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We present a scheme for reliable and accurate surface reconstruction from stereoscopic images containing only fine texture and no stable high-level features. Partial shape information is used to improve surface computation: first by fitting an approximate, global, parametric model, and then by refining this model via local correspondence processes. This scheme eliminates the window size selection problem in existing area-based stereo correspondence schemes. These ideas are integrated in a practical vision system that is being used by environmental scientists to study wind erosion of bulk material such as coal ore being transported in open rail cars. Received: 14 August 1995 / Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   

3-D surface description from binocular stereo   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A stereo vision system that attempts to achieve robustness with respect to scene characteristics, from textured outdoor scenes to environments composed of highly regular man-made objects is presented. It integrates area-based and feature-based primitives. The area-based processing provides a dense disparity map, and the feature-based processing provides an accurate location of discontinuities. An area-based cross correlation, an ordering constraint, and a weak surface smoothness assumption are used to produce an initial disparity map. This disparity map is only a blurred version of the true one because of the smoothing introduced by the cross correlation. The problem can be reduced by introducing edge information. The disparity map is smoothed and the unsupported points removed. This method gives an active role to edgels parallel to the epipolar lines, whereas they are discarded in most feature-based systems. Very good results have been obtained on complex scenes in different domains  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new background estimation algorithm which effectively represents both background and foreground. The problem is formulated with a labeling problem over a patch-based Markov random field (MRF) and solved with a graph-cuts algorithm. Our method is applied to the problem of mosaic blending considering the moving objects and exposure variations of rotating and zooming camera. Also, to reduce seams in the estimated boundaries, we propose a simple exposure correction algorithm using intensities near the estimated boundaries.  相似文献   

There is a need for efficient methods for estimating trends in spatio-temporal Earth Observation data. A suitable model for such data is a space-varying regression model, where the regression coefficients for the spatial locations are dependent. A second order intrinsic Gaussian Markov Random Field prior is used to specify the spatial covariance structure. Model parameters are estimated using the Expectation Maximisation (EM) algorithm, which allows for feasible computation times for relatively large data sets. Results are illustrated with simulated data sets and real vegetation data from the Sahel area in northern Africa. The results indicate a substantial gain in accuracy compared with methods based on independent ordinary least squares regressions for the individual pixels in the data set. Use of the EM algorithm also gives a substantial performance gain over Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based estimation approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Markov random field (MRF) approach to estimating and sampling the probability distribution in populations of solutions.The approach is used to define a class of algorithms under the general heading distribution estimation using Markov random fields (DEUM).DEUM is a subclass of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) where interaction between solution variables is represented as an undirected graph and the joint probability of a solution is factorized as a Gibbs distribution derived from the structure of the graph.The focus of this paper will be on describing the three main characteristics of DEUM framework,which distinguishes it from the traditional EDA.They are:1) use of MRF models,2) fitness modeling approach to estimating the parameter of the model and 3) Monte Carlo approach to sampling from the model.  相似文献   

基于消息传递接口(Message Passing Interface,MPI)和消息传递并行编程模型,提出了一种针对计算机集群(Cluster)的纹理图像并行分割算法。该算法使用马尔可夫随机场作为纹理特征,通过将图像分块,把特征提取的计算量均匀的分布到并行系统中的各个节点上,从而极大地减少了计算时间。在遥感图像上的实验发现,该算法在4机并行的环境下可以取得与单机串行程序一样精确的分割,而耗时仅为串行程序的31.95%。令人满意的实验结果表明该并行算法不但可以有效的应用于纹理图像分割,而且也为使用计算机集群实现高时间复杂度的图像处理提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

Object reconstruction and target-based positioning are among critical capabilities in deploying submersible platforms for a range of underwater applications, e.g., search and inspection missions. Optical cameras provide high-resolution and target details, but their utility becomes constrained by the visibility range. In comparison, high-frequency (MHz) 2-D sonar imaging systems introduced to the commercial market in recent years can image targets at distances of tens of meters in highly turbid waters.Where fair visibility permits optical imaging at reasonable quality, the integration with 2-D sonar data can enable better performance compared to deploying either system alone, and thus enabling automated operation in a wider range of conditions.We investigate the estimation of 3-D motion by exploiting the visual cues in optical and sonar video for vision-based navigation and 3-D positioning of submersible platforms. The application of structure from motion paradigm in this multi-modal imaging scenario also enables the 3-D reconstruction of scene features. Our method does not require establishing multi-modal association between corresponding optical and sonar features, but rather the tracking of features in the sonar and optical motion sequences independently. In addition to improving the motion estimation accuracy, another advantage of the proposed method includes overcoming the inherent ambiguities of monocular vision, e.g., the scale-factor ambiguity and dual interpretation of motion relative to planar scenes. We discuss how our solution can also provide an effective strategy to address the complex opti-acoustic stereo matching problem. Experiment with synthetic and real data demonstrate the advantages of our technical contribution.  相似文献   

The recovery of 3-D shape information (depth) using stereo vision analysis is one of the major areas in computer vision and has given rise to a great deal of literature in the recent past. The widely known stereo vision methods are the passive stereo vision approaches that use two cameras. Obtaining 3-D information involves the identification of the corresponding 2-D points between left and right images. Most existing methods tackle this matching task from singular points, i.e. finding points in both image planes with more or less the same neighborhood characteristics. One key problem we have to solve is that we are on the first instance unable to know a priori whether a point in the first image has a correspondence or not due to surface occlusion or simply because it has been projected out of the scope of the second camera. This makes the matching process very difficult and imposes a need of an a posteriori stage to remove false matching.In this paper we are concerned with the active stereo vision systems which offer an alternative to the passive stereo vision systems. In our system, a light projector that illuminates objects to be analyzed by a pyramid-shaped laser beam replaces one of the two cameras. The projections of laser rays on the objects are detected as spots in the image. In this particular case, only one image needs to be treated, and the stereo matching problem boils down to associating the laser rays and their corresponding real spots in the 2-D image. We have expressed this problem as a minimization of a global function that we propose to perform using Genetic Algorithms (GAs). We have implemented two different algorithms: in the first, GAs are performed after a deterministic search. In the second, data is partitioned into clusters and GAs are independently applied in each cluster. In our second contribution in this paper, we have described an efficient system calibration method. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the feasibility of our approach. The proposed method yields high accuracy 3-D reconstruction even for complex objects. We conclude that GAs can effectively be applied to this matching problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare two iterative approaches to the problem of pixel-level image restoration when the model contains unknown parameters. Pairwise interaction models are assumed to represent the local associations in the true scene. The first approach is a variation on the EM algorithm in which Mean-field approximations are used in the E-step and a variational approximation is used in the M-step. In the second approach, each iteration involves first restoring the image using the Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm and then updating the parameter estimates by maximising the so-called pseudolikelihood. In addition, refinemenrs are made to the Mean-field approximation, and these are also used for restoration. The methods are compared empirically using both artificial and real noise-corrupted binary scenes. Within the comparisons the effects of using different convergence criteria for deciding when to stop the algorithms are also investigated.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian approach to the machine vision processes of shape-from-shading and photometric stereo, also considering the associated question of the detection of shape discontinuities. The shape reconstruction problem is formulated as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation from probability distributions of Gibbs form, and is solved via simulated annealing. In shape-from-shading, our formulation leads to a constrained optimization problem, where the constraints come from the image irradiance equation and from the incorporation of the necessary boundary conditions. In photometric stereo, we are able to estimate shape directly from degraded input images. We also propose an edge-detection algorithm that works cooperatively with the reconstruction process, employing the shape estimates to locate the discontinuities of the reconstructed surface. We show results of the application of our framework both to synthetic and to real imagery.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the shape of an object and certain parameters of its reflectance map can be simultaneously estimated using photometric stereo. This problem has been addressed in the literature for the case where the Lambertian and non-Lambertian components in the image can be easily separated. No such separability is assumed in this paper. A class of reflectance maps for modeling diffusely reflecting surfaces is proposed. This class is based on the physics of scattering from real world surfaces. Next, the problem of joint estimation of some parameters of the map along with the surface shape is analyzed. A bound is obtained on the number of light sources necessary for a unique solution to the problem. The analysis also reveals that some of the estimates can be obtained by a nonparametric method. The behavior of the estimates in the presence of noise is also investigated. It is shown that simultaneous estimation is ill-posed. Regularizing the estimates yields good reconstructions from real world data.  相似文献   

A new 3D texture model is developed by considering the scene image as the superposition of a random texture image on a smooth shaded image. The whole image is analyzed using a patch-by-patch process. Each patch is assumed to be a tilted and slanted texture plane. A modified reflectance map function is applied to describe the deterministic part, and the fractional differencing periodic model is chosen to describe the random texture because of its good performance in texture synthesis and its ability to represent the coarseness and the pattern of the surface at the same time. An orthographical projection technique is developed to deal with this particular random model, which has a nonisotropically distributed texture pattern. For estimating the parameter, a hybrid method that uses both the least square and the maximum-likelihood estimates is applied directly to the given intensity function. By using these parameters, the synthesized image is obtained and used to reconstruct the original image  相似文献   

针对网页内容相似重复的特点,提出了一种改进算法对网页进行去重处理。该方法能够有效地对网页进行去重,并能对网页信息进行冗余识别处理。实验结果表明,与原有网页去重算法相比,该算法的执行效果提高了14.3%,对网页去重有了很明显的改善。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to the use of Gibbs distributions (GD) for modeling and segmentation of noisy and textured images. Specifically, the paper presents random field models for noisy and textured image data based upon a hierarchy of GD. It then presents dynamic programming based segmentation algorithms for noisy and textured images, considering a statistical maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. Due to computational concerns, however, sub-optimal versions of the algorithms are devised through simplifying approximations in the model. Since model parameters are needed for the segmentation algorithms, a new parameter estimation technique is developed for estimating the parameters in a GD. Finally, a number of examples are presented which show the usefulness of the Gibbsian model and the effectiveness of the segmentation algorithms and the parameter estimation procedures.  相似文献   

This article discusses the following problem, often encountered when analyzing spatial lattice data. How can one construct a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF), on a lattice, that reflects well the spatial-covariance properties present either in data or in prior knowledge? The Markov property on a spatial lattice implies spatial dependence expressed conditionally, which allows intuitively appealing site-by-site model building. There are also cases, such as in biological network analysis, where the Markov property has a deep scientific significance. Moreover, the model is often important for computational efficiency of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. In this article, we introduce a new criterion to fit a GMRF to a given Gaussian field, where the Gaussian field is characterized by its spatial covariances. We establish that this criterion is computationally appealing, it can be used on both regular and irregular lattices, and both stationary and nonstationary fields can be fitted.  相似文献   

A kinematic model-based approach for the estimation of 3-D motion parameters from a sequence of noisy stereo images is discussed. The approach is based on representing the constant acceleration translational motion and constant precession rotational motion in the form of a bilinear state-space model using standard rectilinear states for translation and quaternions for rotation. Closed-form solutions of the state transition equations are obtained to propagate the quaternions. The measurements are noisy perturbations of 3-D feature points represented in an inertial coordinate system. It is assumed that the 3-D feature points are extracted from the stereo images and matched over the frames. Owing to the nonlinearity in the state model, nonlinear filters are designed for the estimation of motion parameters. Simulation results are included. The Cramer-Rao performance bounds for motion parameter estimates are computed. A constructive proof for the uniqueness of motion parameters is given. It is shown that with uniform sampling in time, three noncollinear feature points in five consecutive binocular image pairs contain all the spatial and temporal information. Both nondegenerate and degenerate motions are analyzed. A deterministic algorithm to recover motion parameters from a stereo image sequence is summarized from the constructive proof  相似文献   

On the estimation of Markov random field parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the histogram method for estimating the parameters associated with a Markov random field. This method relies on the estimation of the local interaction sums from histogram data. We derive an estimator for these quantities that is optimal in a well-defined sense. Furthermore, we show that the final step of the histogram method, the solution of a least-squares problem, can be done substantially faster than one might expect if no equation culling is used. We also examine the use of weighted least-squares and see that this seems to lead to better estimates even with small amounts of data  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are computationally expensive for large models. Especially, the so-called one-block Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) algorithm demands large computational resources, and parallel computing seems appealing. A parallel one-block M-H algorithm for latent Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) models is introduced. Important parts of this algorithm are parallel exact sampling and evaluation of GMRFs. Parallelisation is achieved with parallel algorithms from linear algebra for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices. The parallel GMRF sampler is tested for GMRFs on lattices and irregular graphs, and gives both good speed-up and good scalability. The parallel one-block M-H algorithm is used to make inference for a geostatistical GMRF model with a latent spatial field of 31,500 variables.  相似文献   

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