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Introduction Earthquake is not an isolated event. The focal region is not a closed system either. It is able to exchange energy or material with the medium outside this region. These kinds of exchange may cause various physical and chemical effects, so it is possible to get precursory signals by using space remote sensing technology. Many scholars (QIANG, et al, 1990; GENG, et al, 1992; XU, et al, 1995) have carried out some preliminary researches and experiments on the mechanism of therm…  相似文献   

What is a credible seismic precursor in observation of deformation? A real seismic precursor ought to be resulted from the variations in the earth strain and stress. The deformation observation can provide the information during earthquake gestation and occurrence period for us. Usually the seismic precursors can be divided into field and epicentral region precursors. The precursor information is very useful for seismic prediction from epicentral region or near epicentral region. Micro-deform…  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was formed by coales-cence of microcontinents of different geologic histo-ries, i.e. it consists of a series of blocks, such as Hi-malayas, Lhasa, Qiangtang, Kunlun, Qaidam and Qi- lian blocks from south to north. The blocks moved firstly in the NNE direction, then in the NE direction and at last in the ENE or E-W direction from south to north by a combined action of Indian Plate moving northward and obstruction of Tarim and other blocksnorth of the plateau. T…  相似文献   

OnthecolocationiterativesolutionmodelandalgorithmforgravityanomalyYUAN-XIYANG(杨元喜)andCHANG-JIANLIU(刘长建)ZhengzhouInstituteofS...  相似文献   

Studyonthepatternandmodeofverticalcrustaldeformationduringtheseismogenicprocessofintraplatestrongearthquakes杨国华,桂昆长,巩曰沐,杨春花,韩...  相似文献   

Precisioncalculationofcrustaldeformationinducedbyradialsteadylaminelarflowofundergroundwaterfromsinglewelinmulti┐layeredstruc...  相似文献   

Featuresofisostaticgravityanomalyandseis┐micactivityintheCentralAsianregionSHENG-MINGFANG1)(方盛明)RUIFENG2)(冯锐)CHANG-ZHENGTIAN...  相似文献   

FeaturesoffractaldimensionanomalyofradoncontentinundergroundwaterinNorthChinabeforeandafterthe1976TangshanearthquakeChang-Chu...  相似文献   

TherelationbetweentheresponsespectrumandthephasediferencespectrumFENG-XINZHAO(赵凤新)andYU-XIANHU(胡聿贤)InstituteofGeophysics,Sta...  相似文献   

IntroductionOn June 6, 2000, an earthquake of MS=5.9 occurred in Jingtai county, Gansu Province. The epicenter (37.1(N, 104.0(E) was located in Maomaoshan-Laohushan zone of the western segment of Liupanshan-Haiyuan fault along the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, where is the middle-eastern part of crustal deformation monitoring area of Gansu-Ningxia- Qinghai region. There are more than 50 spanning-fault mobile monitoring sites in the earthquake area and its vicinity (Fig…  相似文献   

地壳变形与地下水相互作用及其异常关系初探   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
地壳变形与地下水之间既相互作用又相互影响。 文中首先借助扩容串通模型研究了地壳变形与地下水相互关系, 讨论了两者之间的相互作用、 相互影响; 然后从地壳变形和地下水位异常是否为主要控制因素进一步分析了地壳变形与地下水相互作用、 相互影响以及对地震的触发作用; 最后通过震例进行佐证。  相似文献   

Surfacedeformationandgravitychangescausedbydilatancyinalayeredelastic┐vis┐coelastichalfspaceYONGWANG(王勇)HOUTSEHSU(许厚泽)Instit...  相似文献   

用地震活动性和水平形变资料及定点地倾斜资料分析构造活动中岩层物理变化与形变位移之间对应关系,对以后GPS观测的形变应用于地震预报做一些尝试性工作。结果表明,GPS资料应用于地震预报是大有前途的。  相似文献   

利用“中国大陆构造环境监测网络”在云南西部地区的13个连续GPS观测站和法国空间大地测量研究组Space Geodesy Research Group)的GRACE时变重力场资料,定量分析了该区域陆地水载荷所产生的非构造形变的量值和变化特点,探讨了利用GRACE分辨和剔除GPS观测中陆地水负荷所引起的非构造形变干扰的依据和模型.结果表明:滇西地区GPS坐标变化时间序列的垂向分量中,普遍包含有明显的年周期非构造形变波动,高值可达12mm,其中约42%源于陆地水迁徙变化所引起的负荷形变;通过主成份分析方法所获取的区域GPS共模误差与GRACE陆地水载荷形变序列的相关性高达0.87,若以GRACE扣除陆地水负荷形变,则滇西地区GPS网共模误差可消除约64%,且物理机制明确.然而,由于目前的GRACE只能有效分辨大约400km范围内陆地水载荷的整体变化,所以对于各GPS站点更加局部化的陆地水负荷非构造形变干扰,尚无法进行有效分辨.  相似文献   

DynamicpaterncharacteristicsoffaultdeformationandgravityfieldinthedevelopmentprocesofYongdengMS=5.8earthquakeZAISENJIANG...  相似文献   




Present-day seismicity,stress field and crustal deformation of Egypt   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this study we investigate present-day seismicity and crustal deformation of Egypt based on a comprehensive earthquake catalog from 1900 to 2004 by focal mechanism stress inversion and by recent GPS observations. Spatial distribution of earthquake epicenters indicates that Egypt has been suffered from both interplate and intraplate earthquakes. Most earthquake activity (more than 70%) has been concentrated in northern Egypt along the geologically documented borders of Sinai subplate (northern Red Sea and its two branches Suez rift and Aqaba–Dead Sea transform). The majority of inland earthquake focal mechanisms in Egypt are normal with strike-slip component or strike-slip faulting events. Only a small minority, namely four events, exhibits reverse faulting. The inversion method of Gephart and Forsyth (1984) was applied to calculate the orientation of the principle stress axes and the shape of the stress tensor. The best fitting tensor in Egypt shows homogeneity stress field. The tension stress regime is dominant in northern Egypt. The stress directions are well resolved by the 95% confidence limits, the relative stress magnitude has a value of about 0.3. However, along southern Egypt the strike-slip regime is dominant. The shape factor (R-value) is 0.5, which means that the deviatoric components of σ1 and σ3 are of the same magnitude, but of opposite signs. The average horizontal velocity of GPS stations in Egypt is 5.15± 1.1 mm/year in mostly NNW direction. The results of deformation analysis indicate that the northern Egypt is deformed more than the southern part. Only the Egyptian-Mediterranean coastal–Nile Delta zone dominates as a compression deformation area. However, an extensional deformation has been observed throughout the rest of country. This means that the relative motion of African plate with respect to both Eurasian and Arabian has highly controlled the deformation processes in Egypt.  相似文献   

IntroductionSinceaMs=6.9earthquakeoccurredinArtux,Xinjiang,ChinaonMarchl9,l996,7earth-quakeswithmagnitudeofMs>6werefollowedsuccessivelynearbyJiashi,southemnanshan.Thephenomenonthatagroupofstrongearthquakes(Jiashiearthquakeswann)concentratedwithinashorterperiodoflyearormoreisanunprecedentedeventsincetheinstrUmentalrecordofseis-micityinthecontinent,drawingconsiderableattentionofseismologists.TheJiashiearthquakeswarmhaPpenedonthenortheastemflankofthewestCmsyntaxofHimalayancollisionbeltwheret…  相似文献   

The Tian Shan is a vast range that spans several countries in Asia. Understanding its evolutionary history may provide valuable insights into intracontinental orogenic dynamics. In this study, we explored the crustal characteristics of the Tian Shan and their relationships to the tectonic evolution of the region. A new H-stacking method that combines the P receiver function and gravity anomalies was used to estimate the thickness and ratio of P- to S-wave velocities (vP/vS) for 91 broadband seismic stations in the central and western Tian Shan. Our results revealed significant lateral variations in crustal thickness and vP/vS. A ~45-km-thick crust and an intermediate-high vP/vS (~1.74–1.84) were found in the Kazakh Shield and Tarim Basin, which we interpreted to indicate a mafic crystalline basement and lower crust. The central Tian Shan varied greatly in crustal thickness (40–64 km) and vP/vS ratio (1.65–2.00), which may be due to crustal shortening, mafic underplating, and crustal melting. In contrast, we observed a relatively thin crust (42–50 km) with an intermediate vP/vS ratio (~1.78) in the western Tian Shan. The differences in the crustal structures between the western and central Tian Shan imply that the Talas-Fergana Fault may be trans-lithospheric.  相似文献   

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