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Given a regular incidence (quasi-)polytopeP of type {a 1,a 2, ...,a n–1} and a function on its directed edges satisfying certain conditions, we construct for everym 2 a regular incidence (quasi-)polytope of type {ma 1,a 2, ...,a n–1} with the same vertex figure asP.  相似文献   

At the centre of the theory of abstract regular polytopes lies the amalgamation problem: given two regularn-polytopesP 1 andP 2, when does there exist a regular (n+1)-polytopeP whose facets are isomorphic toP 1 and whose vertex-figures are isomorphic toP 2? The most general circumstances known hitherto which lead to a positive answer involve flat polytopes, which are such that each vertex lies in each facet. The object of this paper is to describe an analogous but wider class of constructions, which generalize the previous results.  相似文献   

We give the lower bound on the number of sharp shadow-boundaries of convexd-polytopes (or unbounded convex polytopal sets) withn facets. The polytopes (sets) attaining these bounds are characterized. Additionally, our results will be transferred to the dual theory.The research work of the first author was (partially) supported by Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research, grant no. 1812.  相似文献   

Hailong Hou 《Discrete Mathematics》2008,308(17):3888-3896
In this paper, we give several approaches to construct new End-regular (-orthodox) graphs by means of the join and the lexicographic product of two graphs with certain conditions. In particular, the join of two connected bipartite graphs with a regular (orthodox) endomorphism monoid is explicitly described.  相似文献   

We show that three pairwise 4-regular graphs constructed by the second author are members of infinite families.  相似文献   

For any set X and any relation ρ on X, let T(X,ρ) be the semigroup of all maps a:XX that preserve ρ. Let S(X) be the symmetric group on X. If ρ is reflexive, the group of automorphisms of T(X,ρ) is isomorphic to NS(X)(T(X,ρ)), the normalizer of T(X,ρ) in S(X), that is, the group of permutations on X that preserve T(X,ρ) under conjugation. The elements of NS(X)(T(X,ρ)) have been described for the class of so-called dense relations ρ. The paper is dedicated to applications of this result.  相似文献   

Let AG(n, F q) be the n-dimensional affine space over F q, where F q is a finite field with q elements. Denote by Γ (m) the graph induced by m-flats of AG(n, F q). For any two adjacent vertices E and F of is studied. In particular, sizes of maximal cliques in Γ (m) are determined and it is shown that Γ (m) is not edge-regular when m<n−1. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (19571024) and Hunan Provincial Department of Education (02C512).  相似文献   

Summary Abstract regular polytopes are complexes which generalize the classical regular polytopes. This paper discusses the topology of abstract regular polytopes whose vertex-figures are spherical and whose facets are topologically distinct from balls. The case of toroidal facets is particularly interesting and was studied earlier by Coxeter, Shephard and Grünbaum. Ann-dimensional manifold is associated with many abstract (n + 1)-polytopes. This is decomposed inton-dimensional manifolds-with-boundary (such as solid tori). For some polytopes with few faces the topological type or certain topological invariants of these manifolds are determined. For 4-polytopes with toroidal facets the manifolds include the 3-sphereS 3, connected sums of handlesS 1 × S 2 , euclidean and spherical space forms, and other examples with non-trivial fundamental group.  相似文献   

We present strategies for interactively reconstructing polygons from carefully chosen x-ray probes, generalizing previous results for convex polygons to a significantly larger class of objects. In particular, we show that n+h+2 parallel x-ray probes are sufficient to determine an n-gon P with h vertices on its convex hull, provided no three vertices of P are collinear. If given an upper bound n on the number of vertices of P, then 2n+2 parallel probes or 3n origin probes suffice. Further, we show that lg n–2 probes are necessary. Finally, we present verification strategies for arbitrary polygons. Interactive probing strategies have the potential to minimize radiation exposure in medical imaging.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give an algebro-geometric characterization of Cayley polytopes. As a special case, we also characterize lattice polytopes with lattice width one by using Seshadri constants.  相似文献   

Motivated by reference [6] and applications in signal processing for communications systems, in this note, we obtain the dimension of maximum volume and the dimension of maximum surface area for the hypersphere of constant radius.   相似文献   

We show that any smooth Q-normal lattice polytope P of dimension n and degree d is a strict Cayley polytope if n?2d+1. This gives a sharp answer, for this class of polytopes, to a question raised by V.V. Batyrev and B. Nill.  相似文献   

All cycles (points, oriented circles, and oriented lines of a Euclidean plane) are represented by points of a three dimensional quadric in four dimensional real projective space. The intersection of this quadric with primes and planes are, respectively, two- and one-dimensional systems of cycles. This paper is a careful examination of the interpretation, in terms of systems of cycles in the Euclidean plane, of fundamental incidence configurations involving this quadric in projective space. These interpretations yield new and striking theorems of Euclidean geometry.  相似文献   

We present a common generalization of counting lattice points in rational polytopes and the enumeration of proper graph colorings, nowhere-zero flows on graphs, magic squares and graphs, antimagic squares and graphs, compositions of an integer whose parts are partially distinct, and generalized latin squares. Our method is to generalize Ehrhart's theory of lattice-point counting to a convex polytope dissected by a hyperplane arrangement. We particularly develop the applications to graph and signed-graph coloring, compositions of an integer, and antimagic labellings.  相似文献   

Abstract regular polytopes generalize the classical concept of a regular polytope and regular tessellation to more complicated combinatorial structures with a distinctive geometrical and topological flavour. In this paper the authors give an almost complete classification of the (universal) locally toroidal regular 4-polytopes of Schläfli types {4,4,3} and {4,4,4}.  相似文献   

The main results of this article facilitate the search for quotients of regular abstract polytopes. A common approach in the study of abstract polytopes is to construct polytopes with specified facets and vertex figures. Any nonregular polytope may be constructed as a quotient of a regular polytope by a (so-called) semisparse subgroup of its automorphism group W (which will be a string C-group). It becomes important, therefore, to be able to identify whether or not a given subgroup N of a string C-group W is semisparse. This article proves a number of properties of semisparse subgroups. These properties may be used to test for semisparseness in a way which is computationally more efficient than previous methods. The methods are used to find an example of a section regular polytope of type {6, 3, 3} whose facets are Klein bottles. Received February 15, 2005  相似文献   

Summary This paper is the third in a series of three examining Euclidean triangle geometry via complex cross ratios. In the first two papers, we looked at triangle shapes and triangle coordinates. In this paper, we look at the triangle coordinates of the special points of a triangle, and show that they are functions of its shape. We then show how these functions can be used to prove theorems about triangles, and to gain some insight into what makes a special point of a triangle a centre.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is the second in a series of three examining Euclidean triangle geometry via complex cross ratios. In the first paper of the series, we examined triangle shapes. In this paper, we coordinatize the Euclidean plane using cross ratios, and use these triangle coordinates to prove theorems about triangles. We develop a complex version of Ceva's theorem, and apply it to proofs of several new theorems. The remaining paper of this series will deal with complex triangle functions.  相似文献   

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