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用计算机模拟再现傅里叶计算全息的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种用计算机模拟再现傅里叶计算全息图的方法,它不但比传统的光学再现更方便和快捷,不可以通过调节各种参数来模拟和研究影响再现质量的实验条件。给出了由于全息片表面不平、曝光过度或不足、分辨力高低等条件下不同再现像的模拟结果,证明该方法是研究计算全息图再现的有效方法。  相似文献   

研究了在改性注氧隔离(SIMOX)材料上制备的具有环栅和H型栅结构的部分耗尽NMOS晶体管在三种不同偏置状态的总剂量辐照效应.实验表明在10keV的X-射线总剂量辐照下,器件的背栅、正栅阈值电压负向漂移和漏电流都控制在较小的水平;在2Mrad(SiO2)的辐照下仍能正常工作.研究证实了无论哪种栅结构,对于背栅,PG均为最劣偏置,其次是OFF偏置,而ON偏置下器件受辐照的影响最小;而对于正栅,ON均为最劣偏置.通过拟合计算出了绝缘埋层(BOX,即埋氧)中的饱和净正电荷密度Not和空穴俘获分数α.  相似文献   

凝胶化反应中溶剂效应的计算机模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用改进的晶体键渗流模型研究了溶剂地化学凝胶化过程的影响,引进紧邻不饱和单元相互作用参数Z来描述溶剂的品质,计算机模拟结果表明,溶剂品质对凝胶化时间,簇平均尺寸,簇尺寸分布等有明显影响,临界指数β、γ和v ,特别是γ和v在不同溶剂下有不同的数值,显示出不同溶剂中的化学凝胶化过程不属于同一普遍类。  相似文献   

颗粒MMC中颗粒推移效应的研究现状及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了研究金属基颗粒增强复合材料凝固过程中颗粒推移效应的重要性,综述了这方面研究的现状,归纳了目前已建立的颗粒推移的三种判据,并指出了各自的不足。另外,还分析了颗粒分布计算机模拟的可行性。  相似文献   

用数值模拟的方法研究了连续式加热炉内钢坯的加热过程,分析了滑轨结构、滑轨高度和滑轨材质等对钢坯黑印温差的影响,为消除钢坯黑印、提高钢坯加热质量提供了理论依据.结果表明,使用孔桥式全热滑轨时钢坯黑印最小,且随孔洞个数增加,黑印温差逐渐降低;黑印温差与滑轨高度基本呈双曲函数关系,当滑轨达到一定高度时,继续增加轨高对黑印温差的影响已不明显;滑轨材质对钢坯黑印基本无影响.  相似文献   

用数值模拟的方法研究了连续式加热炉内钢坯的加热过程,分析了滑轨结构、滑轨高度和滑 轨材质等对钢坯黑印温差的影响,为消除钢坯黑印、提高钢坯加热质量提供了理论依据。结 果表明,使用孔桥式全热滑轨时钢坯黑印最小,且随孔洞个数增加,黑印温差逐渐降低;黑 印温差与滑轨高度基本呈双曲函数关系,当滑轨达到一定高度时,继续增加轨高对黑印温差 的影响已不明显;滑轨材质对钢坯黑印基本无影响。  相似文献   

环型扩压叶栅中应用弯曲叶片的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在环型扩压叶栅实验风洞上进行了弯曲叶栅出口测量实验 ,研究了零冲角附近下常规直叶栅、正倾斜叶栅、正弯曲叶栅、S型叶栅对出口总压损失分布情况和二次流速度矢量的影响并进行了分析。  相似文献   

防雪栅是目前道路风吹雪灾害地区主要的防护设施,该研究结合数值模拟和现场实测方法,研究防雪栅与路基的布置间距对路基周围积雪分布的影响规律,进而分析积雪堆积机理。结果表明:数值模拟结果与现场实测结果有很好的对应关系,验证了结果的正确性;随着路堤与防雪栅间距的增大,路堤两个坡脚处的风速减小区范围均呈先增大后减小的趋势。路堤表面各部分的剪切速度均呈先增大后减小又增大的趋势,透风率为60%的防雪栅与路堤的最不利组合间距为16.67倍的防雪栅高度;随着路堑与防雪栅间距的增大,路堑内部积雪不易消除,因此防雪栅对路堑的挡雪效果不佳;运用剪切速度能够清晰地判断路基表面的积雪堆积与侵蚀,建议在风吹雪灾害频发地区修建铁路前可先采用该方法对工程表面的积雪堆积与侵蚀进行预判断,可合理确定工程中防雪栅布置的位置。  相似文献   

采用分子束外延(MBE)方法在Si(001)衬底上生长了Er2O3薄膜。高分辨率透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)测试显示Er2O3薄膜保持了在衬底上完好的外延,样品为均匀的单晶结构。将单晶Er2O3薄膜制备成MOS结构并对其做电容-电压(C-V)测试时,发现样品在高频时积累端电容出现了很大程度的频率色散现象。为了解释这种现象,提出了样品中存在缺氧层的结构模型。对该模型等效电路阻抗表达式推导得到了电容-频率方程,并将此方程与实验数据进行拟合,得到的图形、变量参数表明,未完全氧化的插入层是高频MOS C-V测试出现频率色散现象的主要原因。因此认为要消除Er2O3栅介质积累端的频率色散效应,需要尽量减少或避免缺氧层的形成。  相似文献   

随着油田开采年限的延长以及服役环境的复杂化,内涂层的适用性遭受挑战。模拟环氧黑陶瓷涂层在塔河油田的服役工况条件,利用高温高压釜模拟工况环境,研究了涂层在气、油、水3相中的耐蚀性,并利用电化学交流阻抗技术对涂层在H2S主导、H2S/CO2共存和CO2主导等6种模拟工况条件下的电化学特征进行了分析。研究表明,环氧黑陶瓷涂层具有较好的耐工况腐蚀特征,其交流阻抗值高于107Ω·cm2。现场应用发现涂层与基体结合良好,具有较好的抗阴极剥离性能。同时还对其失效机制进行了初步探讨,对其在现场工况条件下的服役寿命进行了初步预测。涂装缺陷成为了水及各种离子扩散的快速通道,在涂层与基体界面处发生电化学腐蚀,导致界面的局部压力增大而使涂层发生起泡、开裂。采用拟合曲线的二次多项式预测环氧黑陶瓷涂层寿命为517 d。  相似文献   

In order to solve the representation problem of computer-generated holograms, multiple algorithms have been devised. One of which is the well-known detour phase method. This method has recently been modified to be optimized to display the generated hologram on twisted nematic spatial light modulators. In this paper, we apply the modified gray-scaled detour phase holograms on another type of spatial light modulators, which is of utmost importance in the field, namely the reflective liquid crystal on silicon spatial light modulator.  相似文献   

We report here on design and computer simulation of computer-generated holograms for three dimensional (3D) imaging and display. Angular spectrum of general polygon patches was calculated in closed analytical form that includes angular dependence of the intensity and linear gradient of phase at each polygon. Special attention was paid to reduction of the dynamic range in the amplitude transmittance of the hologram by proper random choices of slopes and initial phases of each polygon. Numerical computer simulation results proved that our polygon-patched design demonstrates halftones of object shades and shows expected sharp focusing of different parts of the reconstructed 3D images in their different cross-sections.  相似文献   

高预倾角液晶显示器用聚酰亚胺定向材料的研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凌  郭晓霞  隋郁  印杰 《功能材料》2001,32(3):327-329
报过了用于高预倾角液晶显示器的定向膜材料的研究,这类定向膜材料由侧链含长烷基链的聚酰亚胺组成,该材料对向列相液晶有很好的定向能力。液晶显示器的预倾角随烷基链长度的增加而线性增加,并能达到5°以上的预倾角。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of testing the effect of computer-generated hologram (CGH) fabrication error in a cylindrical interferometry system. An experimental system is developed for calibrating the effect of this error. In the calibrating system, a mirror with high surface accuracy is placed at the focal axis of the cylindrical wave. After transmitting through the CGH, the reflected cylindrical wave can be transformed into a plane wave again, and then the plane wave interferes with the reference plane wave. Finally, the double-pass transmitted wavefront of the CGH, representing the effect of the CGH fabrication error in the experimental system, is obtained by analyzing the interferogram. The mathematical model of misalignment aberration removal in the calibration system is described, and the feasibility is demonstrated via the simulation system established in Zemax. With the mathematical polynomial, most of the possible misalignment errors can be estimated with the least-squares fitting algorithm, and then the double-pass transmitted wavefront of the CGH can be obtained by subtracting the misalignment errors from the result extracted from the real experimental system. Compared to the standard double-pass transmitted wavefront given by Diffraction International Ltd., which manufactured the CGH used in the experimental system, the result is desirable. We conclude that the proposed method is effective in calibrating the effect of the CGH error in the cylindrical interferometry system for the measurement of cylindricity error.  相似文献   

在光线强的地方,用发光二极管(LED)显示型水氧表测量水中溶氧含量时,因显示字体模糊不清而容易读错。使用液晶显示(LCD)时光线越强显示字迹越美观清晰。此外,LCD显示比LED显示功耗低。在直流型水氧表中,用LCD显示取代LED显示是水氧表降低功耗、延长电池使用时间的一个行之有效的方法,同时也是水氧表更新换代的一个标志。  相似文献   

液晶投影显示颜色均匀性的测量及校正系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈颖  李海峰  刘旭 《光电工程》2004,31(12):43-45,49
根据二维面阵 CCD 能够快速采集二维图像的特点,提出了一套由视频测试信号发生器、投影屏幕、CCD 摄像机和计算机组成的液晶投影显示颜色均匀性测量及校正系统。该系统利用面阵 CCD 对液晶投影图像三色分量的二维亮度分布进行分时测量,并根据测量及分析得到的校正数据对输出的三色亮度比例进行修正,实现了对液晶投影显示系统颜色均匀性的校正。实验表明,校正后屏幕上各个区域的色坐标和平均色坐标的偏差的标准差为 5.23×10-4,仅为校正前的 10.46%,色均匀度提高了一个量级。  相似文献   

Typically, the addition of a dye is considered to increase the contrast ratio (CR) of a polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) display; however, with the addition of a small amount of dye, the contrast ratio (CR) unexpectedly decreased as compare to the CR of a normal white PDLC display, attributed to various reasons. In this study, an additional multidirectional light scattering polymer film is developed over a conventional dye-doped polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (DPDLC) film to enhance the CR. For this, a disc-shape (DS) pattern on PN393 film is coated. This structure is believed to enhance the scattering properties of DPDLC displays via multiple-directional scattering nature of DS pattern film. Fabrications of such devices are simple and have advantageous of its low-cost production. This optimal designed disc-shaped light-scattering (DSS) film resulted in the enhancement of the CR of the DPDLCs.  相似文献   

In the reported work the block copolymers are used in the polymer disperse liquid crystal (PDLC) films. The present work has been performed to investigate the effect of block copolymer addition and block ratios on the PDLC characteristics. From our experimental finding, addition of block copolymer in PDLC shows variation in droplet size, electro-optical properties, extent of phase separation, and phase transition temperature. These finding indicate the alteration in solubility parameters of solutions with the addition of block copolymers. Moreover, the tri-block copolymer shows enlarge droplet size, enhancement in the degree of phase separation, and predict improvement in electro-optical properties, as compared to di-block copolymer. Similarly upon such comparison, the study suggests the tri-block copolymer have a relative lower molecular interaction with the liquid crystal molecules.  相似文献   

Dichroic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (DPDLCs) based on nematic liquid crystal materials with azo dye were investigated in detail for the application of display devices. Polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimeter and electro-optic experiments all have shown that the DPDLC containing low concentration of dyes modifies the basic properties of these materials like optical transmission, threshold voltage, contrast ratio and absorbance factor. A minimum amount of dye needs to be added to the liquid crystal with the polymer matrix for its effective phase separation and to minimize the transmittance in the OFF state and therefore gives rise to an overall improvement in contrast ratio of the devices. Molecular orientation and dynamics in droplet sizes are readily controlled in these DPDLC materials. These findings imply that the value of the threshold electric field Eth is approximately 8 V/μm for pure polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (without dye) where the threshold electric field Eth values are approximately 4.0 V/μm, 2.0 V/μm, 1.7 V/μm 1.0 V/μm, for 0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5% with azo dye in DPDLCs, respectively. From the results we can also infer that the maximum contrast is approximately 2.55 times the minimum contrast observed in the experiment for DPDLCs. The results show that the DPDLC with proscribed dye concentration will be possibly suitable and promising functional electronic materials for green technology flexible liquid crystal display.  相似文献   

对液晶单体和混合液晶的提纯方法进行了论述和总结.  相似文献   

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