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《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(6):651-661
The relationship between hard substrate type, depth and ecology has not been widely investigated in Bass Strait, which separates mainland Australia from Tasmania. As this water body is important to the State, a study along the Victorian coastline using an inexpensive Along Track Video (ATV) system, along with equipment to record depths and locations, was implemented. A better understanding of the correlation between hard substrate, depth and ecology was thought to be valuable to enable researchers to determine to what extent the benthic biological communities depend on physical factors. This understanding should improve procedures to predict the seafloor ecology on the basis of geological and oceanographic data. The dominant species assemblages and geomorphology, among other characteristics, were observed and recorded for each transect. In the sites investigated, depth appears to have a greater influence on dominant assemblages than does the type of hard substrate. The study also served to show that inexpensive ATV systems can be successfully used to study macro-sessile marine resources.  相似文献   

海洋调查中水下目标位置的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了海洋调查中测量设备拖曳体(拖鱼)的三种定位方法:舷挂式、LAYBACK方式和超短基线方式;分析了不同定位方法确定水下目标位置的差异,并进行了精度估计。  相似文献   

线阵声呐的基阵误差包括基元物理相位误差和相邻基元之间的间隔误差,本文提出了一种综合修正以上两种误差实用方法,利用该方法可以有效地提高线阵声呐系统的波束定位精度,并通过一个具体的实例进行了验证。  相似文献   

A comparative study of three methods for the determination of iodate-iodine in seawater is described. In one method the iodate is determined polarographically while in the others the iodate is determined colorimetrically as iodonium ions. In one of the colorimetric methods each sample is pre-treated with excess iodine-water in an attempt to eliminate suspected interference from naturally occurring reducing agents. The tests were conducted on a selection of open-ocean and near-shore waters with iodate concentrations ranging from 0 to 60 μg 1?1-I. The tests indicated that the polarographic method and the colorimetric method without iodine-water give the more reliable measurement of iodate concentration. Also, the method with iodine water was found to be in error especially at low iodate concentrations. Reducing agents, if present, were found not to interfere significantly.  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Sonar: A Review of Current Status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a review paper that surveys past work in, and the recent status of, active synthetic aperture sonar (SAS). It covers the early historical development of SAS with its provenance in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and flows through into what work has been published in the open literature up to early 2007. The list of references is sufficiently complete to include most past and recent SAS publications in the open refereed literature.   相似文献   

The ultimate embedment depth (UED) is a very important index in evaluating the performance of drag anchors, and hence is of necessity to evaluate the UED precisely in design and analysis. On the other hand, the UED is also a key parameter in predicting the kinematic trajectory of drag anchors in soils by numerical or analytical methods. In this paper, analytical derivations are developed to express the UED not only in clay but also in sand. By analyzing and describing equilibrium forces acting on the anchor and embedded drag line, and the interaction between them at the UED, concise expressions are formulated for predicting the UED in terms of characteristics of the anchor, drag line and soil. Considering that the exact values of the various parameters are seldom known, a parametric analysis is performed systematically. In order to check the applicability and precision, expressions of the UED in clay are compared comprehensively with the other prediction methods. Specially designed tests are also carried out in a model experimental system, and the measured data are used to examine the expression of UED in sand.  相似文献   

An operational passive sonar is required to detect signals from sources, which are subject to spatial and temporal coherence losses via modifications by the ocean environment. Furthermore, these signals are to be detected in the presence of frequency-dependent correlated noise fields. For a system which employs splitbeam cross-correlation processing, the spatial and spectral properties of the signal and noise are of significant import. Therefore, the exact probability density and cumulative distribution functions of the N-sampled correlator outputs of a splitbeam broadband passive sonar are derived for the case of Gaussian inputs which are described by arbitrary cross-spectral density matrices. The validity of approximating the exact probability density function (pdf) as a Gaussian distribution is investigated. The effect of signal coherence loss and noise correlation on the detection performance is considered and the associated processing loss is expressed as a degradation factor within the detection threshold equation  相似文献   

从侧扫声纳的工作原理出发,分析了侧扫声纳记录声图产生基本失真的原因,推导出基本失真的数学公式,所得结论对实际作用有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

小尺度群桩应用广泛,一直是学者研究的重点,小尺度有别于大尺度桩柱,由于桩柱周围存在漩涡的脱落,使得受力特性复杂。以往的研究过程中,波浪主要采用单向不规则波浪,并且试验模型多以两桩或三桩组成的群桩结构为主,桩数相对较少。多向不规则波与群桩结构的作用特点有别于单向不规则波且研究较少。通过物理模型试验,针对多向不规则波对于9桩桩排群桩结构的作用进行了研究。首先综合考虑KC1/3数和相对桩径的影响,提出以参数KCLD 1/3数来衡量群桩的效应,并分析了正向力与横向力随着参数KCLD 1/3数和相对桩距的变化关系,研究了群桩中不同桩位桩柱波浪力的变化规律和方向分布宽度对于群桩波浪力的影响。研究结果表明,群桩中各桩的正向力随着方向分布标准差的增大而减小,而横向力在相对桩距较大时随着方向分布标准差的增大而增大,同时群桩中不同位置桩上的波浪力具有较大的差异。  相似文献   

随着蛙人侵袭活动的猖獗,探测蛙人的声纳引起了注意,为此提出了水下安全防护系统。文中针对TRONKA声纳在水下安全防护系统中的应用进行了详细阐述。该声纳系统可探测、跟踪、分类活动和固定目标,并向岸站发出报警信号,以便对威胁进行防御,保护港口、舰船等的安全。  相似文献   

A method for synthesizing 3D images of scanned objects based on the output data of bathymetric and amplitude channels obtained from intereferometric side scan sonar is discussed.  相似文献   

- In this paper, the depth of the summer thermocline of the South Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea is calculated with two kinds of one-dimentional models, and the formation reasons are explained for the summer thermocline depth distribution characteristics in the study area. It is proved that in the shelf area of the East China Sea, tidal mixing has an important impact on the thermocline depth. And a new explanation for certain phenomena of the so-called coastal upwelling in the East China Sea is proposed.  相似文献   

We seek to determine if a small number of measurements of upper ocean temperature and currents can be used to make estimates of the drag coefficient that have a smaller range of uncertainty than previously found. We adopt a numerical approach using forward models of the ocean’s response to a tropical cyclone, whereby the probability density function of drag coefficient values as a function of wind speed that results from adding realistic levels of noise to the simulated ocean response variables is sought. Allowing the drag coefficient two parameters of freedom, namely the values at 35 and at 45 m/s, we found that the uncertainty in the optimal value is about 20% for levels of instrument noise up to 1 K for a misfit function based on temperature, or 1.0 m/s for a misfit function based on 15 m velocity components. This is within tolerable limits considering the spread of measurement-based drag coefficient estimates. The results are robust for several different instrument arrays; the noise levels do not decrease by much for arrays with more than 40 sensors when the sensor positions are random. Our results suggest that for an ideal case, having a small number of sensors (20–40) in a data assimilation problem would provide sufficient accuracy in the estimated drag coefficient.  相似文献   

Directional wave information from the SeaSonde   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes methods used for the derivation of wave information from SeaSonde data, and gives examples of their application to measured data. The SeaSonde is a compact high-frequency (HF) radar system operated from the coast or offshore platform to produce current velocity maps and local estimates of the directional wave spectrum. Two methods are described to obtain wave information from the second-order radar spectrum: integral inversion and fitting with a model of the ocean wave spectrum. We describe results from both standard- and long-range systems and include comparisons with simultaneous measurements from an S4 current meter. Due to general properties of the radar spectrum common to all HF radar systems, existing interpretation methods fail when the waveheight exceeds a limiting value defined by the radar frequency. As a result, standard- and long-range SeaSondes provide wave information for different wave height conditions because of their differing radar frequencies. Standard-range SeaSondes are useful for low and moderate waveheights, whereas long-range systems with lower transmit frequencies provide information when the waves are high. We propose a low-cost low-power system, to be used exclusively for local wave measurements, which would be capable of switching transmit frequency when the waveheight exceeds the critical limit, thereby allowing observation of waves throughout the waveheight range.  相似文献   

侧扫声纳系统及其在海洋环境监测和保护中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了侧扫声纳系统在海洋环境监测和保护中的应用,介绍了侧扫声纳基本工作原理及其发展情况,并且对其以后的发展进行了简单探讨。  相似文献   

侧扫声纳在海底管道悬空调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海底管道在铺设及运营过程中,受各种因素的影响,会形成部分悬空状态。为保证油管的安全运营,研究了一种基于声学的快速检测方法:主要利用侧扫声纳获取油管附近声学影像,通过数据判读的方法分析并获取管线状态。然后使用该方法,在册镇海底管线调查中进行了应用测试。声学检测结论与水下探摸结果进行比较,测试结果表明该方法可高效、快速、准确并低成本地检测管线状态,可为海底管道运营与治理提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

侧扫声纳数据库管理设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底地貌声纳图像作为新的遥感影像数据源,其数据管理问题日益突出。针对声纳图像的特点,分析研究了声纳图像的管理方法,并实现声纳图像数据库管理的功能。  相似文献   

河床冲淤是河床在垂直方向上演变的一种形式,它对于河道行洪排涝、涉水工程安全、航道运行乃至自然景观都会产生一定的影响,研究河道冲淤变化具有重要现实和理论意义。本文以宁波市地铁2号线下穿姚江工程为例,应用二维潮流泥沙数学模型与经验公式计算相结合的方法,对在遭遇不同洪潮组合条件下地铁线位处河床的最大冲刷深度进行了研究,为地铁工程的设计提供重要参考依据。研究结果表明,洪水频率越小,工程线位附近河段的最大冲刷深度愈大,冲刷发展呈先加快后减慢的态势。  相似文献   

Oceanic pycnocline depth is usually inferred from in situ measurements. It is attempted to estimate the depth remotely. As solitary internal waves occur on oceanic pycnocline and propagate along it, it is possible to retrieve the depth indirectly in virtue of the solitary internal waves. A numerical model is presented for retrieving the pycnocline depth from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images where the solitary internal waves are visible and when ocean waters are fully stratified. This numerical model is constructed by combining the solitary internal wave model and a two-layer ocean model. It is also assumed that the observed groups of solitary internal wave packets on the SAR imagery are generated by local semidiurnal tides. A case study in the East China Sea shows a good agreement with in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data.  相似文献   

基于Hedley等的方法对WorldView-2遥感影像反演岛礁水深时的太阳耀斑进行去除,在技术实现过程中根据WorldView-2波段设置的特殊性做一定的改进,将8波段分为两组,其中蓝、绿、红波段依据近红外1波段来去耀斑,海岸、黄、红边波段依据近红外2波段来去耀斑,在具体应用中完整实现该理论方法。结果表明,去耀斑后无论是对水深反演结果的精度上还是从影像直观视觉上都有提高,该方法有利于WorldView-2影像处理中耀斑去除的常规化应用。  相似文献   

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