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青海扎日根结扎群火山岩中基性岩以贫硅、钾,高钛、钙,中性岩类以低硅、中钾、钛、钙,酸性岩类以高硅、钾,中钛,低钙为特征。根据Fe*/MgO-TiO2图解上显示出本区火山岩绝大多数火山岩落在岛弧区。微量元素中Th/Nb=0.9〉0.11,Nb/Zr〉0.04显示出其构造背景为陆-陆碰撞形成的岛弧区。扎日根结扎群火山岩时代Rb-Sr同位素等时线给出的年龄为231±28Ma和225±8 Ma,属晚三叠世。另外Sr同位素的初始比值ISr=0.70522±0.00023,小于0.719,表明岩浆(原始)来源于上地幔,并且在上升的过程中受到地壳的混染。  相似文献   

The Mascota volcanic field is located in the Jalisco Block of western Mexico, where the Rivera Plate subducts beneath the North American Plate. It spans an area of ∼ 2000 km2 and contains ∼ 87 small cones and lava flows of minette, absarokite, basic hornblende lamprophyre, basaltic andesite, and andesite. There are no contemporary dacite or rhyolite lavas. New 40Ar/39Ar ages are presented for 35 samples, which are combined with nine dates from the literature to document the eruptive history of this volcanic field. The oldest lavas (2.4 to 0.5 Ma) are found in the southern part of the field area, whereas the youngest lavas (predominantly < 0.5 Ma) are found in the northern portion. On the basis of these ages, field mapping, and the use of ortho aerial photographs and digital elevation models, it is estimated that a combined volume of 6.8 ± 3.1 km3 erupted in the last 2.4 Myr, which leads to an average eruption rate of ∼ 0.003 km3/kyr, and an average volume per eruptive unit of < 0.1 km3. The dominant lava type is andesite (2.1 ± 0.9 km3), followed by absarokite (1.6 ± 0.8 km3), basaltic andesite (1.2 ± 0.5 km3), basic hornblende lamprophyre (1.0 ± 0.4 km3), and minette (0.9 ± 0.5 km3). Thus, the medium-K andesite and basaltic andesite comprise approximately half (49%) of the erupted magma, with twice as much andesite as basaltic andesite, and they occur in close spatial and temporal association with the highly potassic, lamprophyric lavas. There is no time progression to the type of magma erupted. A wide variety of evidence indicate that the high-MgO (8–9 wt.% ) basaltic andesites (52–53% wt.% SiO2) were formed by H2O flux melting of the asthenopheric arc mantle wedge, whereas the mafic minettes and absarokites were formed by partial melting (induced by thermal erosion) of depleted lithospheric mantle containing phlogopite-bearing veins. There is only limited differentiation of the potassic magmas, with none more evolved than 55.4 wt.% SiO2 and 4.4 wt.% MgO. This may be attributable to rapid crystallization of the mantle-derived melts in the deep crust, owing to their low volumes. Thus, the andesites (58–63 wt.% SiO2) are notable for being both the most voluminous and the most evolved of all lava types in the Mascota volcanic field, which is not consistent with their extraction from extensively crystallized (60–70%), low-volume intrusions. Instead, the evidence supports the origin of the andesites by partial melting of amphibolitized, mafic lower crust, driven by the emplacement of the minettes, absarokites, and the high-Mg basaltic andesites.  相似文献   

Thirteen pumice samples from the D and E ignimbrite units of Kalymnos Tuff have been analyzed for their biotite and feldspar phenocryst mineral chemistry and for bulk major and 20 trace, including 14 Rare Earth elements, to define and compare their petrochemistry with the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT). For the same purpose major element analyses were obtained from Kalymnos Tuff and KPT glasses. Both KPT and Kalymnos pumice lapilli are rhyolites characterized by a well-developed ‘silky’ texture and roundish quartz. Phenocrysts of biotite and feldspars (sanidine, oligoclase) from both tuffs display compositional overlap. Crystals are charac-terized by undulatory extinction (quartz), fractures (sanidine, oligoclase) and bent cleavages (biotite) due to the explosive origin of their host. Both tuffs show well-defined petrogenetic trends and extensive compositional overlaps on major and trace element variation diagrams suggesting that they are consanguineous. However, D ignimbrite samples are more evolved than those obtained from E ignimbrite as indicated from major elements, alkali earths (Ba, Rb, Sr), immobile (Zr, Y), compatible (V) and hygromagmatophile trace element (Th) distributions. This evidence indicates a stratified magma chamber under a ~16 Km caldera superstructure which is mostly submarine.  相似文献   

The Mount Edziza Volcanic Complex in north-central British Columbia includes a group of overlapping basaltic shields, salic composite volcanoes, domes and small calderas that range in age from 7.5 Ma to less than 2000 years B.P. The volcanic assemblage is chemically bimodal, comprising voluminous alkali olivine basalt and hawaiite, a salic suite of mainly peralkaline trachyte and comendite, plus a relatively small volume of intermediate rocks (trachybasalt, tristanite, mugearite, benmoreite). The complex is the product of five cycles of magmatic activity, each of which began with alkali olivine basalt and culminated with the eruption of salic magma. The regular chemical variation shown by almost 100 major- and trace-element analyses suggests a genetic lineage between the basic and salic members of each cycle. Least-squares mathematical modelling, indicates that the salic rocks (trachyte and comendite) have formed by fractionation of observed phenocryst and cumulate nodule mineral phases from a common alkali olivine basalt parent magma.Hawaiite is thought to be a cumulate rock, formed by partial fractionation and feldspar accumulation within rising columns of primary alkali olivine basalt. Fractionation leading from alkali olivine basalt through trachybasalt and trachyte to comendite is believed to have taken place where primary basalt became trapped in large crustal reservoirs. The early removal of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase, leading to a trachytic residuum, and subsequent fractionation of mainly alkali feldspar, leading to the peralkaline end members, is consistent with major- and trace-element variation and with isotopic and REE data.The chemical diversity of the complex is attributed to its location over a zone of crustal extension where mantle-derived basalt, trapped in large high-level reservoirs, underwent prolonged fractionation.  相似文献   

An extensive geochemical survey of the fluids released by the volcanic/geothermal system of Methana was undertaken. Gases were characterized based on the chemical and isotopic [helium (He) and carbon (C)] analysis of 27 samples. Carbon dioxide soil gas concentration and fluxes were measured at 179 sampling sites throughout the peninsula. Forty samples of thermal and cold groundwaters were also sampled and analysed to characterize the geochemistry of the aquifers.  相似文献   

U–Pb Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) dating of zircon in combination with (U–Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite is applied to constrain the emplacement and exhumation history of the youngest granitic rocks in the Western Carpathians collected in the Central Slovakian Neovolcanic Field. Two samples of diorite from the locality Banky, and granodiorite from Banská Hodru?a yield the U–Pb zircon concordia ages of 15.21 ±0.19 Ma and 12.92 ±0.27 Ma, respectively, recording the time of zircon crystallization and the intrusions’ emplacement. Zircon (U–Th)/He ages of 14.70 ±0.94 (Banky) and 12.65 ±0.61 Ma (Banská Hodru?a), and apatite (U–Th)/He ages of 14.45 ±0.70 Ma (diorite) and 12.26 ±0.77 Ma (granodiorite) are less than 1 Myr younger than the corresponding zircon U–Pb ages. For both diorite and granodiorite rocks their chronological data thus document a simple cooling process from magmatic crystallization/solidification temperatures to near‐surface temperatures in the Middle Miocene, without subsequent reheating. Geospeedometry data suggest for rapid cooling at an average rate of 678 ±158 °C/Myr, and the exhumation rate of 5 mm/year corresponding to active tectonic‐forced exhumation. The quick cooling is interpreted to record the exhumation of the studied granitic rocks complex that closely followed its emplacement, and was likely accompanied by a drop in the paleo‐geothermal gradient due to cessation of volcanic activity in the area.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Wulungu-Luliang area are mainly andesites of medium- to high-K calc-alkalic series. Volcanic rock samples have relatively high alkali(Na2O + K2 O = 4.7 % to 6.8 %) and low Ti O2contents(0.7 % to 0.9 %), relatively high Mg O(2.5 % to 3.4 %) and Mg#(49.9 % to 67.1 %), high rare earth element(REE) contents, and relatively high K2 O contents(1.7 % to 3.1 %). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show light REE enrichment((La/Yb)N= 4.15 to 5.19)with weak Eu anomalies(d Eu = 0.75 to 0.92). These samples are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements but relatively depleted in high field strength elements. The trace elements and REE patterns are similar to those of Setouchi and central Ryukyu high-Mg andesites, indicating a highMg andesite source. Relatively high Y contents(16.7 to24.4 ppm), and relatively low Sr/Y ratios(17.2 to 38.8) and Ti O2contents(0.7 % to 0.9 %) exclude the possibility of slab melting. Low Sr/Nd(16.6 to 42.8), Ba/Th(66.4 to266.8), and U/Th(0.2 to 0.3) indicate that the influence of slab-derived fluids is low. The ratios of Ce/Th(4.9–7.3), Ce/Pb(1.8–4.2), Ba/Rb(7.99–22.03), Ba/Th(66.4–266.8), and La/Sm(3.6–4.3) are similar to ratios found in subducting sediment melts. Relatively high ratios of K/Nb(1357–3258),Th/La(0.28–0.42), Zr/Nb(8.8–27.1), and especially Th/Nb(0.48–1.25) suggest that the magma was assimilated and contaminated by upper continental crust. These characteristics, along with the ratios of La/Yb, Sc/Ni, Th/Yb, Ta/Yb,Ce/P2O5, and Zr/Ti O2, demonstrate that the earlier Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Wulungu-Luliang area were generated in a continental island-arc setting.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation on the location of magmatic intrusions in the Carboniferous strata of the Qinggelidi area, north‐eastern Junggar Basin, is presented based on the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data constrained by petrophysical data, seismics and surface geology. The wavelet multi‐resolution analysis based on the discrete wavelet transform is adopted to the regional‐residual separation of gravity and magnetic anomalies. A power spectrum analysis is applied to estimate the source depths corresponding to different scales. A comparative analysis on the characteristics of local gravity and magnetic anomalies improved our understanding of volcanic rock distribution in the Carboniferous strata. Generally speaking, in total 75 anomalies are recognized, among which 23 are inferred to be the responses of basalts, diabases and andesites with high density and strong magnetization. Twelve anomalies are assumed to be caused by andesites, rhyolites and volcanic breccias with medium‐low density and high magnetization. There are still five anomalies that are believed to be generated by volcanic tuffs with low density and weak magnetization. Lastly, four cross‐sections in 3D gravity and magnetic modelling are displayed to provide a more thorough image of volcanic rocks in our study area.  相似文献   

Major, trace element and Sr-isotope compositions are reported for a suite of lavas coming from the area of Commenda in the SE Vulsinian district. The analyzed samples have all low silica contents and variable but generally high CaO, MgO and FeOt. Based on K2O% and K2O/Na2O ratio, the rocks from Commenda can be classified as belonging to the Potassic Series (KS) and the High-potassium Series (HKS). The HKS rocks appear to have derived by cristal/liquid fractionation from the most mafic types with separation of olivine and clinopyroxene and then of clinopyroxene + leucite. The most primitive HKS rocks have aphyric texture and high Mg-values, Cr and Ni contents which are close or within the range of values of magmas formed by partial melting of periodititic mantle sources. The KS rocks have lower incompatible element contents as the HKS rocks with similar degree of evolution.The variations of Sr-isotopic ratios of the analyzed rocks and of other Vulsinian lavas, indicate that the basic HKS Vulsinian rocks did not interact significantly with the continental crust. Instead, the KS appears to have evolved by combined crystal fractionation and assimilation processes, starting from parental magmas which had87Sr/86Sr ratio not significantly lower than that found in the less evolved rocks of the suite.The most primitive HKS rocks from Commenda have hygromagmatophile element distribution pattern characterized by high ratio of LILE/HFSE with negative anomalies of Ta and Ti, resembling closely those of other Roman mafic volcanics. The primitive geochemical characteristics of the Commenda rocks exclude that these features are the products of interaction with the crust and provide a further support to the hypothesis of a genesis within a subduction-modified mantle source.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical model has been derived to study the superficial thermal anomalies to be found in Lanzarote (605°C at 13 m depth) in association with the convection of geothermal fluids. The model is valid for a wide range of conditions, in particular for those found beneath the Timanfaya volcano (active between 1730 and 1736). Geological and geophysical data suggest that the heat source is related to a cylindrical magma body with a radius of 200±100 m and a top temperature of 850±100°C at a depth of 4±1 km.Energy is transported through fractures by magmatic volatiles and/or by water vapour coming from a deeply located water table: in such a convection system, a fluid flow of 10 l/m2 day, which corresponds to a thermal flux of 130 W/m2, is sufficient to explain the temperature anomalies observed at the surface. The relationships between gas flow and the surface temperatures, as well as the thermal gradients in the conducting fracture are also discussed.  相似文献   

Quan-Ru  Geng  Zhi-Ming  Sun  Gui-Tang  Pan  Di-Cheng  Zhu  Li-Quan  Wang 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):467-487
The well‐studied Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Gangdise Terrane, southern Tibet, are widely interpreted to have resulted from subduction of the Neotethys; however, Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks and their tectonic setting remain poorly studied. Based on new geological data, we carried out stratigraphical and geochemical analyses of Permian volcano‐stratigraphic sequences within an east–west‐trending, fault‐bounded zone of uplift in the central Gangdise Terrane. Sedimentary rocks in this area consist of platform carbonates and terrigenous clastic rocks that represent widespread shallow‐marine sedimentary basins developed around northern Gondwana. A regression or tectonic uplift event is recorded in Permian sedimentary rocks that show the local development of fluvial environments. The sedimentary succession contains evidence of two volcanic stages: a period of basaltic extrusions and younger explosive felsic magmatism. The first volcanic stage is Early and Middle Permian in age. Tholeiitic basaltic lavas are exposed around Maizhokunggar (Tangjia) and Lhunzhub in central Gangdise. The Lower Permian basalts are relatively enriched in MgO (4.58–12.19%), whereas the Middle Permian basalts are characterized by high Al2O3 contents (11.75–21.22%). Rocks of both ages are enriched in large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), and show pronounced negative Nb and Ta anomalies. Total REE contents and light (LREE)/heavy (HREE) ratios increased from the Early to Middle Permian. Observed variations in initial Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes (87Sr/86Sri = 0.7013–0.7066, 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.53–15.63, and 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.04–38.64 for a given 206Pb/204Pbi; εNd = +0.69 to ?11.55) can be explained by crustal interaction with mantle sources, as is characteristic of metasomatism by slab‐derived fluids or assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes during magmatic evolution. The observed geochemical signatures, coupled with stratigraphic constraints, support the hypothesis that an initial arc formed during the Permian due to southward subduction of the Paleotethys, predating the well‐known Mesozoic arc preserved in the Gangdise Terrane.  相似文献   

The Northern Junggar Basin experienced extensive subduction and a complex tectono-magmatic evolution during the Late Paleozoic,resulting in a heterogeneous distribution of volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin.In this study,the Carboniferous tectono-magmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc was described by exploring the petrography and geochemistry of Carboniferous volcanic rocks collected from well Y-2 and outcrop WW' in the northern Luliang Uplift.The distribution,types,and formation ages of these volcanic rocks were characterized and the volcanic sequence in well Y-1 was divided into upper and lower parts according to vertical variations in selected geochemical data.Then the petrogenesis and tectonic settings of different volcanic rocks were evaluated and this was used to infer the tectonomagmatic evolution of the northern Luliang arc during the Carboniferous.The results indicate that:(1) Carboniferous high-K calc-alkali andesite-dacite associations are distributed in the west of the northern Luliang Uplift,and Lower Carboniferous calc-alkali basalt-dacite-rhyolite assemblages are preserved in its east.(2) The intermediateacid volcanic rocks in wells Y-1 and Y-2 were derived from calc-alkali basaltic magma through melting of the juvenile lower crust,and geochemical variations indicate increasing addition of slab melting in a subduction-related arc environment.The bimodal volcanic rocks from outcrop WW' were derived from lithospheric underplating of basaltic magma in an intra-arc extensional setting.(3) The closure of the eastern Keramaili Oceanic basin occurred before the Early Carboniferous,and the tectono-magmatic difference between the east and the west of the northern Luliang Uplift appeared before the Carboniferous period.  相似文献   

A 350 m deep borehole was drilled in the Colli Albani volcanic district (Central Italy) in order to: understand the shallow crust structure beneath the volcanic complex; characterize the rock physical properties especially through in-situ measurements and, afterward, laboratory experiments; assess the local present-day stress field; install a broad-band seismometer at depth. The borehole is located adjacent to the western rim of the Tuscolano–Artemisio caldera, where several phenomena of unrest recently occurred. In 1989–90 a seismic swarm affected this area and a related uplift was recognized. In addition, high gas concentrations (mainly CO2 and H2S), in aquifers and soils, caused illnesses and casualties among inhabitants and animals in the past.  相似文献   

The Pb isotopic study of the Xigaze ophiolite (Tibet) shows that the tectonic (harzburgites) and magmatic (gabbros, dolerites, lavas) units bear different isotopic signatures, the harzburgitic rocks show much higher207Pb/204Pb values than the samples from the magmatic unit. Analyses of primary magmatic clinopyroxenes separated from the harzburgites confirmed that this difference is real and not due to secondary alteration processes. UPb analysis allowed determination of the crystallization age of the magmatites at 120 ± 10 m.y. This age is compatible with paleontological age determinations and thus demonstrates that UPb behaved more or less as a closed system since formation of the ophiolite. If an exchange with seawater has occurred, it must necessarily have happened shortly after crystallization of the Xigaze oceanic crust. Dolerite dykes crossing the harzburgites show similar Pb isotopic composition as the magmatites, indicating that they were emplaced when the ultramafic rocks were already brittle; however, the time difference of the emplacement was probably not larger than 280 m.y. This makes it evident that two sources with different isotopic signatures, one similar to normal MORB, the other with much higher207Pb/204Pb ratios, were active in the immediate neighborhood. One possible environment which can account for this association is a propagating ridge.  相似文献   

The Early Andean Magmatic Province (EAMP), consists of about 150 000 km3 of volcanic and plutonic units in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile and southern Peru and represents a major magmatic Mesozoic event in the world, for which the precise age of the thick volcanic series was unknown.Thirty 40Ar/39Ar analyses were carried out on primary mineral phases of volcanic and plutonic rocks from northern Chile (18°30′–24°S). Reliable plateau and “mini plateau” ages were obtained on plagioclase, amphibole and biotite from volcanic and plutonic rocks, despite widespread strong alteration degree. In the Arica, Tocopilla and Antofagasta (700 km apart) regions, the ages obtained on lava flows constrain the volcanic activity between 164 and 150 Ma and no N–S migration of volcanism is observed. The uppermost lava flows of the volcanic sequence at the type locality of the La Negra Formation extruded at ca. 153–150 Ma, suggesting the end of the volcanic activity of the arc at that time. The oldest volcanic activity occurred probably at ca. 175–170 Ma in the Iquique area, although no plateau age could be obtained.The plutonic bodies of the same regions were dated between ca. 160 and 142 Ma, indicating that they were partly contemporaneous with the volcanic activity. At least one volcanic pulse around 160 Ma is evidenced over the entire investigated reach of the EAMP, according to the ages found in Arica, Tocopilla, Michilla and Mantos Blancos regions.The episodic emplacement of huge amounts of subduction related volcanism is observed throughout the whole Andean history and particularly during the Jurassic (southern Peru, northern Chile and southern Argentina). These events probably correspond to periodic extensional geodynamic episodes, as a consequence of particular subduction conditions, such as change of obliquity of the convergence, change in the subduction angle, slab roll back effect or lower convergence rate, that remain to be precisely defined.  相似文献   

The Taiping-Huangshan composite intrusion is a unique complex with characteristics changing from calc-alkaline (Taiping intrusion) to alkaline (Huangshan intrusion). Huangshan intrusion samples show a spectacular tetrad effect in their REE distribution patterns as well as non-CHARAC (charge-and-radius-controlled) trace element behavior, indicating a highly evolved late-stage magma component. This composite intrusion provides a rare opportunity to investigate the variance of tectonic setting and lithospheric thinning of the southeastern Yangtze Craton in late Mesozoic era. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb analyses yield an emplacement age of 140.6±1.2 Ma for the Taiping intrusion, and ages of 127.7±1.3, 125.7±1.4, 125.1±1.5, and 125.2±5.5 Ma for four samples from the Huangshan intrusion respectively. The ages for four different phases of the Huangshan intrusion agree within their small analytical errors, indicating that the emplacement was in a short time. The Taiping and Huangshan intrusions are intimately associated, but there is about 15 Ma interval between their intrusion, and the magma characters change from calc-alkaline to alkaline without transition. This probably corresponds to lithospheric thinning of the southeastern Yangtze Craton. This event possibly happened from about 141 Ma (the emplacement age of the Taiping intrusion), to 128 Ma (start of emplacement of the Huangshan intrusion). The thinning mechanism is dominantly delamination.  相似文献   

The variability of the respiratory surface area of Simulium monticola Friederichs, 1920 and Simulium argyreatum Meigen, 1838 pupae was studied in detail. 333 pupae from Western Carpathian Mts. were investigated. According to the tubercles on thorax and head of the pupa of S. monticola, two morphological forms were distinguished (S. monticola 1 and S. monticola 2). Both were studied separately. In any species or form respectively we measured the lengths of all respiratory filaments and basal trunks, the widths of the basal trunks, the widths of the filaments on their proximal and distal end and the widths 0.25 mm from the proximal end. In all species (forms) differences in the size of the respiratory surface area between the first (April – June) and the second generation (August – October) were found. In S. monticola 1 the mean real respiratory surface area was significantly (p < 0.001) larger in spring (3.67 mm2) than in summer (2.19 mm2). In S. monticola 2 the mean real respiratory surface area was 3.45 mm2 in spring, and it was significantly larger in females than in males (p = 0.034). In S. argyreatum the mean real respiratory surface area was 2.80 mm2 in spring 2001 while in different summer generations it was significantly smaller: 1.58 mm2 in 1999, 1.84 mm2 in 2000 and 2.12 mm2 in 2001. All these groups differed significantly from each other. Regression models could explain 64.5% (power model) of the real respiratory surface area in S. monticola 1 and 19.9% (various models) of the real respiratory surface area in S. argyreatum due to the variability of the adult size.  相似文献   

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