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At the bottom of the Lower Cambrian, there widely develops a suit of rock association com-posed of black shales interbedded with thin silicalite in the India, northern Pakistan, Iran, southern France, England, northern Oman, the former USSR, southern Kaza…  相似文献   

A chert-phosphorite unit from the Sugetbrak section in the Tarim Basin was analyzed for rare earth elements (Ce, Eu), redox sensitive proxies, and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13Ccarb and δ 13Corg) in the lower Yurtus Formation of the Early Cambrian period. Redox sensitive element ratios (Th/U, V/Cr, Ni/Co, and V/Sc) were employed to determine the palaeoenvironmental conditions during this period. The ratios indicated that the depositional environment of the chert-phosphorite-black shale unit ranged from suboxic to anoxic. Negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies in the chert-phosphorite assemblages of the studied Yurtus Formation indicated the existence of a redox-stratified ocean, similar to that of South China. Overturn or upward expansion of the deep water-mass probably reached the shallow marine zone after the formation of the Yurtus phosphorites. The characteristics of the negative Ce anomaly may be due to phosphoritic inheritance from the Ce-depleted signature of the overlying water column. Subsequent hydrothermal inputs and reduced detrital supplies of the deep water caused by the upwelling affected certain redox sensitive elements in the sedimentary basin. δ 13Ccarb and δ13Corg negative excursions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite unit may be related to a transgression phase when episodic basinal upwelling moved 12C- and P-rich waters from the pelagic basin floor to the continental shelf. Although carbon isotopic compositions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages may have suffered from diagenetic alteration, they can be used to probe diagenetic conditions. Multi-proxy geochemical studies indicated that the δ 13Ccarb values of the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages might be considered reflections of a predominantly suboxic environment that was subsequently affected by hydrothermal inputs due to the upwelling.  相似文献   

The organic matter-rich strata of the Yurtusi Formation of Lower Cambrian are wildly spread and steady in the Tarim Basin, in which cherts are developed, companied with phosphorite. Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratio and Si/(Si+Al+Fe) ratio of cherts range from 0.0023 to 0.0046 and 0.965 to 0.98, respectively, suggesting that cherts are formed in submarine hydrothermal activity and far away from terrestrial. Trace elements, such as As, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, P, V, Ba, etc., are markedly rich in organic matter-rich sedimentary rocks of which Ba/Sr ratios are between 21.2 and 158.1. Compared with modern hydrothermal sediments, their Ba/Sr ratios are similar, it indicates that the organic matter-rich strata have the geochemical feature of submarine hydrothermal sediments. The total content of rare earth elements (ЕREE) in cherts is from 8.81 to 56.682 μg/g, on average 31.41 μg/g and the ΕREE of cherts is between continental margin chert's and abyssal chert's. The LREE/HREE ratio of cherts varies from 1.01 to 3.56, which reveals the characteristics of hydrothermal sediments. There is positive correlation between the total organic content (TOC) and Ba/Sr ratio which is geochemical index of submarine hydrothermal activity, which indicates that the submarine hydrothermal activity obviously influences the richness of organic matter in the Yurtusi Formation.  相似文献   

在河北省北部柳江盆地发现了距今5亿年前的地震记录。 震积岩发育在上寒武统崮山组中部。 沉积物变形构造主要有地裂缝、 地震楔、 砂脉、 砂层液化、 包卷层理等。 这些特征沉积构造是地震波作用于潮上—潮间带沉积环境中软沉积物而形成的。 在古沙垄顶部的内碎屑微晶灰岩中有沉积物液化产生扰动层理和流体逃逸形成的砂脉。 显微镜下可见沉积物液化流动显微构造和结构, 如微褶皱、 纹层断错、 液化颗粒等。 水面下在生物礁或沙垄斜坡局部可见重力流形成的包卷层理。 包卷层理核部为浅黄色和紫红色竹叶状灰岩, 中部为浅灰色破碎流化微晶灰岩碎屑, 外部为浅色和紫色内碎屑微晶灰岩。 崮山组的岩性组合和这些软沉积物变形构造表明, 崮山期柳江盆地构造活动剧烈, 沉积环境水深反复变化、 逐步变浅, 伴有地震发生, 估计产生震积岩的古地震的强度为7级左右。 该古地震事件的确定有益于研究地震活动和构造活动规律。  相似文献   


塔里木盆地的高分辨率沉积记录对于理解青藏高原隆升、亚洲内陆干旱化乃至全球气候变化至关重要.建立可靠的地层年代标尺对于研究塔里木盆地晚新生代沉积环境演化、构造运动及古气候变化具有重要意义.本文对塔里木盆地东北缘库尔勒地区的两个全取心钻孔ZK3(深500 m)、ZK5(深300 m)进行详细的磁性地层学研究,结果表明,ZK3孔中更新统底界为54.8 m,下更新统底界为167.0 m,上新统底界为432.0 m,钻孔底部年龄约为6.2 Ma,属上中新统上部;ZK5孔中更新统底界为64.7 m,下更新统底界为241.5 m,钻孔底部年龄约为3.2 Ma,属上上新统.基于上述磁性地层年代标尺,通过沉积速率分析发现ZK3孔在3.0—3.6 Ma之间沉积速率明显增大,反映了塔里木盆地北部天山在此期间的快速隆升.通过东西部多个盆地地质剖面沉积速率的对比分析发现,这期构造活动在区域上具有准同期活动特征,在时代上与晚中新世以来青藏高原快速隆升的时代一致,可能与青藏高原的隆升扩展效应有关.


Origin of dolostone remained a controversial subject, although numerous dolomitization models had been proposed to date. Because of the dolomitization’s potential to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, one debatable issue was the role of dolomitization in porosity construction or destruction. Based upon case studies of dolostone reservoirs in various geological settings such as evaporative tidal flat (Ordos Basin, NW China), evaporative platform (Sichuan Basin, SW China), and burial and hydrothermal diagenesis (Tarim Basin, NW China), here we systematically discuss the origin of porosity in dolostone reservoirs. Contrary to traditional concepts, which regarded dolomitization as a significant mechanism for porosity creation, we found two dominant factors controlling reservoir development in dolostones, i.e., porosity inherited from precursor carbonates and porosity resulted from post-dolomitization dissolution. Actually, dolomitization rarely had a notable effect on porosity creation but rather in many cases destroyed pre-existing porosity such as saddle dolostone precipitation in vugs and fractures. Porosity in dolostones associated with evaporative tidal flat or evaporative platform was generally created by subaerial dissolution of evaporites and/or undolomitized components. Porosity in burial dolostones was inherited mostly from precursor carbonates, which could be enlarged due to subsequent dissolution. Intercrystalline porosity in hydrothermal dolostones was either formed during dolo- mitization or inherited from precursor carbonates, whereas dissolution-enlarged intercrystalline pores and/or vugs were usually interpreted to be the result of hydrothermal alteration. These understandings on dolostone porosity shed light on reservoir prediction. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative tidal flat were laterally distributed as banded or quasi-stratified shapes in evaporite-bearing dolostones, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative platform commonly occurred along epiplatforms or beneath evaporite beds, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns in dolostones and/or evaporite-bearing dolostones of reef/shoal facies. Constrained by primary sedimentary facies, burial dolostone reservoirs were distributed in dolomitized, porous sediments of reef/shoal facies, and occurred vertically as multi-interval patterns in crystalline dolostones on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Hydrothermal dolomitization was obviously controlled by conduits (e.g., faults, unconformities), along which lenticular reservoirs could develop.  相似文献   

贺兰山寒武系早期苏屿口组为砂、砾混杂和不等粒结构的水下冲积扇沉积;五道塘组为下古生界碳酸盐台地沉积,其下部为含泥中、细粒砂屑和生物碎屑,中、上部为含不同形态的核形石碳酸盐岩组成;陶思沟组为发育水下流动波痕和水上暴露泥裂构造碳酸盐岩与细碎屑岩系的混合沉积;胡鲁斯台组和阿不切亥组为陆表海与“风暴海”沉积.根据该区与华北地台的对比,首次提出贺兰山寒武纪早期的苏屿口组古地理面貌应是西低东高,而非传统认为的西高东低;寒武纪早期的五道塘组、陶思沟组古地理面貌则为西高东低.  相似文献   

This paper reports Re-Os and Nd isotopes of black shales at the bottom of Lower Cambrian from the northern Tarim Basin and traces source materials of the black shales through isotopes. The average Re/Os, 187Re/188Os, and 187Os/188Os ratios of the black shales at the bottom of Lower Cambrian from the Tarim Basin are 7.18, 5.6438, and 1.9616, respectively. These isotopic ratios suggest the crustal sources of the black shales. The εNd(0) value is -13.17, the εNd(540 Ma) value is -7.32 and the Nd model ages are 1.535 Ga. These parameters in the black shales are quite consistent with those from the basement rocks. Based on the Re-Os and Nd isotopic characteristics of the black shales, we conclude that the continental crust mainly composed of basement rocks is the source material of the black shales. Through comparison of these isotopic parameters with those from the Yangtze Platform, it is clear that the Re-Os isotopic characteristics in the black shales from the Tarim and Yangtze platforms are quite different, which maybe indicates the differences in depositional settings between two platforms. These Re-Os isotopic data provide us with constraints to analyze the genetic relation between the two platforms.  相似文献   

On the basis of the geological field investigations and isotope geochronological studies the Sm-Nd isochron age (513 Ma±40 Ma), Rb-Sr isochron age (511 Ma±8 Ma) and K-Ar age (312-317 Ma) of the Dapingzhang spilite-keratophyre formation in Yunnan Province are presented. From these geochronological data it is evidenced that this suite of volcanic rocks was formed in the Cambrian and the parent magma was derived from a depleted mantle, which was influenced by crustal contamination and/or seawater hydrothermal alteration. During the Late Carboniferous the volcanic rocks experienced relatively strong geological reworking. This study provides geochronological evidence for the occurrence of Cambrian volcanic rocks in the Sanjiang (three-river) area.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is a typical superimposed basin in which there have occurred multiphase adjustment and destruction of the reservoirs. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones of the Silurian are the very product after destruction of the reservoirs. Studies show that the Silurian asphaltic sandstones distributed in both the middle and western parts on the basin are controlled chiefly by the Caledonian oil source area and by the Tazhong, Tabei and Bachu uplifts, whereas the distribution of the asphaltic sandstones on local structural belts is controlled by the reservoir's sedimentary system. Vertically, most of the asphaltic sandstones are under the regional caprock of red mudstones and the upper sandstone section of compact lithology. Due to the difference of hydrocarbon destruction in the early stage and the influence of hydrocarbon recharge in the late stage, the asphaltic sandstones and oil-bearing sandstones in the Tazhong area can be vertically divided into the upper and lower sections and they have an interactive distribution relationship as well. Asphaltic sandstones exist not only in intergranular pores but also inside the grains of sand and between the crevices, proving the destruction of early reservoirs due to uplifting. The existence of asphaltic sandstones over a large area reveals that the large-scale migration and accumulation and the subsequent destruction of hydrocarbons in the Craton area. The destruction caused a loss of the reserve resources of the Palaeozoic amounting to nearly 13.3 billion tons. Asphaltic sandstones formed after the destruction of oil and gas may serve as an effective caprock which is beneficial to accumulation of hydrocarbons and formation of the pool sealed by asphaltic sandstones in the later stage. The destruction of the early Silurian hydrocarbons depends on the stratigraphic burial depth. The deep part under the northern slope of Tazhong is an area favorable to search of undestroyed Silurian oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

本文分析了塔里木盆地大量实测镜质体反射率(Ro)数据,显示盆地西北部石炭系与二叠系之间Ro值演化不连续,记录了石炭-二叠纪间发生的构造-热事件,是地层抬升剥蚀和高温热事件共同作用的结果.热史模拟得出盆地在石炭纪末地温梯度开始升高,至~300 Ma达到峰值,分布在4.8~5.6℃/100 m之间,早二叠世迅速降低,随后进入缓慢稳定降低阶段.区域上高温热效应空间分布与塔里木大火成岩省的分布范围存在较好的相关性,但早于大规模玄武岩喷发的时间(290-288 Ma),且后者热效应范围有限.因此推断这种高温异常是大规模的深部岩浆活动,即深部岩浆房相对长时间热烘烤的结果.该研究结果为塔里木盆地热演化机制及相关热效应提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

This study is undertaken to understand how calcite precipitation and dissolution contributes to depth-related changes in porosity and permeability of gas-bearing sandstone reservoirs in the Kela 2 gas field of the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China. Sandstone samples and pore water samples are col-lected from well KL201 in the Tarim Basin. Vertical profiles of porosity, permeability, pore water chem-istry, and the relative volume abundance of calcite/dolomite are constructed from 3600 to 4000 m below the ground surface within major oil and gas reservoir rocks. Porosity and permeability values are in-versely correlated with the calcite abundance, indicating that calcite dissolution and precipitation may be controlling porosity and permeability of the reservoir rocks. Pore water chemistry exhibits a sys-tematic variation from the Na2SO4 type at the shallow depth (3600-3630 m), to the NaHCO3 type at the intermediate depth (3630―3695 m),and to the CaCl2 type at the greater depth (3728―3938 m). The geochemical factors that control the calcite solubility include pH, temperature, pressure, Ca2 concen-tration, the total inorganic carbon concentration (ΣCO2), and the type of pore water. Thermodynamic phase equilibrium and mass conservation laws are applied to calculate the calcite saturation state as a function of a few key parameters. The model calculation illustrates that the calcite solubility is strongly dependent on the chemical composition of pore water, mainly the concentration difference between the total dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved calcium concentration (i.e., [ΣCO2] -[Ca2 ]). In the Na2SO4 water at the shallow depth, this index is close to 0, pore water is near the calcite solubility. Calcite does not dissolve or precipitate in significant quantities. In the NaHCO3 water at the intermedi-ate depth, this index is greater than 0, and pore water is supersaturated with respect to calcite. Massive calcite precipitation was observed at this depth interval and this intensive cementation is responsible for decreased porosity and permeability. In the CaCl2 water at the greater depth, pore water is un-der-saturated with respect to calcite, resulting in dissolution of calcite cements, as consistent with microscopic dissolution features of the samples from this depth interval. Calcite dissolution results in formation of high secondary porosity and permeability, and is responsible for the superior quality of the reservoir rocks at this depth interval. These results illustrate the importance of pore water chemis-try in controlling carbonate precipitation/dissolution, which in turn controls porosity and permeability of oil and gas reservoir rocks in major sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Inclined eastward and consisting of the Hetianhe, Hetianhedong, Tazhong paleouplifts and Bachu paleoslope, the central paleouplift belt in the Tarim Basin was a large composite paleouplift and paleoslope belt with complicated palaeogeomorphic features during the Middle to early Late Ordovician. A number of paleostructural geomorphic elements have been identified in the paleouplift belt and surrounding areas, such as the high uplift belts, the faulted uplift platforms, the marginal slopes and slope break zones flanking the paleouplift belt, the surrounding shelf slopes or low relief ramps, the shelf slope break zones and deep basin plains. They exerted great influence on the development of paleogeography of the basin. The marginal slopes and slope break zones flanking the uplift belt constrained the formation and deposition of the high-energy facies including reefal and shoal deposits during the Late Ordovician, which comprise the major reservoirs of the Lower Paleozoic in the basin. Toward the end of the Ordovician, the Tazhong paleouplift hinged westward and became a westward-dipped nose as the southeastern margin of the basin was strongly compressed and uplifted. The tectono-paleogeomorphic framework of the central northern basin during the Early Silurian and the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous changed remarkably in topography from the initial low in east and high in west to high in northeast and low in southwest. The major paleogeomorphic elements developed in these periods included the strong eroded uplift high, the uplift marginal slope, the gentle ramp of the depression margin and the depression belt. The sandstones of the lowstand and the early transgressive systems tracts were deposited along the uplift marginal slopes and the gentle ramps of the depressions comprise the prolific reservoirs in the basin. The study indicates that the distribution patterns of the unconformities within the basin are closely related to the paleogeomorphic features and evolution of the paleouplift belt. From the high uplift belt to the depression, we found the composed unconformity belts at the high uplift, the truncated and onlap triangular unconformity belts along the uplift marginal slopes, the minor angular unconformity or discontinuity belts along the transitional zones from the uplift marginal slopes to depression and the conformity belt in the central depression. The truncated and the onlap triangular unconformity belts are the favorable zones for the formation of stratigraphic trap reservoirs. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB202302), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40372056) and Frontier Research Project of Marine Facies  相似文献   

By measuring carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions for C1, C2 and C3 of 74 gas samples, natural gases from the Tarim Basin can be divided into six groups on the basis of their origins: (1) coal-type gas derived from coal measures; (2) coal-type gas generated from the T-J lacustrine mudstones; (3) oil-type gas derived from the Cambrian and low Ordovician marine source rocks; (4) oil-type gas from the source rocks deposited in the marine-transitional facies; (5) mixing gas between gas derived from the Carboniferous transitional source rocks and the Mesozoic humic gas, and (6) mixing gases of thermal genetic gas and little deep gas in the Southwest depression of the Tarim Basin. The δ D values of methane in natural gases originating from different type kerogens are affected by both palaeo-environments of the source rock formation (kerogen types) and thermal maturity, with sedimentary environment (kerogen type) as the main controlling factor. Under the similar thermal maturity, the hydrogen isotope composition of methane is more enriched in deuterium in marine environments than lacustrine one. With the increase of thermal maturity and the increase of carbon atomic numbers of gaseous alkanes, the hydrogen isotopes become enriched in deuterium. The δ D values of ethane and propane (δ D2, δ D3) are controlled mainly by thermal maturity and to a lesser degree by sedimentary environment of the source rock formation. The partial reversal of hydrogen isotopes for gaseous alkanes would be related to the microbial oxidation, mixing of sapropelic and humic gases and / or mixing of gases from similar kerogen sources with various thermal maturities. In the oil-type gas, the sulfate reduction reaction would result in the reversed order of δ D1 and δ D2 (e.g. δ D1>δ D2).  相似文献   

Discovered in S15 and some other wells, the Lower Ordovician in the northern Tarim Basin consists mainly of brown gray-dark gray very fine-fine crystalline dolomite, with a minor portion of locally light gray-white medium-coarse crystalline dolomite. Silicification can be observed in the medium-coarse dolomite, and some euhedral drusy quartz can also be found in pores and fractures of the dolomite. The homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusions in the medium-coarse dolomite is between 110 and 200°C with maximum between 140 and 190°C, and the salinity is between 10.7 and 18.5 wt.% NaCl Eq. The homogenization temperature and salinity of the fluid inclusions in the medium-coarse dolomite are similar to those in the drusy quartz. Compared with the very fine-fine dolomite, the medium-coarse phase contains relatively high Fe and Mn. The average concentration of FeO and MnO in the medium-coarse dolomite is 1.917% and 0.323%, respectively. The medium-coarse dolomite has a remarkable negative Eu anomaly, consistent with the REE pattern of the intermediate-felsic igneous rocks in the Tarim Basin. The oxygen isotopic composition of the medium-coarse dolomite is relatively lighter than that of the very fine-fine dolomite. The δ18OPDB values of the medium-coarse dolomite are between -10.35‰ and -7.31‰. The δ18OSMOW values of the fluid associated with the medium-coarse dolomite can be calculated according to homogenization temperature and oxygen isotope fractionation factor between dolomite and fluid, and the calculated values are between +4‰ and +10‰, consistent with those of the hydrothermal fluid. The medium-coarse dolomite has relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratios as well, indi- cating an origin associated with intermediate-felsic igneous rock. The homogenization temperature, element composition, REE pattern, oxygen and strontium isotopes demonstrate that the medium-coarse dolomite is the result of recrystallization of very fine-fine dolomite under hydrothermal environment. The hydrothermal dolomite recrystallization is a special event but exists extensively in the Tarim Basin. The recrystallized dolomite becomes well reservoir bed for many intercrystalline pores and dissolution pores are produced in this event, so that more attention should be paid to the altered dolomite during the petroleum exploration in the lower Paleozoic in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

新疆塔里木盆地是中国最大的内陆盆地,地质构造上是周围被许多深大断裂所限制的稳定地块.塔里木盆地的地震发生是盆地与造山带耦合俯冲的结果,与盆地周缘的活动性深大断裂相关,是盆地扩张使盆地与山脉的结合带不断受到挤压产生脆性破裂引起的,构成盆地中部为稳定区、而盆地周围山脉为地震频繁区的格局.塔里木盆地的活动断裂主要发育于山体与盆地的过渡地带,而近两年这6次规模比较大的地震也都发生在西昆仑和南天山的山前俯冲带,据以往统计资料,塔里木盆地内所有地震数据中的85%是分布在塔西南和西南天山的南缘区域.本文通过分析认为,塔里木盆地地震的发生与大型的断裂构造相关.断裂构造在重力、磁力等地球物理场上特征明显,深部结构又容易被大地电磁测深、地震测深等物探方法揭示.通过综合地球物理方法,可以有效地研究断裂的平面展布特征及深部结构,对于研究天然地震带的展布和地震发生机制,具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

Cretaceous climate was warmer than today.The Songliao Basin contains one of the most important Late Cretaceous non-marine deposits in China for the research of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate.This research is based on core samples from the SK1(S)borehole.The strata sampled are the upper part of the Quantou Formation to member 2 of the Nenjiang Formation,where spores,pollen,dinoflagellates,and other microfossils are abundantly preserved.Based on analysis of the spores and pollen fossils from the core samples,the following six fossil assemblage zones have been recognized in ascending order:The Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Classopollis,Cyathidites-Schizaeoisporites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Proteacidites,Proteacidites-Cyathidites-Dictyotriletes,and the Lythraites-Callistipollenites-Schizaeoisporites zones.The six fossil zones range from the late Cenomanian to early Campanian.The Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts in the Songliao Basin are of high abundance and low diversity.Specific phytoplankton types reflect salinity changes of the Songliao Lake.Paleoecology of the dinoflagellates suggests that sediments of members 2 and 3 of the Yaojia Formation(K2y2+3)were deposited in a freshwater environment,whereas members 2 and 3 of the Qingshankou Formation(K2q2+3)and members 1 and 2 of the Nenjiang Formation(K2n1+2)were deposited in freshwater to brackish water environments.Combined with the paleoecology of dinoflagellates and the palynomorph biozones,valuable information of the paleoclimate was provided.The quantitative analyses of spores and pollen fossils,such as vegetation type,climate type,and humidity type,diversity and dominance,indicate a relatively sub-humid,mid-subtropical paleoclimate,with slight climatic fluctuation and/or temporal change.  相似文献   

淠河流域河源溪流鱼类空间分布格局及主要影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
淠河是安徽省内淮河右岸最大的支流,也是淮河中游重要的水源地.为了解淠河流域河源溪流鱼类的空间分布格局及其主要影响因素,本研究于2015年4—5月对6条河源溪流鱼类及其环境因子进行了调查.研究结果表明,6条溪流共采集鱼类19种,其中杂食性种类占57.9%,肉食性和植食性种类分别占26.3%和15.8%.所有种类中,宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)是主要优势种,绿太阳鱼(Lepomis cyanellus)为研究区域首次报道的外来入侵种.就6条溪流各样点的平均值而言,淠河西部3条溪流鱼类种类数及个体数均明显高于东部3条溪流,但重量却并没有类似趋势.Sorensen相似性分析表明,6条溪流鱼类组成具有较高相似性,且相对较小值主要位于高、低海拔溪流之间.除趋势对应分析二维空间排序与相似性分析结果一致.Pearson相关分析表明,影响鱼类种类数的主要是局域栖息地参数(包括海拔、流速、底质、水深、河宽和电导率)和溪流的空间位置参数(溪流级别、流量量级和下游量级);影响鱼类个体数和重量的均仅有局域栖息地参数中的底质因素.本研究结果可为淠河流域鱼类的保护和管理提供重要的基础资料.  相似文献   

There are different sulfur forms in the black shales from the Early Cambrian of the Yangtze platform. With its emphasis on pyrite and organosulfur, this paper discusses their distribution and formation. The research shows that sulfur phases take regular variations laterally as well as vertically in the research areas. In western researched profile with high terrigenous supply at the time it formed, there exists a larger amount of pyrite and less organosulfur, and pyrite amount declines while organosulfur content increases upwards along the profile. This black shale profile is characterized by relatively light sulfur isotope composition with evolution trend of becoming heavier both for pyrite and organosulfur from bottom to top along the profile. Opposite situation occurs in eastern profiles which were located farther away from terrigenous land. Here pyrite amount obviously decreases and organic matter has combined more sulfur, although these two kinds of sulfur species take similar trend in content variation along profiles to that for western profile. At the same time more34S is accumulated in sulfur species of black shale samples from eastern profile, and sulfur isotope composition gradually turns lighter from bottom to top. In combination with other information of iron, organic carbon contents and petrographic features, it can be established that sea-level change, supply of terrigenous matters, tectonic background and natures of paleoceanic chemistry have exerted great influence on the distribution of sulfur species in these black shales.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin, located in Xinjiang (Fig. 1), is the largest deposit basin with an area of about 560000 km2 in China. From late Triassic period to early Miocene, two huge subbasins developed, named the Kuqa sub-basin at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains in the north and the Shaqa subbasin at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in the south of the Tarim Basin. During the late Cretaceous to early Tertiary period, the Paleo-me- diterranean seawater repetitively invaded into the Shaqa subbas…  相似文献   

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