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Grasslands dominated by Stipa tenacissima are important ecosystems in the arid and semiarid climates of western Mediterranean, where they have originated by degradation of open dry forests and shrublands. At present, although the level of exploitation in these ecosystems is very low, succession processes seem to have stopped. In this study, we explore the role of microsite and post-dispersal seed predation on the seedling emergence of two species from advanced successional stages (Rhamnus lycioides, Quercus coccifera), three species from degraded stages (Cistus clusii, Helianthemum violaceum, Anthyllis terniflora), and of the dominant species (Stipa tenacissima). Seeds of these species were sown in plots divided into two microsites: (i) under tussocks of S. tenacissima and (ii) in the bare soil between tussocks. Soil moisture was significantly higher in the tussock microsites. The interaction observed between microsite and time, reflected the slower drying process under tussocks. Seed predation was in general high and differed significantly between species but not between microsites. Q. coccifera was especially affected by predation. The only germination detected in gap areas was that of H. violaceum. The results pointed to a direct facilitative effect of tussock grass on the germination in R. lycioides (20.4±8.0%) and S. tenacissima (41.3±5.7%) while the corresponding figures for bare ground were 0%. These results suggest that the recovery of potential vegetation in this ecosystem is not possible or, at least, is very slow because the residual shrub patches do not generate a sufficient number of seeds able to disperse to favorable germination microsites. S. tenacissima may act as facilitator of seedling recruitment if there is a supply of diaspores.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by ungulates is determined by the quantity, quality and distribution of trophic resources as well as by predation risk. It may also vary in relation to species-specific reproductive strategies and social organization. The guanaco (Lama guanicoe), a highly social and sexually size-monomorphic wild camelid typical of arid lands, is ideal for evaluating behavioural responses of this type, since most studies have done on dimorphic ungulates in temperate environments, where trophic resources are abundant. We recorded the group size and social structure of guanaco during both dry and wet seasons of 2005–2007 in an Argentinean desert, where pumas (Puma concolor) are the sole predators. Remote sensing data were used to calculate five variables that reflected trophic availability and terrain morphology for each guanaco group and for an equivalent number of random controls. Habitat use did not differ between types of social groups but differed between seasons. Guanacos used less productive and less steep areas during the breeding season, irrespective of juvenile:adult ratios in the family groups, and larger groups occupied flatter areas. Overall, guanaco habitat selection prioritizes reducing predation risk to the extent that animals occupy areas offering the minimum productivity capable of meeting their energy requirements.  相似文献   

Small mammals usually constitute the main prey for Leopardus geoffroyi throughout its distribution. We studied the patterns of small rodent selection by this felid in a semi-arid scrubland of central Argentina, addressing whether prey choice may be related to the availability, morphology, and distribution of the different rodent species. Cat’s diet was studied during 2005-2006 through the analysis of 182 scats, along with field estimates of rodent abundances from trapping. The cricetine rodents Akodon molinae and Calomys musculinus were predated according to the availability expected by trapping, indicating that their use was opportunistic. Akodon azarae and Graomys griseoflavus, on one hand, and Eligmodontia typus, on the other hand, were consumed in lower and higher proportion than their availabilities, respectively. Our results suggest that some cricetine rodent characteristics such as abundance, escape ability, microhabitat use, and activity period, appear to be potential factors contributing to differential vulnerability to predation by Geoffroy’s cat in central Argentina.  相似文献   

鸟类的巢址选择对其繁殖成效具有重要影响。对共域繁殖的不同鸟种繁殖策略的比较,有助于理解鸟类生活史对策的进化。为此,我们在河北永年洼湿地对利用芦苇繁殖的4种鸟类即东方大苇莺(Acrocephalus orientalis)、钝翅苇莺(Acrocephalus concinens)、震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)和棕头鸦雀(Sinosuthora webbiana)的巢址选择和繁殖成效进行了比较。结果表明,尽管四种鸟类开始繁殖的时间明显不同,但其巢址、巢型和巢结构均类似,并在同一研究地内镶嵌分布,仅在巢离水面的高度、筑巢芦苇的高度和巢址样方内的芦苇密度三个变量参数上存在显著差异。四种鸟类在两个繁殖季的繁殖成效均较低,其中东方大苇莺为34.5%(86/249),钝翅苇莺为35.3%(6/17),震旦鸦雀为38.5%(15/39),棕头鸦雀为40.9%(9/22)。影响繁殖成效的主要生态因子包括巢捕食和恶劣天气如暴雨和强风暴,而被大杜鹃(Cuculuscanorus)寄生则是导致东方大苇莺繁殖成功率较低的主要原因。我们的研究表明,同域繁殖的鸟类可以通过繁殖时间的错峰和巢址的分化等而实现共存。  相似文献   

We evaluated nest site selection at two spatial scales (microsite, territory) and reproductive success of Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) at three spatial scales (microsite, territory, landscape) in the eastern Mojave Desert. We used binary logistic regression within an information-theoretic approach to assess factors influencing nest site choice and nesting success. Microsite-scale variables favored by owls included burrows excavated by desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), burrows with a large mound of excavated soil at the entrance, and a greater number of satellite burrows within 5 m of the nest burrow. At the territory scale, owls preferred patches with greater cover of creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) within 50 m of the nest burrow. An interaction between the presence or absence of a calcic soil horizon layer over the top of the burrow (microsite) and the number of burrows within 50 m (territory) influenced nest site choice. Nesting success was influenced by a greater number of burrows within 5 m of the nest burrow. Total cool season precipitation was a predictor of nesting success at the landscape scale. Conservation strategies can rely on management of habitat for favored and productive nesting sites for this declining species.  相似文献   

The co-existence of two species of spiny mouse of the genus Acomys is possible due to temporal segregation. While the common spiny mouse A. cahirinus is nocturnal, the golden spiny mouse A. russatus is diurnal when occurring with the former. An attempt was made to investigate the role of nest site as an environmental resource for competition between these two species. Nine heterospecific pairs of mice of both the same or opposite sexes were tested using an observation pen with two nesting places attached to each side. Each pair tested was observed in the pen over a period of 48h. In eight out of the nine different pairs, A. cahirinus occupied the original nest site of A. russatus. The replacement was found to be not random. The results of this study show that A. cahirinus selects a preferred nest site and its vacated nest sites can be utilized by A. russatus.  相似文献   

蒸散(Evapotranspiration,ET)是生态系统水循环中的重要一环,决定了生态系统水分和热量传输。从区域尺度对蒸散及其蒸腾(Transpiration,T)和蒸发(Evaporation,E)组分进行量化,认识环境因素对其的影响机制,有助于合理利用、分配水资源,为研究气候变化对区域生态系统水文循环的影响提供参考。基于生态系统生产力模拟(Boreal ecosystem productivity simulator,BEPS)模型,验证模型在研究区域的适用性,量化1981—2018年内蒙古半干旱区的ET及其组分的变化情况,并对其进行归因分析。结果表明:经不同数据验证,BEPS模型计算结果能够精确反应研究区域ET及其组分的分布情况和变化趋势。1981—2018年研究区草地、农田和森林多年平均ET分别为278.22 mm、362.50 mm和308.81 mm。E、T和ET多年呈显著上升趋势,上升速率分别为0.42mm·a-1、0.63 mm·a-1和1.05 mm·a-1。ET与T在全区域内空间分布格局相似,与E...  相似文献   

王雨  安宁  胡志丁  王丰龙 《地理研究》2022,41(3):931-944
在国际形势应对和国内社会治理的需求推动下,目前中国政治地理学的学科发展得到了越来越多的关注,基本形成了外源性研究与内生性研究并行的学科体系。然而与国际关系学、政治经济学、公共管理学等相关学科相比,中国政治地理学研究的影响力仍然有限,相关理论和方法较少被其他学科采纳应用,在国内外地缘战略和社会政策制定中的声音也相对不足。本文一方面直接回应了其他学科对“地理”内涵及其重要性的偏见和误解,另一方面指出了中国政治地理学自身在机理性研究、宏观-微观联系、研究对象整合和理论建构等方面存在的不足。本文还从权力-空间关系出发,明确了政治地理学研究的核心议题,期望有助于整合研究议题、凝聚研究共识、推动知识积累,从而增强政治地理学科的理论生产能力及其在更广泛学科体系中的影响力。  相似文献   

Animals select habitat resources at multiple spatial scales. Thus, explicit attention to scale dependency in species–habitat relationships is critical to understand the habitat suitability patterns as perceived by organisms in complex landscapes. Identification of the scales at which particular environmental variables influence habitat selection may be as important as the selection of variables themselves. In this study, we combined bivariate scaling and Maximum entropy (Maxent) modeling to investigate multiscale habitat selection of endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in northwest Spain. Bivariate scaling showed that the strength of apparent habitat relationships was highly sensitive to the scale at which predictor variables are evaluated. Maxent models on the optimal scale for each variable suggested that landscape composition together with human disturbances was dominant drivers of bear habitat selection, while habitat configuration and edge effects were substantially less influential. We found that explicitly optimizing the scale of habitat suitability models considerably improved single-scale modeling in terms of model performance and spatial prediction. We found that patterns of brown bear habitat suitability represent the cumulative influence of habitat selection across a broad range of scales, from local resources within habitat patches to the landscape composition at broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

湿地生态旅游区以其生态多样性、景观多样性和物种多样性,成为许多珍稀濒危鸟类的主要栖息地和繁殖地。随着旅游开发的深入,鸟类栖息地保护及观鸟旅游已成为湿地旅游开发的两个重要方面。为确保湿地生态旅游区的可持续发展,选取盐城丹顶鹤湿地生态旅游区为研究对象,根据鸟类的栖息要求,营建相应的栖息生境,并对观鸟旅游方式做了初浅的探讨,以期对以鸟类栖息地保护为主的湿地规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

全新世中期青海海东地区聚落选址与环境解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁薇薇  韩茂莉 《地理研究》2013,32(5):942-951
依托GIS技术,对全新世中期海东地区河湟谷地的聚落选址特征进行分析,指出马家窑文化、齐家文化、卡约-唐汪文化与辛店文化时期的聚落均对海拔2000~2200 m的高程区间具有强烈的选择倾向,这一首选海拔区间标识了全新世中期河湟谷地水热条件优良的森林与草原植被过渡地带。齐家文化之后的卡约-唐汪文化与辛店文化以2000~2200 m海拔高程区间为核心,分别向较高海拔山区与较低海拔河谷地带扩展生存空间,且聚落分布重心发生迁移,聚落聚集程度降低。4000 aBP前后气候开始转为干冷,导致高海拔山区森林退化与河谷水热条件变化,是齐家文化以后的人类文明对环境的适应方式发生变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

为了对比渭河城区段天然河滩与由河滩改造的湿地公园中野生动物的分布情况,进而对河流天然河滩的园林化改造进行评估。2016年5月至2018年4月,采用样带法、典型样方法和坑穴诱捕法,调查了渭河咸阳城区段天然河滩和被改造为湿地公园的河滩中鸟类的巢和蛇类、蛙类、刺猬类、兔形类、鼠类的分布及其数量。研究结果表明,在天然河滩采样地中,诱捕到的5类野生动物和鸟巢的数量都显著大于其在湿地公园中的数量(p<0.05),且天然河滩被改造为湿地公园后,蛇类、刺猬类和兔形类野生动物几乎消失。可见,将天然河滩改造为湿地公园,实现了城市人居空间的延伸,增加了游憩功能,但是,因其改变了原天然河滩的地形、土壤和植物群落,使得湿地公园失去了原天然河滩的大部分生态功能,野生动物失去了它们赖以生存的独特环境,其分布种类和数量皆显著减少。  相似文献   

This study examines interspecific differences in the architecture and field characteristics of the burrow systems of Brants' whistling rat, Parotomys brantsii, and Littledale's whistling rat, Parotomys littledalei. The two rodents are endemic to the arid west region of southern Africa. Both build complex burrow systems with numerous nest chambers and associated interconnecting tunnels, as well as a number of entrances. Burrow systems of P. littledalei are restricted to areas of good plant cover, whilst many P. brantsii burrows are situated in open locations with only limited plant cover. Further, the burrows of P. brantsii cover a much larger area than those of P. littledalei, with many more entrances. As P. brantsii feed predominantly within the boundaries of their burrows and not in the open veld, their burrow systems effectively serve as a predator refuge, into which this diurnal rodent can quickly run in the event of danger. Thus, by building large multi-holed burrow systems, P. brantsii have become independent of the protection offered by bush cover and can exist within relatively open areas within their distributional range. On the other hand, the reduced number of entrances to P. littledalei burrow systems may largely restrict this species to areas with adequate cover, including coastal and riverine bush, with which it is often associated.  相似文献   

Understanding threats to endangered species is one of the most critical components of implementing a successful recovery plan. For the endangered star cactus Astrophytum asterias, both mammalian and insect herbivory have been documented as a major threat to populations in Mexico. Herein, we focus on populations of A. asterias in Texas, examining how mortality threats differ from populations found in Mexico as well as among sites within Texas. Our study supports insect and mammalian herbivory as a major threat to A. asterias in Texas, with reductions in population sizes ranging between 16 and 54%. However, our study highlights that both regional and local differences can influence rates of mortality even in a range-restricted species such as A. asterias and highlights the need to assess threats at both of these levels for effective development and implementation of endangered species recovery plans.  相似文献   

干旱对生态系统碳循环具有重要影响,随着气候变暖,全球干旱事件频率不断上升,研究干旱对植被净初级生产力的影响具有重要意义.提高植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时间分辨率是认识干旱对其影响机制的重要途径.基于5天NDVI遥感数据,以河西走廊为研究区,利用CASA模型估算2010-2015年5天步长尺度的NPP,将5天降水为零定...  相似文献   

Arid and semi-arid forests and woodlands (hereafter called «dryland forests»), in spite of their ecological and social importance, have received little attention in land change studies. Growing evidence shows that these forests have been receding at very high rates in many places, suggesting a need for a better understanding of the processes and causes of dryland forest degradation. Changes in the extent of dryland forests are debated in part because estimates of forest and woodland areas in drylands are uncertain. Causal explanations of the degradation tend to draw on the literature on desertification and tropical deforestation, and to emphasize either local or remote, and either social or biophysical drivers. This study contributes to a better understanding of dryland forest degradation as a basis for conservation policies. Firstly, we argue that monitoring arid and semi-arid forests and woodlands using area estimates may lead to an underestimation of the severity of change because tree density change often exceeds area change. Secondly, we argue that the analysis of degradation processes in these multifunctional landscapes should integrate both local and remote, and both social and biophysical factors. We use a case study of degradation in the argania woodlands in semi-arid to arid Southwest Morocco to test these two claims. We used gridded tree counts on aerial photographs and satellite images to estimate forest change between 1970 and 2007, and we tested several possible causes of change on the basis of original socio-economic field surveys and climatic and topographic data. We found that forest density declined by 44.5% during this period, a figure that is significantly underestimated if forest area change is used as a measure of degradation. Increasing aridity and, to a lesser extent, fuelwood extraction were related to forest decline. No effect of grazing by local livestock was found.  相似文献   

Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD (Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, integrates the VSD framework and the SERV (Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability) model, and decomposes the system vulnerability into three dimensions, i.e., exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Firstly, with the full understanding of the background and exposure risk source of the research area, the vulnerability indexes were screened by the SERV model, and the index system was constructed to assess the characteristics of the local eco-environment. Secondly, with the aid of RS and GIS, this study measured the spatial differentiation and evolution of the social-ecological systems in Yulin City during 2000–2015 and explored intrinsic reasons for the spatial-temporal evolution of vulnerability. The results are as follows: (1) The spatial pattern of Yulin City’s SESs vulnerability is “high in northwest and southeast and low along the Great Wall”. Although the degree of system vulnerability decreased significantly during the study period and the system development trend improved, there is a sharp spatial difference between the system vulnerability and exposure risk. (2) The evolution of system vulnerability is influenced by the risk factors of exposure, and the regional vulnerability and the spatial heterogeneity of exposure risk are affected by the social sensitivity, economic adaptive capacity and other factors. Finally, according to the uncertainty of decision makers, the future scenarios of regional vulnerability are simulated under different decision risks by taking advantage of the OWA multi-criteria algorithm, and the vulnerability of the regional system under different development directions was predicted based on the decision makers' rational risk interval.  相似文献   

The CORINE Programme was established by the European Commission to create a harmonized geographical information system on the state of the environment in the European Community. The ‘biotopes’ inventory of sites of major importance for nature conservation was a priority topic. At the time of writing, 6144 sites have been described, covering 12.2 per cent of the EC land surface area. The database records the presence of over 30000 habitat units and contains species data for 83 per cent of the sites. It has been used to guide environmental policy in the EC including the planning of the Habitats Directive, the most comprehensive piece of environmental legislation yet adopted by the Community, and is serving as an important tool in its implementation. Future development will follow the transformation of CORINE into an operational system within the European Environment Agency. The scope of the Biotopes database is currently being extended to include countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and members of EFTA.  相似文献   

Aquatic amphibians are known to be vulnerable to a myriad of invasive predators. Invasive crayfish are thought to have eliminated native populations of amphibians in some streams in the semi-arid Santa Monica Mountains of southern California. Despite their toxic skin secretions that defend them from native predators, newts are vulnerable to crayfish attacks, and crayfish have been observed attacking adult newts, and eating newt egg masses and larvae. For 15 years, we have observed invasive crayfish and native California newts coexisting in one stream in the Santa Monica Mountains. During that period, we monitored the densities of both crayfish and newt egg mass densities and compared these to annual rainfall totals. After three seasons of below average rainfall, we reduced crayfish numbers by manual trapping. Our long-term data indicated that crayfish did not fare well in years when rainfall is above the historic average. This invasive predator did not evolve with high velocity streams, and observations indicated that southern California storm events washed crayfish downstream, killing many of them. Newts exhibit increased reproduction in years when crayfish numbers were reduced. A comparison with a nearby stream that does not contain crayfish indicated that newt reproduction positively responded to increased rainfall, but that fluctuations were much greater in the stream that contains crayfish. We suggest that rainfall patterns help explain invasive crayfish/newt coexistence and that management for future coexistence may benefit from manual trapping.  相似文献   


European bison (Bison bonasus), a flagship species for the burgeoning re-wildling movement, faced challenges common to large mammals globally. These include deforestation, land use conversion, poaching, and a lack of genetic diversity. Despite these limitations, organizations such as Rewilding Europe seek to reintroduce the species to its historic range. This study focused on finding suitable reintroduction locations for a population of at least 120 individuals. Through GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making using weighted linear combination and analytical hierarchy process, a model based on known bison habitat preferences, human-centered habitat constraints, and surface geography was used to identify regions large enough to accommodate a new herd. The study area included central-eastern Europe Union countries, specifically Germany, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. The model identified several highly suitable regions large enough to support a new herd, with the most optimal located in Poland. Highly suitable areas represented 2.7% of the study region. Relative isolation of suitable regions reinforced the challenges of promoting gene flow between reintroduced European bison herds. This model can be replicated in other conservation planning contexts, including reintroduction of large herbivores considering anthropogenic, ecological, and physical conditions.  相似文献   

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