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Many geographically distributed proxies are increasingly used for collaborative Web caching to improve performance. In hashing-based collaborative Web caching, the response times can be negatively impacted for those URL requests hashed into geographically distant or overloaded proxies. In this paper, we present and evaluate a latency-sensitive hashing scheme for collaborative Web caching. It takes into account latency delays due to both geographical distances and dynamic load conditions. Each URL request is first hashed into an anchor hash bucket, with each bucket mapping to one of the proxies. Secondly, a number of nearby hash buckets are examined to select the proxy with the smallest latency delay to the browser. Trace-driven simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of this new latency-sensitive hashing. The results show that (1) with the presence of load imbalance due to skew in request origination or hot-spot references, latency-sensitive hashing effectively balances the load by hashing into geographically distributed proxies for collaborative Web caching, and (2) when the overall system is lightly loaded, latency-sensitive hashing effectively reduces latency delays by directing requests to geographically closer proxies.  相似文献   

Caching plays a vital role in the performance of any large-scale distributed system and, as the variety and number of Web applications grows, is becoming an increasingly important research topic within the Web community. Existing caching mechanisms are largely transparent to their users and cater for resources which are primarily read-only, offering little support for customisable or complex caching strategies. In this paper we examine the deficiencies in these mechanisms with regard to applications with requirements for shared access to data where clients may require a variety of consistency guarantees. We present “open” caching within an object-oriented framework, an approach to solving these problems which, instead of offering caching transparency makes the caching mechanism highly visible allowing great flexibility in caching choices. Our implementation is built upon the W3Objects infrastructure and allows clients to make caching decisions for individual resources with minimal impact upon other resources which do not support our mechanisms.  相似文献   

The article provides a primer on Web resource caching, one technology used to make the Web scalable. Web caching can reduce bandwidth usage, decrease user-perceived latencies, and reduce Web server loads transparently. As a result, caching has become a significant part of the Web's infrastructure. Caching has even spawned a new industry: content delivery networks, which are also growing at a fantastic rate. Readers familiar with relatively advanced Web caching topics such as the Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), invalidation, and interception proxies are not likely to learn much here. Instead, the article is designed for the general audience of Web users. Rather than a how-to guide to caching technology deployment, it is a high-level argument for the value of Web caching to content consumers and producers. The article defines caching, explains how it applies to the Web, and describes when and why it is useful  相似文献   

Abstract. In meta-searchers accessing distributed Web-based information repositories, performance is a major issue. Efficient query processing requires an appropriate caching mechanism. Unfortunately, standard page-based as well as tuple-based caching mechanisms designed for conventional databases are not efficient on the Web, where keyword-based querying is often the only way to retrieve data. In this work, we study the problem of semantic caching of Web queries and develop a caching mechanism for conjunctive Web queries based on signature files. Our algorithms cope with both relations of semantic containment and intersection between a query and the corresponding cache items. We also develop the cache replacement strategy to treat situations when cached items differ in size and contribution when providing partial query answers. We report results of experiments and show how the caching mechanism is realized in the Knowledge Broker system. Received June 15, 1999 / Accepted December 24, 1999  相似文献   

A large jump in a Web site's traffic may indicate success, but this increased interest could turn into a nightmare if the site is not prepared to handle the bigger load. Site resources (processors, storage boxes, load balancers, LANs, and the like) could see their utilization rise to levels that generate increasingly long response times. Eventually, one of these resources - the so-called bottleneck resource - will reach 100 percent utilization, pushing the site's throughput to its maximum point. When a Web site becomes overloaded, customers grow frustrated with long waits and rejected requests. This situation can lead to an undesirable loss of site-generated revenue and may even tarnish the reputation of organizations relying on Web sites to support mission-critical applications. In this article, I discuss how caching technologies can improve Web site performance and scalability. I'll provide some simple quantitative expressions to let designers understand the most important trade-offs.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》1999,31(11-16):1203-1213
A key performance measure for the World Wide Web is the speed with which content is served to users. As traffic on the Web increases, users are faced with increasing delays and failures in data delivery. Web caching is one of the key strategies that has been explored to improve performance.An important issue in many caching systems is how to decide what is cached where at any given time. Solutions have included multicast queries and directory schemes.In this paper, we offer a new Web caching strategy based on consistent hashing. Consistent hashing provides an alternative to multicast and directory schemes, and has several other advantages in load balancing and fault tolerance. Its performance was analyzed theoretically in previous work; in this paper we describe the implementation of a consistent-hashing-based system and experiments that support our thesis that it can provide performance improvements.  相似文献   

We describe the design and performance of a caching relay for the World Wide Web. We model the distribution of requests for pages from the web and see how this distribution affects the performance of a cache. We use the data gathered from the relay to make some general characterizations about the web.  相似文献   

缓存和预取在提高无线环境下的Web访问性能方面发挥着重要作用。文章研究针对无线局域网的Web缓存和预取机制,分别基于数据挖掘和信息论提出了采用序列挖掘和延迟更新的预测算法,设计了上下文感知的预取算法和获益驱动的缓存替换机制,上述算法已在Web缓存系统OnceEasyCache中实现。性能评估实验结果表明,上述算法的集成能有效地提高缓存命中率和延迟节省率。  相似文献   

Integrating Web caching and Web prefetching in client-side proxies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Web caching and Web prefetching are two important techniques used to reduce the noticeable response time perceived by users. Note that by integrating Web caching and Web prefetching, these two techniques can complement each other since the Web caching technique exploits the temporal locality, whereas Web prefetching technique utilizes the spatial locality of Web objects. However, without circumspect design, the integration of these two techniques might cause significant performance degradation to each other. In view of this, we propose in this paper an innovative cache replacement algorithm, which not only considers the caching effect in the Web environment, but also evaluates the prefetching rules provided by various prefetching schemes. Specifically, we formulate a normalized profit function to evaluate the profit from caching an object (i.e., either a nonimplied object or an implied object according to some prefetching rule). Based on the normalized profit function devised, we devise an innovative Web cache replacement algorithm, referred to as Algorithm IWCP (standing for the Integration of Web Caching and Prefetching). Using an event-driven simulation, we evaluate the performance of Algorithm IWCP under several circumstances. The experimental results show that Algorithm IWCP consistently outperforms the companion schemes in various performance metrics.  相似文献   

一种Web挖掘的框架   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
随着Web信息量的增长,Web用户也迅速增长,如何在海量信息中找出用户需要的信息变得更加重要。基于Web服务器日志,分析在线用户的浏览行为,挖掘Web数据并找出用户的遍历模式已经成为一个新的研究领域。针对Web站点的结构,给出了一个Web挖掘的完整框架,允许在分析复杂的遍历模式时加入约束条件,然后对框架中算法的执行效率和执行准确性进行比较和分析,同时展望了Web挖掘的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

一种基于DHT的Web缓存共享方法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于DHT技术的Web缓存共享方法。该方法使得企业网络中所有节点能够相互共享浏览器中的本地缓存,从而形成一个高效的、大规模的分布式缓存共享系统。针对Web缓存共享的系统响应迅速的要求提出一种路由步长为O(2)的路由协议,保证Web查询请求最多只经过一次转发就可到达目标节点。性能分析和仿真实验的结果证明其在路由可靠性、命中率、系统响应和缓存代价方面均有满意的效果。  相似文献   

The sharing of caches among proxies is an important technique to reduce Web traffic, alleviate network bottlenecks, and improve response time of document requests. Most existing work on cooperative caching has been focused on serving misses collaboratively. Very few have studied the effect of cooperation on document placement schemes and its potential enhancements on cache hit ratio and latency reduction. We propose a new document placement scheme which takes into account the contentions at individual caches in order to limit the replication of documents within a cache group and increase document hit ratio. The main idea of this new scheme is to view the aggregate disk space of the cache group as a global resource of the group and uses the concept of cache expiration age to measure the contention of individual caches. The decision of whether to cache a document at a proxy is made collectively among the caches that already have a copy of this document. We refer to this new document placement scheme as the Expiration Age-based scheme (EA scheme). The EA scheme effectively reduces the replication of documents across the cache group, while ensuring that a copy of the document always resides in a cache where it is likely to stay for the longest time. We report our study on the potentials and limits of the EA scheme using both analytic modeling and trace-based simulation. The analytical model compares and contrasts the existing (ad hoc) placement scheme of cooperative proxy caches with our new EA scheme and indicates that the EA scheme improves the effectiveness of aggregate disk usage, thereby increasing the average time duration for which documents stay in the cache. The trace-based simulations show that the EA scheme yields higher hit rates and better response times compared to the existing document placement schemes used in most of the caching proxies.  相似文献   

Web caching in broadcast mobile wireless environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effectively exploiting available communication bandwidth and client resources is vital in wireless mobile environments. One technique for doing so is client-side data caching, which helps reduce latency and conserve network resources. The SliCache generic self-tunable cache-replacement policy addresses these issues by using intelligent slicing of the cache space and novel methods for selecting which objects to purge. Performance evaluations show that SliCache improves mobile clients' access to Web objects compared to other common policies.  相似文献   


With millions of Web users visiting Web servers each day, the Web log contains valuable information about users' browsing behavior. In this work, we construct sequential classifiers for predicting the users' next visits based on the current actions using association rule mining. The domain feature of Web-log mining entails that we adopt a special kind of association rules we call latest-substring rules, which take into account the temporal information as well as the correlation information. Furthermore, when constructing the classification model, we adopt a pessimistic selection method for choosing among alternative predictions. To make such prediction models useful, especially for small devices with limited memory and bandwidth, we also introduce a model compression method, which removes redundant association rules from the model. We empirically show that the resulting prediction model performs very well.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-level P2P caching strategy for Web search queries. The design is suitable for a fully distributed service platform based on managed peer boxes (set-top-box or DSL/cable modem) located at the edge of the network, where both boxes and access bandwidth to those boxes are controlled and managed by an ISP provider. Our solution significantly reduces user query traffic going outside of the ISP provider to get query results from the respective Web search engine. Web users are usually very reactive to worldwide events which cause highly dynamic query traffic patterns leading to load imbalance across peers. Our solution contains a strategy to quickly ease imbalance on peers and spread communication flow among participating peers. Each peer maintains a local result cache used to keep the answers for queries originated in the peer itself and queries for which the peer is responsible for by contacting the Web search engine on-demand. When query traffic is predominantly routed to a few responsible peers our strategy replicates the role of “being responsible for” to neighboring peers so that they can absorb query traffic. This is a fairly slow and adaptive process that we call mid-term load balancing. To achieve a short-term fair distribution of queries we introduce a location cache in each peer which keeps pointers to peers that have already requested the same queries in the recent past. This lets these peers share their query answers with newly requesting peers. This process is fast as these popular queries are usually cached in the first DHT hop of a requesting peer which quickly tends to redistribute load among more and more peers.  相似文献   

Data mining for Web intelligence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Searching, comprehending, and using the semistructured HTML, XML, and database-service-engine information stored on the Web poses a significant challenge. This data is more sophisticated and dynamic than the information commercial database systems store. To supplement keyword-based indexing, researchers have applied data mining to Web-page ranking. In this context, data mining helps Web search engines find high-quality Web pages and enhances Web click stream analysis. For the Web to reach its full potential, however, we must improve its services, make it more comprehensible, and increase its usability. As researchers continue to develop data mining techniques, the authors believe this technology will play an increasingly important role in meeting the challenges of developing the intelligent Web. Ultimately, data mining for Web intelligence will make the Web a richer, friendlier, and more intelligent resource that we can all share and explore. The paper considers how data mining holds the key to uncovering and cataloging the authoritative links, traversal patterns, and semantic structures that will bring intelligence and direction to our Web interactions.  相似文献   

传统缓存算法存在命中率低、交换率高等问题,且现有缓存算法在分布式大数据存储系统中并不适用,为此提出了一种基于频繁序列挖掘的自适应缓存策略。该方法使用数据挖掘算法挖掘历史访问窗口内的频繁序列,将频繁序列模糊合并后构建匹配模式集合以供查询。当新的访问来临时,将固定访问长度内的子序列与匹配模式集合进行匹配,然后根据匹配结果预取数据,同时结合修改后的S4LRU(4-segmented least recently used)数据结构进行缓存数据换出。在公开的大数据处理trace集上进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明,在不同的缓存大小下,提出算法与现有典型缓存算法相比,平均命中率提高了0.327倍,平均交换率降低了0.33倍,同时具有低开销和高时效的特点。此结果表明,该方法较传统替换算法而言是一个更为有效的缓存策略。  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(13):3673-3692
Network congestion remains one of the main barriers to the continuing success of the Internet. For Web users, congestion manifests itself in unacceptably long response times. One possible remedy to the latency problem is to use caching at the client, at the proxy server, or within the Internet. However, Web documents are becoming increasingly dynamic (i.e., have short lifetimes), which limits the potential benefit of caching. The performance of a Web caching system can be dramatically increased by integrating document prefetching (a.k.a. “proactive caching”) into its design. Although prefetching reduces the response time of a requested document, it also increases the network load, as some documents will be unnecessarily prefetched (due to the imprecision in the prediction algorithm). In this study, we analyze the confluence of the two effects through a tractable mathematical model that enables us to establish the conditions under which prefetching reduces the average response time of a requested document. The model accommodates both passive client and proxy caching along with prefetching. Our analysis is used to dynamically compute the “optimal” number of documents to prefetch in the subsequent client’s idle (think) period. In general, this optimal number is determined through a simple numerical procedure. Closed-form expressions for this optimal number are obtained for special yet important cases. We discuss how our analytical results can be used to optimally adapt the parameters of an actual prefetching system. Simulations are used to validate our analysis and study the interactions among various system parameters.  相似文献   

Web caching: A way to improve web QoS   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
As the Internet and World Wide Web grow at a fast pace, it is essential that the Web‘s performance should keep up with increased demand and expectations. Web Caching technology has.been widely accepted as one of the effective approaches to alleviating Web traffic and increase the Web Quality of Service (QoS). This paper provides an up-to-date survey of the rapidly expanding Web Caching literature. It discusses the state-of-the-art web caching schemes and techniques, with emphasis on the recent developments in Web Caching technology such as the differentiated Web services, heterogeneous caching network structures, and dynamic content caching.  相似文献   

根据Web缓存流量访问特征建立数学模型,设计实现了Web缓存流量特征模拟生成器(WebSimGen)。利用两层代理缓存结构、基于ADF(Aggregation、Disaggregation和Filtering)模型对Web缓存流量的访问特征和性能进行测试,实验表明模拟日志具有和真实日志类似的访问特性。Web生成器具有较大的灵活性,能够克服真实日志的一些缺点,为进一步提高Web缓存性能和预取技术提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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