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There are claims that multi‐chromatic displays can achieve a wider color gamut by the use of additional highly saturated secondary color channels. However, there are other claims that these displays lose lightness and/or color saturation at brighter levels. These apparently divergent views have led to some controversy in the display industry and at standard setting organizations. This study examines the color gamut volume for a variety of simulated and measured multi‐chromatic (sometimes incorrectly referred to as “multi‐primary”) displays using combinations of white and/or secondary color channels, such as cyan, magenta, and yellow. Furthermore, a two‐dimensional gamut representation, referred to as “gamut rings,” is introduced to illustrate that the addition of nonprimary optical color channels to a trichromatic (RGB) display can result in a significant decrease in the chroma at higher lightness levels. The additional saturated color channels can increase the gamut volume only around their hues at darker levels. The results also confirm the validity of comparing the color light output and white light output for revealing the design trade‐offs between the high‐peak white and the color‐image brightness for multi‐chromatic displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— A method for selecting primaries of a wide‐gamut display is proposed, in which display color gamut is designed to match a target color gamut in CIELAB color space. A standard deviation of the relative maximum chroma of display and target color gamuts is defined. The selection method optimizes display primaries for the minimum standard deviation so that display and target color gamuts are similar in shape. It is shown that the color gamut of a laser display designed by this method is similar in shape to the theoretical maximum, or optimal, color gamut of objects. It is also shown that the color gamut of an LED display can be designed to include 99.7% of the gamut of Pointer's real‐world surface colors. LED primaries are selected to minimize the standard deviation of the relative maximum chroma of effective display color gamut and a target color gamut which is defined to include Pointer's real‐world surface colors. For both the laser and LED displays, it is necessary to constrain the red‐primary wavelength to avoid excessive optical power for the red primary.  相似文献   

We present a liquid‐crystal display (LCD) backlight made of nanoplatelets (NPLs) for the first time. Owing to the narrow emission linewidth of NPLs (8‐12 nm) and quantum dots (QDs), the spectrum exhibits a wide color gamut display with a 139.9% color gamut of National Television System Committee (NTSC) 1953 standard and 104.5% Rec.2020 (ITU‐R Recommendation BT.2020), realizing a truly ultrawide color gamut LCD display.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of varying the color gamut of an extended‐gamut LCD on color appearance and preference was measured psychometrically in two experiments at each of two separate laboratories over a representative set of 10 images each. The first experiment measured the effect of color gamut on appearance, and the effect on the appearance attribute colorfulness was shown to be relatively strong compared with other attributes as the volume of display color gamut is varied. Overall, colorfulness monotonically increased at constant sensitivity as the gamut area in xy chromaticities increased while tending to become less and less sensitive to increasing the gamut volumes in CIELAB and CIECAM02. In the second experiment, the overall preference indicated an optimal color gamut for the display gamut volume even though the results were shown to be highly scene dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract— The advantage of RGB color‐sequential displays is that they have no color filters, but the disadvantage is that they need to run at high refresh rates (> >180 Hz) to prevent flicker and color breakup. An alternative color‐sequential display, which can operate at relatively low refresh rates (~ 100 Hz) without disturbing color breakup or flicker, has been developed. The display has two color filters per pixel (cyan and magenta) on the LCD panel and the backlight can generate two types of spectra (blue‐green and green‐red), which results in a wide gamut four‐primary display, effectively. One part of the paper describes the color reproduction, including color‐filter design, gamut mapping, and multi‐primary conversion. The other part deals with the reduced perception of color breakup on the novel spectrum‐sequential display compared to conventional color‐sequential displays.  相似文献   

To measure the relative gamut sizes of wide‐gamut displays, it is herein proposed that the CIE 1931 xy chromaticity diagram be used rather than the nominally perceptually uniform CIE 1976 uv′ chromaticity diagram. High correlations were found between the area‐coverage ratios in the xy diagram and the volume‐coverage ratios in the CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space for major standard wide‐gamut color spaces. It is also demonstrated herein that performing planimetry in the uniform uv′ diagram does not yield accurate relative display gamut sizes, even though the large sizes obtained using the uv′ diagram are often reported regardless of the fact that its uniformity is valid only when the luminance factor is constant. The single display gamut size metric using the xy diagram will facilitate the unbiased development of wide‐gamut displays.  相似文献   

The effect of blue primary color on image quality was studied. We used the KANSEI evaluation method, and for experiments, we used Semantic Differential method. First, four different blue primaries of 430, 450, 470, and 480 nm with full brightness of Lmax equal 60 cd/m2 were tested. The same experiment was performed for 450, 470, and 480 nm at Lmax of 170 cd/m2. The results for the four primaries show that 450‐ and 470‐nm blue primaries are the best. Then 430 nm was next, and 480‐nm blue primary shows the worst performance. In the tests of three primaries, the 470 nm shows the highest scores for bluish test images. Results are compared with color naming data in the entire chromaticity diagram.  相似文献   

We have developed a 17‐inch laser backlight in‐plane switching liquid crystal display satisfying the main BT.2020 specifications, which are 8K, 120‐Hz driving, and a BT.2020 wide color gamut. The color gamut of the developed in‐plane switching liquid crystal display covers 98% of the BT.2020 wide color gamut, thanks to a laser backlight and appropriate color filters. The liquid crystal response time of 5 ms, which is sufficient for 120‐Hz driving, is achieved by adapting a faster in‐plane switching liquid crystal display, namely, the short‐range lurch control in‐plane switching liquid crystal display.  相似文献   

It is well recognised that that there is a correlation between process maturity in large organisations and project success. In response to this, a number of process models and standards have been developed for the large-project environment. The Australian defence industry, unlike many overseas countries, relies to a much greater extent on small and medium-sized enterprises to supply equipment and services. Hence, the question has arisen about the scalability of overseas concepts to the Australian defence industry situation. To address this question, a research project has been undertaken to identify the current baseline of process capability for the South Australian defence software and systems engineering industry. This paper presents findings from the research project, including a general characterisation of the industry process capability and a discussion of the common perceived strengths and challenges of organisations within the industry. The project’s objectives, research design and findings are then compared and contrasted with similar research activities conducted in different parts of the world. Finally, the paper draws conclusions based on the body of work presented and suggests areas for future research and development to address industry needs.  相似文献   

The sharp β‐sialon (Si6‐zAlzOzN8‐z : 0 < z < 0.1):Eu green phosphor, combining with a blue LED and CaAlSiN3:Eu red phosphor, is suitable for the wide‐color gamut white LEDs backlighting system, because of its sharp and asymmetric emission spectrum shape. However, the color gamut and the brightness of the aforementioned display is restricted because of the wide emission band of the CaAlSiN3:Eu red phosphor. In this work, we used K2SiF6:Mn as an alternate red phosphor, which has a sharp emission spectrum. The display with the white LED using sharp β‐sialon:Eu and K2SiF6:Mn shows a wide‐color gamut, which covers the hole NTSC triangle. The use of K2SiF6:Mn enables to realize not only a wider color gamut but also a higher brightness of displays, compared with the use of CaAlSiN3:Eu. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the white LED using sharp β‐sialon:Eu and K2SiF6:Mn is stable against temperature and also durable under the accelerated drive conditions.  相似文献   

寻找相对简便而又高效的颜色空间转换方法是色彩管理的一项关键内容,网点呈色平面规律作为一种客观现象为研究颜色空间转换提供了较新颖的思路。采用ECI2002标准色靶数据,利用数理统计的二元线性回归方法,验证了平面理论的正确性,并首次通过CIE1931Yxy色度系统,分析平面理论的产生机理。  相似文献   

图像从输入设备到显示器观察,再到输出设备或最终的图像文件的流程中,由于不同设备的呈色机理、呈色特性、所采用的呈色空间不同,造成颜色信息在不同的设备间传递时出现了偏差,要维护原始的色彩是非常困难的。借助PCS空间,通过多项式分区回归的方法进行色彩空间转换。实验结果表明,这种方法能够实现彩色图像显示系统的色彩还原且精度较高。  相似文献   

Based on the measured temporal luminance behavior of each field, the perceived color breakup (CBU) artifact for moving block on a field sequential color display is simulated and predicted. The prediction accuracy is evaluated by a perceptual experiment on a 240 Hz liquid crystal display. The results show a perfect matching between the simulation and the subjects' actual visual experience. The simulation also works well when motion compensation is applied. It is validated by another perceptual experiment that a perfect or a near‐perfect compensation degree can suppress CBU significantly in field sequential color system. CBU of nature image was also simulated and reproduced for both stable and pulse backlight by using this model, which could be rather valuable for the further development of CBU metrics.  相似文献   

应用计算机系统处理多元回归方法,是当今处理非线性关系的常用方法,本文阐述了激光显示中,由于三基色与传统显示三基色的选取不同,造成在现有电视制式下激光显示的颜色偏差。由于系统误差和其他影响,很难找到现有CRT制式和激光显示可以实际应用的关系式。我们通过多元回归的方法建立了激光显示色域与现有CRT?显示色域之间的关系。同时我们提出的多元回归方法,对在诸如液晶显示、大屏幕LED显示等需要颜色矫正的领域,有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Abstract— Tristimulus colorimeters commit systematic errors due to their imperfect realization of the CIE color‐matching functions. A method is proposed to characterize display colorimeters in a single session using a monochromator independently of any display. Colorimeter spectral responsivity functions are obtained that then serve to predict correction matrices for all the possible displays. Experiments show that this can be done with sufficient accuracy to meet practical requirements.  相似文献   

We will introduce the development trend of colorant and color technology along the grown of display industry. Wide color gamut (WCG) technology with high contrast ratio and transmittance has been developed from colorant design to color filter process, product reliability, and performance enhancement. In this paper, WCG technology for liquid crystal display (LCD) and organic light emitting diode (OLED) and trend of colorant, which is including color conversion material (CCM), were discussed. We hope that it will help you to understand the development flow of colorant in the display industry.  相似文献   

Abstract— The demand for projectors with high brightness and wide color gamut has been increasing; however, UHP lamp projectors cannot deliver those two qualities efficiently and simultaneously because of its color‐separation system. The newly developed projection system — “Color‐Tuning Projection System” — realizes the adaptive combination of high brightness and wide color gamut with one projector. This projector features a fourth liquid‐crystal panel — “Color Tuner” — with a 3LCD optical engine, which controls yellow light separately from the RGB light of a UHP lamp. This color‐tuner‐based optical engine — “Color‐Tuning Optical Engine” — and a new color‐conversion signal‐processing algorithm — “Adaptive Color Conversion Algorithm” — controls the yellow‐light volume and corrects color‐shifted pixels according to the brightness and chromaticity analysis of the input image, key technologies of the Color‐Tuning Projection System. This additional panel system enables the projector to ach ieve up to 115% higher brightness and 120% wider color gamut according to the input image. This paper presents an innovative design concept, a novel technology regarding brightness and a color‐gamut conversion projection system, and the characteristics of the prototype.  相似文献   

Abstract— A full‐color eyewear display with over 85% see‐through transmittance with a 16° horizontal field of view was developed. Very low color crosstalk, less than 0.008 Δuv′ uniformity, and 120% NTSC color gamut were achieved. Waveguides with two in‐ and out‐coupling reflection volume hologram elements enabled a simple configuration that has an optical engine beside the user's temples. The reflection volume hologram elements used on the waveguides realized a small thickness of 1.4 mm for each waveguide, and an out‐coupling reflection volume hologram used as an optical combiner contributed a high see‐through transmittance of 85% due to its wavelength selectivity. However, there are technical challenges in achieving a reasonable screen size and quality color images with optics that utilize holographic waveguides because holograms have large chromatic dispersions compared to conventional optical elements such as lenses and mirrors. Approaches to overcome these issues are described.  相似文献   

Abstract— A micro-cone-structure film was proposed to improve the viewing angle of reflective color LCDs, both in chromaticity and brightness. The simulation results show that the film works as a collimating layer when the light is incident from the bottom side of cone and as a scattering layer when the light is incident from the tip side. The viewing-angle dependence of reflective interference color filters (RICF) is weakened dramatically by including such a film. The film is not only useful to RICF, but also to most reflective color LCD modes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two optical structures used for a bottom‐emitting white organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) is reported. An RGBW color system was employed because of its high efficiency. For red, green, and blue (RGB) subpixels, the cavity resonance was enhanced by the use of a dielectric mirror, and for the white (W) subpixel, the mirror was removed. The optical length of the cavities was controlled by two different ways: by the thickness of the dielectric filter on top of the mirror or by the angle of oblique emission. With both methods, active‐matrix OLEDs (AMOLEDs) that reproduced a color gamut exceeding 100% of the NTSC (National Television System Committee) standard were fabricated. More importantly, the transmission of a white OLED through R/G/B color filters was significantly higher (up to 50%) than that of a conventional structure not employing a mirror, while at the same time as the color gamut increased from ~75 to ~100% NTSC.  相似文献   

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