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It is desired to track the location of an underwater data collecting platform using acoustic range data. A long‐range and high‐resolution acoustic system for underwater locating has been investigated. The system provides continuous and highly accurate tracking of a platform referenced to bottom‐mounted buoys. Each reference buoy contains an acoustic transponder, which is used to obtain ranging data from the transponder to the platform. The transponder has a signal source that is phase‐modulated by a maximal‐length binary sequence and a correlation processing unit to be capable of detecting received acoustic signals with high SNR in a noisy environment or in attenuation due to long‐range propagation, and to identify multipath acoustic signals. The acoustic system has been designed and sea tests tried. The results of that experiment have yielded capability of a submeter underwater acoustic positioning system.  相似文献   


The use of marine high‐resolution geophysical profiling data, seafloor soil samples, and accepted land‐based methods of analysis have provided a means of assessing the regional geotechnical conditions and relative slope stability of the portion of the Gulf of Alaska Continental Margin known as the Kodiak Shelf. Eight distinct types of soils were recognized in the study; the seafloor distribution of these indicates a complex geotechnical setting. Each soil unit was interpreted as having a distinct suite of geotechnical properties and potential foundation engineering problems. Seven categories of relative slope stability were defined and mapped. These categories range from “highest stability”; to “lowest stability,”; and are based on the degree of slope of the seafloor, type of soil underlying the slope, and evidence of mass movement. The results of the analysis indicate that the highest potential for soil failure exists on (1) the slopes forming boundaries between the submarine banks and the broad sea valleys, and (2) the upper portion of the continental slope, where evidence of past slope failure is common. Also of concern are gently sloping areas near the edges of submarine banks where evidence of possible tension cracks and slow downhill creep was found.  相似文献   

Tide gauges distributed all over the world provide valuable information for monitoring mean sea level changes. The statistical models used in estimating sea level change from the tide gauge data assume implicitly that the random model components are stationary in variance. We show that for a large number of global tide gauge data this is not the case for the seasonal part using a variate-differencing algorithm. This finding is important for assessing the reliability of the present estimates of mean sea level changes because nonstationarity of the data may have marked impact on the sea level rate estimates, especially, for the data from short records.  相似文献   

State‐of‐the‐art technology is presently being used for the acquisition of water level and meteorological data in the Intra‐Americas Sea to support the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) network of sea‐level monitoring stations. GLOSS stations provide data for the investigation of regional relative sea level change in areas of complex tectonic motion, national geodetic vertical datums, near real‐time data for input to climatic diagnostic numerical models, calibration of satellite altimeter and scatterometer data, and the evaluation of the feasibility of producing synoptic mean sea level charts for the prediction of climatic trends, long‐range weather forecasts, and ocean processes.  相似文献   

A coastal acoustic tomography experiment in the Tokyo Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight sets of coastal acoustic tomography (CAT) systems were deployed during November 29 to December 10, 2002 at the coasts on both sides of Tokyo Bay to measure tidal current structures at 15-rain interval.Sound transmission across the Tokyo Bay (between Yokohama and Chiba)was successfillly traced,even under severe interference from ship generated wakes and bubbles.Tidal current fields changing from northward to southward flow are well reconstructed by the inverse analysis of travel-time difference data for a period with the best sound transmission condition. It is suggested that the CAT is the most powerful tool to continuously map tidal current fields in the coastal seas with heavy shipping traffic and fisheries activity.  相似文献   

Photo‐identification has been established as a helpful tool in cetacean research. However, no study to date has attempted to apply this method to short‐beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis L.). We present here the results of two studies that were conducted concurrently in Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf on the north‐east coast of New Zealand's North Island. Methods for distinguishing between individual dolphins are discussed. Sighting records of recognisable individuals indicate that some common dolphins move between Mercury Bay and the Hauraki Gulf (100 km distance), as well as between Mercury Bay and Whakatane (200 km distance). Common dolphin abundance and site fidelity appeared to be greater in the Hauraki Gulf than in Mercury Bay. A selection of photographs of distinct individuals is presented to allow future studies to compare their sighting records to ours, which may help establish the extent of home ranges, site fidelity, and possibly even longevity for common dolphins.  相似文献   

A newly developed piston sediment corer utilising a neat‐fitting piston operating within a 2 7/8‐in.‐diameter plastic liner has successfully cored heavy gravel, coarse shell and sandy sediments.

A quick fit and release junction for pipe lengths and cutter has been devised.  相似文献   

We investigated temporal (day‐to‐day and season) and spatial (reach) variability of drift with the aim of guiding sampling protocol for quantifying drift at the whole river or reach scale. Overall, we found aquatic drift density and biomass varied considerably seasonally (CV = 72.9, 88.1) and to a lesser extent spatially (CV = 31.3, 30.7) and from day‐to‐day (CV = 45.2, 39.4). Although spatial and day‐to‐day variation in drift density and biomass were similar, sampling logistics suggest spatial sampling would be more cost‐effective and less time consuming. Drift density and biomass estimated from top samplers was often higher than estimates from samplers near the streambed or mid‐water column. A reliable estimate of mean densities and biomass at a site may require only two samplers— a top sampler and either a middle or bottom sampler. In our study, we calculated that sampling at four sites over 1 or 4 days at one site would be required to obtain a 95% CI within 50% of the mean drift density. Eight sites over 1 or 10 days at one site would be required to achieve a 95% CI within 25% of the mean drift density.  相似文献   

High-resolutionsub-bottomprofilerhasrevededsedimentalstrataandentironmentsintheeuttmp.ofthel3ohaiSeasincetheltatePleistocene.Atccordingtothecharactersofacauseicreflectionandseismictstrattlgmphicprinci-ple,someclt.ificationoftypicalacousticreflectionisnzadeouttndwiUbefavourableforinterpretationandrecognbationofaoousticprofilesinthisarea  相似文献   

Sea-surface acoustic backscattering measurements at moderate to high frequencies were performed in the shallow water of the south Yellow Sea, using omnidirectional spherical sources and omnidirectional hydrophones. Sea-surface backscattering data for frequencies in the 6–25 k Hz range and wind speeds of(3.0±0.5)and(4.5±1.0) m/s were obtained from two adjacent experimental sites, respectively. Computation of sea-surface backscattering strength using bistatic transducer is described. Finally, we calculated sea-surface backscattering strengths at grazing angles in the range of 16°–85°. We find that the measured backscattering strengths agree reasonably well with those predicted by using second order small-roughness perturbation approximation method with "PM" roughness spectrum for all frequencies at grazing angles ranged from 40° to 80°. The backscattering strengths varied slightly at grazing angles of 16°–40°, and were much stronger than roughness scattering. It is speculated that scattering from bubbles dominates the backscattering strengths at high wind speeds and small grazing angles. At the same frequencies and moderate to high grazing angles, the results show that the backscattering strengths at a wind speed of(4.5±1.0) m/s were approximately 5 d B higher than those at a wind speed of(3.0±0.5) m/s. However, the discrepancies of backscattering strength at low grazing angles were more than 10 d B. Furthermore the backscattering strengths exhibited no significant frequency dependence at 3 m/s wind speed. At a wind speed of 4.5 m/s, the scattering strengths increased at low grazing angles but decreased at high grazing angles with increasing grazing angle.  相似文献   

Sea‐surface temperature data from satellite imagery is used to improve the understanding of the ocean‐current circulation of an area to the south‐east of Cook Strait, New Zealand. A dominant feature of the satellite imagery is an eddy, apparently locked in position, which has a considerable influence on the interaction of the East Cape Current and the Southland Current which meet in this region.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical features of Pupu Springs (40 51’ S, 172° 46’ E), near Takaka, the largest cold springs in New Zealand and one of the largest in the world, were investigated by scuba diving. The springs have a maximum depth of 6.9 m and a mosaic of substrate types (bedrock, boulders, and gravel). The temperature of the springs water is constant at 11.7°C, water velocities are generally moderate to very strong (25–100 cm.s‐1), and average water discharge is about 9.6 m3.s‐1. Mean holding time for water in the springs is 4.4 min. The water is extremely clear, with a vertical extinction coefficient (log10) of 0.09. The springs water flows from an artesian basin in Arthur Marble and is low in dissolved oxygen. The water is rich in calcium (64 g.m‐3), with a high specific conductivity (65 mS.m‐1). Information on water temperature, discharge, and chemistry is provided for five other cold springs in New Zealand: Hamurana Springs, Rotorua; Otangaroa Springs, near Putaruru; Three Springs, near Fairlie; Western Springs, Auckland; and a spring at Lake Hayes, Queenstown.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic signals of dolphins show as “interference noise” on an echo‐sounder record. Some records obtained from Delphinus delphis in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, suggest that these emissions were being used for echo‐ranging, a phenomenon well established by previous work. Possible uses of such records in studying dolphin behaviour are explained.  相似文献   

The phases and amplitudes of the M2 and S2 constituents of tidal elevation in Coiok Strait may be adequately described as an open mouth reflection of tidal waves advancing from the east and west coasts of New Zealand and reflecting near the latitudes of Titahi Bay and Cape Campbell (a distance of approximately 60 km). Other reflection conditions give amplitude and phase distributions different from those observed. Best fits to the observed phases and amplitudes for the M2 tide elevation arise from non‐rotational one‐dimensional solutions which allow for the bathymetry. If rotation is introduced in the form of Kelvin Wave solutions, the result is a two‐dimensional phase‐distribution pattern qualitatively similar to that observed, with the change in phase more rapid and the tidal amplitude smaller on the eastern than on the western side of Cook Strait.

The solution for the S2 tide also fits closest to the observed tidal elevations for the non‐rotational one dimensional solution, but the introduction of rotation leads to a two‐dimensional phase‐distribution pattern qualitatively similar to that observed. The ratio of the amplitude of the wave (£) advancing from the northwest into Cook Strait to that (A) advancing from the southeast is substantially greater for the S2 (B/A = 11) than for the M2 (B/A = 2) tidal constituent and leads to the region of most rapid phase change for S2 being shifted further to the south than that for M2.  相似文献   

Lake Ototoa is a warm monomictic lake at 36° 31’ S, 174° 14'E. During a year's study (March 1969‐March 1970), the lake became thermally stratified in November, the metalimnion being between depths of 12 m and 16 m. Surface temperatures ranged between 10.2°c (in August) and 25.2°c (in late January), and bottom temperatures between 9.7°c and 17.5°c. The annual heat budget was calculated to be 642 354 KJ.m‐2 (15 500 cal.cm‐2) and the work of the wind in distributing the heat income 1.730 KJ.m‐2 (1766 g.cm.cm‐2). Secchi disc transparencies ranged between 5 m and 9.2 m (mean 7.07 m) and were greatest in the summer. Light transmission per metre was also high, ranging between 61% and 87%. Surface waters were normally supersaturated with oxygen, but during summer stratification oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters dropped to a minimum of 2.3 mg.litre‐2 and a positive heterograde distribution of oxygen with depth was found. The oxygen deficit was 0.015 mg.cm‐2.day‐1 and showed the lake to be oligotrophic. Mean surface pH was 7.82, and the ionic composition of the waters was similar to that of other small New Zealand and Australian lakes located near the sea. Compared with other New Zealand lakes PO4‐P concentrations (range 1.00–10.20 μg.litre‐1) were low and NO3—N concentrations (range 0.12–0.60 mg.litre‐1) high.  相似文献   

FITC‐conjugated lectins proved to be effective probes for differentiating between morphologically similar dinoflagellate species isolated from New Zealand coastal waters. In particular the binding (fluorescence) of peanut (PNA) lectin differentiated G. mikimotoi from Gymnodinium sp. (Waimangu) and G. pulchellum and the non‐binding of Helix pomatia (HPA) and wheat germ (WGA) lectins discriminated between G. mikimotoi and the other Gymnodinium species tested. G. breve (Florida) was differentiated from the New Zealand isolates by binding with soy bean (SBA) lectin. Ulex europeus (UEA) distinguished the toxic species Alexandrium minutum from the morphologically similar, but non‐toxic, Cachonina hallii. Two strains of Prorocentrum lima (Spain and Rangaunu) were not differentiated by the lectins, but P. lima was differentiated from P. compressum.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need for standardization of data derived from bathy‐metric swath‐mapping systems. Currently several dozen multibeam and sidescan sonar data formats exist within the oceanographic community, and more can be expected as new systems are developed. Without some standardization of swath‐mapping data formats, the capability for use and integration of data from different systems will be severely compromised.

This paper presents a strategy for organizing swath bathymetry data in a logical modular fashion that will allow data from all current swath bathymetric sonar systems to be stored and accessed in a common fashion. We have chosen the approach of defining compact efficient modules for each logically independent portion of a data record and storing it in a manner that is portable between diverse computer architectures and operating systems. This approach is extensible to accommodate new types of data. Although specifically developed for swath bathymetry, this format is also capable of supporting digital sidescan data and other types of swath data.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on cyanobacteria‐zooplankton interactions have largely focused on the inadequacy of cyanobacteria as a food source. Some features of cyanobacteria can be regarded as anti‐herbivore defences. Large colonies of Aphanizomenon, Anabaena and Microcystis cannot be handled by zooplankton, but do not interfere seriously with the filtering process. Small colonies and filaments, however, may cause severe inhibition of the feeding process by mechanical interference. This reduces zooplankton growth, reproduction, and survival. Copepods, rotifers, and Bosmina are less affected by mechanical disturbance than cladocerans. If ingested, some cyanobacteria may be poorly digested or may not provide essential nutrients. Some cyanobacteria are reported to be toxic to zooplankton. Several strains of Microcystis produce an endotoxin, but the amount of toxin produced differs among strains and with the condition of Microcystis. Zooplankton encountering toxic cells cease feeding. Some evidence of an extra‐cellular herbivore deterrent was found for Anabaena. Thus, cyanobacteria may either be individually protected or may create an environment that is unfavourable for efficient grazers (e.g., Daphnia).  相似文献   


The tsunami travel‐time charts that are presently in use by the Tsunami Warning Center were constructed originally in 1948 based on the hydrographic data available in the mid 1940s. Even the revised charts of 1971 made use of essentially the same data. It is shown here that the travel times deduced by these charts could be in error by as much as two hours in some cases. Even worse, the compiled travel times as deduced from these charts are generally greater than the observed travel times, which is a dangerous situation from a tsunami warning point of view.  相似文献   

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