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A short history of Ocean Station Papa and Line P   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This short article summarises the origins of observations at Ocean Station Papa, the evolution into Line P and the subsequent history of observations along that line.  相似文献   

We undertook the first measurements of metabolic Cu requirements (net Cu:C assimilation ratios) and steady-state Cu uptake rates (ρCuss) of natural plankton assemblages in the northeast subarctic Pacific using the short-lived radioisotope 67Cu. Size-fractionated net Cu:C assimilation ratios varied ~3 fold (1.35–4.21 μmol Cu mol C?1) among the stations along Line P, from high Fe coastal waters to the Fe-limited open ocean. The variability in Cu:C was comparable to biogenic Fe:C ratios in this region. As previously observed for Fe uptake, the bacterial size class accounted for half of the total particulate ρCuss. Interestingly, carbon biomass-normalized rates of Fe uptake from the siderophore desferrioxamine B (DFB) (ρFeDFB; a physiological proxy for Fe-limitation) by the >20 μm size class were positively correlated with the intracellular net Cu:C assimilation ratios in this size class, suggesting that intracellular Cu requirements for large phytoplankton respond to increased Fe-limitation. At Fe-limited Ocean Station Papa (OSP), we performed short-term Cu uptake (ρCuL) assays to determine the relative bioavailability of Cu bound to natural and synthetic ligands. Like the volumetric ρCuss measured along Line P, the bacterial size class was responsible for at least 50% of the total ρCuL. Uptake rates of Cu from the various organic complexes suggest that Cu uptake was controlled by the oxidation state of the metal and by the metal:ligand concentration ratio, rather than the concentration of inorganic species of Cu in solution. Collectively, these data suggest that Cu likely plays an important role in the physiology of natural plankton communities beyond the toxicological effects studied previously.  相似文献   

This paper describes matched-field processing (MFP) of data collected in shallow water off the western coast of Vancouver Island in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The data were collected from a vertical line array (VLA) as part of the PACIFIC SHELF trial carried out on the continental shelf and slope during September 1993, sensors in the 16-element VLA were evenly spaced at depths between 90 and 315 m, while the sound source was towed along radial paths or arcs. In this paper, we present results of the analysis of data from a continuous wave (CW) source which was towed downslope at a depth of 30 m in water from 150 to 375 m deep, in order to model the range-dependence of the acoustic propagation efficiently, the replica fields were calculated using the adiabatic normal mode approximation. This approximation was considered appropriate for the bottom slopes of the environment. Using sparse bathymetric data, a water sound speed profile and estimates of bottom properties, MFP correlations on individual ambiguity surfaces were found to be greater than 0.9 for the strongest signals. On account of environmental mismatch, the source position could not be determined unambiguously from most of the ambiguity surfaces even at high signal-to-noise ratios. Nevertheless, when an efficient linear tracker was applied to the ambiguity surfaces to find tracks, the source track was recovered at both low and high signal-to-noise ratios, this tracker performs the analysis at a constant depth and reports the track with the highest estimated track signal-to-noise ratio  相似文献   

Using climatological atlas data and historical hydrographic data, the relationship between dynamic height anomaly D and acoustic round-trip travel time in the Pacific Ocean is investigated. A tight, linear relation is found in a region centered on the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension. In this region, the slopem of the relation is approximately –50 dyn m s–1, about equal to the value expected for first-baroclinicmode response and twice as large as the value form in the Gulf Stream region of the Atlantic Ocean. The value ofm in the Pacific generally increases in magnitude towards the south and with increasing depth to which the integrals for D and are carried. It is changed only slightly by correcting for the temperature and salinity march of the seasons in the surface layer. The Kuroshio region is established as one in which the record of from an inverted echo sounder can be interpreted reliably in terms of D. An inverted echo sounder can also be used in this way in a number of other regions of the Pacific, although the available hydrographic data sets are too sparse to establish their boundaries clearly.  相似文献   

Evidence of change in the winter mixed layer in the Northeast Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sea-surface temperatures in the Northeast Pacific Ocean show a warming trend, and salinities show a declining trend, in data collected over the last 60 years. These changes combine to reduce the density of the surface layer over a large area of the Northeast Pacific. The declining surface density changes the energetic requirements for the formation of a surface mixed layer, and observations at Ocean Station Papa indicate that mid-winter mixed layer depths are showing a marked decline. The reduction in the depth of penetration of the winter-time mixed layer should reduce the nutrients entrained into the upper ocean each winter. Observations suggest that near surface nutrient levels are declining at Papa but remain well above levels that might inhibit productivity. However, at present the productivity of large phytoplankton appears to be limited by iron supply which is thought to be mainly from the atmosphere. A shallower mixed layer depth could increase the concentration of iron in this layer. The increase in iron would increase the utilization of nitrate, mainly by diatoms, and new production and the f ratio would increase.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):145-156
Manganese oxide crusts were recovered from Baby Bare seamount in order to investigate the history of off-axis hydrothermal venting. Baby Bare is a small basement high protruding from a regional sediment cover on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge that acts as a focus for discharging crustal fluids. Stratabound Mn-oxide crusts were collected where warm venting has been observed near the seamount summit. Mn-oxide crusts are composed primarily of 10 Å manganate ± pyrolusite, with minor nontronite, saponite, and/or barite. These assemblage and chemical characteristics such as high Mn/Fe ratios and low trace metal and REE concentrations are indicative of a hydrothermal origin. Minimum ages for these deposits, calculated using growth rates (324 to ∼ 1800 mm/Ma) and estimated thicknesses of manganese outcrops, show that Baby Bare has been hydrothermally active for at least 0.5 Myr, and possibly since its formation (1.7–2.7 Ma). Hydrothermal manganese oxide crusts such as these from Baby Bare record interactions between the hydrothermal fluids and seawater and are important tools for estimating the longevity of off-axis hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

We tested the idea that bacterial cells with high nucleic acid content (HNA cells) are the active component of marine bacterioplankton assemblages, while bacteria with low nucleic acid content (LNA cells) are inactive, with a large data set (>1700 discrete samples) based on flow cytometric analysis of bacterioplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oregon and northern California, USA. Samples were collected in the upper 150 m of the water column from the coast to 250 km offshore during 14 cruises from March 2001 to September 2003. During this period, a wide range of trophic states was encountered, from dense diatom blooms (chlorophyll-a concentrations up to 43 μg l−1) at shelf stations during upwelling season (March–September) to lower chlorophyll-a concentrations (0.1–5 μg l−1) during winter (November–February) and at basin stations (>1700 m depth). We found only weakly positive relations of log total bacterial abundance to log chlorophyll-a concentration (as a proxy for availability of organic substrate), and of HNA bacteria as a fraction of total bacteria to log chlorophyll-a. Abundance of HNA and LNA bacteria co-varied positively in all regions, although HNA bacteria were more responsive to high phytoplankton biomass in shelf waters than in slope and basin waters. Since LNA cell abundance in general showed responses similar to those of HNA cell abundance to changes in phytoplankton biomass, our data do not support the hypothesis that HNA cells are the sole active component of marine bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

东北太平洋中国开辟区浮游植物的种类组成与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据东北太平洋中国开辟区西部(151°W~155°W,8°N~11°30'N)和东部(141°W~149°W,7°N~10°N)水域DY95-7航次(1997-07)和DY95-8航次(1998-07~-09)所采的36份网采样品,鉴定网采浮游植物180种,隶属于5个门类47属.其中主要的生态类群是大洋暖水类群(占总种数83.8%)和广布性类群(占14.5%).该区主要优势种是太阳漂流藻(Planktoniella sol)、密聚角毛藻(Chaetoceros coarctatus)、多瘤面角毛藻(C.bacteriastroides)、拟夜光梨甲藻(Pyrocystispseudonoctilluca)和三叉角藻(Cerattum trichoceros)等.硅藻类和甲藻类等的平均细胞密度(1 944~4 101个/m)和蓝藻类(主要是束毛藻Trichodesmium)的藻丝体密度(111~486条/m)都比较低.本文分别讨论了调查区浮游植物的平面分布和垂直分布趋势及其与温跃层和浮游动物的相互关系.  相似文献   

EntropyofseawaveheightfieldanditsannualvariationinNorthwestPacificOceanSunFuandGuoPeifang(ReceivedOctober6,1995;acceptedOctob...  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of temperature, salinity, nutrients, oxygen, carbon, and argon chemistry is used to hindcast the annual cycle of sea surface pCO2 at weathership Station Papa in the subarctic Pacific (50°N, 145°W), based on recent biological and chemical measurements made in conjunction with the SUPER program. Heat fluxes are calculated from the meteorological time series data from the Canadian weathership program. The Price, Weller and Pinkle (1986) model is used for predicting mixed layer dynamics. The rate of new production in the model is based on sediment trap data (Welschmeyer, personal communication) and a comparison of model oxygen and argon concentrations with the recent data of Emerson, Quay, Stump, Wilbur and Knox (1991). The balances of nutrients and oxygen in the permanent halocline require isopycnal ventilation on a time frame of approximately 10 years; this estimate is consistent with estimate of Van Scoy, Fine and Ostlund (1991) based in tritium data from Geosecs and Long Lines programs. The model results are compared with the 5 year time series data presented by Wong and Chang (1990). The model appears to capture the mean sea surface pCO2 and the magnitude and timing of the seasonal cycle. The data, howeber, contain much greater high frequency variation than the model results, which we believe is caused by patchiness in the horizontal distribution of NO3. The model pCO2 sensitivity to the chemistry of the upwelling water and the rate of biological new production are presented.Although the model simulation of pCO2 is satisfactory, this study illustrates the limitations of modelling the chemistry of the upper ocean in one dimension. The slow currents and horizontally homogeneous sea surface in the subarctic Pacific make Papa one of the best available candidates for modelling in 1-D. In spite of this, a 1-D formulation is inadequate to address the chemistry of the halocline (a crucial lower boundary condition to the mixed layer) and does not constrain the transport of the nutrients by wind-driven currents in the mixed layer. We conclude that further progress in modelling the upper ocean nutrient and carbon cycles will requires simulation in three dimensions.  相似文献   

Spreading cycles in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the spreading rates in the Pharallon-Pacific-Izanagi (Kula) triple junction during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic are revised using new data of the dynamics of the Pacific plate. The cyclic character of the spreading is recognized, and the stages of its acceleration and deceleration are distinguished. Approximately 130, 87, and 42 My B.P., at the culminations of the cycles, when maximal spreading rates were reached, the principal rearrangements in the tectonic evolution of the ocean occurred. The spreading rates were minimal about 140, 120, 65, and 15 My B.P. The latter periods are marked by pulses of basalt magmatism in the west, east, and northeast of the Pacific Ocean. The study recognized no signs of the intrusion of the Middle Cretaceous superplume, which was suggested by Larson. Both the cycling revealed and the pulsations of the intraplate volcanism are most probably related to the regularities of the deformations of the oceanic lithosphere and reflect the periodic alternations of regimes of compression and extension of the Pacific plate during the last 180 My.  相似文献   

Two independent voltammetric techniques, differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry (DPCSV) and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV), determined that 95% of the dissolved zinc is organically complexed at two depths (60 and 150 m) within the surface euphotic zone at an open ocean station in the Northeast Pacific. Average values for the concentrations of the natural zinc-complexing organic ligands (CL) obtained from duplicate determinations at these two depths by DPCSV versus DPASV are in excellent agreement: 1.60 ± 0.01 versus 1.76 ± 0.03 nM at 60 m, and 2.14 (n=1) versus 2.22 ± 0.06 nM at 150 m. Average values for the conditional stability constants (with respect to free Zn2+) of the natural zinc-organic complexes (log KZnL) from duplicate determinations at both depths by DPCSV versus DPASV are 10.3 ± 0.2 versus 11.2 ± 0.2. Additional research is required to assess the significance of the difference in the conditional stability constants determined by these two techniques. These results confirm recent observations that strong zinc complexes formed with an organic ligand class existing at nanomolar concentrations dominates zinc speciation in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

深海热液流体与周围海水之间存在明显的物理和化学差异,通过检测海水的位温浊度异常是探测深海热液活动的重要手段之一。本文采用"海底火山带项目(Submarine Ring of Fire 2002)"拖曳式温盐深测量仪数据资料,研究了东北太平洋Explorer Ridge热液场的水文特征及物质能量通量的释放。结果表明Explorer Ridge热液场热液羽状流中性浮力层所在深度范围约为1 600~1 900 m,距离海底的高度约为200 m,最大位温、盐度和浊度异常分别为0.04℃、0.004和0.18 NTU;中性浮力层热液羽状流帽呈椭圆结构,其长轴与洋中脊线重合,羽状流帽总面积约为27 km2;热液羽状流在中性层范围内存在明显的分层现象,通过经验公式计算得到Explorer Ridge热液场观测范围内热液喷口的总的浮力通量为6.19×10-2 m4/s3,平均值为2.063×10-2 m4/s3;总的体积通量为9.884×10-2 m3/s,平均值为3.295×10-2 m3/s;总的热通量为194.9 MW,平均值为64.967 MW。  相似文献   

Chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, are distributed widely in the North Pacific Ocean, and about 76% of chum salmon were caught from Russian, Japanese, and Korean waters of the northwestern Pacific Ocean during the last 20 years. Although it has been speculated that the recent increase in salmon production was aided by not only the enhancement program that targeted chum salmon but also by favorable ocean conditions since the early 1990s, the ecological processes for determining the yield of salmon have not been clearly delineated. To investigate the relationship between yield and the controlling factors for ocean survival of chum salmon, a time-series of climate indices, seawater temperature, and prey availability in the northwestern Pacific including Korean waters were analyzed using some statistical tools. The results of cross-correlation function (CCF) analysis and cumulative sum (CuSum) of anomalies indicated that there were significant environmental changes in the North Pacific during the last century, and each regional stock of chum salmon responded to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) differently: for Russian stock, the correlations between PDO index and catch were significantly negative with a time-lag of 0 and 1 years; for Japanese stock, significantly positive with a timelag of 0–2 years; and for Korean stock, positive but no significant correlation. The results of statistical analyses with Korean chum salmon also revealed that a coastal seawater temperature over 14°C and the return rate of spawning adults to the natal river produced a significant negative correlation.  相似文献   

太平洋潮波特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料直接分析得到4个主要分潮(M2、K1、S2和O1)的调和常数,将其与全球大洋潮波模式TPXO6.2的模拟结果以及太平洋中48个验潮站观测资料的分析结果进行了系统比较,得出高度计资料直接分析结果与潮波模式模拟结果总体比较一致.模拟出的无潮点的位置和高度计资料直接分析结果有差异,且K1和O1分潮差异较大.与站点结果比较表明TPXO6.2模式模拟结果与验潮站观测结果的振幅绝对偏差小于2cm的站点的百分比达到85%,迟角绝对偏差小于40°的站点的百分比达到70%以上,比高度计资料直接分析结果精确;矢量均方根误差比较表明,太平洋中部结果比整个太平洋结果准确,太平洋矢量均方根误差的值和其他研究者、其他模式的结果近似.  相似文献   

渔场资源与位置的变动由空间与环境因子共同驱动,远洋渔场时空演变信息的精准预测是远洋捕捞的关键支撑。该研究考虑渔业生产统计数据,并兼顾同期海洋环境数据包括海表面温度(Sea surface temperature, SST)、海表面盐度(Sea surface salinity, SSS)、初级生产力(primary productivity, PP)和溶解氧浓度(dissolved oxygen concentration, O2),提出了一种融合卷积长短期记忆网络(ConvLSTM)和卷积神经网络(CNN)的渔场时空分布预测模型。首先对时空因子进行编码,提取高层时空特征;其次采用CNN提取海洋环境变量的抽象特征,并基于ConvLSTM提取渔业数据的时空特征,最后融合高层时空关联信息对渔场时空演变趋势进行预测。以1995-2018年太平洋海域的延绳钓生产数据对模型进行验证,模型的根均方误差为0.1036,实验对比发现较传统渔场预报模型的预测误差降低15%~40%,预测的高产渔区与实际作业的高渔获量区匹配度高。该研究构建的渔场时空预测模型能够准确地预测出太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的时空分布,为太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的延绳钓渔业提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

西北太平洋异常变化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
根据国家海洋局全部海洋站的水温和水位资料,以及“热带海洋和全球大气(TOGA)”的ADCP测流和CTD资料计算并分析了黑潮源流区输入西北太平洋的北向质量通量和西北太平洋及其邻近海域的水温、水位的异常变化,同时还应用美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统(GEOS)/四维资料同化系统(DAS)计算并分析了西北太平洋的海面潜热通量的空间和时间变化.结果表明,北向质量通量具有明显的年际变化.这种年际变化与西北太平洋水温、水位和潜热通量的变化有着合理的因果关系.当前者减少时,后3者也明显减小.其物理解释是从热带西太平洋输入西北太平洋的海水质量和热量的减少将导致西北太平洋的减水和热量收入的减少,而热量收入的减少又将会引起水温和潜热通量的减小.  相似文献   

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