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Plants often tolerate water deficits by lowering the osmotic potential of their cell sap. This may be achieved by accumulation of solutes which results in the maintenance of a positive turgor potential. In this study, the effect of water deficit on sugar uptake was investigated in leaf discs of Phaseolus coccinius L. (cv. Scarlet). Evidence is presented that cell turgor affects the kinetics of sugar transport at the membrane level. Uptake kinetics of sucrose, glucose and 3-O-methyl glucose by tissues equilibrated in solutions of relatively high (200–400 mOsm) osmotic concentration consisted of a sat-urable and a linear component. Low external osmotic concentration i.e., high cellular turgor inhibited the saturating component of sucrose uptake, resulting in a linear uptake profile. However, high cell turgor had no effect on glucose or 3-O-methyl glucose uptake kinetics. The effect of turgor versus osmotic component of water potential was differentiated by comparing responses to non-penetrating (manmtol) or polyethylene glycol, (3350) and penetrating (ethylene glycal) osmotica. Changes in sucrose uptake rates and kinetics were due to changes in cellular turgor and not osmotic potential. Furthermore, at low cellular turgor, a net increase in sucrose uptake occurred as a consequence of enhanced influx rates and not as a result of reduced efflux rates. The data are consistent with previous findings that sugar uptake rates are enhanced under low turgor. We present first evidence indicating that the mechanism by which higher rates of sucrose uptake are maintained underwater deficit conditions is by the activation of the saturable transport system. This mechanism supports previous suggestions that changes in cell turgor are sensed and manifested at the membrane level.  相似文献   

The fluxes of carbohydrates across the plasma membranes of higher-plant cells are catalysed mainly by monosaccharide and disaccharide-H+ symporters. cDNAs encoding these different transporters have been cloned recently and the functions and properties of the encoded proteins have been studied extensively in heterologous expression systems. Several of the proteins have been identified biochemically in these expression systems and their location in plants has been shown immunohistochemically or with transgenic plants which were transformed with reporter genes, expressed under the control of the promoters of individual transporter genes. In this paper we summarize the current knowledge on the molecular biology and biochemistry of higher-plant sugar transport proteins.  相似文献   

Uptake of [U-14C]-sucrose (40 m M ) by fresh and aged peeled leaf discs of broad bean ( Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) has been studied. In fresh discs, uptake was nearly insensitive to external pH, whereas the pH response of absorption in discs aged for 12 h was bell-shaped, with an optimum between pH 5 and 6. At this pH, uptake was nearly twice that in fresh tissue. The passive (insensitive to carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone and to cold treatment) uptake was the same in fresh or aged discs. The development of pH sensitivity of absorption did not appear when ageing was performed in the presence of 10−H M cycloheximide or 5.7 × 10−5 M actinomycin D. Similarly, when the tissues were treated with 10−3 M spermidine for 2 h after excision and then aged for 10 h, the development of the pH-sensitive uptake system was inhibited. Ca2+ (10−2 M ) supplied together with spermidine prevented the inhibiting effect of spermidine. The appearance of the pH-sensitive system was also markedly reduced if ageing took place in the presence of 10−3 M aminoethoxyvinylglycine. Autoradiographs from fresh discs and from discs aged with or without the inhibitors suggest that pH sensitivity developed more intensively in the parenchyma than in the veins.
The results suggest some caution when using excised leaf discs for studies on sucrose uptake and phloem loading. Development of pH sensitivity of uptake may require the synthesis of both DNA-dependent RNA and protein and could be related to ethylene metabolism.  相似文献   

Leaf sucrose, starch, hexose and maximum extractable soluble acid invertase activity were compared throughout the day in source leaves of 13 plant species chosen for their putative phloem-loading type (apoplastic or symplastic). Four species which represent the different phloem-loading types (tomato, barley, maize and Fuchsia ) were studied in detail. Using this information we wished to determine whether a positive correlation between foliar carbohydrates and acid invertase activity exists in leaves from different species and, furthermore, whether this relationship is determined by phloem-loading type. Acid invertase activity was relatively constant throughout the day in all species. The extent of sucrose, hexose and starch accumulation and the sucrose: starch ratio measured at a given time were species-dependent. No correlations were found between foliar soluble acid invertase activity and the hexose, sucrose or starch content of the leaves in any of the species, regardless of phloem-loading type. The species examined could be divided into three distinct groups: (1) high sucrose, low invertase; (2) low sucrose, low invertase; and (3) low sucrose, high invertase. The absence of an inverse relationship between leaf sucrose, hexose or starch contents and endogenous soluble acid invertase suggests that this enzyme is not directly involved in carbon partitioning in leaves but serves an auxiliary function.  相似文献   

Robert Turgeon  Esther Gowan 《Planta》1992,187(3):388-394
Sugar-synthesis and -transport patterns were analyzed in Coleus blumei Benth. leaves to determine where galactinol, raffinose, and stachyose are made and whether phloem loading includes an apoplastic (extracellular) step or occurs entirely within the symplast (plasmodesmata-connected cytoplasm). To clarify the sequence of steps leading to stachyose synthesis, a pulse (15 s) of 14CO2 was given to attached leaves followed by a 5-s to 20-min chase: sucrose was rapidly labeled while galactinol, raffinose and stachyose were labeled more slowly and, within the first few minutes, to approximately the same degree. Leaf tissue was exposed to either 14CO2 or [14C]glucose to identify the sites of synthesis of the different sugars. A 2-min exposure of peeled leaf tissue to [14C]glucose resulted in preferential labeling of the minor veins, as opposed to the mesophyll; galactinol, raffinose and stachyose were more heavily labeled than sucrose in these preparations. In contrast, when leaf tissue was exposed to 14CO2 for 2 min for preferential labeling of the mesophyll, sucrose was more heavily labeled than galactinol, raffinose or stachyose. We conclude that sucrose is synthesized in mesophyll cells while galactinol, raffinose and stachyose are made in the minorvein phloem. Competition experiments were performed to test the possibility that phloem loading involves monosaccharide uptake from the apoplast. Two saturable monosaccharide carriers were identified, one for glucose, galactose and 3-O-methyl glucose, and the other for fructose. Washing the apoplast of peeled leaf pieces with buffer or saturating levels of 3-O-methyl glucose, after providing a pulse of 14CO2, did not inhibit vein loading or change the composition of labeled sugars, and less than 0.5% of the assimilated label was recovered in the incubation medium. These and previous results (Turgeon and Gowan, 1991, Plant Physiol. 94, 1244–1249) indicate that the phloem loading pathway in Coleus is probably symplastic.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-O-methyl glucose - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SE-CCC sieve-element-companion-cell complex This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DCB-9104159, U.S. Department of Agriculture Competetive Grant 90000854, and Hatch funds.  相似文献   

The mechanism of phloem loading in rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, that are synthesized in source organs are transported to sink organs to support growth and development. Phloem loading of sucrose is a crucial step that drives long-distance transport by elevating hydrostatic pressure in the phloem. Three phloem loading strategies have been identified, two active mechanisms, apoplastic loading via sucrose transporters and symplastic polymer trapping, and one passive mechanism. The first two active loading mechanisms require metabolic energy, carbohydrate is loaded into the phloem against a concentration gradient. The passive process, diffusion, involves equilibration of sucrose and other metabolites between cells through plasmodesmata. Many higher plant species including Arabidopsis utilize the active loading mechanisms to increase carbohydrate in the phloem to higher concentrations than that in mesophyll cells. In contrast, recent data revealed that a large number of plants, especially woody species, load sucrose passively by maintaining a high concentration in mesophyll cells. However, it still remains to be determined how the worldwide important cereal crop, rice, loads sucrose into the phloem in source organs. Based on the literature and our results, we propose a potential strategy of phloem loading in rice. Elucidation of the phloem loading mechanism should improve our understanding of rice development and facilitate its manipulation towards the increase of crop productivity.  相似文献   

Bois Noir is an emergent disease of grapevine that has been associated to a phytoplasma belonging to the XII‐A stolbur group. In plants, phytoplasmas have been found mainly in phloem sieve elements, from where they spread moving through the pores of plates, accumulating especially in source leaves. To examine the expression of grapevine genes involved in sucrose transport and metabolism, phloem tissue, including sieve element/companion cell complexes and some parenchyma cells, was isolated from healthy and infected leaves by means of laser microdissection pressure catapulting (LMPC). Site‐specific expression analysis dramatically increased sensitivity, allowing us to identify specific process components almost completely masked in whole‐leaf analysis. Our findings showed decreased phloem loading through inhibition of sucrose transport and increased sucrose cleavage activity, which are metabolic changes strongly suggesting the establishment of a phytoplasma‐induced switch from carbohydrate source to sink. The analysis focused at the infection site also showed a differential regulation and specificity of two pathogenesis‐related thaumatin‐like genes (TL4 and TL5) of the PR‐5 family.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate transport in discs of storage parenchyma of celery petioles   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

In contrast to the light-promoted uptake by mesophyll cells, light slightly inhibited sucrose uptake by stripped leaf disks of Commelina benghalensis L. This phenomenon appeared to result from a light-promoted vein-associated release, as light stimulated photosynthate release from stripped disks and inhibited that from mesophyll cells. In the -presence of the resorption-blocker p -chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid, (PCMBS) the release of preloaded [14C]-sugars (sucrose, glucose) and [14C]-amino acids (alanine, asparagine, proline, valine, α-aminoisobutyric acid) from stripped disks was doubled in the light. Illumination enhanced by 20 to 60% the release of endogenous leaf cell compounds (sucrose, H2PO-4, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) from stripped disks in the presence of PCMBS. Light also increased the export of [14C]-assimilates from intact leaves by 20% after pulse-labelling with 14CO2. A model for loading is proposed, based on the differential light sensitivities of the plasma membranes in the mesophyll-to-sieve tube path.  相似文献   

A new system has been developed to study hormone-directed transport in intact plants during parthenocarpic fruit set induced by gibberellins. Gibberellic acid (GA3) and gibberellin A1 (GA1) applied to unpollinated ovaries of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) promoted sucrose transport from the leaf to the site of hormone application. In vivo experiments showed an early (30 min) accumulation of [14C]-sucrose in ovaries of pea stimulated by gibberellins. This activation of sucrose transport appears to be mediated by gibberellins (GA1, GA3), increasing both loading of phloem with sucrose in the leaf (source) and sucrose unloading in the ovary (sink). The ability of pea tissue segments to take up sucrose in vitro was not affected by the hormonal treatment.  相似文献   

The supply of sucrose to leaf segments from light-grown bean seedlings caused a substantial increase in substrate inducibility of in vivo and in vitro nitrate reductase activity but only a small increase in total protein. Cycloheximide and chloramphenicol inhibited the increase in enzyme activity by nitrate and sucrose. The in vivo decline in enzyme activity in nitrate-induced leaf segments in light and dark was protected by sucrose and nitrate. The supply of NADH also protected the decline in enzyme activity, but only in the light. In vitro stability of the extracted enzyme was, however, unaffected by sucrose. The size of the metabolic nitrate pool was also enhanced by sucrose. The experiments demonstrate that sucrose has a stimulatory effect on activity or in vivo stability ' of nitrate reductase in bean leaf segments, which is perhaps mediated through increased NADH level and/or mobilization of nitrate to the metabolic pool.  相似文献   

Phlorizin (1-[2-(β- d -glucopyranosyloxy)-4, 6-dihydroxyphenyl]-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanone) is a well-known non-transported inhibitor of glucose uptake in animal cells. The effects of this compound were studied on the transmembrane potential difference (PD) of broad bean ( Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) mesophyll cells, and on the uptake of amino acids and sugars by the leaf tissues. Phlorizin (5 m M ) induced a marginal depolarization (7 to 10 mV) of the normal PD (-140 mV), and a slight decrease in the uptake of glycine and serine. By contrast, phlorizin induced a stronger inhibition of the uptake of glucose and 3–O-methylglucose, and more particularly of sucrose uptake and phloem loading. In tissues aged for 12 h, 5 m M phlorizin inhibited the absorption of sucrose from a 1 m M solution by 70%. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that phlorizin acted as a competitive inhibitor for the sucrose carrier and for the hexose carrier. Efflux experiments showed that the counter-exchange of sucrose and of 3–O-methylglucose was also phlorizin-sensitive. Overall, the data show that phlorizin is recognized by the hexose carrier and, more efficiently, by the sucrose carrier of the material investigated, but that it is not transported across the membrane.  相似文献   

A Comparison of the Sucrose Transporter Systems of Different Plant Species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: The sucrose uptake behaviour of many different plant species is characterised by the presence of at least two components with distinct kinetic properties. These include at least one high-affinity and one low-affinity transport system. All known sucrose transporters from higher plants fall into one of three large subfamilies, according to phylogenetic analysis. Apparently, the largest subfamily, the SUT1 subfamily, exclusively consists of high-affinity sucrose transporters from dicotyledons, whereas none of the transporters from monocotyledonous plants groups within this subfamily. The other two subfamilies of sucrose transporter-like proteins are either low-affinity transporter or putative sucrose-sensing proteins. Most of the known sucrose transporters from monocotyledons are closely related to the SUT2 subfamily and include high-affinity transporters, suggesting a different evolutionary origin of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous sucrose transporter gene families.  相似文献   

水稻蔗糖转运及其与产量形成的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔗糖是植物体内主要的光合产物和运输形式,在叶片中合成并经过维管组织向库器官转运,在库组织中水解并用于合成淀粉、蛋白质和纤维素等有机物。水稻蔗糖转运对调控作物生长发育和产量形成,特别是在逆境条件下的产量稳定,都具有十分重要的作用。本文重点综述了水稻蔗糖韧皮部装载、运输和卸载机制以及关键酶的活性和基因表达调控,并讨论了其与水稻产量形成的关系。  相似文献   

Two transport systems for glucose were detected: a high affinity system with a Km of 27 μM, and a low affinity system with a Km of 3.3 mM. The high affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 26 μM), 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 19 μM), d-glucosamine (Km = 652 μM), d-fructose (Km = 2.3 mM) and l-sorbose (Km = 2.2 mM). All sugars were accumulated against concentration gradients. The high affinity system was strongly or completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin, 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide. The system had a distinct pH optimum (7.4) and optimum temperature (45°C). The low affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 7.5 mM), and 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 1.5 mM). Accumulation again occurred against a concentration gradient. The low affinity system was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not by sodium azide. The rate of uptake by the low affinity system was constant over a wide temperature range (30–50°C) and was not much affected by pH; but as the pH of the medium was altered from 4.5 to 8.9 a co-ordinated increase in affinity for 2-deoxy-d-glucose (from 52.1 mM to 0.3 mM) and decrease in maximum velocity (by a factor of five) occurred. Both uptake systems were present in sporelings germinated in media containing sodium acetate as sole carbon source. Only the low affinity system could initially be demonstrated in glucose-grown tissue, although the high affinity system was restored by starvation in glucose-free medium. The half-time for restoration of high affinity activity was 3.5 min and the process was unaffected by cycloheximide. Addition of glucose to an acetate-grown culture inactivated the high affinity system with a half-life of 5–7.5 s. Addition of cycloheximide to an acetate-grown culture caused decay of the high affinity system with a half-life of 80 min. Regulation is thus thought to depend on modulation of protein activity rather than synthesis, and the kinetics of glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and 3-O-methylglucose uptake would be consistent with there being a single carrier showing negative co-operativity.  相似文献   

Twenty one-day-old Phaseolus vulgaris 'Saxa'plants were cultured in a growth chamber and the plants supplied with either a complete or a Mg-free nutrient solution. From 6 days after transfer to the Mg-free solution, the rate of increase of the area of the second trifoliate leaf was considerably reduced; by day 11 the sucrose concentration in the first trifoliate leaf had increased 6. 2-fold at the end of the dark period and 4. 6-fold after the light period as compared with the control plants. Corresponding starch concentrations increased 6. 6-fold and 2. 9-fold respectively. After days 5 to 6 the assimilation rates declined in the first trifoliate leaf of the plants showing deficiency, in comparison with the plants fully supplied with nutrients; respiration increased during darkness. The reduction in net assimilation rate was to a great extent reversible after resupply of magnesium.
The reduction of magnesium concentration in the deficient plants was much more marked in the expanding leaves than in the mature primary leaves and roots. Sucrose and starch accumulation did not occur when the first trifoliate leaf was partially shaded, although magnesium concentration, as in the unshaded leaves, was reduced to 13% of that of the control plants. The consequences of magnesium deficiency in the expanding first trifoliate leaf are discussed in terms of the possibility of sink limitation.  相似文献   

The most abundant thiol in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Saxa) is the tripeptide homoglutathione (hGSH) rather than glutathione (GSH). At the whole-plant level the GSH content is less than 0.5% of the hGSH content. In the present study GSH was supplied to the roots of bean seedlings to test whether GSH can be taken up by roots and transported to the shoot. Therefore, 12-day-old plants were exposed to 1 mmol/L GSH for 4, 8 and 24 h prior to harvest. In response to this GSH exposure, elevated GSH contents were found in all tissues. After 4 h the GSH content increased in the roots from 1 +/- 1 to 22 +/- 2 nmol GSH g(-1) fresh weight (FW), in the leaves from 2 +/- 1 to 9 +/- 4 nmol GSH g(-1) FW, and in the apex from 30 +/- 5 to 75 +/- 4 nmol GSH g(-1) FW. These data indicate that GSH is taken up by bean roots and is transported to above above-ground parts of the plants. Roots exposed to GSH for 24 h contained 2-fold higher cysteine (Cys) and hGSH contents than the controls. Apparently, GSH taken up by the roots is not only loaded into the xylem but also partially degraded and used for hGSH synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract Predicted effects of phloem loading rates on the five profiles of unloading rate, osmotic water flux, pressure, transport speed and concentration, in hypothetical sieve tubes with different sink properties, were calculated using the steady-state mathematical expression of the Münch hypothesis of phloem transport. The prediction that increased loading rates always increases the concentration, and generally increase the speed of translocates through the sieve tube, is emphasized since these parameters are accessible for experimental testing. This particular prediction contrasts with a previous prediction (Tyree, Christy, & Ferrier, 1974), that where concentration was held constant at the loading end, concentration along the rest of the sieve tube would decrease, while speed would increase greatly. Where the unloading mechanism was assigned saturable (enzyme-like) kinetics, increased loading rates (in the range well below the Vmax of the sink) caused both transport speed and concentration to increase. However, as loading rates approached the Vmax of the sinks, speed reached a maximum and then declined, and concentration increased substantially. This was particularly true at very high values of Km, e.g. > 0.1 mol cm?3.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effectiveness of a red-light pulse acting through phytochrome in inducing primary leaf expansion in 9-d-old etiolated bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ev. Limburg) seedlings is strongly increased by a continuous far-red light (CFR) pretreatment. This increase in effectiveness of a red pulse is positively correlated with the time and the fluence rate of the CFR pretreatment. Escape from photoreversibility of this red pulse after the CFR pretreatment is extremely slow (more than 3 d). When a dark period is interposed between the end of the CFR pretreatment and the inductive red pulse the photoreversible part of the response to this pulse is highly dependent upon the photostationary state of phytochrome at the onset of the dark period.
The results give strong evidence for the synergistic activity of two components of phytochrome action during leaf growth induction, one of them acting via a very stable Pfr fraction.  相似文献   

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