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贵州遵义下寒武统牛蹄塘组生物群中的海绵化石   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
遵义松林中南村下寒武统牛蹄塘组中下部,特别是下部黑色泥岩中产有大量的海绵骨针,形态多样,初步研究有多达10属以上的海绵动物,与澄江生物群的海绵相比,牛蹄塘组的海绵动物化石其组合特征以六射海绵动物为主,它的发现增添了寒武纪生物组成的信息,为海绵动物从晚新元古代的发生以至穿越寒武纪的演化过程及寒武纪生物大爆发的定性,量度提供了重要信息及资料,描述了4属2个种。1个相似种和1个未定种。Hyalosinica sp.;Saetaspongia densa Mehl et Reitner,1993;Leptomitus teretiusculus CHen,Hou et Lu.1989;Crumillospongia cf.biporosa Righy,1986,它们分属于海绵动物的六射海绵纲和普通海绵纲。  相似文献   

本文以湘西北马金洞地区为研究区,采用地质填图、实测剖面、探槽揭露、实验测试及数学分析等方法研究了区内下寒武统牛蹄塘组含钒石煤的地质特征。研究结果表明区内下寒武统牛蹄塘组下段为主要的石煤赋存层位,石煤的厚度介于10.2~41.7 m,平均27.6 m,基本发育稳定;石煤的发热量与灰分、挥发份、水分及硫含量均有关系;石煤层顶底板的主要岩性均为黑色炭质页岩;伴生钒矿V2O5最高品位可达1.02%,达到工业品位,可与石煤共采。  相似文献   

Whether or not Grenvillian orogeny occurred in South China still remains highly controversial because high-quality,discriminating data are lacking,and therefore,the key to resolve this matter is to find datable volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks related to Grenvillian orogeny. Such rocks are apparently present in the Fuliangpeng Member from the lower-middle part of Kunyang Group in central Yunnan; here the unit is more than 100 m thick and consists of andesitic ignimbrite,tuffite,terrigeous clastic rocks and carbonates. These volcanic rocks,developed south of the Sibao fold-thrust belts,represent the earliest calc-alkaline volcanic activity in late Precambrian time from central Yunnan and are coeval with both a change in sedimentary facies from detritus to carbonates and the beginning of seismite development elsewhere. Two samples for SHRIMP analysis were collected from this volcanic unit. Sample G3-29-2,from the bottom of Fuliangpeng Member,is an ignimbrite,and about 100 zircon crys-tals recovered from it have euhedral shapes and display relatively simple sector zonation under cathodoluminescent (CL) imaging,suggesting a magmatogenic origin. Twenty-five of the zircons were analyzed and a weighed-mean U-Pb age of 1032±9 Ma was obtained. Sample G3-29-3 from uppermost part of Fuliangpeng Member is a tuffite,and many rounded,evidently detrital zircons were recovered. Nine of these zircons were analyzed,and the oldest single-grain U-Pb zircon age is 1938±26 Ma,im-plying that Paleoproterozoic basement developed in Cathaysia. The dating result,combined with the geotectonic research on the Fuliangpeng Member,leads us to conclude that late Mesoproterozoic orogenic volcanic activity occurred in the western part of South China,and that the related collision of Yangtze and Cathaysian cratons was an integral part of the assembly of Rodinia.  相似文献   

Analysis using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) shows that the Yongsheng pluton, located to the south of Huadian County, Jilin Province, in the North China Craton, has a zircon U-Pb isotopic emplacement age of (31.6±1.3) Ma. It is therefore the youngest exposed pluton so far recognized in eastern China. Although geochemical data indicate intensive crystal fractionation, the Sr-Nd isotopic features suggest that the magmatic source region of the lithospheric mantle was weakly depleted. This implies that the previous enriched lithospheric mantle had been replaced by juvenile asthenospheric mantle before or during the Palaeogene. This recognition has great significance for future work on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological evolution and deep geological processes in eastern China.  相似文献   

Withthedevelopmentofnewanalyticaltech niquesandstate of artinstruments ,isotopetracinganddatingmethodshavemadeconsiderableprogressinrecentyears .Inparticular ,variouskindsofradio genicisotopedatingmethodshavebeenappliedsuc cessfullyinigneousrocks.However,directdatingofsedimentaryrocksremainsundevelopedandcontro versial.Inmostcases ,researchersapplyU PbandK ArorAr Armethodstodatingvolcanicashesthatareinterbeddedwithinsedimentarystratainanattempttoobtaintheageofsedimentsindirectly[1] .Howev e…  相似文献   

贵州地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩发育广泛,并受该区早寒武世岩相古地理类型的控制,主要发育在中、东部地区的页岩盆地相地区中,少部分发育在页岩盆地相和碎屑岩台地相的过渡相中,极少发育在西部的碎屑岩台地相中.研究区牛蹄塘组黑色页岩沉积环境为缺氧还原性沉积环境,有机质母源主要为水生低等菌藻类生物,并混有少部分陆源高等植物.研究区牛蹄塘组黑色页岩具有有机质丰度高、母质类型好、有机质转化为烃类能力强的特征,显示出较大的生烃潜力和油气资源意义.但其高演化阶段作为成油的烃源岩意义不明显,作为成页岩气的源岩则前景乐观.  相似文献   

Zircon grains of magmatic origin from tuffite layers in the Xiamaling Formation at Zhaojiashan Village, Xuanhua area, Hebei Province, were used for zircon dating with a Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP Ⅱ), which gives a weighted mean ^207Pb/^206Pb age of 1366±9 Ma. It shows a very similar age (1368±12 Ma) as the zircon dating from the Xiamaling Formation in Western Hill, Beijing. This age proposes that the Xiamaling Formation in the North China plate should be of Mesoproterozoic, instead of Neoproterozoic based on K-Ar, Ar-Ar dating. The new zircon age also indicates the development of macrofossils algae from the Mesoproterozoic age.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating gives ages of 260.6± 3.5 Ma and 260.7± 5.6 Ma for serpentinised wehrlite and plag-hornblendite in the Jinbaoshan ultramafic intrusion, respectively. The results indicate that the Jinbaoshan intrusion was emplaced at ca.260 Ma and contemporaneous with the Emeishan continental flood basalts (ECFB), similar to other mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP). The new ages provide a geochronological constraint on the origin of the Jinbaoshan ultramafic intrusion. It confirms that the Jinbaoshan ultramafic intrusion belongs to the Emeishan LIP that formed at ca. 260 Ma. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-111), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40573020 and 40773033) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB411408)  相似文献   

Liu  PengJu  Yin  ChongYu  Gao  LinZhi  Tang  Feng  Chen  ShouMing 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(6):1058-1064
The Zhangcunping area is located at the north limb of the Huangling anticline in Yichang, Hubei Province. Here, the sedimentary succession of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation is similar with that in the Weng’an area, Guizhou Province. A large number of new microfossils (mainly acanthoacritarchs) from the Doushantuo Formation in this area are reported in this paper. The fossil assemblage shows similarity as the phosphatized biota of the Doushantuo Formation at Weng’an, Guizhou Province and the silicified biota of the Doushantuo Formation at the Yangtze Gorges, which suggests that the Zhangcunping area is a key for correlation of the Doushantuo Formation between the Weng’an area, Guizhou Province and the Yangtze Gorges. Besides, a new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age (614.0±7.6 Ma) is first obtained from a horizon underneath the exposed surface in the middle of the Doushantuo Formation in the Zhangcunping area. This age not only provides a new datum for subdivision of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, but also indicates that the age of the exposed surface in the middle of the Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Platform should be posterior to 614.0±7.6 Ma. Due to the horizon of the Weng’an biota situated above the exposed surface, the age of the Weng’an biota should be posterior to 614.0±7.6 Ma as well. Supported jointly by the Basic Foundation of scientific research work from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (Grant No. J0716), Science and Technology of China for fundamental work (Grant No. 2006FY120300-2), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40772013 and 40672022) and China Geological Survey (1212010611801-3)  相似文献   

A new Chengjiang-type fossil assemblage is reported herein from the lower part of the Hongjingshao Formation at Xiazhuang village of Chenggong,Kunming,Yunnan.The fossil assemblage,named as Xiazhuang fossil assemblage,yields predominantly soft-bodied fossils,including arthropods,brachiopods,priapulids,lobopods and some problematic taxa,with arthropods being the most dominant group.Preservation and composition of the fossil assemblage are very similar to the typical Chengjiang biota,which is preserved in the middle Yu’anshan Formation in the large area of eastern Yunnan.The associated trilobites demonstrate that the soft-bodied fossil assemblage belongs to the late Qiongzhusian in age(Stage 3,Cambrian),suggesting that the Hongjingshao Formation is probably a diachronous lithostratigraphic unit ranging from the upper Qiongzhusian to the lower Canglangpuan stages in eastern Yunnan.The fossil assemblage from the Xiazhuang area fills up the missing link between the typical older Chengjiang biota and the younger Malong and Guanshan biotas,making eastern Yunnan a unique area in the world to reveal the early evolutionary history of animals and palaeocommunity dynamics during the‘‘Cambrian explosion’’.  相似文献   

The Tethyan Himalaya is located between the In-dus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone to the north and HigherHimalayan crystallines to the south, paleogeographicallybelonging to the northern margin of “Greater India”. TheSangxiu Formation is used to define a series of specialstrata with rich volcanic interbeds, and is only distributedto the southeast of Yangzuoyong Co within 200 km×50 km along the eastern part of central Tethyan Hima-laya[1]. Based on overlapped relationships of strata andfos…  相似文献   

为全面研究黔北地区牛蹄塘组富有机质泥岩储层特征,对该组7口页岩气调查井和4口地质浅钻的岩芯进行了系统采样,并做了矿物学分析、地球化学分析、孔隙度和渗透率测定、含气性分析等实验。结果表明,牛蹄塘组富有机质泥岩主要发育于深水陆棚相带,岩性以含粉砂炭质泥岩、粉砂质炭质泥岩为主,脆性矿物以石英+长石组合为主,方解石、白云石、黄铁矿等自生脆性矿物含量总体较低;黏土矿物含量较低,变化范围较大,成分以伊利石为主。有机碳含量普遍较高,在1.5%~15.7%,有机质成熟度1.74%~3.40%,总体演化程度较高;平均岩石密度2.52 g/cm3,BET比表面积0.33~33.76 m2/g;微观储集空间以粒间(晶间)孔为主,其次为粒内孔,有机质孔发育较差,微裂缝总体不发育,具有低孔低渗低孔超低渗的储层特征;总含气量0.02~2.05 m3/t,现场解析气中N2、H2含量异常,CH4等烃类气体含量较低。  相似文献   

The Hongshan syenitic pluton (South Taihang) is mainly made up of hornblende syenite and minor granite. SHRIMP zircon dating yields a U-Pb age of 135±2.7 Ma for the emplacement of the pluton, while biotite Rb-Sr isotopic data give an isochron of 120. 3±2.4 Ma. Hongshan syenites show low silica, high alkalis and LILE such as Sr, and exhibit negligible Eu anomalies or slightly positive anomalies in the REE patterns. The syenites show quite enriched isotopic compositions with Isr from 0.7052 to 0. 7102 and εNd(t) from -7.5 to - 11.1. Petrogenesis of the pluton can be that partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle gave birth to an alkali basaltic magma, which subsequently underplated in the lower crust and experienced a coupled fractionation of ferromagnesian phases like pyroxene and hornblende and minor (<10 %) contamination of lower continental crust, producing the Hongshan syenites that partially e-volved into granite through combined fractionation of hornblende and feldspar. Our data are not in agreement with a previous model that the syenites originated from melting of lower crust in a thickened crust circumstance, and thus do not support the speculation of "East China Plateau" in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

四川盆地中部龙王庙组储层成岩作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川盆地中部地区下寒武统龙王庙组是油气勘探研究的重点层位。根据钻井资料、测井数据、岩心观察、普通薄片、铸体薄片、阴极发光、碳氧稳定同位素和主元素等分析,对龙王庙组储层成岩作用进行了研究,结果表明为颗粒白云岩和晶粒白云岩是龙王庙组主要的储集岩性,成岩作用主要有建设性、破坏性和保持性。建设性成岩作用主要包括溶蚀、破裂和烃类(有机酸)充注作用,破坏性成岩作用主要包括压实和压溶作用,保持性成岩作用主要包括胶结、白云石化和泥晶化作用。揭示了颗粒滩微相是龙王庙组优质碳酸盐岩储层发育的基础条件,海水白云石化、准同生期淡水溶蚀和烃类(有机酸)充注作用是优质储层形成的关键因素。  相似文献   

The large southern Zhuguangshan granitic batholith composite consists of granites with ages varying from the Caledonian through Indosinian to Yanshanian. Based on K-Ar dating data, the ages of the major parts of this composite were previously regarded as Yanshanian. In this study, the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating method has been adopted for six plutons, Ledong, Longhuashan, Dawozi, Zhaidi, Baiyun and Jiangnan, in the southern Zhuguangshan composite, in which the four plutons other than Baiyun and Jiangnan were previously regarded as Yanshanian granites. Magmatic zircons from these six plutons, dated by this study, have yielded ages of 239±5 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), 239±5 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), 239±2 Ma (MSWD = 1.7), 239±4 Ma (MSWD = 3.2), 231±2 Ma (MSWD = 0.81) and 231±3 Ma (MSWD = 1.8), respectively. The results indicate that these plutons were formed by early Indosinian magmatism. Geochemical characteristics suggest that these granites were formed in an extensional tectonic environment. Therefore, the Indosinian period granites in the southern Zhuguangshan composite were formed by partial melting of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal components during the collapse of thickened lithosphere after the collision between the South China and Indosinian plates.  相似文献   

The Jinniu Basin in southeast Hubei,located at the westernmost part of middle-lower val-ley of the Yangtze River,is one of the important vol-canic basins in East China. Volcanic rocks in the Jin-niu Basin are distributed mainly in the Majiashan Formation,the Lingxiang Formation and the Dasi Formation,consisting of rhyolite,basalt and basaltic andesite,(trachy)-basalt and basaltic trachy-andesite and (trachy)-andesite and (trachy)-dacite and rhyolite respectively,in which the Dasi volcanism is volumet-rically dominant and widespread. The Dasi volcanic rocks were selected for SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating to confirm the timing of volcanism. The results indi-cate that there exist a large amount of magmatic zir-cons characterized by high U and Th contents in the volcanic rocks. The concordia ages for 13 points are 128 ± 1Ma (MSWD = 3.0). On account of the shape of zircons and Th/U ratios,this age is considered to represent the crystallization time of the Dasi volcan-ism. The volcanic rocks in the Dasi,Majiashan and Lingxiang Formations share similar trace elementand REE partition patterns as well as Sr-Nd isotopic compositions. In combination with the regional geol-ogy,it is proposed that the southeast Hubei volcanic rocks were formed mainly during the Early Creta-ceous,just like other volcanic basins in middle-lower Yangtze valley. A lithospheric extension is also sug-gested for tectonic regime in this region in the Cre-taceous Period.  相似文献   

The Xilin Gol Complex was referred to the meta-morphic rocks exposed near Daqing Pasturage, east of Xilinhot, for the first time by the Hebei Geological Survey in 1958[1]. Similar metamorphic rocks have been increas-ingly identified in the Xilin Gol-Xiwuqi-Balinyouqi re-gion since then. They all are collectively grouped into the Xilin Gol Complex and considered as a part of the Bao- yintu Group (Pt1by)[1]. However, the timing of its deposi-tion and subsequent deformation and metamorphi…  相似文献   

为了查明浙江地区下古生界页岩气勘探前景,通过分析浙西北地区下寒武统荷塘组页岩有机质丰度、类型、成熟度等地球化学特征,矿物组成、孔隙度等物理特征及沉积、构造环境和分布情况,研究了荷塘组页岩气富集条件和勘探潜力.结果表明:研究区荷塘组页岩有机碳的质量分数为0.32%~4.24%,有机质丰富,生烃潜力较好;镜质体反射率在2.81%~4.83%,热演化程度高,处于过成熟阶段,有利于页岩气藏形成;页岩平均孔隙度为2.74%,微米级孔隙发育,有利于页岩气的储集;等温吸附实验的最大吸附量分别为3.5 m3/t和5.16m3/t,吸附甲烷能力良好;页岩脆性矿物的质量分数达76%~86%,有利于页岩气的压裂开采.荷塘组泥页岩在浙西北地区广泛分布,有效厚度为10~60 m,在中洲-昌化一带埋深适中,具备较好的勘探前景.  相似文献   

湘西北下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气藏条件及其勘探潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用野外露头地质剖面、有机地球化学分析数据等资料研究了湘西北下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气成藏条件及其勘探潜力.研究结果表明,湘西北下寒武统发育的海相泥页岩分布面积广、厚度大、有机碳含量高、有机质类型好,已达高-过成熟阶段,具有良好的页岩气形成条件.黑色泥页岩厚度分布明显受沉积相带控制,从深水陆棚相至斜坡相,黑色泥页岩厚度逐渐减薄.生储盖分析结果表明,桑植-石门复向斜一带具有优越的页岩气成藏条件,页岩气勘探开发前景良好.古丈复背斜一带虽然经历了多期构造活动与改造,上覆地层剥蚀严重,但页岩气自生自储自盖特征和吸附性能,同样可能让其页岩气具有良好的勘探开发前景.  相似文献   

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