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《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1237-1266
The Cimmerian orogen resulted from the collision and accretion of several Perigondwanan blocks to the southern margin of Eurasia between the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic, following the closure of the Palaeotethys ocean. Remnants of this orogen discontinuously crop out in N (Alborz range) and NE Iran (Mashhad–Fariman area) below the syn- to post-collisional clastic successions of the Shemshak Group (Upper Triassic–Middle Jurassic) and the Kashaf Rud Formation (Bajocian). In NE Iran rock associations exposed in the Binalood Mountains, Fariman and Darreh Anjir areas include mafic–ultramafic intrusive rocks, basalts, silicoclastic turbidites and minor limestones, which have been interpreted in the past as ophiolitic remnants of the Palaeotethys ocean. Original stratigraphic, structural, geochemical and geochronological data, described in this paper, suggest a different interpretation. The volcano-sedimentary units of Fariman and Darreh Anjir complexes where deposited during Permian in a subsiding basin were siliciclastic turbidites, derived from the erosion of a magmatic arc and its basement, interfinger with carbonates and basaltic lava flows with both transitional and calc-alkaline affinity. The coexistence of magmatic rocks with different geochemical signature and the sedimentary evolution of the basin can be related to a supra-subduction setting, possibly represented by a fault-controlled intra-arc basin. The Fariman and the Darreh Anjir complexes are thus interpreted as remnants of a magmatic arc and related basins developed at the southern Eurasia margin, on top of the north-directed Palaeotethys subduction zone long before the collision of Iran with Eurasia. They were later involved in the Cimmerian collision during the Triassic. New radiometric ages obtained on I-type post-collisional granitoids postdating the collision-related deformational structures suggest that the suture zone closed before mid-Norian times. Deformation propagated later northward into the Turan domain involving the Triassic successions of the Aghdarband region.  相似文献   

From the Permian onwards, the Gondwana-derived Iran Plate drifted northward to collide with Eurasia in the Late Triassic, thereby closing the Palaeotethys. This Eo-Cimmerian Orogeny formed the Cimmeride fold-and-thrust belt. The Upper Triassic–Middle Jurassic Shemshak Group of northern Iran is commonly regarded as the Cimmerian foreland molasse. However, our tectono-stratigraphic analysis of the Shemshak Group resulted in a revised and precisely dated model for the Triassic–Jurassic geodynamic evolution of the Iran Plate: initial Cimmerian collision started in the Carnian with subsequent Late Triassic synorogenic peripheral foreland deposition (flysch, lower Shemshak Group). Subduction shifted south in the Norian (onset of Neotethys subduction below Iran) and slab break-off around the Triassic–Jurassic boundary caused rapid uplift of the Cimmerides followed by Liassic post-orogenic molasse (middle Shemshak Group). During the Toarcian–Aalenian (upper Shemshak Group), Neotethys back-arc rifting formed a deep-marine basin, which developed into the oceanic South Caspian Basin during the Late Bajocian–Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

秦岭造山带北缘的斜向碰撞与汇聚因子   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
秦岭北缘洛南—栾川断裂带是华北板块南缘与秦岭造山带汇聚-拼合带,具有SW→NE向俯冲兼左旋走滑的性质,并构成叠瓦状构造和双重构造的组合样式。秦岭北缘不同性质的构造组成有规律的图案,其展布方位和运动学方式与板块汇聚的动力学特征极为吻合。变形分析结果表明,区内变形岩石主要是中上地壳的产物,岩石有限应变的三轴比为:X∶Y∶Z=8.86∶4.32∶1,应变椭球体为扁椭球状。汇聚因子是:在洛南地区板块汇聚方向为22°,汇聚方向与板块边界的夹角为73°;在栾川地区板块汇聚方向为31°,汇聚方向与板块边界的夹角为82°,显示出秦岭造山带与华北板块南缘的碰撞和拼合具有典型的斜向汇聚特征。  相似文献   

根据层序界面识别和沉积序列综合分析,将川东北地区须家河组划分为2个超长期和5个长期基准面旋回层序。此二个级别的层序结构和演化序列,较为清晰地反映了川东北前陆盆地晚三叠世须家河期盆山耦合过程,特点为:须二段—须三段“下成盆”期米仓山大巴山造山带以低幅隆升为主,对应的川东北坳陷沉降幅度小,物源供给与可容纳空间增长率稳定和基本持平,以发育辫状河三角洲湖泊沉积体系为主,其层序结构以上升与下降相域厚度近于相等的对称型为主,反映地层基准面相对稳定和均衡的盆山耦合过程;须四段—须六段“上成盆”期米仓山大巴山开始进入强烈逆冲推覆和构造隆升阶段,川东北前陆盆地坳陷幅度急剧加大,碎屑物供给量骤然和增多至远大于可容纳空间增长率,以发育冲积扇扇三角洲辫状河三角洲等粗碎屑岩为主的沉积体系为主,其层序结构以上升相域厚度大于下降相域的不完全对称型,在造山带前缘则以发育仅保留上升半旋回沉积记录的非对称型结构为主,反映地层基准面升、降变化大的非均衡盆山耦合过程。  相似文献   

The Campanian of the eastern Koppeh-Dagh Basin (NE Iran) is generally considered to be represented by the upper part of the Abderaz and the Abtalkh formations. The Abtalkh Formation, which is studied here, reaches thicknesses of up to 1750 m in the area. The formation is characterized by abundant, diverse, and poor to moderately well preserved calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Tethyan affinity. The assemblages were studied in detail in two sections in eastern Koppeh-Dagh, allowing construction of a precise biozonation for this stage. The Abtalkh Formation at sections in Abtalkh village and Padeha spans biozones CC20 to CC23a (UC15bTP to UC16). The results of this study indicate a late early to late Campanian age for the formation in the area. The most complete Campanian sequence is in the southeast, where the Padeha section is located. Nannofossil abundance and diversity decreases upwards, showing a trend from the base to top of the formation. Dominance of warm water taxa, and low abundance of high latitude taxa, confirm placement of the basin in low to mid palaeolatitudes during deposition of the formation.  相似文献   

川东北类前陆盆地须家河组盆-山耦合过程的沉积-层序特征   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
根据层序界面识别和沉积序列综合分析,将川东北地区须家河组划分为2个超长期和5个长期基准面旋回层序.此二个级别的层序结构和演化序列,较为清晰地反映了川东北前陆盆地晚三叠世须家河期盆-山耦合过程,特点为:须二段-须三段"下成盆"期米仓山-大巴山造山带以低幅隆升为主,对应的川东北坳陷沉降幅度小,物源供给与可容纳空问增长率稳定和基本持平,以发育辫状河三角洲-湖泊沉积体系为主,其层序结构以上升与下降相域厚度近于相等的对称型为主,反映地层基准面相对稳定和均衡的盆-山耦合过程;须四段-须六段"上成盆"期米仓山-大巴山开始进入强烈逆冲推覆和构造隆升阶段,川东北前陆盆地坳陷幅度急剧加大,碎屑物供给量骤然和增多至远大于可容纳空间增长率,以发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-辫状河三角洲等粗碎屑岩为主的沉积体系为主,其层序结构以上升相域厚度大于下降相域的不完全对称型,在造山带前缘则以发育仅保留上升半旋回沉积记录的非对称型结构为主,反映地层基准面升、降变化大的非均衡盆-山耦合过程.  相似文献   

The Khalifan pluton of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone is composed of A-type peraluminous leucogranites with Nd model ages around 1.2 Ga. It intrudes an unfossiliferous sedimentary sequence previously considered as Cretaceous by analogy with neighboring areas. However, zircon U–Pb SHRIMP and Pb–Pb sequential evaporation dating have revealed that Khalifan granites are Carboniferous, with a precise age of 315 ± 2 Ma. This is the first reliable Variscan age obtained so far in this area, but there are geological indicators that other small plutonic bodies might also be Variscan. The existence of Carboniferous granite rocks in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone casts doubts on whether it was a part of the Cimmerian superterrane detached from east Gondwanide terranes because these characteristically lack Variscan magmatism. The age, chemical features and Nd isotopes of Khalifan granites are similar to those of the southernmost Urals and Tien Shan, so that we tentatively suggest that this area bears a Middle Asian instead of Cimmerian linkage.  相似文献   

Spatangoid echinoids belonging to Heteraster found in the Lower Cretaceous limestones and calcareous deposits of the Tirgan and Sarcheshmeh formations(Barremian–Aptian) in the Bahman jan-Bala stratigraphic section on the northern flank of the Borouj syncline, situated in the eastern Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran are assessed as a sexually dimorphic species. Sexual dimorphism is a common feature in echinoids and, in this study of Heteraster renngarteni Poretzkaja, 1961, sexual dimorphism ha...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地于奇地区三叠纪孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对新疆塔里木盆地于奇地区钻孔中三叠纪泥岩孢粉的研究,以优势属建立了3个孢粉组合。下部Limatulasporites-Lundbladispora-Taeniaesporites组合产于柯吐尔组,蕨类植物孢子占优势成分,以具纹饰的三缝孢子及腔状三缝孢子为主,裸子植物花粉以具肋双气囊花粉为主,地质时代为早三叠世;中部Punctatisporites-Aratrisporites组合产于阿克库勒组,蕨类植物孢子以光面圆形三缝孢子和单缝孢类为优势成分,裸子植物花粉以无肋双气囊花粉为主,地质时代为中三叠世;上部Dictyophyllidites-Cyclogranisporites-Alisporites组合产于哈拉哈塘组,蕨类植物孢子常见光面三角形三缝孢子和具纹饰的三缝孢子,裸子植物花粉以无肋双气囊花粉为主,地质时代为晚三叠世。  相似文献   

Two new Permian‐aged formations ‘Kariz Now Formation’ and ‘Aliyak Formation’ are proposed for a 65–150 m‐thick succession in the Kariz Now area, with the type section for both (79.5 m thick) located 9 km northeast of Aliyak village ca. 100 km southeast of Mashhad city, northeastern Iran. The lower Kariz Now Formation is composed of siliciclastics. The age of this Formation is poorly constrained but its correlation with the Shah Zeid Formation in the Central Alborz suggests a possible Asselian‐Hermagorian age for the Kariz Now Formation, which implies a hiatus of Yakhtashian–mid Midian (Artinskian–mid Capitanian) age between the siliciclastics of the Kariz Now Formation and carbonates of the disconformably overlying Aliyak Formation. There is also the possibility of a potential correlation of this Formation with the Kungurian Faraghan Formation in the Zagros area. The succeeding Aliyak Formation is mostly composed of carbonate rocks capped by a thin basaltic lava flow. The Aliyak Formation is unconformably overlain by dolostones that are correlated with the Middle Triassic Shotori Formation. Samples were collected from the Kariz Now and Aliyak formations, but fossils were only recovered from the Aliyak Formation. These include calcareous algae, small foraminiferans, fusulinids, crinoid stems and brachiopods. The recovered fusulinid assemblage from the Aliyak Formation is consistent with that of the upper Capitanian Monodiexodina kattaensis–Codonofusiella erki and Afghanella schencki–Sumatrina brevis zones of the Zagros Mountains and with the upper part of the Ruteh Fm in the Alborz Mountains. Although not radiometrically dated, the basaltic lava flow most probably corresponds to similar basaltic lava flows occurring in the uppermost part of the Ruteh Formation in Central Alborz. Thus, the Permian in the studied region developed in a basin that extended westward as far as the Central Alborz. A late Capitanian age for the Aliyak Formation implies it correlates with the Capitanian KS5 in Al Jabal Al‐Akhdar in Oman, with Aliyak Unit 5 potentially representing the Permian maximum flooding surface MFS P25. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部三叠系飞仙关组是我国重要的天然气储集层,优质储层形成机制直接与碳酸盐岩成岩作用、尤其是白云岩化作用相关,但飞仙关组碳酸盐岩在锰含量、锶含量、阴极发光性等特征上反映其成岩过程与经典成岩理论相悖;碳酸盐岩的锶同位素组成和锰、锶含量的关系也表明与大气水有关的成岩过程和作为重要储集岩的结晶白云岩的形成机制无关,传统的白云岩化机制难以解释结晶白云岩的成因。具有海源色彩的高锶、低锰成岩流体在很大程度上控制了飞仙关组碳酸盐的成岩作用,其来源与成因值得进一步关注,控制其运移、封存和发生水—岩反应的时空机制有待回答。整个海相三叠纪时间段盆地尺度碳酸盐岩和蒸发岩的沉积地球化学研究、尤其是不同结构组分碳酸盐的锶同位素组成、锶和锰含量研究(包括碳酸盐岩中不同结构组分的阴极发光性研究),可为四川盆地东北部飞仙关组碳酸盐岩成岩作用(尤其是白云岩化作用和作为重要储集岩的结晶白云岩的成因研究),天青石矿床成因研究和四川盆地三叠系深层富钾、锶、硼、溴卤水的成因研究提供重要的线索。  相似文献   

由于储层质量好、非均质性弱、成藏条件优越,深水沉积中的块状砂岩常常成为油气勘探开发的重要目标。相对具有各种交错层理等沉积构造的其他砂岩而言,块状砂岩的成因判识难度更大。因此,对块状砂岩成因机制的研究,直接影响了其沉积过程的认识,制约了其沉积模式、储层预测地质模型的重建。针对鄂尔多斯盆地南部旬邑县三水河剖面中发育的晚三叠世中层—巨厚层块状砂岩,利用高密度岩石样品的岩石薄片和激光粒度分析,对块状砂岩的粒度组成、粒度参数及其垂向变化特征进行研究。结果表明: 1)块状砂岩为长石岩屑质极细砂—细砂岩,内部偶含漂浮状灰黑色、红褐色泥砾,底部发育球枕、沟模等沉积构造;2)块状砂岩之间及其与交错层理砂岩层之间夹薄层—极薄层灰黑色泥岩、油页岩,二者间突变接触常见;3)岩石薄片中碎屑颗粒分选差,呈棱角—次棱角状,成分及结构成熟度中等偏低;4)粒度组成上,跳跃组分与悬浮组分各占50%左右,显示底床载荷与悬浮载荷同时存在且贡献相当;5)其偏度与浊流沉积相似,但其分选略差于浊流沉积,与三角洲沉积相差更远;6)垂向上,块状砂岩内部存在多期分米级复合韵律,厚度范围为10~30 cm。综合研究区地质背景、沉积构造、微观显微结构、粒度组成及其搬运过程、沉积分异解释结果,认为该剖面块状砂岩为洪水成因的异重流沉积。该研究丰富了对深水块状砂岩成因的理解,深化了异重流沉积块状砂岩结构特征的认识,同时也为异重流沉积的判识提供了依据。  相似文献   

The latest Early Oligocene record from the Lanzhou Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau, presents an opportunity to investigate early stage of the Asian monsoon patterns due to its special location. The record provides insights into the global zonal climate and the development of the non-zonal monsoon system. The study identifies possible links between factors governing the monsoonal patters and paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau. Sporomorphs results indicate the dominance of arboreal plants (both coniferous and broad-leaved) corresponding to a wetter environment, while xerophytes were rare. Based on the Coexistence Approach (CA), the climate of the Lanzhou Basin is likely to have been similar to that of present-day sites in Southeast China, i.e., characterized by relatively high precipitation and a warm climate. Both qualitative analysis of the sporomorph assemblages and quantitative calculations indicate that monsoons similar to those of the present daywere formed in East Asia and reached the Lanzhou region in inner Asia. High percentages of Picea, generally associated with the relatively high topography of the NE Tibetan Plateau, correlate well with the high paleoaltimetry of the main Tibetan Plateau during the Oligocene. Thus, the East Asian monsoon during this time can be closely linked to an uplifted Tibetan Plateau, following modeled relationships between the Tibetan Plateau and monsoon patterns. However, we believe such high precipitation may have mainly resulted from the orographic barrier, rather than being driven by zonal climate factors. Further investigation into the extent of, and controls on, the region of high precipitation should help clarify the role of these processes.  相似文献   

Garnet-bearing tonalite is present within 300 m of the contact with garnet-rich hornfels. It is suggested that the almandine xenocrysts in the tonalite are of accidental origin and represent residuals from the assimilation of garnet-rich hornfels by tonalite. Contaminated tonalite is enriched in Al2O3 and FeO and depleted in SiO2 and biotite and amphibole from the garnet-bearing tonalite are richer in Fe and Al than from the centre of the pluton. The garnet xenocrysts are unzoned and derived from normally-zoned porphyroblasts in the hornfels. Ca and Mg have partitioned from the tonalite into garnet whereas Fe has partitioned from garnet to biotite and amphibole and Mn has partitioned from garnet to ilmenite.
Zusammenfassung Granat-führende Tonalite liegen innerhalb von 300 m zum Kontakt zu Granat-reichen Hornfelsen. Es wird vermutet, daß der Almandin im Tonalit aus Assimilationsresten des Granat-reichen Hornfelses stammt. Der so beeinflußte Tonalit ist mit A12O3 und FeO angereichert und SiO2 entsprechend verdünnt. Die Biotite und Amphibole der Granatführenden Tonalite sind reicher an Fe und Al als die entsprechenden Minerale vom Zentrum des Plutons. Die Granat-Xenocrysten sind nicht zoniert und stammen von normal-zonierten Porphyroblasten des Hornfelses. Ca und Mg sind vom Tonalit in den Granat eingewandert, während Fe aus dem Granat austrat und in Biotit und Amphibol eingebaut wurde. Mn ist vom Granat in Ilmenit gewandert.

Résumé Des tonalites grenatifères se rencontrent jusqu'à 300 m. du contact avec des cornéennes riches en grenat. On présume que l'almandin de la tonalite résulte de résidus d'assimilation de la cornéenne riche en grenat. La tonalite ainsi influencée est enrichie en Al 203, et de ce fait diluée en SiO 2. La biotite et l'amphibole de la tonalite grenatifère sont plus riches en Fe et Al que ces mÊmes minéraux dans la partie centrale du pluton. Les xénocrystes de grenat ne sont pas zonés et proviennent des porphyroblastes normalement zonés de la cornéenne. Du Ca et du Mg sont passés de la tonalite dans le grenat, tandis que du Fe sortait du grenat et passait dans la biotite et l'amphibole. Du Mn a migré du grenat dans l'ilménite.

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郑荣才  文华国  郑超  罗平  李国军  陈守春 《岩石学报》2009,25(10):2459-2468
研究了川东北普光气田下三叠统飞仙关组白云岩储层的岩石结构Sr的含量和Sr同位素组成,讨论了它的成因,飞仙关组优质储层为成岩期埋藏交代白云化作用的产物,来自岩石结构和Sr同位素和Sr含量的证据包括如下几个方面:(1)与准同生白云岩比较,埋藏白云岩的岩石结构和Sr同位素和Sr含量地球化学特征与前者有显著差别;(2)飞仙关组所有各类碳酸盐岩(或矿物)具有早三叠世海水Sr同位素组成特征,~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值变化范围为0.706588~0.708187,覆盖了全球早三叠世海水Sr同位素的变化范围(0.7076~0.7078),平均值0.707656与全球早三叠世平均值(0.707743)基本一致;(3)埋藏白云岩~(87)Sr/86Sr比值变化范围为0.707122~0.707419,平均值0.707421,都略低于全球早三叠世海水Sr同位素变化范围和平均值,但与已报道的川东北早三叠世飞仙关期海水Sr同位素变化范围(0.707330~0.707383)和平均值(0.707350)都非常接近,说明白云石化流体具有强烈的川东北地区早三叠世飞仙关期海水Sr同位素组成特征;(4)综合岩石结构、Sr同位素和Sr含量地球化学特征,证明飞仙关组白云岩储层为成岩期埋藏交代作用产物,白云石化流体来自地层中高Sr和高盐度的海源地层水.  相似文献   

The Triassic Dehnow pluton of NE Iran is a garnet-bearing I-type calc-alkaline metaluminous diorite-tonalite-granodiorite intrusion. The parental magma formed as the result of partial melting of intermediate to felsic rocks in the lower crust. Petrological and geochemical evidence, which indicates a magmatic origin for the garnet, includes: large size (~10–20 mm) of crystals, absence of reaction rims, a distinct composition from garnet in adjacent metapelitic rocks, and similarity in the composition of mineral inclusions (biotite, hornblende) in the garnet and in the matrix. Absence of garnet-bearing enclaves in the pluton and lack of sillimanite (fibrolite) and cordierite inclusions in magmatic garnet suggests that the garnet was not produced by assimilation of meta-sedimentary country rocks. Also, the δ18O values of garnet in the pluton (8.3–8.7‰) are significantly lower than δ18O values of garnet in the metapelitic rocks (12.5–13.1‰). Amphibole-plagioclase and garnet-biotite thermometers indicate crystallization temperatures of 708°C and 790°C, respectively. A temperature of 692°C obtained by quartz-garnet oxygen isotope thermometry points to a closure temperature for oxygen diffusion in garnet. The composition of epidote (Xep) and garnet (Xadr) indicates ~800°C for the crystallization temperature of these minerals. Elevated andradite content in the rims of garnet suggests that oxygen fugacity increased during crystallization.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部三叠系飞仙关组存在广泛的硫酸盐还原作用,同时地层中也存在锶含量异常高的成岩流体。研究表明:热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR)和(或)细菌硫酸盐还原作用(BSR)造成的SO42-离子的消耗对成岩孔隙流体中SrSO4溶解度的改变是三叠系中高Sr成岩流体的形成机制之一,该机制使得孔隙流体从白云石化作用和碳酸盐矿物的新生变形作用中获得的Sr在流体中以高浓度的Sr2+形式存在,并使之在流体中极度富集,这也是四川盆地东北部三叠系中大型和超大型天青石矿床的形成机制之一。H2S和CO2是硫酸盐还原作用的重要产物,不同温度条件下溶于水中的H2S和CO2,与不溶于水的气体分子之间的平衡反应H2S(aq)H2S(g)和CO2(aq)CO2(g)的平衡常数和吉布斯自由能增量计算表明,当温度从25℃升高至220℃时,两个反应的平衡常数分别大致从10增至240和从20增至500,两个反应的平衡常数都始终大于1,说明H2S和CO2更趋向于以气体形式存在,同时温度越高,系统中以气体形式存在的H2S和CO2会越多,溶解于水中的H2S和CO2会越少,因而在深埋藏的高温条件下,H2S和CO2对碳酸盐矿物的溶解能力可能相对很小。相对低温的成岩环境、高温流体的向上和侧向运移、构造抬升、富氧流体与含有H2S流体的混合以及金属硫化物的沉淀是提高含H2S和(或)CO2流体对碳酸盐矿物溶解能力的五个途径。因此,与较早成岩阶段相对浅埋藏环境的碳酸盐溶解作用有关的H2S和CO2流体可能与细菌硫酸盐还原作用(BSR)关系更为密切;断层或其它流体运移通道是高温含有H2S和CO2流体向上运移的基础条件,具有原生孔隙度和渗透率的礁、滩相高能沉积物也是流体发生侧向运移的先决条件;大幅度的构造抬升造成的地层温度降低是提高含H2S和(或)CO2地层流体对碳酸盐矿物溶解能力的重要因素,地壳抬升至近地表造成的古喀斯特作用也可以为H2S的氧化提供良好的地质环境。在有关的勘探中应注意:在断层等流体运移通道造成高温含H2S和CO2流体向上运移的条件下,与之有关的构造低点应该是主要的勘探目标;在燕山运动导致的地层抬升并导致深部热流体降温的条件下,与之有关的构造高点应该是主要的勘探目标,应分别对待。  相似文献   


西宁盆地关家山剖面微生物细胞膜脂的生物标志化合物甘油二烷基甘油四醚类脂物(Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers,简称GDGTs)古温度指标MATmr记录了从16.8 Ma到13.4 Ma的持续降温过程(下降约5.1℃),与全球深海氧同位素记录的中中新世气候适宜期(MMCO)及其后的中中新世气候转型(MMCT)事件一致,揭示了西宁盆地古温度在此期间受全球温度变化控制。其环化参数CBT'重建的古pH值(CBT'-pH)平均为6.56±0.50,且80%样点的干旱指标Ri/b(古菌类异戊二烯型isoprenoid GDGTs(简称iGDGTs)与细菌支链型branched GDGTs(简称bGDGTs)相对含量比值)小于0.5,表明西宁盆地在此期间整体上处于较为湿润的环境,但是在14.0 Ma和14.8 Ma,Ri/b值记录了两次干旱事件。总之,虽然在古温度绝对值计算等问题上仍存在一定困难,GDGTs展现了在西宁盆地乃至青藏高原东北部在新近系甚至更老地层中应用的潜力。


Eclogitic metasediments from the central Qiangtang metamorphic terrane provide new insights into the continental subduction during the eastern and western Qiangtang collision. Petrologic observations show that the metasediments correspond to meta-sandstones of a continental margin. It is characterized by the garnet + omphacite + rutile + phengite + quartz assemblage, and the peak metamorphic temperature and pressure were estimated to be 535 ± 40 °C and ~27 kbar, respectively, by major element partitioning thermobarometry. Subsequent retrogression occurred at ~472 ± 30 °C and ~6–9 kbar. The occurrence of eclogitized central Qiangtang terrane indicates the subduction of the western Qiangtang passive continental margin beneath eastern Qiangtang when eastern and western Qiangtang collided along the Shuanghu suture.  相似文献   

Basanites and alkali basalts from Mahabad in the West Azerbaijan province of Iran are part of a widespread series of Late Miocene–Quaternary mantle-derived magmas erupted within the Turkish–Iranian orogenic plateau, itself part of the active Arabia–Eurasia collision zone. New elemental and Sr–Nd isotopic results are combined with geophysical and geological constraints to suggest that these lavas formed predominantly by small degrees of partial melting of the thick (≫100 km) Eurasian lithospheric mantle within the garnet facies. Samples are highly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and the light rare earth elements (LREE), up to 600 times chondritic values. They mostly possess negative primitive mantle-normalised Rb, K, Nb–Ta, Zr–Hf and Ti anomalies, with an overall signature that indicates a mantle source metasomatised by fluids or melts derived from crust during continental collision or the Tethyan oceanic subduction that preceded it. Sr–Nd isotopic values are similar to other Quaternary centres in NW Iran; 87Sr/86Sr is slightly depleted with respect to Bulk Silicate Earth, at ∼0.7045, and 143Nd/144Nd is slightly enriched, at ∼0.5127. Crustal contamination does not appear to be an important process in the chemistry of these samples. Possible triggers for melting may include: breakdown of hydrous phases during lithospheric thickening; hydration of the mantle lithosphere by underthrusting of the Arabian passive margin; small-scale sub-lithospheric convection due to a significant thickness gradient in the Zagros lithosphere. Such processes may account for small-volume syn-collisional mantle-derived magmatism elsewhere in regions of thick lithosphere where recent slab break-off or lithospheric delamination cannot be proven.  相似文献   

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