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家蚕卵黄原蛋白及其受体基因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
家蚕小卵突变体 (Smalleggmutant ,sm) ,其卵体积仅及正常卵的 2 / 3,不能受精而致死。因其卵母细胞不能正常吸收卵黄原蛋白 (Vg) ,人们认为其原因可能是卵黄原蛋白受体基因 (VgR)突变所致。本研究首先通过克隆筛选和基因组序列分析 ,获得了 2 5 6 4bp含有 ployA的家蚕卵黄原蛋白受体基因 (BmVgR)片段。将该基因片段的预测蛋白与其它物种的VgR/YPR和低密度脂蛋白受体 (LDLR)家族比较 ,发现该基因具有LDLR家族的基本结构特征。其次 ,经RT PCR检测 ,结果表明BmVgR在sm的不同时期的卵母细胞中都能正常转录。最后 ,分别对sm不同发育时期的体液和卵的总蛋白进行SDS PAGE分析 ,发现该突变体的卵母细胞不能正常摄取体液蛋白 (包括Vg)。综合分析 ,sm不能正常摄取Vg ,可能并不是VgR的功能异常导致 ,而是与滤泡细胞异常有关  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄原蛋白受体( VgRs) 及其主要功能综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卵黄原蛋白受体(VgRs)属于低密度脂蛋白受体家族成员,具有该家族典型的保守结构域,包括配体结合域,表皮生长因子前体同源域,跨膜域,O-联糖功能域,以及胞质尾域。昆虫VgRs通常具有卵巢特异性,是卵黄原蛋白Vg的专一性胞吞作用受体,可介导Vg进入昆虫卵母细胞,而后沉淀积累形成昆虫生殖必须的卵黄蛋白YP。VgRs介导的胞吞作用是一个动态循环过程,它是卵黄发生的基础,对昆虫卵母细胞发育起着至关重要的作用。近年来的研究表明,VgRs不仅与卵巢激活、卵黄发生与卵子形成密切相关,而且在昆虫信息交流、社会分化、行为构建以及免疫调控等中也起到了至关重要的作用,已成为潜在的害虫控制新靶标。本文首次对昆虫VgRs基因的序列信息,分子结构,系统进化,表达模式以及调控功能等方面进行了综述,旨在为了解VgRs基因的研究进展及前景提供参考,对进一步改进害虫生态控制的策略和措施也具有指导意义。  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄原蛋白(Vitellogenins, Vg)是一种多功能的生殖发育关键调控蛋白,在不同昆虫体内的结构、合成调控及功能不尽相同。随着基因编辑技术的成熟,运用分子手段调控Vg的合成,可减少卵黄发生,降低昆虫的繁殖力,成为有效防治害虫的优势方法之一。因此,Vg及其合成调控的研究受到广泛关注。半翅目害虫是农林业的重点防治对象之一,除直接刺吸为害寄主外,其常传播植物病原体,对农业生产造成了严重危害。半翅目昆虫Vg除在生殖发育中的关键作用外,还与病原菌的传播、寄主免疫等密切相关,可成为分子水平防治半翅目害虫及其继发病害的优势靶标。因此,本文总结了半翅目昆虫Vg的合成方式、合成场所,指明了其结构上蛋白亚基数目的差异,概述了其与昆虫免疫反应、植物防御、病毒传播等有关的研究进展,总结了其合成的保幼激素(包括保幼激素受体Methoprene-tolerant和转录因子Krüppel homolog 1等关键调控因子等)、蜕皮激素和胰岛素信号通路等主要的内分泌激素调控通路,以及以营养信号调控为主的非激素调控通路,为探索半翅目害虫的分子防控手段提供理论依据。  相似文献   

昆虫卵母细胞对卵黄物质的摄取过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
昆虫卵母细胞如何摄取卵黄物质是卵黄发生研究中的关键问题之一,摄取作用具有高度的选择性和种属特异性。滤泡通过滤泡开放作用使Vg积聚在卵母细胞表面,保幼激素作用于Na~+/K~+ATP酶而调节滤泡开放,其摄取作用的分子机理在于卵母细胞膜上有Vg特异受体,Vg分子通过受体调节的内吞作用进入卵母细胞,并积累形成卵黄球。  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄原蛋白功能多效性:以蜜蜂为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严盈  彭露  万方浩 《昆虫学报》2010,53(3):335-348
卵黄原蛋白是昆虫卵黄发生的关键物质。随着RNA干扰技术在功能基因研究中的应用和发展,昆虫卵黄原蛋白特别是蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白被发现具有气候适应、激活卵巢、生殖竞争、劳动力分化、行为构建、延长寿命、转化食物等多种功能,因此又被称为多效性蛋白。许多针对蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白功能和调控机制的假说也相继提出,如“交互抑制假说”、“循环反馈机制”、“卵黄原蛋白转化蛋白胨机制”,表明蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白已经由雌虫繁殖过程的一个下游因子上升为高等社会性昆虫主要生命周期的调控子,不仅极大地促进了昆虫社会生物学的研究,对其他具有复杂繁殖行为的昆虫的研究也具有重要的参考意义。针对近年来这一领域相继取得的重大突破,本文以蜜蜂为例介绍了昆虫卵黄原蛋白功能多效性的研究进展,包括卵黄原蛋白的理化性质与分子进化,发生与调控,功能多效性及其研究方法等  相似文献   

昆虫卵黄发生研究进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
李乾君  管致和 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):237-252
昆虫卵黄发生研究进展李乾君,龚和,管致和(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)(北京农业大学植保系北京100094)昆虫卵的成熟一般分为三个时期--卵黄发生前期(Previtellogenicstage)、卵黄发生期(vitellogenicsta...  相似文献   

蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卵黄蛋白不仅为胚胎发生提供营养物质,它在生物体内还具有其他的生物学功能。昆虫卵黄蛋白是昆虫卵内的营养储备,它的前体主要来源于脂肪体的雌性特异血蛋白——卵黄原蛋白(Vg),它是近年来昆虫生理学和生化学最活跃的领域之一,文章介绍蜜蜂卵黄原蛋白在蜜蜂生殖过程中的作用,以及与蜜蜂社会性生活及寿命的关系。  相似文献   

蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白cDNA的克隆及序列分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文论述了蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白cDNA迅速克隆化的方法,SDS-PAGE鉴定的蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白由大小二个亚基构成,求出的分子量大亚基为180kDa,小亚基为45kDa,从解析的蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白氨基酸序列推算的分子量大亚基为161.06kDa,小亚基为40.53kDa,如果考虑到翻译后的修饰,这与SDS-PAGE求出的分子量是吻合的。蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白cDNA是由5788pb构成,一个ORF为5337个碱基,编码了1779个氨基酸。在信号肽的15个氨基酸残基中,有12个是硫水性氨基酸残基。这与其他昆虫卵黄原蛋白信号肽区域的硫水性分析是一致的。蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白N-linked glycosylation site的分布与家蚕、柞蚕和天蚕不同,3处N-linked glycosylation site存在于大亚基里,2处地多聚丝氨酸区域上流的小亚基里。另外,我们发现在所解析的柞蚕、天蚕的蓖麻蚕卵黄原蛋白氨基酸序列的C-末端区域里DGQR、GICG功能部位及其后的6个半胱氨酸都完好地保存。  相似文献   

[目的]本文旨在克隆亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis卵黄原蛋白受体(VgR)基因,分析其表达模式,探索UV-A胁迫对亚洲玉米螟VgR基因表达的影响.[方法]利用RT-PCR与RACE技术克隆亚洲玉米螟VgR基因的全长序列;运用生物信息学方法分析该基因特征;采用RT-qPCR技术检测不同发育阶段(卵、1-...  相似文献   

关雪辰 《昆虫学报》1989,32(1):6-11
本文以不同剂量的保幼激素(JH)类似物点滴七星瓢虫雌虫,测定了生殖过程中卵母细胞的长度及血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白(Vg)及总蛋白的含量.结果表朋:1.点滴不同剂量ZR-512于虫体后,皆可促进卵母细胞生长,尤以点滴100μg效果最为明显.2.点滴ZR-512后可以促进Vg合成,血淋巴中Vg含量皆明显提高,以点滴100μg效果最好.3.点滴不同剂量ZR-512后,雌虫血淋巴中总蛋白含量变化与Vg含量变化的规律相似.4.血淋巴中的Vg含量与卵母细胞长度有一定相关性.另外,讨论了不同剂量外源JH类似物对CA活性、内源JH水平、Vg含量以及卵母细胞生长的影响.  相似文献   


During the secondary vitellogenesis the oocytes of Orchestia gammarellus accumulate yolk spheres and lipid droplets. We studied the uptake of tritiated vitellogenin by the oocyte and its accumulation in the yolk spheres.  相似文献   

The receptor-mediated uptake of major yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg) is crucial for oocyte growth in egg laying animals. In the present study plasma membrane receptor for Vg was isolated from the oocyte of the red mud crab, Scylla serrata. Vitellogenin receptor (VgR) protein was visualized by ligand blotting using labeled crab Vg ((125)I-Vg) as well as labeled low density lipoprotein ((125)I -LDL) and very low density lipoprotein ((125)I-VLDL) isolated from rat. The endocytosis of Vg was visualized in the crab oocyte by ultrastructural immunolocalization of Vg. The Vg receptor was purified by gel filtration high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its molecular weight was estimated to be 230 kDa. In direct binding studies, the receptor exhibited high affinity (dissociation constant K(d) 0.8x10(minus sign6) M) for crab Vg. Vitellogenin receptor was observed to have an increased affinity to crab Vg in the presence of Ca(2+) and the binding was inhibited by suramin, suggesting similarities between crab VgR and low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) superfamily of receptor protein. Furthermore, the crab VgR showed significant binding ability to mammalian atherogenic lipoproteins such as LDL and VLDL. This suggests that there is a tight conservation of receptor binding sites between invertebrate (crab) Vg and vertebrate (rat) LDL and VLDL.  相似文献   

After in vitro incubation of Xenopus oocytes with vitellogenin (VTG)-gold conjugate, the gold particles are distributed on the whole plasma membrane. Their concentration in coated pits still occurs at 0 degrees C. At +20 degrees C the label quickly (30 sec) appears in multi-vesicular endosomes (MVE) which segregate together with primary endocytic vesicles into distinct clusters below the plasma membrane. From this step up to crystallization of the yolk platelets, the gold particles stay in the same compartment. During 5.5 h the label progressively increases along the MVE membrane, first (1.5 h) by fusion of primary endocytic vesicles with consecutively enlarging endosomes, then (4 h) by decreasing of the MVE membrane. As concerns the yolk platelet formation, concentration of primordial yolk platelets (PYP) occurs at 5.5 h from the incubation onset, the labeling of preexisting yolk platelets starts at 7 h, while crystallization of PYP begins only after 12-13 h. Our results indicate that VTG receptors are not preclustered in coated pits and their lateral translation is not inhibited at 0 degrees C. The yolk protein processing takes place within one compartment only. The VTG condensation begins with a long concentration phase of receptor-VTG complexes still integrated in the endosome membrane. It occurs in MVE by: i) a repeated fusion of primary endocytic vesicles; ii) removing part of the endosome membrane by internal vesiculation. Fusion between endosomes occurs only after VTG has dissociated from its receptors and VTG dissociates only when when the density of the VTG-receptor complexes in the endosome membrane is sufficient. Crystallization begins after a 7-8 h delay. The endosome migration into the oocyte is also controlled by the binding of VTG to its receptors. Our results also demonstrate that binding of VTG colloidal gold modifies neither the vitellogenic pathway nor the duration of the vitellogenin internalization. However when vitellogenin is bound to colloidal gold, dissociation of ligand-receptor complexes is delayed because the amount of ligand in the incubation medium is necessarily low.  相似文献   

As a member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) superfamily, vitellogenin (Vg) receptor (VgR) is responsible for the uptake of Vg into developing oocytes and is a potential target for pest control. Here, a full-length VgR complementary DNA (named as CsVgR) was isolated and characterized in the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. The composite CsVgR gene contained an open reading frame of 5,484 bp encoding a protein of 1,827 amino acid residues. Structural analysis revealed that CsVgR contained two ligand-binding domains (LBDs) with four Class A (LDLRA) repeats in LBD1 and seven in LBD2, which was structurally different from most non-Lepidopteran insect VgRs having five repeats in LBD1 and eight in LBD2. The developmental expression analysis showed that CsVgR messenger RNA expression was first detectable in 3-day-old pupae, sharply increased in newly emerged female adults, and reached a peak in 2-day-old female adults. Consistent with most other insects VgRs, CsVgR was exclusively expressed in the ovary. Notably, injection of dsCsVgR into late pupae resulted in fewer follicles in the ovarioles as well as reduced fecundity, suggesting a critical role of CsVgR in female reproduction. These results may contribute to the development of RNA interference-mediated disruption of reproduction as a control strategy of C. suppressalis.  相似文献   

Uptake of 3H-vitellogenin (3H-VTG) into oocytes of various sizes was investigated during early vitellogenic development in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Females were injected with 3H-VTG and uptake into oocytes of different sizes (<0.4,0.4–0.59, 0.6–0.79, 0.8–0.99 and 1.0 1.2 mm in diameter) measured. Oocytes measuring less than 0.6 mm in diameter appeared unable to sequester VTG and were therefore considered pre-vitellogenic. Oocytes measuring 0.6 mm or more all sequestered VTG. The larger the oocyte, the more 3H-VTG it sequestered, even when uptake was expressed per unit surface area. The latter observation could be due to an increase in the number of VTG receptors per unit surface area, an increase in the rate of turnover of the VTG receptor, greater access of VTG to the receptors as oocytes grow, or a combination of any of these factors. The data suggest that the ability to sequester VTG is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

A partial cDNA clone of the vitellogenin gene from the cockroach Blattella germanica has been isolated from a cDNA expression library using an anti-vitellin–vitellogenin antiserum probe. The analysis of cDNA inserts gave a sequence of 2,645 nucleotides corresponding to the 3′ region. The deduced amino acid sequence is 825 residues long and is similar to the homologous portion of the vitellogenin of other insect species, especially that of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. RNA hybridization studies indicated that the vitellogenin gene expression is limited to the fat body of adult females. The pattern of expression during the first vitellogenic cycle was approximately parallel to that of vitellogenin production by the fat body previously described. The availability of a cDNA probe for the B. germanica vitellogenin gene represents a useful tool to study the molecular action of hormones affecting vitellogenin synthesis in this species. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:137–146, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫血清素(5-羟色胺)受体已知有5个亚型。本文旨在系统分析昆虫5-羟色胺受体亚型蛋白的结构和进化关系。【方法】首先对文献报道已明确亚型7种昆虫的5-羟色胺受体(23个亚型序列)进行生物信息学分析,然后采用多序列比对和进化树构建的方法对NCBI数据库中推测可能为昆虫5-羟色胺受体蛋白序列进行分析。【结果】发现47个推测是昆虫5-羟色胺受体的蛋白序列中,有40个蛋白序列属于昆虫5-羟色胺受体,其余7个未能确认的昆虫5-羟色胺受体的蛋白序列都具有7个跨膜区域,属于G蛋白偶联受体家族,但不一定为5-羟色胺受体。【结论】本文对昆虫5-羟色胺受体蛋白的系统进化树分析,间接地证明了本文确认的昆虫5-羟色胺受体亚型注释信息的准确性,发现分类上同属一个目的昆虫5-HT受体序列的亲缘性较近。本研究为昆虫5-羟色胺受体的结构和功能分析提供基础。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确卵黄原蛋白受体(vitellogenin receptor, VgR)在番茄潜叶蛾Tutaabsoluta生殖发育过程中的功能,为潜叶类害虫的绿色防控提供候选靶标。【方法】基于番茄潜叶蛾转录组数据,采用RT-PCR扩增TaVgR基因cDNA全序列,并进行生物信息分析;通过RT-qPCR分析TaVgR在番茄潜叶蛾不同发育阶段(1-4龄幼虫、1-7日龄雌蛹和雌成虫)和雌成虫不同组织(头、体壁、前肠、中肠、后肠、卵巢、脂肪体和马氏管)中的表达模式;进一步利用RNAi抑制番茄潜叶蛾雌蛹体内TaVgR的表达,并观测沉默TaVgR基因后番茄潜叶蛾卵巢发育及繁殖力的变化。【结果】克隆获得番茄潜叶蛾TaVgRcDNA(GenBank登录号: MZ682118)序列,其开放阅读框序列长5 496 bp,编码1 831个氨基酸,推测的蛋白分子量约为206 kD,等电点为5.17,信号肽包含N-端前18个氨基酸残基,并具有典型LDLR家族蛋白保守功能域。RT-qPCR结果显示,TaVgR转录水平随着番茄潜叶蛾龄期的增加逐渐上升,雌成虫羽化后达到最高水平;TaVgR在番茄潜叶蛾雌成虫的卵巢中表达量最高。TaVgR RNAi对初期雌蛹中TaVgR的表达抑制率为62.04%~72.55%,导致卵黄蛋白在卵巢中的沉积受阻,卵巢管和卵粒长度缩短,成虫10日单雌总产卵量及后代卵孵化率降低,最终引起番茄潜叶蛾繁殖力下降。【结论】TaVgR基因在番茄潜叶蛾雌成虫和卵巢中高表达,且沉默该基因严重阻碍其卵巢发育和降低繁殖力。本研究为开发以VgR基因作为靶标的鳞翅目害虫防治新技术奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

During vitellogenesis the transport of yolk precursor proteins, the vitellogenins (VTG), from the hemolymph into the oocyte is achieved by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Recently the receptor for the VTG of Locusta migratoria has been isolated. Now a new protocol has been developed for the purification of the VTG receptor of this locust from ovarian membranes. By CHAPS solubilization of the membranes followed by ion exchange and immunoaffinity chromatography, a 100-fold purification of the VTG receptor was achieved. The amino acid composition of the receptor protein has been determined. However, first attempts to sequence the receptor failed due to the N-terminal blocking of the molecule. With the same methods the VTG receptor of another locust, Schistocerca gregaria, has been isolated, purified, and characterized. This receptor has an apparent Mr of 186 kDa under nonreducing conditions. It recognizes L. migratoria VTG and vice versa. However, in cross-competition experiments in which the Schistocerca VTG competed with Locusta VTG for binding to the Locusta VTG receptor, the Schistocerca VTG was less efficient. Furthermore, the VTG receptor proteins of S. gregaria and L. migratoria are immunologically related as revealed by Western blotting with anti-Locusta VTG receptor antibodies. It appears that important structural elements required for efficient and specific endocytosis of VTG have been conserved. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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