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在太赫兹通信技术快速发展的背景下,建筑遮挡、恶劣天气等原因导致的复杂、弥散信道对通信安全性、可靠性提出新的挑战。太赫兹通信的保密属性在通信网络的广域性下隐含泄露、窃听等风险,研究现有的加密和防窃听手段在太赫兹通信中的可行性,推动物理层安全技术的创新与应用,实现信息的稳定安全传输,成为具备研究价值的热点问题。本文从安全通信角度出发,分析部分现有物理层加密与防窃听方法,总结其在太赫兹通信领域中的融合应用与效果,并对其未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, the secrecy performance and power allocation of the signal‐to‐noise ratio‐based hybrid decode–amplify–forward (HDAF) relaying protocol in wireless cooperative network are investigated to get security at physical layer. The performance metrics considered are secrecy rate and intercept probability. The Ergodic secrecy rate is approximated theoretically. The effect of relay and eavesdropper locations on the secrecy performance of the system is analyzed. It is found that maximum secrecy rate is obtained for the relay close‐to‐destination case and minimum for the relay close‐to‐eavesdropper case. Jamming schemes are superior in secrecy rate performance than without jamming schemes. To enhance the secrecy rate further with the optimized relay and jammer powers, invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm‐based power allocation is proposed. Here, maximizing the secrecy rate is defined as the cost function for the proposed IWO algorithm‐based power allocation. Comparative study is done over the conventional equal and proposed power allocation schemes for validation. The proposed power allocation scheme proved to be superior. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By regulatory fiat, secondary communication services cannot cause harmful interference to primary communication services, and they cannot claim protection from harmful interference from the primary service. This paper is about establishing reliable high data rate space‐to‐Earth communication in the asymmetric setting of a secondary service in the 460–470 MHz frequency band. In this band, the primary services consist of signals that are narrowband relative to the bandwidth of the signal of interest. A frequency domain approach is adopted to detect and cancel narrowband interference. After this processing, the signal of interest can be demodulated by standard techniques. This approach is shown to be effective on real data collected for the Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment mission. The telemetry concept for Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment was developed with a view toward demonstrating a high‐speed data downlink capability that may be adopted as a standard for future CubeSat missions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

空天地一体化通信网络是未来无线通信的发展趋势,其固有的广播特性和广阔的覆盖区域,将导致网络通信系统面临严重的安全威胁。如何保证空天地通信网络的安全性是一个亟待解决的问题。物理层安全技术作为一种有效的安全手段,在无线通信领域受到越来越多的关注。介绍了物理层安全的基础以及空天地通信信道模型,并对物理层安全中常见的窃听编码、波束成形、人工噪声、中继协作干扰和物理层密钥加密等技术进行了介绍和总结,最后提出了空天地通信网络中物理层安全面临的挑战和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self‐organized and adaptive wireless network formed by dynamically gathering mobile nodes. Since the topology of the network is constantly changing, the issue of routing packets and energy conservation become challenging tasks. In this paper, we propose a cross‐layer design that jointly considers routing and topology control taking mobility and interference into account for MANETs. We called the proposed protocol as Mobility‐aware Routing and Interference‐aware Topology control (MRIT) protocol. The main objective of the proposed protocol is to increase the network lifetime, reduce energy consumption, and find stable end‐to‐end routes for MANETs. We evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol by comprehensively simulating a set of random MANET environments. The results show that the proposed protocol reduces energy consumption rate, end‐to‐end delay, interference while preserving throughput and network connectivity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider secure communications of one source‐destination pair in the presence of one eavesdropper, when full‐duplex decode‐and‐forward cooperative relays operate to enhance physical layer security. While the conventional half‐duplex relay receives the signal from the source and forwards the re‐encoded signal to the destination in two separated time slots, the full‐duplex relay (FDR) performs the transmission and reception at the same time, which can ideally double the secrecy capacity. However, because of the simultaneous transmission and reception, each FDR suffers from both its own self‐interference and the interference from the other cooperative FDRs. When the conventional cooperative relaying schemes are used in full‐duplex relaying, it is obviously expected that the self‐interference signals cause severe degradation of the secrecy capacity. Here, we propose an iterative transmit power allocation and relay beamforming weight design scheme for cooperative FDRs to enhance the secrecy rate as well as suppress the self‐interference signals. Numerical results present that the FDRs with the proposed scheme significantly improve the secrecy rate compared with the conventional half‐duplex relays. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郭凯 《信息通信》2010,(1):77-80
应急通信是指为抢险救灾、应幸寸英发事件等提供的通信手段。随着社会的发展,自然灾害、突发事件等对社会安全造成了越来越严重的威胁,因此全业务模式下的通信运营商在应急通信技术发展方面面临着全新的考验。论文在分析目前应急通信技术现状的基础上,从应急通信技术的全方位、多手段、多应用等角度出发,阐述了适合全业务运营模式下的应急通信技术发展战略,最后对应急通信体制发展做了论述。  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is an alternative technology that is constrained to keep up with the increasingly high data transmission rate due to its robustness against selective frequency fading and its resistance to intersymbol interference (ISI). This paper aims to study and optimize its performance, namely, its probability of communication failure and signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise ratio (SINR) metrics. The mathematical tool used to perform OFDM evaluation and analysis is the Fourier transform and its properties. The obtained results of those equations led to the demonstration of the probability of communication outage and to notice that the cutoff time occurs after the 10th iteration for values of λ less than or equal to 1. It could also be checked that this period is small if λ exceeds 1 by considering the sensitivity factor. Moreover, for the obtained results, in terms of bit error rate (BER) and SINR, the influence of the modulation on the error vector magnitude (EVM) shows the sensitivity factor Ω presents a key role in the transmission chain.  相似文献   

In modern satellite communications, matters such as frequency congestion, transmission of dual polarized carriers and increase of the number of geostationary satellites in use, necessitate the implementation of interference analysis in neighbouring networks so as to ensure satisfactory quality of service. In this paper, a recently proposed model for the prediction of the degradation of the carrier‐to‐interference ratio due to differential rain attenuation and cross‐polarization, which is applicable only for the noise‐dominant case, has been properly modified to include the general case. The proposed model is based on the lognormal assumption for the point rainfall rate statistics and the convective raincell model. Due to complexity of the proposed analysis, some simple regression‐derived formulas have been generated forming a very useful tool for the system engineer. The elaborations of numerical results examine the influence of various parameters upon the total availability performance and the optimum utilization of the geostationary orbit. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a plethora of recent research on high performance wireless communications using a cross‐layer approach in that adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) schemes at wireless physical layer are used for combating time varying channel fading and enhance link throughput. However, in a wireless sensor network, transmitting packets over deep fading channel can incur excessive energy consumption due to the usage of stronger forwarding error code (FEC) or more robust modulation mode. To avoid such energy inefficient transmission, a straightforward approach is to temporarily buffer packets when the channel is in deep fading, until the channel quality recovers. Unfortunately, packet buffering may lead to communication latency and buffer overflow, which, in turn, can result in severe degradation in communication performance. Specifically, to improve the buffering approach, we need to address two challenging issues: (1) how long should we buffer the packets? and (2) how to choose the optimum channel transmission threshold above which to transmit the buffered packets? In this paper, by using discrete‐time queuing model, we analyze the effects of Rayleigh fading over AMC‐based communications in a wireless sensor network. We then analytically derive the packet delivery rate and average delay. Guided by these numerical results, we can determine the most energy‐efficient operation modes under different transmission environments. Extensive simulation results have validated the analytical results, and indicates that under these modes, we can achieve as much as 40% reduction in energy dissipation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient cross‐layer design that performs joint adaptation of the physical (PHY) and application layers of a mobile WiMAX network is proposed. The design takes into account channel state and performance information from the PHY and medium access control (MAC) layers, respectively. It uses a decision algorithm to evaluate this information, specify unfavorable conditions regarding low channel quality and increased congestion, and take measures by coordinating modulation order, transmission power, and media encoding rate, toward improved overall quality of service (QoS) offered to the user. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed design achieves considerably reduced packet loss and power consumption, combined with increased throughput as compared to a typical mobile WiMAX system. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a scheme that exploits cooperative diversity of multiple relays to provide physical layer security against an eavesdropping attack is concerned. Relay‐based cognitive radio network (CRN) faces issues multiple issues other than the same as faced by conventional wireless communications. If the nodes in a CRN are able to harvest energy and then spend less energy than the total energy available, we can ensure a perpetual lifetime for the network. In this paper, an energy‐constrained CRN is considered where relay nodes are able to harvest energy. A cooperative diversity‐based relay and subchannel‐selection algorithm is proposed, which selects a relay and a subchannel to achieve the maximum secrecy rate while keeping the energy consumed under a certain limit. A transmission power factor is also selected by the algorithm, which ensures long‐term operation of the network. The power allocation problem at the selected relay and at the source also satisfies the maximum‐interference constraint with the primary user (PU). The proposed scheme is compared with a variant of the proposed scheme where the relays are assumed to have an infinite battery capacity (so maximum transmission power is available in every time slot) and is compared with a scheme that uses jamming for physical layer security. The simulation results show that the infinite battery‐capacity scheme outperforms the jamming‐based physical layer security scheme, thus validating that cooperative diversity‐based schemes are suitable to use when channel conditions are better employed, instead of jamming for physical layer security.  相似文献   

Propagation campaigns are carried out at different frequencies and geographical areas to characterize the slant‐path propagation channel. One of the objectives of the Alphasat Propagation Experiment is to evaluate the performance of satellite links that operate in the Q/V band. Since March 2014, the copolar level of the Alphasat Q‐band beacon signal has been measured at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. The fade dynamics—fade and inter‐fade durations—results for three complete years (March 2014 to February 2017) of measurements are presented in this paper. Moreover, the experimental setup and receiver characteristics are described in detail. The collected data (with a mean availability of 97%) can be used to evaluate the atmospheric propagation impairments with a very good degree of accuracy. The probability of occurrence and the fraction of time of fade duration for an average‐year have been compared with the ITU‐R and CRC models with moderate agreement. For this reason, a modeling effort has been made leading to the conclusion that there is room for improvement in the models.  相似文献   

The move to provide direct to home (DTH) multi‐media services from satellites requires a number of new insights to be gleaned from the propagation effects that occur along satellite‐to‐ground paths. Annual statistics will not be sufficient to describe the likely performance of the link, nor will they provide information on the likely customer acceptance of the DTH service. What are required are the likely number of outages due to rain attenuation in a given period, their duration, the time between the outages, and the diurnal characteristics of rain attenuation along the link. This paper presents results obtained in three, two‐year, Ku‐band experiments in tropical Africa on diurnal attenuation effects, as well as on rain and attenuation event duration and inter‐event duration. The implications of the results are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The adoption of W‐CDMA as an essential component of the air‐interface of third‐generation cellular systems brings to the foreground the need for new planning methodologies and software tools. In this perspective, this paper addresses planning problems that are important to the dimensioning of W‐CDMA‐based cellular networks. The problems aim at finding the optimal feasible allocation of transmission power to the sets of uplink and downlink connections that should be supported by the system, so as to cope with a corresponding traffic load scenario. The problems are concisely defined, mathematically formulated and solved by means of two computationally efficient, novel algorithms. The solutions of the problems may be seen as operating points at which the system performance should be driven. Finally, numerical results are presented and concluding remarks are drawn. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Taking the uplink and downlink cochannel interference and noise into account, the analytical expressions are derived for determining the bit error probability in detecting a binary phase‐shift‐keying (BPSK) and a quaternary phase‐shift‐keying (QPSK) Gray coded signal, transmitted over a satellite system exhibiting amplitude modulation‐to‐amplitude modulation (AM/AM) conversion effects and amplitude modulation‐to‐phase modulation (AM/PM) conversion effects. On the basis on the derived theoretic formulae, using real‐life system parameters, numerical results are obtained and presented. We point out the explicit comparisons of satellite communication system performance obtained when a satellite transponder amplifier is modelled by a hard‐limiter and those obtained when both AM/AM and AM/PM non‐linearities of the satellite transponder amplifier are taken into consideration. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compatibility analysis involving space research service lunar mission uplink transmissions and the inter‐satellite links of non‐geostationary orbit systems operating in the 22‐GHz band. Three points differentiate this analysis from the currently available studies: (1) the mathematical model used here allows for the consideration of the time varying nature of the inclination of the Moon orbital plane; (2) besides the usual unconditional interference cumulative distribution functions, this analysis also considers the conditional cumulative distribution functions given that the victim satellite is receiving interference, important to characterize the interference affecting users that, because of their location, are most of the time using satellites, which are under interference; and (3) instead of dynamic time simulation, the analytical method in Recommendation ITU‐R S.1529 is used to determine the various cumulative distribution functions involved. Four scenarios are examined in the paper. Their main differences concern the number and location of the space research service transmitting Earth stations and the strategy under which they are active (transmitting). In all scenarios, cumulative distribution functions of the ratio I/N were determined for both the in‐band and the out‐of‐band interference cases. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the protection of fixed service (FS) receivers from the aggregate interference produced by the satellites of multiple highly elliptical orbit satellite systems (HEOs). It analyzes the protection given to FS receivers operating in the 18 GHz frequency band by the power flux‐density (pfd) mask contained in Article 21 of the 2003 edition of the Radio Regulations [International Telecommunication Union, 2003.]. This mask establishes the maximum allowable value for the pfd produced by any of the satellites of a non‐geostationary system at the Earth's surface. The protection offered to FS receivers by this mask is analyzed in four interfering environments, each containing three identical HEO systems. Four types of HEO systems, with different orbital characteristics, are considered: three having satellites that operate only in the northern hemisphere and one having satellites that operate in both hemispheres. All satellite antennas are assumed to radiate 0.3° spot beams. Each HEO satellite is modelled so that the maximum pfd it produces at the Earth's surface just meets the RR Article 21 mask and the analysis takes into account the roll‐off characteristics of the satellite antenna beams. To reflect the multiplicity of possibilities concerning the geographical location and technical characteristics of the victim FS receiver (e.g. latitude, longitude, azimuth and elevation of its receiving antenna, antenna gain, receiver noise temperature, etc.) a number of cases were evaluated. The concept of interference in excess [Int. J. Satellite Commun. Networking 2006; 24 : 73–95] was used to combine the results corresponding to FS receivers located at the same latitude and having the same receiving antenna elevation angle but for which the location longitude and the azimuth of the pointing direction of its receiving antenna are randomly chosen. Results are expressed in terms of the cumulative distribution function of the interference in excess. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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