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A sharp line delimitating the distribution of tourmaline (termed as a ‘tourmaline‐out isograd’) is defined in the migmatite zone of the Ryoke metamorphic belt, Japan. The trend of the tourmaline‐out isograd closely matches that of the isograds formed through the regional metamorphism, suggesting that it represents the breakdown front of tourmaline during regional metamorphism. This is confirmed by the presence of the reaction textures of tourmaline to sillimanite and cordierite near the tourmaline‐out isograd. The breakdown of tourmaline would release boron into associated melts or fluids and be an important factor in controlling the behaviour of boron in tourmaline‐bearing high‐temperature metamorphic rocks. Near the tourmaline‐out isograd, large tourmaline crystals occur in the centre of interboudin partitions containing leucosome. In the melanosome of the intervening matrix, reaction textures involving tourmaline are locally observed. These observations imply that tourmaline breakdown is related to a melting reaction and that the boron in the leucosome is derived from the breakdown of tourmaline in the melanosome during prograde metamorphism. Boron released by tourmaline breakdown lowers both the solidus temperature of the rock and the viscosity of any associated melt. Considering that the tourmaline‐out isograd lies close to the schist–migmatite boundary, these effects might have enhanced melt generation and segregation in the migmatite zone of the Ryoke belt. The evidence for the breakdown of tourmaline and the almost complete absence of any borosilicates throughout the migmatite zone suggest that boron was effectively removed from this region by the movement of melt and/or fluid. This implies that the tourmaline‐out isograd can reflect a significant amount of mass transfer in the anatectic zones.  相似文献   

Pressure-temperature conditions of metamorphism in the Yanai district, Ryoke belt, SW Japan, have been determined using garnet-biotite thermometry in combination with an empirically calibrated barometer in the assemblage common in pelitic and siliceous rocks, garnet + biotite + plagioclase + quartz. The barometer estimates pressure difference between a well-established sample and unknown samples based on the reaction,
Pressure and pressure gradient increased with increasing temperature such that pressures of high-grade areas exceeded that of the triple point of aluminosilicates. The thermobaric structure of the study area shows that pressure increased up to 5 kbar with southward increase in metamorphic temperature up to the highest-grade area, the garnet-cordierite zone. Further south, pressure was almost the same as that of the garnet-cordierite zone and temperature decreased. This asymmetric distribution of metamorphic conditions on both sides of the garnet-cordierite zone can explain the asymmetric distribution of metamorphic zones; the K-feldspar-cordierite zone and sillimanite-K-feldspar zone on the north and south sides of the garnet-cordierite zone, respectively. The breakdown reaction of muscovite and quartz defines the beginning of both the K-feldspar-cordierite zone and sillimanite-K-feldspar zone, which took place under low and high pressures, respectively. These thermobaric structures suggest that temperature varied laterally at mid-crustal level during the peak of metamorphism.Editorial Responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

The garnet-cordierite zone, the highest-grade zone of the Ryoke metamorphic rocks in the Yanai district, SW Japan, is defined by the coexistence of garnet and cordierite in pelitic rocks. Three assemblages in this zone are studied in detail, i.e. spinel + cordierite + biotite, garnet + cordierite + biotite and garnet + biotite, all of which contain quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. The Mg/(Fe + Mg) in the coexisting minerals decreases in the following order: cordierite, biotite, garnet and spinel. Two facts described below are inconsistent with the paragenetic relation in the K2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2H2O (KFMASH) system in terms of an isophysical variation. First, garnet and biotite in the last assemblage have Mg/(Fe + Mg) higher than those in the second. Second, the first two assemblages are described by the reaction,
while they occur in a single outcrop. The addition of MnO, ZnO and TiO2 to the system can resolve the inconsistencies as follows. The assemblage garnet + biotite can consist of garnet and biotite higher in Mg/(Fe + Mg) than those in garnet + cordierite + biotite as long as they are enriched in spessartine and depleted in Al, respectively. The assemblage garnet + cordierite + biotite becomes stable relative to spinel + cordierite + biotite with increasing spessartine content or decreasing gahnite content and the Ti content of biotite. The constituent minerals of the assemblages, spinel + cordierite + biotite and garnet + cordierite + biotite, preserve several reaction microstructures indicative of prograde reactions,
together with retrograde reactions,
This suggests that the pressure-temperature path of the rocks includes an isobaric heating and an isobaric or decompressional cooling. The high-grade areas consisting of the K-feldspar-cordierite zone, sillimanite-K-feldspar zone and garnet-cordierite zone have prograde paths involving isobaric heating and show a southwards increase in pressure with a thermal maximum in the middle. These high-grade zones are closely associated with the gneissose granitic rocks, suggesting that the Ryoke metamorphism, one of the typical low-pressure type, is caused by the heat supply from the syn-tectonic granitic rocks that emplaced at the middle level of the crust. Received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

18O/16O ratios have been obtained for 134 whole-rocks and minerals from metamorphic and granitic rocks of the Yanai district in the Ryoke belt, Southwest Japan. The 18O/16O ratios of pelitic rocks of the marginal metamorphic zone decrease progressively with increasing metamorphic grade. In the gneiss-granite complex (zone of migmatite [1]), the most characteristic feature of the rocks is that oxygen isotopic homogenization proceeds on both local and regional scales in parallel with “granitization” or chemical homogenization. Granitic rocks of various origin are fairly uniform in isotopic composition with δ 18O of quartz of 12 to 14‰ (SMOW) and δ 18O of biotite of 7 to 9‰ and are about 3 to 4‰ enriched in 18O compared to other Cretaceous granites of non-metamorphic terranes in Japan. The high 18O/16O ratios of granitic rocks of this district were discussed in relation to the 18O-depletion in metasediments. Oxygen isotopic fractionations among coexisting minerals from various rock-types of the gneiss-granite complex indicate that these minerals were formed under near isotopic equilibrium at a temperature of about 600 to 700° C. Some abnormal fractionations of quartz-biotite pairs also were obtained for rocks which had undergone a progressive 18O-depletion or 18O-enrichment. This is due to high resistivity of quartz and contrastive susceptibility of biotite to isotopic exchange during metamorphism and “granitization”.  相似文献   

Degree of partial melting of pelitic migmatites from the Aoyama area, Ryoke metamorphic belt, SW Japan is determined utilizing whole-rock trace element compositions. The key samples used in this study were taken from the migmatite front of this area and have interboudin partitions filled with tourmaline-bearing leucosome. These samples are almost perfectly separated into leucosome (melt) and surrounding matrix (solid). This textural feature enables an estimate of the melting degree by a simple mass-balance calculation, giving the result of 5–11 wt.% of partial melting. Similar calculations applied to the migmatite samples, which assume average migmatite compositions to be the residue solid fraction, give degree of melt extraction of 12–14 wt.% from the migmatite zone. The similarity of the estimated melting degree of 5–11 wt.% with that in other tourmaline–leucogranites, such as Harney Peak leucogranite and Himalayan leucogranites, in spite of differences in formation process implies that the production of tourmaline leucogranites is limited to low degrees of partial melting around 10 wt.%, probably controlled by the breakdown of sink minerals for boron such as muscovite and tourmaline at a relatively early stage of partial melting. Because the amount of boron originally available in the pelitic source rock is limited (on average 100 ppm), 10 wt.% of melting locally requires almost complete breakdown of boron sink mineral(s) in the source rock, in order to provide sufficient boron into the melt to saturate it in tourmaline. This, in turn, means that boron-depleted metapelite regions are important candidates for the source regions of tourmaline leucogranites.  相似文献   

Contrasting ductility is recognized in the rocks of Cretaceous Ryoke metamorphic belt in Iwakuni area, southwest Japan. Pelitic schist is ubiquitous in the region and differences in mineral assemblages mark increase in metamorphic grade. The area has been graded as chlorite-biotite zone in the north progressing into biotite- and muscovite-cordierite zones in the south. Pelitic schist near the boundary between the biotite- and muscovite-cordierite zones has undergone partial silicification to form whitish silicified schist layers which contain two types of quartz veins: those parallel to foliation in the host rock are called schistosity-concordant veins, and those inclined to host rock foliation, schistosity-discordant veins. In this study we examined the quartz structure in the silicified schist and in both types of veins to understand the ductility contrast induced by the silicification process. Crystallographic orientations of quartz in the veins and silicified schist rocks were studied using the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) based Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) technique. Quartz c-axis orientations in the silicified schist are nearly random, demonstrating an absence of post-silicification ductile deformation. Quartz grains in the schistosity-concordant veins have preferred c-axis orientations perpendicular to the schistosity indicating ductile shortening. In contrast, schistosity-discordant veins display distinct quartz c-axis fabric than that found in the schistosity-concordant veins. This is because the two types of host rocks exhibit a difference in ductility during deformation. The presence of deformed quartz veins in the undeformed silicified schist indicates transformation of the ductile pelitic schist into the brittle silicified schist at mid-crustal levels where these rocks originate, hence forming contrasting rock layers. Schistosity-concordant veins in the biotite-rich pelitic schist deformed with its host rock in a ductile manner while the schistosity-discordant veins in the neighboring silicified schist were left intact. Silicification of the pelitic schist may have been caused by the silica-rich geofluids produced by subsurface processes. Geofluids responsible for the occurrence of such mechanically contrasting layers mark an increase in seismic reflectivity at mid-crustal depths and may be potential reflectors of seismic waves giving rise to the so-called “bright spots”.  相似文献   

The granitic mylonite zone in the Cretaceous Ryoke metamorphic belt contains deformed amphibolites as thin layers. The amphibolite layers do not exhibit pinch‐and‐swell or boudinage structures, even when contained in a high‐strain granitic mylonite. This mode of occurrence suggests that they were deformed as much as the surrounding granite mylonite. In the highly deformed zone, strongly foliated amphibolites contain Ti‐rich brown amphibole porphyroclasts rimmed by Ti‐poor green amphibole, titanite and chlorite. These porphyroclasts are elongated, forming shear surfaces defined by preferential distribution of the chlorite and titanite. Porphyroclastic plagioclase in the strongly foliated amphibolites consists of two components: an anorthite‐rich core and an anorthite‐poor rim. Based on these observations, the mass‐balanced reaction occurring during deformation is defined as As the reaction products form a weak interconnected matrix, the strain rate of the amphibolites may be controlled by the rate of dissolution–precipitation through fluids. Weakly foliated amphibolites in the low‐strain zone exhibit cataclastic microstructures, whereas the strongly foliated amphibolites do not exhibit such features. These microstructural and chemical changes suggest that high‐strain amphibolites were initially deformed by cataclasis, followed by deformation through metamorphic reactions. During the metamorphism/deformation, old plagioclase grains with high Xan were not stable and dissolved, and new plagioclase grains with low Xan crystallized at the old plagioclase rim. Dissolution of old plagioclase and precipitation of new plagioclase occurred normal to and parallel to the foliation, respectively, reflecting incongruent pressure solution due to differential stress and changes in P–T–H2O conditions. The development of incongruent pressure solution is attributed to increased fluid flux in the strongly foliated amphibolites, as evidenced by the greater abundance of hydration‐reaction products in the strongly foliated amphibolites than in the weakly foliated ones.  相似文献   

Two types of biotite isograd are defined in the low-grade metamorphism of the Wazuka area, a Ryoke metamorphic terrain in the Kii Peninsula, Japan. The first, BI1, is defined by the reaction of chlorite+K-feldspar= biotite+muscovite+quartz+H2O that took place in psammitic rocks, and the second, BI2, by the continuous reaction between muscovite, chlorite, biotite and quartz in pelitic rocks. The Fe/Mg ratios of the host rocks do not significantly affect the reactions. From the paragenesis of pelitic and psammitic metamorphic rocks, the following mineral zones were established for this low-pressure regional metamorphic terrain: chlorite, transitional, chlorite-biotite, biotite, and sillimanite. The celadonite content of muscovite solid solution in pelitic rocks decreases systematically with the grade of metamorphism from 38% in the chlorite zone to 11% in the biotite zone. Low pressure does not prohibit muscovite from showing the progressive change of composition, if only rocks with appropriate paragenesis are chosen. A qualitative phase diagram of the AKF system relevant to biotite formation suggests that the higher the pressure of metamorphism, the higher the celadonite content of muscovite at BI1, which is confirmed by comparing the muscovites from the Barrovian and Ryoke metamorphism.  相似文献   

The compositions of biotite and muscovite were examined in terms of the paragenesis and the metamorphic grade in low- to medium-grade pelitic rocks of the Ryoke metamorphism in the Yanai district, southwest Japan. The biotite and muscovite that coexist with K-feldspar have a higher K component in an A'KF diagram than those in rocks lacking K-feldspar. This fact reflects an increase in the K2O content in muscovite, but in biotite it reflects an increase of not only the K2O content but also of the octahedral vacancy.
At higher metamorphic grade beyond the cordierite isograd, where cordierite coexists with neither chlorite nor K-feldspar, the biotite shows an increase in illite, K Aliv □xii−1 Si−1, and Tschermak components, Alvi Aliv R+−1 Si−1, where □xii and R+ denote the interlayer vacancy and (Fe+Mg+Mn), respectively. A reaction to define the cordierite isograd is proposed by treating this chemical change as being responsible for the first appearance of cordierite, i.e. K,Al-poor biotite+phengitic muscovite=K,Al-rich biotite+cordierite+quartz+water .By treating this as a key reaction in medium-grade metamorphism, a set of reaction in a progressive metamorphism is established for the Ryoke metamorphism, a typical low-pressure type metamorphism. Some textures in one of the high-grade areas, the K-feldspar-cordierite zone, suggest that a further two prograde reactions have taken place, i.e. andalusite+biotite+quartz=cordierite+K-feldspar+water
and   andalusite=sillimanite.quartz=cordierite+K-feldspar+water
This implies that this zone probably has a P–T  path involving isobaric heating.  相似文献   

Subduction of lithosphere, involving surficial materials, into the deep mantle is fundamental to the chemical evolution of the Earth. However, the chemical evolution of the lithosphere during subduction to depth remains equivocal. In order to identify materials subjected to geological processes near the surface and at depths in subduction zones, we examined B and Li isotopes behavior in a unique diamondiferous, K-rich tourmaline (K-tourmaline) from the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt. The K-tourmaline, which includes microdiamonds in its core, is enriched in 11B relative to 10B (δ11B = −1.2 to +7.7) and 7Li relative to 6Li (δ7Li = −1.1 to +3.1). It is suggested that the K-tourmaline crystallized at high-pressure in the diamond stability field from a silicate melt generated at high-pressure and temperature conditions of the Kokchetav peak metamorphism. The heavy isotope signature of this K-tourmaline differs from that of ordinary Na-tourmalines in crustal rocks, enriched in the light B isotope (δ11B = −16.6 to −2.3), which experienced isotope fractionation through metamorphic dehydration reactions. A possible source of the heavy B-isotope signature is serpentine in the subducted lithospheric mantle. Serpentinization of the lithospheric mantle, with enrichment of heavy B-isotope, can be produced by normal faulting at trench-outer rise or trench slope regions, followed by penetration of seawater into the lithospheric mantle. Serpentine breakdown in the lithospheric mantle subducted in subarc regions likely provided fluids with the heavy B-isotope signature, which was acquired during the serpentinization prior to subduction. The fluids could ascend and cause partial melting of the overlying crustal layer, and the resultant silicate melt could inherit the heavy B-isotope signature. The subducting lithospheric mantle is a key repository for modeling the flux of fluids and associated elements acquired at a near the surface into the deep mantle.  相似文献   

Behavior of zircon at the schist/migmatite transition is investigated. Syn-metamorphic overgrowth is rare in zircon in schists, whereas zircon in migmatites has rims with low Th/U that give 90.3 ± 2.2 Ma U–Pb concordia age. Between inherited core and the metamorphic rim, a thin, dark-CL annulus containing melt inclusion is commonly developed, suggesting that it formed contemporaneous with the rim in the presence of melt. In diatexites, the annulus is further truncated by the brighter-CL overgrowth, suggesting the resorption and regrowth of the zircon after near-peak metamorphism. Part of the zircon rim crystallized during the solidification of the melt in migmatites. Preservation of angular-shaped inherited core of 5–10 μm in zircon included in garnet suggests that zircon of this size did not experience resorption but developed overgrowths during near-peak metamorphism. The Ostwald ripening process consuming zircon less than 5–10 μm is required to form new overgrowths. Curved crystal size distribution pattern for fine-grained zircons in a diatexite sample may indicate the contribution of this process. Zircon less than 20 μm is confirmed to be an important sink of Zr in metatexites, and ca. 35-μm zircon without detrital core are common in diatexites, supporting new nucleation of zircon in migmatites. In the Ryoke metamorphic belt at the Aoyama area, monazite from migmatites records the prograde growth age of 96.5 ± 1.9 Ma. Using the difference of growth timing of monazite and zircon, the duration of metamorphism higher than the amphibolite facies grade is estimated to be ca. 6 Myr.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous material in the Ryoke metamorphic rocks, Kinki district, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ge-Fan Wang   《Lithos》1989,22(4):305-316
Carbonaceous material in the Ryoke pelitic metamorphic rocks in the Wazuka area, Kinki district, Japan, has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Detrital graphite in the lower-grade rocks is recognized in both X-ray diffractograms and transmission electron micrographs. Progressive graphitization is considered to have proceeded continuously on the basis of the XRD data of the bulk concentrates of carbonaceous material, and a conspicuous asymmetric shape of XRD peaks in lower-grade samples is ascribed to the mixture of carbonaceous materials with different crystallinities. Fully-ordered graphite does not occur until the highest-grade part of the chlorite-biotite zone. The variation of degree of crystallinity of carbonaceous materials inferred from XRD data is consistent with the prograde mineral zones. The temperatures for the development of fully-ordered graphite are estimated to be between 410° and 440°C in regional metamorphism through comparing the XRD data from low-, medium- and high-pressure types of metamorphic terrains.  相似文献   

Prograde P–T paths recorded by the chemistry of minerals of subduction‐related metamorphic rocks allow inference of tectonic processes at convergent margins. This paper elucidates the changing P–T conditions during garnet growth in pelitic schists of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, which is a subduction related metamorphic belt in the south‐western part of Japan. Three types of chemical zoning patterns were observed in garnet: Ca‐rich normal zoning, Ca‐poor normal zoning and intrasectoral zoning. Petrological studies indicate that normally‐zoned garnet grains grew keeping surface chemical equilibrium with the matrix, in the stable mineral assemblage of garnet + muscovite + chlorite + plagioclase + paragonite + epidote + quartz ± biotite. Pressure and temperature histories were inversely calculated from the normally‐zoned garnet in this assemblage, applying the differential thermodynamic method (Gibbs' method) with the latest available thermodynamic data set for minerals. The deduced P–T paths indicate slight increase of temperature with increasing pressure throughout garnet growth, having an average dP/dT of 0.4–0.5 GPa/100 °C. Garnet started growing at around 470 °C and 0.6 GPa to achieve the thermal and baric peak condition near the rim (520 °C, 0.9 GPa). The high‐temperature condition at relatively low pressure (for subduction related metamorphism) suggests that heating occurred before or simultaneously with subduction.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Northern Shimanto belt, central Shikoku, Japan, was examined based on petrological and geochronological studies in the Oboke area, where mafic schists of the Kawaguchi Formation contain sodic amphibole (magnesioriebeckite). The peak P–T conditions of metamorphism are estimated as 44.5 kbar (1517 km depth), and 240270 °C based on available phase equilibria and sodic amphibole compositions. These metamorphic conditions are transitional between blueschist, greenschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies. Phengite KAr ages of 64.8 ± 1.4 and 64.4 ± 1.4 Ma were determined for the mafic schists, and 65.0 ± 1.4, 61.4 ± 1.3 and 63.6 ± 1.4 Ma for the pelitic schists. The metamorphic temperatures in the Oboke area are below the closure temperature of the KAr phengite system, so the K–Ar ages date the metamorphic peak in the Northern Shimanto belt. In the broad sense of the definition of blueschist facies, the highest‐grade part of the Northern Shimanto belt belongs to the blueschist facies. Our study and those of others identify the following constraints on the possible mechanism that led to the exhumation of the overlying Sanbagawa belt: (i) the Sanbagawa belt is a thin tectonic slice with a structural thickness of 34 km; (ii) within the belt, metamorphic conditions varied from 5 to 25 kbar, and 300 to 800 °C, with the grade of metamorphism decreasing symmetrically upward and downward from a structurally intermediate position; and (iii) the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks were exhumed from ~60 km depth and emplaced onto the Northern Shimanto metamorphic rocks at 15–17 km depth and 240–270 °C. Integration of these results with those of previous geological studies for the Sanbagawa belt suggests that the most probable exhumation mechanism is wedge extrusion.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and petrochemistry of the garnet-amphibolites from the highgrade part of the Abukuma metamorphic belt have been studied, using five analyses of rocks, five of hornblendes, three of garnets and one analysis of cummingtonite, Garnetiferous amphibolites are rich in Fe, whereas non-garnetiferous ones are rich in Mg, especially in cummingtonite-amphibolite. The chemical composition of hornblendes associated with garnet is pargasitic and rich in FeO and poor in CaO, but that of non-garnetiferous rocks is rich in MgO. The garnets are rich in almandine molecule. Mg/Mg + Fe2+ ratios of both hornblendes and garnets correspond with those of the host rocks. The development of garnet in the Adirondack metabasites belonging to the upper almandine-amphibolite and granulite facies is observed in Mg-rich rocks as well as in Fe-rich rocks, in which both garnet and hornblende are rich in Mg respectively. However, under the conditions of the andalusite-sillimanite type metamorphism as shown in the Abukuma Plateau, Fe-rich garnet occurs in Fe-rich basic rocks, but cummingtonite occurs in Mg-rich ones instead of Mg-rich garnet. Finally, the problem of polymetamorphism is discussed. The cummingtonite-amphibolite may be the product of polymetamorphism, and Mg-rich garnet which had been present previously was decomposed to cummingtonite and plagioclase by the subsequent regional metamorphism of andalusite-sillimanite type.  相似文献   

CHIME (chemical Th–U-total Pb isochron method) monazite ages were determined for gneisses and granitoids from the eastern and western parts of the Ryoke belt separated by about 500 km. The monazite ages for the gneisses are concentrated between 102 and 98  Ma, and are interpreted as the time of monazite formation under lower amphibolite facies conditions. The peak metamorphism seems to be contemporaneous with the emplacement of the geologically oldest plutons that are dated at c . 95  Ma in both the eastern and western parts. In the eastern part plutonism continued from c . 95  Ma to c . 68  Ma at intervals of 2–10  Ma, whereas in the western part it ceased at c . 85  Ma. The CHIME monazite ages agree well with the relative age of granitoids derived from intrusive relationships of granitoids in both parts. These lines of evidence are incompatible with a current view that the plutonometamorphism in the Ryoke belt becomes younger towards the east. The CHIME monazite ages, coupled with available data on the depth at which the Ryoke metamorphism took place and the emplacement of individual plutons, show that the western part was eroded more rapidly (about 1.5  mm year−1) than the eastern part (about 0.8  mm year−1) over the time span from 91 to 85  Ma. The denudation rates agree well with those in active orogenic belts like the Alps and Himalayas.  相似文献   

The Hidaka metamorphic belt is situated at the junction of the Honshu and Kuril arcs in the axial zone of Hokkaido in northern Japan. Various migmatites, which occupy the core of the metamorphic belt, are classified as lens, sheet, falling star and dome facies on the basis of composition, scale and form as proposed by Harland (1956). Each facies is produced progressively. Movement is first lateral and then upwards at the sheet facies stage, followed by the development of the diapiric falling star and dome facies. Subsequently, the granitic phase starts to form from the lens facies, again within the migmatite sheets, leading to the emplacement of granitic plutons. The movement of the migmatite and granite bodies is controlled by the tangential stress field, as well as by the buoyancy in the gravitational field.  相似文献   

The higher grade metamorphic zonation of the Sambagawa (= Sanbagawa) belt is established for the first time for the whole area of central Shikoku. As discontinuous reactions to define the isograd are absent, the metamorphic grade is primarily determined by the Mg-Fe partitioning between garnet and chlorite along representative traverses. However, for regional mapping, mineralogical features of the pelitic schists, such as using mineral assemblages of more than divariant equilibrium, the modal garnet to chlorite ratio, and the optical properties of chlorite, are employed as auxiliary criteria.
The presence of the highest grade mineral zone in the middle of the structural level is confirmed, but its spatial distribution is far more complex than hitherto accepted. Thermal axes are now confirmed at three different structural levels. A model is presented in which the stacking of thrust sheets of different grade took place while metamorphic reactions were in progress. Thermal readjustment brought a continuous metamorphic temperature gradient across and within the thrust sheets. Tectonic blocks of metagabbro and ultramafic rock were emplaced synchronously with thinning and subsequently also re-equilibrated. Local anomalies of metamorphic grade, represented by mixing of schists of different metamorphic grade, exist, but they are due to a later stage event.  相似文献   

The Main Zone of the Hidaka metamorphic belt is an imbricate stack of crustal material derived from an island arc in which a sequence of units with increasing metamorphic grade from low to high structural levels is exposed. The basal part of the metamorphic sequence underwent granulite facies metamorphism with peak P–T conditions of 7kbar, 870°C. In this zone pelitic granulite includes leucosomes which consist mainly of orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartz.
To test whether the leucosome was derived by partial melting of the surrounding pelite, melting experiments of the pelitic granulite were carried out for water-saturated and dry systems at 7 kbar and 850°C. The chemical composition of the leucosome produced during these runs shows a peraluminous S-type tonalitic affinity and is located very close to the tie-line between the average melts produced in water-saturated systems and the average composition of the residual orthopyroxene + plagioclase. This therefore suggests that the lecosome in pelitic granulite was formed by incipient anatexis at close to the highest P–T condition of the Main Zone.
The age of the crustal anatexis is determined by the Rb-Sr whole rock isochron method for garnet-cordierite-biotite gneiss (host rock), garnet-orthopyroxene-cordierite gneiss (restite) and S-type tonalite (melt). This gives an age of 56.0 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.705711. The S-type tonalite magmas that form large intrusive masses in the Main Zone were probably generated by crustal anatexis in deeper parts of the crust at the same time (late Palaeocene).  相似文献   

大青山-乌拉山变质杂岩中石拐地区富铝片麻岩出露于华北克拉通孔兹岩带中段,包括夕线石榴堇青二长片麻岩、紫苏石榴黑云二长片麻岩和夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩,与基性麻粒岩彼此呈互层或夹层产出.根据岩相学观察、成因矿物学和变质反应结构的系统研究,结合地质温压计估算以及相平衡模拟的综合分析,揭示石拐地区富铝片麻岩的变质演化可划分为四个变质阶段.其中,早期进变质阶段(M1)矿物组合以石榴石核部及其包裹的细粒矿物黑云母+石英+斜长石±夕线石±钾长石±尖晶石为特征;峰期变质阶段(M2)的稳定的矿物组合为石榴石+基质中粗粒夕线石+黑云母+石英+斜长石+钾长石±磁铁矿±钛铁矿,形成的温压条件为T=840 ~ 860℃,P=10.0~10.5kbar;峰后近等温减压阶段(M3)以石榴石边部发育含堇青石的后成合晶为特征,并发生一系列典型的减压反应:Grt+ Sil+ Qz→Crd、Grt+ Melt→Crd+ Bt+ PI和Grt+ Melt→Crd+ Qz±P1,形成新的矿物组合为石榴石+堇青石+黑云母+斜长石+石英±夕线石±紫苏辉石,相应的温压条件为T=720~ 800℃和P=5.6 ~6.1kbar;晚期角闪岩相降温阶段(M4)的矿物组合是石榴石+石榴边部细粒黑云母+斜长石+石英+磁铁矿±钾长石±钛铁矿,记录的温压条件为T=616 ~661℃和P=3.4 ~5.2kbar.石拐地区富铝片麻岩及相关岩石具有典型的近等温减压的顺时针P-T轨迹,峰后经历了近等温减压和近等压降温的变质演化阶段.上述研究结果表明,石拐地区富铝片麻岩曾卷入到华北克拉通西部的阴山陆块和鄂尔多斯陆块间的俯冲-碰撞造山及随后的快速隆升的演化过程.  相似文献   

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