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We describe a new BVRI multicolor CCD photometric system situated at the prime focus of the 85-cm telescope at the Xinglong Station of NAOC. Atmospheric extinction effects, photometric accuracy and color calibration dependence of the system are investigated. Additional attention was paid to giving observers guidance in estimating throughput, detection limit, signal-to-noise ratio and exposure time.  相似文献   

We performed extensive data simulations for the planned ultra‐wide‐field, high‐precision photometric telescope ICE‐T (International Concordia Explorer Telescope). ICE‐T consists of two 60 cm‐aperture Schmidt telescopes with a joint field of view simultaneously in two photometric bandpasses. Two CCD cameras, each with a single 10.3k × 10.3k thinned back‐illuminated device, would image a sky field of 65 square degrees. Given a location of the telescope at Dome C on the East Antarctic Plateau, we searched for the star fields that best exploit the technical capabilities of the instrument and the site. We considered the effects of diurnal air mass and refraction variations, solar and lunar interference, interstellar absorption, overexposing of bright stars and ghosts, crowding by background stars, and the ratio of dwarf to giant stars in the field. Using NOMAD, SSA, Tycho‐2 and 2MASS‐based stellar positions and BVIJH magnitudes for these fields, we simulated the effects of the telescope's point‐spread‐function, the integration, and the co‐addition times. Simulations of transit light curves are presented for the selected star fields and convolved with the expected instrumental characteristics. For the brightest stars, we showed that ICE‐T should be capable of detecting a 2 REarth Super Earth around a G2 solar‐type star, as well as an Earth around an M0‐star – if these targets were as abundant as hot Jupiters. Simultaneously, the telescope would monitor the host star's surface activity in an astrophysically interpretable manner (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ULTRACAM is a portable, high-speed imaging photometer designed to study faint astronomical objects at high temporal resolutions. ULTRACAM employs two dichroic beamsplitters and three frame-transfer CCD cameras to provide three-colour optical imaging at frame rates of up to 500 Hz. The instrument has been mounted on both the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in Chile, and has been used to study white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, pulsars, black hole/neutron star X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary stars, extrasolar planets, flare stars, ultracompact binaries, active galactic nuclei, asteroseismology and occultations by Solar System objects (Titan, Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects). In this paper we describe the scientific motivation behind ULTRACAM, present an outline of its design and report on its measured performance.  相似文献   

We present the results of TRIFFID simultaneous V - and B -band observations of the cores of the globular clusters M15, M92 and NGC 6712. A variability search of their dense centres was made feasible through performing post-exposure image sharpening on the images, increasing the image resolution by a factor of ∼2. The isis implementation of the image subtraction technique developed by Alard & Lupton was then used to detect flux variations in our image sets. We have obtained periods for all observable variables (in our field of view) in NGC 6712 and we have found two new RR Lyrae variables (an RRab and an RRc). We have confirmed three variables in our field of view of the M92. For M15, we detect 48 variables in our field of view, 23 of which are new discoveries. We obtain periods and amplitudes for all variables and classify new ones based on the light-curve shape, the most significant period and the mean magnitude in the V band. Among the detected RR Lyrae we find 19 RRc, 12 RRab and two RRd types. In the subsequent analysis we find a marked increase in RRc over RRab variables in the core. In a refined procedure to search for fainter objects we find no dwarf novae in our field of view of M15. Simulations performed on the data set to quantify our sensitivity to such objects indicate that an upper limit of 10 dwarf novae (at 92 per cent probability) exist in our field of view. The implications this result has on globular clusters are discussed.  相似文献   

与传统CCD (Charge Coupled Device)相机相比, s COMS (scientific Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)相机被广泛装备于超大天区巡天设备,与传统CCD相机不同的是sCMOS相机采用卷帘式快门,因此对其进行测光精度的分析工作是很有意义的.首先,将s CMOS相机拍摄的图像与UCAC2 (The Second U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog)星表进行匹对,识别图像中的UCAC2标准星.接着对图中的标准星进行测光并提取测光数据进行最小二乘直线拟合,获得了相应的系统转换系数并得到仪器星等至标准星等的转换公式.然后,将转化后的仪器星等和标准星等做差并计算相应的均方根误差.最后,利用计算得到的均方根误差评估sCMOS相机的测光精度,并将标准星按星等划分后,分析了相应的测光误差.计算结果表明在标准测光夜测量亮度亮于14等的星时,测光精度优于0.15 mag.通过实测精度分析可知卷帘快门sCOMS相机具有较高的测光精度,基本满足空间碎片巡天观测的要求.  相似文献   

The magnetic chemically peculiar (CP2) stars of the upper main sequence are well‐suited for investigating the impact of magnetic fields on the surface layers of stars, which leads to abundance inhomogeneities (spots) resulting in photometric variability. The light changes are explained in terms of the oblique rotator model; the derived photometric periods thus correlate with the rotational periods of the stars. CP2 stars exhibiting this kind of variability are classified as α2 Canum Venaticorum (ACV) variables. We have analysed around 3850000 individual photometric WASP measurements of magnetic chemically peculiar (CP2) stars and candidates selected from the catalogue of Ap, HgMn, and Am stars, with the ultimate goal of detecting new ACV variables. In total, we found 80 variables, from which 74 are reported here for the first time. The data allowed us to establish variability for 23 stars which had been reported as probably constant in the literature before. Light curve parameters were obtained for all stars by a least‐squares fit with the fundamental sine wave and its first harmonic. Because of the scarcity of Strömgren uvbyβ measurements and the lack of parallax measurements with an accuracy better than 20%, we are not able to give reliable astro‐physical parameters for the investigated objects. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New time-series photometric observations of BL Cam in the V band and white light were made during 2005 to 2007 at the Xinglong Station of China. The frequency analysis confirms two closely separated frequencies, 25.181 d-1 and 25.571 d-1, but the frequency of 31-32 d-1 reported in the literature was not detected in the new data. New times of maximum light were determined from both our light curves and those available on Internet, allowing a more comprehensive study of the O - C diagram, together with the times of maximum light in the literature. A new interpretation, including the period increasing before 1988 and decreasing since 1992 of BL Cam and the light-time effect in a binary system, looks plausible.  相似文献   

南极冰穹C (Dome C)的选址结果显示:Dome C具有寒冷干燥、红外背景辐射低、可连续3~4个月观测、空气明净、透过率高、风速低等特征,是比地面上任何中纬度台址都好的天文观测台址.而由我国最先登陆的内陆最高点冰穹A (Dome A)被国际天文界广泛认为可能是比Dome C更好的天文台址.近3 yr来,中国科学院南极天文中心领导开展Dome A的台址测量工作,初步结果表明Dome A作为天文台址具有巨大优势.但是到目前还没有获得直接用于衡量天文台址在光学观测方面的主要参数—视宁度数据.介绍了中国科学院南京天文光学技术研究所自行研制的我国首个用于Dome A的自动视宁度测量仪,基于一台口径35 cm的商用望远镜进行硬件改造和软件开发,使其能在Dome A低温低压环境下进行自动观测和数据处理.目前该仪器已随“雪龙号,科考船起运南极,于2011年初安装到Dome A并开始测量.起运前,在兴隆观测站与中国科学院国家天文台(国台)选址组的一台视宁度监测仪进行了对比测量,对软件、硬件和装调方法进行了检验验证.  相似文献   

CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and Transit) is a mission of high-accuracy photometry with two scientific programmes: asteroseismology and planet finding, using CCDs as detectors. Ten 2048×4096 CCDs manufactured by E2V (42-80) were calibrated on Meudon test bench in order to choose the best ones for flight. A very high instrument stability is needed. Taking into account the environmental perturbations (temperature, attitude control system jitter, radiations, etc.) we studied sensitivity of CCD gain and quantum efficiency to temperature and sensitivity of the output signal to bias voltages. Special attention was paid to pixel capacity and noise sources coming from dark current and pixel response non-uniformity. The calibration results together with the expected voltages and temperature fluctuations are compared with the specifications.  相似文献   

KARST, the Chinese SKA concept, consists of some 30 individual FAST-type elements to be set up in a karst region of Guizhou Province. A crucial question is how to select 30 optimized sites from hundreds of candidates. Here we introduce a uniform weight method, which can pick out suitable sites on the basis of uniformity and completeness of the u-v coverage. In order to meet some special scientific goals, such as imaging extended sources, a modification of this method is also discussed. Although the method is specially designed for the KARST array, it could be useful for more general types of arrays.  相似文献   

黑洞暂现双星MAXI J1820+070于2018年3月的明亮爆发为研究光学快速测光能力提供了重要机遇. 以快速光学相机(Fast Optical Camera, FOC)为终端设备分别在2018年4月22日、5月26日和8月31日(UTC)使用云南天文台丽江观测站2.4m望远镜对爆发中的黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070进行了亚秒时标的测光观测. 通过观测数据分析, 研究了相机的快速测光性能.对全帧和1/4帧两种观测模式的帧间间隔(frame time), 测得平均帧间间隔为(22.866 pm 0.679)ms和(5.868 pm 0.169)ms. 通过视场中多颗明亮参考源校准,提取了观测对象和参考源的光变曲线, 获得了光变曲线的傅里叶功率谱, 区分了观测对象本征光变和仪器或望远镜等观测因素带来的非本征光变, 成功探测到目标黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070中的光学波段低频准周期振荡信号, 并判别了观测中来自仪器设备或与观测条件相关的时变信号. 这成功验证了相机高速稳定的测光性能和对短至5ms时标光变信号的探测能力.  相似文献   

This paper is the second in a series describing the southern Galactic Disk Survey (GDS) performed at the Univer‐sitätssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in Chile. Haas et al. (2012, Paper I) presented the survey design and the characteristics of the observations and data. They identified ∼2200 variable stars in an area of 50 square degrees with more than 50 observations in 2011. Here we present the first complete version of the GDS covering all 268 fields with 1323 square degrees along the Galactic disk including revised data from Paper I. The individual fields were observed up to 272 times and comprise a maximum time span between September 2010 and May 2015. We detect a total of 64 151 variable sources, which are presented in a catalog including some of their properties and their light curves. A comparison with the International Variable Star Index (VSX) and All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) indicates that 56794 of these sources are previously unknown variables. Furthermore, we present U, B, V, r ′, i ′, z ′ photometry for all sources within the GDS, resulting in a new multi‐color catalog of nearly 16×106 sources detected in at least one filter. Both the GDS and the near‐infrared VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey (VVV) complement each other in the overlap area of about 300 square degrees enabling future comparison studies. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A fully autonomous data reduction pipeline has been developed for FRODOSpec, an optical fibre‐fed integral field spectrograph currently in use at the Liverpool Telescope. This paper details the process required for the reduction of data taken using an integral field spectrograph and presents an overview of the computational methods implemented to create the pipeline. Analysis of errors and possible future enhancements are also discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the current status of the WASP project, a pair of wide angle photometric telescopes, individually called Super‐WASP. SuperWASP‐I is located in La Palma, and SuperWASP‐II at Sutherland in South Africa. SW‐I began operations in April 2004. SW‐II is expected to be operational in early 2006. Each SuperWASP instrument consists of up to 8 individual cameras using ultra‐wide field lenses backed by high‐quality passively cooled CCDs. Each camera covers 7.8 × 7.8 sq degrees of sky, for nearly 500 sq degrees of total sky coverage. One of the current aims of the WASP project is the search for extra‐solar planet transits with a focus on brighter stars in the magnitude range ∼8 to 13. Additionally, WASP will search for optical transients, track Near‐Earth Objects, and study many types of variable stars and extragalactic objects. The collaboration has developed a custom‐built reduction pipeline that achieves better than 1 percent photometric precision. We discuss future goals, which include: nightly on‐mountain reductions that could be used to automatically drive alerts via a small robotic telescope network, and possible roles of the WASP telescopes as providers in such a network. Additional technical details of the telescopes, data reduction, and consortium members and institutions can be found on the web site at: http://www.superwasp.org/. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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