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广东热带气旋降水年代际变化特征的分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用1951—2005年热带气旋和广东省26个测站降水的观测资料,分析了广东热带气旋及其降水的年代际变化特征。结果表明:广东热带气旋降水存在峰值为25年左右的振荡周期,影响广东的热带气旋个数和西北太平洋上热带气旋的形成个数都存在峰值为23年左右的振荡周期;广东热带气旋降水的年代际变化与影响广东的热带气旋个数和西北太平洋上热带气旋的形成个数存在高度正相关;广东热带气旋降水的年代际变化与西太平洋部分区域的年平均SST的年代际变化和北太平洋中高纬部分地区的年平均500 hPa位势高度的年代际变化存在显著的负相关;广东热带气旋降水偏少时期与降水偏多时期相比,一般赤道中、东太平洋的平均SST相对较高,而北太平洋中纬度地区的平均SST相对较低,北太平洋上的东亚大槽相对较强。  相似文献   

华北各区夏季降水年际和年代际变化的地域性特征   总被引:57,自引:8,他引:57  
陈烈庭 《高原气象》1999,18(4):477-485
利用1951 ̄1997年华北地区26个测站的6 ̄8月降水量资料,分析了上夏季降水标准差的窨分布和降水距平百分率年际和年代际变化的地域性特征。在此基础上,根据各站降水标准差和旱涝的一致性,对华北夏季降水异常进行分区,研究了各区降水长期变化的趋势及其阶段性和跃变的特征。最后,探讨了华北地区目前这个少雨期何时结束的问题。  相似文献   

~~SINGULAR SPECTRUM ANALYSIS FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE LANDING IN GUANGDONG@谢炯光$Guangzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, Guangzhou 510080 China @纪忠苹$Guangzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, Guangzhou 510080 China~~Research on Short-Term Climate Systems——a key project in the 9th -five year economic de- velopment plan (96-908-05-07)…  相似文献   

1999年广东汛期降水的季节内振荡   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据广东6个代表站和澳门大潭山的降水资料以及NCEP的再分析资料,利用波谱分析法和Marakami的带通滤波技术,分析了1999年4-9月广东降水的季节内振荡(ISO)特征及其与大气环流的ISO之间的联系。结果表明:广东汛期降水的季节内变化的主模是10~20天振荡;850hPa层上影响广东地区的周期为10—20天的低频环流系统有两类传播模型,一类是由中纬度传到广东地区;另一类是来自热带地区,广东降水的10~20天振荡与它们的活动密切相关。  相似文献   

The impact of tropical intraseasonal oscillations on the precipitation of Guangdong in Junes and its physical mechanism are analyzed using 30-yr (1979 to 2008), 86-station observational daily precipitation of Guangdong and daily atmospheric data from NCEP-DOE Reanalysis. It is found that during the annually first rainy season (April to June), the modulating effect of the activity of intraseasonal oscillations propagating eastward along the equator (MJO) on the June precipitation in Guangdong is different from that in other months. The most indicative effect of MJO on positive (negative) anomalous precipitation over the whole or most of the province is phase 3 (phase 6) of strong MJO events in Junes. A Northwest Pacific subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3. Water vapor transporting along the edge of the subtropical high from Western Pacific enhances significantly the water vapor flux over Guangdong, resulting in the enhancement of the precipitation. The condition is reverse during phase 6. The mechanism for which the subtropical high intensifies and extends westward during phase 3 is related to the atmospheric response to the asymmetric heating over the eastern Indian Ocean. Analyses of two cases of sustained strong rainfall of Guangdong in June 2010 showed that both of them are closely linked with a MJO state which is both strong and in phase 3, besides the effect from a westerly trough. It is argued further that the MJO activity is indicative of strong rainfall of Guangdong in June. The results in the present work are helpful in developing strategies for forecasting severe rainfall in Guangdong and extending, combined with the outputs of dynamic forecast models, the period of forecasting validity.  相似文献   

登陆华南热带气旋过程降水分析   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:15  
首先利用1990~1999年台风年鉴上的过程降水分布图进行分析,总结归纳出登陆华南地区的热带气旋过程明显降水(≥50mm)相对于热带气旋登陆后路径分布有五种类型,并研究了降水分布型与热带气旋活动特征之间的关系;另外,利用卫星观测的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,将热带气旋作为一个整体来研究探讨它在海洋和陆地上的降水分布和演变特征,弥补了以往对热带气旋降水的研究只局限于陆地降水的不足.本工作试图为过程降水分布的动力释用预报提供一定的指标.  相似文献   

Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) has been shown to play an important role in climatic diagnosis and long-term prediction and research. With the OLR data 1974 ~ 1997 as observed by satellites, the characteristics are computed. The results are used to depict the location and intensity of the subtropical high in the study of the relationship between the annual frequency of tropical cyclones affecting the Fujian province and ITCZ / subtropical high. It is shown that in years of fewer (more) tropical cyclones, the ITCZ is southward (northward) located with weaker (stronger) intensity, and the subtropical high is southward (northward). As shown in the relationship between the anomalous years of tropical cyclones and characteristics of preceding OLR fields, the OLR anomalies are just oppositely distributed in the Pacific Ocean for years of more (fewer) tropical cyclones. In other words, the years of fewer (more) tropical cyclones are associated with positive anomalies of OLR in the tropical west Pacific but negative (positive) anomalies in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific. It is hoped that our study be setting foundation for short-term climatological prediction of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPCC-Special Report in Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenario. We examined their ability in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation over China from 1951 to 1990. The difference before and after the mid-1960’s and the late 1970’s is given respectively to check the capability of the models, especially in reproducing the rainfall jump in North China. We also investigated the interdecadal variations simulated by the models in the 1990’s and the average of 2001-2020 in the future under the scenario A2 and B2. The analysis shows that the current AOGCMs is not good enough in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China. The interdecadal variations of summer rainfall simulated by most of the models cannot reproduce the observation in North China. Higher resolution models are suggested to well simulate the interdecadal variability in regional scale.  相似文献   

登陆粤西的热带气旋降水特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用1949~2000年《热带气旋年鉴》资料,对51年来登陆粤西的热带气旋在陆地维持时间、不同强度的降水之间的分布、相同量级强降水的分布等进行统计分析,揭示登陆粤西热带气旋降水分布实况和特征。结果表明,登陆粤西的热带气旋在登陆后的维持时间和其造成陆地强降水范围成正相关的关系;热带气旋造成不同强度(暴雨、大暴雨、特大暴雨)的降水在其路径左右侧分布,雨强越大,出现的几率越少;热带气旋登陆后造成的暴雨量级降水在热带气旋路径右侧比左侧产生的几率更大;而大暴雨、特大暴雨落在路径左侧的可能性比落在右侧的可能性大。  相似文献   

广东大尺度大气水汽汇的年际及年代际变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用1958~2004年实测降雨量和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了广东地区大尺度水汽汇的年际和年代际变化特征及其与水汽通量变化的关系。结果表明,气候平均而言,广东春夏季大气向地面输送较多水资源,秋季地气间相互交换的水分相当,冬季由地面向大气输送较多的水资源。四季和年水汽汇的年际分量方差贡献均占主导地位,秋、冬季水汽汇的年际分量有约3年的显著周期。除了显著的年际分量外,冬、春季和年水汽汇的年代际分量方差贡献也较显著,占总方差的40%以上,以30多年的长周期变化为主,目前正处于由正位相向负位相转变的过渡期,预示今后广东有偏旱趋势。广东冬春季水汽汇的异常有显著的同相关系。另外,夏、秋季水汽汇的年代际分量有10~15年的显著周期。广东各季大气水汽汇偏强(弱)是由于从热带低纬输送到南海北部至华南地区的水汽增强(减弱),并伴随着水汽通量的辐合的增强(减弱)造成,但各季水汽通量异常分布型是有差别的。  相似文献   

The interannual and interdecadal variations of moisture sinks over Guangdong are discussed with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observed precipitation data from 1958 to 2004. The results indicate that climatically, the amount of precipitation is larger than that of evaporation in spring and summer.Precipitation and evaporation almost balance each other in autumn and the amount of evaporation is larger than that of precipitation in winter. The interannual signal dominates the variations of moisture sinks in all seasons in Guangdong with a period of three-year oscillation in autumn and winter. Remarkable interdecadal signal characterized by a period of three-decade oscillation can be identified for winter and spring from seasonally averaged moisture sink data and from annually moisture data, with variance percentage larger than 40%. This result indicates that Guangdong is at a transitional stage from positive anomalies to negative anomalies. The moisture sink anomalies in winter and following spring over Guangdong are usually in-phase. Besides, there exist periodic oscillations with periods of 10 to 15 years in summer and autumn. The positive (negative) anomalies of moisture sinks over Guangdong are due to the intensified (weakened) moisture from the tropical areas being transported to the Southern China, accompanied by an intensified (weakened) moisture convergence.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variation of precipitation in Guangdong Province is investigated using the correlation analysis and composite comparison methods in conjunction with precipitation data from 36 surface weather stations in the province and reanalyzed 850 hPa data from NCEP, U.S.A. A significant positive correlation is found between the variation of precipitation in summer there and the intensity of the southwesterly over the South China Sea though without being so inconclusive that a strong southwesterly over the sea is accompanied by more rain in Guangdong. For the front-associated flood season in April-June, the former is a carrier of rainwater for Guangdong but with insignificant linkage with the intensity of the southwest monsoon. There is even such a situation in which the precipitation gets stronger though with a weakened southwest monsoon from the tropics in May-June, which is mainly attributable to the increase of monsoon from the subtropics. For the typhoon-associated flood season in July-September, the Guangdong precipitation increases as the southwest monsoon strengthens over the central and northern South China Sea and the subtropical monsoon reduces its effects on the province.  相似文献   

广东省登陆热带气旋活动异常成因分析   总被引:43,自引:26,他引:43  
利用1970~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对32年来西太平洋热带气旋登陆我国的频率、位置、维持、衰减、变性、加强及消亡等进行统计分析,揭示热带气旋登陆活动的一些事实和特征。研究表明:在我国沿海不同地区(不包括岛屿)登陆的热带气旋,其陆上维持时间明显不同,从广西至浙江,维持时间向北增加;热带气旋登陆后的明显衰减主要发生在登陆后12小时内,登陆时越强的热带气旋,衰减得越厉害;热带气旋在我国陆上消失的位置最北是黑龙江、最西可至云南,广西是登陆我国热带气旋消失数最多的地区。  相似文献   

Based on the annual frequency data of tropical cyclones from 1960 to 2005 and by the polynomial fit and statistical analysis, this work has discovered that TC activity in the 46a exhibits significant decadal- scale variability. It has two high frequency periods (HFP) and two low frequency periods (LFP). Significant differences in the number of TCs between HFP and LFP are found in active TC seasons from July to October. Differences of large-scale circulation during HFP and LFP have been investigated with NCEP/NOAA data for the season. In HFP, the condition includes not only higher sea surface temperature,lower sea level pressure, larger divergence of upper air, larger relative vorticity at low levels and smaller vertical shear, but also 500-hPa wind vector being more available for TC activity and moving to western North Pacific, the position of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific shifting more northward,and South Asian Anticyclone at 100-hPa being much smaller than that in LFP. The precipitation of western North Pacific has no clear influence on TC activity.  相似文献   

Combined with TRMM products and Tropical Cyclone (TC) best track data in Northwest Pacific from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2009, a total of 118 TCs, including 336 instantaneous TC precipitation observations are established as the TRMM TC database, and the database is stratified into four intensity classes according to the standard of TC intensity adopted by China Meteorological Administration (CMA): Severe Tropical Storm (STS), Typhoon (TY), Severe Typhoon (STY) and Super Typhoon (SuperTY). For each TC snapshot, the mean rainfall distribution is computed using 10-km annuli from the TC center to a 300-km radius, then the axisymmetric component of TC rainfall is represented by the radial distribution of the azimuthal mean rain rate; the mean rain rates, rain types occurrence and contribution proportion are computed for each TC intensity class; and the mean quadrantal distribution of rain rates along TCs motion is analyzed. The result shows that: (1) TCs mean rain rates increase with their intensity classes, and their radial distributions show single-peak characteristic gradually, and furthermore, the characteristics of rain rates occurrence and contribution proportion change from dual-peak to single-peak distribution, with the peak rain rate at about 5.0 mm/h; (2) Stratiform rain dominate the rain type in the analysis zone, while convective rain mainly occurred in the eye-wall region; (3) The values of mean rain rate in each quadrant along TCs motion are close to each other, relatively, the value in the right-rear quadrant is the smallest one.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION It is doubtless that TCs making landfalls on Guangdong are one of the important aspects of the research on and prediction of short-term climate changes for the province. With regard to the climate patterns of TCs motion and factors governin…  相似文献   

In order to provide an operational reference for tropical cyclone precipitation forecast,this study investigates the spatial distributions of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) affecting China using Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5(GMS5)-TBB dataset.All named TCs formed over the western North Pacific that made direct landfall over China during the period 2001-2009 are included in this study.Based on the GMS5-TBB data,this paper reveals that in general there are four types of distribution of precipitation related to landfalling TCs affecting China.(a) the South-West Type in which there is a precipitation maximum to the southwestern quadrant of TC;(b) the Symmetrical South Type in which the rainfall is more pronounced to the south side of TC in the inner core while there is a symmetrical rainfall distribution in the outer band region;(c) the South Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the south of TC;and(d) the North Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the north of TC.Analyses of the relationship between precipitation distributions and intensity of landfalling TCs show that for intensifying TCs,both the maximum and the coverage area of the precipitation in TCs increase with the increase of TC intensity over northern Jiangsu province and southern Taiwan Strait,while decreasing over Beibu Gulf and the sea area of Changjiang River estuary.For all TCs,the center of the torrential rain in TC shifts toward the TC center as the intensity of TC increases.This finding is consistent with many previous studies.The possible influences of storm motion and vertical wind shear on the observed precipitation asymmetries are also examined.Results show that the environmental vertical wind shear is an important factor contributing to the large downshear rainfall asymmetry,especially when a TC makes landfall on the south and east China coasts.These results are also consistent with previous observational and numerical studies.  相似文献   

To quantitatively study the role of tropical cyclone precipitation (TCP) on alleviating the drought in the southeast coastal region of China (SCR) during summer and autumn, the objective synoptic analysis technique (OSAT), improved for consistency and rationality, was used to separate the TCP data on the summers and autumns of 1963–2005 on the basis of daily precipitation data from stations and tropical cyclone best track data. After defining the season drought index, the actual drought distribution and the assumed drought distribution without TCP were acquired. The results showed that within 1 000 km from the southeast coastline of China, TCP accounted for 11.3% of natural precipitation (NP). Without TCP, the drought index in the SCR during summer would have increased from 0.2 to 0.6 or even above 1.0 in some regions whereas the drought index during autumn would have increased from 0.4 to 0.6 or above 1.2 in some regions. The impact of TCP on drought decreases progressively from the southeast coastline to the inland regions. The TCP proportion (TCPP) showed a significant negative correlation with the drought index in many regions of the southeast, and the significant region is wider in autumn than in summer. TCP relieved the drought most significantly within a range of 0–500 km from the southeast coastline. This drought relief showed different characteristics for the interannual variability in summer and autumn, and the cross wavelet transform indicated that the impact of TCP on drought mainly lies in 2–4-year time scales. In particular, there was a significant effect during the summers of 1977–1985 and in the autumns following that of 1985. Therefore, TCP has indeed largely alleviated drought in the SCR during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

ENSO对云南地区降水影响的年代际变化   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
通过对云南地区近50年的降水与尼诺3区的海面温度(以下简称SST)的相关性研究发现,同期或是前期的SST均与该地区的降水存在一定的相关关系,如云南地区初夏降水与前期SST呈负相关关系,而秋季降水与前期SST呈正相关关系,即在ElNino(LaNina)年,该地区初夏降水容易偏少(多),而秋季降水容易偏多(少),整个地区雨季有后(前)移的可能性。因此我们认为,ENS0对云南降水的影响主要表现为云南雨季起讫的早晚。同时发现,这种影响存在明显的年代际变化特征,即云南地区初夏和秋季降水与前期SST的相关关系在1970年代中期到1980年代末期这段时期表现得尤为显著,之前或之后这种相关关系都没有通过显著性检验。  相似文献   

In this paper, 1416 conventional ground-based meteorological observation stations on the mainland of China were subdivided into groups of differing spatial density. Data from each subgroup were then used to analyze variations in the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation statistics derived from each subgroup across the mainland of China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao), as well as in two regions (east China and south China) and three provinces (Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangxi) between 1981 and 2010. The results showed that for the mainland of China, total precipitation, mean annual precipitation, mean daily precipitation, and its spatial distribution were the same regardless of the spatial density of the stations. However, some minor differences were evident with respect to precipitation extremes and their spatial distribution. Overall, there were no significant variations in the TC precipitation statistics calculated from different station density schemes for the mainland of China. The regional and provincial results showed no significant differences in mean daily precipitation, but this was not the case for the maximum daily precipitation and torrential rain frequency. The maximum daily precipitation calculated from the lower-density station data was slightly less than that based on the higher-density station schemes, and this effect should be taken into consideration when interpreting regional climate statistics. The impact of station density on TC precipitation characteristics was more obvious for Hainan than for Guangdong or Jiangxi provinces. In addition, the effects were greater for south China (including Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, Guangdong, and Hainan provinces) than east China (including Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Anhui, and Jiangxi provinces). Furthermore, the analysis proved that the statistical climatic characteristics began to change significantly when the station spacing was between 40 and 50 km, which are close to the mean spacing for all stations across the mainland of China. Moreover, TC areal precipitation parameters, including mean total areal precipitation and mean daily areal precipitation, also began to change significantly when the spacing was between 40 and 50 km, and were completely different when it was between 100 and 200 km.  相似文献   

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