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通过 1997~ 2 0 0 0年对 32个林窗的连续观测调查 ,研究了滇西北玉龙雪山自然保护区云杉坪亚高山丽江云杉林林窗大小和林窗位置对自然更新幼苗存活和生长的影响 .4个生长季节的观测结果表明 :林窗与林下非林窗内的幼苗大小和幼苗存活数量差异明显 .林窗由小到大 ,单位面积内的自然更新苗木数量逐渐减少 ,小林窗中更新苗为大林窗的 5倍左右 ,而林下的更新苗很少 ,0 .2ind .10m-2 .中等林窗和小林窗内的幼苗数量在从南到中心到北的位置上几乎没有明显的差异 ;大林窗中存在由南到北的位置差异 ,更新幼苗数量逐渐减少 .从更新幼苗的生长来看 ,中等林窗内的幼苗 ,高度最大、生长最快 ,定居阶段的平均年高生长为 (7.1± 0 .5 )cma-1,小林窗次之 ,大林窗和林下幼苗个体最小 ,生长最慢 .进一步从林窗位置来看 ,中、小林窗幼苗大小几无位置差异 ,大林窗则由南到北 ,幼苗由大变小 .从幼苗存活数量和大小来看 ,中等林窗大小是丽江云杉幼苗更新的适宜面积 ,对该类型退化亚高山针叶林恢复提供了一定的参考 .图 4表 2参 2 3  相似文献   

鼎湖山锥栗种子扩散过程中死亡因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了锥栗(Castanopsischinensis)种子扩散过程中死亡的主要因素。实验分为无处理组、鸟类取食组、排除鸟类取食组、排除哺乳动物组和种子袋法。结果表明,扩散前种子主要受栗实象甲(Curculiodavidi)取食和病原体感染,其取食率在鼎湖山3种林型之间显示了较大差异。排除实验的研究表明,锥栗种子在扩散后承受啮齿类、鸟类等动物取食和病原体感染致死的巨大压力,其中无覆盖处理实验组的种子取食平均比例高达93.3%,鸟类对种子取食率约为80%,排除鸟类实验组中的种子平均取食率为92.4%,非哺乳动物对种子的取食在3个林型有差异,但不是显著性的。因此,巨大的种子死亡或丧失是锥栗自然更新率非常低的主要原因。  相似文献   

边坡绿化工程的设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足现代城市绿化的要求,采用土工加筋材料进行城市高边坡挡墙设计.通过对青岛市银川西路东南侧边坡绿化实际工程的设计与分析,证明了该材料同时具有防护和绿化边坡的作用.  相似文献   

利用景观梯度法分析张家港市城市景观变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感与GIS技术平台的支持下,利用景观格局梯度法分析了张家港市各土地利用类型的景观格局及其时空分布特征.研究结果表明,2002-2006年,张家港市城市景观格局总体变化明显,城镇用地增长22.10%,农业用地则减少14.96%.在空间上,呈现出城市一城乡交错带一农业区的变化特征;在时间上,整体样带体现出斑块密度升高、...  相似文献   

浙江千岛湖地区苦槠叶片昆虫取食状类型和取食强度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择千岛湖地区不同大小岛屿为样地,对苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla)叶片虫食状类型和取食强度进行了研究.结果表明,千岛湖地区苦槠叶片昆虫取食状类型为16种,但取食频率不同.取食频率和取食部位对叶片危害程度的分析结果显示,缘食状、掏食状、顶食状、阴面食状和叶中脉状对植物叶片的影响更大.16种取食状中,缘食状和顶食状、缘食状和阴面食状之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),缘食状与大孔状、顶食状与大孔状、顶食状与掏食状、阳面食状与阴面食状之间呈显著正相关(P<0.05).苦槠叶片被昆虫取食的频率为84%,但绝大多数受害程度低.  相似文献   

Limitation of African Wild Dogs by Competition with Larger Carnivores   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
African wild dogs ( Lycaon pictus ) are endangered largely because their population-density is low under all conditions. Interspecific competition with larger carnivores may be a factor limiting wild dog density. The density of wild dogs on a 2600-km2 area of the Selous Game Reserve (Tanzania) was 0.04 adults/km2. Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta ) density for the same area was estimated by audio playbacks as 0.32 hyaenas/km2. Lion ( Panthera leo ) density, determined from the ratio of hyaenas to lions, was 0.11 lions/km2. Across six ecosystems including Selous, there were strong negative correlations between wild dog and hyaena densities (r = −0.92; p = 0.01) and between wild dog and lion densities (r = −0.91; p = 0.03). Hyaenas out-numbered wild dogs by ratios ranging from 8:1 to 122:1. Ratios of lions to wild dogs ranged from 3:1 to 21:1. The diets of hyaenas and wild dogs overlap extensively; those of wild dogs and lions show less overlap. Where hyaenas are common and visibility is good, interference competition from hyaenas at wild dog kills is common and reduces wild dogs' feeding time. Where hyaena density is lower and visibility is poor, interference competition at wild dog kills is rare. Wild dogs are commonly killed by lions and occasionally by hyaenas. These data suggest that competition with spotted hyaenas may limit or exclude wild dogs when hyaena density is high. Competition with lions appears less intense, but direct predation by lions on wild dogs is important. Competition and predation by larger carnivores may be of broad importance to the conservation of wild dogs and other medium-sized carnivores.  相似文献   

探讨纳米银(AgNPs)对蒙古黄芪种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,并基于文献数据讨论AgNPs对单一物种的影响是否与数据挖掘趋势相符合.蒙古黄芪种子置于9个不同浓度的AgNPs溶液中,每日观察并记录种子萌发情况.观察结束后进行萌发和生长指标测定,并基于实验结果和文献数据进行比较分析.结果 表明,随着AgNPs浓度升高,蒙古黄...  相似文献   

In the industrial zone of Ptolemais, Greece there are two coal-fired power plants, one nitrogen-fertilizer producing plant and a factory making coal-bricks. The industrial and the municipal waste effluents of this area are discharged into the lake Vegoritis via a small stream named Solou. Water and core or grab sediment samples taken from the Solou stream and Vegoritis Lake were analyzed for metallic elements by the proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method and the different pollution sources of the area under study, as far as metal pollution is concerned, were tentatively identified. The communities contribute to the pollution with loads of Pb and Ni; Ca, Cr, and Mo are contributed mainly by industries, while Fe, Zn, Mn, Sr, and Br have their origin to both sources. Also the sediment enrichment factors (SEF) are calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

油菜素内酯诱导黄瓜幼苗抗灰霉病研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用根际注射结合叶面喷施的方法,研究了油菜素内酯(Brassinolide,BR)对黄瓜灰霉病的诱抗作用及其生理机制.结果表明,BR降低了黄瓜幼苗的病情指数,最高幅度达28.4%,提高了苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性,增加了木质素和类黄酮含量,促进了灰霉病菌侵染下黄瓜幼苗的生长发育,壮苗指数最高增加了23.4%.说明BR能诱导黄瓜幼苗对灰霉病的抗性,且最佳处理浓度为0.05mg/L.图3表1参28  相似文献   

作者从WTO对果业的影响及现代果业科技创新的表现,揭示了衡阳果业技术创新的优势与存在的问题,并从健全科技创新制度,提高果业生产科技含量和农业信息化等方面提出了促进科技创新,提高衡阳果业竞争力的途径。  相似文献   

江西具有比较封闭的生态环境系统,目前全省环境总体质量尚好,但局部地区污染仍较严重。同周边地区相比,江西总体经济发展比较滞后。要尽快改变这种状况、实现江西跨越式发展,进行生态经济区的建设是可行途径。从可持续发展的基本原理出发,对在江西生态环境现状进行评价后,分析了江西建设生态区的必要性、基础与条件、指出了应当重点关注的主要问题。  相似文献   

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