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Finescale spiral rainbands associated with Typhoon Rananim(2004)with the band length ranging from 10 to nearly 100 km and band width varying from 5 to 15 km are simulated using the Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model(MM5).The finescale rainbands have two types:one intersecting the eyewall and causing damaging wind streaks,and the other distributed azimuthally along the inner edge of the eyewall with a relatively short lifetime.The formation of the high-velocity wind streaks results from the interaction of the azimuthal flow with the banded vertical vorticity structure triggered by tilting of the horizontal vorticity.The vertical advection of azimuthal momentum also leads to acceleration of tangential flow at a relatively high altitude.The evolution and structures of the bands are also examined in this study. Further investigation suggests that the boundary inflection points are related tightly to the development of the finescale rainbands,consistent with previous findings using simple symmetric models.In particular,the presence of the level of inflow reversal in the boundary layer is a crucial factor controlling the formation of these bands.The near-surface wavy peaks of vertical vorticity always follow the inflection points in radial flow.The mesoscale vortices and associated convective updrafts in the eyewall are considered to strengthen the activity of finescale bands,and the updrafts can trigger the formation of the bands as they reside in the environment with inflow reversal in the boundary layer.  相似文献   

In order to investigate air-sea interactions during the life cycle of typhoons and the quantificational effects of typhoon-induced SST cooling on typhoon intensity, a mesoscale coupled air-sea model is developed based on the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 and the regional ocean model POM, which is used to simulate the life cycle of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a tropical depression to a typhoon followed by a steady weakening. The results show that improved intensity prediction is achieved after considering typhoon-induced SST cooling; the trend of the typhoon intensity change simulated by the coupled model is consistent with observations. The weakening stage of Typhoon Chanchu from 1200 UTC 15 May to 1800 UTC 16 May can be well reproduced, and it is the typhoon-induced SST cooling that makes Chanchu weaken during this period. Analysis reveals that the typhoon-induced SST cooling reduces the sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the typhoon's vortex, especially in the inner-core region. In this study, the average total heat flux in the inner-core region of the typhoon decrease by 57.2%, whereas typhoon intensity weakens by 46%. It is shown that incorporation of the typhoon-induced cooling, with an average value of 2.17℃, causes a 46-hPa weakening of the typhoon, which is about 20 hPa per 1℃ change in SST.  相似文献   

Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning data,storm intensity and track data,and the data from a Doppler radar and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite,are used to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of lightning activity in Typhoon Molave (0906) during different periods of its landfall (pre-landfall,landfall,and post-landfall).Parameters retrieved from the radar and the satellite are used to compare precipitation structures of the inner and outer rainbands of the typhoon,and to investigate possible causes of the different lightning characteristics.The results indicate that lightning activity was stronger in the outer rainbands than in the eyewall and inner rainbands.Lightning mainly occurred to the left (rather than "right" as in previous studies of US cases) of the moving typhoon,indicating a significant spatial asymmetry.The maximum lightning frequency in the tropical cyclone (TC) eyewall region was ahead of that in the whole TC region,and the outbreaks of eyewall lightning might indicate deepening of the cyclone.Stronger lightning in the outer rainbands is found to be associated with stronger updraft,higher concentrations of rain droplets and large ice particles at elevated mixed-phase levels,and the higher and broader convective clouds in the outer rainbands.Due to the contribution of large cloud nuclei,lightning intensity in the outer rainbands has a strong positive correlation with radar reflectivity.The ratio of positive CG lightning in the outer rainbands reached its maximum 1 h prior to occurrence of the maximum typhoon intensity at 2000 Beijing Time (BT) 18 July 2009.During the pre-landfall period (0300 BT 18 July-0050 BT 19 July),the typhoon gradually weakened,but strong lightning still appeared.After the typhoon made landfall at 0050 BT 19 July,CG lightning density rapidly decreased,but the ratio of positive lightning increased.Notably,after the landfall of the outer rainbands at 2325 BT 18 July (approximately 1.5 h prior to the landfall of the TC),significantly higher ice particle density derived from the TRMM data was observed in the outer rainbands,which,together with strengthened convection resulted from the local surface roughness effect,might have caused the enhanced lightning in the outer rainbands around the landfall of Molave.  相似文献   

采用WRF中尺度模式对2018年22号台风“山竹”进行高分辨率的数值模拟,在此基础上,分析台风的精细动力结构和雨带特征。分析结果发现,台风“山竹”的眼墙处具有低层辐合流入、高层辐散流出的动力配置;台风眼墙附近存在切向风速的高值区和明显的垂直上升区,并且随着高度逐渐向外侧倾斜,同时该处的雷达回波也较强,对流系统较为深厚。然后利用尺度分离方法得到涡旋罗斯贝(Rossby)波的扰动场,进一步分析了台风“山竹”内部的涡旋Rossby波特征。研究发现:1)1波和2波会同时沿着切向和径向方向传播,2波的振幅明显小于1波;1波和2波的正涡度扰动大值区基本覆盖强的雷达回波区域,同时伴有较强的对流活动。2)垂直方向上,降水区的涡度扰动呈现出上层为正、下层为负的动力配置时,同时散度扰动的垂直方向也有类似配置时,则会加强对流系统的发展,有利于降水的增强。由此可见,1波和2波扰动的上层辐散下层辐合的动力配置会促使对流系统的加强,同时也会对台风降水的强度和分布有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Interaction of typhoon and mesoscale vortex   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Under two types of initial tropical cyclone structures that are characterized by high and low vorticity zones, four sets of numerical experiments have been performed to investigate the interaction of a tropical cyclone with an adjacent mesoscale vortex (MSV) and its impact on the tropical cyclone intensity change,using a quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model with a horizontal resolution of 0.5 km. The results suggest that the interaction of a tropical cyclone characterized by a high vorticity zonal structure and an MSV would result in an intensification of the cyclone. Its central pressure decreases by more than 14 hPa. In the process of tile interaction, the west and middle segments of the high vorticity zone evolve into two peripheral spiral bands of the tropical cyclone, and the merging of the east segment and the inward propagating MSV forms a new vorticity accumulation area, wherein the maximum vorticity is remarkably greater than that in the center of the initial tropical cyclone circulation. It is this process of merging and strengthening that causes a greater pressure decrease in the center of the tropical cyclone. This process is also more complicated than those that have been studied in the past, which indicated that only the inward transfer of vorticity of the MSV can result in the strengthening of the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

During the movement of Typhoon Hato (2017) over land, heavy rainfall occurred when the spiral rainband which was about 100 km distance away from the center of the typhoon passed the Dayao Mountain (with an elevation of 1.2 km). In this study, the structures and forming mechanism of the heavy rainband along the mountain range are investigated by using high-resolution model simulations. The results show the importance of topography in causing the heavy rainband. Upslope of the steep terrain lifts the cyclonic flow to produce strong upward motion when the rainband passes across with high wind speed. At the same time, the warm and humid air is lifted to the steep slope, causing unstable energy to accumulate over the windward slope, which is conducive to the occurrence of rainfall. In particular, the convective cells generated upstream of rainband will further strengthen and develop due to the uplift when they move close to the mountain foot. Some precipitation particles in the convective cells fall to the ground while others move downstream with the intense updrafts, forming heavy rainfall near the summit. As a result, the largest accumulative rainfall coincides well with the orientation of the mountain ridge.  相似文献   

涡列涡量内传的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
用一个高分辨率的准地转正压模式实施了4组积分时间为24h的试验,研究台风环流区域中尺度涡列对台风强度的影响。并与单个中尺度涡旋的情况作了对比。结果表明:涡列内传过程中出现了两次涡合并现象。涡列涡量内传对台风强度的影响能力较弱。单个中尺度涡旋涡量内传可使台风增强。  相似文献   

利用浮标资料,对“利奇马”影响期间浙江沿海风和海浪特征及其关系进行分析,并对欧洲中心模式预报与实况进行对比,基于模式预报分析海浪的空间结构。结果发现:(1)随着台风靠近、登陆和远离,海浪波型经历了混合浪—风浪—混合浪的变化,且最大波高越大周期越长,浙江南部沿海海浪较北部沿海更具风浪特点;(2)浪高受风速影响大,北部沿海更为明显,持续风向对浪高增大有明显作用,当风向由向岸转为与海岸线平行、或由与海岸线平行转为离岸时,浪高迅速减小,反之浪高迅速增大;(3)台风靠近和影响浙江时,有效波高与风速的等值线平行,7、8、10级风分别与巨浪、狂浪、狂涛区有很好的对应,有效波高越高,风速对波高的决定作用越明显。  相似文献   

用一个高分辨率的准地转正压模式实施了4组积分时间为24h的试验,研究台风环流区域中尺度涡列对台风强度的影响,并与单个中尺度涡旋的情况作了对比。结果表明:涡列内传过程中出现了两次涡合并现象,涡列涡量内传对台风强度的影响能力较弱,单个中尺度涡旋涡量内传可使台风增强。  相似文献   

The impact of cloud microphysical processes on the simulated intensity and track of Typhoon Rananim is discussed and analyzed in the second part of this study. The results indicate that when the cooling effect due to evaporation of rain water is excluded, the simulated 36-h maximum surface wind speed of Typhoon Rananim is about 7 m s−1 greater than that from all other experiments; however, the typhoon landfall location has the biggest bias of about 150 km against the control experiment. The simulated strong outer rainbands and the vertical shear of the environmental flow are unfavorable for the deepening and maintenance of the typhoon and result in its intensity loss near the landfall. It is the cloud microphysical processes that strengthen and create the outer spiral rainbands, which then increase the local convergence away from the typhoon center and prevent more moisture and energy transport to the inner core of the typhoon. The developed outer rainbands are supposed to bring dry and cold air mass from the middle troposphere to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The other branch of the cold airflow comes from the evaporation of rain water itself in the PBL while the droplets are falling. Thus, the cut-off of the warm and moist air to the inner core and the invasion of cold and dry air to the eyewall region are expected to bring about the intensity reduction of the modeled typhoon. Therefore, the deepening and maintenance of Typhoon Rananim during its landing are better simulated through the reduction of these two kinds of model errors.  相似文献   

超强台风"韦帕"(Wipha)是2007年登陆中国大陆最强的台风,在浙江省造成了特大暴雨。利用宁波和舟山双多普勒天气雷达同步观测资料,对"韦帕"的两条螺旋雨带进行了双雷达三维风场反演;并综合利用组网雷达拼图数据等资料,对螺旋雨带的三维精细结构进行了分析。研究表明:(1)两条螺旋雨带的三维结构有很多相似之处。螺旋雨带内部低层有多个强回波区,水平速度大值区主要分布在强回波带上;强回波带的低层有较强的上升气流,最强上升气流超过4 m/s。在螺旋雨带中存在多个辐合辐散对、上升下沉气流对,这对于螺旋雨带的维持和进一步发展具有重要作用。在沿着台风中心的垂直剖面内,螺旋雨带内部的强回波区向雨带外侧倾斜。雨带外侧2 km高度以下的低层有较强的内流,最大值为5 m/s;雨带内侧有较强的外流,2 km高度以上均受外流控制;内流和外流在雨带中部低层汇合抬升。切向速度的强中心出现在3 km高度,速度值随高度增加而逐渐减小。(2)两个时段的螺旋雨带也存在差异。前一个时段的螺旋雨带对流发展更旺盛,45 dBZ的回波高度为4.8 km,而后一个时段的螺旋雨带45 dBZ的回波高度仅3.2 km。垂直剖面内,前一个时刻螺旋雨带低层辐合更强,最强辐合值超过-15×10^-4s^-1,正是由于低层的强辐合和充足的水汽供应,才使得雨带内部中低层的回波发展旺盛。  相似文献   

利用多重尺度摄动法,推导出非线性涡旋Rossby波波包的演变方程是非线性Schroedinger方程。对该非线性Schroedinger方程的周期波动解及其稳定性进行了研究,得到了有关稳定和不稳定的判据。数值计算表明:非线性涡旋Rossby波的相速值为10^0m/s量级,这和台风中的螺旋雨带实测移速的量级是一致的,可以从涡旋Rossby波说中较好地解释台风中的螺旋雨带的形成和维持。  相似文献   

周海光 《气象》2010,36(3):54-61
强台风罗莎(Krosa)于2007年10月7日15:30在福建省福鼎和浙江省苍南交界处第三次登陆,登陆期间,"罗莎"外围螺旋雨带恰好穿越宁波和舟山双多普勒雷达同步观测区。利用双多普勒雷达三维风场反演技术对双雷达时间同步探测资料进行风场反演,研究了螺旋雨带的三维风场结构。在螺旋雨带内部低层有多个强回波区。3 km高度以下,在雨带上游,雨带外侧水平速度与雨带夹角较小,内流较弱;雨带下游,水平速度与雨带夹角逐渐增大,内流较强;在雨带内侧有明显的外流。垂直剖面内,雨带外侧低层有明显的内流,气流从雨带外侧2 km高度以下的低层进入雨带;而在雨带内侧存在明显的外流,两支气流在雨带内部低层辐合,在雨带内部形成强回波区;外围螺旋雨带切向速度分量随高度增加而逐渐减小,最大速度区在2 km高度。  相似文献   

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