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Wetlands on the Vecht river plain in the Netherlands are threatened by pollution of ground water on the adjacent ridge ‘Het Gooi’. To assess the impact of this pollution, information is needed on the present groundwater flow pattern and hydrochemical processes occurring during flow. In the determination of hydrochemical processes past changes in flow patterns must be taken into consideration.

Over the past 600 years impoldering and groundwater extraction have induced important hydrological changes in the study area. Exercises with a two-dimensional finite difference groundwater model were used to study the effects of these changes on regional groundwater flow patterns. Steady-state simulations along a vertical section were carried out for four different points in time, namely, the 14th century, 1885, 1941 and 1985. Changes in flow patterns are inferred from a comparison of the steady-state simulations. The results indicate that groundwater flow changed from a simple pattern under natural conditions to a complex flow pattern dominated by artificially man-controlled hydraulic heads at present.

The computer simulations are used to estimate the effect of changes in flow patterns on regional groundwater composition. Data on the distribution of chloride and oxygen-18 in ground water provide a verification of the estimated effects and information on the present position of the fresh-brackish groundwater interface in the study area. Isochrones calculated by the model are used to estimate the position of this front where data on water composition are absent. The future displacement of the fresh-brackish groundwater front is inferred from the position of successive isochrones, assuming that the present flow pattern will remain in steady state.

The computer simulations provide a general framework for the determination of hydrochemical processes in future studies addressing the impact of groundwater pollution on wetlands in the river plain.  相似文献   

Geothermal activity creates destabilising temperature gradients which are significant in some aquifers. Usually, in such aquifers stabilising salinity gradients also exist. The combination of temperature and salinity distribution in the aquifer may induce various types of hydrodynamic instabilities which were identified in a previous article. The present article concerns the effect of anisotropic characteristics of the hydrodynamic dispersion on the growth of instabilities in the aquifer. Three different mechanisms may lead to instability of the flow field: (a) buoyancy forces may induce convection currents; if the difference between the convection velocity of salt, due to the hydraulic gradients, and that of heat is negligible, then this mechanism is generally most effective in planes parallel to the hydraulic velocity of the fluid (velocity due to the hydraulic gradient); (b) the difference between heat and salt effective diffusivities may lead to overstability; this mechanism is most effective in planes perpendicular to the hydraulic velocity; (c) the difference between the convection velocity of salt and that of heat may induce oscillations which are most effective in planes parallel to the hydraulic velocity. The growth of instabilities in an aquifer of unlimited length is different from their growth in an aquifer of limited length. In the latter thermohaline convection develops in planes perpendicular to the hydraulic velocity, whereas in the former it develops in planes forming an angle θ with the hydraulic gradient. The development of convection cells in the flow field is identified by numerical experiments. These experiments identify the convection cell length and the angle formed between the thermohaline convection plane and the hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   

Topological groundwater hydrodynamics is an emerging subdiscipline in the mechanics of fluids in porous media whose objective is to investigate the invariant geometric properties of subsurface flow and transport processes. In this paper, the topological characteristics of groundwater flows governed by the Darcy law are studied. It is demonstrated that: (i) the topological constraint of zero helicity density during flow is equivalent to the Darcy law; (ii) both steady and unsteady groundwater flows through aquifers whose hydraulic conductivity is an arbitrary scalar function of position and time are confined to surfaces on which the streamlines of the flow are geodesic curves; (iii) the surfaces to which the flows are confined either are flat or are tori; and (iv) chaotic streamlines are not possible for these flows, implying that they are inherently poorly mixing in advective solute transport.  相似文献   

This study explores linkages between the microbial composition and hydrochemical variables of pristine groundwater to identify active redox conditions and processes. Two confined aquifers underlying the city of Qianjiang in the Jianghan Plain in China were selected for this study, having different recharge sources and strong hydrochemical gradients. Typical methods for establishing redox processes according to threshold concentration criteria for geochemical parameters suggest iron or sulphate reduction processes. High‐throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was used to obtain diversity and taxonomic information on microbial communities. Instead of revealing iron‐ and sulphate‐reducing bacteria, salt‐ and alkali‐tolerant bacteria, such as the phylum Firmicutes and the class Gammaproteobacteria, and in particular, the family Bacillaceae, were dominant in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer that had high ion concentrations caused by the dissolution of calcite and dolomite; meanwhile, the heterotrophic microaerophilic families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae prevailed in the upstream groundwater of the first aquifer. Sulphate‐reducing bacteria were extremely abundant in the upstream groundwater of the second aquifer, as the SO42? concentration was especially high. Methanogens and methanotrophs were predominant in the downstream groundwater of the second aquifer even though the concentration of SO42? was much higher than 0.5 mg L?1. The microbial communities, together with the geochemical parameters, indicated that the upstream region of the first aquifer was suboxic, that Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reductions were not the main redox processes in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer with high Fe and Mn concentrations, and that the redox processes in the upstream and downstream regions of the second confined aquifer were SO42? reduction and methanogenesis, respectively. This study expands understanding of the linkages between microbial communities and hydrogeochemistry in pristine groundwaters and provides more evidence for identifying active redox conditions and processes.  相似文献   

Mapping groundwater quality in the Netherlands   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maps of 25 groundwater quality variables were obtained by estimating 4 km × 4 km block median concentrations. Estimates were presented as approximate 95% confidence intervals related to four concentration levels mostly obtained from critical levels for human consumption. These maps were based on measurements from 425 monitoring sites of national and provincial groundwater quality monitoring networks. The estimation procedure was based on a stratification by soil type and land use. Within each soil-land use category, measurements were interpolated. Spatial dependence between measurements and regional differences in mean level were taken into account. Stratification turned out to be essential: no or partial stratification (using either soil type or land use) results in essentially different maps. The effect of monitoring network density was studied by leaving out the 173 monitoring sites of the provincial monitoring networks. Important changes in resulting maps were assigned to loss of information on short-distance variation, as well as loss of location-specific information. For 12 variables, maps of changes in groundwater quality were made by spatial interpolation of short-term predictions calculated for each well screen from time series of yearly measurements over 5–7 years, using a simple regression model for variation over time and taking location-specific time-prediction uncertainties into account.

From a policy point of view, the resulting maps can be used either for quantifying diffuse groundwater contamination and location-specific background concentrations (in order to assist local contamination assessment) or for input and validation of policy supporting regional or national groundwater quality models. The maps can be considered as a translation of point information obtained from the monitoring networks into information on spatial units, the size of which is used in regional groundwater models. The maps enable location-specific network optimization. In general, the maps give little reason for reducing the monitoring network density (wide confidence intervals).  相似文献   

Sustainable groundwater management in Kinmen Island   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kinmen county is located in the southwest of Fujen province, China. It comprises Kinmen, Leiyu and other small islands. Its total area is around 150 km2. Kinmen is the largest island, and 95% of the population resides there. The average annual precipitation is 1072 mm. Rainfall is concentrated in a 5 month period from mid‐April to mid‐September. Water resources are limited relative to demand. Eastern Kinmen utilizes surface water, whereas western Kinmen uses groundwater. Moreover, the Kinmen sorghum liquor is brewed using the native groundwater in the west of the island. MODFLOW‐96 was used to simulate the groundwater distribution and determine the annual amount of infiltration, pumping, and boundary inflow and outflow. Additionally, a groundwater management index was adopted to evaluate the status of groundwater level change, thus allowing local government officials to adjust the pumping scheme dynamically. To achieve a sustainable groundwater supply in Kinmen, an integrated groundwater extraction plan was proposed. This plan includes enhancing the infiltration by using treated wastewater from the east of the island, monitoring the groundwater level change, adjusting the groundwater pumping scheme, and constructing seawater desalination plants. If the hostile confrontation between Taiwan and mainland China is resolved, then the water supply through an undersea pipeline from Sharmen, China, to Kinmen can be another potential source of water for Kinmen in the future. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to the role of groundwater in the hydrological cycle of lowland watersheds. Our objective in this study was to estimate total recharge to groundwater by analysing water table response to storm events and the rate at which water was transferred into the shallow aquifer. This was conducted at three sites in a rural watershed in the lower Atlantic coastal plain near Charleston, South Carolina, USA. A novel version of the water table fluctuation method was used to estimate total recharge to the shallow aquifer by comparing hourly data of water table position following storm events and measuring water table recession behavior, rather than subjective graphical analysis methods. Also, shallow aquifer recharge rates (vertical fluxes) were estimated using Darcy's Law by comparing static water levels in a water table well and in a shallow piezometer during dry periods. The total annual recharge estimated ranged from 107 ± 39 mm·yr–1 (5–10% of annual precipitation) at a poorly drained topographic low area to 1140 ± 230 mm·yr–1 (62–94% of annual precipitation) for a moderately well‐drained upland site. The average aquifer recharge rate was 114 ± 60 mm·yr–1, which is similar to previous estimations of base flow for the ephemeral third‐order streams in this watershed. The difference in the two methods may have been caused by processes not accounted for in the Darcy flux method, soil moisture deficits, and average evapotranspiration demand, which is about 1100 mm·yr–1 for this region. Although other factors also can affect partitioning of recharge, an integrated approach to inspecting easily gathered groundwater data can provide information on an often neglected aspect of water budget estimation. We also discuss the effects of land use change on recharge reduction, given a typical development scenario for the region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A simplified method has been developed for solving leaky aquifer non-Darcian flow hydraulics. The principle of volumetric approach is combined with the confined-aquifer, time-dependent drawdown equation in an observation well. The groundwater flow in the leaky aquifer is assumed to obey a non-Darcian flow law of exponential type. The results are obtained in the form of type-curve expressions from which the necessary bundles of curves are drawn for a set of selective non-Darcian flow aquifer parameters. Although application of the methodology appears as rather limited but it provides a scientific contribution and extension of leaky aquifer theory towards nonlinear flow conditions. The methodology developed herein is applied to some actual field data from the eastern sedimentary basin in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Two methods for estimation of groundwater recharge, both based on groundwater level fluctuations, were applied in a moraine area in southeastern Sweden. The first method utilized a onedimensional soil water model which was tested against observed groundwater levels. The boundary conditions were defined by using standard meteorological data and submodels for precipitation, snow dynamics, interception, evapotranspiration and horizontal groundwater outflow. The second method directly transformed groundwater level fluctuations to equivalent amounts of water from a constructed recession curve and the specific yield concept. Conceptually the two methods could be characterized as inflow and response methods respectively.

A good fit between observed and simulated groundwater levels was obtained by the soil water modelling. The results were, however, shown to be rather insensitive to displacement in the water balance between evapotranspiration and groundwater outflow, giving a good fit for a simulated net groundwater recharge ranging between 134 and 197 mm. The results from the attempts to use groundwater level fluctuations directly were discouraging. Compared to the soil water simulations the results were unstable and quite different for different years. It was impossible to use a constant specific yield or even different specific yields depending on depth.

The conclusion was that the possibilities to use groundwater level data for quantitative water balance studies are limited under the studied climatical and hydrogeological conditions. The modelling effort clearly demonstrated the need for a better quantitative knowledge on soil properties if water balance information is to be deduced. The soil water model though, could be a valuable tool studying variations within and between different years as well as processes and single events.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out as part of a complex survey of urban groundwater quality and quantity in Szeged, southeast Hungary. The concentrations of 12 inorganic contaminants in 28 shallow groundwater monitoring wells were determined over a 2-year period (2010–2012). The evaluation of concentrations indicates remarkable contamination all over the city. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to evaluate the spatial changes of groundwater quality. The groundwater levels were measured over a 14-year period (2000–2013). The fractal properties of water level fluctuations time series characterizing the groundwater system and Tisza River were investigated using rescaled range (R/S) analysis. The resulting Hurst exponents clearly showed the persistency and thus long memory effects of both the groundwater and the river flow. Comparison of the results of DA with the results of R/S analysis thus implies that the geological conditions and the changing groundwater quantities are not related to groundwater quality.
EDITOR A. Castellarin

ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Fiori  相似文献   

It is often assumed that the net groundwater flow direction is towards the channel in headwater streams in humid climates, with magnitudes dependent on flow state. However, studies that characterize stream–groundwater interactions in ephemeral and intermittent streams in humid landscapes remain sparse. Here, we examined seasonally driven stream–groundwater interactions in response to temporary streamflow on the basis of field observations of streamflow and groundwater on an adjacent hillslope. The direction of hydraulic head gradients between the stream and groundwater shifted seasonally. The stream gained water (head gradients were towards the stream) when storage state was high. During this period, streamflow was persistent. The stream lost water to the groundwater system (head gradients were away from the stream) when storage state was low. During this period, streamflow only occurred in response to precipitation events, and head gradients remained predominantly away from the stream during events. This suggested that mechanisms other than deep groundwater contributions produced run‐off when storage was low, such as surface and perched subsurface flowpaths above the water table. Analysis of the annual water balance for the study period showed that the residual between precipitation inputs and streamflow and evapotranspiration outputs, which were attributed to the loss of water to the deeper, regional groundwater system, was similar in magnitude to streamflow. This, coupled with results that showed bidirectionality in stream–groundwater head gradients, indicated that headwaters composed of temporary (e.g., ephemeral and intermittent) streams can be important focal areas for regional groundwater recharge, and both contribute to and receive water, solutes, and materials from the groundwater system.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper deals with certain problems of non-artesian aquifers, with special reference to non-steady flow due to replenishment from the ground surface. Solutions are obtained by direct integration ofBoussinesq's differential equation (transformed), taking also the inclination of the groundwater surface and the slope of the bottom of the aquifer into account. — The study has some bearing on hydrological investigations. For example, it may be desired to find the location of a moving groundwater divide between two water courses, or to determine the quantity of groundwater passing between them. Problems of this nature are also often met with in water supply (artificial infiltration, etc.) and other fields of engineering practice.  相似文献   

Future of groundwater modeling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Langevin CD  Panday S 《Ground water》2012,50(3):334-339


Large-scale agricultural activities cause deterioration of groundwater resources throughout the world. This study focuses on the irrigated agricultural district of Jinghuiqu in Shaanxi, China. The objectives are to identify the main sources and processes that control nitrate transport, and to assess the impact of long-term irrigation practices on nitrate leaching. The hydrogeochemistry of major solute constituents and stable isotope ratios of NO3 ? in groundwater were used to identify historical sources of contamination and transformation processes occurring in the shallow groundwater of the Jinghuiqu irrigation district. The N-NO3 ? concentrations in groundwater ranged from 0.0 to more than 100 mg L?1 in April 1990, and from 0.47 to 42.0 mg L?1 in December 2009. Our measurements of N-NO3 ? show that the main reasons for this dramatic decline in N-NO3 ? concentrations from 1990 to 2009 are denitrification, which controls nitrogen types, together with the sharp decline of the groundwater table. The isotope ratios in collected samples showed that the source of nitrate was mainly manure, a result that corresponds with historical data showing that manure was the main nitrate source before the 1980s, and that fertilizers became dominant thereafter. A numerical model was then used to evaluate future impacts of current irrigation practices on groundwater sources. The HYDRUS-1D model was employed first to evaluate the water movement and the N-NO3 ? solute transport for a single irrigation pulse experiment carried out under field conditions, and then in evaluating the long-term impact of irrigation on N-NO3 ? leaching. Simulations showed that, after introducing irrigation, the downward drainage fluxes of N-NO3 ?, and the N-NO3 ? and N-tot concentrations increased at all depths within the 2-m soil profile. This indicates that N concentrations below 1-m depth and in the groundwater could become even more elevated with increased future irrigation.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Liu, X.-H., Sun, S.-J., Ji, P., and ?im?nek, J., 2013. Evaluation of historical nitrate sources in groundwater and impact of current irrigation practices on groundwater quality. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–15.  相似文献   

Modeling groundwater flow--the beginnings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bredehoeft J 《Ground water》2012,50(3):325-329

Analytical and numerical methods are proposed for the calculation of water inflow into construction pits under various geological—engineering and hydrogeological conditions at the construction site. Water inflow into the pit is shown to depend not only on lateral seepage but also on the leakage from underlying aquifers at appropriate parameters of their interaction. Under certain natural conditions, the most efficient method for construction pit draining at low water yield of soils in the construction area are light wellpoint systems, the capacity and layout of which is determined by the potential inflow through the pit contour. The results of analytical and numerical calculations for the assessment of groundwater inflow into a pit are given, and light wellpoint systems are shown to be effective under different combinations of natural and engineering conditions.  相似文献   

Many problems in hydraulics and hydrology are described by linear, time dependent partial differential equations, linearity being, of course, an assumption based on necessity.Solutions to such equations have been obtained in the past based purely on deterministic consideration. The derivation of such a solution requires that the initial conditions, the boundary conditions, and the parameters contained within the equations be stipulated in exact terms. It is obvious that the solution so derived is a function of these specified, values.There are at least four ways in which randomness enters the problem. i) the random initial value problem; ii) the random boundary value problem; iii) the random forcing problem when the non-homogeneous part becomes random and iv) the random parameter problem.Such randomness is inherent in the environment surrounding the system, the environment being endowed with a large number of degrees of freedom.This paper considers the problem of groundwater flow in a phreatic aquifer fed by rainfall. The goveming equations are linear second order partial differential equations. Explicit form solutions to this randomly forced equation have been derived in well defined regular boundaries. The paper also provides a derivation of low order moment equations. It contains a discussion on the parameter estimation problem for stochastic partial differential equations.  相似文献   

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