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中亚造山带南缘如何向南扩展,对深入理解增生型造山作用和大陆地壳生长机制以及中亚构造域与特提斯构造域的衔接具有重要科学意义.作为中亚造山带南缘的关键构造单元,敦煌构造带大地构造属性长期备受关注且颇有争议.传统观点认为敦煌构造带是古亚洲洋南侧的前寒武纪稳定大陆地块,以刚性块体的形式参与了中亚造山带南缘的最终拼贴过程.然而,...  相似文献   

The Altai-Salair area in southern Siberia is a Caledonian folded area containing fragments of Vendian–Early Cambrian island arcs. In the Vendian–Early Cambrian, an extended system of island arcs existed near the Paleo-Asian Ocean/Siberian continent boundary and was located in an open ocean realm. In the present-day structural pattern of southern Siberia, the fragments of Vendian–Early Cambrian ophiolites, island arcs and paleo-oceanic islands occur in the accretion–collision zones. We recognized that the accretion–collision zones were mainly composed of the rock units, which were formed within an island-arc system or were incorporated in it during the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean under the island arc or the Siberian continent. This system consists of accretionary wedge, fore-arc basin, primitive island arc and normal island arc. The accretionary wedges contain the oceanic island fragments which consist of OIB basalts and siliceous—carbonate cover including top and slope facies sediments. Oceanic islands submerged into the subduction zone and, later were incorporated into an accretionary wedge. Collision of oceanic islands and island arcs in subduction zones resulted in reverse currents in the accretionary wedge and exhumation of high-pressure rocks. Our studies of the Gorny Altai and Salair accretionary wedges showed that the remnants of oceanic crust are mainly oceanic islands and ophiolites. Therefore, it is important to recognize paleo-islands in folded areas. The study of paleo- islands is important for understanding the evolution of accretionary wedges and exhumation of subducted high-pressure rocks.  相似文献   

The South Tien Shan (STS) belt results from the last collision event in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Understanding its formation is of prime importance in the general framework of the CAOB. The Atbashi Range preserves high‐P (HP) rocks along the STS suture, but still, its global metamorphic evolution remains poorly constrained. Several HP units have been identified: (a) a HP tectonic mélange including boudins of mafic eclogites in a sedimentary matrix, (b) a large (>100 km long) high‐P metasedimentary unit (HPMU) and (c) a lower blueschist facies accretionary prism. Raman Spectroscopy on carbonaceous material combined with phengite and chlorite multiequilibria and isochemical phase diagram modelling indicates that the HPMU recorded homogeneous P–T conditions of 23–25 kbar and 560–570°C along the whole unit. 40Ar/39Ar dating on phengite from the HPMU ranges between 328 and 319 Ma at regional scale. These ages are interpreted as (re‐) crystallization ages of phengite during Tmax conditions at a pressure range of 20–25 kbar. Thermobarometry on samples from the HP tectonic mélange provides similar metamorphic peak conditions. Thermobarometry on the blueschist to lower greenschist facies accretionary prism indicates that it underwent P–T conditions of 5–6 kbar and 290–340°C, highlighting a 17–20 kbar pressure gap between the HPMU‐tectonic mélange units and the accretionary prism. Comparison with available geochronological data suggests a very short time span between the prograde path (340 Ma), HP metamorphic peak (330 Ma), the Tmax (328–319 Ma) and the final exhumation of the HPMU (303–295 Ma). Extrusion of the HPMU, accommodated by a basal thrust and an upper detachment, was driven by buoyant forces from 70–75 km up to 60 km depth, which directly followed continental subduction and detachment of the HPMU. At crustal depths, extrusion was controlled by collisional tectonics up to shallow levels. Lithological homogeneity of the HPMU and its continental‐derived character from the North Tien Shan suggest this unit corresponds to the hyper‐extended continental margin of the Kazakh continent, subducted southward below the north continental active margin of the Tarim craton. Integration of the available geological data allows us to propose a general geodynamic scenario for Tien Shan during the Carboniferous with a combination of (a) N‐dipping subduction below the Kazakh margin of Middle Tien Shan until 390–340 Ma and (b) S‐dipping subduction of remaining Turkestan marginal basins between 340 and 320 Ma.  相似文献   

Understanding the development of the Central Asian Orogenic System (CAOS), which is the largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogen in the world, is critical to the determination of continental growth mechanisms and geological history of central Asia. A key to unraveling its geological history is to ascertain the origin and tectonic setting of the large flysch complexes that dominate the CAOS. These complexes have been variably interpreted as deep-marine deposits that were accreted onto a long-evolving arc against large continents to form a mega-accretionary complex or sediments trapped in back-arc to fore-arc basins within oceanic island-arc systems far from continents. To differentiate the above models we conducted U–Pb geochronological analyses of detrital-zircon grains from turbidites in the composite Hangay–Hentey basin of central Mongolia. This basin was divided by a Cenozoic fault system into the western and eastern sub-basins: the Hangay Basin in the west and Hentey basin in the east. This study focuses on the Hentey basin and indicates two groups of samples within this basin: (1) a southern group that were deposited after the earliest Carboniferous ( 339 Ma to 354 Ma) and a northern group that were deposited after the Cambrian to Neoproterozoic ( 504 Ma to 605 Ma). The samples from the northern part of the basin consistently contain Paleoproterozoic and Archean zircon grains that may have been derived from the Tuva–Mongol massif and/or the Siberian craton. In contrast, samples from the southern part of the basin contain only a minor component of early Paleozoic to Neoproterozoic zircon grains, which were derived from the crystalline basement bounding the Hangay–Hentey basin. Integrating all the age results from this study, we suggest that the Hangay–Hentey basin was developed between an island-arc system with a Neoproterozoic basement in the south and an Andean continental-margin arc in the north. The initiation of the southern arc occurred at or after the early Carboniferous, allowing accumulation of a flysch complex in a long-evolving accretionary complex.  相似文献   

Four amphibolite facies pelitic gneisses from the western Mongolian Altai Range exhibit multistage aluminosilicate formation and various chemical‐zoning patterns in garnet. Two of them contain kyanite in the matrix and sillimanite inclusions in garnet, and the others have kyanite inclusions in garnet with sillimanite or kyanite in the matrix. The Ca‐zoning patterns of the garnet are different in each rock type. U–Th–Pb monazite geochronology revealed that all rock units experienced a c. 360 Ma event, and three of them were also affected by a c. 260 Ma event. The variations in the microstructures and garnet‐zoning profiles are caused by the differences in the (i) whole‐rock chemistry, (ii) pressure conditions during garnet growth at c. 360 Ma and (iii) equilibrium temperatures at c. 260 Ma. The garnet with sillimanite inclusions records an increase in pressure at low‐P (~5.2–7.2 kbar) and moderate temperature conditions (~620–660 °C) at c. 360 Ma. The garnet with kyanite inclusions in the other rock types was also formed during an increase in pressure but at higher pressure conditions (~7.0–8.9 kbar at ~600–640 °C). The detrital zircon provenance of all the rock types is similar and is consistent with that from the sedimentary rocks in the Altai Range, suggesting that the provenance of all the rock types was a surrounding accretionary wedge. One possible scenario for the different thermal gradient is Devonian ridge subduction beneath the Altai Range, as proposed by several researchers. The subducting ridge could have supplied heat to the accretionary wedge and elevated the geotherm at c. 360 Ma. The differences in the thermal gradients that resulted in varying prograde P–T paths might be due to variations in the thermal regimes in the upper plate that were generated by the subducting ridge. The c. 260 Ma event is characterized by a relatively high‐T/P gradient (~25 °C km?1) and may be due to collision‐related granitic activity and re‐equilibrium at middle crustal depths, which caused the variations in the aluminosilicates in the matrix between the rock units.  相似文献   

A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex PTt path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise PTt path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709–785 °C and P = 7.0–9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a).The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent–continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090–1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.  相似文献   

The Chinese Altai in northwestern Xinjiang has numerous outcrops of granitoids which provide critical information on accretionary orogenic processes and crustal growth of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemistry of monzogranite and granodiorites in the Qinghe County are employed to elucidate Paleozoic tectonics of the Chinese Altai. Granodiorites have crystallization ages of 424.6 ± 3.1 Ma(MSWD = 0.23) and 404.0 ± 3.4 Ma(MSWD = 0.18);monzogranite was emplaced in the early Permian with a crystallization age of 293.7 ± 4.6 Ma(MSWD = 1.06). Both granodiorites and monzogranite are I-type granites with A/CNK ratios of 0.92 -0.97 and 1.03 -1.06, respectively. They also show similar geochemical features of high HREE and Y contents, low Sr contents and Sr/Y ratios, as well as enrichment of Cs, Rb, Th and U, and depletion of Nb, Ta, P and Ti.These geochemical features indicate that the monzogranite and granodiorites were formed in an arc setting related to subduction. The gneissic monzogranites display high SiO_2 and K_2 O contents, and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. In the chondrite normalized REE distribution pattern, the monzogranite samples exhibit enrichment of LREE with strong negative Eu anomalies(σE u =0.44 -0.53), zircon εHf(t) values from +7.24 to +12.63 and two-stage Hf model ages of 463 -740 Ma. This suggests that the monzogranite was generated from the mixing of pelitic and mantle material. The granodiorite samples are calc-alkaline granites with lower contents of Si O_2 and Na_2 O + K_2 O, higher contents of TiO_2, Fe_2O_3~t, MgO and CaO compared to the monzogranite samples. They also show enrichment of LREE and moderate negative Eu anomalies(σE u= 0.54 =0.81), as well as slightly higher differentiation of LREE than that of HREE. The425 Ma granodiorite has zircon εHf(t) values from -0.51 to +1.98 and two-stage Hf model ages of 1133 -1240 Ma, whereas the 404 Ma granodiorite displays those of +2.52 to +7.50 and 816 -1071 Ma.Geochemistry and zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that granodiorites were formed by partial melting of juvenile lower crust. Together with regional geology and previous data, the geochemical and geochronological data of the monzogranite and granodiorites from this study suggest long-lived subduction and accretion along the Altai Orogen during ca. 425 -294 Ma.  相似文献   

The Xiadong mafic–ultramafic complex lies in the central part of the Middle Tianshan Massif (MTM), along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This complex is composed of dunite, hornblende (Hbl) clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, and Hbl gabbro. These rocks are characterized by adcumulated textures and variable alteration. Orthopyroxene is an extremely rare mineral in all rock units and plagioclase is absent in dunite and Hbl clinopyroxenite. Hbl, Fe-chromite, and Cr-magnetite are common phases. Olivines have forsterite (Fo) contents ranging from 92.3 to 96.6. Clinopyroxenes are Ca-rich, Ti-poor diopsides, and mostly altered to tremolites or actinolites. Chromites display low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents and high Cr# and Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) values. Primary and secondary Hbls show wide compositional variations. These petrological and mineralogical features as well as mineral chemistry are comparable to typical Alaskan-type complexes worldwide, which are widely considered to have formed above subduction zones. The chemistry of clinopyroxene and chromite supports an arc plate-tectonic origin for the Xiadong complex. Its confirmation as an Alaskan-type complex implies that the MTM, with Precambrian basement, was probably a continental arc during oceanic plate underflow and further supports the hypothesis of southward subduction of the Palaeozoic Junggar Ocean.  相似文献   

John Wakabayashi   《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):193
Metamorphic pressure (P)–temperature (T) paths are commonly used as tools to interpret the tectonic history of orogenic belts, those deformed belts of rocks that record past activity along active plate margins. Many studies and reviews relating PT path development to tectonics have focused on thrusting–thermal relaxation cycles, with special emphasis on collisional processes. Other studies have assumed that PT paths resulted from a single tectono-metamorphic event that accounted for the entire burial–exhumation history of the rocks. In many cases, such assumptions may prove invalid.This paper speculates on the relationship of tectonic processes other than thrusting–heating to PT path development. The processes discussed herein include subduction initiation, triple-junction interactions, initiation and shut off of arc volcanism, subcontinental delamination, and hot spot migration. All of these processes may leave a signature in the metamorphic rock record. Examples are presented from a number of localities, most of which are from the Pacific Rim. Although thrusting–heating cycles have influenced metamorphic evolution in many orogenic belts, the potential impact of other types of tectonic mechanisms should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒杂岩是华北板块北缘古生代褶皱带内出露面积最大的变质岩系,以前多被当着前寒武纪的古老地块.本文通过对该杂岩中副片麻岩和正片麻岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究发现,副片麻岩中的锆石多为岩浆锆石,其206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为406±7Ma,指示它们的原岩主要是由近同期(略早些)的岩浆岩风化后就近沉积的产物,该年龄应代表源区(岛弧型?)花岗岩的形成时间,同时也是副片麻岩原岩沉积的下限年龄.正片麻岩中岩浆锆石的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为382±2Ma,代表花岗片麻岩原岩的侵位年龄.岩石中锆石的变质增生边的形成年龄为337±6Ma,代表锡林郭勒杂岩发生变质和变形的时间,该变质事件可能与贺根山缝合带内所发生的一次主要的碰撞造山作用有关.这些年龄资料充分说明,锡林郭勒杂岩并非古老地块,而是华力西早期岩浆作用、沉积作用和变质作用事件的产物.整个事件是在较短的时间范围内(~70Ma)完成的,推测该杂岩发育在碰撞造山带的弧前环境.中亚-蒙古造山带东南部(内蒙古的中、东部)碰撞前的构造格局可能不是典型的多岛洋体制,由于缺少古老的陆块,造山过程更多的表现为大洋的大陆化过程,即洋内俯冲形成岛弧,岛弧在被动大陆边缘拼贴聚合转化为新的大陆.  相似文献   


The Eastern Tianshan Orogen (Xinjiang, NW China) in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is featured by its many Carboniferous-Triassic mafic-ultramafic intrusions and associated magmatic Fe-Ti-V oxide mineralization. In this study, we present the first systematic data comparison on the age and whole-rock geochemistry of the ore-forming mafic-ultramafic complexes at Yaxi, Niumaoquan, Xiangshanxi, and Weiya. Our new age dating on the Yaxi complex indicates that the mineralized gabbro (zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dated 297.3 ± 4.9 Ma) formed in the latest Carboniferous-Early Permian, similar to the diorite (LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dated 308.3 ± 8.6 Ma) and granodiorite (LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dated 304.9 ± 1.7 Ma). The Yaxi complex is the oldest late Palaeozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusion reported so far in the Eastern Tianshan. The mineralized gabbro at Yaxi contains higher average Fe2O3T (20.83 wt.%), TiO2 (5.91 wt.%), and V (523 ppm) contents than its ore-barren counterpart (7.45 wt.%, 0.99 wt.%, and 133 ppm, respectively). These Eastern Tianshan mafic rocks are mildly large ion lithophile element (LILE) enriched and high field-strength element (HFSE) depleted, and with LREE/HREE enrichment (Yaxi: (La/Yb)N = 2.7 ~ 5.37) and subtle positive Eu anomalies (Yaxi: Eu/Eu* = 0.94 to 3.31). This suggests that the Eastern Tianshan mafic-ultramafic magmas were likely derived from an arc/subduction-modified magma source. The E-W trending crustal-scale faults (e.g. the Aqikkuduk fault) may have acted as magma conduits and controlled the magma emplacement. The spatial-temporal distribution of the Eastern Tianshan Fe-Ti-V ore-forming mafic-ultramafic complexes and their petrologic and geochemical features suggest that the latest Carboniferous-Early Permian magmatic phase was likely emplaced in a collision-related compression setting following the Junggar Ocean closure, whereas the late Early Permian phase may have been related to a post-collisional orogenic setting.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of a key sector of the western Mediterranean internal Alpine orogenic belt (southern Calabrian Peloritani Orogen) is identified and described by means of PT pseudosections calculated for selected metapelite specimens, showing evidence of multi-stage metamorphism.Attention focused on the two lowermost basement nappes of the Aspromonte Massif (southern Calabria), which were differently affected by poly-orogenic multi-stage evolution. After a complete Variscan orogenic cycle, the upper unit (Aspromonte Peloritani Unit) was involved in a late-Alpine shearing event. In contrast, the several underlying metapelite slices, here grouped together as Lower Metapelite Group, show exclusive evidence of a complete Alpine orogenic cycle.In order to obtain reliable PT constraints, an integrated approach was employed, based on: a) garnet isopleth thermobarometry; and b) theoretical predictions of the PT stability fields of representative equilibrium assemblages. This approach, which takes into account the role of the local equilibrium volumes in controlling textural developments, yielded reliable information about PT conditions from early to peak metamorphic stages, as well as estimates of the retrograde trajectory in the pseudosection PT space.According to inferred detailed PT paths, the evolution of the Aspromonte Peloritani Unit is characterised by a multi-stage Variscan cycle, subdivided into an early crustal thickening stage with PT conditions ranging from 0.56 ± 0.05 GPa at 570 ± 10 °C to 0.63–0.93 GPa at 650–710 °C (peak conditions) and evolving to a later crustal thinning episode in lower PT conditions (0.25 GPa at 540 °C), as documented by the retrograde trajectory.Conversely, the prograde evolution of the rocks of the Lower Metapelite Group shows evidence of a HP-LT early Alpine multi-stage cycle, with PT evolving from 0.75–0.90 GPa at 510–530 °C towards peak conditions, with pressure increasing northwards from 1.12 ± 0.02 GPa to 1.24 ± 0.02 GPa, and temperatures of 540–570 °C.A late-Alpine mylonitic overprint affected the rocks of both the Aspromonte Peloritani Unit and the Lower Metapelite Group. This overprint was characterised by an initial retrograde decompression trajectory (0.75 ± 0.05 GPa at 570–600 °C), followed by a joint cooling history, ranging from 0.38 ± 0.14 at temperature from 450 to 520 °C.These inferred results were then used: a) to interpret the Lower Metapelite Group as a single crystalline basement unit exclusively affected by a complete Alpine orogenic cycle, according to the very similar features of PT paths, comparable petrography and analogous structural characteristics; b) as a tool for more reliable correlations between the Aspromonte Massif, the other Calabrian terranes and the north African Orogenic Complexes. They may therefore consider a contribution to the geodynamic modelling of the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The Xilingol Complex comprises biotite gneisses and amphibolite interlayers with extensive migmatization. Four representative samples were documented and found to record either two or three metamorphic stages. Phase modelling using thermocalc suggests that the observed assemblages represent the final stages that underwent cooling from temperature peaks, and are consistent with a fluid‐absent solidus in P–T pseudosections. Their P–T conditions are further constrained to be 5–6 kbar/680–725°C and 4–5 kbar/650–680°C for two garnet‐bearing gneiss samples, 4–5 kbar/660–730°C for a cordierite‐bearing gneiss sample, and 4–5 kbar/680–710°C for an amphibolite sample based on mineral composition isopleths, involving measured Mg content in biotite, anorthite in plagioclase, grossular and pyrope in garnet and Ti content in amphibole. The peak temperature conditions recovered are 760–790°C or >760°C at 5–6 kbar based on the composition isopleths of plagioclase, biotite, garnet and especially the comparison of melt contents between the calculated and observed. A pre‐peak heating process with slight decompression can be suggested for some samples on the basis of the core–rim increase in the plagioclase anorthite, and the stability of ilmenite. Zircon U–Pb dating using the LA‐ICP‐MS method provides systemic constraints on the metamorphic ages of the Xilingol Complex to be 348–305 Ma, interpreted to represent the post‐peak cooling stages. Moreover, metagabbroic dykes that intruded into the Xilingol Complex yield 317 ± 3 Ma from magmatic zircon, and are considered to have played a significant role for heat advection triggering the high‐T and low‐P metamorphism. Thus, the clockwise P–T paths involving pre‐peak heating, peak and post‐peak cooling recovered for the Xilingol Complex are consistent with an extensional setting in the Carboniferous that developed on a previous orogen in response to addition of mantle‐derived materials probably together with upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Three tectonic units have been recognized in the Chifeng area, Inner Mongolia, from north to south, including the Qiganmiao accretionary prism, Jiefangyingzi arc belt and Sidaozhangpeng molasse basin, which formed an Andeantype active continent margin during the early to middle Paleozoic. The Qiganmiao accretionary prism is characterized by a mélange that consists of gabbro, two-mica quartz schist and basic volcanic rock blocks and heterogeneously deformed marble matrix. Two zircon U-Pb ages of ...  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the metamorphic evolution of pelitic, semi-pelitic migmatites and mafic granulites of the Chafalote Metamorphic Suite (CMS), Uruguay, which represents the southernmost exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguain—Sul-Rio-Grandense shield, South America. This belt is one of the Brasiliano orogens that crop out along the Brazilian and Uruguayan Atlantic margin, and the CMS is one of several disconnected segments of supracrustal rock in a dominantly granitic terrain. Petrological evidence from CMS mafic granulites and semi-pelitic migmatites indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only as inclusions in porphyroblasts of the peak-metamorphic (M2) assemblage. Peak-metamorphism was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M3), which resulted in symplectites and coronitic textures in the mafic granulites and compositional zoning of Ca in garnet (decreasing rimwards) and plagioclase (increasing rimwards) in the semi-pelitic migmatites. The retrograde metamorphic assemblage (M4) is represented by hydration reaction textures replacing minerals of the M2 and M3 assemblages. Average PT calculations using the program THERMOCALC and conventional thermobarometric methods yield peak-metamorphic (M2) PT conditions of 7–10 kbar and 830–950 °C, near-decompressional (M3) PT conditions of 4.8–5.5 kbar and 788–830 °C and M4 retrograde PT conditions of 3–6 kbar and 600–750 °C. The calculated PT path for the CMS rocks is ‘clockwise’ and incorporates a near-isothermal decompression segment followed by minor cooling, consistent with a history of crustal thickening followed by extensional collapse at ca. 650–600 Ma. The metamorphism recorded by rocks of this crustal segment may be correlated with 650 Ma metamorphism in the Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt in Namibia, being the first unequivocal match between South America and Africa provided by crystalline rocks south of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   

The Achankovil Zone of southern India, a NW–SE trending lineament of 8–10 km in width and > 100 km length, is a kinematically debated crustal feature, considered to mark the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block in the north and the Trivandrum Granulite Block in the south. Both these crustal blocks show evidence for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism during the Pan-African orogeny, although the exhumation styles are markedly different. The Achankovil Zone is characterized by discontinuous strands of cordierite-bearing gneiss with an assemblage of cordierite + garnet + quartz + plagioclase + spinel + ilmenite + magnetite ± orthopyroxene ± biotite ± K-feldspar ± sillimanite. The lithology preserves several peak and post-peak metamorphic assemblages including: (1) orthopyroxene + garnet, (2) perthite and/or anti-perthite, (3) cordierite ± orthopyroxene corona around garnet, and (4) cordierite + quartz symplectite after garnet. We estimate the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks using orthopyroxene-bearing geothermobarometers and feldspar solvus which yield 8.5–9.5 kbar and 940–1040 °C, the highest PT conditions so far recorded from the Achankovil Zone. The retrograde conditions were obtained from cordierite-bearing geothermobarometers at 3.5–4.5 kbar and 720 ± 60 °C. From orthopyroxene chemistry, we record a multistage exhumation history for these rocks, which is closely comparable with those reported in recent studies from the Madurai Granulite Block, but different from those documented from the Trivandrum Granulite Block. An evaluation of the petrologic and geochronologic data, together with the nature of exhumation paths leads us to propose that the Achankovil Zone is probably the southern flank of the Madurai Granulite Block, and not a unit of the Trivandrum Granulite Block as presently believed. Post-tectonic alkali granites that form an array of “suturing plutons” along the margin of the Madurai Granulite Block and within the Achankovil Zone, but are absent in the Trivandrum Granulite Block, suggest that the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block and the Trivandrum Granulite Block might lie along the Tenmalai shear zone at the southern extremity of the Achankovil Zone.  相似文献   

点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带中北段嘎洒地区出露了多种典型的变沉积岩,其中夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩和二云母片岩保存多期/多阶段矿物相转变特征,本文通过岩相学和矿物化学的综合分析,并结合传统矿物对温压计的估算结果,限定上述典型变沉积岩峰期角闪-麻粒岩相(M1)阶段、近等温减压-高温剪切变形阶段(M2)和晚期退变质(M3)阶段的矿物组合及变质温压条件。峰期角闪-麻粒岩相(M1)阶段的矿物组合为:石榴石(Grt)+板柱状夕线石(Sil1)+黑云母(Bt1)+钾长石(Kfs)+斜长石(Pl)+石英(Qtz)+钛铁矿(Ilm),变质温度压力条件为t=690~750℃,p=690~810 MPa;近等温减压-高温剪切变形阶段(M2)阶段,稳定矿物组合为:Grt+Sil2+Bt2+Kfs+Pl+Qtz+Ilm,黑云母在强烈走滑剪切作用下发生脱水熔融反应:2 Bt→Sil+6(Mg,Fe)O+K_2O+5 Qtz+2 H_2O,石榴石、黑云母和夕线石等受到剪切变形影响而发生强烈定向,形成的温度压力条件为t=650~720℃,p=450~630 MPa;晚期退变质阶段(M_3)的稳定矿物组合为:Qtz+Bt+Ms+Pl,退变的温度压力条件为t=580~640℃,p=400~500MPa。其变质演化p-T轨迹样式具有近等温减压的顺时针型式,表明点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带曾经历了一次明显的俯冲-碰撞造山事件,峰期变质可达到角闪-麻粒岩相;在碰撞后的构造折返过程中,上述变质岩石发生强烈的高温剪切变形作用,并伴随着黑云母等含水矿物的脱水熔融。  相似文献   

The Timor–Tanimbar islands of eastern Indonesia form a non-volcanic arc in front of a 7 km deep fore-arc basin that separates it from a volcanic inner arc. The Timor–Tanimbar Islands expose one of the youngest high P/T metamorphic belts in the world, providing us with an excellent opportunity to study the inception of orogenic processes, undisturbed by later tectonic events.Structural and petrological studies of the high P/T metamorphic belt show that both deformation and metamorphic grade increase towards the centre of the 1 km thick crystalline belt. Kinematic indicators exhibit top-to-the-north sense of shear along the subhorizontal upper boundaries and top-to-the-south sense in the bottom boundaries of the high P/T metamorphic belt. Overall configuration suggests that the high P/T metamorphic rocks extruded as a thin sheet into a space between overlying ophiolites and underlying continental shelf sediments. Petrological study further illustrates that the central crystalline unit underwent a Barrovian-type overprint of the original high P/T metamorphic assemblages during wedge extrusion, and the metamorphic grade ranged from pumpellyite-actinolite to upper amphibolite facies.Quaternary uplift, marked by elevation of recent reefs, was estimated to be about 1260 m in Timor in the west and decreases toward Tanimbar in the east. In contrast, radiometric ages for the high P/T metamorphic rocks suggest that the exhumation of the high P/T metamorphic belt started in western Timor in Late Miocene time and migrated toward the east. Thus, the tectonic evolution of this region is diachronous and youngs to the east. We conclude that the deep-seated high P/T metamorphic belt extrudes into shallow crustal levels as a first step, followed by doming at a later stage. The so-called ‘mountain building’ process is restricted to the second stage. We attribute this Quaternary rapid uplift to rebound of the subducting Australian continental crust beneath Timor after it achieved positive buoyancy, due to break-off of the oceanic slab fringing the continental crust. In contrast, Tanimbar in the east has not yet been affected by later doming. A wide spectrum of processes, starting from extrusion of the high P/T metamorphic rocks and ending with the later doming due to slab break-off, can be observed in the Timor–Tanimbar region.  相似文献   

The Tulungwan-Chaochou Fault system in southern Taiwan represents the boundary between a slate belt of moderate metamorphic grade and a relatively unmetamorphosed fold-and-thrust belt. The offset between hanging wall and footwall of this fault ranges from 7 to 11 km and is considered one of the major tectonostratigraphic faults in Taiwan. This 75-km-long fault system is also one of the most conspicuous topographic features in Taiwan. The geometry, kinematic history and associated subsidiary structures have not been resolved. Field mapping of fabrics and brittle faults show that a 45-km-long west-northwest-vergent antiform defined by folded slaty cleavage exists in the hanging wall of the fault. This antiform has not been previously described and apparently formed in a brittle environment. The flat crest and tight forelimb of the antiform suggests a two-stage deformation model composed of a fault-bend fold followed by a trishear fold. We infer that regional scale fold is associated with a thrust that splays upward from the main detachment.  相似文献   

Widely developed in the Dabie complex are various disequilibrium textures which provide direct evidence for the evolution of metamorphism and late-stage uplifting history.The typical mineral assemblasge in the Opx-Gt-Pl-Bi gneiss in Huangtuling,Luotian County,Hubei Province,Is Opx(I) Gt Pl(I) Bi(I) Q.The corona composed of cordierite and orthopyroxene(Ⅱ)growing around garnets in the granulite makes it clear that there occurres the following metamorphic reaction:Gt Q→Cd Opx(Ⅱ).It is estimated that the gran ulite-forming temperature(T)and pressure(P)are 857-998℃ and 1.18-1.23Gpa,respectively,and the corona was formed under the following conditions:T=829-911℃ and P=0.52-0.59GPa.The above results indicate that There occurred a rapid and nearly adiabatic uplifting event and a decompressional metamorphism in the Dabie complex after the formation of granulite.As compared with the granulites worldwidely distributed in 90 locations(Harley 1989),the Huangtuling granulite should belong to the high-pressure type,which represents the composition of the crust at a depth of more than 40 kilometers.  相似文献   

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