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Genetic and biochemical studies in lower eukaryotes have identified several proteins that ensure accurate segregation of chromosomes. These include the Drosophila aurora and yeast Ipl1 kinases that are required for centrosome maturation and chromosome segregation. We have identified two human homologues of these genes, termed aurora1 and aurora2, that encode cell-cycle-regulated serine/threonine kinases. Here we demonstrate that the aurora2 gene maps to chromosome 20q13, a region amplified in a variety of human cancers, including a significant number of colorectal malignancies. We propose that aurora2 may be a target of this amplicon since its DNA is amplified and its RNA overexpressed, in more than 50% of primary colorectal cancers. Furthermore, overexpression of aurora2 transforms rodent fibroblasts. These observations implicate aurora2 as a potential oncogene in many colon, breast and other solid tumors, and identify centrosome-associated proteins as novel targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

PTEN/MMAC is a phosphatase that is mutated in multiple human tumors. PTEN/MMAC dephosphorylates 3-phosphorylated phosphatidylinositol phosphates that activate AKT/protein kinase B (PKB) kinase activity. AKT/PKB is implicated in the inhibition of apoptosis, and cell lines and tumors with mutated PTEN/MMAC show increased AKT/PKB kinase activity and resistance to apoptosis. PTEN/MMAC contains a PDZ domain-binding site, and we show here that the phosphatase binds to a PDZ domain of membrane-associated guanylate kinase with inverted orientation (MAGI) 3, a novel inverted membrane-associated guanylate kinase that localizes to epithelial cell tight junctions. Importantly, MAGI3 and PTEN/MMAC cooperate to modulate the kinase activity of AKT/PKB. These data suggest that MAGI3 allows for the juxtaposition of PTEN/MMAC to phospholipid signaling pathways involved with cell survival.  相似文献   

The inducibility of ermC by erythromycin, megalomicin, and celesticetin was tested with both wild-type ermC and several regulatory mutants altered in the 19-amino-acid-residue leader peptide, MGIFSIFVISTVHYQP NKK. In the model test system that was used, the ErmC methylase was translationally fused to beta-galactosidase. Mutational alterations that mapped in the interval encoding Phe-4 through Ile-9 of the leader peptide not only affected induction by individual antibiotics, but did so differentially. The subset of mutations that affected inducibility by the two macrolides erythromycin and megalomicin overlapped and were distinct from the subset of mutations that affected induction by celesticetin. These studies provide a model system for experimentally varying the relative efficiencies with which different antibiotics induce the expression of ermC. The possibility that antibiotics with inducing activity interact directly with the nascent leader peptide was tested by using a chemically synthesized decapeptide, MGIFSIFVIS--, attached at its C-terminus to a solid-phase support. This peptide, however, failed to bind erythromycin in vitro.  相似文献   

Sperm hyaluronidase has been implicated in sperm penetration of the extracellular matrix of the cumulus oophorus and may play a crucial role in gamete interaction and fertility in mammals. The objectives of this study were to characterize the enzyme activity of equine sperm hyaluronidase and to investigate its cellular distribution. Zymography of stallion sperm plasma membrane extracts was used to identify hyaluronidase activity in protein bands. Affinity-purified polyclonal IgG raised against equine sperm hyaluronidase was used to label fresh and capacitated stallion sperm, followed by indirect immunofluorescence. Equine sperm plasma membrane extracts displayed 3 major protein bands with potent hyaluronidase activity of approximately 54, 59, and 83 kDa. Under reducing conditions, a single protein band was observed at 62 kDa, although the reduced sample exhibited no enzyme activity. The polyclonal IgG labeled the postacrosomal region of stallion sperm and was redistributed over the acrosomal region during in vitro capacitation in a significant percentage of sperm cells. These studies suggest that a specific protein localized to the equine sperm head displays hyaluronidase activity, gets redistributed over the acrosomal region during capacitation, and may be important in fertility in this species.  相似文献   

In the course of a two-hybrid screen with the NS1 protein of influenza virus, a human clone capable of coding for a protein with high homology to the Staufen protein from Drosophila melanogaster (dmStaufen) was identified. With these sequences used as a probe, cDNAs were isolated from a lambda cDNA library. The encoded protein (hStaufen-like) contained four double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding domains with 55% similarity and 38% identity to those of dmStaufen, including identity at all residues involved in RNA binding. A recombinant protein containing all dsRNA-binding domains was expressed in Escherichia coli as a His-tagged polypeptide. It showed dsRNA binding activity in vitro, with an apparent Kd of 10(-9) M. Using a specific antibody, we detected in human cells a major form of the hStaufen-like protein with an apparent molecular mass of 60 to 65 kDa. The intracellular localization of hStaufen-like protein was investigated by immunofluorescence using a series of markers for the cell compartments. Colocalization was observed with the rough endoplasmic reticulum but not with endosomes, cytoskeleton, or Golgi apparatus. Furthermore, sedimentation analyses indicated that hStaufen-like protein associates with polysomes. These results are discussed in relation to the possible functions of the protein.  相似文献   

Lambs with congenital day blindness show diminished cone function, which is characteristic of achromatopsia, a congenital disorder described in humans and dogs. To identify gene(s) associated with sheep day blindness, we investigated mutations in the CNGA3, CNGB3, and GNAT2 genes which have been associated with achromatopsia. Sequencing the coding regions of those genes from four affected and eight non-affected lambs showed that all affected lambs were homozygous for a mutation in the CNGA3 gene that changes amino acid R236 to a stop codon. By PCR-RFLP-based testing, homozygosity for the stop codon mutation was detected in another 19 affected lambs. Non-affected individuals (n = 386) were non-carriers or heterozygous for the mutation. While a selection program has been launched to eradicate the day blindness mutation from Improved Awassi flocks, a breeding nucleus of day-blind sheep has been established to serve as animal models for studying human achromatopsia.  相似文献   

Synaptic scaffolding molecule (S-SCAM) is a synaptic protein, which harbors five or six PSD-95/Discs large/ZO-1 (PDZ), a guanylate kinase and two WW domains. It interacts with NMDA receptor subunits, neuroligin and beta-catenin, and is involved in the accumulation of neuroligin at excitatory synapses. In this study, we have demonstrated S-SCAM is localized at inhibitory synapses in rat primary cultured hippocampal neurons. We have identified beta-dystroglycan (beta-DG) as a binding partner for S-SCAM at inhibitory synapses. WW domains of S-SCAM bind to three sequences of beta-DG. We have also revealed that S-SCAM can interact with neuroligin 2, which is known to be exclusively localized at inhibitory synapses. The WW domains and the second PDZ domain of S-SCAM are involved in the interaction with neuroligin 2. Beta-DG, neuroligin 2 and S-SCAM form a tripartite complex in vitro. Neuroligin 2 is detected in the immunoprecipitates by anti-beta-DG antibody from rat brain. S-SCAM, beta-DG and neuroligin 2 are partially co-localized in rat hippocampal neurons. These data suggest that S-SCAM is associated with beta-DG and neuroligin 2 at inhibitory synapses, and functions as a linker between the dystrophin glycoprotein complex and the neurexin-neuroligin complex.  相似文献   

In an inbred Iraqi Jewish family, we have studied three siblings with presenile cataract first noticed between the ages of 20 and 51 years and segregating in an autosomal recessive mode. Using microsatellite repeat markers in close proximity to 25 genes and loci previously associated with congenital cataracts in humans and mice, we identified five markers on chromosome 19q that cosegregated with the disease. Sequencing of LIM2, one of two candidate genes in this region, revealed a homozygous T-->G change resulting in a phenylalanine-to-valine substitution at position 105 of the protein. To our knowledge, this constitutes the first report, in humans, of cataract formation associated with a mutation in LIM2. Studies of late-onset single-gene cataracts may provide insight into the pathogenesis of the more common age-related cataracts.  相似文献   

The attenuated phenotype of Sabin 3 poliovirus compared with its neurovirulent progenitor strain has been largely accounted for by mutations in the genome at positions 472 and 2034 (G. D. Westrop, K. A. Wareham, D. M. A. Evans, G. Dunn, P. D. Minor, D. I. Magrath, F. Taffs, S. Marsden, M. A. Skinner, G. C. Schild, and J. W. Almond, J. Virol. 63:1338-1344, 1989). By sequencing vaccine virus RNA, we recently identified another Sabin 3-specific mutation at position 2493 (U----C), which predicts an Ile----Thr change at the sixth residue of VP1 (C. Weeks-Levy, J. M. Tatem, S. J. DiMichele, W. Waterfield, A. F. Georgiu, and S. J. Mento, Virology 185:934-937, 1991). Viruses generated by using cDNAs which represent the vaccine sequence (LED3) and a derivative (VR318) possessing a single base change to the wild-type nucleotide (U) at 2493 were used to determine the impact of the 2493 mutation on virus phenotype. The VP1 proteins of LED3 and VR318 viruses were distinguishable by denaturing electrophoretic analysis. LED3 produced smaller plaques in Vero cells than VR318 virus did. Neurovirulence testing of these cDNA-derived viruses in monkeys demonstrated that the 2493 mutation in LED3 virus is attenuating.  相似文献   

We have used a bioinformatics approach for the identification and reconstruction of metabolic pathways associated with amino acid metabolism in human mitochondria. Human mitochondrial proteins determined by experimental and computational methods have been superposed on the reference pathways from the KEGG database to identify mitochondrial pathways. Enzymes at the entry and exit points for each reconstructed pathway were identified, and mitochondrial solute carrier proteins were determined where applicable. Intermediate enzymes in the mitochondrial pathways were identified based on the annotations available from public databases, evidence in current literature, or our MITOPRED program, which predicts the mitochondrial localization of proteins. Through integration of the data derived from experimental, bibliographical, and computational sources, we reconstructed the amino acid metabolic pathways in human mitochondria, which could help better understand the mitochondrial metabolism and its role in human health.  相似文献   

Two Dutch patients with liver phosphorylase kinase (PhK) deficiency were studied for abnormalities in the PhK liver alpha (alpha L) subunit mRNA by reversed-transcribed-PCR (RT-PCR) and RNase protection assays. One patient, belonging to a large Dutch family that expresses X-linked liver PhK deficiency, had a C3614T mutation in the PhK alpha L coding sequence. The C3614T mutation leads to replacement of proline 1205 with leucine, which changes the composition of an amino acid region, containing amino acids 1195-1214 of the PhK alpha L subunit, that is highly conserved in different species. The patient showed normal levels of PhK alpha L mRNA. The second patient, from an unrelated family, was found to have a TCT (bp 419-421) deletion in the PhK alpha L coding sequence, resulting in a phenylalanine 141 deletion. The same deletion was found in the PhK alpha L coding sequence from lymphocytes of the patient's mother, together with a normal PhK alpha L coding sequence. The phenylalanine that is absent in the PhK alpha L coding sequence of the second patient is a highly conserved amino acid between species. Both the C3614T mutation and the TCT (bp 419-421) deletion were not found in a panel of 80 control X chromosomes. On the basis of these results, it is postulated that the mutations found are responsible for liver PhK deficiency in the two patients investigated.  相似文献   

Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) I/III deficiency, characterized by isolated persistent hypermethioninemia, is caused by mutations in the MAT1A gene encoding MAT(alpha)1, the subunit of major hepatic enzymes MAT I ([alpha1]4) and III([alpha1]2). We have characterized 10 MAT1A mutations in MAT I/III-deficient individuals and shown that the associated hypermethioninemic phenotype was inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. However, dominant inheritance of hypermethioninemia, also hypothesized to be caused by MAT I/III deficiency, has been reported in two families. Here we show that the only mutation uncovered in one of these families, G, is a G-->A transition at nt 791 in exon VII of one MAT1A allele that converts an arginine at position 264 to a histidine (R264H). This single allelic R264H mutation was subsequently identified in two hypermethioninemic individuals in an additional family, C. Family C members were also found to inherit hypermethioninemia in a dominant fashion, and the available affected members analyzed carried the single allelic R264H mutation. Substitution of R-264 with histidine (R264H, the naturally occurring mutant), leucine (R264L), aspartic acid (R264D), or glutamic acid (R264E) greatly reduced MAT activity and severely impaired the ability of the MAT(alpha)1 subunits to form homodimers essential for optimal catalytic activity. On the other hand, when lysine was substituted for R-264 (R264K), the mutant alpha1 subunit was able to form dimers that retain significant MAT activity, suggesting that amino acid 264 is involved in intersubunit salt-bridge formation. Cotransfection studies show that R264/R264H MAT(alpha)1 heterodimers are enzymatically inactive, thus providing an explanation for the R264H-mediated dominant inheritance of hypermethioninemia.  相似文献   

The acaricidal compounds pyridaben, tebufenpyrad and fenpyroximate are frequently used in the control of phytophagous mites such as Tetranychus urticae, and are referred to as Mitochondrial Electron Transport Inhibitors, acting at the quinone binding pocket of complex I (METI-I acaricides). Because of their very frequent use, resistance evolved fast more than 20 years ago, and is currently wide-spread. Increased activity of P450 monooxygenases has been often associated with resistance, but target-site based resistance mechanisms were never reported.Here, we report the discovery of a mutation (H92R) in the PSST homologue of complex I in METI-I resistant T. urticae strains. The position of the mutation was studied using the high-resolution crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus, and was located in a stretch of amino acids previously photo-affinity labeled by fenpyroximate. Selection experiments with a strain segregating for the mutant allele, together with marker-assisted back-crossing of the mutation in a susceptible background, confirmed the involvement of the mutation in METI-I resistance. Additionally, an independent genetic mapping approach; QTL analysis identified the genomic region of pyridaben resistance, which included the PSST gene. Last, we used CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing tools to introduce the mutation in the Drosophila PSST homologue.  相似文献   

TDGF1 (CRIPTO) is an EGF-CFC family member and an obligate co-receptor involved in NODAL signaling, a developmental program implicated in midline, forebrain, and left-right axis development in model organisms. Previous studies of CFC1 (CRYPTIC), another member of the EGF-CFC family, demonstrated that normal function of this protein is required for proper laterality development in humans. Here we identify a mutation in the conserved CFC domain of TDGF1 in a patient with midline anomalies of the forebrain. The mutant protein is inactive in a zebrafish rescue assay, indicating a role for TDGF1 in human midline and forebrain development.  相似文献   

Muscle coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10) or ubiquinone) deficiency has been identified in more than 20 patients with presumed autosomal-recessive ataxia. However, mutations in genes required for CoQ(10) biosynthetic pathway have been identified only in patients with infantile-onset multisystemic diseases or isolated nephropathy. Our SNP-based genome-wide scan in a large consanguineous family revealed a locus for autosomal-recessive ataxia at chromosome 1q41. The causative mutation is a homozygous splice-site mutation in the aarF-domain-containing kinase 3 gene (ADCK3). Five additional mutations in ADCK3 were found in three patients with sporadic ataxia, including one known to have CoQ(10) deficiency in muscle. All of the patients have childhood-onset cerebellar ataxia with slow progression, and three of six have mildly elevated lactate levels. ADCK3 is a mitochondrial protein homologous to the yeast COQ8 and the bacterial UbiB proteins, which are required for CoQ biosynthesis. Three out of four patients tested showed a low endogenous pool of CoQ(10) in their fibroblasts or lymphoblasts, and two out of three patients showed impaired ubiquinone synthesis, strongly suggesting that ADCK3 is also involved in CoQ(10) biosynthesis. The deleterious nature of the three identified missense changes was confirmed by the introduction of them at the corresponding positions of the yeast COQ8 gene. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis shows that ADCK3 belongs to the family of atypical kinases, which includes phosphoinositide and choline kinases, suggesting that ADCK3 plays an indirect regulatory role in ubiquinone biosynthesis possibly as part of a feedback loop that regulates ATP production.  相似文献   

The tight coupling between cell cycle progression and morphogenetic development in the unicellular ciliates presents a unique model system for examination of the roles of Cdks in developmental processes. We here describe the isolation and characterization of the first cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) homologue, TtCdk1, from Tetrahymena thermophila. TtCdk1 corresponds to the larger of the two polypeptides recognized by anti-PSTAIRE antibody in a whole cell lysate, which differ from each other in their affinity for yeast p13(suc1) protein. In contrast to the constant protein expression levels of typical eukaryotic Cdks, the TtCdk1 protein level fluctuates periodically over the vegetative cell cycle, reaching a maximum at the end of the cell cycle, correlating with its histone H1 kinase activity. Its association with the membrane-skeletal domains that surround mature, but not nascent, basal bodies in the cell cortex suggests that TtCdk1 plays a role in the regulation of cortical morphogenesis in T. thermophila. A partial TtCDK1 knockout cell line constructed through somatic biolistic transformation resulted in a reduction of the regularity of the rows of basal bodies plus an additional effect on chromatin condensation in both macro- and micronuclei. Unlike the situations in higher eukaryotic cells, no apparent effect on basal body duplication was found upon disruption of the TtCDK1 gene.  相似文献   

Persistent infection of C3H/St mice with certain strains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) causes a growth hormone (GH) deficiency syndrome (GHDS) manifested as growth retardation and hypoglycemia. Infected mice show high levels of viral replication in the GH-producing cells in the anterior pituitary leading to decreased synthesis of GH mRNA and protein despite the absence of detectable virus-induced cell structural damage. Virus clones isolated from the GHDS-negative LCMV WE strain can cause the disease, while others cannot. The genetic basis of this phenotypic difference is a nucleotide substitution resulting in a single amino acid difference in the viral glycoprotein. Reassortant studies indicate that the single amino acid substitution (Ser-153 to Phe) is sufficient to allow infection of the GH-producing cells and cause GHDS. These results show that a single change in the genome can affect viral pathogenicity by altering the tropism of the virus.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that activation of either protein kinases or protein phosphatases determines the type of plasticity observed after different patterns of hippocampal stimulation. Because activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) has been shown to be necessary for long-term potentiation, we investigated the regulation of ERK in long-term depression (LTD) in the adult hippocampus in vivo. We found that ERK immunoreactivity was decreased following the induction of LTD and that this decrease required NMDA receptor activation. The LTD-associated decrease in ERK immunoreactivity could be simulated in vitro via incubation of either purified ERK2 or hippocampal homogenates with either protein phosphatase 1 or protein phosphatase 2A. The protein phosphatase-dependent decrease in ERK immunoreactivity was inhibited by microcystin. Intrahippocampal administration of the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid blocked the LTD-associated decrease in ERK2, but not ERK1, immunoreactivity. Collectively, these data demonstrate that protein phosphatases can decrease ERK immunoreactivity and that such a decrease occurs with ERK2 during LTD. These observations provide the first demonstration of a biochemical alteration of ERK in LTD.  相似文献   

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