduced oxidation rates based on DOC. Fe(III) (as polynuclear Fe(III)-(hydr)oxo complexes or Fe(III)-DOC complexes) accelerates the rate of photoinduced As(III) oxidation in the presence of DOC by a factor of 1.5-2.  相似文献   

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