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蒋媛 《信息技术》2011,(5):105-107,111
针对SAR图像相干斑噪声去除问题,提出了一种基于多尺度分解的Contourlet域K-L变换的SAR图像去噪的新方法。方法首先对源图像进行Contourlet分解,在不同频段的子带图像中,利用K-L变换进行能量保持即提出信号的主要特征,用重构图像来进行去噪,最后通过Contourlet逆变换得到去噪之后的图像。在SAR图像上的实验结果表明,方法不仅较好地保持了图像的纹理和细节特征及边缘特征,且信噪比也较高。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于游程长度(RLRN)和隐写分析特征融 合的图像拼接检测算法。算法中的隐写分析特征是在 图像经分块离散余弦变换(DCT)后的系数矩阵中提取,并将其和RLRN特征进行融 合。特征提取在 色度(chroma)空间进行,用支持向量机(SVM)作为分类器。实验结果显示,融合后的特征在 图像测试库CASIA v1.0 和CASIA v2.0上识别率分别达到98.57%和97.27%,不仅比特征在融合前的识别率有较大提高,而且和现 有的一些算法相比,提出的特征融合算法也具有良好的识别性能。  相似文献   

非高斯双变量模型contourlet图像去噪   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Contourlet变换是继小波变换之后的又一新变换.由于contourlet变换的多尺度和多方向特性,能有效地捕获到自然图像中的轮廓,并对其进行稀疏表示.详细分析了图像contourlet系数的统计特性,并利用非高斯双变量分布对系数层间相关性进行建模.最后,将此分布应用于图像去噪,就PSNR、NMSE和视觉质量这三方面的评价指标与contourlet HMT和小波阈值法进行了比较.实验结果表明:算法能获得较好的结果,尤其是对于含有丰富纹理的图像.  相似文献   

尽管红外图像的应用越来越广泛,但其本身存在的不足使得应用受到影响,因此对红外图像进行增强处理就显得十分重要。现有的图像增强算法没有考虑到变换系数中不同分辨率下的各个方向子带之间的能量分布,对所有分辨率下的所有方向子带中的变换系数进行统一的增强处理。因此,提出了一种结合方向子带能量分布的自适应增强算法。Matlab仿真结果表明,该算法不仅能增强目标的清晰度,还能提高红外图像的对比度,改善图像的视觉效果。  相似文献   

针对数字图像的版权保护,基于离散余弦变换和四元数小波变换,提出了一种新的改进的盲水印算法,先根据待嵌入水印的大小对载体图像进行四元数小波变换,获得与幅值和相位信息相对应的4幅低频子带,然后对每个低频子带分别进行全局离散余弦变换,最后通过修改两个随机子带中特定位置上DCT系数的大小关系嵌入水印,利用分阶线性Logistic映射产生的混沌序列预处理经Arnold置乱后的水印信息和确定水印的嵌入位置.实验结果表明,该算法对添加噪声、JPEG压缩、滤波和亮度及对比度调整等攻击都具有很强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Image authentication has become an emergency issue in the digital world as it can be easily tampered with the image editing techniques. In this paper, a novel robust hashing method for image authentication is proposed. The reported scheme first performs Radon transform (RT) on the image, and calculates the moment features which are invariant to translation and scaling in the projection space. Then discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is applied on the moment features to resist rotation. Finally, the magnitude of the significant DFT coefficients is normalized and quantized as the image hash bits. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can tolerate almost all the typical image processing manipulations, including JPEG compression, geometric distortion, blur, addition of noise, and enhancement. Compared with other approaches in the literature, the reported method is more effective for image authentication in terms of detection performance and the hash size.  相似文献   

Watermarking has been proposed as a solution to the problem protecting copyrighted multimedia in networked environments. This paper presents a simple but effective blind watermarking scheme capable of satisfying requirements pertaining to imperceptibility as well as robustness, while maintaining a sufficient payload capacity. In the proposed scheme, partly sign-altered mean modulation and mixed modulation are introduced to the crisscross discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based inter-block. Substituting a set of coefficients for a single coefficient enhances robustness against malign attacks. The inclusion of mixed modulation enables control over the parameters required to provide resistance against commonly encountered attacks while maintaining a high peak signal-to-noise ratio. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm exceeds the performance of the seven other schemes in providing robust resistance to variety of attacks, particularly those associated with Gaussian noise and speckle noise.  相似文献   

基于Contourlet变换的偏振图像融合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种基于Contourlet变换的偏振图像融合算法。Contourlet变换是一种具有几何信息的灵活多尺度、多方向和平移不变性的图像分解变换,与小波变换相比,对图像分析很重要的沿曲面任意方向反映的细节更容易调整。采用Contourlet变换对三个555波段不同方向的偏振图像进行分解,对于高频和低频系数分别采用不同的窗函数计算区域能量,最后加权实现偏振图像的融合处理。实验结果表明,该算法与小波分解法相比在保留原始图像边缘和纹理信息同时,可以体现偏振图像的特点,取得较好的融合视觉效果。  相似文献   

Digital image watermarking has become a necessity in many applications such as data authentication, broadcast monitoring on the Internet and ownership identification. Various watermarking schemes have been proposed to protect the copyright information. There are three indispensable, yet contrasting requirements for a watermarking scheme: imperceptibility, robustness and payload. Therefore, a watermarking scheme should provide a trade-off among these requirements from the information-theoretic perspective. Generally, in order to enhance the imperceptibility, robustness and payload simultaneously, the human visual system (HVS) and the statistical properties of the image signal should be fully taken into account. The statistical model-based transform domain multiplicative watermarking scheme embodies the above ideas, and therefore the detection and extraction of the multiplicative watermarks have received a great deal of attention. The performance of a statistical model-based watermark detector or decoder is highly influenced by the accuracy of the statistical model itself and the applicability of decision rule. In this paper, we firstly propose a new hidden Markov trees (HMT) statistical model in Contourlet domain, namely Cauchy mixtures-based vector HMT (vector CMM–HMT), by describing the marginal distribution with Cauchy mixture model (CMM) and grouping Contourlet coefficients into a vector, which can capture both the subband marginal distributions and the strong dependencies across scales and orientations of the Contourlet coefficients. Then, by modeling the Contourlet coefficients with vector CMM–HMT and employing locally most powerful (LMP) test, we develop a locally optimum image watermark decoder in Contourlet domain. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed blind watermark decoder, in which encouraging results validate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, in comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches recently proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

针对Contourlet变换子带系数相关的特性,对图像去噪的阈值进行了研究,提出了一种新的自适应阈值图像去噪算法。该方法首先对噪声图像进行Contourlet变换,得到不同尺度、不同方向上的子带系数,再根据子带系数的能量关系采用改进的Bayes Shrink自适应阈值对图像进行去噪处理。实验结果表明:这种方法提高了图像的PSNR值,增强了去噪后图像的视觉效果,而且更好地保留了图像的边缘信息。  相似文献   

介绍了存在背景干扰和噪声情况下的红外图像中弱小目标的检测问题,提出一种基于Contourlet变换的检测算法。首先对图像进行Contourlet变换,利用Contourlet分解后子图像的特性抑制背景和去噪声,最终实现对目标的检测。通过在含有随机目标的红外序列图像中的实验,并与小波变换进行比较,证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new algorithm for the fast computation of a 2-D discrete cosine transform (DCT) is presented. It is shown that the N×N DCT, where N = 2m, can be computed using only N 1-D DCT's and additions, instead of using 2N 1-D DCT's as in the conventional row-column approach. Hence the total number of multiplications for the proposed algorithm is only half of that required for the row-column approach, and is also less than that of most of other fast algorithms, while the number of additions is almost comparable to that of others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive approach for investigating JPEG compressed test images, suspected of being tampered either by splicing or copy-move forgery (cmf). In JPEG compression, the image plane is divided into non-overlapping blocks of size 8 × 8 pixels. A unified approach based on block-processing of JPEG image is proposed to identify whether the image is authentic/forged and subsequently localize the tampered region in forged images. In the initial step, doubly stochastic model (dsm) of block-wise quantized discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients is exploited to segregate authentic and forged JPEG images from a standard dataset (CASIA). The scheme is capable of identifying both the types of forged images, spliced as well as copy-moved. Once the presence of tampering is detected, the next step is to localize the forged region according to the type of forgery. In case of spliced JPEG images, the tampered region is localized using block-wise correlation maps of dequantized DCT coefficients and its recompressed version at different quality factors. The scheme is able to identify the spliced region in images tampered by pasting uncompressed or JPEG image patch on a JPEG image or vice versa, with all possible combinations of quality factors. Alternatively, in the case of copy-move forgery, the duplication regions are identified using highly localized phase congruency features of each block. Experimental results are presented to consolidate the theoretical concept of the proposed technique and the performance is compared with the already existing state of art methods.  相似文献   

Image compressed sensing based on wavelet transform in contourlet domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compressed sensing (CS) has been widely concerned and sparsity of a signal plays a crucial role in CS to exactly recover signals. Contourlet transform provides sparse representations for images, so an algorithm of CS reconstruction based on contourlet is considered. Meanwhile, taking into account the computation and the storage of large random measurement matrices in the CS framework, we are trying to introduce the wavelet transform into the contourlet domain to reduce the size of random measurement matrices. Several numerical experiments demonstrate that this idea is feasible. The proposed algorithm possesses the following advantages: reduced size of random measurement matrix and improved recovered performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the backward-propagation neural network (BPNN) technique and just-noticeable difference (JND) model are incorporated into a block-wise discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based scheme to achieve effective blind image watermarking. To form a block structure in the DCT domain, we partition a host image into non-overlapped blocks of size 8 × 8 and then apply DCT to each block separately. By referring to certain DCT coefficients over a 3 × 3 grid of blocks, the BPNN can offer adequate predictions of designated coefficients inside the central block. The watermarking turns out to be a process of adjusting the relationship between the intended coefficients and their BPNN predictions subject to the JND. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is able to withstand a variety of image processing attacks. Compared with two other schemes that also utilize inter-block correlations, the proposed one apparently exhibits superior robustness and imperceptibility under the same payload capacity.  相似文献   

人脸识别是一种重要的生物特征识别技术,它广泛应用于电脑开机、门禁系统、安全监控和重要场所的身份验证。该文提出了一种基于DCT的PCA特征提取方法,该算法先对整个原始人脸图像进行DCT变换得到系数矩阵,再提取包含原始图像大部分信息的少量系数作PCA,提取出特征脸,再进行分类识别。对ORL人脸库的仿真实验表明,该方法优于单独DCT与PCA特征提取的识别方法,并且减少了运算量。  相似文献   

数字水印作为数字媒体版权保护的有效手段,近几年来在国际上引起了人们极大的兴趣,该文研究了在数字图像上实现隐形签名水印的方法,提出了一个基于小波变换和离散余弦变换(DCT)组合处理的数字图像隐形签名水印方案,它首先对原始图像作适当层次的二维小波分解,然后对低频小波逼近子图和签名水印作二维DCT,最后签名水印的DCT系数被嵌入到逼近子图的中高频段DCT系数中,实验结果表明,所提出的数字图像水印方案很好地实现了图像水印的鲁棒性和不可视性间的统一,经常规的数字图像处理操作及噪声干扰,签名水印仍能被可靠、清晰地检测出。  相似文献   

为了获得理想的图像重构效果,提出一种基于离散余弦变换和全息技术相融合的图像重构算法。首先采用离散余弦变换对图像进行分解保留少数的低频分量,从而构建压缩感知的稀疏基加快重构速度,然后采用全息技术对图像重构结果进行处理,提高图像重构效果,最后采用仿真实验测试算法的性能。实验结果表明,相对于当前经典图像重构算法,本文算法不仅提高了图像重构质量,而且加快了图像重构速度,具有较好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

刘坤  李晖晖 《光电子.激光》2013,(10):2031-2037
传统的基于Contourlet变换的图像融合方法大都 忽略了Contourlet系数之间 的相关性,导致特征信息的丢失。本文根据隐马尔可夫树(HMT)模型的两种状态和 3组概率确定能有效捕获尺度间、尺度内的Contourlet系数特性的似然概率,设计了图像融 合规则。实验结果表明,Contourlet域HMT模型应用于图像融合领域,能充分挖掘数据之间 的相关性,为融合图像提取更全面、准确的特征纹理信息。  相似文献   

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