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Highlights? Fumarate inhibits Aconitase2 activity via succination of critical cysteine residues ? Endogenous Aconitase2 is succinated and inhibited in FH-deficient cells ? Succination occurs in multiple proteins with roles in diverse cellular processes ? Succination can alter metabolism in FH-deficient cells  相似文献   

Although obesity is a risk factor for development of type 2 diabetes and chemical modification of proteins by advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products is implicated in the development of diabetic complications, little is known about the chemical modification of proteins in adipocytes or adipose tissue. In this study we show that S-(2-succinyl)cysteine (2SC), the product of chemical modification of proteins by the Krebs cycle intermediate, fumarate, is significantly increased during maturation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts to adipocytes. Fumarate concentration increased > or =5-fold during adipogenesis in medium containing 30 mm glucose, producing a > or =10-fold increase in 2SC-proteins in adipocytes compared with undifferentiated fibroblasts grown in the same high glucose medium. The elevated glucose concentration in the medium during adipocyte maturation correlated with the increase in 2SC, whereas the concentration of the advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products, N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine and N(epsilon)-(carboxyethyl)lysine, was unchanged under these conditions. Adipocyte proteins were separated by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis and approximately 60 2SC-proteins were detected using an anti-2SC polyclonal antibody. Several of the prominent and well resolved proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. These include cytoskeletal proteins, enzymes, heat shock and chaperone proteins, regulatory proteins, and a fatty acid-binding protein. We propose that the increase in fumarate and 2SC is the result of mitochondrial stress in the adipocyte during adipogenesis and that 2SC may be a useful biomarker of mitochondrial stress in obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes.  相似文献   

Axonal transport is known to be impaired in peripheral nerve of experimentally diabetic rats. As axonal transport is dependent on the integrity of the neuronal cytoskeleton, we have studied the way in which rat brain and nerve cytoskeletal proteins are altered in experimental diabetes. Rats were made diabetic by injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Up to six weeks later, sciatic nerves, spinal cords, and brains were removed and used to prepare neurofilaments, microtubules, and a crude preparation of cytoskeletal proteins. The extent of nonenzymatic glycation of brain microtubule proteins and peripheral nerve tubulin was assessed by incubation with3H-sodium borohydride followed by separation on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels and affinity chromatography of the separated proteins. There was no difference in the nonenzymatic glycation of brain microtubule proteins from two-week diabetic and nondiabetic rats. Nor was the assembly of microtubule proteins into microtubules affected by the diabetic state. On the other hand, there was a significant increase in nonenzymatic glycation of sciatic nerve tubulin after 2 weeks of diabetes. We also identified an altered electrophoretic mobility of brain actin from a cytoskeletal protein preparation from brain of 2 week and 6 week diabetic rats. An additional novel polypeptide was demonstrated with a slightly more acidic isoelectric point than actin that could be immunostained with anti-actin antibodies. The same polypeptide could be produced by incubation of purified actin with glucose in vitro, thus identifying it as a product of nonenzymatic glycation. These results are discussed in relation to data from a clinical study of diabetic patients in which we identified increased glycation of platelet actin. STZ-diabetes also led to an increase in the phosphorylation of spinal cord neurofilament proteins in vivo during 6 weeks of diabetes. This hyperphosphorylation along with a reduced activity of a neurofilament-associated protein kinase led to a reduced incorporation of32P into purified neurofilament proteins when they were incubated with32P-ATP in vitro. Our combined data show a number of posttranslation modifications of neuronal cytoskeletal proteins that may contribute to the altered axonal transport and subsequent nerve dysfunction in experimental diabetes.  相似文献   

We have investigated glycosylation of lens proteins in diabetic and non-diabetic senile cataract patients. Our study reveals that glycosylation of lens cortical proteins, but not of nuclear proteins, is significantly higher in diabetic patients with senile cataract. This finding serves to clarify the confusion over glycosylation of lens proteins as it relates to diabetes mellitus and further contributes to an understanding of glycosylation of lens tissues as a distinct posttranslational modification.  相似文献   

Selective depletion of small basic non-glycosylated proteins in diabetes.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Degradative rates of small basic non-glycosylated proteins are preferentially enhanced in rat liver cytosol during severe streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Synthetic rates of these classes of proteins are not selectively enhanced in diabetes, so small basic non-glycosylated proteins should be depleted from liver cytosol as a consequence of this disease. To test this hypothesis, proteins were analysed from normal animals, from diabetic animals receiving insulin and from diabetic animals after insulin withdrawal for 3 days. The proteins were separated according to subunit molecular weight by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, according to isoelectric point by isoelectric focusing and according to carbohydrate content by affinity chromatography with concanavalin A linked to agarose. Severe uncontrolled diabetes is associated with the predicted depletion of small basic non-glycosylated proteins from liver cytosol. The preferential degradation and loss of these protein classes may be of considerable physiological importance to the animal.  相似文献   

S-(2-Succinyl)cysteine (2SC) is formed by reaction of the Krebs cycle intermediate fumarate with cysteine residues in protein, a process termed succination of protein. Both fumarate and succination of proteins are increased in adipocytes cultured in high glucose medium (Nagai, R., Brock, J. W., Blatnik, M., Baatz, J. E., Bethard, J., Walla, M. D., Thorpe, S. R., Baynes, J. W., and Frizzell, N. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 34219–34228). We show here that succination of protein is also increased in epididymal, mesenteric, and subcutaneous adipose tissue of diabetic (db/db) mice and that adiponectin is a major target for succination in both adipocytes and adipose tissue. Cys-39, which is involved in cross-linking of adiponectin monomers to form trimers, was identified as a key site of succination of adiponectin in adipocytes. 2SC was detected on two of seven monomeric forms of adiponectin immunoprecipitated from adipocytes and epididymal adipose tissue. Based on densitometry, 2SC-adiponectin accounted for ∼7 and 8% of total intracellular adiponectin in cells and tissue, respectively. 2SC was found only in the intracellular, monomeric forms of adiponectin and was not detectable in polymeric forms of adiponectin in cell culture medium or plasma. We conclude that succination of adiponectin blocks its incorporation into trimeric and higher molecular weight, secreted forms of adiponectin. We propose that succination of proteins is a biomarker of mitochondrial stress and accumulation of Krebs cycle intermediates in adipose tissue in diabetes and that succination of adiponectin may contribute to the decrease in plasma adiponectin in diabetes.The accumulation of sugar and lipid-derived chemical modifications on proteins is associated with the etiology of several age-related diseases, including diabetes and its complications (1, 2). The irreversible adducts formed, termed advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products (AGE/ALEs),2 accumulate over time on long lived proteins, such as collagens, affecting the solubility, elasticity, and proteolytic digestibility of the protein (3). AGE/ALEs are considered important mediators of the pathogenesis of diabetic complications through engagement of scavenger receptors, such as RAGE (receptor for AGE) and activation of proinflammatory signaling pathways (4). To date, the study of AGE/ALEs has focused mainly on modification of lysine and arginine residues in proteins by reactive carbonyl intermediates formed during metabolism or autoxidation of carbohydrates and lipids (2, 5). However, free cysteine is more abundant on intracellular proteins and, because of its greater nucleophilicity, is a more likely target for chemical modification by intracellular electrophiles.We recently identified S-(2-succinyl)-cysteine (2SC), a cysteine modification formed by a Michael addition reaction between the Krebs cycle intermediate fumarate and free sulfhydryl groups on proteins (6). This reaction, in which a thioether bond is formed, is described as succination of protein in order to distinguish it from succinylation, which leads to formation of amide, ester, or thioester bonds. 2SC was detected in human serum albumin and skin collagen and was increased in skeletal muscle protein and urine of diabetic rats. We also identified glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as one protein that is significantly modified by 2SC in skeletal muscle, resulting in the decrease in specific activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in muscle of diabetic rats (7). We have proposed that 2SC may accumulate as a result of mitochondrial nutrient “flooding” because of an excess of carbohydrate and lipid fuels in diabetes and may be a biomarker of mitochondrial stress in disease.To gain further insight into the role of succination in the regulation of metabolism, we studied the maturation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts to adipocytes, an in vitro system in which fumarate and other Krebs cycle intermediates increase severalfold during adipogenesis in high (30 mm) glucose) medium (8, 9). Adipogenesis under these conditions is associated with a substantial increase in oxidative stress as a result of mitochondrial superoxide production (10). We also observed a ≥5-fold increase in fumarate and a ≥10-fold increase in intracellular 2SC accumulation during adipogenesis and identified several of the major proteins modified by 2SC (9). This set of proteins included cytoskeletal proteins, enzymes, heat shock and chaperone proteins, regulatory proteins, and a fatty acid-binding protein, suggesting that succination may have wide ranging effects on the structure of the cytoskeleton and the regulation of metabolism.The adipocyte is increasingly recognized not only for its role in triglyceride storage but also as an active endocrine organ, secreting hormones and cytokines that orchestrate key metabolic processes in tissues, such as heart, liver, and muscle. All of the adipokines work as part of a greater metabolic regulatory network. Adiponectin and leptin are considered positive regulators of energy intake and expenditure, whereas resistin, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, and PAI-1 are implicated in the development of inflammation and insulin resistance. Imbalances in adipokine metabolism are central to adipocyte dysfunction and the ensuing events leading to insulin resistance and diabetes (11, 12).Adiponectin has received particular attention as the most abundant adipokine, circulating at high levels in human blood. It is an ∼30-kDa glycoprotein that associates intracellularly into trimeric, hexameric (also known as low molecular weight (LMW)), and other high molecular weight (HMW) complexes consisting of 18–36 monomers (13, 14). The various molecular weight species differentially stimulate their target tissues; trimeric adiponectin stimulates muscle fatty acid oxidation through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase, whereas HMW forms act to enhance insulin-mediated inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the liver (15, 16). Plasma adiponectin concentration is reduced in diabetes, in general, as is the ratio of HMW forms to total adiponectin (16).The N-terminal hypervariable domain of adiponectin contains a single cysteine residue followed by a collagenous region containing several conserved lysine and proline residues. Several of these lysines and prolines are subject to modification by hydroxylation and/or glycosylation (17, 18). The cysteine at position 39 in mouse adiponectin is involved in the formation of the oligomeric species of adiponectin through disulfide bonding of monomers and trimers (Fig. 1). Cys-39 is critical for the generation of all higher order complexes, since its mutation to serine inhibits the formation of both trimer and larger species. The only other cysteine present in adiponectin is located in the C-terminal globular domain, and crystallographic studies indicate that it is unlikely to be involved in disulfide bonding of oligomers (14). In this study, we show that adiponectin is a major target of succination in both 3T3-L1 adipocytes and adipose tissue of diabetic (db/db) mice, that Cys-39 is a major site of cysteine succination, and that succinated adiponectin is neither incorporated into polymeric forms in the cell nor secreted from the cell. We propose that succination of adiponectin may contribute to the decrease in plasma adiponectin in diabetes.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Structure of adiponectin. Two cysteines are highly conserved in adiponectin monomer: one in the hypervariable region adjacent to the N terminus (Cys-39) and the other in the C-terminal globular head domain (Cys-155) (A). Adiponectin monomers associate into trimers through disulfide bonding, and trimers associate through disulfide bonds to form LMW and HMW multimers, which are secreted from the adipocyte. Succination of Cys-39 blocks incorporation of adiponectin monomer into trimer and higher molecular weight secreted forms of the protein (B).  相似文献   

The participation of glucose and two intermediates of glucose metabolism: glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (Gald3P) to the formation of early glycation products was comparatively evaluated in the endothelial plasma membrane of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Antibodies risen to a carrier protein reductively glycated by each of the sugars mentioned above were used to probe by immunoblotting the proteins of the lung microvascular endothelium plasmalemma purified from normal and diabetic rats. The amount of glycated endothelial plasma membrane proteins was below the limit of detection in normoglycemic animals but increased dramatically in diabetic animals for glucose and G6P. In contrast, no signal was found in diabetic rats for Gald3P, indicating that either the contribution of this phosphotriose to the glycation of intracellular proteins is negligible in vivo, or the Schiff base generated by this sugar transforms very rapidly into products of advanced glycation. Globally, the endothelial plasma membrane proteins bound on average 300 times more glucose than G6P proving that, in spite of its low in vitro potency as glycating agent, glucose represents the main contributor to the intracellular formation of early glycation products. The most abundant glycated proteins of the lung endothelial plasma membrane were separated by two dimensional electrophoresis and identified by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The effect of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (i.e., NIDDM; type 2 diabetes) on the levels of functional mitochondrial anion transport proteins has been determined utilizing a chemically-induced neonatal model of NIDDM. We hypothesized that moderate insulin deficiency exacerbated by the insulin resistance, which is characteristic of NIDDM, would cause changes in mitochondrial anion transporter function that were similar to those we have previously shown to occur in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (i.e., IDDM; type 1 diabetes) (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 280: 181–191, 1990). Our experimental approach consisted of the extraction of the pyruvate, dicarboxylate and citrate transport proteins from the mitochondrial inner membrane with Triton X-114 using rat liver mitoplasts (prepared from diabetic and control animals) as the starting material, followed by the functional reconstitution of each transporter in a proteoliposomal system. This strategy permitted the quantification of the functional levels of these three transporters in the absence of the complications that arise when such measurements are carried out with intact mitochondria (or mitoplasts). We found that experimental NIDDM did not cause significant changes in the extractable and reconstitutable specific (and total) transport activities of the pyruvate, dicarboxylate, and citrate transporters. These results are in marked contrast to our previous findings obtained using rats with IDDM and negated our hypothesis. The present results, in combination with our earlier findings, allow us to conclude that insulin plays an important role in the regulation of mitochondrial anion transporter function. Accordingly, in this model of NIDDM, where the level of insulin is not profoundly deficient, transporter function is unaltered, whereas in IDDM, where a profound insulinopenia exists, transporter function is altered. Furthermore, the present studies suggest that in the neonatal model of NIDDM the three mitochondrial transporters investigated are neither affected by, nor are they the sites of the well documented hepatic post-receptor insulin resistance which is characteristic of this disease.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common non-communicable diseases, and is the fifth leading cause of death in most of the developed countries. It can affect nearly every organ and system in the body and may result in blindness, end stage renal disease, lower extremity amputation and increase risk of stroke, ischaemic heart diseases and peripheral vascular disease. Hyperglycemia in diabetes causes non-enzymatic glycation of free amino groups of proteins (of lysine residues) and leads to their structural and functional changes, resulting in complications of the diabetes. Glycation of proteins starts with formation of Shiff's base, followed by intermolecular rearrangement and conversion into Amadori products. When large amounts of Amadori products are formed, they undergo cross linkage to form a heterogeneous group of protein-bound moieties, termed as advanced glycated end products (AGEs). Rate of these reactions are quite slow and only proteins with large amounts of lysine residues undergo glycation with significant amounts of AGEs. The formation of AGEs is a irreversible process, causing structural and functional changes in protein leading to various complications in diabetes like nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy and angiopathy. The present review discusses about role of glycation in various complications of diabetes.  相似文献   

Incubation of proteins with glucose leads to their non-enzymatic glycation and formation of Amadori products known as an early glycation product. Oxidative cleavage of Amadori products is considered as a major route to advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) formation in vivo. Non-enzymatic glycation of proteins or Maillard reaction is increased in diabetes mellitus due to hyperglycemia and leads to several complications such as blindness, heart disease, nerve damage, and kidney failure. The early and advanced glycation products are accumulated in plasma and tissues of diabetic patients and cause production of autoantibodies against corresponding products. The advanced glycation products are also associated with other diseases like cancer. This review summarizes current knowledge of these stage specific glycated products as common and early diagnostic biomarkers for the associated diseases and the complications with the aim of a novel therapeutic target for the diseases.  相似文献   

Although a full understanding of insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) action is evolving, the discovery of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins and their role to link cell surface receptors to the intracellular signaling cascades provided an important step forward. Moreover, Insulin/IGF receptors use common signaling pathways to accomplish many tasks, the IRS proteins add a unique layer of specificity and control. Importantly, the IRS-2 branch of the insulin/IGF-signaling pathway is a common element in peripheral insulin response and pancreatic beta-cell growth and function. Failure of IRS-2 signaling might explain the eventual loss of compensatory hyperinsulinemia during prolonged periods of peripheral insulin resistance. Moreover, short-term inhibition of IRS protein functions by serine phosphorylation, or sustained inhibition by ubiquitin-targeted proteosome-mediated degradation suggests a common molecular mechanism for insulin resistance during acute injury or infection, or the sensitivity of beta-cells to autoimmune destruction. The broad role of IRS-1 and IRS-2 in cell growth and survival reveals a common regulatory pathway linking development, somatic growth, fertility, neuronal proliferation, and aging to the core mechanisms used by vertebrates for nutrient sensing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to screen for proteins that are susceptible to glycation under hyperglycemic conditions in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Serum proteins were analyzed by a proteomic approach using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS. Gels were stained with Pro-Q Emerald 488 to analyze the serum glycoproteome, followed by silver nitrate to examine the total serum proteome. Patient sera were divided into four groups according to their microalbuminuria index: type 2 diabetics with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, and overt nephropathy, and healthy subjects. When the HbA1c levels of the diabetic groups were examined, groups with higher HbA1c exhibited higher fructosamine levels, suggesting that the loss of glycemic control affected the glycation of serum proteins. The proteins that became glycated under poor glycemic control were PEDF, apolipoprotein J precursor, hemopexin, immunoglobulin mu heavy chain, and immunoglobulin kappa chain. As albuminuria increased, a marker of kidney damage, the levels of glycated prekallikrein and complement factor C4B3 also increased. The glycated proteins identified in this study may provide the foundation for the development of novel markers of diabetes, hyperglycemia, and diabetic complications.  相似文献   

It was shown that administration of aminoguanidine is accompanied by a decrease of the content of nitric oxide stable metabolites, as well as protein carbonyl groups in leukocytes and blood plasma in diabetic and control animals. Aminoguanidine is proposed to be used for pharmacological correction of NO biosynthesis. Aminoguanidine, being the selective iNOS inhibitor, antioxidant and the factor eliminating post-translational protein nitrozylation and oxidative modification, weaken the toxic effects of NO and positively modulates the pathological state caused by NO hyperproduction.  相似文献   

Diabetes and its related complications represent a major growing health concern and economic burden worldwide. Ocular manifestations of diabetes include cataractogenesis and retinopathy, the latter being the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population. Despite numerous studies and recent progress, the exact pathophysiology of the disease remains to be fully elucidated and development of new and improved therapeutic strategies for this chronic condition are greatly needed. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are highly conserved families of proteins, which are generally regarded as protective molecules that play a wide variety of roles and can be expressed in response to different types of cellular stresses. In recent years, numerous studies have reported their implication in various ocular diseases including diabetic retinopathy. The present review focuses on the potential implication of Hsps in ocular diabetic complications and discusses their specific mechanisms of regulation with respect to their expression, functions and alteration during diabetes. The review will conclude by examining the potential of Hsps as therapeutic agents or targets for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

The binding of [1-14C]oleate to rat liver cytosol was studied, using gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 and G-50. In liver cytosols from control rats, most of the high-affinity oleate binding was in the region of 12 000-dalton proteins. In liver cytosols from diabetic and starved rats, a second peak of radioactivity appeared in the void volume. This peak was shown to be associated with a component having the molecular weight of 400 000. Evidence suggesting that a change in the composition of cytosolic binding proteins is involved is presented.  相似文献   

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